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11-26-08, 08:35

Homeless Woman Takes Shelter In Vacant House

MIAMI -- A homeless woman and her baby are staying in a vacant home after a radical housing advocate broke in, changed the locks and moved her in.

Holiday lights twinkled outside the bright blue ranch-style home on Northwest Fifth Avenue. The lawn is mowed and the mother and baby inside have become part of the neighborhood. Three weeks ago that mother, Marie Pierre, was surviving on the streets. Now she said the home is like her castle, except she has no right to live there.

"I may be squatting in someone else's property. It's no different that what the pilgrims did. It's no different than what the banks are doing, being bailed out. I want to be bailed out," Pierre said.

The mother of four children, three of whom live with her husband in the Bahamas, lost her home to foreclosure in 2003. Pierre, a former Ph.D. student at Florida Internationanl University, said that began the instability that would eventually render her family homeless.

Three weeks ago, Pierre met radical housing advocate Max Rameau of the organization Take Back the Land. He moved her into the home on Northwest Fifth Avenue after breaking into it and changing the locks.

"I think it's immoral to have vacant homes held by Lehman Brothers or anyone else while you have homeless families sleeping out on the street," Rameau told Local 10's Neki Mohan.

Two years ago, Rameau caused a stir when he built a tent city on public land for the homeless. He can't guarantee Pierre that this is a permanent solution, but he feels that it's better for everyone if she lives there and cares for the home.

Local 10 contacted the bank that now owns the house. On county records it is listed as Aurora Loan Services. No one returned our calls by airtime Tuesday night. Miami police spokesman Delrish Moss said they have no eviction orders as of right now for that address.

Last Friday, someone broke into the home and removed Pierre's belongings and changed the locks again. She said what little she did have is now gone.

"Everything that I own, most precious memories, pictures of my children, my journals from the last 10 years -- it's awful. I can't believe they had done that," Pierre said.

Still she is thankful for the roof over her head for now. Rameau feels Pierre has the right to be there, and he is not afraid to go to jail for it.

"I do think there are people who should go to jail because of this housing crisis, and I don't think it's either her or me," Rameau said.

Copyright 2008 by Local10.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

11-26-08, 09:52
Maybe someone should find out Mr. Rameau's address and move a bunch of homeless individuals into it while he is out? :mad:

While I think it sucks that this lady and her child are homeless, moving into someone else's property is trespassing and should not be condoned. There are homeless shelters that they can legally move into.

11-26-08, 10:57
This is actually pretty common in the city that I work at. We were hit by two floods in four years that hit the worst parts of the city. The homeowners (mostly rental companies) let the houses be taken into possesion by the govt for more than what they were actually worth and no one demolished the homes. So in turn every homeless person in SOWEGA came to live there (at least it seems that way). The biggest problem with this to me is the Public Safety issue that arises. When PD responds to a home even though it may be "vacant" there was a high probability that it was not and when FD and EMS respond there is no telling what you would find. Not saying that this woman is a drug user but I cannot tell you how many times we have put out fires and found dirty syringes and drug paraphenalia. Basically a major hazard to all. One thing that I don't understand is the PD's refusal to remove the squater. Our PD and SO are more than willing to remove them without eviction notices based on trespassing.

Is Mr. Rameau the new face of "Change". :rolleyes: Since he sees this as the right thing to do. I say lock him and the squatter in jail and send the child to the father. If he, or her family, does not want the child place it in Child Services.:mad:

11-26-08, 11:08
It is very common out in the stix aswell, I have been to the point of living in my car and/or a tent for months at a time but I would NEVER even think twice about squating. It is illegal and morally irresponsible. I have a few nieghbors who are vacant houses and at least 5 times a year I call the Police to chase off squaters. No matter how poor Ive been in the past or future will I take what is not mine.

ETA: WITH CHILDREN ASWELL, you can stay on .gov land for two weeks at a time before you have to move atleast 50 miles. Great way to become one with nature LOL

11-26-08, 14:15
Can you believe that someone "broke into" the house that Pierre "broke into" and took all her belongings AND changed the locks while she was out! The gall! Wow! Now she has no belongings to make her illegally occupied house feel like a home. The bastards.
Probably the mean ol' property owners did it! The arrogance. Just because the property is THEIR's they think they can keep people from using it. That disgusts me.
I gotta go now. I am going out to find a nice car with the keys in the ignition to use. Preferably with plenty of gas in the tank. Might take my kid's along to teach them how the world works.
Work hard to get ahead? Nah, someone else will do that and then they can share with me because it's the right thing to do. Kinda reminds me about some tax thing that new pres elect was talking about. Hmmmmm.

I have just found a new example for the definition of "entitled".

11-26-08, 14:39
I have this picture in my mind...

behind the bushes at this house there is a line of homeless people with new locks and some tools in their hands. Every time somebody leaves the house a new "tennant" moves in.

Now, if somebody "moves in" to the home they can never leave for fear that "their" home will be taken over by the next homeless. This leads to a new epidemic for the people who can never leave "their" homes for fear of losing them.

"The outsideless."