View Full Version : Idea to help keep cops safe

06-20-20, 01:20
I was walking home from the store and as I was on my way home, I saw a cop doing administrative work in his car. I approached cautiously to thank him.

Walking home, I realized how vulnerable cops are when they are just sitting in their cars. I’d like to make a proximity based sensor system that would alert cops to approaching pedestrians. Basically sensors on each corner of the car and when movement is detected the system in the car would issue an audible alert along the lines of “caution, pedestrian at your left rear. Am I crazy or would this be a worth while system?

06-20-20, 01:55
I was walking home from the store and as I was on my way home, I saw a cop doing administrative work in his car. I approached cautiously to thank him.

Walking home, I realized how vulnerable cops are when they are just sitting in their cars. I’d like to make a proximity based sensor system that would alert cops to approaching pedestrians. Basically sensors on each corner of the car and when movement is detected the system in the car would issue an audible alert along the lines of “caution, pedestrian at your left rear. Am I crazy or would this be a worth while system?

On a technical level, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt from existing blindspot/rear proximity sensors. Operationally... well, that's the real question, but I believe the basic tech only needs a little adaptation.

06-20-20, 02:37
I was walking home from the store and as I was on my way home, I saw a cop doing administrative work in his car. I approached cautiously to thank him.

Walking home, I realized how vulnerable cops are when they are just sitting in their cars. I’d like to make a proximity based sensor system that would alert cops to approaching pedestrians. Basically sensors on each corner of the car and when movement is detected the system in the car would issue an audible alert along the lines of “caution, pedestrian at your left rear. Am I crazy or would this be a worth while system?

It would go off all the time and after the 42nd cat, cops would just turn it off.

What LEOs need is a higher level of situational awareness than most people. Some have it, some don't.

It's a nice thought but reliance on tech creates a false sense of security in some and disregard for tech in others.

The only thing that is gonna make cops safer in the current environment is people making sure they know they are wanted and appreciated. This can be simple acts of kindness or consideration. When I used to go to the Ft. Lauderdale Air and Sea Show I had a giant rolling cooler full of a dozen different soft drinks. On our way back to the car when cops were running traffic control (and not terribly busy at the moment) a simple "Hey man, grab a cold one and make sure and get one for your buddy across the street" made them feel like actual human beings again.

And magically, I was treated like a person by them. We probably need more of that and less "Time to pick a team bro."

I have gotten out of more tickets (even the ones where I know I was guilty of a minor, even if unintended, traffic infraction) simply by speaking to him (or her) like a regular person. Don't try and dazzle them with cop lingo, they know you aren't a cop or at least you aren't anymore. Don't try to act like a lawyer or any of that crap. What works is "Yeah I did, here is why it happened" and "I'm real sorry if I did that, I honestly didn't see it."

Be calm, be friendly (but not weird I'm your new best friend cause I looooove cops friendly) and own up if you did it and they got you, apologize if you didn't mean to do it and just act normal. Here's a little known secret about LEO's, they are actually starved for normal human interaction for most of their shift because they get sent to deal with one whackadoo after another.

06-20-20, 03:41
The Dodge Charger already has this option. It did not take off very well. It is a great idea however.

06-20-20, 06:30
How about not instituting a welfare state and not tearing down all of society’s rules in the mindless pursuit of pleasure thereby creating a valueless horde of near monsters? Oops, that ship sailed!

06-20-20, 09:09
The new Explorer Police utility vehicles have perimeter alarms standard I believe.

06-20-20, 11:07
New police cars have this type of system, and Ford is doing a great job innovating. I think the backup cam comes on when the rear parking sensors detect an object but car is in park. Stuff like that..

AND cops need to quit being so HUA and being more aware of their surroundings. It disappoints me every time I drive by an officer with his windows up and he’s screwing around running plates on his MCT. How about catching crooks by keeping your head up and your windows down? Pay attention to plates- the car that passes with one plate on the front and a different one on the back? That’s a problem... stolen? Maybe.. fictitious plates for sure. Listen, observe, smell... I could go on but you all get the point.