View Full Version : Who will Defend the Republic

06-22-20, 19:58
I have studied in University revolutions, communism, pan Arabism, and every political philosophy since the start of the age of enlightenment. I have worked to keep governments from being overthrown, and worked to overthrow other governments and or leaders.

I see the age old patterns being played out on the streets of the USA, how is tearing down statues, any different from Stalin having generals removed from photos after he had them murdered. Or from every other revolution waging war on the culture that they want to over throw.

Why is the Republican party silent?

Antifa and BLM, have been around for years engaging in violence ans talking about overthrowing the country, where is the FBI?

Why have all major corporations, written huge checks to BLM?

Defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, what does it mean. Not a damn thing since retiring flag officers salivate over well paid positions in corporate America.

But you can bet your bottom dollar, if the right pro Constitution Americans start to fight back. The full power of the FBI, military special ops will be turned against these people.

It is sad to see, a nation that in January was great crumble.

06-22-20, 20:14
Never mind

I have studied in University revolutions, communism, pan Arabism, and every political philosophy since the start of the age of enlightenment. I have worked to keep governments from being overthrown, and worked to overthrow other governments and or leaders.

I see the age old patterns being played out on the streets of the USA, how is tearing down statues, any different from Stalin having generals removed from photos after he had them murdered. Or from every other revolution waging war on the culture that they want to over throw.

Why is the Republican party silent?

Antifa and BLM, have been around for years engaging in violence ans talking about overthrowing the country, where is the FBI?

Why have all major corporations, written huge checks to BLM?

Defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, what does it mean. Not a damn thing since retiring flag officers salivate over well paid positions in corporate America.

But you can bet your bottom dollar, if the right pro Constitution Americans start to fight back. The full power of the FBI, military special ops will be turned against these people.

It is sad to see, a nation that in January was great crumble.

Straight Shooter
06-22-20, 20:17
Im waiting on a well put together, Constitutionally minded, hopefully God fearing, intelligent, hopefully bi-racial movement of Patriots to start meeting & gathering with a goal of ultimately arming together to prevent riots locally, to assist cops where needed, and to basically try to restore our nation & to let those on the goblin side of things know they aint gonna just go around destroying shit un-checked.
I am the one to initiate this...but will go and do my part when needed.
Yoni- you are right. Between the riots & SCOTUS too..we are fundamentally different as a nation just in about 4 months or so.
Four months, for America to fall in on itself. And I/we on this have havent rose up yet. I am ashamed.

06-22-20, 20:25
Strongly disagree on the god-fearing idea of your group.The problem with the Republican Party is the extremist god worshipping right, with multiple hypocritical beliefs.

The correct choice for standing up to the socialist/communist/progressive groups is a group that stands up for the constitution, including freedom of (or from) religion.

06-22-20, 20:42
Im waiting on a well put together, Constitutionally minded, hopefully God fearing, intelligent, hopefully bi-racial movement of Patriots to start meeting & gathering with a goal of ultimately arming together to prevent riots locally, to assist cops where needed, and to basically try to restore our nation & to let those on the goblin side of things know they aint gonna just go around destroying shit un-checked.
I am the one to initiate this...but will go and do my part when needed.
Yoni- you are right. Between the riots & SCOTUS too..we are fundamentally different as a nation just in about 4 months or so.
Four months, for America to fall in on itself. And I/we on this have havent rose up yet. I am ashamed.

I feel that everybody is watching the situation and just waiting. The silence is not cowardice. It's simply realizing that speaking out has become counterproductive. The left controls all means of communication. People who oppose this are communicating quietly. Organization will happen.

Honestly, we're not there yet. It still needs to get a little worse I think...

06-22-20, 20:42
Strongly disagree on the god-fearing idea of your group.The problem with the Republican Party is the extremist god worshipping right, with multiple hypocritical beliefs.

The correct choice for standing up to the socialist/communist/progressive groups is a group that stands up for the constitution, including freedom of (or from) religion.

Ah the God haters...I'll be sure to join up with you.

06-22-20, 20:43
The trouble with the GOP is they are craven cowards, morally and physically .
They despise us and are not going to do anything to restrain those who will kill them last.

Straight Shooter
06-22-20, 21:01
God fearing men KNOW that we will have to stand before Him & give an account of every death or injury we inflict.
God fearing men are less likely to turn what starts out patriotically into a free for all shooting match, which I aint down with.
God fearing men are less likely to turn it into a race war, which I aint down with either. We have a HIGHER standard to live & die & fight by, than mans law. Where mercy is needed it will be given, no cold blooded murder. But where righteous wrath is justified- so be it.
I no more can force God or Christ on you than I turn you into a toad. If you dont accept Him willingly, thats the only way to Him.
But Godly/Christian men have eternity to lose if they turn this righteous Revolution into some kinda murderous rebellion.
Got to go, late for work now.

06-22-20, 21:09
God fearing men KNOW that we will have to stand before Him & give an account of every death or injury we inflict.
God fearing men are less likely to turn what starts out patriotically into a free for all shooting match, which I aint down with.
God fearing men are less likely to turn it into a race war, which I aint down with either. We have a HIGHER standard to live & die & fight by, than mans law. Where mercy is needed it will be given, no cold blooded murder. But where righteous wrath is justified- so be it.
I no more can force God or Christ on you than I turn you into a toad. If you dont accept Him willingly, thats the only way to Him.
But Godly/Christian men have eternity to lose if they turn this righteous Revolution into some kinda murderous rebellion.
Got to go, late for work now.

Hold on there man...don't you know you're being extreme and a hypocrite. Hurry, repent.

06-22-20, 21:12
So, when does the systematic killing start?

Half of my adult life was devoted to the process of killing in far off places outside the U.S. The second half of my adult life has been devoted to focusing on things close to home, family, a family business, and living a reasonable, rational and responsible life - A life a great distance from most of civilization.

I am not a politician, I am not a powerful and influential public figure, I am a speck in the giant scheme of things. Who will defend the Republic? I vote, I pay taxes and I treat my fellow man the way I want to be treated. I guess that's not enough.

So, when does the systematic killing start?

06-22-20, 21:23
Strongly disagree on the god-fearing idea of your group.The problem with the Republican Party is the extremist god worshipping right, with multiple hypocritical beliefs.

The correct choice for standing up to the socialist/communist/progressive groups is a group that stands up for the constitution, including freedom of (or from) religion.

Agreed. I'm consider myself a Christian, but most religions have a conservative view and focus on the family and something more than oneself. I think that you have a better chance of unifying this nation over family and hard work then anything else.

06-22-20, 21:39
I think I'll be sitting this boogaloo out...trusting Christians and atheists sounds like a losing proposition. I'll take my chances with my tiny church and if they get me, they get me.

06-22-20, 21:47
Strongly disagree on the god-fearing idea of your group.The problem with the Republican Party is the extremist god worshipping right, with multiple hypocritical beliefs.

The correct choice for standing up to the socialist/communist/progressive groups is a group that stands up for the constitution, including freedom of (or from) religion.

A man who truly fears God is humble, and he knows the scriptures forbid forcing conversion by the sword. The Christians who have done so were hypocrites. Any God fearing man who saw the rise of a radical Christian sect would say they are just as much a danger as the extreme left, and would oppose them just as fiercely. A God fearing man is going to serve alongside his brothers who do not believe, or believe differently, and treat them with love and respect without demanding they change their beliefs.

06-22-20, 21:49
I have studied in University revolutions, communism, pan Arabism, and every political philosophy since the start of the age of enlightenment. I have worked to keep governments from being overthrown, and worked to overthrow other governments and or leaders.

I see the age old patterns being played out on the streets of the USA, how is tearing down statues, any different from Stalin having generals removed from photos after he had them murdered. Or from every other revolution waging war on the culture that they want to over throw.

Why is the Republican party silent?

Antifa and BLM, have been around for years engaging in violence ans talking about overthrowing the country, where is the FBI?

Why have all major corporations, written huge checks to BLM?

Defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, what does it mean. Not a damn thing since retiring flag officers salivate over well paid positions in corporate America.

But you can bet your bottom dollar, if the right pro Constitution Americans start to fight back. The full power of the FBI, military special ops will be turned against these people.

It is sad to see, a nation that in January was great crumble.

Because its happening in liberal cesspools. The 2 places I live are quiet. Peacefull protests, no property damage. Im not going to go to cali because of a lump of metal.

Why didnt patriots take back cartel areas or downtown detroit/chicago? Why didnt it cause an outrage? Because it wasnt all over the news.

Edit- im not risking my life for groups/purposes who i dont know. If it gets to my or my friends area, I would be much more inclined to take defensive action.

Especially now- people are talking race. This isnt about race, race is just the tool of destabilization, and people not seeing it are scary.

06-22-20, 21:51
Scary stuff happening and I'm betting much more is on the way.

Tucker is doing a pretty good of pointing it out for all the good it'll do.


06-22-20, 23:38
Im waiting on a well put together, Constitutionally minded, hopefully God fearing, intelligent, hopefully bi-racial movement of Patriots to start meeting & gathering with a goal of ultimately arming together to prevent riots locally, to assist cops where needed, and to basically try to restore our nation & to let those on the goblin side of things know they aint gonna just go around destroying shit un-checked.
I am the one to initiate this...but will go and do my part when needed.
Yoni- you are right. Between the riots & SCOTUS too..we are fundamentally different as a nation just in about 4 months or so.
Four months, for America to fall in on itself. And I/we on this have havent rose up yet. I am ashamed.

You are going to be waiting a long time. Just as we will never get the "perfect" President we will never get the "perfect" patriots group that is able and willing to restore this nation to a shared view of what it should be.

There isn't even cohesion among this forum which is generally conservative / libertarian minded at yet we disagree on many, many things even if we have the capacity (in most cases) to respect each others beliefs and rights.

This is why a shooting war is a very, very bad idea. The result won't be anything close to what we currently have even if we aren't enjoying the particular location of the political pendulum at the moment. You think things are bad now? Wait until there is a group powerful enough to overthrow the nation as it currently exists, you really think that group is going to be any more enlightened or politically conservative than the pigs in congress who used mostly legal means to gain their positions of power and influence?

Now if the shooting war starts regardless, well the fact that most of us will shoot back is probably the only thing there will be a majority consensus on. But even that will vary from zip code to zip code and anyone who expects popular support might want to take a close look at all the likes of the latest post or tweet regarding the BLM movement. Expect lots of friends and neighbors to be cheering those "patriots" forward.

How many people does everyone know at work or socially that actually believes Trump is a "white power" president who is advocating racism? Sadly I know more than a few who actually believe that. I know more than a couple who think everyone who voted for Trump is secretly a racist to some extent.

06-22-20, 23:46
Ah the God haters...I'll be sure to join up with you.

How can anyone hate something they don't even believe in?

By that metric you secretly hate Zeus, Amaterasu and Zoroaster.

This is kind of what I'm talking about. How are we ever going to defend one another if we can't even respect one another?

Now I can comprehend that your belief in god is so comprehensive that maybe you can't even reconcile the idea that everyone doesn't believe in some kind of god (and I'm mostly guessing here so if I'm wrong I apologize) but you really do have to accept that everyone else doesn't secretly hate god, some of us just find the idea of any deity to be unlikely and we don't want to live our lives according to the rules of yahweh any more than you want to practice shinto and the fact that many people actually believe in amaterasu doesn't hold any weight with you anymore than your beliefs hold weight with us.

06-22-20, 23:50
Tucker Carlson covered this tonight on a laser accurate opening monologue.

He said if you defend yourself and your family from the Left's Antifa mobs of flying monkeys you are going to be targeted and prosecuted by the Feds as being a far Right extremist, a White Supremacist.

Oh well, sticks and stones may break my bones but hollow points expand on impact.

06-22-20, 23:52
God fearing men KNOW that we will have to stand before Him & give an account of every death or injury we inflict.
God fearing men are less likely to turn what starts out patriotically into a free for all shooting match, which I aint down with.
God fearing men are less likely to turn it into a race war, which I aint down with either. We have a HIGHER standard to live & die & fight by, than mans law. Where mercy is needed it will be given, no cold blooded murder. But where righteous wrath is justified- so be it.
I no more can force God or Christ on you than I turn you into a toad. If you dont accept Him willingly, thats the only way to Him.
But Godly/Christian men have eternity to lose if they turn this righteous Revolution into some kinda murderous rebellion.
Got to go, late for work now.

Is it your position that everyone who killed during things like the Inquisition actually didn't believe in god? Historically belief in god hasn't prevented atrocity and in many cases belief that you are doing gods work has justified some horrible things.

Not saying YOU or anyone else on this forum, just saying it isn't a guarantee of anyone representing your religion in the way YOU think they should. How many televangelists are there that prey upon their followers right now? Personally I can't fathom that they actually believe in anything otherwise they would be terrified of the consequences, but according to many faithful they are god fearing men.

06-23-20, 00:00
How can anyone hate something they don't even believe in?

By that metric you secretly hate Zeus, Amaterasu and Zoroaster.

This is kind of what I'm talking about. How are we ever going to defend one another if we can't even respect one another?

Now I can comprehend that your belief in god is so comprehensive that maybe you can't even reconcile the idea that everyone doesn't believe in some kind of god (and I'm mostly guessing here so if I'm wrong I apologize) but you really do have to accept that everyone else doesn't secretly hate god, some of us just find the idea of any deity to be unlikely and we don't want to live our lives according to the rules of yahweh any more than you want to practice shinto and the fact that many people actually believe in amaterasu doesn't hold any weight with you anymore than your beliefs hold weight with us.

Yes, you're right I openly hate those gods, that is idolatry.

And no I won't be standing with any of you, we have very little to nothing in common. I don't even have much in common with the Christians on this board. I'd rather go it alone than compromise my principles.

06-23-20, 00:57
Christcuckery knows no bounds it would seem.

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06-23-20, 01:39
In response to the OP, that's a question I've been struggling with a lot lately. I also know a lot of others personally have been asking themselves the same question.

I'm located in the Tulsa area. We had the most recent Trump rally this Saturday and locally a lot of people were on pins and needles. The feeling that surely something was going to kick off was all but assured.

A Marine buddy and myself were talking last week about everything going on, and the rally came up. We spoke at length about the possibility of riots and worse, considering it was the first time Trump was back on the campaign trail.

The idea of watching our community be burnt to the ground didn't sit right with us, and we ended up deciding we were going to attend. The plan was that maybe we could position ourselves in front of some smaller privately owned businesses, and maybe we could force the mob to move elsewhere. It's worked a few other places, why not try it here?

Driving through downtown, all of the small businesses were boarded up. National Guard, State police, OHP, Tulsa PD, and LEO from surrounding agencies were all there in large numbers.

When we arrived about an hour before the rally, the majority of the people there were Trump supporters. There were probably ten Trump supporters to every one BLM member. About thirty minutes after the rally started, a large group of BLM protesters moved in by foot (I can only assume they staged elsewhere before moving in as an organized group). The numbers outside of the venue (not counting those already inside the rally) quickly changed and BLM was likely out numbering Trump supporters five to one at that point. There were a few vehicles with BLM members as well. I noticed a few with out if state tags, but most were local. (Picture below was right as BLM started moving in).


My buddy and I were originally positioned on the opposite side from where that picture was taken, but we decided to move to a better location to not be boxed in by a potential mob. We moved back across the street where we had a clear avenue of escape if we needed (where the picture was taken).

Another picture shows what that spot looked like behind us. Our vehicle was a block down from this photo, and another block to the left of that picture.


To my surprise, the tension between the two groups never got farther than a few people yelling at eachother before storming away in aggravation. I'm sure that at any point, had someone gone of the rails the situation would likely have been much different.

The only point I really felt things might take a turn was when BLM, who had the majority of the street, blocked a small convoy of police (Pretty sure they were OHP and state police, but some may have been National Guard). The rally had ended, and the convoy was attempting to leave when BLM surrounded a few of their suburbans and one large buss.


The crowd in that picture increased by probably thirty to forty percent before all was said and done. They blocked them for probably fifteen to twenty minutes, but as far as I know no one made physical contact with any of the vehicles. Officers who were out of sight (from the left hand side of that picture, on the other side of the building) must have had enough and ended up using pepper balls on the crowd gathered immediately around the vehicles. The crowd was having none of that, and they quickly scattered without pushback.

My friend and I were both carrying pistols with a few mags, and we also had rifles/belts in the car two blocks away. One of our friends parked next to us and kept an eye on the vehicle while we were at the rally grounds. He kept us up to date on what local radio was saying since we had no way to heard it from where we were.

A few key takeaways that may or may not surprise some people:

BLM was damn near completely WHITE. I'd estimate maybe five to ten percent of them were actually black.

There were more pro Trump blacks there than there were BLM, at least from what I saw.

Aside from one "I can't breath" banner, I did not see a single sign nor hear a single person mention George Floyd.

BLM signage was heavy with the "Down with the system" type slogans.

The local news reported them as being unorganized. That was not my impression. At the intersection of every street corner were groups of exactly five BLM members specifically kitted out for medical response. Who knows if they have any actual formal training, I'd guess not. (Picture below is of three of them together. The other two are slightly out of frame).


They seemed to be expecting things to get violent, but I'm not exactly sure what actually kept that from happening. Maybe they underestimated the police presence? Maybe this specific chapter of BLM isn't as radicalized? I'm not sure. Either way, I'm content with the fact that it didn't happen. They had a method of marching two blocks down then getting into a group and reorganizing before moving back through the rally again.

Honorable mention:

This guy seemed out of place and I'm not sure who he is. He may be a reporter of some kind, or possibly LEO/Fed. He caught my eye with the comms, shoulder bag, helmet, and Arc'Teryx shirt. I noticed a few other news outlets that were present also had helmets present, but those outlets were easily recognizable with their affiliate logo on everything. This guy had none of that.


Luckily nothing went down as it would likely have been bad. I'm not sure what good we'd have actually done, but our mindset was that we'd never find out sitting at home on our asses complaining about it, which is the basic message of this post.

Don't just sit around waiting for the country to inevitably implode. It's up to us to get out there and at least TRY to do something. How quickly would this nonsense end if every major city had trained, responsible civilians along side LEO working together to send a message to these bastards that they won't be tolerated?

Try and have conversations with people. Will it work? Probably not.. but every person you can make question their beliefs is another person we may not have to fight six months, five years, ten years from now. We need to quit bitching and instead get to work in any way we possibly can.

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06-23-20, 03:44
Yes, you're right I openly hate those gods, that is idolatry.

And no I won't be standing with any of you, we have very little to nothing in common. I don't even have much in common with the Christians on this board. I'd rather go it alone than compromise my principles.

But do you actually believe those other gods even exist????

And you are free to do as you like, but if things went hot I'd defend even you if I could. I don't feel it would compromise my principles to defend people and their rights, even the ones I don't happen to share.

Also if this turns into a actual shooting war, I'm not gonna waste time asking people what they believe. Should be pretty easy to discern the good guys from the bad guys and if I see people who need to be helped and I can actually do it, I don't care if it's you, your mom, your kids, some buddhists, the girl down the block who never goes to church, whatever.

My check list is pretty easy.

Good guys.

Bad guys.

The good guys are the ones who aren't trying to overthrow the country and that will include a lot of people voting Democrat (though I might get to them last).

The bad guys are the ones trying to change things by force in violation of the constitution and who want to destroy this country and deny me my rights. I suspect there will even be Republicans among them. I don't care which ones I kill first so long as I kill as many as I can if and when the shooting starts.

06-23-20, 03:53
Luckily nothing went down as it would likely have been bad. I'm not sure what good we'd have actually done, but our mindset was that we'd never find out sitting at home on our asses complaining about it, which is the basic message of this post.

Don't just sit around waiting for the country to inevitably implode. It's up to us to get out there and at least TRY to do something. How quickly would this nonsense end if every major city had trained, responsible civilians along side LEO working together to send a message to these bastards that they won't be tolerated?

Try and have conversations with people. Will it work? Probably not.. but every person you can make question their beliefs is another person we may not have to fight six months, five years, ten years from now. We need to quit bitching and instead get to work in any way we possibly can.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

That's what I'm hoping for. Not every place is going to be a liberal haven where they can do whatever they want.

06-23-20, 04:17
So, when does the systematic killing start?

Half of my adult life was devoted to the process of killing in far off places outside the U.S. The second half of my adult life has been devoted to focusing on things close to home, family, a family business, and living a reasonable, rational and responsible life - A life a great distance from most of civilization.

I am not a politician, I am not a powerful and influential public figure, I am a speck in the giant scheme of things. Who will defend the Republic? I vote, I pay taxes and I treat my fellow man the way I want to be treated. I guess that's not enough.

So, when does the systematic killing start?

I don't see the that happening to defend or take back the republic.

I do see the new socialists attempting that strategy when more of them hold public office.

06-23-20, 06:21
Tucker Carlson covered this tonight on a laser accurate opening monologue.

He said if you defend yourself and your family from the Left's Antifa mobs of flying monkeys you are going to be targeted and prosecuted by the Feds as being a far Right extremist, a White Supremacist.

Oh well, sticks and stones may break my bones but hollow points expand on impact.

If pro-constitutional protesters would have taken over a few city blocks there would have been a lot of dead and arrested citizens at the hands of the government. The media and ComDems would be gloating over the carnage.

06-23-20, 08:00
If pro-constitutional protesters would have taken over a few city blocks there would have been a lot of dead and arrested citizens at the hands of the government. The media and ComDems would be gloating over the carnage.

There is a three way battle going on for America right now between globalist communists and their Antifa/BLM trained flying monkeys, cops and constitutional patriots or what I call Americans. None of them like each other.

If you constantly have to ask LE, "Where do you stand on the 2nd A?" and "When the time comes, will you enforce an illegal and unconstitutional order and try and confiscate law abiding American's guns?" then they aren't your friend or ally. LE enforcement has never stood up as one force and said No. Why? Because when the order is given LE were the ones that would come to take your guns. Until Antifa surfaced, we thought the battle would be between Patriots and LE doing 'no knock' home invasions. Now that Antifa/BLM communists have risen up cops have hauled ass, quit or kneel with the enemy and wash their feet.

The second player are the communists, more commonly known as Antifa/BLM. They are the strongest, most fanatical, well funded enemy on the battle field right now. And they are well armed and trained, including using CIA tactics and state of the art communications.

The third are the Patriots or 'silent majority'. They haven't even made a showing yet and instead sit and watch in humiliation at videos of their elderly women being attacked and knocked out or killed by feral BLM or of their history and culture being torn down. You can't say anything or defend yourself because enemy no. one, law enforcement will arrest you as an extremists, racist, Confederate sympathizer, etc.

Foreign communists like China must be licking their chops right now and laughing how easy it would be to just walk in and take over unchallenged. Fun times ahead.

06-23-20, 09:03
God fearing men KNOW that we will have to stand before Him & give an account of every death or injury we inflict.
God fearing men are less likely to turn what starts out patriotically into a free for all shooting match, which I aint down with.
God fearing men are less likely to turn it into a race war, which I aint down with either. We have a HIGHER standard to live & die & fight by, than mans law. Where mercy is needed it will be given, no cold blooded murder. But where righteous wrath is justified- so be it.
I no more can force God or Christ on you than I turn you into a toad. If you dont accept Him willingly, thats the only way to Him.
But Godly/Christian men have eternity to lose if they turn this righteous Revolution into some kinda murderous rebellion.
Got to go, late for work now.

Amen! God is raising up His army. Pray that eyes are opened to see the real battle being fought right now, it isn’t left vs right. I’m a God fearing patriot and I love America but what’s going on right now is bigger than America and I fear that if the guns come out we’ve already lost.

06-23-20, 09:15
Politics is downstream of Culture. Remember that next time you see a teenager twerking on Tic Tok.

06-23-20, 09:19
Yes, you're right I openly hate those gods, that is idolatry.

And no I won't be standing with any of you, we have very little to nothing in common. I don't even have much in common with the Christians on this board. I'd rather go it alone than compromise my principles.

That mindset is about as anti christian as it gets. Jesus ate with sinners, brought them in and talked to them. His very words criticized the Pharisees who criticized him for doing so. He specifically mentions that the ones who are saved don't need his help and teachings, the ones who are not do. A church that you go to isn't a exclusive members club house. Stop acting like it is.

If there are people that are willing to fight with you for the common good, regardless of what their current views on religion is, it is in your best interest citizen wise AND christian wise to help them out.

06-23-20, 09:43
I feel that everybody is watching the situation and just waiting. The silence is not cowardice. It's simply realizing that speaking out has become counterproductive. The left controls all means of communication. People who oppose this are communicating quietly. Organization will happen.

Honestly, we're not there yet. It still needs to get a little worse I think...

You wont get there until there is a leader.

06-23-20, 09:46
Christcuckery knows no bounds it would seem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually it knows bounds, it's bounded by the commands of Christ, not by the spirit of the age. What does light have to do with darkness. Why would I want to be yoked to unbelievers and sectarians in a militia?

06-23-20, 09:49
You wont get there until there is a leader.

There will be a strongman, or a council of sorts, that emerges at some point.

06-23-20, 09:55
That mindset is about as anti christian as it gets. Jesus ate with sinners, brought them in and talked to them. His very words criticized the Pharisees who criticized him for doing so. He specifically mentions that the ones who are saved don't need his help and teachings, the ones who are not do. A church that you go to isn't a exclusive members club house. Stop acting like it is.

If there are people that are willing to fight with you for the common good, regardless of what their current views on religion is, it is in your best interest citizen wise AND christian wise to help them out.

He ate with sinners so that they would believe and repent, not that they would go on their merry way as an organized militia under the command of possible atheists/agnostics to kill the enemy. Our church has terms of communion, have you ever heard the terms...terms of communion? Everyone is welcomed to be a member IF they hold to the terms of communion, you know, the doctrines of Christ. Unfortunately, the church has been taken over by schismatics of every sort, so the terms of communion for various churches don't agree.

06-23-20, 10:02
But do you actually believe those other gods even exist????

And you are free to do as you like, but if things went hot I'd defend even you if I could. I don't feel it would compromise my principles to defend people and their rights, even the ones I don't happen to share.

Also if this turns into a actual shooting war, I'm not gonna waste time asking people what they believe. Should be pretty easy to discern the good guys from the bad guys and if I see people who need to be helped and I can actually do it, I don't care if it's you, your mom, your kids, some buddhists, the girl down the block who never goes to church, whatever.

My check list is pretty easy.

Good guys.

Bad guys.

The good guys are the ones who aren't trying to overthrow the country and that will include a lot of people voting Democrat (though I might get to them last).

The bad guys are the ones trying to change things by force in violation of the constitution and who want to destroy this country and deny me my rights. I suspect there will even be Republicans among them. I don't care which ones I kill first so long as I kill as many as I can if and when the shooting starts.

No, I don't believe they exist.

I would defend you as an individual (not join with some militia) if I at that moment could ascertain that you were being set upon unjustly. My principles would require this much.

And, no, it's not always easy to ascertain who the "good" guys are, and who the "bad" guys are. My enemies, enemy isn't my friend. The way I see it is that I would be dodging multiple enemies. Some on this forum.

06-23-20, 10:06
This tread should be in the dictionary under definition of republicans, can not band to together for the common good. One thing you you have to admire democrats for they don't let personal belief get in the way of the objective.

06-23-20, 10:10
I'm not a Republican. But I'm one guy that won't join the others. I'm sure all the rest of you will join in the war.

And we have different definitions of what the common good actually is.

06-23-20, 10:17
How quickly would this nonsense end if every major city had trained, responsible civilians along side LEO working together to send a message to these bastards that they won't be tolerated?

This is the real problem... In most places with active insurgency (BLM, ANTIFA, MARXISTS, Snowflakes, InstaModels, Tik-Tok'ers, etc...), the local government and LE are in no way in support of "law and order" citizens resisting these mobs, and indeed they often support the "public propaganda" of these well-funded insurgent groups, in spite of their destructive actions and agenda. Moreover, the county and state court systems where the insurgency is hot and active will over-charge the "law and order" citizens with charges that will in most cases be impossible to defend against, or bankrupt them in the process. (revive Jury Nullification, anyone?)

These places of insurgency may be already lost for a decade or more if voting citizens with any hint of American ideals do not vote in LOCAL CHANGE. More "major cities" are leftist than are not. It's the rurals and suburbia that have any glimmer of hope. But in "mobacracy," the cities rule the others mostly.

As Tucker Carlson on Fox so aptly drove home last night, the Republicans are the only option, warts, wussifications, and all. The percentage of people who actually vote are still far from any population totals. The silent and closet liberals in the Republican Congress need to go, replaced with fighters and defenders of Liberty.

As of now, until legal defense funds are established, pro-Liberty lawyers come to the front fight, all most can do is watch and mourn until it comes to their AO.


06-23-20, 10:23
This tread should be in the dictionary under definition of republicans, can not band to together for the common good. One thing you you have to admire democrats for they don't let personal belief get in the way of the objective.

Yeap, I believe you're correct. Remember that thing called The Tea Party? Came on strong, but then... poof... seems irrelevant these days. I think the failure might have a little bit of something to do with view point. Generally, conservatism is concerned more along the lines of the individual's rights in society vs liberals being more concerned with the rights of society over the individual. I think it is harder to bring the conservatives together because of this while the liberals have a more common goal and are easier coalesce towards their goal.... right or wrong.

06-23-20, 10:30
Christcuckery knows no bounds it would seem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don't judge Christianity by the actions of Christians, you will always be disappointed. No matter what, we are all broken, fallible and sinful people who will never be perfect regardless.

06-23-20, 10:46
Don't judge Christianity by the actions of Christians, you will always be disappointed. No matter what, we are all broken, fallible and sinful people who will never be perfect regardless.

Are you accusing someone of sin? Which sin would that be?

Alex V
06-23-20, 11:13
I feel that everybody is watching the situation and just waiting. The silence is not cowardice. It's simply realizing that speaking out has become counterproductive. The left controls all means of communication. People who oppose this are communicating quietly. Organization will happen.

Honestly, we're not there yet. It still needs to get a little worse I think...

Waiting for what? For when it's too late?

Ah the God haters...I'll be sure to join up with you.

WTH does being religious have to do with this? See this is the problem with the right. The Left unites all radical asshats but we fight between ourselves. This is why we will always lose and why NO ONE will fight to preserve the Republic. We will just sit here, talking about god while the Left takes everything, disarms us and puts us in re-education camps.

I am an atheist but I don't hate god, I just don't believe he exists. It doesn't change the fact that I love this republic and the principles in the US Constitution.

06-23-20, 11:17
Back on topic- the PD is sitting there watching these criminals block traffic and then point a rifle at a motorist. If the guy with the rifle was wearing a MAGA he would be in jail if not shot by the police. Things are definitely going to get uglier and us decent, law abiding citizens are on our own.


06-23-20, 11:24
Waiting for what? For when it's too late?

WTH does being religious have to do with this? See this is the problem with the right. The Left unites all radical asshats but we fight between ourselves. This is why we will always lose and why NO ONE will fight to preserve the Republic. We will just sit here, talking about god while the Left takes everything, disarms us and puts us in re-education camps.

I am an atheist but I don't hate god, I just don't believe he exists. It doesn't change the fact that I love this republic and the principles in the US Constitution.

I didnt bring it up now did i? And from where I sit, atheism IS God hatred.

And I'm not with you as if we're holding to the same principles. You're an enemy of my faith and of my principles. We dont agree on a whole host of things...there is NO we.

06-23-20, 11:33
Are you accusing someone of sin? Which sin would that be?

Everyone of everything everywhere! Lol...

06-23-20, 11:36
You wont get there until there is a leader.

No, we won't. Conversely, Antifa/BLM has plenty of leaders and backing; the whole Democrat Party is communist Antifa and that includes parts of the FBI and most likely CIA. This is huge folks. The American Patriot is up against greater odds than we were in the American Revolution.

On a side note, don't expect law enforcement to ally with the Patriots. In fact, scum like Austin's former Police Chief Art Acevedo is rallying the illegal alien populace to side with Antifa and demand citizenship, working himself into a sweaty faced, spit spraying frenzy telling the illegals 'WE built this country!' So thats another America hating adversary the Right has to contend with.

There was a BLM rally in my sleepy resort town of Marble Falls here in Central Texas recently. A bunch of buddies and I were going to attend just as observers and to let our presence be known. A retired Texas Ranger advised us to stay away and don't get involved with that mess, saying the LE and the media are just looking for the stereotypical rednecks to show up, be baited into an altercation and arrested so as to fit their pre-written narrative of 'White extremists attack peaceful protesters.'

06-23-20, 11:37
Everyone of everything everywhere! Lol...

Evasion, ok

06-23-20, 11:42
Evasion, ok

No, not evading. My original point was that Christians are not perfect people. If we look beyond the example of Christ, we will be disappointed. No matter what, we are all guilty of sin of some kind. Regardless of how hard we try to be good, our sin will always be in though and sometimes deed. Therefore we can never live up to the standard of the perfect Christian as Christ is. Hence we have God's grace for forgiveness of sin. You can't earn it because it is given for free.

06-23-20, 11:49
Yes, you're right I openly hate those gods, that is idolatry.

And no I won't be standing with any of you, we have very little to nothing in common. I don't even have much in common with the Christians on this board. I'd rather go it alone than compromise my principles.

I for one fully support your right to isolate yourself from the rest of society. Just don't call us if that doesn't work out for you and we're good. You God is all you need.

As for Yoni's actual question, you have to understand what the extreme left, extreme right, big business, politicians and law enforcement all have in common. They all want control over others. So long as they all agree on that singular goal, you're not going to find anyone willing to stand up and say enough is enough.

You want to see a crushed rebellion? Just let libertarians actually rise up against the controllers. They don't want anyone to have control, and that just will not do.

06-23-20, 11:55
He ate with sinners so that they would believe and repent, not that they would go on their merry way as an organized militia under the command of possible atheists/agnostics to kill the enemy. Our church has terms of communion, have you ever heard the terms...terms of communion? Everyone is welcomed to be a member IF they hold to the terms of communion, you know, the doctrines of Christ. Unfortunately, the church has been taken over by schismatics of every sort, so the terms of communion for various churches don't agree.

You are what most Christians are taught not to be. Good luck with your hating ways. In the end, it won't work out for you. Not all people who Jesus sat down with converted. Not all church goers become members, but you give them the chance...as many as it takes. God gives us chances every day for you and everyone else. You are no better than anyone else here. The only thing that saves anyone is his grace. Get over yourself.

On topic, I hope a leader does come soon. Not necessarily to have to lead an counter insurrection, but to show the handful of the minority, but loudest noise makers, that people are tired of their crap, will not be accepted as the norm, and aren't going to take it. That will start the process of trying to swing the pendulum back the other way.

Alex V
06-23-20, 11:56
I didnt bring it up now did i? And from where I sit, atheism IS God hatred.

And I'm not with you as if we're holding to the same principles. You're an enemy of my faith and of my principles. We dont agree on a whole host of things...there is NO we.

Myopic, but not unexpected. I am not sure how I am an enemy of your faith since I do not purport to tell you if you should believe or not nor have I told you that you are wrong in your believe. Belief is a personal choice, there is no right answer. Having said that, there is no reason for me to change your mind, so jog on.

06-23-20, 12:23
You are what most Christians are taught not to be. Good luck with your hating ways. In the end, it won't work out for you. Not all people who Jesus sat down with converted. Not all church goers become members, but you give them the chance...as many as it takes. God gives us chances every day for you and everyone else. You are no better than anyone else here. The only thing that saves anyone is his grace. Get over yourself.

On topic, I hope a leader does come soon. Not necessarily to have to lead an counter insurrection, but to show the handful of the minority, but loudest noise makers, that people are tired of their crap, will not be accepted as the norm, and aren't going to take it. That will start the process of trying to swing the pendulum back the other way.

And who exactly do I hate?

The rest of it is just a red herring. You evidently accuse me of thinking I'm better than everyone else. I'm not, but I do think my principles are better, because I see them in the scriptures, and I do hold them by God's grace. Just like leftist want to do away history, so it seems that Christian's want to do the same with the history of the church.

06-23-20, 12:33
Myopic, but not unexpected. I am not sure how I am an enemy of your faith since I do not purport to tell you if you should believe or not nor have I told you that you are wrong in your believe. Belief is a personal choice, there is no right answer. Having said that, there is no reason for me to change your mind, so jog on.

If only Jesus was little less myopic. If only he was a little more flexible, more willing to compromise with religious folks of the day. He could have saved his skin and survived. He could have been on the right side of history. If only....

06-23-20, 12:40
I didnt bring it up now did i? And from where I sit, atheism IS God hatred.

And I'm not with you as if we're holding to the same principles. You're an enemy of my faith and of my principles. We dont agree on a whole host of things...there is NO we.

If only Jesus was little less myopic. If only he was a little more flexible, more willing to compromise with religious folks of the day. He could have saved his skin and survived. He could have been on the right side of history. If only....

I know this is off topic but I feel compelled to respond.

I am not sure what branch of Christianity you are a member of but I would suggest rethinking some things and rereading a few passages. Non believers are not the enemy of Christians. We are all sinners including you and the non believer. The difference to Christians is the salvation of Christ through believing in him and repentance. Not works, not adherence to laws, nor separating yourself from society, and certainly pretending you are better than them.

Being openly hostile to atheist or other non Christians certainly doesn't do you, or Christianity as a whole any favors. You don't have to accept things you don't believe in, but part of a Christians job on earth is supposed to be evangelizing by spreading the word.

06-23-20, 12:44
I was taught the rise of radical fascism would be ushered in by the destruction of History, Art and Literature aka "Free thought".
Hmm, so what are we watching here and isn't it about time someone tried to stop it?
I think we have had a complete abdication of responsibility of office and the power and authority needed for stopping this lawlessness.

06-23-20, 12:47
The difference is the left needs and wants community so it’s natural for them to band together for these movements. The right mostly wants to be left the hell alone so it’s very unnatural to band together and do anything.

06-23-20, 12:48
And who exactly do I hate?

The rest of it is just a red herring. You evidently accuse me of thinking I'm better than everyone else. I'm not, but I do think my principles are better, because I see them in the scriptures, and I do hold them by God's grace. Just like leftist want to do away history, so it seems that Christian's want to do the same with the history of the church.

Wow, you are exactly like a Pharisee...and you do know what Jesus thought of them. Go hide in your hidee-hole. If the SHTF kicks off, I doubt most people would want to put up with your nonsense anyway, on top of all the crap happening at the same time.. If "condescending" had faces, one of them would be yours.

06-23-20, 12:50
The difference is the left needs and wants community so it’s natural for them to band together for these movements. The right mostly wants to be left the hell alone so it’s very unnatural to band together and do anything.

Agreed....but now it is painfully apparent that it isn't working. They no longer want to part of a movement, they want to crush any opposition to it. We no longer are being left alone.

06-23-20, 12:53
I know this is off topic but I feel compelled to respond.

I am not sure what branch of Christianity you are a member of but I would suggest rethinking some things and rereading a few passages. Non believers are not the enemy of Christians. We are all sinners including you and the non believer. The difference to Christians is the salvation of Christ through believing in him and repentance. Not works, not adherence to laws, nor separating yourself from society, and certainly pretending you are better than them.

Being openly hostile to atheist or other non Christians certainly doesn't do you, or Christianity as a whole any favors. You don't have to accept things you don't believe in, but part of a Christians job on earth is supposed to be evangelizing by spreading the word.

And you'd be wrong. Jesus and the apostles spoke openly about who and what were their enemies. They is a HUGE difference between a sinner saved by grace and a sinner still in his sins. I've spoken openingly here about the gospel and ALL the unbelievers have been openly hostile to it. But Tom you weren't nice about it...neither was Christ.

06-23-20, 12:54
Wow, you are exactly like a Pharisee...and you do know what Jesus thought of them. Go hide in your hidee-hole. If the SHTF kicks off, I doubt most people would want to put up with your nonsense anyway, on top of all the crap happening at the same time.. If "condescending" had faces, one of them would be yours.

You forgot to call me Hitler too.

06-23-20, 12:58
Purely thug mentality the yo got a gun I am in control when ya listen to them
And nobody is stopping them holding them accountable
Going to get ugly
they are beating people up men and women with no arrests etc..
soon killing and no penalty they will be like open season

Back on topic- the PD is sitting there watching these criminals block traffic and then point a rifle at a motorist. If the guy with the rifle was wearing a MAGA he would be in jail if not shot by the police. Things are definitely going to get uglier and us decent, law abiding citizens are on our own.


06-23-20, 13:11
For those that are seeking a leader, this book is as relevant as it was when I was fighting a different war: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=rkTyXp3zNuq1ggee1pqAAg&q=the+starfish+and+the+spider&oq=the+starfish+and+the+spider&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBwguEEMQkwIyBAgAEEMyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6AggpOgUIABCRAjoECC4QQzoFCC4QkQI6BQgAELEDOgIILjoFCC4QgwE6BQguELEDOggIABCxAxCRAjoGCAAQFhAeOggIABAWEAoQHjoFCCEQoAE6BQghEKsCOggIIRAWEB0QHlDVTVjGjwFgx5IBaANwAHgAgAGGAogB-SGSAQYwLjI2LjSYAQCgAQGwAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp

As for Tom, just stop replying to him in threads like these.

06-23-20, 13:13
This thread is going to get locked pretty soon.

06-23-20, 13:20
I tell you what, all you Patriots itching to get some. Why dont you pick a leader, maybe amongst yourselves, and have a vote if you'd follow him . Then you can all meet for planning. You guys are a bad joke.

06-23-20, 13:26
I tell you what, all you Patriots itching to get some. Why dont you pick a leader, maybe amongst yourselves, and have a vote if you'd follow him . Then you can all meet for planning. You guys are a bad joke.

We’re waiting for our sky landlord and savior to to save the republic

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-23-20, 13:30
We’re waiting for our sky landlord and savior to to save the republic

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Get to choosing and voting...patriot...while I wait you can get to killing.

06-23-20, 13:43
JP & Tom knock off the bickering back and forth.

06-23-20, 13:45
You two gentlemen please either knock it off or take it offline. Your private public discussion is taking away from the topic.

06-23-20, 13:46
The difference is the left needs and wants community so it’s natural for them to band together for these movements. The right mostly wants to be left the hell alone so it’s very unnatural to band together and do anything.

That is probably a quite accurate statement you made there. The crux of the lib's arguments involve forced mass-participation, i.e. if you don't like it they shove it down your throat. The conservatives generally prefer to live and let live and not be bothered by anyone. That, however, may be coming to a dramatic halt in our future. The irony of wanting to be left the hell alone is that it may unfortunately be necessary to shove it down THEIR throats, and then instead of withdrawing back to our comfortable privacy we'd have to make damn sure it stayed that way for the foreseeable future.

06-23-20, 13:48
JP & Tom knock off the bickering back and forth.

Yeah, no sh*t. And they wonder why the Right can't form a cohesive mass like the commies do. So much purse swinging...

06-23-20, 13:51
That is probably a quite accurate statement you made there. The crux of the lib's arguments involve forced mass-participation, i.e. if you don't like it they shove it down your throat. The conservatives generally prefer to live and let live and not be bothered by anyone. That, however, may be coming to a dramatic halt in our future. The irony of wanting to be left the hell alone is that it may unfortunately be necessary to shove it down THEIR throats!

If someone plans to shove something down my throat, I hope they like vomit on their face. :)

06-23-20, 13:54
If someone plans to shove something down my throat, I hope they like vomit on their face. :)

Well there's always that!

The irony of what is shaping up is bewildering. In order to be left alone to your devices it is increasingly seeming like it would necessitate FORCING that view on someone else! How bizarre.

06-23-20, 14:36
It pains me to say this but I came to this conclusion over the last few years. There simply are no Americans left. There is perhaps a vestigial memory for a few of what Americans were but Americans as a people, culture, and nation are as dead as the Spartans therefore no one will defend the Republic. It's already gone.

06-23-20, 14:47
It pains me to say this but I came to this conclusion over the last few years. There simply are no Americans left. There is perhaps a vestigial memory for a few of what Americans were but Americans as a people, culture, and nation are as dead as the Spartans therefore no one will defend the Republic. It's already gone.


06-23-20, 15:05
Constitutionalism is the orthodoxy of this board. Woe to him that goes against that dogma. The constitutionalists are every bit willing to enforce that doctrine as the left is to enforce theirs. Even to the point of shunning a dissenting view. Or worse, maybe. But yet they speak of live and let live. I wonder? Maybe the country deserves to fall. I certainly think so, and I don't primarily. Blame the unbelievers. I blame mostly people like me going back hundreds of years, where it all went bad. And people like me just tolerated it. And now the constitutionalists are in a bind, the country is slipping away and the speak of a shooting war. But yet they don't have a Washington. We'll see.

06-23-20, 15:08

If Im wrong show me where the "Americans" are. And don't show me where people with government pay, equipment and sanction are "Defending" or "Protecting". Show me guys that are putting their lives, freedom, and wealth on the line without compensation or government approval like men did at the Battle of Concord. Those men have faded into history. The line in the sand guys are fooling themselves. They can't be bothered, they don't have a backbone and they aren't Americans.

06-23-20, 15:12
If Im wrong show me where the "Americans" are. And don't show me where people with government pay, equipment and sanction are "Defending" or "Protecting". Show me guys that are putting their lives, freedom, and wealth on the line without compensation or government approval like men did at the Battle of Concord. Those men have faded into history. The line in the sand guys are fooling themselves. They can't be bothered, they don't have a backbone and they aren't Americans.

The people with that kind of sack are holding 6 blocks of downtown Seattle while we piss and moan on the internet...