View Full Version : The Noose in Bubba Wallace's Car Stall

06-23-20, 07:05
This is just too suspicious to me. It was found in his garage stall.... :no:. I can't imagine that the garage stall in which every race team puts their cars in is not under surveillance and locked up tight to prevent tampering by other teams or having any access to other equipment. But it does seem to be somewhat of the perfect "Reichstag Fire" moment for NASCAR. I really think a bit obvious that this is an example of little slight of hand by the sympathetic progressive types in NASCAR wanting to shut down any opposition to and quash any dissent to the recent ban on the Confederate flag at events. Now if you like the Confederate flag, you want to hang Bubba... I think you'll be seeing more of these type of events in the future too.



john armond
06-23-20, 08:35
The “noose” may have been a garage pull down rope. It looks like several of them have been tied into loops over time to make them easier to pull. There are pictures dating back to at least 2017 truck series of the garage doors with the loops tied in the pull downs.


There have been similar events around the country of “nooses” and other racist signs being found, when in reality they aren’t and there is a simple explanation.

Sara Silverman was furious when she say swastikas all over the sidewalk, only to be told it was construction markings, that didn’t even look like swastikas. Her response was something to the effect of, when your Jewish everything looks like a swastika, or something like that.


Then there was the “klan hood” left in the window Of a college university. They turned out to be The factory projector cover.


06-23-20, 08:51
These garages have cameras everywhere. There are millions of dollars in equipment and supplies in them. If this is true and it wasn't just the garage pull it was more than likely a member of his own team which doesn't seem likely but it should be on camera.

Also, due to corona the garages are locked down and not allowing visitors.

Straight Shooter
06-23-20, 08:59
Just axin...another Jessie Smellit incident?

06-23-20, 09:10
Just axin...another Jessie Smellit incident?

He was seen tip-toeing to a pink Prius in the parking lot.

06-23-20, 10:16
If it's a hoax, it wouldn't be the first and it won't be the last.

06-23-20, 11:08
Just axin...another Jessie Smellit incident?

Exactamundo! Not even a creative attempt to stir shit up.

06-23-20, 11:50
Just axin...another Jessie Smellit incident?

IMHO, yes. It won't be the last either.

06-23-20, 12:37
These garages have cameras everywhere. There are millions of dollars in equipment and supplies in them. If this is true and it wasn't just the garage pull it was more than likely a member of his own team which doesn't seem likely but it should be on camera.

Also, due to corona the garages are locked down and not allowing visitors.

This is exactly my mindset as well. Nascar has so much security, and so many cameras in these multi-million dollar garages, they should easily have a suspect on tape somewhere. Should be found very fast if it's real and not a publicity stunt.

06-23-20, 12:52
If it is a Publicity Stunt, who benefits?
In other words follow the money...

06-23-20, 16:14
IMHO, yes. It won't be the last either.Unfortunately they will eventually stumble upon a believable narrative, its only a matter if time.

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john armond
06-23-20, 16:33
There is video on theconservativetreehouse from 2017 walking around the garage area. Several of the doors have these same loop rope pull downs. There are also severely worn ones and you can tell they were once tied in a loop and came loose. What are the chances, it was either this pull down hanging on the door, or the rope broke, and an employee just tossed the broken part to the side. Either way, as far as I can tell, it’s only open to employees/teams now due to the Beer Virus. There have to be cameras in there. Someone knows the answer, just isn’t letting it out.

06-23-20, 16:36
The first thing that came to my mind when I heard this was a publicity stunt

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06-23-20, 16:42
I want to think it was an accident and a misreading of something and now there too much embarrassment to walk back after the size of the story, but I also know enough that folks are ****ed up and do ****ed up nasty shit so I won't be surprised either way.

06-23-20, 16:48
If it is a Publicity Stunt, who benefits?
In other words follow the money...

Nascar. With the media embracing them after banning confederate flags, they will now rally and support them even more, after chalking the sport up to a bunch of dumb white hicks all these years. They will now be viewed as a sport of "change".

More, new sympathy viewers. Larger audience, advertising and so on. Nascar will now be a more "safe" advertising sport, with the woke world as it is trying to cancel every brand under the sun for dumb reasons.

06-23-20, 17:02
Mainstream media is picking up on the story. Noose was the garage pull rope and has been there since last fall. It just so happens that Wallace was assigned this garage/pit area for this race. No signs of racism or racial intent. NASCAR to hold a news conference later today.

06-23-20, 17:20
And in regards to the whole Minneapolis thing, how do we know that guy is a racist, or more importantly that he did that out of racist hate. Maybe he was just an asshole.
And in regards to the whole Minneapolis thing, how do we know that guy is a racist, or more importantly that he did that out of racist hate. Maybe he was just an asshole.

This could all end up being the Democrats Iraq war. The war started based on the premise that someone was a bad guy, but no real evidence of the indicted crime. Everybody assumed that they would be better without him/them but the chaos afterwards is going to be stunning.

06-23-20, 17:29
"You ain't black" - Joe Biden

06-23-20, 17:41
never mind....

06-23-20, 17:55
I am willing to bet Bubba and/or guilty whites planted the rope. Anything for press. What kills me is the "KING" and others are embracing him for no other reason other than he is half black. He isn't a very good driver. Danica Patrick wasn't either. All she was was a good looking women. Sounds like affirmative action to me. How is giving someone points for being a minority fair? For the record my grandmother on my fathers side was black but I look white unless you look down my pants. I doubt that qualifies me for a free cellphone.

06-23-20, 17:56
Another Racial Hoax. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.

06-23-20, 18:04
Just axin...another Jessie Smellit incident?

Justice for Juicy!!

06-23-20, 18:39
I am willing to bet Bubba and/or guilty whites planted the rope. Anything for press. What kills me is the "KING" and others are embracing him for no other reason other than he is half black. He isn't a very good driver. Danica Patrick wasn't either. All she was was a good looking women. Sounds like affirmative action to me. How is giving someone points for being a minority fair? For the record my grandmother on my fathers side was black but I look white unless you look down my pants. I doubt that qualifies me for a free cellphone.

Being Sicilian I am part black, too, so I am due reparations. This video explains it all:


06-23-20, 19:00
Being Sicilian I am part black, too, so I am due reparations.

Would you settle for repatriation?

06-23-20, 20:02
Mainstream media is picking up on the story. Noose was the garage pull rope and has been there since last fall. It just so happens that Wallace was assigned this garage/pit area for this race. No signs of racism or racial intent. NASCAR to hold a news conference later today.

FBI finds no hate crime... read between the lines and it confirms either hoax or blatant misunderstanding.


06-23-20, 20:10
Being Sicilian I am part black, too, so I am due reparations. This video explains it all:


My neighbor who is a direct descendant of slaves is now accusing me of racism because I look white. I ask him to differentiate between half white like Obama and Bubba and a 10% guy like me. Basically he says being part white is less attractive than being part black. I guess I am a looser. No problem.

06-23-20, 20:14
Another Racial Hoax. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.

Was it a hoax or did someone just misinterpret things? Breitbart was a little light on the facts.

06-23-20, 20:47
FBI finds no hate crime... read between the lines and it confirms either hoax or blatant misunderstanding.


I guess I'm not seeing a conspiracy. By accounts, Bubba never saw the "noose", but one of his team/program did. Between the current atmosphere and general snowflakedness of many, my bet is it was a panicked phone call that was overreacted to by NASCAR in an attempt to be properly woke enough. FBI is called in to show the Feds take this seriously and the incident is quickly resolved as a nothing burger. Pundits on both sides will use this as an example for their cause. It's the boy who cried wolf. The only question now is how folks react.

06-23-20, 20:51
Basically he says being part white is less attractive than being part black.

That is ****ing hilarious right there.

06-23-20, 20:54
NASCAR another used to be .

06-23-20, 21:28
If it is a Publicity Stunt, who benefits?
In other words follow the money...

This is the quote from Cicero. "Qui Bono".

06-23-20, 21:30
NASCAR another used to be .

For me, that used to be ended around 1975.

06-23-20, 22:41
Bubba Wallace asked if it wasn't a noose, then how do you explain this?


06-24-20, 05:13
It was a pull down rope for the garage door. It was looped to make it easier to grip. It was the fastest FBI investigation on record! Video shows it was there for many years. So funny, everyone I know does it on their garage doors.... or maybe everyone I know is a racist!!!


06-24-20, 05:20
Nooses hung from trees, a hate symbol and vestige of Jim Crow-era lynchings that are still used to intimidate Black people, have been sighted in at least 11 cities around the country in recent weeks, according to an unofficial tally by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Six separate incidents that were initially thought to be racist displays have turned out to be false alarms, Tuesday’s count of the incidents revealed.

One of the false-positives now includes the Sunday incident at Talladega Superspeedway, where a knotted rope was found hanging inside the garage of NASCAR’s only Black driver, Bubba Wallace. By late Tuesday afternoon, the FBI released a statement calling the incident a misunderstanding and concluded that no crime had been committed.


Nooses — dark symbols of hate — appear across US amid racial tensions (https://www.ajc.com/news/nooses-dark-symbols-hate-appear-across-amid-racial-tensions/3XrpC88dfeqz6v5rBp4NdK/)

06-24-20, 06:17
"On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway."

15 FBI agents? Seriously? The FBI has nothing better to do than investigate this kind of baloney while anarchist groups run amok?

06-24-20, 07:29
"On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway."

15 FBI agents? Seriously? The FBI has nothing better to do than investigate this kind of baloney while anarchist groups run amok?

This might be called a clue, as to where the FBI's priorities lie.

06-24-20, 08:08
This might be called a clue, as to where the FBI's priorities lie.

Bubba don’t believe the FBI anyway, probably because they are a bunch of racists, too.


06-24-20, 08:09
I take back my earlier comment. Bubba Wallace is a moron. He's doubled down and gone full retard.


If he had just come out and said "I'm really sorry for the chaos and hurt this mistake caused, but it was great the way everyone came together" it would have ended nicely, but he had to go back take another swing at it. He's a muppet.

I've lost count of the number of "nooses" I've seen and used on garage doors, panel trucks, and tractor trailers.

06-24-20, 08:22
One of two things have to be true. Bubba Wallace is just so totally rock dumb stupid that in all the years he's been racing, he has never seen a garage door pull rope or Bubba Wallace is complicit in with NASCAR officials in joining in on the BLM/ANTIFA agenda.

I guess if Bubba believes it's a noose, then he'll start accusing his car's seat belt of being a white supremacist plot to hold him hostage during the race.

NASCAR and Bubba at the very least owe the American people an apology. I'm going to hold my breath til this happens too. But the FBI has already closed this out, so I suppose there is not going to find out why this happened to begin with.

john armond
06-24-20, 08:45
I don’t think Bubba actually saw the “noose” but only saw pictures or video of it. Also, if it was a “straight up noose” as he called it, and it has been there on bay 4 (and others) since at least 2019, and more than likely 2017 based on video evidence, how can they keep calling it a “noose?” There is no way in hell a garage pull down that closes in on your hand/wrist every time you use it, as an actual noose wood, would continue to be used. It would hurt, and have to be reopened to get your hand out every time the garage pull is used. If the “noose” doesn’t collapse in on itself, it isn’t a “noose.” It’s some other form of knot, possible a bowline.

Maybe if the media actually called it by it’s proper knot name it would help, but I’m not holding my breath.

06-24-20, 08:55
So you trust the judgement of some clown that thinks a garage door rope handle was meant for him to drive next to you going 200 + mph?

06-24-20, 08:57
I wonder if Bubba has any problems putting a tie on???

What is funny is that Bubba should be another example of how far we have come in this country from the days of slavery. I'm sure between his paycheck and endorsements that he is pulling in a nice hefty 6+ figure income. He is in a position that very few people in racing ever make it into regardless of how hard they try. He has... probably had.... tons of fans of all races, colors and creeds. But now he has done nothing but create a bigger divide with people.

Another thing... what about everyone else in NASCAR who stood behind him over this issue. Did they not know that it was a garage door pull and not a real noose? This totally stinks of a purpose made issue to shut up dissent against NASCAR's decision to ban the Confederate flag and jump on board with the BLM/ANTIFA haters.

There are tons of successful people of color in this country. But yet that is not pointed out and really it shouldn't be the issue at all. I like what MLK said,"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." We are moving far far away from that ideal.

06-24-20, 09:12
So Bubba Smollett has decided to double down. He seems really pissed that it wasn't a hate crime against him. You would think you would be relieved but I guess that doesn't sell.

06-24-20, 09:52
One of two things have to be true. Bubba Wallace is just so totally rock dumb stupid that in all the years he's been racing, he has never seen a garage door pull rope or Bubba Wallace is complicit in with NASCAR officials in joining in on the BLM/ANTIFA agenda.

I guess if Bubba believes it's a noose, then he'll start accusing his car's seat belt of being a white supremacist plot to hold him hostage during the race.

NASCAR and Bubba at the very least owe the American people an apology. I'm going to hold my breath til this happens too. But the FBI has already closed this out, so I suppose there is not going to find out why this happened to begin with.

I am going with the latter. The progressive left never apologize. They double down, move the goal post, and wait for something else to come up they can jump on to take away from their dumbf*ckery. NASCAR looks more stupid then they already have been. The already pissed off fan base that still remain just got smaller.

06-24-20, 10:10
What happens too frequently when family businesses are handed down as "birthright"... when the Watsons ran IBM, Tom Sr. started Jr. out by telling him "you're gonna be this guy's *assistant*, even the CEO's kid has to earn his position by merit." Tom Jr., well... a quick Google will tell you how well this worked.

06-24-20, 11:06
What happens too frequently when family businesses are handed down as "birthright"... when the Watsons ran IBM, Tom Sr. started Jr. out by telling him "you're gonna be this guy's *assistant*, even the CEO's kid has to earn his position by merit." Tom Jr., well... a quick Google will tell you how well this worked.

Thanks for that.

06-24-20, 13:16
I don't follow NASCAR but just for the heck of it I looked up Bubba. Doesn't appear to be a lot of wins for the social justice warrior.


06-24-20, 14:06
I don't follow NASCAR but just for the heck of it I looked up Bubba. Doesn't appear to be a lot of wins for the social justice warrior.


Well at this point Bubba is guaranteed a job for life with NASCAR.

06-24-20, 14:21
Well at this point Bubba is guaranteed a job for life with NASCAR.

Probably become a commentator.

06-25-20, 05:23
Taking bets now.... There is the NASCAR All-Star race that is scheduled for July 15th in Bristol. Bubba isn't qualified to be in the race.

"To be eligible to compete in the All-Star Race, full-time drivers must have: won a 2019 or 2020 Cup Series race; won a previous All-Star Race; or be a former Cup Series champion. Drivers currently eligible include: Ryan Blaney, Alex Bowman, Kurt Busch, Kyle Busch, Chase Elliot, Justin Haley, Denny Hamlin, Kevin Harvick, Jimmie Johnson, Erik Jones, Matt Kenseth, Brad Keselowski, Joey Logano, Ryan Newman and Martin Truex Jr.

The final four spots in the All-Star Race field will be reserved for the two stage winners and race winner from the All-Star Open as well as the winner of the All-Star Fan Vote."

How much you wanna bet that he will qualify for one of the final four spots??? I'm sure the fix is in. If he doesn't, I'm sure it will be a racist act.

06-25-20, 06:07
I don't follow NASCAR but just for the heck of it I looked up Bubba. Doesn't appear to be a lot of wins for the social justice warrior.


If I were snarky, I would draw a parallel with a certain QB in the NFL.

06-25-20, 10:14
I have several friends And neighbors who work in in race team garages, former drivers, etc, for NASCAR, Indy, F1... I live in racing central. I know way more about NASCAR gossip than a guy who doesn’t care about NASCAR should. It was assumed a hoax all along because it was obvious and normal to put hand holds on garage door ropes. Many have little plastic handles. NASCAR is running with it trying to appease the woke masses and garner fans. Because it’s dying. And it won’t work. A bunch incredibly wealthy families that largely promote from within. This isn’t baseball. Any wannabe driver needs hundreds of thousands of dollars just to race amateur. It’s not a populist sport for those who want to be involved.

Anyway. It’s telling that Wallace mentioned in his don lemon video that he failed pre race inspection several times. On his last trip to the garage, the “noose” was found. And miraculously he passed pre race inspection. In other words. They were determined to cheat. Kept getting caught until they figured out a way to distract from the illegal mods to his car and finally got it through... its likely smoke and mirrors And now he gets a free pass for the length of his career. A friend is trying to figure out what he kept getting sent back to the garage for. Also note that he led several laps that race. Considering he is a mediocre driver.

06-25-20, 12:13
I have several friends And neighbors who work in in race team garages, former drivers, etc, for NASCAR, Indy, F1... I live in racing central. I know way more about NASCAR gossip than a guy who doesn’t care about NASCAR should. It was assumed a hoax all along because it was obvious and normal to put hand holds on garage door ropes. Many have little plastic handles. NASCAR is running with it trying to appease the woke masses and garner fans. Because it’s dying. And it won’t work. A bunch incredibly wealthy families that largely promote from within. This isn’t baseball. Any wannabe driver needs hundreds of thousands of dollars just to race amateur. It’s not a populist sport for those who want to be involved.

Anyway. It’s telling that Wallace mentioned in his don lemon video that he failed pre race inspection several times. On his last trip to the garage, the “noose” was found. And miraculously he passed pre race inspection. In other words. They were determined to cheat. Kept getting caught until they figured out a way to distract from the illegal mods to his car and finally got it through... its likely smoke and mirrors And now he gets a free pass for the length of his career. A friend is trying to figure out what he kept getting sent back to the garage for. Also note that he led several laps that race. Considering he is a mediocre driver.

Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out both short & long...I'm sure Petty wants to dump him due to his lack of talent & now feels trapped.

The guy is nothing but another another smollett...the fact he doubled down on lemon's show says it all.

26 Inf
06-25-20, 16:46
I wonder if Bubba has any problems putting a tie on???

What is funny is that Bubba should be another example of how far we have come in this country from the days of slavery. I'm sure between his paycheck and endorsements that he is pulling in a nice hefty 6+ figure income. He is in a position that very few people in racing ever make it into regardless of how hard they try. He has... probably had.... tons of fans of all races, colors and creeds. But now he has done nothing but create a bigger divide with people.

Another thing... what about everyone else in NASCAR who stood behind him over this issue. Did they not know that it was a garage door pull and not a real noose? This totally stinks of a purpose made issue to shut up dissent against NASCAR's decision to ban the Confederate flag and jump on board with the BLM/ANTIFA haters.

There are tons of successful people of color in this country. But yet that is not pointed out and really it shouldn't be the issue at all. I like what MLK said,"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." We are moving far far away from that ideal.

The way I read the stories, NASCAR started this fracas, Bubba, up to a point, was just along for the ride.

Wallace told Lemon he found out about the noose’s presence in his garage Sunday, when NASCAR President Steve Phelps told him about it.

“The look that he had on his face alerted me in a way that I’ll never forget," he said.

Wallace said he was frustrated because the incident has some questioning his character.

“It doesn’t matter if we provide evidence, photos,” the NASCAR driver said. “It will always be photoshopped. I will always have haters.”

Prescient, the young man is, prescient.

06-26-20, 00:43
Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out both short & long...I'm sure Petty wants to dump him due to his lack of talent & now feels trapped.

The guy is nothing but another another smollett...the fact he doubled down on lemon's show says it all.

Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out both short & long...I'm sure Petty wants to dump him due to his lack of talent & now feels trapped.

The guy is nothing but another another smollett...the fact he doubled down on lemon's show says it all.

If it was a way to distract from cheating. We will never know. Look at Nelson Piquet Jr., the racing world isn’t kind to people who roll over on there bosses...

Wallace May have just been a pawn in this. But he’s getting his 15 minutes. And will probably be forgotten as soon as the next media crisis comes along.

06-26-20, 05:21
The way I read the stories, NASCAR started this fracas, Bubba, up to a point, was just along for the ride.

Wallace told Lemon he found out about the noose’s presence in his garage Sunday, when NASCAR President Steve Phelps told him about it.

“The look that he had on his face alerted me in a way that I’ll never forget," he said.

Wallace said he was frustrated because the incident has some questioning his character.

“It doesn’t matter if we provide evidence, photos,” the NASCAR driver said. “It will always be photoshopped. I will always have haters.”

Prescient, the young man is, prescient.

Humm, I wonder how Steve Phelps knew about it then. It would seem odd to me that he went to Bubba's garage stall for any reason. Maybe it was him who tied it..??? I would't put it past a leftie to do something like that.

NASCAR also said it went through all stalls at all tracks and Bubba's stall in Talladega was the only one that had a noose tied up. It probably was as I'm sure about 2 seconds after all this started, every team owner, crew chief, etc. probably flat out ran to their stalls to check for any pull down ropes that were looped up and pulled down any that were.

06-26-20, 05:27
If it was a way to distract from cheating. We will never know. Look at Nelson Piquet Jr., the racing world isn’t kind to people who roll over on there bosses...

Wallace May have just been a pawn in this. But he’s getting his 15 minutes. And will probably be forgotten as soon as the next media crisis comes along.

Well, we do have a little clue about cheating. Bubba's car failed inspection 3 different times for the Talledega race. That meant he had to start at the rear of the pack.

06-26-20, 08:49
Humm, I wonder how Steve Phelps knew about it then. It would seem odd to me that he went to Bubba's garage stall for any reason. Maybe it was him who tied it..??? I would't put it past a leftie to do something like that.

NASCAR also said it went through all stalls at all tracks and Bubba's stall in Talladega was the only one that had a noose tied up. It probably was as I'm sure about 2 seconds after all this started, every team owner, crew chief, etc. probably flat out ran to their stalls to check for any pull down ropes that were looped up and pulled down any that were.

It’s pretty clear that rope in the stall next to it was really long and had a knot recently undone. You want the FBI to investigate something, have them look at who untied knots that day, not tied knots years ago....

06-26-20, 09:26
This is a weak attempt by NASCAR and later Wallace to gain some publicity.
Well it worked, we all know NASCAR and Bubba Wallace now and nobody gives a damn. The audience for Wallace and NASCAR are leaving in droves, smoove move dummies.
White Guilt Much?

06-26-20, 10:20
I don't follow NASCAR but just for the heck of it I looked up Bubba. Doesn't appear to be a lot of wins for the social justice warrior.


Bubba is now NASCAR’s Kapernick

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26 Inf
06-26-20, 10:29
I don't follow NASCAR but just for the heck of it I looked up Bubba. Doesn't appear to be a lot of wins for the social justice warrior.


I quit following NASCAR several years ago when they changed the format. So things may have changed.

Petty is an underfunded operation compared to other teams, so all in all, finishing better than he started - on average - says something.

But, you kinda have to know what your talking about.

06-26-20, 11:48
I quit following NASCAR several years ago when they changed the format. So things may have changed.

Petty is an underfunded operation compared to other teams, so all in all, finishing better than he started - on average - says something.

But, you kinda have to know what your talking about.

I quit watching awhile back too. I even worked a part time job at Daytona Speedway when I went to back to college. I was there when Dale died. Restrictor plates and then the homogeneous bodies pretty much killed it for me.

06-26-20, 13:16
I lost interest when Alan Kulwicki died.

26 Inf
06-26-20, 19:48
I quit watching awhile back too. I even worked a part time job at Daytona Speedway when I went to back to college. I was there when Dale died. Restrictor plates and then the homogeneous bodies pretty much killed it for me.

I worked at Kansas Speedway for a couple of races. Once I was assigned security for commentator and camera crew. I thought they were kind of stand-offish at first, when they asked me to hold a piece of equipment, I said sure 'but, I gotta know, am I getting paid as a camer guy now, cuz, I'm pretty sure that would be a raise.' Everyone laughed and then we had a good time the rest of the race.

Also worked a couple of autograph sessions, overall the drivers were pretty decent and friendly to us worker bees, some of the 'beloved' figures, not so much, Mark Martin, anyone?

It was fun to do it a couple of times, but after that, nah.

06-26-20, 21:13
Since when were knots racist?

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06-27-20, 06:49
Since when were knots racist?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

About the same time the “OK” hand gesture became racist.

06-27-20, 08:51
About the same time the “OK” hand gesture became racist.

What do SCUBA divers use nowadays? When I used to dive, the "OK" sign was used all the time.

Back on subject, when we moved into a newly purchased house, the emergency rope to disconnect the garage door lift mechanism looked like a noose, and hung low. I had to make a lighter loop, more turns, to raise it. So....?

06-27-20, 11:40
Petty is an underfunded operation compared to other teams, so all in all, finishing better than he started - on average - says something.

Sounds like it's time for congress to investigate wealth disparity racial injustice in NASCAR.

06-27-20, 11:42
Sounds like it's time for congress to investigate wealth disparity racial injustice in NASCAR.

And win disparity too.

06-27-20, 14:19
Time to call the Thought Crimes Division again. Another racist noose found.


06-28-20, 13:55
A friend is trying to figure out what he kept getting sent back to the garage for. Also note that he led several laps that race. Considering he is a mediocre driver.

Yeah, that's my argument from the outset - he is good enough to justify a seat, but is a mid-pack racer, and it does make sense to keep him there, but your'e spot on about there being far better talent that doesn't get a shot because it requires bins of cash to get anywhere in top level motorsport to even get seen if you have the skills.

I gave up on NASCAR once they starting screwing with the championship format, and completely lost interest when races stopped being about actually completing the distance in the fastest time.

It had devolved into the France family and a few others trying to milk the audience for all they're worth a ways back, to me the best part of it is that a lot of drivers decided to start their own dirt track race teams, and that's done more for the sport than NASCAR as an organizing body ever has.

06-28-20, 14:38
Yeah, I believe him. :blink:


06-28-20, 18:39
So when do we crush the SJW's under our heel finally? Getting tired of this crap.

06-28-20, 20:47
Who’s going to tell bubba more white people were lynched than black people?

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06-28-20, 23:58
Just axin...another Jessie Smellit incident?

I thought his name was “Juicey Smole-yay”.

06-29-20, 01:45


06-29-20, 02:17



06-29-20, 09:06



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06-29-20, 09:14



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06-29-20, 09:15
