View Full Version : Who will take the lead?

06-23-20, 20:10
Mods, previous thread, short one particular earnest attempt at continually derailing it; had some meaningful points and I'm hopeful that this is enough of a different tact as to remain viable:

It is my understanding of the role of SF/Green Berets is to rally, train, unite and lead indigenous populations to stand up to their oppressor/enemy. if that is indeed the case, would it not follow that if these guys have the talent and the stones to go to some far off land, often paying the ultimate price for their efforts, and get rag tag groups of individuals, with probably less skill than your average "gun toting" M4cer, whipped into an actual fighting force; could they not be exactly what we are looking for to lead us at this point?

And I'm not talking some Rambo charge into the heart of Seattle but instead, showing exactly what the left is showing; some organization, a central message, proof that even the media can't ignore that we don't want these leftist/socialist/antagonists destroying the country that we love. I'm talking about getting together with those that want to stand up to this nonsense but don't have anyone with the experience and the cajones to lead it? And yes, I do see what is happening to those that have tried in small groups to stand up already but success seems to occur when large, at least semi-organized groups showing some will and resolve and ready and waiting when these leftists start coming into areas looking to get a foothold, set up shop and start tearing things down.

I've worked and trained with some of these guys in the last decade or so and honestly, they are a different breed. What's going on has to be especially galling for them as more than a few I'd wager, have lost teammates, friends and brothers while representing the sorry rest of us in practically every "shithole" this planet has to offer. How do we, hoping that we have half the bravado that we often show from behind a keyboard, let these real-life warriors know that we're willing to do something, anything, now, not later before it's too far gone.

I'm tired of defending every American virtue and being labeled racist/nazi/zenophobe/redneck/fascist/whatever, I'm tired of hearing how the flag is racist, I'm tired of hearing that it's okay to rip down and rewrite history, I'm tired of watching the corporate world bow to these race baiting psychopaths as they disgrace this country over and over again. This is not the America I want left for my kids, and their kids. I may not have the credentials to lead people to stop this crap, but I'd damn sure follow someone who did. And if no one steps up, I guess I'd have to put my money where my mouth is and give it a go anyway if I really am serious. I'd like to think that's how Trump came to actually want to run; that he really did just not see anyone stepping up to stop the Obama/Clinton/leftist snowball that was literally going unchecked...

I'm right in the middle of enemy territory here in Marlton, NJ and I want to know how we get the 60 million plus; I'd like to think closer to 80 million now, that would vote against the left to stop whining about shit on the internet (like I'm pretty much doing right now) and step up. For Christ's sakes, how much more of a foothold do we let these people have before we dig in?? Not everyone can fit in Texas...

06-23-20, 20:33
How bad has it effected you being as you said in the middle of it ?

Can you safely go to the store ? In the eve ? Or only day ?

Have you friends loved ones Etc... had damage done to property ? Threatened ?

I hear ya I wait for the snap and when/if it snaps we might not snap back

The left antifa types riot destroy business for years and nothing has happened
Whoever posted that vid of the dude holding a rifle to someone and nothing ?
Reverse that and you will be in trouble

I won’t hold my breath for patriots fighting back UNTIL family loved ones start being heavily effected/killed and I think those in power on the left no to go just short of this and just wear folks down to compliance as we try to obey laws they ignore

06-23-20, 21:33
I find it really disheartening that after 244 yrs. of living from the benefit of the actions taken by a well armed and regulated militia, all the while generation after generation being taught and tested in school what Washington and his army did to overcome tyranny and give birth to a free country, that we are now find ourselves at a loss for a solution. We were warned 244 years ago this might happen and probably would happen, thats why our Founders formed the Constitution and left us with instructions; keep your guns, form a well armed, regulated militia to protect the country we left you.

Now we sit on our collective asses wringing our hands while watching helplessly as the symbols and statues of those great men that left us this country are torn down and erased from our history.

Anytime I use the "M word" or word 'militia' I am automatically stigmatized as a far right extremist, whatever that is. I got a week ban from an AK forum recently because "talking politics was not what our General Forum is about." So much for free speech and open dialogue.

06-23-20, 21:33
How bad has it effected you being as you said in the middle of it ?

Can you safely go to the store ? In the eve ? Or only day ?

Have you friends loved ones Etc... had damage done to property ? Threatened ?

I hear ya I wait for the snap and when/if it snaps we might not snap back

The left antifa types riot destroy business for years and nothing has happened
Whoever posted that vid of the dude holding a rifle to someone and nothing ?
Reverse that and you will be in trouble

I won’t hold my breath for patriots fighting back UNTIL family loved ones start being heavily effected/killed and I think those in power on the left no to go just short of this and just wear folks down to compliance as we try to obey laws they ignore

^^^ Like!^^^^^

06-23-20, 21:44
I have friends directly affected with businesses trashed in NY and neighborhoods trashed in Philadelphia. I was having to make my way past and though what was well past protesting in Philly getting to and from work during the worst of it. Been "lucky" that nothing worthy of being called rioting has been any closer than 10 miles away or so from my home. But all it takes is that one trigger, the guy "re-creating" with his knee in his son's neck that got caught by someone's phone and the following days, it's happening right in your front yard, forget about "your own back yard." Was headed into the mob on 676 as a fellow employee got caught up and she had no way out. She was terrified, said she kept picturing the guy in the "old videos from LA riots,
getting pulled out of his truck and beaten." And now I see the aftermath, the businesses not coming back, the people that are moving away, the police getting no support, it's like a bad dream and it is not fixing itself.

06-23-20, 21:52
Mods, previous thread, short one particular earnest attempt at continually derailing it; had some meaningful points and I'm hopeful that this is enough of a different tact as to remain viable:

It is my understanding of the role of SF/Green Berets is to rally, train, unite and lead indigenous populations to stand up to their oppressor/enemy. if that is indeed the case, would it not follow that if these guys have the talent and the stones to go to some far off land, often paying the ultimate price for their efforts, and get rag tag groups of individuals, with probably less skill than your average "gun toting" M4cer, whipped into an actual fighting force; could they not be exactly what we are looking for to lead us at this point?

Right off the top of my head Posse Comitatus prevents the US military from deploying on US soil to enforce domestic policy. Additionally the role of the US Special Forces is not to direct or influence policy in the United States.

The US would have to break down completely and dissolve before it would be permissible and then ironically enough that permission would no longer be necessary. Currently there is only one group advocating for "break it all the way down and start over" and that is Antifa and elements of BLM and other marxist based groups in that alliance. It's rather distressing to see anyone here who might be advocating the same and believing themselves justified because they are on the opposite political extreme.

And as the other thread demonstrated, there are some problems with a "rise up" faction of political conservatives which by their nature tend to be "conservative." Then there is the problem of political cohesion which was demonstrated on the other thread. Then there is the problem of what happens IF we rise up, what direction would it go and how would we fix it if we created something even more terrible.

CHAZ is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for. They were around for a month and pretty much only proved it you don't want the police, the police won't be there when a couple guys get shot, even if they are black and supposedly their lives matter so much. Obviously didn't matter enough, nothing they did prevented the shooting, the volunteers who transported the victims didn't do a very impressive job for their six blocks of constituents.

What do you imagine a nationwide reboot might look like with that as an example? 250 years ago we were far more cohesive as a nation and a people and we were still far from perfect. This second civil war shit has been around since the beginning of the internet and honestly even before the internet and sadly seems to be a step child of every firearms organization I've ever seen and every generation that comes along acts like they are the first person to discover it and it's "serious and they really mean it this time."

Currently the only place truly under siege was CHAZ and that happened only because the local populace supported it. The fact that the mayor of Seattle is batshit insane and City Council member Kshama Sawant is a member of the Trotskyist Socialist Alternative party is why it wasn't shut down immediately.

If you have actual communists in your local government you are at risk. I'd urge everyone in that situation to do everything they can to remedy their local situation. But that doesn't mean we need to restart the entire United States, some place are just fine and will continue to be just fine. Things could be better, but they could always be better.

06-23-20, 22:07
Those men you speak of have witnessed what civil wars really are. Nobody who has experienced that reality wants to see it happen here. It reminds me of that humpty dumpy rhyme. If we break this egg, it ain't going back together. Whatever happens, whoever "wins", what this country is will be gone forever. Whatever comes to pass on the other side will be less, and almost assuredly worse than what we have now. This nation is a unique construct, if we break it there will never be another like it.

Somehow we have to put aside the spectacle that our politics/media/social divisions have become. We ain't gonna fight our way out of it, how are you gonna get people to fight that are too freaking lazy to vote. We ain't gonna argue and blame our way back. Somehow folks are gonna have to pitch in together and work our way out. I fear that will never happen, but I hope. Until I lose that hope my "sword" will hang above my mantle to defend hearth and home.

If I ever need to buckle on my "sword" again to try to "save" some remnant of liberty it will be the saddest day of my life.

06-23-20, 22:16
Those men you speak of have witnessed what civil wars really are. Nobody who has experienced that reality wants to see it happen here. It reminds me of that humpty dumpy rhyme. If we break this egg, it ain't going back together. Whatever happens, whoever "wins", what this country is will be gone forever. Whatever comes to pass on the other side will be less, and almost assuredly worse than what we have now. This nation is a unique construct, if we break it there will never be another like it.

Somehow we have to put aside the spectacle that our politics/media/social divisions have become. We ain't gonna fight our way out of it, how are you gonna get people to fight that are too freaking lazy to vote. We ain't gonna argue and blame our way back. Somehow folks are gonna have to pitch in together and work our way out. I fear that will never happen, but I hope. Until I lose that hope my "sword" will hang above my mantle to defend hearth and home.

If I ever need to buckle on my "sword" again to try to "save" some remnant of liberty it will be the saddest day of my life.


Anyone who thinks they want a civil war should look at Somalia because that is what it looks like.

06-23-20, 22:19
Right off the top of my head Posse Comitatus prevents the US military from deploying on US soil to enforce domestic policy. Additionally the role of the US Special Forces is not to direct or influence policy in the United States.

The US would have to break down completely and dissolve before it would be permissible and then ironically enough that permission would no longer be necessary. Currently there is only one group advocating for "break it all the way down and start over" and that is Antifa and elements of BLM and other marxist based groups in that alliance. It's rather distressing to see anyone here who might be advocating the same and believing themselves justified because they are on the opposite political extreme.

And as the other thread demonstrated, there are some problems with a "rise up" faction of political conservatives which by their nature tend to be "conservative." Then there is the problem of political cohesion which was demonstrated on the other thread. Then there is the problem of what happens IF we rise up, what direction would it go and how would we fix it if we created something even more terrible.

CHAZ is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for. They were around for a month and pretty much only proved it you don't want the police, the police won't be there when a couple guys get shot, even if they are black and supposedly their lives matter so much. Obviously didn't matter enough, nothing they did prevented the shooting, the volunteers who transported the victims didn't do a very impressive job for their six blocks of constituents.

What do you imagine a nationwide reboot might look like with that as an example? 250 years ago we were far more cohesive as a nation and a people and we were still far from perfect. This second civil war shit has been around since the beginning of the internet and honestly even before the internet and sadly seems to be a step child of every firearms organization I've ever seen and every generation that comes along acts like they are the first person to discover it and it's "serious and they really mean it this time."

Currently the only place truly under siege was CHAZ and that happened only because the local populace supported it. The fact that the mayor of Seattle is batshit insane and City Council member Kshama Sawant is a member of the Trotskyist Socialist Alternative party is why it wasn't shut down immediately.

If you have actual communists in your local government you are at risk. I'd urge everyone in that situation to do everything they can to remedy their local situation. But that doesn't mean we need to restart the entire United States, some place are just fine and will continue to be just fine. Things could be better, but they could always be better.

I'm not suggesting current, active SF swoop in and lead a rebellion or counter insurgency. I'm talking about someone rallying those of us that don't want every statue torn down, that don't want to be forced to use a different pronoun when some poor soul can't figure out if they're male or female, people that don't want to continue having our tax dollars used to attack political enemies of the left, who don't want to be fired for having an opinion that isn't supported by the mainstream media. How long do you just sit and let it happen without doing anything? Again, because it's relevant, like Trump took the reins on the ideology of at least half the country, when no one else was willing to put themselves through the wringer that he had to know was coming, but did it anyway. What if the next great SCOTUS judge just says no thanks because of the way the left was allowed to drop the hoax hammer on Kavanaugh; the next great president takes a pass as he doesn't want the three letter agencies turned on him and everyone he knows? I'm looking for that person or group that will show that it's not okay to suggest that members of an administrative get threatened when they're in public, that will stand up and say it's not okay to extort the country with a lie about systemic police brutality, that it's not okay to riot, loot, attack, burn and intimidate anyone who's politics are different from your own. Lots of people in my agency won't even voice an opinion as they don't want to deal with the extreme reactions of both other employees and the agency itself. That's not the way this is supposed to work and not something we can let continue.

06-23-20, 22:33
We've done nothing while they've taken over our teachers, the education system, our colleges and universities, the media, Hollywood. So we just shrug and say, "well, we can't have a civil war so let's do nothing and watch it burn?" Of course civil war is not the answer, nowhere near that, and no one who has fought wants to ever see that, but to say we can't do that so let's do nothing is just as dumb. So, no disrespect, but don't restate the obvious, that we don't want a civil war, and just stop. Again, that's where you need people to speak up, step to the front, drag the rest of us along to show there's more to the country than what the media shovels out every waking minute. I don't have the answer and any fo knows the answer isn't all out civil war. But as the Chinese just showed, you can change an awful lot without firing a shot. So how do we change an awful lot, without shooting everyone? Who will lead that "movement?"

06-24-20, 01:22
I'm not suggesting current, active SF swoop in and lead a rebellion or counter insurgency. I'm talking about someone rallying those of us that don't want every statue torn down, that don't want to be forced to use a different pronoun when some poor soul can't figure out if they're male or female, people that don't want to continue having our tax dollars used to attack political enemies of the left, who don't want to be fired for having an opinion that isn't supported by the mainstream media. How long do you just sit and let it happen without doing anything? Again, because it's relevant, like Trump took the reins on the ideology of at least half the country, when no one else was willing to put themselves through the wringer that he had to know was coming, but did it anyway. What if the next great SCOTUS judge just says no thanks because of the way the left was allowed to drop the hoax hammer on Kavanaugh; the next great president takes a pass as he doesn't want the three letter agencies turned on him and everyone he knows? I'm looking for that person or group that will show that it's not okay to suggest that members of an administrative get threatened when they're in public, that will stand up and say it's not okay to extort the country with a lie about systemic police brutality, that it's not okay to riot, loot, attack, burn and intimidate anyone who's politics are different from your own. Lots of people in my agency won't even voice an opinion as they don't want to deal with the extreme reactions of both other employees and the agency itself. That's not the way this is supposed to work and not something we can let continue.

As some enlightened person noted in another topic of a similar nature, we still haven't reached that "awkward stage where it's too late to work within the system and too early to start shooting the bastards."

But by all means if you believe it's time to form an A team in your zip code, that is your business.

06-24-20, 01:25
We've done nothing while they've taken over our teachers, the education system, our colleges and universities, the media, Hollywood. So we just shrug and say, "well, we can't have a civil war so let's do nothing and watch it burn?" Of course civil war is not the answer, nowhere near that, and no one who has fought wants to ever see that, but to say we can't do that so let's do nothing is just as dumb. So, no disrespect, but don't restate the obvious, that we don't want a civil war, and just stop. Again, that's where you need people to speak up, step to the front, drag the rest of us along to show there's more to the country than what the media shovels out every waking minute. I don't have the answer and any fo knows the answer isn't all out civil war. But as the Chinese just showed, you can change an awful lot without firing a shot. So how do we change an awful lot, without shooting everyone? Who will lead that "movement?"

Maybe we can have an open mic night at the comedy club?

06-24-20, 03:16
Sadly yes they have

My kids were/are homeschooled my daughter in a good private Christian college

I refuse to go to movies can wait to see for free online if I want
Refuse to shop at certain places etc.... but few do this they talk but no action
Folks should boycott all sports cancel all cable quit supporting stores that bend the knee etc... but they don’t and wont a few do they are mocked instead ?

So we (wife and I) have done what we can as many of our friends have sometimes you can only do so much

If everyone homeschooled ? Instead I hear excuses
Everyone boycotted all movies sports instead excuses

We are still way to comfy IMHO

I used to live in Honduras and LaCeiba or San Pedro Sula or Tegucigalpa will make you realize what tough life violence really is when you see the insanity of bario 18 or ms13 first hand watch folks get butchered with machetes or just walked up to and POP and you step around bodies and pools of blood and still that city keeps going and still some won’t can’t fight back

Again does your store have food do you have water are your loved ones being kidnapped raped murdered

Last week I went in to Costco no shortage of any food no fear for my life gas is cheap went to gun shop bought a pistol I wanted got some new shoes made a nice dinner played some video games etc... our country is not Honduras yet hope it never is been there done that
upside I know what I am capable of and tested real world

yeah it’s strange times so start get a group and homeschool cancel all cable and sports and avoid stores that alone would shake things up
I do what I can
But not ready to start killing folks life is still really good

People need to push back first in other ways
Every single American conservative gun owner canceled cable canceled amazon prime quit going to the movies quit all sports watching quit shopping at Walmart and target and pulled their kids and homeschooled the shockwave would be insane and those companies would get hurt really bad and policies would shift
But they won’t instead excuses

We've done nothing while they've taken over our teachers, the education system, our colleges and universities, the media, Hollywood. So we just shrug and say, "well, we can't have a civil war so let's do nothing and watch it burn?" Of course civil war is not the answer, nowhere near that, and no one who has fought wants to ever see that, but to say we can't do that so let's do nothing is just as dumb. So, no disrespect, but don't restate the obvious, that we don't want a civil war, and just stop. Again, that's where you need people to speak up, step to the front, drag the rest of us along to show there's more to the country than what the media shovels out every waking minute. I don't have the answer and any fo knows the answer isn't all out civil war. But as the Chinese just showed, you can change an awful lot without firing a shot. So how do we change an awful lot, without shooting everyone? Who will lead that "movement?"

Evel Baldgui
06-24-20, 04:53
The post above mentioned 'comfy'. THAT is the reason that the 'right' or 'conservatives' or 'we' don't do a damn thing about antifa, blm, and assorted democratic socialist scum in congress. We are all comfortable......until we are not. If 60 million of 'us' cancelled amazon, Netflix,boycotted Walmart etc, well, they still have 100 million who would not. Home schooling isn't happening, most households have two working parents, which makes it problematic. Mention was made by the OP re using special op/green berets in COIN. What makes you think 'they' aren't working with antifa, blm and assorted groups to undermine the nation. There is a 5th generation war transpiring in this country, with very sinister forces at play that the average or even above average citizen is clueless about. For now, grocery stores are full, gas is inexpensive, everyone has cell phones and FB and IG, Internet forums, etc. People go about their mundane boring predicable stress free lives, without worry other than an occasional tsk, tsk look at that Mabel on tv ! Riots in downtown? amazon will deliver my nikes, no worry. Comfort is king. Others here have spent time living outside the US, in my case,Puerto Vallarta, Cd. Juarez, DF Mexico, the Caribbean, and a short time in Caracas many years ago. Venezuela's decline into anarchy and misery for the masses started the same way as things are occurring in the US now. People were comfortable, until they weren't, then it was too late. How to avoid becoming Venezuela is the question. Being that the vast majority of U.S.inhabitants are morons, exemplified by voting in such miscreants as AOC and the likes of Schumer,Pelosi, Nagler, Bloomberg, Sanders, Biden, time and time again, I see little hope for the future. Prepare accordingly.

06-24-20, 04:59

ELIZABETH ROGLIANI: Why do I even worry about some silly little statues coming down or some silly little street names changing? Why do I care?

It is because the last time I didn't care about this, I was a teenager. I have already lived through this thing when I was living in Venezuela. Statues came down -- Chavez didn't want that history displayed. And then he changed the street names. Then came the [school curricula]. Then some movies couldn't be shown, then certain TV channels, and so on and so forth.

You guys think this can't happen to you, I've heard it so many times. But always be on guard. Never believe something can't happen to you. You've got to defend your country and your society or it will be destroyed.

We didn't believe it could happen to us. Most Venezuelans --Cubans warned us-- and we were like, "This is Venezuela, we know about freedom. That's not going to happen here." Yet it happened. And there are literally a lot of people wanting to destroy the U.S.

06-24-20, 05:14

ELIZABETH ROGLIANI: Why do I even worry about some silly little statues coming down or some silly little street names changing? Why do I care?

It is because the last time I didn't care about this, I was a teenager. I have already lived through this thing when I was living in Venezuela. Statues came down -- Chavez didn't want that history displayed. And then he changed the street names. Then came the [school curricula]. Then some movies couldn't be shown, then certain TV channels, and so on and so forth.

You guys think this can't happen to you, I've heard it so many times. But always be on guard. Never believe something can't happen to you. You've got to defend your country and your society or it will be destroyed.

We didn't believe it could happen to us. Most Venezuelans --Cubans warned us-- and we were like, "This is Venezuela, we know about freedom. That's not going to happen here." Yet it happened. And there are literally a lot of people wanting to destroy the U.S.

She was interviewed on the Angle starting and 29:00 minutes...

BTW, she is smokin' hot.

06-24-20, 05:24
Maybe we can have an open mic night at the comedy club?

Come on, I stay on this site because I want to hear what you guys have to say. If you don't think we have to worry, you can leave it at that. I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm not naive enough to think that running into the street guns blazing is the answer and I'd actually like open mic night, if it was a person like those here that have been down this road. Toppling statues, changing definitions, cramming down on rights, limiting the citizens 2A, penalizing for simply disagreeing with the left, not enforcing laws, borders, etc using three letter agencies against political opponents and controlling the media are warning signs Steyr, I just don't want to bury my head in the sand only to wake up in 3 years,five years, ten years and find it's too late right?
Clearly, I don't have the definitive answer but this sure looks like stuff I've seen before and it never ended well.

06-24-20, 05:45
I don't know if I'm just not being clear, but this month the entire FBI was offered training that gave us an overview of crossfire hurricane and the providied theme was that it was a bunch of mistakes. I can't sign out a roll of tape without all kinds of policies and procedures in place. You have to be a complete idiot to think this is a series of mistakes but yet that's where we are? Is that a sign that things are failing at the core?what I would have expected is for the new leadership to come in and state those people lost their moral compass and allowed their politics to guide them through their job which was unacceptable and that they were penalized to the fullest extent of the law. But that's not what happened.

06-24-20, 06:14
I don't know if I'm just not being clear, but this month the entire FBI was offered training that gave us an overview of crossfire hurricane and the providied theme was that it was a bunch of mistakes. I can't sign out a roll of tape without all kinds of policies and procedures in place. You have to be a complete idiot to think this is a series of mistakes but yet that's where we are? Is that a sign that things are failing at the core?what I would have expected is for the new leadership to come in and state those people lost their moral compass and allowed their politics to guide them through their job which was unacceptable and that they were penalized to the fullest extent of the law. But that's not what happened.

The FBI has been infiltrated and is not on our (Americas) side. Just look at the last 3 directors, McCabe, Comey, Muller, and the current one cant't be trusted either.

Also check out Matt Walsh on the Daily Wire. His last podcast details at least a half dozen black on white attacks with zero charges filed.

Alex V
06-24-20, 08:30
This whole "it doesn't effect me directly" thing reminds me of a poem by some priest in Germany... some Niemöller guy. A nevermind, I can get a case of beer and Hulu has every season of the X-files....

This is why we will lose, because it's always "not time yet"

06-24-20, 09:25
Also check out Matt Walsh on the Daily Wire. His last podcast details at least a half dozen black on white attacks with zero charges filed.

Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

And it's gone

06-24-20, 09:37
Link worked for me

06-24-20, 11:42
Come on, I stay on this site because I want to hear what you guys have to say. If you don't think we have to worry, you can leave it at that. I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm not naive enough to think that running into the street guns blazing is the answer and I'd actually like open mic night, if it was a person like those here that have been down this road. Toppling statues, changing definitions, cramming down on rights, limiting the citizens 2A, penalizing for simply disagreeing with the left, not enforcing laws, borders, etc using three letter agencies against political opponents and controlling the media are warning signs Steyr, I just don't want to bury my head in the sand only to wake up in 3 years,five years, ten years and find it's too late right?
Clearly, I don't have the definitive answer but this sure looks like stuff I've seen before and it never ended well.
Then what do you want us to say - what do you want to hear? And if you were told that you were being recruited to target assassinate anyone who supports mob rule or un-equal application of justice, are you ready to drop everything (family, job, etc.) and join that movement? Are you ready to murder in the name of "Equal Justice" and Constitutional Rights to restore the United States to an earlier mindset and framework?

Too many of these discussions tiptoe around the killing aspect. It's always some glorious movement of proud Patriots restoring righteousness to the Country where the silent majority has been oppressed. You'll see 'em driving around with American Flags on poles secured to the back of their Jeep or Pickup Truck, tearing around the local town, letting you know they're MAGA to the MAX. This stuff is complicated, and it's going to take more than the Bubba element in society to sort it all out.

In the meantime I will continue to chase cows, and if ever called back to assist in the 2nd American Revolution, find me a single engine helicopter that I can practice with. Takeoff and flying are easy - precise landing requires a more delicate touch and I'd need a big field or parking lot to refresh my skills. Haven't piloted one in 20 years.

06-24-20, 12:46
Then what do you want us to say - what do you want to hear? And if you were told that you were being recruited to target assassinate anyone who supports mob rule or un-equal application of justice, are you ready to drop everything (family, job, etc.) and join that movement? Are you ready to murder in the name of "Equal Justice" and Constitutional Rights to restore the United States to an earlier mindset and framework?

Too many of these discussions tiptoe around the killing aspect. It's always some glorious movement of proud Patriots restoring righteousness to the Country where the silent majority has been oppressed. You'll see 'em driving around with American Flags on poles secured to the back of their Jeep or Pickup Truck, tearing around the local town, letting you know they're MAGA to the MAX. This stuff is complicated, and it's going to take more than the Bubba element in society to sort it all out.

In the meantime I will continue to chase cows, and if ever called back to assist in the 2nd American Revolution, find me a single engine helicopter that I can practice with. Takeoff and flying are easy - precise landing requires a more delicate touch and I'd need a big field or parking lot to refresh my skills. Haven't piloted one in 20 years.

What I want to hear and what I want to see is that when these people that simply want to tear everything down start showing even an inkling to be somewhere, I want to know that when I go there first to show that not everyone wants that, I want to have those that don't want stuff torn down to be there too. Sitting around on our keyboards is great but so far that hasn't slowed down the statues being torn down, stores being destroyed, streets being painted with the name of what should in all reality be considered to be a terrorist group, they fit the definition at this point. What I want is to not see another person, whether they are known to me or not, get terrorized because they committed the crime of being out in their car and somehow became a target of opportunity for these jackwagons. I don't want to see another man get beat down in Macy's because he's white and no one cares, I don't want to see another 90 year old woman knocked to the ground because she's white and it's okay, I don't want to see any of this being excused by our politicians/media/LE as "protesters being protesters," that's what I want to see.

If that's expecting too much at this point and makes me irrational, then you know what, I'm okay with that. I'm not looking for anyone's "approval" or for anyone here to stand up for me, I'm looking for people to stand up, period. ESPECIALLY, people like yourself that have served and understand that no one wants to jump in with guns blazing and commit the same crimes that I'm trying to call out and have stopped. I can't imagine I'm in the minority on this but other than seeing how mad about it people are on the internet, I'm not seeing anyone doing much of anything about it and that bothers me; a lot. I will certainly not look to you or anyone else for your approval of how I feel or see things, but I do have an opinion and that opinion is a very strong one that "we" have let this go waay too far for waaaaay too long at this point and the law needs to be applied. Whether or not it hurts people's little snowflake feelings or makes black leftists matters' leaders unhappy that America wants to stay America should be irrelevant. I want LE to enforce the law. I want judges to judge these actions based on the law and legislation that covers this sort of criminal behavior to be enforced.

06-24-20, 12:54
This whole "it doesn't effect me directly" thing reminds me of a poem by some priest in Germany... some Niemöller guy. A nevermind, I can get a case of beer and Hulu has every season of the X-files....

This is why we will lose, because it's always "not time yet"

Eh, I prefer Heemeyer over Niemöller, the message is much more direct. :)

06-24-20, 12:55
Well it's gone anti Christian now.
They want to pull down Jesus from monuments and Church's, stained glass windows too.

06-24-20, 13:52
Then what do you want us to say - what do you want to hear? And if you were told that you were being recruited to target assassinate anyone who supports mob rule or un-equal application of justice, are you ready to drop everything (family, job, etc.) and join that movement? Are you ready to murder in the name of "Equal Justice" and Constitutional Rights to restore the United States to an earlier mindset and framework?

Too many of these discussions tiptoe around the killing aspect. It's always some glorious movement of proud Patriots restoring righteousness to the Country where the silent majority has been oppressed. You'll see 'em driving around with American Flags on poles secured to the back of their Jeep or Pickup Truck, tearing around the local town, letting you know they're MAGA to the MAX. This stuff is complicated, and it's going to take more than the Bubba element in society to sort it all out.

In the meantime I will continue to chase cows, and if ever called back to assist in the 2nd American Revolution, find me a single engine helicopter that I can practice with. Takeoff and flying are easy - precise landing requires a more delicate touch and I'd need a big field or parking lot to refresh my skills. Haven't piloted one in 20 years.

Nah, you need to be a grunt next time. It builds character.


06-24-20, 13:54
Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

And it's gone

Of course!

06-24-20, 14:28
Nah, you need to be a grunt next time. It builds character.
I'm already a "character". When I completed my Officer's Accession Packet, I listed Infantry at the end of the list of preferences, even behind Ordnance and Quartermaster. I had no desire to be an 11A. Why walk when you can fly..... This song kind of says it all, considering my past Aviation life and the current problems of the World:


06-24-20, 15:29
Ditto this big time
FBI is a leftist political strong arm these days
Trump taps witch hunt proved this

The FBI has been infiltrated and is not on our (Americas) side. Just look at the last 3 directors, McCabe, Comey, Muller, and the current one cant't be trusted either.

Also check out Matt Walsh on the Daily Wire. His last podcast details at least a half dozen black on white attacks with zero charges filed.

06-24-20, 15:50
Come on, I stay on this site because I want to hear what you guys have to say. If you don't think we have to worry, you can leave it at that. I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm not naive enough to think that running into the street guns blazing is the answer and I'd actually like open mic night, if it was a person like those here that have been down this road. Toppling statues, changing definitions, cramming down on rights, limiting the citizens 2A, penalizing for simply disagreeing with the left, not enforcing laws, borders, etc using three letter agencies against political opponents and controlling the media are warning signs Steyr, I just don't want to bury my head in the sand only to wake up in 3 years,five years, ten years and find it's too late right?
Clearly, I don't have the definitive answer but this sure looks like stuff I've seen before and it never ended well.

I've already given as clear an answer is capable without getting into attempts to divine the future with a Magic 8 ball. Beyond that it's all speculation and hysteria.

Also I don't think anyone is going to post a "How I will PERSONALLY restore the nation" manifesto.

06-24-20, 16:01
What I want to hear and what I want to see is that when these people that simply want to tear everything down start showing even an inkling to be somewhere, I want to know that when I go there first to show that not everyone wants that, I want to have those that don't want stuff torn down to be there too. Sitting around on our keyboards is great but so far that hasn't slowed down the statues being torn down, stores being destroyed, streets being painted with the name of what should in all reality be considered to be a terrorist group, they fit the definition at this point. What I want is to not see another person, whether they are known to me or not, get terrorized because they committed the crime of being out in their car and somehow became a target of opportunity for these jackwagons. I don't want to see another man get beat down in Macy's because he's white and no one cares, I don't want to see another 90 year old woman knocked to the ground because she's white and it's okay, I don't want to see any of this being excused by our politicians/media/LE as "protesters being protesters," that's what I want to see.

If that's expecting too much at this point and makes me irrational, then you know what, I'm okay with that. I'm not looking for anyone's "aproval" or for anyone here to stand up for me, I'm looking for people to stand up, period. ESPECIALLY, people like yourself that have served and understand that no one wants to jump in with guns blazing and commit the same crimes that I'm trying to call out and have stopped. I can't imagine I'm in the minority on this but other than seeing how mad about it people are on the internet, I'm not seeing anyone doing much of anything about it and that bothers me; a lot. I will certainly not look to you or anyone else for your approval of how I feel or see things, but I do have an opinion and that opinion is a very strong one that "we" have let this go waay too far for waaaaay too long at this point and the law needs to be applied. Whether or not it hurts people's little snowflake feelings or makes black leftists matters' leaders unhappy that America wants to stay America should be irrelevant. I want LE to enforce the law. I want judges to judge these actions based on the law and legislation that covers this sort of criminal behavior to be enforced.
I don't know how old you are, but you will find in life that the world doesn't revolve around what you or I want. Life is about surviving, making a living, thriving if possible and taking care of those closest around you. Unlike the professional agitators or elites who don't have to work, we don't have time to engage in revolution until it smacks us in the face. Until then, everything will be festering in different spots all around the US.

I do have a little more flexibility with my time, because I work very early in the morning, many times late at night, with varying times of no work in between. Out here, it's work until you can't and other times there's nothing to do. That's when I post here. Yesterday I had a four mile ride in one direction to chase some cows to a different grazing area, but I opted to trailer the horse behind the truck and drive those miles. When you're the boss, you can be lazy.

Recently in New Mexico we had protests (and a shooting) over a statue called "La Jornada" featuring Conquistador Juan de Oñate. This statue dates from 2004 and was on City of Albuquerque property. This dude was a brutal Colonial Governor of Spain and in 1599 he murdered @ 800 Acoma Pueblo Indians, and then cut off the foot of around 500 men over the age of 21. He was an asshole and was so bad that Spanish King Phillip had him recalled in 1614.

Protesters wanted it taken down, but this has been going on since 2004, so nothing new. I have no dog in the hunt regarding that statue and the protests finally forced the City of Albuquerque to remove the Oñate part of the statue. If it stayed or was taken down, it was of no concern to me. My male ancestor arrived here 7 years after Oñate's recall to Spain.

06-24-20, 16:09
Well it's gone anti Christian now.
They want to pull down Jesus from monuments and Church's, stained glass windows too.

Almost like that was a check point along the route all along.

Nothing is going to change the trajectory we’re on unfortunately. The Marxist genie is out of the bottle. Short of some 9/11 level and both VERY public indiscriminately violent event where a lot of people die, thus showing the country and the world what these folks are all about the majority of the country will sit tight and collectively feel guilty about their American exceptionalism and privilege.

Rolling back toxic progressive social justice “reforms” and culturally destructive policies is not going to happen. A significant portion if not an outright majority of Americans already seem to believe lawful self defense in the face of targets violence’s wrong so legislation will inevitably reflect this rationale someday so the 2A isn’t going to be our savior either.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-24-20, 16:11
Commsec is a huge issue. Use to be picking up the phone and talking to someone was pretty free from worry about interception or listening. Not so in the digital era, the expectation of actual private comms has dropped to near zero. The people who own these networks are not on our side, so the other side probably has pretty free reign in the comms dept. At least as far as the average joe is concerned.

The FBI sent out 15 agent to investigate a garage door pull rope... how many will be sent out to investigate potential "rebel" chatter

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

06-24-20, 16:45
Sadly yes they have

My kids were/are homeschooled my daughter in a good private Christian college

I refuse to go to movies can wait to see for free online if I want
Refuse to shop at certain places etc.... but few do this they talk but no action
Folks should boycott all sports cancel all cable quit supporting stores that bend the knee etc... but they don’t and wont a few do they are mocked instead ?

So we (wife and I) have done what we can as many of our friends have sometimes you can only do so much

If everyone homeschooled ? Instead I hear excuses
Everyone boycotted all movies sports instead excuses

We are still way to comfy IMHO

I used to live in Honduras and LaCeiba or San Pedro Sula or Tegucigalpa will make you realize what tough life violence really is when you see the insanity of bario 18 or ms13 first hand watch folks get butchered with machetes or just walked up to and POP and you step around bodies and pools of blood and still that city keeps going and still some won’t can’t fight back

Again does your store have food do you have water are your loved ones being kidnapped raped murdered

Last week I went in to Costco no shortage of any food no fear for my life gas is cheap went to gun shop bought a pistol I wanted got some new shoes made a nice dinner played some video games etc... our country is not Honduras yet hope it never is been there done that
upside I know what I am capable of and tested real world

yeah it’s strange times so start get a group and homeschool cancel all cable and sports and avoid stores that alone would shake things up
I do what I can
But not ready to start killing folks life is still really good

People need to push back first in other ways
Every single American conservative gun owner canceled cable canceled amazon prime quit going to the movies quit all sports watching quit shopping at Walmart and target and pulled their kids and homeschooled the shockwave would be insane and those companies would get hurt really bad and policies would shift
But they won’t instead excuses

Anything else to quit? The mortgage company? How about the supermarket? The job?

06-24-20, 16:48
I have been in civil wars and I don't want to see one in the USA.

I do know, that we will have a civil war, or we will lose the country to Marxist. If that happens, then we will all have plenty of time to ponder in the reeducation camp.

I have no need to get arrested, so I will do nothing beyond donate money to some conservatives running for office.

06-24-20, 16:57
This whole "it doesn't effect me directly" thing reminds me of a poem by some priest in Germany... some Niemöller guy. A nevermind, I can get a case of beer and Hulu has every season of the X-files....

This is why we will lose, because it's always "not time yet"

"Always 'not time yet'" doesn't mean the time won't come. It just hasn't come yet. Things are volatile right now no doubt, but we still have functioning governments at the local, state, and national level. The majority of the country is safe from the madness for now; get further than ten miles from a big city and things are pretty quiet overall. The fact is, right now we still have other options left, and we still have a lot left to lose. If we act too soon, it will be disastrous. We'll know when the time is right.

06-24-20, 17:29
Commsec is a huge issue. Use to be picking up the phone and talking to someone was pretty free from worry about interception or listening. Not so in the digital era, the expectation of actual private comms has dropped to near zero. The people who own these networks are not on our side, so the other side probably has pretty free reign in the comms dept. At least as far as the average joe is concerned.

The FBI sent out 15 agent to investigate a garage door pull rope... how many will be sent out to investigate potential "rebel" chatter

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

Who's the "rebel" here? Are the rebels or treasonous commies now calling the American patriots rebels?

This Marxism is equivalent to the Corona virus. You don't know who is a carrier; the dingbat sister who's a high school English teacher that was always a tattle-tail b*tch growing up, the doctor that keeps asking you if you own any guns, the lawyer buddy you thought you knew with the Hillary sign in his garage. This sh*t is everywhere.

As far as the FBI and CIA's involvement with the Left and Antifa, here's a good article: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americanpartisan.org%2F2020%2F06%2Ffrom-a-reader-a-look-at-antifas-field-organization%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3f3ojPiAaB5667iXp9zeY00KOGeCfpt0_CQF8eKcFZiRCMxAO2FoA7haM&h=AT2XCLk35rnK3-MC_Q_ms0b85KrKPCu2WT2wKL4ZKs267ai0HZSZRvx-mah4AQ2MkCfy_ktKSQF09YvrUZT_fDmIkcjqOijuEGi4ZJa9ZaPSRwwoC5Kwwsp53NSgu3Wikx5j

06-24-20, 17:38
"Always 'not time yet'" doesn't mean the time won't come. It just hasn't come yet. Things are volatile right now no doubt, but we still have functioning governments at the local, state, and national level. The majority of the country is safe from the madness for now; get further than ten miles from a big city and things are pretty quiet overall. The fact is, right now we still have other options left, and we still have a lot left to lose. If we act too soon, it will be disastrous. We'll know when the time is right.

The governments on different levels are slowly changing. California is apparently trying to strike-through the section in their constitution that ensures they can't discriminate. The idea is to get it onto the ballot with the title having to do with "affirmative action", but it actually does nothing but eliminate the anti-discrimination clause. Granted, it's still in the works but if they are successful as it's currently written, it will actually allow discrimination from the state level on down with a guaranteed progressive twist to it.

I agree that we have other options left. But those can dwindle rapidly depending on how November goes. A big loss in Nov and their BS can be made to apply everywhere, not just in the big cities. With a sympathetic SCOTUS of their choosing, their wildest ideas could be deemed legal as well.

06-24-20, 17:48
Who's the "rebel" here? Are the rebels or treasonous commies now calling the American patriots rebels?

This Marxism is equivalent to the Corona virus. You don't know who is a carrier; the dingbat sister who's a high school English teacher that was always a tattle-tail b*tch growing up, the doctor that keeps asking you if you own any guns, the lawyer buddy you thought you knew with the Hillary sign in his garage. This sh*t is everywhere.

As far as the FBI and CIA's involvement with the Left and Antifa, here's a good article: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americanpartisan.org%2F2020%2F06%2Ffrom-a-reader-a-look-at-antifas-field-organization%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3f3ojPiAaB5667iXp9zeY00KOGeCfpt0_CQF8eKcFZiRCMxAO2FoA7haM&h=AT2XCLk35rnK3-MC_Q_ms0b85KrKPCu2WT2wKL4ZKs267ai0HZSZRvx-mah4AQ2MkCfy_ktKSQF09YvrUZT_fDmIkcjqOijuEGi4ZJa9ZaPSRwwoC5Kwwsp53NSgu3Wikx5jI see it as a label and not a title
If they (FBI in my given scenario) come down from their gilded towers to quash us, (because they are clearly not quashing them) then we likely become the "rebels". If we win though, we'll end up calling the left the rebels....again lol

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

06-24-20, 18:07
Anything else to quit? The mortgage company? How about the supermarket? The job?

Hahahahaha yeah cause quitting your job is like not having Netflix or not watching a sports game :)

Nice try troll though

06-24-20, 18:35
For most people if they turn off social media and MSM you realize none of what’s going affects most us. How many daily freedoms have you lost? When you truly start to loose your own personal liberty, only then will folks start pushing back.

06-24-20, 18:35
Hahahahaha yeah cause quitting your job is like not having Netflix or not watching a sports game :)

Nice try troll thoughRight! Ok! Like quiting Walmart! A store that the only option for millions of Americans for both shopping and work

You said "stop supporting stores that bend a knee" so you're going to quit your job if that's your "store"? Or stop payments if that's your bank/mortgage company?

murphy j
06-24-20, 18:57

Anyone who thinks they want a civil war should look at Somalia because that is what it looks like.

I was thinking Yugoslavia in the 90s. Both are relevant examples of the potential fallout of civil war.

06-24-20, 19:38
I don't know how old you are, but you will find in life that the world doesn't revolve around what you or I want. Life is about surviving, making a living, thriving if possible and taking care of those closest around you. Unlike the professional agitators or elites who don't have to work, we don't have time to engage in revolution until it smacks us in the face. Until then, everything will be festering in different spots all around the US.

I do have a little more flexibility with my time, because I work very early in the morning, many times late at night, with varying times of no work in between. Out here, it's work until you can't and other times there's nothing to do. That's when I post here. Yesterday I had a four mile ride in one direction to chase some cows to a different grazing area, but I opted to trailer the horse behind the truck and drive those miles. When you're the boss, you can be lazy.

Recently in New Mexico we had protests (and a shooting) over a statue called "La Jornada" featuring Conquistador Juan de Oñate. This statue dates from 2004 and was on City of Albuquerque property. This dude was a brutal Colonial Governor of Spain and in 1599 he murdered @ 800 Acoma Pueblo Indians, and then cut off the foot of around 500 men over the age of 21. He was an asshole and was so bad that Spanish King Phillip had him recalled in 1614.

Protesters wanted it taken down, but this has been going on since 2004, so nothing new. I have no dog in the hunt regarding that statue and the protests finally forced the City of Albuquerque to remove the Oñate part of the statue. If it stayed or was taken down, it was of no concern to me. My male ancestor arrived here 7 years after Oñate's recall to Spain.

Maj., I do hear what you guys are saying and I do appreciate the multitude of different perspectives. As for my age, I'm just over the half century mark, I've raised children, I've had more good times than bad and I've seen some interesting things as I was "deployed" around the country for work on a number of occasions and I realize that the crux of my original post is pretty simply that I am just really hating what's going on around the country. I don't have as many of the people around that I'm comfortable speaking on current events anymore and as such I was very much interested in what a lot of you guys have to say on the issue. I think that I have gotten my money's worth and then some. Most of which rings true.
In reading your posts, at times I am feeling that money spent on years of being stationed, and living, in and around DC, NY and now Phila would have been better spent on a nice piece of land in Wyoming or Montana or something like that as before too long, there won't be anything keeping me along the East coast, that's for sure.

In regards to how original post came off; in the 13 years that I spent as a federal LEO I was never forced to take a life and I could die perfectly happy not having to do it as a civilian so I'm right there with the wiser members on that point for sure. I suppose I'm just finding it increasingly difficult to watch the pendulum swing so far in this one direction and I feel for those that have become collateral damage to this "movement" or whatever asinine name they want to try to give it.

06-24-20, 20:15
As far a taking the lead, Trump is leading the charge to MAGA. What we are seeing is the resistance and its going to get a lot worse.

I know of 2 people, Paul Howe and Reid Henrichs that are training a lot of civilians in firearms and tactics and both are encouraging likeminded folks to form local militias. Starting in your neighborhood and developing/coordinating defensive plans, tactics, and strategies.

Leading is not up to a single individual.

06-24-20, 20:15
Maj., I do hear what you guys are saying and I do appreciate the multitude of different perspectives. As for my age, I'm just over the half century mark, I've raised children, I've had more good times than bad and I've seen some interesting things as I was "deployed" around the country for work on a number of occasions and I realize that the crux of my original post is pretty simply that I am just really hating what's going on around the country. I don't have as many of the people around that I'm comfortable speaking on current events anymore and as such I was very much interested in what a lot of you guys have to say on the issue. I think that I have gotten my money's worth and then some. Most of which rings true.
In reading your posts, at times I am feeling that money spent on years of being stationed, and living, in and around DC, NY and now Phila would have been better spent on a nice piece of land in Wyoming or Montana or something like that as before too long, there won't be anything keeping me along the East coast, that's for sure.

In regards to how original post came off; in the 13 years that I spent as a federal LEO I was never forced to take a life and I could die perfectly happy not having to do it as a civilian so I'm right there with the wiser members on that point for sure. I suppose I'm just finding it increasingly difficult to watch the pendulum swing so far in this one direction and I feel for those that have become collateral damage to this "movement" or whatever asinine name they want to try to give it.
I was born and raised in rural New Mexico, and was here as a child and teenager except for times visiting cousins in San Diego (I learned to surf there and rode dirt bikes in the Imperial Valley) or times visiting an Aunt and Uncle in Sarasota, Florida in the 1960's. I was a Country Kid who went to college on an ROTC scholarship. Neither of my parents were college educated. I lived a life pretty well insulated from the ills of the world because I lived in a backwater part of the American outback. Going to college opened my eyes and gave me a different perspective.

As an Army Aviator, I did two primary missions - insertion and extraction of special operations personnel and armed attack missions. During the 18 years I flew, I was involved with numerous attack operations where the AAR attempted to determine a body count. Mostly it was impossible. I could not tell you to this day how many people's deaths I was responsible for - maybe a hundred - maybe hundreds. I don't know. For me I had the luxury of an aviation platform which provided a detached reality from what my weapons were inflicting. You take a run, orbit while another bird would do the run. Sometimes it was just coordinated Little Birds, and other times it was coordinated with Blackhawks. My biggest fear was friendly fire, and we had measures to avoid that.

Killing was just a process, and I became numb to it. I suppose I could turn off my emotions and return to that mindset if need be, but it would be a different mindset if I was targeting my fellow citizens. Some of the personnel I hauled around for various missions were cold blooded killers, and at the zenith of their profession. I have interacted with some of them after retirement during reunions, and most recently in 2017 at Fort Knox, and age has taken some of the edge off most of them. I'm 60 years old and quite athletic and healthy for my age. However, revolution and killing for your Country is a younger man's job.

06-24-20, 20:52
Right! Ok! Like quiting Walmart! A store that the only option for millions of Americans for both shopping and work

You said "stop supporting stores that bend a knee" so you're going to quit your job if that's your "store"? Or stop payments if that's your bank/mortgage company?

I have traveled quite a bit and have never been anywhere that Walmart was the only option for either shopping or work. I'm not even sure I've been anywhere that Walmart is the best option for either, and I have been in some real shitholes.

You don't have to stop making mortgage payments but you can change banks, deal mostly in cash, walk away from credit cards, be a little choose where your investments are.

We are lazy, the left will boycott in a heartbeat, and a lot of them are spending money they didn't earn.


06-24-20, 21:57
Right! Ok! Like quiting Walmart! A store that the only option for millions of Americans for both shopping and work

You said "stop supporting stores that bend a knee" so you're going to quit your job if that's your "store"? Or stop payments if that's your bank/mortgage company?

Was hard enough to swear off Ben & Jerry's, especially when Haagen Dazs stopped making Vanilla Fudge.

Seriously the sad fact is a lot of companies give to both sides to hedge their bets. Hell even the NRA participated in the ridiculous charade that Harry Reid was at one time an A+ supporter of gun rights, at least until he wasn't and it was time for a late hour second attempt at a Sandy Hook ban when he thought nobody was watching and everyone was complacent and confident that the battle had already been fought and won.

Also you'd have to live in a Kazinsky shack in the middle of Montana to truly not support our political and social adversaries and if you consign yourself to a shack in the middle of nowhere then they actually kind of won in the end.

Really the only weapon we have is voting with our dollars and even then Dick's sporting goods will still throw us under the bus and refuse to learn from it. Another part of the problem is gun owners can be notoriously frugal and even if they had a million dollars they would squeeze thumbprints into nickels. We aren't celebrities or tech moguls with lots of money to spread around in most cases. Again we tend to be conservative in most aspects of life. This includes forcing our views on others and even buying influence.

06-24-20, 22:04
Also you'd have to live in a Kazinsky shack in the middle of Montana to truly not support our political and social adversaries and if you consign yourself to a shack in the middle of nowhere then they actually kind of won in the end.



06-25-20, 08:13
Also you'd have to live in a Kazinsky shack in the middle of Montana to truly not support our political and social adversaries and if you consign yourself to a shack in the middle of nowhere then they actually kind of won in the end.

Really the only weapon we have is voting with our dollars and even then Dick's sporting goods will still throw us under the bus and refuse to learn from it. Another part of the problem is gun owners can be notoriously frugal and even if they had a million dollars they would squeeze thumbprints into nickels. We aren't celebrities or tech moguls with lots of money to spread around in most cases. Again we tend to be conservative in most aspects of life. This includes forcing our views on others and even buying influence.

Yup, and once they get control, they will eventually come for you in the shack anyway...and just a little of those shack people at a time so no one really notices it until there is little to no resistance left.

06-25-20, 09:20
I just want to clarify my stance a little. I'm not against "boycotting" any business you feel deserves it. I do it myself but I have no delusions about the fact that it does absolutely nothing to that company.

06-25-20, 11:55
I just want to clarify my stance a little. I'm not against "boycotting" any business you feel deserves it. I do it myself but I have no delusions about the fact that it does absolutely nothing to that company.

It depends on how many boycott. Sure, just you and a few others. They don't care. A lot, where it affects their bottom dollar....they start caring. The NFL revised it's stance when their numbers were down with the Kaepernick debacle. Why do you see Walmart getting into the whole organic food market? Because it was affecting them and there was money to be made.

06-25-20, 12:04
It depends on how many boycott. Sure, just you and a few others. They don't care. A lot, where it affects their bottom dollar....they start caring. The NFL revised it's stance when their numbers were down with the Kaepernick debacle. Why do you see Walmart getting into the whole organic food market? Because it was affecting them and there was money to be made.How sorry is Costco for telling gun owners to leave their guns at home or they'll gladly cancel membership and do a full refund! Doesn't seem to have mattered. Didn't seem to matter to Dicks, or Target. There's way too many people who just don't care or are in favor of.

Walmart ADDED a product but they had no problems taking away ammo and firearms. Each week 265 million people shop at Walmart. Their 2019 gross profit was $129 million. Even if you take away a million customers it's nothing.

And before anyone says there's more gun owners I'll just say that there is a difference between gun owners and people who physically own guns

06-25-20, 12:06
Who will take the lead? The socialists.

There’s going to be more shutdowns, riots, and all manner of weird shit happening and they’re going to steal the November election.

06-25-20, 12:24
Commsec is a huge issue. Use to be picking up the phone and talking to someone was pretty free from worry about interception or listening. Not so in the digital era, the expectation of actual private comms has dropped to near zero. The people who own these networks are not on our side, so the other side probably has pretty free reign in the comms dept. At least as far as the average joe is concerned.

The FBI sent out 15 agent to investigate a garage door pull rope... how many will be sent out to investigate potential "rebel" chatter

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

Imagine if that's all they did? We should be so lucky. :(

06-25-20, 13:08
It's strange how relevant this is to not only this thread, but conversations I've seen people have in person.


It would be more funny if it wasn't true.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

06-25-20, 13:33
How sorry is Costco for telling gun owners to leave their guns at home or they'll gladly cancel membership and do a full refund! Doesn't seem to have mattered. Didn't seem to matter to Dicks, or Target. There's way too many people who just don't care or are in favor of.

Walmart ADDED a product but they had no problems taking away ammo and firearms. Each week 265 million people shop at Walmart. Their 2019 gross profit was $129 million. Even if you take away a million customers it's nothing.

And before anyone says there's more gun owners I'll just say that there is a difference between gun owners and people who physically own guns

That was my whole point. It has to actually hit them in the pocketbook hard to get them to change...but saying boycotting doesn't work is false. It does, if there actually is a boycott.

Alex V
06-25-20, 16:38
Who will take the lead? The socialists.

There’s going to be more shutdowns, riots, and all manner of weird shit happening and they’re going to steal the November election.

I have to agree here.

What I was saying earlier is by the time they get control and implement their agenda in full it will be too late. They will be in control or all federal agencies.

It's like putting on a rubber at the baby shower. Right now we have some chaos that we could take advantage of, by the time the win the WH, Senate and Congress in November, it will be too late to do anything. It won't be a gradual process and we won't be able to pinpoint when it happened in hindsight but one day we'll wake up and be like "crap, it's too late, should have done something sooner"

06-25-20, 16:46
Who will take the lead? The socialists.

There’s going to be more shutdowns, riots, and all manner of weird shit happening and they’re going to steal the November election.

Well you could say who has TAKEN the lead and we could go back a few years with that lead so they have a LONG LONG lead and we have not even gotten into the game

06-25-20, 17:24
Well you could say who has TAKEN the lead and we could go back a few years with that lead so they have a LONG LONG lead and we have not even gotten into the game

That pretty much sums it up.

06-26-20, 17:04
It's strange how relevant this is to not only this thread, but conversations I've seen people have in person.


It would be more funny if it wasn't true.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

That's pretty much the long and short of it. A comment I read elsewhere on the internetz;
"The Right can meme; the Left can organize. I guess now we know which one is important."

As far as the original question;
If you're looking around wondering who will lead... maybe it's you.
"In the absence of orders..." find something and do it.
We have a lot of inter-movement issues on our side, but there are two blatant ones when it comes to issues of organization and leadership. (yeah, I'm going to choir-preach some more, brace yourselves. :laugh: )

- We're afraid of power. And for good reason; we know well enough to treat it with care, much like a loaded firearm.
But nobody here is afraid of picking up a gun. Absolute power of life and death over anyone in a 2-10 pound package, and we embrace its use and ownership for all.
State power? Social power? Noooooo.... not me. Something could go horribly wrong after all. Nobody wants to turn into the next dictator, and that's fair enough.
And yet we decry the lunatics seizing state power left and right and blatantly using it to advance their cause while we avoid it like the plague. In a few more years when the voting charade has run its course and we have no state representation, and therefore no power... what then? What good will all those guns do if there's nothing to back them up, or to fight for with them?
It's all just a big excuse to do nothing because it's "not time yet" until it's to late to do anything, when we can then justify doing nothing.
"With no power comes no responsibility". The only thing our 'leaderless resistance' is heading for right now is a final pointless orgy of violence before our enemies win forever.
Well, in that case, why should anyone play? That's not "fighting for a cause", it's merely suicidal protest. Might as well all just throw our guns in a river and set ourselves on fire.
That's all the "boogaloo" nonsense is all about really, just "The Purge: Patriot Edition". Thanks to the left and our decades of "reason" and compromise, there's increasingly nothing to preserve or fight for. So-called 'conservatism' has failed. That's why "the boog" has caught on so well, especially with the younger meme crowd; there's a will to fight for something. Everyone knows a resistance must be made. Everyone knows who the enemy is, and what their ultimate goals are, even if they won't admit it outright. There's just no point to it beyond a meme-movement, because there is no plan to establish a state power to go along with it. Actually, scrap that, there is no plan. Period.

What we need are people who can grasp a sort of Roman-esque Pirate captain mentality; sure the 'rugged individualists' all want their space and they should have it, but there are no democracies when the bullets are flying. To piggyback of Honu, the left has taken the initiative away from us. We're getting maneuvered on and pinned. Someone must choose for themselves they're not going sit and die while everyone cowers around them...

-We think of "leadership" in grand terms of "leading a unit" or company, country, movement, etc. And we look at that and go "I'm just me. Doug Masters. Some random guy on the internet. How can I achieve such a high goal?"
Because we're not a bunch of arrogant, dunning-kruger c*ckbags perfectly assured of our moral rightness over all others like those icky leftists, so who am I to lead?
Yet, it's one thing to be humble. It's another to use humility as an excuse to do nothing.
We forget that half of leadership is simply leading yourself. Think about someone who you would follow "to hell and back". They usually have some personal internal fiber that has made them that way, that they have forged for themselves over years and years of self-leadership; most of the time it didn't just "happen", yet we expect the same thing to just "happen" or "appear" for us.
Despite preaching "hope is not a plan" we sure as hell spend a lot of time waiting for mass miracles.

"Secession of the mind happens before secession of the body". "The will to act..."
It doesn't have to be a grand thing; just decide something today. "I WILL do X" or "I am DONE with X"... and then DO IT (cue Shia... :laugh: ). Then keep doing it. Then add another decision to that one. And so forth.

You want to attract people? Well you're not going to get all of them today.
But you probably know ONE that you're pretty sure shares your views and ideals, right?
Talk to them, preferably IN PERSON TODAY. Or as soon as possible. Internet conversations are meaningless bullshit; talk is cheapest here (he said totally unironically after a page of text :laugh: ). Look them in the eye and MAKE THEM BELIEVE you are dead nuts serious. That you don't just have 'grand plans' that are ultimately meaningless, but actionable ideas that you have invested yourself into. That lack of belief and personal investment is why most groups fade away after a short time; "life" did not "get in the way". It was allowed to because nobody was serious to start with.
And if you find solid agreement between the two of you, well that person must surely know ONE person in their life that shares both of your views and ideals. Meet them next. Even if you have drive an hour, or two, or three. Make it happen, because that's what a leader does.
And if you succeed, then that third person must surely know ONE trustworthy, serious person, and so on.

And once you start to get serious people to commit to SOMETHING, then you can start examining the skills and resources you have among yourselves, and how you can widen these areas, and you can start building a little island-hopping campaign of mutual support circles in an area.
It doesn't even have to be big deal issues like the Grand Boogaloo or whatever, it can be simple shit like "hey, the economy is going to be in the shitter pretty soon, lets collaborate in some way to help each other avoid utter ruin during this time".
And if they're like "brilliant idea ol chap, I too have been looking for someone to share the load with, and I've been trying to get myself to a better place with that, but I'm afraid these crazy people are going to come to my neighborhood and burn my house down and I'll lose everything" then you can be like "well then let's come up with a plan for that too; here's some things I know..." and SHAZZAM! you're leading, because right now your the guy with literally ANY plan, and that person you're talking to, who two seconds ago was alone with no plan or half a plan, now isn't...

Or maybe you're one of those lucky people that has like 15 people on tap that you hit the range with regularly, but you all go your separate ways afterwards, and never get together FTF and have a serious sit-down about what you all actually want to do beyond burn ammo, because you're waiting for someone else in the group to make the first move... maybe it's on you?

Finally, to paraphrase Mattis, "Create violent cooperation"
It's one thing to shun people from your group over a legit difference in belief; if you're an anti-left group, only ruin will come from inviting even a tiny bit of that poison in, no matter how good it's going to make you feel to be "inclusive". No, we're not 'all one', they're not your 'fellow countrymen' anymore, and you're already 'the bad guy'. Get over it.
On the flip side, I see so many nonsensical rifts over such simple, meaningless shit within the overall 'right' community it's mind boggling. Worse, it's stopping people from talking and collaborating. If you have people you see eye to eye with on everything except for one minor thing... IS that thing going to stop you from helping them if SHTF tomorrow?
If not... why aren't you talking and planning right now?
Sometimes a common enemy has more ability to pull people together than common ideals.
The enemy is going to kill you now; the minor points of faith in your otherwise shared 'religion' can be hashed out when you have a secure position to do so.
You don't think the same 'schisms of faith' exist on the left? Yet somehow they're not letting it stop them from collaborating...

So, I guess my TL/DR point here is,
> Nobody is coming to lead.
> Nobody ever has a perfect plan that addresses all contingencies and neither will you. But they had a will to act.
Ignore the mockers with no plan and no will of their own. Either they're losers who can be ignored, or they're right about something you suck at, in which case fix it, do better, drive on.
> The simplest, most meaningless ideas and steps are often the most overlooked yet important ones leading in the right direction. Maybe just deciding TODAY that "when I see so and so tomorrow, this time I WILL say something" is all that's needed. And if they don't care... f*** 'em. Lead yourself, then look for the next opportunity.


06-27-20, 18:39
Mods, previous thread, short one particular earnest attempt at continually derailing it; had some meaningful points and I'm hopeful that this is enough of a different tact as to remain viable:

It is my understanding of the role of SF/Green Berets is to rally, train, unite and lead indigenous populations to stand up to their oppressor/enemy. if that is indeed the case, would it not follow that if these guys have the talent and the stones to go to some far off land, often paying the ultimate price for their efforts, and get rag tag groups of individuals, with probably less skill than your average "gun toting" M4cer, whipped into an actual fighting force; could they not be exactly what we are looking for to lead us at this point?

And I'm not talking some Rambo charge into the heart of Seattle but instead, showing exactly what the left is showing; some organization, a central message, proof that even the media can't ignore that we don't want these leftist/socialist/antagonists destroying the country that we love. I'm talking about getting together with those that want to stand up to this nonsense but don't have anyone with the experience and the cajones to lead it? And yes, I do see what is happening to those that have tried in small groups to stand up already but success seems to occur when large, at least semi-organized groups showing some will and resolve and ready and waiting when these leftists start coming into areas looking to get a foothold, set up shop and start tearing things down.

I've worked and trained with some of these guys in the last decade or so and honestly, they are a different breed. What's going on has to be especially galling for them as more than a few I'd wager, have lost teammates, friends and brothers while representing the sorry rest of us in practically every "shithole" this planet has to offer. How do we, hoping that we have half the bravado that we often show from behind a keyboard, let these real-life warriors know that we're willing to do something, anything, now, not later before it's too far gone.

I'm tired of defending every American virtue and being labeled racist/nazi/zenophobe/redneck/fascist/whatever, I'm tired of hearing how the flag is racist, I'm tired of hearing that it's okay to rip down and rewrite history, I'm tired of watching the corporate world bow to these race baiting psychopaths as they disgrace this country over and over again. This is not the America I want left for my kids, and their kids. I may not have the credentials to lead people to stop this crap, but I'd damn sure follow someone who did. And if no one steps up, I guess I'd have to put my money where my mouth is and give it a go anyway if I really am serious. I'd like to think that's how Trump came to actually want to run; that he really did just not see anyone stepping up to stop the Obama/Clinton/leftist snowball that was literally going unchecked...

I'm right in the middle of enemy territory here in Marlton, NJ and I want to know how we get the 60 million plus; I'd like to think closer to 80 million now, that would vote against the left to stop whining about shit on the internet (like I'm pretty much doing right now) and step up. For Christ's sakes, how much more of a foothold do we let these people have before we dig in?? Not everyone can fit in Texas...

This is a really good post actually.

08-07-20, 11:01
So the NY AG is attacking and wants to "dissolve" the NRA. Are we at the breaking point yet? This is next level evil, political shit right here. If the NRA is diverting funding to protect itself, there's a LOT of messaging and voters that don't get that last minute push that the NRA is known to get from not only its 5 million members, but the 100 million gun owners in the country. This is bad, bad news no matter what you think of the buffoons at the top of the NRA food chain. How do we get a Texas or Florida to sue the BLM/Democrat party to tie up their funding?

08-08-20, 01:12
Well trying to falsely accuse the sitting elected president of being a Russian spy should have been more breaking point then this ?

Another ploy and idiocy ironic its on tax payers money that alone should make it illegal ?

So the NY AG is attacking and wants to "dissolve" the NRA. Are we at the breaking point yet? This is next level evil, political shit right here. If the NRA is diverting funding to protect itself, there's a LOT of messaging and voters that don't get that last minute push that the NRA is known to get from not only its 5 million members, but the 100 million gun owners in the country. This is bad, bad news no matter what you think of the buffoons at the top of the NRA food chain. How do we get a Texas or Florida to sue the BLM/Democrat party to tie up their funding?

08-08-20, 06:17
One of the problems that conservative movements seem to have is that they end up getting corrupted and off track really quickly. Movements that start out well end up a few different ways that kill them 1) They go ultra-Christian moralist and dedicate their efforts to things like overturning gay marriage, censoring text books that show human anatomy, etc. 2) They drift center and become RINO 3) They get infiltrated by the far right and actually become the Neo-Nazis the left accused them of being from the beginning.

The question is, how do you get a movement that isn't going to get sidetracked by stupid pet projects and keep actual far-right extremists out?

08-08-20, 06:49
One of the problems that conservative movements seem to have is that they end up getting corrupted and off track really quickly. Movements that start out well end up a few different ways that kill them 1) They go ultra-Christian moralist and dedicate their efforts to things like overturning gay marriage, censoring text books that show human anatomy, etc. 2) They drift center and become RINO 3) They get infiltrated by the far right and actually become the Neo-Nazis the left accused them of being from the beginning.

The question is, how do you get a movement that isn't going to get sidetracked by stupid pet projects and keep actual far-right extremists out?

This post dovetails nicely into the feelings of.....disenchantment I’ve been hit by lately. To be honest I feel alienated from both sides in the impending shit show. The insanity of the modern Left has essentially forced me to align myself with the Right, but as someone who is not particularly socially conservative and who is totally secular, it’s an uneasy alliance at best and I am just not comfortable around a lot of the “patriot” community.
Part of it is the cringey flag-wrapped paper tiger aspect of it too. As well as the feeling that a lot of people on the Right would end up being just as Statist as the Left, as long as the agenda that the State was enforcing aligned with their beliefs.

08-08-20, 07:47
This post dovetails nicely into the feelings of.....disenchantment I’ve been hit by lately. To be honest I feel alienated from both sides in the impending shit show. The insanity of the modern Left has essentially forced me to align myself with the Right, but as someone who is not particularly socially conservative and who is totally secular, it’s an uneasy alliance at best and I am just not comfortable around a lot of the “patriot” community.
Part of it is the cringey flag-wrapped paper tiger aspect of it too. As well as the feeling that a lot of people on the Right would end up being just as Statist as the Left, as long as the agenda that the State was enforcing aligned with their beliefs.

I feel this post for sure.

08-08-20, 12:44
This post dovetails nicely into the feelings of.....disenchantment I’ve been hit by lately. To be honest I feel alienated from both sides in the impending shit show. The insanity of the modern Left has essentially forced me to align myself with the Right, but as someone who is not particularly socially conservative and who is totally secular, it’s an uneasy alliance at best and I am just not comfortable around a lot of the “patriot” community.
Part of it is the cringey flag-wrapped paper tiger aspect of it too. As well as the feeling that a lot of people on the Right would end up being just as Statist as the Left, as long as the agenda that the State was enforcing aligned with their beliefs.

It's been messed up for a very long time.

Occasionally there are glimmers of hope, like when Republicans last had the big three at once.

But then I learned they are the swamp oligarchy, too. Since then I've known I truly have zero representation.

Trump I like. And the royal oligarchy he wasn't part of hates him and that makes me smile.

Other than that I'm just a free range tax slave and nobody in government gives a damn about me. Neither do most voters. Mob rule sucks and rule of law is dead here.

But I feel alright today. 🖖

08-08-20, 15:21
One of the problems that conservative movements seem to have is that they end up getting corrupted and off track really quickly. Movements that start out well end up a few different ways that kill them 1) They go ultra-Christian moralist and dedicate their efforts to things like overturning gay marriage, censoring text books that show human anatomy, etc. 2) They drift center and become RINO 3) They get infiltrated by the far right and actually become the Neo-Nazis the left accused them of being from the beginning.

The question is, how do you get a movement that isn't going to get sidetracked by stupid pet projects and keep actual far-right extremists out?

Missed one:
4) They become somebody's pet grift, like the various productions of Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson.

04-30-21, 15:44
Looking back over this thread, several correctly called the left stealing the election (which you'll never convince me that they didn't do). And we see the speed at which the new overlords are dismantling every bit of progress made over the previous four years.

Never seen a more motley crew of misfits, freaks and criminals than this buffoon is putting at the top of any agency or position possible. Lunatics that can't even bring themselves to say that boys shouldn't be allowed to compete in girl's sports, dolts that want to tar and feather anyone for killing an elephant but don't have a problem with millions of lives snuffed out by planned parenthood, censorship of anyone who dares question anything the left puts forward, no matter how insane.

Now the bastards are pushing a $6 trillion addition to the already ludicrous $4 trillion budget and no one says boo?? Biden and company are worried about military uniforms for pregnant women and making sure every office has exactly one of every race and gender available so no one's tummy starts to hurt while our adversaries steal our technology and dump billions into making their armed forces stronger and more lethal.

Watching Officer Chauvin get sacrificed to placate the mob was another lowlight (only positive was that both Chauvin and Saint Floyd are now off the street). Seeing the top of the heap still pushing the greatest, most deadly conspiracy theory of our time, the "cops are hunting minorities" lie that led to countless riots and is now coming back to roost with more and more LEOs being killed: the Delaware cop who was stomped and beaten died; anti-police media personality ran over a NY cop and killed him; and this is within the last couple days. Nope, nothing to worry about here.

Clearly we all knew it was coming but did anyone see it all happening this fast?

05-27-21, 13:25
I'm gonna get fired. Just went off on a rant after hearing more about this ridiculous Jan 6 commission political bullshit. What are they going to find out that the fbi isn't already using as the basis for arresting 400+ people. If this is how we play this terrorizing for a political agenda investigation game then let's start the BLM riots of 2020 commission at the same time and actually accomplish something other than attempting to bludgeon every republican by attempting to associate them with the capitol

05-27-21, 14:07
I believe this was the agenda the left had for when Hillary got elected. They were arrogant & thought the 2016 election was in the bag. They miscalculated & Trump won. That put their plans on hold for 4 years. That gave them the time to really cover all their bases to make sure he didn't win in 2020. (which we all know he did by a landslide)
The weren't going to wait another 4 years of Trump. He had to go now! What we're seeing has been a long time in the making.

05-27-21, 15:31
Indeed.....a left-wing insurrection, that's been going on for years, ramped up big time last year, and culminated in an actual, honest-to-goodness coup right in front of everybody.

05-30-21, 14:17
And the VP tweets, "Enjoy the long weekend" with a picture of herself. Doesn't salute the soldiers at the steps of Air Force one and then makes no reference to the fallen soldiers for Memorial Day weekend. I doubt the left even realizes how disgusting this pathetic excuse for a human is; and she's the VP...just gross

05-30-21, 15:07
Rule's, rule's, rule's, the Left don't give a shit about the rule's and will break or ignore every one or change the rule's.
Playing ball with them by the rule's will only get the bat shoved up our ass, in case you haven't noticed the 3' of ash
sticking out of the Right's ass.

05-30-21, 16:09
Rule's, rule's, rule's, the Left don't give a shit about the rule's and will break or ignore every one or change the rule's.
Playing ball with them by the rule's will only get the bat shoved up our ass, in case you haven't noticed the 3' of ash
sticking out of the Right's ass.

^^^^QFT. So where does the Right go from here?