View Full Version : Where are the conservative leaders?

06-27-20, 10:30
When I see the images from Lafayette Square last night or from the weekend across the country of radical leftists and anarchists tearing down or defacing memorials to some of America’s greatest heroes, what I keep wondering is: where are the conservative leaders who have said so much and done so little to defend our history?


Answer- What conservative leaders? There are none. Conservatives are too risk averse.

06-27-20, 10:45
Answer- What conservative leaders? There are none. Conservatives are too risk averse.

A little Sun Tzu goes a long way:

“ If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

“ Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

“ Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.”

“ All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

06-27-20, 10:56
Conservatives did nothing while the left took over education, the media, the government, the FBI, city councils, police departments, courts, etc.

A little Sun Tzu ain't gonna fix this.

06-27-20, 11:16
Most of them are happily content just drawing their paychecks.

06-27-20, 11:33
A little Sun Tzu goes a long way:

“ If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”

“ Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

“ Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.”

“ All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

This. Every conservative needs to read Sun Tzu. Prepare, a little Sun Tzu is the answer we need. In this case, to quote the movie The Mask of Zorro "When the people are ready, the master will appear."

I stay relatively silent on both social media and with anybody who disagrees with me. It's not cowardice or shame; it's strategic. Arguing and standing on the soapbox is pointless and the machine that the left has constructed will destroy you before you get a chance to fight if you speak out. I'm just waiting for the right time, and that time WILL come.

Right now, the left is trying to top each other's anti-racism, and they are beginning to cannibalize themselves. They are purging the "impure" from their ranks; liberal celebrities who did and said things that were once okay but are now considered racist are being persecuted ex post facto. People who are trying to be "woke" but doing it "wrong" but with the best intentions are being destroyed. BLM is fighting the police, white people, and black people don't agree with them, as well as other leftist groups who want to take the lead. Antifa is fighting the government, capitalism, and they're telling BLM to shut up and let Antifa be the vanguard party and they THEY will protect the black population.

Right now, they have nobody to attack on the other side except Trump. This has given us time to regroup and prepare. If we don't know who the conservative "leaders" are, then neither do they. They have nobody, and no locales, to attack except their own.

06-27-20, 12:39
This. Every conservative needs to read Sun Tzu. Prepare, a little Sun Tzu is the answer we need. In this case, to quote the movie The Mask of Zorro "When the people are ready, the master will appear."

I stay relatively silent on both social media and with anybody who disagrees with me. It's not cowardice or shame; it's strategic. Arguing and standing on the soapbox is pointless and the machine that the left has constructed will destroy you before you get a chance to fight if you speak out. I'm just waiting for the right time, and that time WILL come.

Right now, the left is trying to top each other's anti-racism, and they are beginning to cannibalize themselves. They are purging the "impure" from their ranks; liberal celebrities who did and said things that were once okay but are now considered racist are being persecuted ex post facto. People who are trying to be "woke" but doing it "wrong" but with the best intentions are being destroyed. BLM is fighting the police, white people, and black people don't agree with them, as well as other leftist groups who want to take the lead. Antifa is fighting the government, capitalism, and they're telling BLM to shut up and let Antifa be the vanguard party and they THEY will protect the black population.

Right now, they have nobody to attack on the other side except Trump. This has given us time to regroup and prepare. If we don't know who the conservative "leaders" are, then neither do they. They have nobody, and no locales, to attack except their own.

I like this!

06-27-20, 13:58
This. Every conservative needs to read Sun Tzu. Prepare, a little Sun Tzu is the answer we need. In this case, to quote the movie The Mask of Zorro "When the people are ready, the master will appear."

I stay relatively silent on both social media and with anybody who disagrees with me. It's not cowardice or shame; it's strategic. Arguing and standing on the soapbox is pointless and the machine that the left has constructed will destroy you before you get a chance to fight if you speak out. I'm just waiting for the right time, and that time WILL come.

Right now, the left is trying to top each other's anti-racism, and they are beginning to cannibalize themselves. They are purging the "impure" from their ranks; liberal celebrities who did and said things that were once okay but are now considered racist are being persecuted ex post facto. People who are trying to be "woke" but doing it "wrong" but with the best intentions are being destroyed. BLM is fighting the police, white people, and black people don't agree with them, as well as other leftist groups who want to take the lead. Antifa is fighting the government, capitalism, and they're telling BLM to shut up and let Antifa be the vanguard party and they THEY will protect the black population.

Right now, they have nobody to attack on the other side except Trump. This has given us time to regroup and prepare. If we don't know who the conservative "leaders" are, then neither do they. They have nobody, and no locales, to attack except their own.You are right on the money with this post!

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06-27-20, 14:41
In addition to Sun Tzu, I ALWAYS remember this:

“Never interrupt your enemies while they’re making a mistake.”

Boring is right. They are destroying their unity, dividing their tribe. We have to be patient and lay low. Many on the left will fight the crazies for us, once it gets so bad that even the lapdog media can’t spin it. What you see with your own eyes can’t be covered up by the idiot box.

It’ll be a strange couple years, just be patient and protect yourselves. (Financial, health, safety, etc)

06-28-20, 00:13
This. Every conservative needs to read Sun Tzu. Prepare, a little Sun Tzu is the answer we need. In this case, to quote the movie The Mask of Zorro "When the people are ready, the master will appear."

I stay relatively silent on both social media and with anybody who disagrees with me. It's not cowardice or shame; it's strategic. Arguing and standing on the soapbox is pointless and the machine that the left has constructed will destroy you before you get a chance to fight if you speak out. I'm just waiting for the right time, and that time WILL come.

Right now, the left is trying to top each other's anti-racism, and they are beginning to cannibalize themselves. They are purging the "impure" from their ranks; liberal celebrities who did and said things that were once okay but are now considered racist are being persecuted ex post facto. People who are trying to be "woke" but doing it "wrong" but with the best intentions are being destroyed. BLM is fighting the police, white people, and black people don't agree with them, as well as other leftist groups who want to take the lead. Antifa is fighting the government, capitalism, and they're telling BLM to shut up and let Antifa be the vanguard party and they THEY will protect the black population.

Right now, they have nobody to attack on the other side except Trump. This has given us time to regroup and prepare. If we don't know who the conservative "leaders" are, then neither do they. They have nobody, and no locales, to attack except their own.

Shades of 68.

Life's a Hillary
06-28-20, 11:46
It’s hilarious people think there are conservative leaders at all. The Republicans controlled everything at one point and it was after years of them putting an Obamacare repeal up that they knew wouldn’t go anywhere. Yet when they had total control not only did they not repeal Obamacare, they didn’t even have a shell of a halfway constructive plan. Politicians don’t care about being leaders or conservatives, they care about staying in power by scaring you into voting for them. Nothing could be better for that than letting the left run rampant. Money is in the treatment, not the cure.

06-28-20, 12:58
Every single qualified person that I think could lead in some sort of way is too busy to get into politics. I know some successful conservative business owners that could do the job easily. We've discussed the topic of this thread several times and every one of them say they just couldn't stand working with idiots in any form of legislature.

My local state senator is a retired Air Force Colonel turned FedEx pilot. He's as squared away as they come. I'm honestly worried about his health as you can see the frustration and stress when you talk to him. He's beating his head against the wall fighting against the idiocy of even his own party. This dude BELIEVES in America, but at some point you wonder if it's worth it.

All this makes it so amazing that our forefathers managed to get a movement going and ultimately defeat the most powerful nation on earth at that time.

06-28-20, 13:56
It’s hilarious people think there are conservative leaders at all. The Republicans controlled everything at one point and it was after years of them putting an Obamacare repeal up that they knew wouldn’t go anywhere. Yet when they had total control not only did they not repeal Obamacare, they didn’t even have a shell of a halfway constructive plan. Politicians don’t care about being leaders or conservatives, they care about staying in power by scaring you into voting for them. Nothing could be better for that than letting the left run rampant. Money is in the treatment, not the cure.
