View Full Version : Contingency Plans

Coal Dragger
06-27-20, 17:11
So we have an election coming up this November of 2020, not that this is news, but it is what it is. Currently I do not foresee the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump winning reelection. I don't foresee Republicans holding the Senate at this point either, no way they recapture the House of Representatives. So come next January we are going to have Joe Biden as POTUS, with a Democrat controlled congress. The Senate Democrats will probably vote to do a rule change and kill the filibuster on legislation. So within a year or two they are going to ban semi-auto rifles, as well as most semi-auto pistols and shotguns too, and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds maybe even less. I hope I'm wrong about this, but still have to accept the reality of the situation.

With that in mind, it's time to come up with a contingency plan going forward on what guns to think about acquiring, carrying, and shooting in the coming age of banned semi-autos and no new standard capacity magazines. I won't be turning anything in, but I'm also not going to risk stuff getting confiscated if there is an outright ban, or just wearing out guns that we might not be able to get parts or work done on depending on law changes. Same thing with magazines, I'm not going to wear out and trash valuable standard capacity magazines if they are banned.

So given the ugly above listed scenario what is a guy to do going forward to continue enjoying the discipline of shooting, and also still maintaining reasonably effective tools of self defense outside the home or at home that will not run afoul of potential new laws?

Personally I will try to acquire as many standard capacity magazines as I can, as well as new springs and followers for all the ones I already have so they can be rebuilt if needed assuming they have intact feed lips. I'll try to get as many common spare parts as I can to keep guns up and running in the event confiscation isn't an issue but future servicing and parts might be. Of course I will also start to accumulate ammunition, and reloading components as my budget allows.

The other side of that equation is what to get to be able to shoot, and cary without worrying about wearing it out, getting it confiscated etc. This assumes the focus is only on semi-autos.

I guess I'm going be be looking for a good DA revolver in .357 magnum, and if semi-auto pistols are still legal with up to a 10 round capacity I'll be back into the .45ACP guns.

On the rifle front I've always like scout rifles, albeit with a conventional optic, so maybe another Steyr Scout with an LPV as my general purpose light handy range blaster and grab and go rifle for those times I feel the need for a long gun with no specific use in mind.

Any other plans and reasoning are of interest to me, feel free to discuss. Feel free to flame me mercilessly for my pessimism too.

06-27-20, 17:18
I've prepared for that probability since the first ban of 1989. I've bought CASES of magazines-$5-6 apiece. I have a dozen or more spare Toolcraft $ 59 bolt carriers, many spare chrome lined barrels, and many, many complete rifles-not one or three premium rifles but many, many "good" rifles, vetted over years of actual use.

I have piles of $350 police trade in Glock 17s and magazines and parts to support them. I became an armorer years ago-cheap spare parts, an ability to diagnose and fix my guns....Nothing fancy, not "the cool guy" stuff... but it will do...

My grandchildren will never wear out what I have stored. I plan to change nothing absent outright war.

Coal Dragger
06-27-20, 17:36
OK great, you have stuff laid back to keep guns up.

What do you do if the laws are so bad that getting caught with those guns means they get confiscated and you go to jail?

What do you carry or shoot outside the house after that?

06-27-20, 17:38
OK great, you have stuff laid back to keep guns up.

What do you do if the laws are so bad that getting caught with those guns means they get confiscated and you go to jail?

What do you carry or shoot outside the house after that?

War it is.

06-27-20, 17:41
War it is.

And people called me a madman for wanting to make woodchippers great again.

But I’d say an all out weapons ban should be the red line.


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06-27-20, 17:44
And people called me a madman for wanting to make woodchippers great again.

But I’d say an all out weapons ban should be the red line.


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Seriously, if that's not a Declaration of War- What the hell is? Digging your own grave? The free shower at the re education camp?

It's too damn late then. Ask the Jews how well un armed resistance works.

Coal Dragger
06-27-20, 17:46
War it is.

You know I hope our side has the actual will to do that, but I’m not seeing it so far.

06-27-20, 17:52
Reality is that state laws are far more restrictive than what we’re going to get at the federal level. And then cities going a full level stupid more than that. Think mags, suppressors and SBRs. Maybe at the federal level you would get some kind of law without grandfathering for things like magazines. The Dems would know that it would just never be enforced in half of the country. But as mentioned then it’s a question of every time you leave the house you’re a felon. Dems are about passing laws, not enforcing laws.

06-27-20, 17:55
You know I hope our side has the actual will to do that, but I’m not seeing it so far.

Maybe not. I suppose we'll see. All life ends in death, on your feet or on your knees- nobody lives forever.

06-27-20, 18:26
Out of sheer curiousity why don't you all think Trump will be reelcted? Personally I think what's going on right now has a lot of people pissed and will actually hurt the Dems chances come November.

Coal Dragger
06-27-20, 18:43
I am going on the assumption that swing voters in suburban areas will go for Biden.

Again, hope I’m wrong.

06-27-20, 18:48
I’m trying to figure out where to be so I’m not caught behind the lines when the balloon goes up/green flare/Polish radio station gets hit...

06-27-20, 19:01
Out of sheer curiousity why don't you all think Trump will be reelcted? Personally I think what's going on right now has a lot of people pissed and will actually hurt the Dems chances come November.

I think the same. I don’t believe people are looking at the disasters in the ComDem run cities and thinking “yes, we need to have that on a national level. Let me pull the ”D” lever” . Of course, that is me thinking rationally.

06-27-20, 19:10
Out of sheer curiousity why don't you all think Trump will be reelcted? Personally I think what's going on right now has a lot of people pissed and will actually hurt the Dems chances come November.

And the reality is that the Dems don’t usually focus on guns when they actually get in the office. The real battle is Scotus then we have detente right now. It won’t get worse for us until Adam would replace somebody like Thomas. Which could happen in the next year, but not likely. I think that’s why Scotus punted on all the to a case is.And the reality is that the Dems don’t usually focus on guns when they actually get in the office. The real battle is Scotus and we have detente right now. It won’t get worse for us until a damn would replace somebody like Tomas. Which could happen in the next year, but not likely. I think that’s why Scotus printed on all the 2A cases. it’s not going to get any worse for us in the next few years, and if Trump wins we could get rid of Roberts is that stupid swing vote. Frankly it all comes down to Roberts and if he realizes if he goes with a gun grabbers he is lighting a fuse, to how big of an explosion is the only question.

06-27-20, 19:25
If things go pear shaped and Biden starts banning semi autos, what should happen is federal buildings should mysteriously start falling down. If that doesn’t happen, which it won’t. Wheel guns and lever action guns it is.

06-27-20, 19:25
And people called me a madman for wanting to make woodchippers great again.

But I’d say an all out weapons ban should be the red line.


Things that go BOOM > things that go BANG.


06-27-20, 19:30
Out of sheer curiousity why don't you all think Trump will be reelcted? Personally I think what's going on right now has a lot of people pissed and will actually hurt the Dems chances come November.

The depressing prognostication won't affect my vote either way, but it doesn't look good. Just a gut feeling.

06-27-20, 19:33
I think the same. I don’t believe people are looking at the disasters in the ComDem run cities and thinking “yes, we need to have that on a national level. Let me pull the ”D” lever” . Of course, that is me thinking rationally.

And the douchebags that will hit the "D" lever aren't thinking rationally (they never do apparently). It's almost always 50/50 plus or minus a percent or two anyway. Won't take much.

06-27-20, 19:39
The END GAME is outlawing private ownership of ALL firearms when the Left has control.

If THAT isn’t the final line in the sand I don’t know what is.
I wouldn’t be concerned about amassing 6 shot revolvers or 8 rd 1911s.
Spare parts, magazines and ammo for what I currently have are a priority that seems prudent.

At the rate 2020 has deginerated I won’t be surprised if that happens quicker than any of us would imagine.

06-27-20, 19:43
Whatever happens, our reaction to a Dem victory needs to be that the hour is near, and so we need to be ready to fight, whether it ends in a last stand for the country or a new beginning. Never, NEVER say it's over until it's actually over. That's how the left got where they are: When we lose an election, we skulk and say, "That's it, we're f**ked" and threaten to just go off the grid. When the left loses, they say, "To arms! Organize! Let's prepare to take it back!" I mean, let's face it, Trump's barely doing a damn thing. The left is in control of the country no matter which party is in power. So, let's not for a second thing that Biden winning is the coup de grace or that Trump winning is buying us any more time. This is up to us, no who is in the White House or on the SC.

The END GAME is outlawing private ownership of ALL firearms when the Left has control.

No, that's just one of the final steps. The end game is to exterminate anyone who has ever dared to oppose them once everybody is disarmed.

06-27-20, 20:02
OK great, you have stuff laid back to keep guns up.

What do you do if the laws are so bad that getting caught with those guns means they get confiscated and you go to jail?

What do you carry or shoot outside the house after that?

Consent of the governed is dissolved. It’s time for the “domestic enemies” defense to begin. Eventually, they will (try to) kill all that oppose them.

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06-27-20, 20:04
To leave all my property in good hands and pop smoke to the Philippines.

06-27-20, 20:12
To leave all my property in good hands and pop smoke to the Philippines.

A country that's currently even closer than us to becoming a totalitarian dictatorship?

Consent of the governed is dissolved. It’s time for the “domestic enemies” defense to begin. Eventually, they will (try to) kill all that oppose them.

That's the big thing that a lot of people forget. I hear things like "play nice" and keeping guns is "not worth it". The Jews complied with just about everything the Nazis ordered them to do and they were STILL led to slaughter. The left's rhetoric is very clear at this point: They have absolutely no intention of letting their enemies live, whether or not we comply.

06-27-20, 20:21
A country that's currently even closer than us to becoming a totalitarian dictatorship?

It very well may prove to me more free than Biden's America in the Provinces.

06-27-20, 21:05
I wish I had more faith in our political leaders.

I feel like we are losing this cultural war with our inaction and division. It is a war, you realize. At least the Left can fall under the "banner of the month" to accomplish what they want. We can't seem to do anything. I include myself in this as well, because...how/what do we do to go about it? We're way behind the powercurve it seems so what options do we have that aren't including violence standing up for statues, ourselves, etc?

Even if Trump wins reelection, I feel things will only ramp up. Either the Left won't accept it, or Antifa will really ramp up and escalate shit because to them, this is their shot. Their revolution has started. I'm more inclined to ask, "What will it take, short of open conflict with them to get them to stop or realize they really don't want this?"

I watch the streams of the protests and riots and see a lot of "true believers" out there screaming about this is only the beginning and this won't end until they can burn down the current system. I daresay they are on a crusade and they have an entire political party on their side as well as who knows a number of people behind the scenes funding them.

I find the silence from most of the Republicans almost as shocking as the actions I see and hear from the Left.

06-27-20, 21:13
If things go pear shaped and Biden starts banning semi autos, what should happen is federal buildings should mysteriously start falling down. If that doesn’t happen, which it won’t. Wheel guns and lever action guns it is.
With this kind of activity, too many innocents would die. I don't want to see another Alfred P. Murrah incident. I am more of the mindset that would target the opposition leadership with surgical hits. Maybe this thinking comes from the crowd I worked with for quite a number of years.

06-27-20, 21:19
With this kind of activity, too many innocents would die. I don't want to see another Alfred P. Murrah incident. I am more of the mindset that would target the opposition leadership with surgical hits. Maybe this thinking comes from the crowd I worked with for quite a number of years.

That's the feeling I get no matter which way the election goes. Those seen as the above described opposition, aka conservative and/or Republican leaders will end up being targeted.

06-27-20, 21:22
Because of soros and mail in voting is my main reason why I have some unknown thoughts

Out of sheer curiousity why don't you all think Trump will be reelcted? Personally I think what's going on right now has a lot of people pissed and will actually hurt the Dems chances come November.

06-27-20, 21:56
That's the feeling I get no matter which way the election goes. Those seen as the above described opposition, aka conservative and/or Republican leaders will end up being targeted.
My thinking is certain prominent leaders of anti-American Anarchist groups will get rubbed out. Then it starts working up the chain to Judicial and Political leaders, one by one or several at a time. Once this starts happening, things will be certainly different in the US. However, we take the approach out here that we operate and survive despite whatever government is in place. If they want to get up close and personal, we'll deal with it. We've been on this same land under three different flags so we're not going anywhere.

For me, Contingency Planning is a way of life in the American Outback. We plan for the power going out in a Winter Storm, we plan for wildfires which we had just recently east of here earlier in the month. I have been building up my stash of ammo and guns since the end of the AWB in 2004. Now I'm just working on filling in holes in certain calibers I could use more of (mostly handgun ammo). We have a supply of food that could last us a year for 12 people, and we are working on building that up. Water and beef I have ample supply of so that's no issue.

06-27-20, 22:30
The END GAME is outlawing private ownership of ALL firearms when the Left has control. .......

At the rate 2020 has deginerated I won’t be surprised if that happens quicker than any of us would imagine.


I live in Commiefornia. Just about everyday they are doing something radical since Newsome took office. My guess is that the Dims will move very fast if they get senate/house/executive, they are MUCH more radical now than when Obama was in office.

I expect them to grant statehood to Washington DC and Puerto Rico. That means 4 more radical Senators and some house members. They have been talking about increasing the size of the Supreme Court and adding more lefty judges. They will raise taxes, reinstate regulations, implement some form of Green New Deal, Raise gas taxes, etc.

They will outlaw guns and REGULATE ammunition. They will require a background check to buy ammo, and they will tax it.

It'll be a commie hell hole. These ain't your father's democrats. The far left now controls the party.

I'm speeding up my plans to leave Cal. for Idaho. Making plans to bury firearms and ammo, and lots of spares. I've built up a pretty good stash over 10 years or so.

06-27-20, 22:41
Also, after the way that LEOs fell in line with the COVID lock downs and forced business closings, I don't think we can count on LEOs siding with the Constitution. I am so disappointed with our Police. I still support them, but with less enthusiasm. Hope they end up on the right side of this.

06-27-20, 22:46
.....No, that's just one of the final steps. The end game is to exterminate anyone who has ever dared to oppose them once everybody is disarmed.

Yup! Right from the communist playbook. And now they have electronic records from social media to speed the process along!

Coal Dragger
06-28-20, 00:51
I see so much chest beating about shit that will never happen. Fact is 99% of you have too much to lose to go and try to fight “the man”, it’s much easier to claim you will than actually do it.

Also a lot of avoidance of any actual practical solutions to firearms to train with and carry that will be less likely to be banned.

Overall very amusing in a way but sad at the same time.

06-28-20, 00:52

06-28-20, 00:55

06-28-20, 01:16
I see so much chest beating about shit that will never happen. Fact is 99% of you have too much to lose to go and try to fight “the man”, it’s much easier to claim you will than actually do it.

Also a lot of avoidance of any actual practical solutions to firearms to train with and carry that will be less likely to be banned.

Overall very amusing in a way but sad at the same time.
I'm just going to hunker down and try to ride out the storm. I don't have the means to start a war, but I have the means to hopefully survive.

06-28-20, 04:09
Out of sheer curiousity why don't you all think Trump will be reelcted? Personally I think what's going on right now has a lot of people pissed and will actually hurt the Dems chances come November.

Because if Trump wins that means there really wasn't a deep state conspiracy. It's very important that Trump loses so some folks have justification to kick off the next step.

As for me, I can't think of a reasonable pretext for being disarmed so like many, that will be my fall back "I guess this means game on" line in the sand.

I'm willing to play along with a lot of the BS. Sure I'll register my NFA stuff and pay stratosphere prices for genuine full auto because it's a safe investment. When the day comes to sell off my Uzis, MP5s and the like it will be a sad day, but it will be hard to be too sad with all that money in the bank.

I learned my lesson and in 2004 I started buying like it was gonna end in a month. I have my needs pretty squared away and most of my wants. My biggest concern right now is I need to find a decent all weather vehicle for a fair price that is reliable and not loaded with tons of electronics and computer features designed to fail and F me one day.

06-28-20, 05:40
I’m thinking that Trump will win the 2020 election.

As to the cop stuff... they are government employees and will be loyal to whoever signs their paycheck because they know there are many others that will perform if they don’t.

The left has come out and said the goal for guns is a complete ban and only cops should be armed. They won’t stop at AR or semi auto Glocks.

The left has gone insane.

06-28-20, 06:06
So we have an election coming up this November of 2020, not that this is news, but it is what it is. Currently I do not foresee the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump winning reelection. I don't foresee Republicans holding the Senate at this point either, no way they recapture the House of Representatives.

Put down the CNN, and go fishing for a day. It'll do you a world of good.

06-28-20, 06:40
So we have an election coming up this November of 2020, not that this is news, but it is what it is. Currently I do not foresee the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump winning reelection. I don't foresee Republicans holding the Senate at this point either, no way they recapture the House of Representatives. So come next January we are going to have Joe Biden as POTUS, with a Democrat controlled congress.

The media lies about everything, why would they suddenly tell the truth in a poll?

06-28-20, 06:46
Loss of rights is never immediate. Such an act would provoke an undesirable reaction. Incremental “Common sense” restrictions are the MO of anti-gun proponents, because they work.

They will implement limits on everything from magazine capacity to features (think Clinton bill). Then precedent has been set for future limits. Eventually, we look like Australia where gun ownership is legal, but difficult. Think class III items. We, as a group here, will do what we have to, to remain armed. Most wont.

06-28-20, 07:02
The media lies about everything, why would they suddenly tell the truth in a poll?

And polls have proven to be so reliable...

06-28-20, 07:53
The left has come out and said the goal for guns is a complete ban and only cops should be armed. They won’t stop at AR or semi auto Glocks.

The left has gone insane.

The left also says all cops are racists, so...

06-28-20, 07:59
Not giving up my guns...

Scared for the future, but I’m not quite to point of sitting a corner sucking my thumb while rocking back and forth...

06-28-20, 08:21
I see so much chest beating about shit that will never happen. Fact is 99% of you have too much to lose to go and try to fight “the man”, it’s much easier to claim you will than actually do it.

Also a lot of avoidance of any actual practical solutions to firearms to train with and carry that will be less likely to be banned.

Overall very amusing in a way but sad at the same time.

They took Elmer Fudds Joe Biden approved "double barrel shogun"....There ARE NO "practical solutions".

06-28-20, 08:34
I see so much chest beating about shit that will never happen. Fact is 99% of you have too much to lose to go and try to fight “the man”, it’s much easier to claim you will than actually do it.

Also a lot of avoidance of any actual practical solutions to firearms to train with and carry that will be less likely to be banned.

Overall very amusing in a way but sad at the same time.

Let me get this straight......YOU post an OP essentially about what kind of "allowable" guns you should have to not get in trouble with the authoritahs yet you bash others for not outright kicking off CW2? A bit hypocritical don't you think? So exactly what is YOUR plan?

Besides, the dangerous ones in the future to the NWO won't be the ones beating their chests out loud on the internet. There are things you don't discuss on open internet forums. Suffice it to say some of the conversations I've been privy to certainly won't show up on M4C or BARFCOM. They are discussed between like-minded friends, a couple of whom have extensive backgrounds in doing nasty shit while others sleep safely in their beds. The who, the how, etc.

06-28-20, 09:16
There is only one Contingency Plan that has a prayer of stopping what is happening in the country right now and that is kill communist's and we don't have the will to do that, yet. All this talk of appeasement is useless, resistance need to start now, I mean come on, "I guess I will let them ban semi's as long as I can have my lever action and revolver but by golly when they do a total ban I'm fighting back" what kind of BS is that. Makes as much sense as looking at a NFA collection as an investment while talking about total gun bans.

Waiting for the gun ban is way to late to fight back, look at history, look at what is happening now, erase history, ban speech, ban assembly, demonize your opponents and force them to bend to your will, make sure you count the votes. All right out of the commie playbook, it's past time to get hard, I don't hold out much hope.

06-28-20, 09:28
. When the day comes to sell off my Uzis, MP5s and the like it will be a sad day, but it will be hard to be too sad with all that money in the bank.

You think you’ll actually be able to sell and transfer that stuff to somebody else? Wrong.

They’ll ban them outright. You will only have one choice: surrender them to the authorities for destruction. There will be no compensation. Just like they did with bump stocks.

And you won’t be able to keep them off-book for obvious reasons: NFA items are heavily documented, they will know you haven’t turned them in. That’s why registering ANYTHING is obviously such a bad idea, not that you have a choice when it comes to Class 3 toys.

06-28-20, 09:49

06-28-20, 10:30
You think you’ll actually be able to sell and transfer that stuff to somebody else? Wrong.

They’ll ban them outright. You will only have one choice: surrender them to the authorities for destruction. There will be no compensation. Just like they did with bump stocks.

And you won’t be able to keep them off-book for obvious reasons: NFA items are heavily documented, they will know you haven’t turned them in. That’s why registering ANYTHING is obviously such a bad idea, not that you have a choice when it comes to Class 3 toys.

I don't own any NFA stuff. None. You're right, those items can't be denied, you HAVE to produce them if told to. Someone has plausible deniability when it comes to non-NFA items ("I sold them at the last few gun shows") but not NFA hardware.

If I had those things regulated by the NFA and was ordered to turn them in (no doubt without compensation, too bad so sad) they would be ruined before I turned them over. Receivers cut in half, suppressors drilled or cut, all parts except for the registered portion removed, etc. You know they're going to keep them for themselves or their agency; hell, some of the shit we citizens have makes some LEO drool. I'd even reserve a little special something for them too: on an otherwise seemingly undestroyed gun I'd remove the handguards and drill a little hole right underneath the chamber or just forward of it so they'd blow their thieving fingers off when they decided to have fun with their confiscated shit.

06-28-20, 10:59
You think you’ll actually be able to sell and transfer that stuff to somebody else? Wrong.

They’ll ban them outright. You will only have one choice: surrender them to the authorities for destruction. There will be no compensation. Just like they did with bump stocks.

And you won’t be able to keep them off-book for obvious reasons: NFA items are heavily documented, they will know you haven’t turned them in. That’s why registering ANYTHING is obviously such a bad idea, not that you have a choice when it comes to Class 3 toys.
My NFA items are a tiny percentage compared to everything else. For every AR SBR, I have an extra 16 inch barreled upper ready to install. For just firearms in general, I anticipate a huge black market in guns, ammo and accessories. You can always get money out of a firearm, and it is like money in the bank.

06-28-20, 11:00
MAGA, Vote Trump and Republican in November!!

While having a Contingency plan might buy you a little time, rest assured they will be back to get **ALL** the Fudd stuff at some point. AMMO is key.
IMHO, if today’s extreme Democrat Socialist / Communist Party ever gets total control, AMMO will be the new gold and all NFA items would be confiscated at some point.

06-28-20, 11:15
With the thread title I expected a very different discussion.

Anyway, if I were planning along the lines of the OP's question, it would be good to have un-banned guns in the same calibers as your current favorites, so you could keep buying useful ammunition. Bolt-actions in 223 and 308, revolvers in 9mm, 40 or 45 ACP, etc.

You would only be buying yourself a couple years of supposed self-defense, however. Look at reality in Canada, the UK, and many other countries.

06-28-20, 11:23
It's too damn late then. Ask the Jews how well un armed resistance works.

Better yet as us how it worked when we fought. With less guns and ammo than any 5 of us own here, when the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto fought they beat the Nazis for over a month.

When Jews ran away and joined the partisans or the Red Army, they fought as demons. Jews were awarded medals for valor at a rate of something like a hundred to 1 in the red army.

When guns become outlawed, I will be a terrorist.

06-28-20, 11:28
Better yet as us how it worked when we fought. With less guns and ammo than any 5 of us own here, when the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto fought they beat the Nazis for over a month.

When Jews ran away and joined the partisans or the Red Army, they fought as demons. Jews were awarded medals for valor at a rate of something like a hundred to 1 in the red army.

When guns become outlawed, I will be a terrorist.

Yes, how any thinking person can contrast those examples and prepare to hand over their guns I can't fathom.

06-28-20, 11:29
With the thread title I expected a very different discussion.

Anyway, if I were planning along the lines of the OP's question, it would be good to have un-banned guns in the same calibers as your current favorites, so you could keep buying useful ammunition. Bolt-actions in 223 and 308, revolvers in 9mm, 40 or 45 ACP, etc.

You would only be buying yourself a couple years of supposed self-defense, however. Look at reality in Canada, the UK, and many other countries.

Exactly so. At very best, you buy yourself a few years....What of your children? Piss on them? Apparently so....

06-28-20, 11:31
Out of curiosity for those with NFA items, is that a non-starter for y’all as well? Or do you hand those in and hope they don’t ask for everything else? Where is the line?

Coal Dragger
06-28-20, 11:37
With the thread title I expected a very different discussion.

Anyway, if I were planning along the lines of the OP's question, it would be good to have un-banned guns in the same calibers as your current favorites, so you could keep buying useful ammunition. Bolt-actions in 223 and 308, revolvers in 9mm, 40 or 45 ACP, etc.

You would only be buying yourself a couple years of supposed self-defense, however. Look at reality in Canada, the UK, and many other countries.

Yeah I struggled with a thread title, not trying to stir shit.

Realistically as others have pointed out even in the event of bans outright confiscation is going to be nearly impossible to enforce. I don’t think any of us would plan to willingly turn anything in, nor would most folks. I’m kind of proud of the bottom 3% of the IQ bell curve bubbas who have pretty much ignored the bump stock ban for example. You don’t see them, but they’re still out there. Trying to force the issue is pretty much going to set of Civil War round 2, assuming enough dudes elect to resist and get away with it. Then others join. So I don’t expect intense confiscation efforts of the door to door variety.

This was meant as more of a discussion on what do we then use on a daily basis or regular basis.

06-28-20, 11:41
You think you’ll actually be able to sell and transfer that stuff to somebody else? Wrong.

They’ll ban them outright. You will only have one choice: surrender them to the authorities for destruction. There will be no compensation. Just like they did with bump stocks.

And you won’t be able to keep them off-book for obvious reasons: NFA items are heavily documented, they will know you haven’t turned them in. That’s why registering ANYTHING is obviously such a bad idea, not that you have a choice when it comes to Class 3 toys.

When they demand you hand over your weapons, they will come back for you later whether or not you comply. Also, anybody who ever bought a gun, or even got a CCW regardless of whether or not they ever bought a gun, is somewhere in the system, and will be targeted. The good thing is that the federal government is incompetent.

06-28-20, 11:42
I honestly can't believe what I'm reading here.

Who in their right mind honestly thinks the left (if given control of the presidency, senate, and house simultaneously) won't just ban EVERYTHING. This isn't rocket science. They've already told you what their going to do in extreme detail. There will be no grandfathered weapons, there will be no pump shotguns, there will be no bolt actions. They will go for it all, and they will trample all over the constitution to do it.

If your answer to "What do we do when they come for our freedoms?" isn't to stack bodies, then you're wrong.

Until then, do WHATEVER YOU CAN to stop the chances of them taking control of what's left of our government.

I'm sick of seeing the defeatist attitude among so called "Patriots". If you plan on caving already, please just leave the country now. We don't need you and you're waisting space and resources.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

06-28-20, 11:47
I honestly can't believe what I'm reading here.

Who in their right mind honestly thinks the left (if given control of the presidency, senate, and house simultaneously) won't just ban EVERYTHING. This isn't rocket science. They've already told you what their going to do in extreme detail. There will be no grandfathered weapons, there will be no pump shotguns, there will be no bolt actions. They will go for it all, and they will trample all over the constitution to do it.

If your answer to "What do we do when they come for our freedoms?" isn't to stack bodies, then you're wrong.

Until then, do WHATEVER YOU CAN to stop the chances of them taking control of what's left of our government.

I'm sick of seeing the defeatist attitude among so called "Patriots". If you plan on caving already, please just leave the country now. We don't need you and you're waisting space and resources.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

This man gets it.

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06-28-20, 12:05
I honestly can't believe what I'm reading here.

Who in their right mind honestly thinks the left (if given control of the presidency, senate, and house simultaneously) won't just ban EVERYTHING. This isn't rocket science. They've already told you what their going to do in extreme detail. There will be no grandfathered weapons, there will be no pump shotguns, there will be no bolt actions. They will go for it all, and they will trample all over the constitution to do it.

If your answer to "What do we do when they come for our freedoms?" isn't to stack bodies, then you're wrong.

Until then, do WHATEVER YOU CAN to stop the chances of them taking control of what's left of our government.

I'm sick of seeing the defeatist attitude among so called "Patriots". If you plan on caving already, please just leave the country now. We don't need you and you're waisting space and resources.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


Seriously, the reason we keep losing is that we accept everything the left does to us. Our attitude to bad situations is to bitch and moan that nothing should be done because it's all over and nothing will work anyway. We also have this weird fear of the government, that they are infallible and omnipotent. We think they're the KGB or the Stasi and they have spies EVERYWHERE. They KNOW who owns what and they have a 1:1 ratio of agents to gun owners and those agents are standing by for Order 66.

The left, on the other hand, says "f**k that noise!" They have no fear and no respect for authority. When things don't go their way, they don't contemplate surrender or threaten to go off the grid or flee the country. They fight back. Their end game is to put a bullet in all our heads. The right's end game is to have an empty victory of still hating big brother right before that bullet goes into their head.

Seriously, people need to stop lamenting the bad state of things. Find out who your allies are. Start networking quietly. Get plans together.

06-28-20, 12:54
Out of curiosity for those with NFA items, is that a non-starter for y’all as well? Or do you hand those in and hope they don’t ask for everything else? Where is the line?

I will not voluntarily hand any of it over.

06-28-20, 14:34
If your answer to "What do we do when they come for our freedoms?" isn't to stack bodies, then you're wrong.
I'm sick of seeing the defeatist attitude among so called "Patriots". If you plan on caving already, please just leave the country now. We don't need you and you're waisting space and resources.

There isn't going to be door to door confiscation. It will be targeted hits on the homes of people who post on internet forums or ones who make themselves visible in public with their weapons, waiving the come and take it flag. They'll make examples of these people to extort compliance on the rest of the population. The bullet magnets are the ones who will die first, and take the heat off everyone else. They will serve a purpose in the short term.

The rest of society will lay low, trying to conserve and protect what they have, operating in the shadows, with the occasional targeted hit on political leaders, judges and perhaps any ABC organization that is taking the lead. It will be just like it was during Prohibition, with illegal booze, except in the future it will be guns. They may even start focusing on those who have been hoarding gold and silver as well.

You talk to anyone who have been in gun ownership for a while, or new gun owners, and a majority plan to lie like sailors if the government demands the surrender of personally owned guns. For me, I've done my share of killing over the years. I will decide when it's time to resume that kind of activity.

06-28-20, 14:47
This man gets it.

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Is the left going to ban Ryder Trucks?

06-28-20, 14:56
Is the left going to ban Ryder Trucks?

No they just won’t let military aged white guys rent them.

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06-28-20, 15:28
No they just won’t let military aged white guys rent them.

Funny, that would also keep the trucks away from most Antifa and a large chunk of BLM, not to mention half or more of the people who would rent them for peaceful purposes unrelated to politics.

06-28-20, 15:38
With the thread title I expected a very different discussion.

Anyway, if I were planning along the lines of the OP's question, it would be good to have un-banned guns in the same calibers as your current favorites, so you could keep buying useful ammunition. Bolt-actions in 223 and 308, revolvers in 9mm, 40 or 45 ACP, etc.

You would only be buying yourself a couple years of supposed self-defense, however. Look at reality in Canada, the UK, and many other countries.

Couple years of self defense ? Not sure what you mean ?

Reality ONE gun fight from your home its over authorities or the mob will be back and you cant stay awake 24/7 for years ?

06-28-20, 15:59
Funny, that would also keep the trucks away from most Antifa and a large chunk of BLM, not to mention half or more of the people who would rent them for peaceful purposes unrelated to politics.

Well, if they did it for our own good or to save the children....

06-28-20, 16:37
Couple years of self defense ? Not sure what you mean ?

Reality ONE gun fight from your home its over authorities or the mob will be back and you cant stay awake 24/7 for years ?

I think he’s saying if you comply with their bullshit, it will only take a few more years before you can’t have any defensive firearms.

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06-28-20, 17:18
There isn't going to be door to door confiscation. It will be targeted hits on the homes of people who post on internet forums or ones who make themselves visible in public with their weapons, waiving the come and take it flag. They'll make examples of these people to extort compliance on the rest of the population. The bullet magnets are the ones who will die first, and take the heat off everyone else. They will serve a purpose in the short term.

The population in each AO where targeted raids happen will need to understand that their local piece of shit and his deputies have abrogated their lawful authority. They will have demonstrated that they lied when being sworn in; the constitution means nothing to them. At that point . . . . How would you respond if foreign armed forces invaded your town and intended to deprive you of human rights? There’s your answer on what will happen.

Coal Dragger
06-28-20, 17:45
Local AO’s are going to make a big difference in how things are handled, and whether federal laws will have much impact.

Imagine this scenario:

You live in a free stare with a state legislature overwhelmingly opposed to federal gun bans, and governor who is similarly opposed to such nonsense.

Accordingly your state passes laws prohibiting state and local law enforcement from assisting federal efforts to confiscate firearms, arrest, detain, hold, transfer, or extradite non compliant citizens on any federal firearms violations. Sanctuary cities and states look pretty good now don’t they? Shoe is on the other foot.

Take it further, maybe your free state government decides to declare every adult in the state 18 years old and above who is not a violent felon or adjudicated mentally incompetent members of the state militia. As part of that statute or amendment you volunteer, go through a background check and are now part of the state militia. You could then further volunteer for NG duty or whatever you desire. As part of the new state militia law members are authorized to procure, possess, transport, carry, and utilize privately held arms.

Now the leftist feds can pretty much **** off, because their argument has always been that the 2nd Amendment only applies to state governments for militias.

I’m not sure why this hasn’t been done already in someplace like Wyoming.

06-28-20, 18:00
Local AO’s are going to make a big difference in how things are handled, and whether federal laws will have much impact.

Imagine this scenario:

You live in a free stare with a state legislature overwhelmingly opposed to federal gun bans, and governor who is similarly opposed to such nonsense.

Accordingly your state passes laws prohibiting state and local law enforcement from assisting federal efforts to confiscate firearms, arrest, detain, hold, transfer, or extradite non compliant citizens on any federal firearms violations. Sanctuary cities and states look pretty good now don’t they? Shoe is on the other foot.

Take it further, maybe your free state government decides to declare every adult in the state 18 years old and above who is not a violent felon or adjudicated mentally incompetent members of the state militia. As part of that statute or amendment you volunteer, go through a background check and are now part of the state militia. You could then further volunteer for NG duty or whatever you desire. As part of the new state militia law members are authorized to procure, possess, transport, carry, and utilize privately held arms.

Now the leftist feds can pretty much **** off, because their argument has always been that the 2nd Amendment only applies to state governments for militias.

I’m not sure why this hasn’t been done already in someplace like Wyoming.

Bonus, that may open up LEOSA Carry for thee militia if set up right. :)

06-28-20, 18:02
Comparing sanctuary cities to counties and states that uphold the constitution is a bit of a stretch. I get what you are saying, but they are not apples to apples and put those sanctuary cities in a tit for tat comparison which sort of justifies their actions, when upholding the constitution is the foremost job of the state and county while safe harboring illegal aliens has nothing to do with it.

Coal Dragger
06-28-20, 18:03
Alternatively the state could elect to allow militia volunteers to undergo training in basic law enforcement for deputization purposes. Now you have state certified LEO’s all over who could have guns etc. Once again feds can get bent.

Coal Dragger
06-28-20, 18:07
Comparing sanctuary cities to counties and states that uphold the constitution is a bit of a stretch. I get what you are saying, but they are not apples to apples and put those sanctuary cities in a tit for tat comparison which sort of justifies their actions, when upholding the constitution is the foremost job of the state and county while safe harboring illegal aliens has nothing to do with it.

I’m not going for moral equivalence here, just pointing out that the precedent that has now been set cuts both ways. It could be beneficial in the future.

06-28-20, 18:07
Nothing really is going to happen on the Constitutionalist side until a very large portion loses a high degree of faith in the various government. If they view the various governments as flat out illegitimate there's not going to be much movement towards anything. Maybe when the left takes power and tries to steal their 401K, your bank account and your guns and other property will things light up. Based on various principles I have believed for 20+ years, I don't believe the governments are legit and only submit because they would kill me if I resisted too much. I submit out wraths sake, not out of willing conscience.

06-28-20, 18:56
The population in each AO where targeted raids happen will need to understand that their local piece of shit and his deputies have abrogated their lawful authority. They will have demonstrated that they lied when being sworn in; the constitution means nothing to them. At that point . . . . How would you respond if foreign armed forces invaded your town and intended to deprive you of human rights? There’s your answer on what will happen.
Local LE out here are either distant relatives or close friends. My northern border of this ranch is with a county that has only around 690 people, in a land area of over 2100 square miles. I also volunteer with the mounted posse for that county and an adjacent county. I do search & rescue and fugitive tracking, although it's outsiders that have to be tracked.

If you spend a day or a week out here, it's like you've fallen off the face of the earth. Everything else happening in far off places is like a different planet and means nothing. That county I mentioned above has 1 verified case of COVID-19 but the person was asymptomatic. If the totalitarian powers decided to come out here to subjugate the population, the reward wouldn't be worth the effort because everyone is armed, and proficient in thriving in a tougher environment. There's more targets in easier to reach places closer to the rest of civilization. We're an outlier in the American Outback. It took my ancestors from the late 1620's to the 1750's just to finally secure a permanent presence here on their Land Grant because of tenacious Native population and the harsh environment.

06-28-20, 19:42
Ahhhh ok makes sense that way :)

I think he’s saying if you comply with their bullshit, it will only take a few more years before you can’t have any defensive firearms.

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06-28-20, 20:22
Alternatively the state could elect to allow militia volunteers to undergo training in basic law enforcement for deputization purposes. Now you have state certified LEO’s all over who could have guns etc. Once again feds can get bent.Badges, we don't need no stinking badges!
We are the patriots who will be defending the freedoms this country was founded upon!
μολὼν λαβέ!

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

06-28-20, 20:28
Better yet as us how it worked when we fought. With less guns and ammo than any 5 of us own here, when the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto fought they beat the Nazis for over a month.

When Jews ran away and joined the partisans or the Red Army, they fought as demons. Jews were awarded medals for valor at a rate of something like a hundred to 1 in the red army.

When guns become outlawed, I will be a terrorist.

When you are already dead, there isn't much left holding you back. When they have already killed everyone you care about but somehow you slipped through the cracks, there isn't much to do besides kill everyone who had a hand in it.

Evel Baldgui
06-28-20, 21:15
I doubt there will be door to door confiscation. Worst case scenario, a senile pedophile gets " elected " via massive voter fraud, his vp, a cum bucket liberal twat from California. Congress controlled by social democrats. Aside from stock markets collapse and economic uncertainty, gun control will be via 4473 forms and limiting access to your local bank / stock funds till your weapons have been turned in to the local federal station, for example. Door to door scenario, hmmm, given the current animosity towards LE, will the local PD want to be bothered with this? Their families reside in our neighborhoods, we know the cars they drive, where they shop, etc .... do they want to bother the only law abiding supportive portion of the population that isn't against them?

06-28-20, 21:42
Better yet as us how it worked when we fought. With less guns and ammo than any 5 of us own here, when the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto fought they beat the Nazis for over a month.

When Jews ran away and joined the partisans or the Red Army, they fought as demons. Jews were awarded medals for valor at a rate of something like a hundred to 1 in the red army.

When guns become outlawed, I will be a terrorist.

Say what? No you won’t. You already said in the other thread you’re not going to do anything aside from donating to conservative politicians. And before that you were going to just pop smoke and go back to Israel.

So why play

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06-28-20, 22:57
This kind of all feels like a movie. Which character are you gonna play?

06-29-20, 07:40
Say what? No you won’t. You already said in the other thread you’re not going to do anything aside from donating to conservative politicians. And before that you were going to just pop smoke and go back to Israel.

So why play

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I never said I would go back to Israel. I did say one option is to leave the USA.

Why play you ask?

Because the USA is too important for us to allow it to go down the drain.

If the Republic falls, and we become a Marxist state, then what hope does the world have?

When the best country in the history of the world, fails. Then the world will fail.

The end of the age of enlightenment, the rights of the individual will fade as the rights of the State supersede our rights. Our rights which are G-D given will be man stolen.

So where can a person run to?

Leaders in the 3rd world which have little respect for the rights of the citizens in their country will go crazy. America failing will result in less help to the world, which will result in deaths due to illness and starvation, which will result in unrest and revolution.

Let me be blunt in the decade after the fall of the Republic, deaths due to this event world wide will eclipse 1 billion dead.

That is why I will play.

Straight Shooter
06-29-20, 07:47
I doubt there will be door to door confiscation. Worst case scenario, a senile pedophile gets " elected " via massive voter fraud, his vp, a cum bucket liberal twat from California. Congress controlled by social democrats. Aside from stock markets collapse and economic uncertainty, gun control will be via 4473 forms and limiting access to your local bank / stock funds till your weapons have been turned in to the local federal station, for example. Door to door scenario, hmmm, given the current animosity towards LE, will the local PD want to be bothered with this? Their families reside in our neighborhoods, we know the cars they drive, where they shop, etc .... do they want to bother the only law abiding supportive portion of the population that isn't against them?

Im doing my absolute best to stop saying there will "never" be this or that, or "that wont happen here", "cant happen here"..ect, ect.
TOO MANY of those things have happened, are happening & WILL happen.
I ABSOLUTELY belive door to door confiscation not only "possible", but depending on how the next couple elections go..PROBABLE.
Its ALREADY HAPPENED..look at hurricane Katrina videos...LE AND National Guard did JUST THAT. In other places, too.

Straight Shooter
06-29-20, 07:49
I never said I would go back to Israel. I did say one option is to leave the USA.

Why play you ask?

Because the USA is too important for us to allow it to go down the drain.

If the Republic falls, and we become a Marxist state, then what hope does the world have?

When the best country in the history of the world, fails. Then the world will fail.

The end of the age of enlightenment, the rights of the individual will fade as the rights of the State supersede our rights. Our rights which are G-D given will be man stolen.

So where can a person run to?

Leaders in the 3rd world which have little respect for the rights of the citizens in their country will go crazy. America failing will result in less help to the world, which will result in deaths due to illness and starvation, which will result in unrest and revolution.

Let me be blunt in the decade after the fall of the Republic, deaths due to this event world wide will eclipse 1 billion dead.

That is why I will play.


06-29-20, 08:07
I've always found a quote by German Field Marshall Erwin Rommel to be interesting. It refers to troops who have lost leadership and are without contingency plans:

"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it"

I propose modifying that to address a breakdown of society in the United States; no law enforcement, no protections offered the average citizen in defense of their lives and property:

"In the absence of social order, go find something and kill it"

06-29-20, 08:24
Im doing my absolute best to stop saying there will "never" be this or that, or "that wont happen here", "cant happen here"..ect, ect.
TOO MANY of those things have happened, are happening & WILL happen.
I ABSOLUTELY belive door to door confiscation not only "possible", but depending on how the next couple elections go..PROBABLE.
Its ALREADY HAPPENED..look at hurricane Katrina videos...LE AND National Guard did JUST THAT. In other places, too.

I used to have similar views, such and such can't happen here, no more. Current thinking is WHEN such and such will occur. On that note, prepare and comport yourself accordingly.

06-29-20, 08:48
I too am worried for the Republic. I just can't grasp why so many of my countrymen can't seem to figure out the folly of socialism. At this point we have only a few straws to grasp at and one of them is that we are lucky to have the political enemies that we have.. The dem/left/socialists have shown an unfailing tendency to over play their hand, time and time again they beat the dead horse. How many times have we been told over the last 3 years that Trump was done for? They had the silver bullet, only a matter of time, etc. I did not vote for Trump the first time and I think he is his own worst enemy [I certainly didn't vote hillary either!]. But I will this time.

06-29-20, 09:57
Im doing my absolute best to stop saying there will "never" be this or that, or "that wont happen here", "cant happen here"..ect, ect.
TOO MANY of those things have happened, are happening & WILL happen.
I ABSOLUTELY belive door to door confiscation not only "possible", but depending on how the next couple elections go..PROBABLE.
Its ALREADY HAPPENED..look at hurricane Katrina videos...LE AND National Guard did JUST THAT. In other places, too.

I don't necessarily disagree, except now law enforcement has become a pariah, the distrust of LE is growing, morale in LE is dropping like a rock. With what we have now cops are saying 'screw it, I'm done' and either leaving altogether or going to small rural departments. While I think your comments may be likely, I see the numbers to support door-to-door dropping given the climate.

06-29-20, 10:09
I don't necessarily disagree, except now law enforcement has become a pariah, the distrust of LE is growing, morale in LE is dropping like a rock. With what we have now cops are saying 'screw it, I'm done' and either leaving altogether or going to small rural departments. While I think your comments may be likely, I see the numbers to support door-to-door dropping given the climate.

Maybe they don't use normal LEO for it. Maybe it's done with a "new" type of enforcement, one stronger than the military like Obumer wanted?

06-29-20, 10:09
I don't necessarily disagree, except now law enforcement has become a pariah, the distrust of LE is growing, morale in LE is dropping like a rock. With what we have now cops are saying 'screw it, I'm done' and either leaving altogether or going to small rural departments. While I think your comments may be likely, I see the numbers to support door-to-door dropping given the climate.

Except they will be replaced by BLM and Antifa types that are true believers.

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06-29-20, 11:45
Except they will be replaced by BLM and Antifa types that are true believers.

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In my AO that may be enough...although in the south, we're one of the fastest growing areas in the country,, and we are besieged by northerners and people from the last coast. But go 50 miles in any direction, you start to get into the real south. That will not fly.

06-29-20, 11:59
Except they will be replaced by BLM and Antifa types that are true believers.

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Yes. I can't see our Co. Sheriff confiscating legally owned and peacefully used arms. It would have to the "true believers" and in my AO I don't think that would last to long...

06-29-20, 12:08
Yes. I can't see our Co. Sheriff confiscating legally owned and peacefully used arms. It would have to the "true believers" and in my AO I don't think that would last to long...

There was a Kulak in the Ukraine about 1931 that had the same ideas I'm betting......

06-29-20, 12:17
I never said I would go back to Israel. I did say one option is to leave the USA.

Why play you ask?

Because the USA is too important for us to allow it to go down the drain.

If the Republic falls, and we become a Marxist state, then what hope does the world have?

When the best country in the history of the world, fails. Then the world will fail.

The end of the age of enlightenment, the rights of the individual will fade as the rights of the State supersede our rights. Our rights which are G-D given will be man stolen.

So where can a person run to?

Leaders in the 3rd world which have little respect for the rights of the citizens in their country will go crazy. America failing will result in less help to the world, which will result in deaths due to illness and starvation, which will result in unrest and revolution.

Let me be blunt in the decade after the fall of the Republic, deaths due to this event world wide will eclipse 1 billion dead.

That is why I will play.

Yes you did.

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06-29-20, 12:31
So we have an election coming up this November of 2020, not that this is news, but it is what it is. Currently I do not foresee the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump winning reelection. I don't foresee Republicans holding the Senate at this point either, no way they recapture the House of Representatives. So come next January we are going to have Joe Biden as POTUS, with a Democrat controlled congress. The Senate Democrats will probably vote to do a rule change and kill the filibuster on legislation. So within a year or two they are going to ban semi-auto rifles, as well as most semi-auto pistols and shotguns too, and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds maybe even less. I hope I'm wrong about this, but still have to accept the reality of the situation.

With that in mind, it's time to come up with a contingency plan going forward on what guns to think about acquiring, carrying, and shooting in the coming age of banned semi-autos and no new standard capacity magazines. I won't be turning anything in, but I'm also not going to risk stuff getting confiscated if there is an outright ban, or just wearing out guns that we might not be able to get parts or work done on depending on law changes. Same thing with magazines, I'm not going to wear out and trash valuable standard capacity magazines if they are banned.

So given the ugly above listed scenario what is a guy to do going forward to continue enjoying the discipline of shooting, and also still maintaining reasonably effective tools of self defense outside the home or at home that will not run afoul of potential new laws?

Personally I will try to acquire as many standard capacity magazines as I can, as well as new springs and followers for all the ones I already have so they can be rebuilt if needed assuming they have intact feed lips. I'll try to get as many common spare parts as I can to keep guns up and running in the event confiscation isn't an issue but future servicing and parts might be. Of course I will also start to accumulate ammunition, and reloading components as my budget allows.

The other side of that equation is what to get to be able to shoot, and cary without worrying about wearing it out, getting it confiscated etc. This assumes the focus is only on semi-autos.

I guess I'm going be be looking for a good DA revolver in .357 magnum, and if semi-auto pistols are still legal with up to a 10 round capacity I'll be back into the .45ACP guns.

On the rifle front I've always like scout rifles, albeit with a conventional optic, so maybe another Steyr Scout with an LPV as my general purpose light handy range blaster and grab and go rifle for those times I feel the need for a long gun with no specific use in mind.

Any other plans and reasoning are of interest to me, feel free to discuss. Feel free to flame me mercilessly for my pessimism too.

I have been planning for the worst case like you have discribed for a long time, with that being said I have gatherd a good supply of lever guns and revolvers and bullet molds for the calibers that I have. They will work just as well today as they did 100 or so years ago, and to be honest the only thing I am giving up is ammo capicity but a more powerful cartridge.

Evel Baldgui
06-29-20, 12:52
I have been planning for the worst case like you have discribed for a long time, with that being said I have gatherd a good supply of lever guns and revolvers and bullet molds for the calibers that I have. They will work just as well today as they did 100 or so years ago, and to be honest the only thing I am giving up is ammo capicity but a more powerful cartridge.

You are giving up waaaay more than that !!! I assure that when a vile social-democrat becomes president, no guns will be safe. Dream on. At one point I had similar ideas (fantasies) 8 shot S&W .357, 9+1 or 10+1 lever action in same caliber, .308 ruger bolt action scout w 10rd mag, pump shotgun 8+1, yeah, that will be fine. Good for basic SD/HD, good for hog hunting, rationalization after rationalization. No, phuck no! I like my 17+1 RMR Glock ! I like the 30rd happy stick option for my glocks. I like my AR with a 30 or 40 round Pmag. I like and value my property!

06-29-20, 13:16
You are giving up waaaay more than that !!! I assure that when a vile social-democrat becomes president, no guns will be safe. Dream on. At one point I had similar ideas (fantasies) 8 shot S&W .357, 9+1 or 10+1 lever action in same caliber, .308 ruger bolt action scout w 10rd mag, pump shotgun 8+1, yeah, that will be fine. Good for basic SD/HD, good for hog hunting, rationalization after rationalization. No, phuck no! I like my 17+1 RMR Glock ! I like the 30rd happy stick option for my glocks. I like my AR with a 30 or 40 round Pmag. I like and value my property!

You can believe what you want, but I don't think your are going to EDC with a 30 rd glock mag.

Evel Baldgui
06-29-20, 13:26
You can believe what you want, but I don't think your are going to EDC with a 30 rd glock mag.

You missed the point.

06-29-20, 13:38
I haven't watched or read any real news since the Chi-coms unleashed their weaponized strain on us to destroy the economy and take away Trumps main and very powerful advantage over China Joe Biden.

You know what? I'm better off for it. Been watching Magnum PI re-runs on Amazon Prime or Forged in Fire episodes.

Put down all of the Media garbage and you'll be far better off and quite honestly, less frustrated and angry.

06-29-20, 14:08
You missed the point.

No I didn't, you said it yourself they work for basic SD/HD. I am not saying that I am giving up on my semi autos, but I do have an alternat plan, and if you learn how to use them they are very effective.

Alex V
06-29-20, 14:32
I can't lie, the current political climate and inevitable loss of the Republic does have me depressed. I used to hold out hope for large enough groups of true patriots doing some patriotic shit and possibly rescuing the country at the edge of the precipice, but I can no longer do that. Judging by everything that is happening and ZERO real response from the Right, there is no hope to be had.

Having said that, if they make all semi-autos illegal, might as well drill some holes, cut some wire hangers and get some shoe strings. Eff it.

06-29-20, 16:59

Seriously, the reason we keep losing is that we accept everything the left does to us. Our attitude to bad situations is to bitch and moan that nothing should be done because it's all over and nothing will work anyway. We also have this weird fear of the government, that they are infallible and omnipotent. We think they're the KGB or the Stasi and they have spies EVERYWHERE. They KNOW who owns what and they have a 1:1 ratio of agents to gun owners and those agents are standing by for Order 66.

The left, on the other hand, says "f**k that noise!" They have no fear and no respect for authority. When things don't go their way, they don't contemplate surrender or threaten to go off the grid or flee the country. They fight back. Their end game is to put a bullet in all our heads. The right's end game is to have an empty victory of still hating big brother right before that bullet goes into their head.

Seriously, people need to stop lamenting the bad state of things. Find out who your allies are. Start networking quietly. Get plans together.

The left has billionaires funding their protests. The left has celebrities paying to bail them out of jail. The left has a justice system that is unwilling to prosecute them. The left has a national media that is unwilling to report their atrocities. That's why they have no fear taking to the streets. Look what happens every time someone on the right steps out of line, it's all over the media reporting what the "evil alt right KKK racist trump supporters" did. The left wing radicals wear masks, attack and intimidate innocent people in the streets, burn down cities, take over parts of cities, shoot people in the streets and get away with all of it. And they have politicians bending the knee to their will so they can show how "not racist" they are. I agree with what you said about preparing and networking, somebody in this thread mentioned guerrilla warfare, that's the way to go. Until our side can get as well organized as the left, but I don't see it happening any time soon. I believe people will eventually get fed up with the left's antics, the problem is the media is trying to bury a lot of what is going on. We need to make sure everybody sees what is happening.

06-29-20, 17:02
Yes you did.

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If I said it which I honestly don't remember, it was sarcastic. Something like if I am going to be forced to live in a gun free socialist State, I might as well move back to Israel.

Just to be clear for me right now Israel is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there full time at this point in time of my life.

06-30-20, 14:20

Look at this. Mob surrounds vehicle, blocks it, one of them fires a gun into the vehicle.

06-30-20, 14:24
And polls have proven to be so reliable...

Hillary Clinton is STILL leading in exit polling!!! :rolleyes:

06-30-20, 14:39
Having said that, if they make all semi-autos illegal, might as well drill some holes, cut some wire hangers and get some shoe strings. Eff it.

If you are going to be a felon might as well go all in.

06-30-20, 14:53

Look at this. Mob surrounds vehicle, blocks it, one of them fires a gun into the vehicle.

Weapons free at that point.

06-30-20, 15:22
Weapons free at that point.

06-30-20, 16:30
No I didn't, you said it yourself they work for basic SD/HD. I am not saying that I am giving up on my semi autos, but I do have an alternat plan, and if you learn how to use them they are very effective.You don't need 10+1 or 6+1 or 3+1 to hunt! In fact you don't really need to hunt.

I don't want to carry a 5lbs revolver with 6 shots, I don't care what people did 120 years ago!

Hunting rifles have already been called "sniper" rifles and no one needs sniper rifles

06-30-20, 16:54
Those of you who think federal law enforcement is going to go door to door taking people’s guns away likely don’t know much about federal LE. There aren’t a lot of them. Combine all of the FBI, DEA, ATF, USMS, and a few of the other well known ones, and you have fewer people than NYPD. If the democrats completely change the immigration system and we don’t need all those CBP Field Operations and Border Patrol people to actually deal with people and things crossing our borders, that’s another 35,000 or so people who can wander door to door asking if you have firearms, I guess.

If the democrats win the presidency and both houses of Congress, manage to amend the constitution to get rid of the second amendment and finally ban all those scary guns, I’d still be surprised if enforcement takes the form of door to door confiscation. There will probably be mandatory registration followed by some mandatory buybacks. Then it’ll be a death-by-a-thousand-cuts kind of thing where you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation and the police find you have a firearm on you or something. Or the police come to your house for some unrelated call for service and they see guns. Or your angry ex-girlfriend calls the police and reports that you have guns at home.

If you guys think the left will come for your guns through a million no-knock warrants in the middle of the night, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

06-30-20, 17:36
Those of you who think federal law enforcement is going to go door to door taking people’s guns away likely don’t know much about federal LE. There aren’t a lot of them. Combine all of the FBI, DEA, ATF, USMS, and a few of the other well known ones, and you have fewer people than NYPD. If the democrats completely change the immigration system and we don’t need all those CBP Field Operations and Border Patrol people to actually deal with people and things crossing our borders, that’s another 35,000 or so people who can wander door to door asking if you have firearms, I guess.

If the democrats win the presidency and both houses of Congress, manage to amend the constitution to get rid of the second amendment and finally ban all those scary guns, I’d still be surprised if enforcement takes the form of door to door confiscation. There will probably be mandatory registration followed by some mandatory buybacks. Then it’ll be a death-by-a-thousand-cuts kind of thing where you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation and the police find you have a firearm on you or something. Or the police come to your house for some unrelated call for service and they see guns. Or your angry ex-girlfriend calls the police and reports that you have guns at home.

If you guys think the left will come for your guns through a million no-knock warrants in the middle of the night, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

This is accurate.

But then again our side is filled full of folks scared to but a stock on their pistols in their basements so the irrational belief that the government is so omnipotent and capable isn’t a surprise I guess.

Meanwhile Rome burns so [emoji2373]

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06-30-20, 18:18
Those of you who think federal law enforcement is going to go door to door taking people’s guns away likely don’t know much about federal LE. There aren’t a lot of them. Combine all of the FBI, DEA, ATF, USMS, and a few of the other well known ones, and you have fewer people than NYPD. If the democrats completely change the immigration system and we don’t need all those CBP Field Operations and Border Patrol people to actually deal with people and things crossing our borders, that’s another 35,000 or so people who can wander door to door asking if you have firearms, I guess.

If the democrats win the presidency and both houses of Congress, manage to amend the constitution to get rid of the second amendment and finally ban all those scary guns, I’d still be surprised if enforcement takes the form of door to door confiscation. There will probably be mandatory registration followed by some mandatory buybacks. Then it’ll be a death-by-a-thousand-cuts kind of thing where you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation and the police find you have a firearm on you or something. Or the police come to your house for some unrelated call for service and they see guns. Or your angry ex-girlfriend calls the police and reports that you have guns at home.

If you guys think the left will come for your guns through a million no-knock warrants in the middle of the night, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Well one thing that has happened before is a bunch of suddenly unemployed prohibition agents found work with the newly created NFA branch of the Dept. of Treasury. So yeah, if ICE and Customs and Border Patrol were put out to pasture, they'd probably find some new direction for them.

Wouldn't be door to door, but they'd probably build cases, conduct investigations, arrest and seize accordingly. Probably be on par with the War on Drugs successes, but they'd still manage to turn a lot of regular folks into criminals and wreck a lot of lives.

06-30-20, 18:50
If there's anything I've learned about the federal government, it's that they don't go after small scale federal crimes unless it's going to make them look good. If you taunt them, they'll come after you and make an example. But other than that, they're more concerned about getting their picture taken standing behind a table stacked with assault rifles, cash, and heroin that they seized from a gang's safe house. But when I was working gun sales and we reported a suspected straw purchase attempt, neither the ATF, state police, or local police did anything except say, "Thanks, we'll try and look into it," and then we'd never hear from them again.

06-30-20, 19:02
For those who think self defense will be tolerated by the Dems. We'll have to see what happens to this couple down the road. The rhetoric from the DA is about as bad as the rhetoric from the DA in Atlanta.


06-30-20, 20:34
For those who think self defense will be tolerated by the Dems. We'll have to see what happens to this couple down the road. The rhetoric from the DA is about as bad as the rhetoric from the DA in Atlanta.


She is an extremist who shouldn't be the DA. Such a ridiculous double standard in this country. Media is all over denouncing this couple who defended their house without firing a shot. Yet they don't seem to care about the CHOP security who shot and killed a 16 year old boy and critically injured a 14 year old boy. Or the guy who shot the driver of the SUV after protestors blocked it from going down the road.

06-30-20, 20:43
She is an extremist who shouldn't be the DA. Such a ridiculous double standard in this country. Media is all over denouncing this couple who defended their house without firing a shot. Yet they don't seem to care about the CHOP security who shot and killed a 16 year old boy and critically injured a 14 year old boy. Or the guy who shot the driver of the SUV after protestors blocked it from going down the road.

Or last weekend 18 killed and 40+ wounded in Chicago, including several children. Crickets from the Left on that disaster.

06-30-20, 21:23
Or last weekend 18 killed and 40+ wounded in Chicago, including several children. Crickets from the Left on that disaster.

Ahh yes Chicago, another liberal utopia

06-30-20, 22:30
So we have an election coming up this November of 2020, not that this is news, but it is what it is. Currently I do not foresee the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump winning reelection. I don't foresee Republicans holding the Senate at this point either, no way they recapture the House of Representatives. So come next January we are going to have Joe Biden as POTUS, with a Democrat controlled congress. The Senate Democrats will probably vote to do a rule change and kill the filibuster on legislation. So within a year or two they are going to ban semi-auto rifles, as well as most semi-auto pistols and shotguns too, and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds maybe even less. I hope I'm wrong about this, but still have to accept the reality of the situation.

With that in mind, it's time to come up with a contingency plan going forward on what guns to think about acquiring, carrying, and shooting in the coming age of banned semi-autos and no new standard capacity magazines. I won't be turning anything in, but I'm also not going to risk stuff getting confiscated if there is an outright ban, or just wearing out guns that we might not be able to get parts or work done on depending on law changes. Same thing with magazines, I'm not going to wear out and trash valuable standard capacity magazines if they are banned.

So given the ugly above listed scenario what is a guy to do going forward to continue enjoying the discipline of shooting, and also still maintaining reasonably effective tools of self defense outside the home or at home that will not run afoul of potential new laws?

Personally I will try to acquire as many standard capacity magazines as I can, as well as new springs and followers for all the ones I already have so they can be rebuilt if needed assuming they have intact feed lips. I'll try to get as many common spare parts as I can to keep guns up and running in the event confiscation isn't an issue but future servicing and parts might be. Of course I will also start to accumulate ammunition, and reloading components as my budget allows.

The other side of that equation is what to get to be able to shoot, and cary without worrying about wearing it out, getting it confiscated etc. This assumes the focus is only on semi-autos.

I guess I'm going be be looking for a good DA revolver in .357 magnum, and if semi-auto pistols are still legal with up to a 10 round capacity I'll be back into the .45ACP guns.

On the rifle front I've always like scout rifles, albeit with a conventional optic, so maybe another Steyr Scout with an LPV as my general purpose light handy range blaster and grab and go rifle for those times I feel the need for a long gun with no specific use in mind.

Any other plans and reasoning are of interest to me, feel free to discuss. Feel free to flame me mercilessly for my pessimism too.

Serious answer here- your contingency plan, if certain firearms get successfully banned and someone comes to confiscate them from you- should be to use them.

If you aren't down with that, then just get rid of them all, because the goal is to come for them ALL eventually.

Coal Dragger
06-30-20, 22:48
That’s not something I’m going to be saying on the interwebz. Not paranoid mind you, just exercising some discretion.

06-30-20, 23:31
That’s not something I’m going to be saying on the interwebz. Not paranoid mind you, just exercising some discretion.

Okay. Just answering your question.

Doesn’t really matter what you do or do not say online anymore. 4473, check. Actively participating in firearms forums, check. Got a CCW? Another check. How about any NFA items, another check. White? Another check. Christian? Another check. And so on and so on.

The old adage rings true, “don’t start none won’t be none”.

If politicians decide to make peaceful firearms owners felons with the stroke of a pen and men decide to follow that illegal unconstitutional order and confiscate their property defying the Constitution and the very fabric of Liberty- welp, they should get what they deserve and everyone should openly defy such lunacy with direct and violent action.

The days of hiding and being a grey man are over. It’s a pipe dream. You can’t hide in this technological age and no matter how grey you are or discreet you are, if this shit really goes down you will be forced to choose.

Stand up to tyranny and do what is Right and just, or kneel to tyrants and be a slave. Words are meaningless anyways, only actions count.

Fear of saying or expressing your true thoughts, feelings and opinions is a big step on the path to ruin.

Say and do what you want, but don’t be naive and believe it will absolve you in the eyes of those that seek to destroy your way of life and enslave you.

Not trying to be preachy, I’ve just had enough of playing it safe and hiding- it’s gotten us into a worse position over time and won’t ever get us into a better position.

07-01-20, 08:02
You don't need 10+1 or 6+1 or 3+1 to hunt! In fact you don't really need to hunt.

I don't want to carry a 5lbs revolver with 6 shots, I don't care what people did 120 years ago!

Hunting rifles have already been called "sniper" rifles and no one needs sniper rifles

I wasn't talking about hunting, I never mentioned hunting. I just said if it comes to not having semi auto's I have my basis covered. I guess I don't have any 5lbs revolvers. but I do know when your semi breaks down and you don't have or can't get parts, my revolvers and leverguns will still be going strong then you might care what they did 120 years ago.
And yes I do need to hunt.

07-01-20, 08:09
I wasn't talking about hunting, I never mentioned hunting. I just said if it comes to not having semi auto's I have my basis covered. I guess I don't have any 5lbs revolvers. but I do know when your semi breaks down and you don't have or can't get parts, my revolvers and leverguns will still be going strong then you might care what they did 120 years ago.
And yes I do need to hunt.

That is why 1 is none and 2 is one. I would rather have 2 semi autos than a single revolver but that is just me. With that being said I have both. Well I did at least, until that boating accident.

07-01-20, 08:10
I wasn't talking about hunting, I never mentioned hunting. I just said if it comes to not having semi auto's I have my basis covered. I guess I don't have any 5lbs revolvers. but I do know when your semi breaks down and you don't have or can't get parts, my revolvers and leverguns will still be going strong then you might care what they did 120 years ago.
And yes I do need to hunt.I know you didn't but it's the common theme. You don't need an AR to hunt, you don't need 30 round clips to hunt. And if you don't need it to hunt then you have no use for it and Its only other purpose is to kill people. So you should not have access to it.

Well, you shouldn't have access to sniper rifles either! Your grandpa's Mauser? Your dad's Remington? My Ruger! Those are "sniper rifles" they use big bullets and large scope to kill from miles away! And can still be reloaded pretty fast!

And no, you don't! You will not starve to death if you never hunt again! You NEED food to live but today you don't NEED to hunt to eat!
If you can afford an electronic device and monthly internet to reply to me then you make enough money to buy food!

See how easy that works!

07-01-20, 08:29
I know you didn't but it's the common theme. You don't need an AR to hunt, you don't need 30 round clips to hunt. And if you don't need it to hunt then you have no use for it and Its only other purpose is to kill people. So you should not have access to it.

Well, you shouldn't have access to sniper rifles either! Your grandpa's Mauser? Your dad's Remington? My Ruger! Those are "sniper rifles" they use big bullets and large scope to kill from miles away! And can still be reloaded pretty fast!

And no, you don't! You will not starve to death if you never hunt again! You NEED food to live but today you don't NEED to hunt to eat!
If you can afford an electronic device and monthly internet to reply to me then you make enough money to buy food!

See how easy that works!
Well I never once said I was against semi autos, I own several. And I don't buy my meat from the store, I eat what I hunt. So you get your food where you do and I get where I do.

07-01-20, 08:37
Well I never once said I was against semi autos, I own several. And I don't buy my meat from the store, I eat what I hunt. So you get your food where you do and I get where I do.You missed the point entirely

07-01-20, 08:52
You missed the point entirely

No I didn't, But when someone says I dont need or don't need to do something it pisses me off, sounds kinda leftest to me just like you assumed that I said you don't need semi autos.

07-01-20, 09:04
No I didn't, But when someone says I dont need or don't need to do something it pisses me off, sounds kinda leftest to me just like you assumed that I said you don't need semi autos.If that's your reply then you DEFINITELY missed the point.

I wasn't saying it to you. I'm telling you what the left says and what they want.

07-01-20, 09:14

Look at this. Mob surrounds vehicle, blocks it, one of them fires a gun into the vehicle.

Yes, weapons free as others have said but a V8 beats a .45 any day of the week and twice on Sunday. A lesson for the mob is if somebody breaks out a roscoe to shoot into the car you've blocked with your body get the heck out of the way because the driver is about to panic... And, once the mob learns that lesson and you happen to be in that blocked car and the mob inexplicably parts ways... Expect incoming.

07-01-20, 09:27
I find it funny that the OP asked if anyone had a Contingency plan for the cenario, and you put on here that you have one and post what it is, then you have to defend why makes no sense, if you don't like mine then move on to the next post. I can't help it that you don't know how to use an older style firearm. You guys act like your going to be in a fire fight all the time.
There was a very well known man that writes articals for gun magazines that took a leaver gun to a Clint Smith carbine class and everyone there rediculed him till he put them in their place, whats that old saying its not the bow its the indian.
And I do understand that you think if they come after one they will all, I hope not and would think they would do what Australia did.
So untill then I will shoot my semi autos, my lever guns and my revolvers, eat what I hunt, reload and cast my own bullets and wait for the world to implode.

07-01-20, 09:57
I find it funny that the OP asked if anyone had a Contingency plan for the cenario, and you put on here that you have one and post what it is, then you have to defend why makes no sense, if you don't like mine then move on to the next post.

I think there's a couple things. One, if people are being pissy for pissy's sake, or criticizing it because they have to justify their own planning, then yeah, please drive on.

Two, when we would plan an op we would dissect it forwards and backwards, top down, and poke holes until the final plan often resembled nothing of the original plan. In my own planning, I use criticism, no matter how stupid or vapid the intent, to make my own plans better. Sometimes someone will say something to boost their own ego and put me down, but it might just be enough to make me change something I had not thought about.

But yeah, some people just wanna be dicks.