View Full Version : Germany's Special Forces Command ("KSK") to be partially disbanded

06-30-20, 18:58
Seems to be a few hard-liners in the ranks:

"Germany's defence minister says she has ordered the partial dissolution of the elite KSK commando force, which has come under growing criticism over right-wing extremism in its ranks.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer told a newspaper it had become partly independent of the chain of command.
In May, police seized explosives and weapons at the home of a KSK soldier.

In January, military intelligence said there were almost 600 suspected far-right supporters in the army last year.

They also said the KSK (Special Forces Command) was seen as a particular problem, with 20 members of the elite force suspected of right-wing extremism.
The KSK had "become partially independent" from the chain of command, with a "toxic leadership culture", Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper."


06-30-20, 19:08
So, right wing extremist is synonymous with nazi in the Euro-weeny parlance? That's sort of what it sounds like.

Don't Tread On Me
06-30-20, 19:19
So less than 2% of a SOF unit is suspected of being extremists and you disband? There has to be more to this story.

06-30-20, 19:37
I read they found a 10 year old FB post the commander of the KSK made in which he said he "prefers blondes". Thus such a bigoted, hateful, misogynistic commander and his unit cannot be allowed to exist.

06-30-20, 20:40
Hmm Germany still has a military?

06-30-20, 21:09
So, what's their definition of "far right"? Is it actually far right, like longing for the old days of Germany? Or as the modern left defines "far right", which is anything left of the Khmer Rouge?

06-30-20, 21:11
I wouldn't be surprised if the large influx of immigrants factored into this.

Don't Tread On Me
06-30-20, 22:15
I wouldn't be surprised if the large influx of immigrants factored into this.

Bingo! Not just that, but the fact that those up on high basically forced it upon commoners as something that had to be accepted as they were assaulted and raped on train platforms.

06-30-20, 23:14
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer?!?

That sounds like a nazi name.

They should arrest her immediately because she could be a nazi.

07-01-20, 00:29
The KSK was probably preventing Angela Merkel from converting Germany to islam.

07-01-20, 03:03
So, what's their definition of "far right"? Is it actually far right, like longing for the old days of Germany? Or as the modern left defines "far right", which is anything left of the Khmer Rouge?

They actually passed some laws making it illegal to criticize Islam and immigration under the guise of hate speech which is what the left intends to do here.

Of course those laws never apply to leftists calling for violence or supporting communism or any of the other whacky shit they support.

So yes to them 'far right' means you want limited/vetted immigration and maintaining your culture. Might as well put on a Nazi uniform unless you cheer on the hordes coming from Africa and the Middle East. /s

Of course those laws also protect public officials so you can be fined and/or thrown in jail for saying mean things about politicians.

I've always said Europe is around a decade ahead of us so look to what their leftists are doing to see what they will bring over here. Make right wing ideology illegal to express in public (or even private if someone reports you), illegal to criticize government employees, and take away your firearms so you can't resist them. England even did the whole disarming the police thing, and turned their job into protecting Muslim rape gangs & pedophile rings.

Their Antifa groups are quite a bit worse than ours, and of course hate speech and extremist laws never get applied to them. Leftists use Antifa as the unofficial state thugs that do the dirty work.

07-01-20, 05:49
KSK was a major part of my colalition JSOTF in 2002. Very capable soldiers. That was almost 20 years ago but I still have trouble believing this.

07-01-20, 06:04
The world has undergone a dramatic shift in the wrong direction.

07-01-20, 07:14
Knowing Germany its more likely they didnt fall into goosestep with Fuhrer Merkels agenda. I roll my eyes whenever the media says "far right" anything. With everything thats going on this year yet nothing can be attributed to far right extremism.

07-01-20, 07:44
Far-Right politics = Anything not in line with current thinking. Same mentality and methods the Commies used to establish themselves in East Germany and the rest of the ComBloc nations back in the 40s and 50s. Act like you're fine with opposition, play nice while you infiltrate centers of power, and then start purging those who oppose you.

07-01-20, 09:10
Far-Right politics = Anything not in line with current thinking. Same mentality and methods the Commies used to establish themselves in East Germany and the rest of the ComBloc nations back in the 40s and 50s. Act like you're fine with opposition, play nice while you infiltrate centers of power, and then start purging those who oppose you.

IOW, the bag-o-tricks Merkel was taught from her Red-Diaper birth.

07-01-20, 09:30
Seems to be a few hard-liners in the ranks:

"Germany's defence minister says she...

FOUND the problem! :rolleyes: