View Full Version : There really are Nazis...or what is wrong with people?

06-30-20, 19:46
I can't say I'm rooting for either, but shooting people for stealing your Nazi flag...just wow!


06-30-20, 19:52
As offending that flag can be, two wrongs don't make a right, and free speech no matter how gross and vile that you disagree with, is still free speech. Plus it was his property. But she dropped the flag when she heard the word gun, but he shot her anyways. Moral? Don't play stupid games.

06-30-20, 19:57
agree idiocy meets idiocy

and this was like fishing without using bait and that one dumb fish bites the empty hook

06-30-20, 19:57
Can't say I'd be itching to shoot and possibly kill someone over a flag. Maybe if she was throwing a molotov cocktail at my house.

06-30-20, 19:59
agree idiocy meets idiocy

and this was like fishing without using bait and that one dumb fish bites the empty hook

The woman was definitely a bit loopy, but Mr. Nazi is a wee bit dangerous.

Don Robison
06-30-20, 20:07
When two idiots me in Oklahoma....

06-30-20, 20:09
The woman was definitely a bit loopy, but Mr. Nazi is a wee bit dangerous.Don't be the reason that causes the reaction then? Like that whole raod rage thing, don't cut some dude off, you don't know what mood they are already in, best to wait and not be the catalyst that starts it. The whole common sense thing, it actually matters.

I am in no way justifying him or that disgusting flag, but he has every right to live in peace just as much as the next person.

06-30-20, 20:23
Don't be the reason that causes the reaction then? Like that whole raod rage thing, don't cut some dude off, you don't know what mood they are already in, best to wait and not be the catalyst that starts it. The whole common sense thing, it actually matters.

I am in no way justifying him or that disgusting flag, but he has every right to live in peace just as much as the next person.

The problem is Nazis don't really live in peace, at least for the long haul, any more than communists, or jihadists. Eventually, at least in this day and age, the bad ideas percolate up into bad behavior, sometimes really bad. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't really want to live next to a peaceful Nazi anymore than I'd want to live with a peaceful rattlesnake under my front porch.

06-30-20, 20:38
Well if nothing else they certainly wouldn’t have put up with the social justice degeneracy and cultural Marxism we find ourselves dealing with presently. We’re doing a bang up job.

That said maybe not getting shot but one absolutely deserves an ass beating for thievery regardless of subject matter.

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06-30-20, 20:45
The problem is Nazis don't really live in peace, at least for the long haul, any more than communists, or jihadists. Eventually, at least in this day and age, the bad ideas percolate up into bad behavior, sometimes really bad. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't really want to live next to a peaceful Nazi anymore than I'd want to live with a peaceful rattlesnake under my front porch.Two assholes collided here, literally. He got the reaction that he wanted, simply don't allow yourself to be the bait should have been common sense.

Free speech and private property, both need to respected and protected no matter how one feels. To restrict one over the other makes us no better than the other side.

06-30-20, 20:51
Two assholes collided here, literally. He got the reaction that he wanted, simply don't allow yourself to be the bait should have been common sense.

Free speech and private property, both need to respected and protected no matter how one feels. To restrict one over the other makes us no better than the other side.

I agree...don't needlessly provoke people, don't steal from even Nazis...I'm pretty down on stealing. My main point was the severe over reaction to the petty theft, from an evil man.

06-30-20, 20:57
I agree...don't needlessly provoke people, don't steal from even Nazis...I'm pretty down on stealing. My main point was the severe over reaction to the petty theft, from an evil man.Unfortunate, but I do hope that this message gets out to hopefully deter people from trying to steal my US Flag, or flags of others.

06-30-20, 21:25
Between this and Joe Exotic, Oklahoma sounds like it's the Florida of the plains.

06-30-20, 21:28
I have this thing about my property.
You have to decide is it is worth your life, once you've crossed that threshold, it is on like Donkey Kong. You'll be leaving horizontal, but be advised, I'm old, I've had a good life and if you decide to take my gear, I will certainly shoot you at least once. I'm on the cusp of old age and as a guy who spent more than half of his life serving in or serving the Military, I really don't care if I go out the door horizontal as long as your not breathing.
Hell I will climb out of the ambulance to gouge your eyes out knuckle deep and bite the tongue out of your mouth on my way to Valhalla.

06-30-20, 21:44
Unfortunate, but I do hope that this message gets out to hopefully deter people from trying to steal my US Flag, or flags of others.

The other message is "shoot someone committing petty theft and go to jail for 20 years"...pick your message.

06-30-20, 22:02
I have this thing about my property.
You have to decide is it is worth your life, once you've crossed that threshold, it is on like Donkey Kong. You'll be leaving horizontal, but be advised, I'm old, I've had a good life and if you decide to take my gear, I will certainly shoot you at least once. I'm on the cusp of old age and as a guy who spent more than half of his life serving in or serving the Military, I really don't care if I go out the door horizontal as long as your not breathing.
Hell I will climb out of the ambulance to gouge your eyes out knuckle deep and bite the tongue out of your mouth on my way to Valhalla.

So, your position is the Nazi was justified in shooting the woman, or am I misunderstanding you?

Coal Dragger
06-30-20, 22:14
Stealing property is bad, in this instance not so bad anyone needed to be shot.

If I were king I would decree a law wherein the theft or attempted theft of a political symbol or other symbolic object, by a person who wished to stifle that free expression; would result in the perpetrator having that symbol tattooed on their entire face if convicted.

So some dupe steals your MAGA sign or defaces it, and gets caught and convicted then he or she is punished by having MAGA tattooed on their face.

06-30-20, 22:17
The other message is "shoot someone committing petty theft and go to jail for 20 years"...pick your message.I never said that this was a good shoot, she dropped it and he still opened fire, bad shoot. But even if she didn't drop it, if they have property laws that allow this, then yeah, would have been a good shoot.

Can we both agree that she was the catalyst that caused the reaction that he wanted? Can we both agree that theft no matter what kind it is, needs to be discouraged? Can we both agree that freedom of speech no matter how repulsive, needs to protected or else it opens the door to more leftist infringements??

My message is how about don't infringe on anyone's freedoms or there will be consequences. That's what I choose as the message.

06-30-20, 22:31
So, your position is the Nazi was justified in shooting the woman, or am I misunderstanding you?

Would you be shocked if I told you his ideological sympathies are completely irrelevant to matter at hand or are you just carrying on to feel better about yourself?

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06-30-20, 22:34
I never said that this was a good shoot, she dropped it and he still opened fire, bad shoot. But even if she didn't drop it, if they have property laws that allow this, then yeah, would have been a good shoot.

Can we both agree that she was the catalyst that caused the reaction that he wanted? Can we both agree that theft no matter what kind it is, needs to be discouraged? Can we both agree that freedom of speech no matter how repulsive, needs to protected or else it opens the door to more leftist infringements??

My message is how about don't infringe on anyone's freedoms or there will be consequences. That's what I choose as the message.

Nah man anything anyone disagrees with someone about is automatically deemed a Nazi sympathizer.

Geez sounds familiar

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06-30-20, 22:34
So, your position is the Nazi was justified in shooting the woman, or am I misunderstanding you?

No, I really don't care about the man's politics. That's called Freedom.
It doesn't matter what color you are, it doesn't matter what you politics are, if you steal my shit, expect to get shot. Any bit of logic that tries to make stealing a Nazi flag or an American flag is way off base.
We have Freedom of thought and even (God Forbid) Freedom of expression, but you cannot steal my shit to express your thought.

06-30-20, 22:39
Would you be shocked if I told you his ideological sympathies are completely irrelevant to matter at hand or are you just carrying on to feel better about yourself?

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Feel better about myself? Right, right that's it's. Anyway, you really might not give a crap, but I was simply trying to understand his position. People are hurting other people for the stupidest and dare I say, for evil and/or superficial reasons.

06-30-20, 22:42
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Both played stupid games and won stupid prizes. Nothing much else to say.

06-30-20, 22:45
Just two more idiots out of the picture.

06-30-20, 22:50
No, I really don't care about the man's politics. That's called Freedom.
It doesn't matter what color you are, it doesn't matter what you politics are, if you steal my shit, expect to get shot. Any bit of logic that tries to make stealing a Nazi flag or an American flag is way off base.
We have Freedom of thought and even (God Forbid) Freedom of expression, but you cannot steal my shit to express your thought.

The only reason that the Nazi flag was relevant is maybe, possibly, it might sort of show that Nazis are evil, and evil people do evil things. So, you know, if the guy wasn't a Nazi and he was flying the American flag, there might have been a better chance that person wouldn't have shot her for petty theft. Because he might have asked himself, is it really worthwhile to blow someone away over a $10 flag. Evidently, to you if she stole a pair of flip flops off your porch, bam, right in the brain pan. No remorse.

06-30-20, 22:51
So a few things.

If a guy is so unstable or so DGAF as to fly two nazi flags in the open, there probably isn't a lot he isn't going to be willing to do.

And yeah, if you go looking you can find actual nazis (or at least people who think they are nazis but couldn't begin to explain the details of national socialism as a political structure) and other racists of all nationalities and races (sadly).

This guy will also be an AB super hero for as long as he's inside.

While I'm pretty "first amendment" I wouldn't want to live across the street from that shit. Mostly because it's gonna be a shit magnet. People will assume if the neighbors allow it, they must agree with it and then people are messing with your property too.

06-30-20, 22:55
And here we have it. Moral equivalency. The petty thief is equally as stupid as the Nazi shooter. Not even a difference of degree in stupidity. They're both equally stupid. I say give them both 20 years.

06-30-20, 23:01
I agree...don't needlessly provoke people, don't steal from even Nazis...I'm pretty down on stealing. My main point was the severe over reaction to the petty theft, from an evil man.

Had nothing to do with theft. Flags were bait, bait triggered exactly the kind of person he was hoping would ignore his "posted: no trespassing" signs and that is the kind of person he was hoping he might get to shoot.

He literally got almost everything he wanted. Her friends didn't dare her to steal those flags, that's what he was doing by flying them. By the way, her friends really weren't her friends and should have seen that coming a long way off.

In his mind he has struck a powerful blow for his racial views, put him in jail and he's going to be a hero among the ABs who surely populate OK correctional facilities in force.

06-30-20, 23:02
So a few things.

If a guy is so unstable or so DGAF as to fly two nazi flags in the open, there probably isn't a lot he isn't going to be willing to do.

And yeah, if you go looking you can find actual nazis (or at least people who think they are nazis but couldn't begin to explain the details of national socialism as a political structure) and other racists of all nationalities and races (sadly).

This guy will also be an AB super hero for as long as he's inside.

While I'm pretty "first amendment" I wouldn't want to live across the street from that shit. Mostly because it's gonna be a shit magnet. People will assume if the neighbors allow it, they must agree with it and then people are messing with your property too.

In my opinion you've got many choices in life.
One of those choices obeying the law, If you choose to not obey the law, well there are consequences with that decision. I advocate better more lawful choices, but really, it is up to you, but, just how much do you value your life?
If stealing my stuff is worth you risking your life, well, man up, don't start whining half way through a double tap, take it like a the bad ass criminal you are.

And on the other hand, a lot of my relatives fought on both sides of that war, I'm not a Nazi, far from it, but in my opinion in all of this, I dont care wtf she stole.
If I shoot you, you'll likely very much wish the Cops had got there first.

06-30-20, 23:12
The only reason that the Nazi flag was relevant is maybe, possibly, it might sort of show that Nazis are evil, and evil people do evil things. So, you know, if the guy wasn't a Nazi and he was flying the American flag, there might have been a better chance that person wouldn't have shot her for petty theft. Because he might have asked himself, is it really worthwhile to blow someone away over a $10 flag. Evidently, to you if she stole a pair of flip flops off your porch, bam, right in the brain pan. No remorse.He was not saying that at all.

And contrary to your thought process, this has happened more than once to him, he had enough of it. In a way that Byron David Smith had had enough and snapped, and laid a trap to ambush the thieves. Both cases were still bad shoots.

No one should have their things stolen. What is petty to you, is not petty to me if I see someone coming on to my property and stealing my flag. For all intents and purposes, you are not valuing your own life choosing freely to commit a crime that has the potential to be harmed over.

The adage is true, don't play stupid games.

06-30-20, 23:19
And here we have it. Moral equivalency. The petty thief is equally as stupid as the Nazi shooter. Not even a difference of degree in stupidity. They're both equally stupid. I say give them both 20 years.

Intolerance much? That’s not very cash religious of you.

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06-30-20, 23:33
Intolerance much? That’s not very religious of you.

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Where did you get the idea that I should tolerate certain things. Certainly not from the books I read. It's true I don't tolerate all kinds of things, for instance, the idea that people should be shot for petty theft. Even the laws of most states I'm familiar with don't allow such things, and for good reason. Petty theft isn't worthy of death at the hands of another person.

Why should I be tolerant of others that have in fact made a moral equivalency between the two acts by merely pointing out that two people were just stupid? No dealing with the degree of "badness" of the two acts. They're just both stupid.

07-01-20, 00:44
The woman was definitely a bit loopy, but Mr. Nazi is a wee bit dangerous.

Yeah mr nazi is like saying a hurricane is a wee bit of wind :) lunacy for sure but lunacy of women who tried to do something to say hey nazi flag lets go do something to that loose nut guy

07-01-20, 01:08
Yeah mr nazi is like saying a hurricane is a wee bit of wind :) lunacy for sure but lunacy of women who tried to do something to say hey nazi flag lets go do something to that loose nut guy

I don't know her motivation, the story just says she was dared, for all I know she was Jewish and she was overcome with a "I must do something" attitude. Who knows? The point for me was the ease with which some people will inflict severe violence on someone for pretty minor offences. And how unhinged is someone who will actually fly Nazi flags on their house...pretty unhinged IMO. Evidently shooting people over a $10 flag isn't a big deal.

07-01-20, 01:42
I don't know her motivation, the story just says she was dared, for all I know she was Jewish and she was overcome with a "I must do something" attitude. Who knows? The point for me was the ease with which some people will inflict severe violence on someone for pretty minor offences. And how unhinged is someone who will actually fly Nazi flags on their house...pretty unhinged IMO. Evidently shooting people over a $10 flag isn't a big deal.Well if it matters any to you, I'm Jewish, and my family are Holocaust survivors, and I am saying as much as it makes my skin crawl, free speech is free speech. This hasn't been the first time that this has happened to Mr. Nazi either, ten bucks keeps adding on to the other flags and he loses his patience with assholes wanting to be assholes to the other asshole.

Listen as much as you're reaching and very much trying, you are not going to get much sympathy just because what we think is making you uneasy. I sleep like a baby, I don't infringe on anyone but as soon as you start playing asshole games with me, I take issue and sympathize for those that feel the same as me. How I feel about them notwithstanding either.

In the end, two wrongs don't make a right. It took TWO to tango. She created the action, he gave her what she craved for; attention. The only thing is, that wasn't the attention that she was looking for. Both were wrong, there was no lesser evil here no matter how much you try to pain that narrative that he was the bigger evil.

07-01-20, 02:27
I don't know her motivation, the story just says she was dared, for all I know she was Jewish and she was overcome with a "I must do something" attitude. Who knows? The point for me was the ease with which some people will inflict severe violence on someone for pretty minor offences. And how unhinged is someone who will actually fly Nazi flags on their house...pretty unhinged IMO. Evidently shooting people over a $10 flag isn't a big deal.

If only she had come to the same realization. And again, she wasn't shot over a $10 flag. She was shot because she took the bait. I guarantee you he didn't give a damn about the actual flag, he was just hoping to shoot somebody who disagreed with his views. He got his wish.

07-01-20, 02:38
In the end, two wrongs don't make a right. It took TWO to tango. She created the action, he gave her what she craved for; attention. The only thing is, that wasn't the attention that she was looking for. Both were wrong, there was no lesser evil here no matter how much you try to pain that narrative that he was the bigger evil.

Not sure about that.

I understand if somebody is willing to die for something, they will also kill you to protect it. As an example I'm willing to spill blood, mine and anyone who threatens it, to protect and secure my grandfathers flag. To me it's more than a piece of cloth and I can't simply get another one, it's irreplaceable.

But pretty sure OK guy didn't actually give a damn about his flags beyond their ability to attract those who get triggered into doing something stupid. He's probably got a box full of them. There is some merit that even he is entitled to his views and shouldn't be subjected to multiple trespasses against his property and possessions and I do get that. His house, his right and all of that.

But I'm not sure I agree with violation of property and possessions (specifically a $10 flag because those aren't originals) being the equivalent of attempted loss of life. Now if it was forcible, for example she took the flags at gunpoint, then we'd have something closer to equivalency. This is why I'm not allowed to shoot somebody who might try and steal a newspaper from my driveway.

07-01-20, 10:21
Well if it matters any to you, I'm Jewish, and my family are Holocaust survivors, and I am saying as much as it makes my skin crawl, free speech is free speech. This hasn't been the first time that this has happened to Mr. Nazi either, ten bucks keeps adding on to the other flags and he loses his patience with assholes wanting to be assholes to the other asshole.

Listen as much as you're reaching and very much trying, you are not going to get much sympathy just because what we think is making you uneasy. I sleep like a baby, I don't infringe on anyone but as soon as you start playing asshole games with me, I take issue and sympathize for those that feel the same as me. How I feel about them notwithstanding either.

In the end, two wrongs don't make a right. It took TWO to tango. She created the action, he gave her what she craved for; attention. The only thing is, that wasn't the attention that she was looking for. Both were wrong, there was no lesser evil here no matter how much you try to pain that narrative that he was the bigger evil.

The issue was never free speech. The issue AGAIN is how easily some will resort to violence over petty offenses. You sound really close to actually justifying his actions, there's a huge difference in the degree of wrong between their two actions. And as for my uneasiness, I'm not losing any sleep either. But it sure is helping me understanding the thinking of a bunch of guys on the board. I'm not looking for your sympathy, I'm looking for rational moral thinking, and I don't seem to be seeing much of it. These conversations are quite helpful in confirming to me that my enemies' enemy is in no way whatsoever my friend.

07-01-20, 10:28
If only she had come to the same realization. And again, she wasn't shot over a $10 flag. She was shot because she took the bait. I guarantee you he didn't give a damn about the actual flag, he was just hoping to shoot somebody who disagreed with his views. He got his wish.

I understand that the $10 flag was just the excuse the Nazi was using to shoot somebody. I'm sure in his deranged mind the theft of the flag was an affront of the highest order to his ideology. Why else would he try and kill her. Who knows? And yes she was stupid and didn't understand the man sufficiently, thus falling into his trap. I agree.

07-01-20, 10:43
The issue was never free speech. The issue AGAIN is how easily some will resort to violence over petty offenses. You sound really close to actually justifying his actions, there's a huge difference in the degree of wrong between their two actions. And as for my uneasiness, I'm not losing any sleep either. But it sure is helping me understanding the thinking of a bunch of guys on the board. I'm not looking for your sympathy, I'm looking for rational moral thinking, and I don't seem to be seeing much of it. These conversations are quite helpful in confirming to me that my enemies' enemy is in no way whatsoever my friend.

Sounds pretty hypocritical since you’re the guy who proclaimed subservience to the law of sky daddy and it’s supremacy over man’s law and our constitution.

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07-01-20, 10:48
Sounds pretty hypocritical since you’re the guy who proclaimed subservience to the law of sky daddy and it’s supremacy over man’s law and our constitution.

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OK, what's the specific hypocrisy I'm engaging in?

07-01-20, 11:24
So a self-identified Nazi shoots a woman in the back for stealing his flag? I'll be the one who says the stupid SJW is wrong to thieve, but she's orders of magnitude less evil than the Nazi back-shooter. It doesn't shock me at all that a cowardly Nazi would shoot a woman in the back as she's running away. I'll go so far as to say he probably flies the flag openly in the hopes that someone will try to steal it, just so he can shoot someone. I don't have any respect for someone who hunts over bait like that. Pure scum IMO.

Life's a Hillary
07-01-20, 12:10
Pretty sure you can’t defend property with lethal force in Oklahoma and their castle doctrine would not defend this. Regardless, the laws on the books are not the arbiter of morality so anyone equating these two wrongs has a screw loose. Obviously she shouldn’t have taken his disgusting flag but even more obvious, she should not have been shot for that and his action is far more deplorable.

07-01-20, 12:28
I don't know her motivation, the story just says she was dared, for all I know she was Jewish and she was overcome with a "I must do something" attitude. Who knows? The point for me was the ease with which some people will inflict severe violence on someone for pretty minor offences. And how unhinged is someone who will actually fly Nazi flags on their house...pretty unhinged IMO. Evidently shooting people over a $10 flag isn't a big deal.

why I say two idiots met head on and both are going to loose I reckon he will be in prison ? maybe not ?

again yeah %100 IDIOT looser to fly a nazi flag
%100 idiot to be dared into crime and especially against someone flying a nazi flag ?

she should have just had BLM come to his home in mass and watch the mayhem ensue

07-01-20, 13:54
The issue was never free speech. The issue AGAIN is how easily some will resort to violence over petty offenses. You sound really close to actually justifying his actions, there's a huge difference in the degree of wrong between their two actions. And as for my uneasiness, I'm not losing any sleep either. But it sure is helping me understanding the thinking of a bunch of guys on the board. I'm not looking for your sympathy, I'm looking for rational moral thinking, and I don't seem to be seeing much of it. These conversations are quite helpful in confirming to me that my enemies' enemy is in no way whatsoever my friend.What was petty about it? The first time it was stolen from him? The second? Or the third? Or the other times that we don't know about? In case you haven't noticed, I strongly dislike thieves, especially ones that do it over his freedom of speech, making it a freedom of speech issue so whether you deliberately turn a blind eye to it, the facts remain the same and unchanged.

And despite your attempts to change the narrative, it took two to tango. She was no angel. He was an asshole. Two assholes collided. He should have not shot her after she dropped it, but I have already stated so. However she earned her stupid game prize earned right or wrong, she got taught a lesson on what not to do. He's going to be taught a lesson on why his decision to drop her was horrible. But again, had she not instigated things, there would be no retaliation. She's rightful to blame just as much as he is.

^^ there is the moral rational you were seeking, but not the expected response that you wanted or expecting to hear. Quite honestly, by your own accords, you made a troll thread to see what people thought just to see whom is your friend and whom is your enemy or at least not your friend. SMH, wow. You will not be fed no more.

07-01-20, 14:01
I understand that the $10 flag was just the excuse the Nazi was using to shoot somebody. I'm sure in his deranged mind the theft of the flag was an affront of the highest order to his ideology. Why else would he try and kill her. Who knows? And yes she was stupid and didn't understand the man sufficiently, thus falling into his trap. I agree.The more you speak, the more I am seeing that this is not about morals or rational thinking at all; you are determined to absolve her of all sins because no matter what, the Nazi man is a very bad man. He could be breathing and you would still try to make him the devil for breathing in the same air as you.

For the record, I hate Nazis, an actual Nazi and not that BS re terming of it that the Left uses of it that are false narratives and all dehumanizing deliberately. But what I hate more is doors being opened to restrict freedoms, even the speech you fricking hate; it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Feelings.

07-01-20, 14:18
The more you speak, the more I am seeing that this is not about morals or rational thinking at all; you are determined to absolve her of all sins because no matter what, the Nazi man is a very bad man. He could be breathing and you would still try to make him the devil for breathing in the same air as you.

For the record, I hate Nazis, an actual Nazi and not that BS re terming of it that the Left uses of it that are false narratives and all dehumanizing deliberately. But what I hate more is doors being opened to restrict freedoms, even the speech you fricking hate; it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Feelings.

Did I not call her actions a "theft"? Did I not call her actions "stupid" or a better word would be unwise?

07-01-20, 18:59
OK, what's the specific hypocrisy I'm engaging in?

It is when you proclaim you subscribe to THE supreme ideology but then go about dismissing those of others as being inferior. But that’s what religion typically does.

In any case petty larceny, trespassing, etc are generally misdemeanor offenses, sadly so is animal abuse. So replace flag with pet and would you still standby and allow it to happen? Or all misdemeanor offense equal? Because if someone came on my property and kicked my pet I’d have zero qualms about lethal force, consequences be damned.

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07-01-20, 19:18
I have been on the road, so I am only getting a chance to respond to this now.

How mentally unstable do to have to be to fly a Nazi flag?

In my book, your barely able to breath on your own and to get your heart to pump blood.

So of course this rocket scientist, shoots her in the back.

Then we have poor little woke girl from the mid west, that has felt the pain of not being in the riots to show how much white guilt she has. So she gets a little drunk at the party, and wants to strike a blow to show how woke she is.

She also is an idiot. Dude flying Nazi flag, means someone to not get into it with over something this petty.

He is a jack ass, but I swore an oath to defend the Constitution, that nobody ever released me from.

So I would protect his flag and his right to fly it.

As others have pointed out he is going to be a hero inside.

She may suffer physical effects the rest of her life, a good reminder life can get serious.

07-01-20, 20:44
It is when you proclaim you subscribe to THE supreme ideology but then go about dismissing those of others as being inferior. But that’s what religion typically does.

In any case petty larceny, trespassing, etc are generally misdemeanor offenses, sadly so is animal abuse. So replace flag with pet and would you still standby and allow it to happen? Or all misdemeanor offense equal? Because if someone came on my property and kicked my pet I’d have zero qualms about lethal force, consequences be damned.

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We must have different definitions of hypocrisy. Merely claiming to try to live up to God's standards, not claiming perfection in that trying, and asserting that God's standard is THE standard is not hypocrisy. It's called being a sinner saved by grace. What you describe me doing is merely disagreeing. You think your standard of right belief and action is superior to every other or you wouldn't subscribe to it, you would move on to a superior world view, we all do it, we all have our dogmas. I don't remember ever simply dismissing someone's point of view. If I disagree with that person I try to engage with argumentation. At least that's how I remember my postings. If someone says something extremely harsh about Christ or Christianity, I might reply with a similar harshness. If a man says we can't have a counter revolution based on godly standards and then proceeds to insult and degrade said ideas and people as hypocrites and extremists then I might throw down and call that man a God hater. I'm in good company since the scriptures themselves describe unbelievers in such a way. I've had to put up with your search and destroy atheism, you seem to have special place in your mind for me, and that's just the way it is.

I don't know where you've gotten the idea that "I would just stand by and let it happen"? I sure didn't say anything like that. Just so you're perfectly clear about where I stand on theft, here goes...I am really, really, really against it. It's a crime and should be punished commiserate with it's severity. I tend to think restitution exceeding the value of the stolen item is in order...that's biblical. I like dogs too, I grew up with them, but I don't see a circumstance in which I would kill a man made in God's image to save an animal. Maybe, if mine or someone else's life really depended on that animal. Your word's make me think violence isn't all the foreign to you.

26 Inf
07-01-20, 21:45
Stealing property is bad, in this instance not so bad anyone needed to be shot.

If I were king I would decree a law wherein the theft or attempted theft of a political symbol or other symbolic object, by a person who wished to stifle that free expression; would result in the perpetrator having that symbol tattooed on their entire face if convicted.

So some dupe steals your MAGA sign or defaces it, and gets caught and convicted then he or she is punished by having MAGA tattooed on their face.

So, you are saying I shouldn't be adding 'unless they are aborted babies' to the bottom of all the BLM signs in my community? Ooops, my bad.

26 Inf
07-01-20, 21:51
Well if it matters any to you, I'm Jewish, and my family are Holocaust survivors, and I am saying as much as it makes my skin crawl, free speech is free speech. This hasn't been the first time that this has happened to Mr. Nazi either, ten bucks keeps adding on to the other flags and he loses his patience with assholes wanting to be assholes to the other asshole.

Listen as much as you're reaching and very much trying, you are not going to get much sympathy just because what we think is making you uneasy. I sleep like a baby, I don't infringe on anyone but as soon as you start playing asshole games with me, I take issue and sympathize for those that feel the same as me. How I feel about them notwithstanding either.

In the end, two wrongs don't make a right. It took TWO to tango. She created the action, he gave her what she craved for; attention. The only thing is, that wasn't the attention that she was looking for. Both were wrong, there was no lesser evil here no matter how much you try to pain that narrative that he was the bigger evil.

I see that reasoning isn't your strong point.

07-01-20, 22:02
I see that reasoning isn't your strong point.Contrary to your own beliefs, reasoning actually is one of my stronger suits. That post was very reasonable, perhaps critical thinking isn't your strong point at all?

At any rate, I would be more concerned that the OP deliberately made a thread to see who would say what. I would start there instead of those that he purposely baited.

07-01-20, 22:16
Contrary to your own beliefs, reasoning actually is one of my stronger suits. That post was very reasonable, perhaps critical thinking isn't your strong point at all?

At any rate, I would be more concerned that the OP deliberately made a thread to see who would say what. I would start there instead of those that he purposely baited.

You caught me buckoo, being all sneaky and prone to sophistry. Actually, I put the thread up....oh nevermind.

07-02-20, 01:30
You caught me buckoo, being all sneaky and prone to sophistry. Actually, I put the thread up....oh nevermind.

Actually it was a legit question that was related to a recent event. Just too bad he and antifa didn't find each other first. That would have been popcorn quality entertainment.

I think everyone else understands that you won't always have the same read on events, but I didn't see it as troll bait.