View Full Version : Christopher Columbus statue in Columbus Ohio...

07-01-20, 09:27
It’s being taken down by work crews as we speak.....



john armond
07-01-20, 09:37
When do they rename "Columbus" Ohio then?

Edit reason: typo

07-01-20, 09:38
Might as well rename it New Stalingrad.

07-01-20, 09:52
A little background. Our little Texas town has had an influx of carpet baggers and now they want to tear down the statue at the Court House honoring our Civil War fallen.
No amount of "You know you can move on down the road to Austin and find many like minded individuals" works with these folks. They can't stand a statue that's been there for a Century, it has to come down now.
A couple of face to face meetings with about 75 armed people defending the darn statue and a vote and guess what, the statue is still there.
So my Son and I are coming home from the gym and out of the corner of my eye I see a statue in the grave yard that has been overturned. I don't "Know" who turned that thing over, but there it was laying on it's side for all to see, Saint Francis got knocked over.
So it doesn't matter to them if it is Robert E Lee, Saint Francis or Christopher Columbus, all the statues must come down.
They don't care if it is a public statue or a private one, public property or in this case private.
Called 911, told them what we were doing and since we were already warmed up from the gym we picked it up and fitted it back in place. I'm just happy the guy's relatives didn't have to see Saint Francis and their mothers grave look like that.

07-01-20, 10:05
It’s being taken down by work crews as we speak.....



I have a real hard time caring about anything to do with Christopher Columbus. If we are going to celebrate whitey landing in North America then it should probably be Leif Eriksson.

07-01-20, 10:44
Viking's came and went, without Columbus no Mayflower.

07-01-20, 10:50
How can someone have a problem with the patron saint of animals? This has gone too far!

07-01-20, 11:09
When do they rename "Columbus" Ohio then?

Edit reason: typo

When or do you mean "what"?

Flavor Town - after the hometown boy turned food reviewer Guy Fieri.

john armond
07-01-20, 11:50
When or do you mean "what"?

Flavor Town - after the hometown boy turned food reviewer Guy Fieri.

I meant when. Maybe I could have phrased more along the lines of when do the demands start. What will they want it changed to is anyone's guess.

07-01-20, 12:17
Viking's came and went, without Columbus no Mayflower.

huh ? dif countries and 120+ years apart not sure what you mean

Columbus never stepped foot in North America ?

and for that reason alone I could care less about his statue in public places ?

07-01-20, 12:20
That Lenin statue has to go... A thermite device on top of his head would make it a modern art masterpiece. Spraying it with a salt solution to start 'bronze disease' would be interesting- especially if you could get them to do it themselves by telling them it is a protector solution...

07-01-20, 12:52
When or do you mean "what"?

Flavor Town - after the hometown boy turned food reviewer Guy Fieri.

Or maybe something cool like when Prince changed his name to that little squiggle thing.... :sarcastic:

07-01-20, 12:57
How can someone have a problem with the patron saint of animals? This has gone too far!

They don't, but after demanding a statue to be removed and essentially being turned away, well the graveyard is about a quarter mile from the Courthouse, looks like they got their statue.
It doesn't have to make sense, they just need something to destroy.