View Full Version : Trump vs. Biden: Senility becomes 2020 flashpoint

07-01-20, 11:12
Trump vs. Biden: Senility becomes 2020 flashpoint


Though they have different personalities, both Trump and Biden are known for speaking off the cuff, opening themselves to verbal gaffes and criticisms of rambling.

07-01-20, 12:09
"I've been tested and I'm constantly tested," Biden responded, adding that "I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I'm running against."

And the person you are running against is named......

And what election year....

Those questions had to be asked, but were not.

07-01-20, 12:25
And the person you are running against is named......

And what election year....

Those questions had to be asked, but were not.

What state are you in? Other that a state of confusion.

Trump is an uncouth, load-mouthed braggart with shitty taste in whores and doesn't give a rip who he offends, but he is not senile. Joe Biden on the other hand has had legit brain aneurysms, old age has caught up to him and is an out of touch loon.

07-01-20, 12:36
Trump is an uncouth, load-mouthed braggart with shitty taste in whores and doesn't give a rip who he offends, but he is not senile. Joe Biden on the other hand has had legit brain aneurysms, old age has caught up to him and is an out of touch loon.

Yes. Biden is so badly senile that you have to wonder if it's being played out publicly to reduce his chances of prosecution over the Ukraine stuff. Maybe they can substitute Hunter for Joe at the very last minute; nah he would have to testify or plead the 5th.

So we have another election cycle where the D candidate is so outrageously, outlandishly awful that you have to wonder if the DNC is a puppet of space aliens who don't understand human beings.

07-01-20, 13:06
Yes. Biden is so badly senile that you have to wonder if it's being played out publicly to reduce his chances of prosecution over the Ukraine stuff. Maybe they can substitute Hunter for Joe at the very last minute; nah he would have to testify or plead the 5th.

So we have another election cycle where the D candidate is so outrageously, outlandishly awful that you have to wonder if the DNC is a puppet of space aliens who don't understand human beings.

To have the sheer audacity to put Biden up to run for POTUS is amazing.
Civil Rights record.
His love of long prison terms for rather minor drug sales and possession. Those two right there should shut off the black vote.
So what in this guys record makes the Democrats so excited? Well, you might say this guy is swamp creature and there are a number of ongoing investigations. So, I do believe if he wins, the Democrats think they can shut all that down a go back to business as usual.
I think they've lost what few marbles they brought to the game.
Biden 2020
Hope and Change
My Depends please.

07-01-20, 13:14
To have the sheer audacity to put Biden up to run for POTUS is amazing.
Civil Rights record.
His love of long prison terms for rather minor drug sales and possession. Those two right there should shut off the black vote.
So what in this guys record makes the Democrats so excited? Well, you might say this guy is swamp creature and there are a number of ongoing investigations. So, I do believe if he wins, the Democrats think they can shut all that down a go back to business as usual.
I think they've lost what few marbles they brought to the game.
Biden 2020
Hope and Change
My Depends please.

I think the radical left hates Trump so much they don't care who it is as long as it's not orange man. I mean FFS you have Symone Sanders, a black campaign manager for Biden that is constantly defending his past and even current racial gaffs and civil rights record.

07-01-20, 13:42
I think the radical left hates Trump so much they don't care who it is as long as it's not orange man. I mean FFS you have Symone Sanders, a black campaign manager for Biden that is constantly defending his past and even current racial gaffs and civil rights record.

I'm just saying it might be easier to defend Woodrow Wilson than Joe Biden.

07-01-20, 13:42
The alt-left marxist Democrats (is there any other kind these days?) are riding Biden into power. As other have predicted:

If he wins in November, he will resign in his first year, prior to 2022. The DNC put forward a lot of extremist candidates, but the primary voters wanted a center-left white male. They will be overruled, Biden will be forced to abdicate and his VP will install a lot of AOC types into cabinet positions. End of the republic.

I’m pretty well convinced the next 10 years are going to be the hardest any American has ever had to live through.

07-01-20, 13:50
The alt-left marxist Democrats (is there any other kind these days?) are riding Biden into power. As other have predicted:

If he wins in November, he will resign in his first year, prior to 2022. The DNC put forward a lot of extremist candidates, but the primary voters wanted a center-left white male. They will be overruled, Biden will be forced to abdicate and his VP will install a lot of AOC types into cabinet positions. End of the republic.

I’m pretty well convinced the next 10 years are going to be the hardest any American has ever had to live through.

We should get some real insight into how it will play out when Biden announces his VP running mate.

07-01-20, 15:11
What state are you in? Other that a state of confusion.

Trump is an uncouth, load-mouthed braggart with shitty taste in whores and doesn't give a rip who he offends, but he is not senile. Joe Biden on the other hand has had legit brain aneurysms, old age has caught up to him and is an out of touch loon.

Mini mental exams are often where you ask questions like "Who is the president" and "What year is it". Those two questions actually flow exactly from Biden's comments- and if he had stammered at all in response, the race might be over right now.

Trump doesn't show any signs of dementia. In fact if anything, his comments go right over people's heads. His comment about Romney having to isolate over Corona exposure is HILARIOUS- not because it is about Corona exposure, but because it is about Romney having to eat alone relative to the GOP because of his impeachment vote. But the left can't even see how Trump turned that all around to make a joke about Romney.

07-01-20, 15:33
The sign language interpreter says it all... LMFAO
