View Full Version : Supreme Court picks over the next 4 years

07-01-20, 15:30
A lot at stake over the next 4 or so years. RBG and Breyer will more than likely retire and it is rumored that Thomas and Alito could possibly in the coming years as well. I have to assume the Dems are going to pull out all of the stops to make sure Trump doesn't get to pick the next 2-4 judges.

Clarence Thomas 72 years old
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 87 years old
Stephen Breyer 81 years old
Samuel A. Alito, Jr. 70 years old

07-01-20, 15:42
After the recent decisions of the Roberts majority, plus a few older ones like the approval of Obamacare on the most absurd basis, one might wonder if there is any real difference. Supposed conservatives give them cover for Warren-era type decisions.

Alex V
07-01-20, 16:13
Can't rely on the court as it is. I suppose it can still get worse but at this point, the Republic is lost, so maybe it's best to accelerate the collapse so we don't have to deal with the in-between for too long.

Life's a Hillary
07-01-20, 16:15
This sounds familiar

07-01-20, 16:15
What Alex V said ^

SCoTUS is doing what they’re told at this stage, the Constitution and BoR be damned.

We’re on our own ...

07-01-20, 19:20
How long until they pack the Court with a ‘black’ seat to make up for past injustices....

07-01-20, 20:23
Can't rely on the court as it is. I suppose it can still get worse but at this point, the Republic is lost, so maybe it's best to accelerate the collapse so we don't have to deal with the in-between for too long.


Should we all make a pact to vote straight D?

07-01-20, 20:52
What Alex V said ^

SCoTUS is doing what they’re told at this stage, the Constitution and BoR be damned.

We’re on our own ...

Exactly. Odd how our "inalienable rights" are left up to the whims of a few activist judges.

07-01-20, 21:45
Can't rely on the court as it is. I suppose it can still get worse but at this point, the Republic is lost, so maybe it's best to accelerate the collapse so we don't have to deal with the in-between for too long.

Do what we do, for as long as we can, then if / when the shooting starts we each know we did everything we could to prevent it from coming to this. We all know that we've been telling them to back off and respect the rights for awhile now.

We all pretty much know where the actual line in the sand is, we all know our restraint emboldens them, but I don't think very many people want to actually start dropping bodies if other alternatives exist. In the end we are trying to negotiate for their lives...not ours.

Straight Shooter
07-01-20, 22:21
Ive accepted the bitter pill, that America has been lost Constitutionally speaking for many years, and we've had some truly terrible decisions this year alone. MY America is gone. Fortunately, where I live here in South America, the trickle down effects will take much longer to realize here.
I REFUSE to any longer wait with baited breath for every decision coming out of SCOTUS to rely on ONE person's decision thats gonna change our course forever. Roberts switch hits all the time and according to his voting, a liberal. How did we get to this point that one person vote has that much power. It should NEVER have gotten to this point.
I hold NO HOPE of ANY pro gun rulings,if they even ever decide to HEAR any gun cases, the cowards. I bet when they get enough libs on there, theyll hear them then, and itll be KATY BAR THE DOOR then.
Im at the point I just care about me, mine & my family, what I can immediately & personally affect..and screw everything esle. We are living in the fall, and most dont even see it, much less care.

07-01-20, 22:30
Do what we do, for as long as we can, then if / when the shooting starts we each know we did everything we could to prevent it from coming to this. We all know that we've been telling them to back off and respect the rights for awhile now.

We all pretty much know where the actual line in the sand is, we all know our restraint emboldens them, but I don't think very many people want to actually start dropping bodies if other alternatives exist. In the end we are trying to negotiate for their lives...not ours.

I’m not sure how you did that but that fired on all 8. Perfectly well said.

07-02-20, 08:45
The thing is, with the way Roberts has been, I really don't want them to rule on 2A stuff right now. If Trump gets re-elected and he puts in 1 or 2 more, maybe then. Right now...not worth it.

07-02-20, 11:43
The thing is, with the way Roberts has been, I really don't want them to rule on 2A stuff right now. If Trump gets re-elected and he puts in 1 or 2 more, maybe then. Right now...not worth it.

Right. At the very least we need the Right Flank shored up since Gorsuch and Kav are questionable, it would be a REALLY big help if we could dig into Roberts's flights with Epstein and find out what happened there.