View Full Version : Ammo stockpilers, what's your sell price?

Danus ex
07-04-20, 14:03
Like many, I bought cheap and stacked deep long ago (~2005). For me, it was 5.45x39mm and 7.62x51mm. I already dumped 24k rounds of 5.45 during the height of the 7N6 ban hysteria.

Personally, my "sell everything" price for 7.62 NATO surplus is $1.25/rd, which is highly unlikely. What's yours for the various calibers you're sitting on?

07-04-20, 14:39
I didn't stockpile to sell - I did it to have plenty of ammunition in case of a future dark age when ammo is not available. When the dark age arrives, it might be used in a barter situation, but I'm hanging onto it. All the guns in the world are worthless without ammunition.

07-04-20, 14:41
Same as above. I didn’t buy to turn around and try to make a profit off of it, I bought it to have it.

07-04-20, 14:50
I don't recall ever selling any ammo, except when someone at a class insisted on paying me for some ammo when they ran short.

I have given away for free a lot of ammo, especially .22 bulk pack stuff to kids or new shooters during shortages. It's tough to see the sad look on a kid's face when they get a new rifle, and Mom and Dad can't find any ammo.

"We got this new homemade ice cream freezer, but the stores are all closed so we can;t make you anything..." :(

07-04-20, 14:58
Didn't buy to be an amateur dealer. I'm going to sell or trade a bunch, but only because I changed calibers.

07-04-20, 15:18
Ammo isnt for investing like stocks. Ammo is for shooting. Ive only sold match ammo so I can buy more defensive ammo.

07-04-20, 15:25
This week I went to Albuquerque for the day and went to a Sportsman's Warehouse. Needing some gun socks for rifles in the safe. I always check to see what ammo is available in 5.56x45 M193. All it could find was some American Eagle .223 in 55 grain.

We will look back to these days as the good times. I see a time when ammo will not be available and practice shooting will be a limited activity.

Evel Baldgui
07-04-20, 15:52
I've never sold any of my ammo stock. I have given away to friends and relatives during shortage times to make sure they have at least 250-500rds available.

07-04-20, 15:55
Like some others posted, I didn't "stock pile" ammo to sell for profit. I stock them for times training, practicing, defense if needed, bought them because they were on sale, and last of all for times like these when I won't be able to get them at reasonable cost or at all.

With that in mind, I came upon 200 rounds (yes, only 200) of 7.62 x 51 surplus ammo for a gun that I no longer have. I posted it on a local outdoor forum for $80 (40 cent a round) and it was gone in a day. I didn't need them and had no intention of taking advantage of anybody.

I gave away 60 rounds of 5.56 to a good friend because he couldn't find any for his new AR that he just panic bought.

I ran 50 rounds in another friend's rifle that he just panic bought to function test and zeroed the sights.

07-04-20, 16:36
I didn't stockpile to sell - I did it to have plenty of ammunition in case of a future dark age when ammo is not available. When the dark age arrives, it might be used in a barter situation, but I'm hanging onto it. All the guns in the world are worthless without ammunition.

Yep. I sold ammo for the first time this year. Due to prices I sold my Romanian PSL rifle which meant I needed a lot less 7.62x54r than I was holding on to. The prices for the ammo had also reached high demand prices. I kept enough to feed my M91/30s (which I still haven't shot yet) and sold a few thousand rounds.

But everything else, I just keep adding to it a bit at a time keeping my good stuff in reserve.

07-04-20, 16:36
I didn't stockpile to sell

End of story. thread closed.

07-04-20, 17:00
I didn't stockpile to sell - I did it to have plenty of ammunition in case of a future dark age when ammo is not available. When the dark age arrives, it might be used in a barter situation, but I'm hanging onto it. All the guns in the world are worthless without ammunition.


I'm in the city, so I'll probably need it all. And THEN some.

07-04-20, 17:26
No intention on ever selling. Im working on a lifetime supply so no matter what happens, i'm good.

07-04-20, 17:38
Crazy...you can get 5.56 for .45ea if you look but some folks are paying $1/round on the auction sites. Tempting.

07-04-20, 18:29
The only ammo I have sold is 5.45x39 when I decided to dump that particular platform durin that panic. I would never, and I would advise you to never, sell anything that you think you might want back.

07-04-20, 18:41
I've never sold any of my 'stash' either. I am shooting it bit by bit, though. But, if you have more ammo than you'll ever need or want, then I'd sell some at the going rates at whatever time it is that you're thinking of selling it.

07-04-20, 19:26
Sell price???

First off - I'm not a licensed ammunition dealer, so it's wouldn't (technically) be legal for me to "sell" any of my "stash", not now, or anytime while so unlicensed (read that as: ever).
But mainly - (As others have stated) I didn't buy any of it, just to turn around & sell it off, no matter whether at a loss; to break even; or for profit.

Sell price? There isn't one...

07-04-20, 20:07
I've always considered people that sell ammo in the hopes of making a few bucks kind of pathetic. I remember during the green tip scare a few years ago, there were a few yahoos trying to get $1/round at the gun shows and the local gun trader forum. "Gunshow Millionaires" we called them. They could have picked up an extra shift and made twice as much with all the effort they put forth.

Just kinda lame IMHO. But some people just need to feel like they're smarter than you by making an extra $100.

07-04-20, 21:36
Lol, sell...

Straight Shooter
07-05-20, 07:16
After seeing, knowing & living thru everything the demonrat party has said & done & tried & wanted/want to do with guns and gun owners for the past 40+ years..let me calmly & rationaly tell yall: Should the Trump & the Repubs lose bigly this fall, YOU AINT GONNA BE ABLE TO BUY NOTHING. First- from the election itself until the Jan. swearing in, the panic buying will be simply unreal. Secondly- after they take power, Id about gaurantee the first thing/issue they tackle are guns & the 2A. Darth Bader & a couple more SCOTUS judges retire..replaced with RADICAL leftists. GOODBYE 2A.
Then, the loooong laundry list of goals theyve tried literally since the 70's will have NO impediment to being implemented.
Say ADIOS to semi autos..ALL OF THEM, caliber be damned...to high cap mags, shottys over 3 rounds..you know..for hunting like the Const. "says", any rifle capable of over 6 rounds, no online ammo or gun sales or transfers, limits on how much ammo you can buy and/or even own, "sniper rifles", military surplus from other countries, Federal Red Flag laws, "mandatory buy backs", absolutely no Class 3/NFA of any kind, mandatory gun insurance, the now left leaning SCOTUS declares STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS UNCONSTITUIONAL, no "right" to carry outside your home or property, gun range restrictions & closures...I literally could go on & on & on from what theyve tried already, and what theyve done in places, and what theyve said they want to do. WE..WONT..HAVE..ANYTHING, outside of "hunting" guns..and how many demonrats truly care about hunters and hunting? That, too, is a ruse.
I TRULY believe, should the goblins win,that whatever I own & have at the time of election, may well be what I own & have for a long, long time. It AINT for sale, and Im buying all I can afford until then. I hope & pray Im completely wrong.

Straight Shooter
07-05-20, 07:18
double post

07-05-20, 07:29
After seeing, knowing & living thru everything the demonrat party has said & done & tried & wanted/want to do with guns and gun owners for the past 40+ years..let me calmly & rationaly tell yall: Should the Trump & the Repubs lose bigly this fall, YOU AINT GONNA BE ABLE TO BUY NOTHING. First- from the election itself until the Jan. swearing in, the panic buying will be simply unreal. Secondly- after they take power, Id about gaurantee the first thing/issue they tackle are guns & the 2A. Darth Bader & a couple more SCOTUS judges retire..replaced with RADICAL leftists. GOODBYE 2A.
Then, the loooong laundry list of goals theyve tried literally since the 70's will have NO impediment to being implemented.
Say ADIOS to semi autos..ALL OF THEM, caliber be damned...to high cap mags, shottys over 3 rounds..you know..for hunting like the Const. "says", any rifle capable of over 6 rounds, no online ammo or gun sales or transfers, limits on how much ammo you can buy and/or even own, "sniper rifles", military surplus from other countries, Federal Red Flag laws, "mandatory buy backs", absolutely no Class 3/NFA of any kind, mandatory gun insurance, the now left leaning SCOTUS declares STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS UNCONSTITUIONAL, no "right" to carry outside your home or property, gun range restrictions & closures...I literally could go on & on & on from what theyve tried already, and what theyve done in places, and what theyve said they want to do. WE..WONT..HAVE..ANYTHING, outside of "hunting" guns..and how many demonrats truly care about hunters and hunting? That, too, is a ruse.
I TRULY believe, should the goblins win,that whatever I own & have at the time of election, may well be what I own & have for a long, long time. It AINT for sale, and Im buying all I can afford until then. I hope & pray Im completely wrong.

Absolute and unvarnished truth.

07-05-20, 09:49
After seeing, knowing & living thru everything the demonrat party has said & done & tried & wanted/want to do with guns and gun owners for the past 40+ years..let me calmly & rationaly tell yall: Should the Trump & the Repubs lose bigly this fall, YOU AINT GONNA BE ABLE TO BUY NOTHING. First- from the election itself until the Jan. swearing in, the panic buying will be simply unreal. Secondly- after they take power, Id about gaurantee the first thing/issue they tackle are guns & the 2A. Darth Bader & a couple more SCOTUS judges retire..replaced with RADICAL leftists. GOODBYE 2A.
Then, the loooong laundry list of goals theyve tried literally since the 70's will have NO impediment to being implemented.
Say ADIOS to semi autos..ALL OF THEM, caliber be damned...to high cap mags, shottys over 3 rounds..you know..for hunting like the Const. "says", any rifle capable of over 6 rounds, no online ammo or gun sales or transfers, limits on how much ammo you can buy and/or even own, "sniper rifles", military surplus from other countries, Federal Red Flag laws, "mandatory buy backs", absolutely no Class 3/NFA of any kind, mandatory gun insurance, the now left leaning SCOTUS declares STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS UNCONSTITUIONAL, no "right" to carry outside your home or property, gun range restrictions & closures...I literally could go on & on & on from what theyve tried already, and what theyve done in places, and what theyve said they want to do. WE..WONT..HAVE..ANYTHING, outside of "hunting" guns..and how many demonrats truly care about hunters and hunting? That, too, is a ruse.
I TRULY believe, should the goblins win,that whatever I own & have at the time of election, may well be what I own & have for a long, long time. It AINT for sale, and Im buying all I can afford until then. I hope & pray Im completely wrong.
THIS is what I am referring to as a new Dark Age in America, at least part of it. This will be a symptom of it, along with the loss of so many other Rights.

07-05-20, 09:53
I've sold only when I sold the rifle that ammo was for. Used to stock 7.62x54 but I also had a ton of Mosins. Now I have one left just for fun and I shoot it once every few years using commercial PPU ammo. Meanwhile all those tins that were $70 become $150 so I sold them, all!

Had a Garand and a few thousand rounds of Greek 3006. Sold the rifle and the ammo.

Otherwise I don't sell. Actually never thought of it or the amount I would take. I don't think I have that much to sell to make it worth while but just of the top of my head if someone offered me a few thousand dollars per case I'd probably sell

07-05-20, 10:17
...WE..WONT..HAVE..ANYTHING, outside of "hunting" guns..and how many demonrats truly care about hunters and hunting? That, too, is a ruse...

Lol, silly goose, those aren't hunting rifles, they are "sniper" rifles. After all what hunter needs a scoped rifle you can shoot several hundred yards with? :rolleyes: :laugh:

On topic, I would only sell ammo I A) don't need, say I got out of that caliber/weapons system/etc, or B) is of a type that is going for some sort of stupid exorbitant price, but other ammo is still available, so I could take that money and roll it right over into a higher quantity of ammo I actually need.

Other than that... I don't sell ammo.
Hell, right now I'm even hanging onto some mags I don't really need, just in case I need to go back to that platform due to availability, and I am kicking myself hard for selling off some uppers a while back, and not immediately reinvesting the money in other uppers/weapons I wanted/needed a years ago.
F :rolleyes: Story of my life.

07-05-20, 12:29
I agree with what others have said regarding stockpiling for the future; however, I can also appreciate that not everyone's particular situation is the same either. My thoughts don't apply to all the calibers across the board, but I can think of several reasons someone might want to sell off things here and there.

My personal experiences:
1) Since I've gotten into reloading, I find it keeps me more interested in the hobby by being able to experiment with different projectiles and work up different loads. I can work up any combination I want to try whenever I feel like it. In most cases, it's also more cost effective if all I'm looking to do is get the smallest groups or hunt vs. buying premium ammo.

2) I've had to move several times for work. For me this means asking friends to store things temporarily (sometimes long term). It can be a pain at times, especially if their S.O. needs the closet space or I'd like to access something on a whim. Having bulk amounts of everything is great if your living situation is more permanent.

3) As others have stated, there's no use for keeping different calibers if you've sold off the guns that shoot them.

4) Now with the COVID situation, I find myself struggling financially, whereas before I wasn't.

07-05-20, 14:45
I don’t sell, but have often given ammo away to close friends and family members who’d run out, or were running low.

Sometimes I give it away to family members using it, when I wasn’t using a particular caliber at all but they were/are.

07-05-20, 15:17
Not a "stock piler", have enough to practice at the range, help out friends, and take a class or two or three over the next few months. Went through the various ammo websites, what is available is being gouged to no end, $430 for 1k 9mm, damn! My condolences to whoever needs to stock up or buy ammo at this time. Also, the price of Glocks are bordering on the absurd as well, $750 to $950 for G19's, G45's, seriously ??? An associate of mine ordered at ammoman.com the 430/1k, he was happy to get an extra case. He rationalized it as cost averaging, @ $170/case 4-5 months ago, he figures its really "just" $300/case now. Still exorbitant I say, but he's happy to have it. Madness!

07-05-20, 17:27
I bought a bunch of cases of M855/SS109 and 7.62 NATO back when it was too cheap not to buy (and I was planning on buying a 1919 with 308 conversion, which I never did). I plan on keeping most of the FMP, Hirtenberger, and Radway Green 7.62, but I have several cases of Malaysian surplus, I could part with. Not selling the 5.56. What is surplus 7.62 ball going for these days?

07-05-20, 17:30
I wish had a stockpile of Ammo from years gone back that I could sell. I'm grappling to keep my supplies hefty in these lean times.


07-05-20, 17:54
I also stockpiled for myself only. I like to shoot, if things go south whos knows if ill get ammo again. Rather have too much, that way i can pass it off to my kids if i dont use it all.

07-05-20, 18:26
My ammo is not for sale regardless of price.

The more scarce it becomes the happier I am to have it now. It would strike me that selling is counter intuitive to stock piling it.

07-05-20, 18:41
Sell? Nah. I’m not stockpiling, I’m supplying for future generations.

I’ll help people out when stuff is scarce and sell for a reasonable price to get them what they need, but other than that, I’m creating a supply for my children and their children. Firearms, supporting parts accessories and Ammo.