View Full Version : Lesson 1: Do not block freeways

07-04-20, 17:17
Especially at night, while wearing all black...


07-04-20, 17:27
"Move bitch. Get outta da way"....Lol

07-04-20, 19:02
I can't feel bad for them. If more people wouldn't slow down we'd not have this as a problem...

07-04-20, 19:29
The problem is, the dude in the car had to have entered the freeway on an exit ramp because all the on ramps were barricaded closed according to LEO. The freeway was officially closed and he made an effort to get around that. It's not going to bode well for him.

07-04-20, 19:37
The problem is, the dude in the car had to have entered the freeway on an exit ramp because all the on ramps were barricaded closed according to LEO. The freeway was officially closed and he made an effort to get around that. It's not going to bode well for him.

Report i saw says a black guy was driving......

john armond
07-04-20, 21:34
The problem is, the dude in the car had to have entered the freeway on an exit ramp because all the on ramps were barricaded closed according to LEO. The freeway was officially closed and he made an effort to get around that. It's not going to bode well for him.

That was said about the truck driver that got pulled from his truck and beaten last month too. Cops later stated he got on the highway at a point where the barriers haven’t been put up yet and let him go. He didn’t hit anyone.

07-04-20, 22:14
Report i saw says a black guy was driving......


07-04-20, 23:22

I see what you did there.

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07-05-20, 00:39
No pity for the injured.

To the contrary, I wish them a lifetime of debilitating pain and misery.

07-05-20, 00:57
Not to mention one of the girls that got hit had her face in her phone because she was live streaming up until the moment she got hit. Real Darwin award winner here.


07-05-20, 01:06
WTF,,really ! I bet when they were planning on setting this up they were all full of themselves and "really" thought they were gonna make a difference !!!! Stupid f##ks,,its a dam HIGHWAY,,built for car,,,its night and your in the middle of the dam road,,,at least be smart enough that if something like this happened you would be paying attention and could get out of the way !! Dumb ass's were walking around like they were in there own back yard, till the major Oh shit moment happened ! I feel bad that there that F-ing stupid but not that bad about the shit they did to themselves ! Wake up would be a start !

07-05-20, 01:11
The only thing i take away from this is that shutting down the highway for a protest was both sanctioned and abetted by law enforcement.

07-05-20, 01:16
Warms my heart!

07-05-20, 01:22
The 'all the entrances to the freeway were blocked' line has already been debunked.

Police need to get these ****ers off the road instead of sanctioning their behavior and providing them protection.

Lets see a right wing movement get this level of treatment and Ill start giving a **** about commie road kill

07-05-20, 01:40
The 'all the entrances to the freeway were blocked' line has already been debunked.

Police need to get these ****ers off the road instead of sanctioning their behavior and providing them protection.

Lets see a right wing movement get this level of treatment and Ill start giving a **** about commie road kill

I believe I-5 stretches all the way down to the mexican border so how many entrances did they have to block again?

07-05-20, 01:51
One of the girls just died, the other is in critical condition.


07-05-20, 02:33
Remember the mob of protestors in Utah that blocked a car and one of them shot the driver with the gun? And now these people still expect cars to stop for them? I don't brake for roadblocking mobs.

07-05-20, 02:36
I don't want to sound edgy but this I found this video hilarious as none of this shit as actually needed for the systematic changes that they say they are interested in.

They live in a community, where 100 percent of the elected politicians ranging from the City council to the Mayor, to her appointed police chief, to the Governor wholeheartedly support 100 percent their protest, and their So-called racist boogymen have no power in the State of Washington.

Could anybody imagine how far we could take gun rights if we had that level of systematic support

Blocking highways, throwing bricks, and taking over neighborhoods is nothing more than an attempt to destroy the system. If they want to live outside of the rules incidents like this will continue to happen

07-05-20, 03:13
The only thing i take away from this is that shutting down the highway for a protest was both sanctioned and abetted by law enforcement.

that is the real problem I see the LEO are really on their side !!!

07-05-20, 05:03
Deleted, mis-posted.

But I’ll just add a good ol’ “haha” for the hell of it.

07-05-20, 06:26
I don't want to sound edgy but this I found this video hilarious as none of this shit as actually needed for the systematic changes that they say they are interested in.

They live in a community, where 100 percent of the elected politicians ranging from the City council to the Mayor, to her appointed police chief, to the Governor wholeheartedly support 100 percent their protest, and their So-called racist boogymen have no power in the State of Washington.

Could anybody imagine how far we could take gun rights if we had that level of systematic support

Blocking highways, throwing bricks, and taking over neighborhoods is nothing more than an attempt to destroy the system. If they want to live outside of the rules incidents like this will continue to happen

I couldn't agree with you more!

07-05-20, 06:57
Perhaps the road block mob is too young to remember Reginald Denny, but there are many motorists old enough to remember Mr Denny stopping, being pulled out of his truck, surrounded by hostiles and beaten to near death. And just like we have seen in countless violent mob attacks the past few weeks, the police are no were to be seen. Law enforcement remains safely away from the violence abandoning the law-abiding to the mob.

Anyone need a reminder?


07-05-20, 07:18
Oh the irony....Amy Biehl all over again....Lol

07-05-20, 08:42
From the linked article on page 1: "The Washington State Patrol said Sunday evening that going forward it won't allow protesters to enter I-5 and would arrest pedestrians on the freeway."

Well no shit Sherlock! Day late and a dollar short.

You do NOT have the "right" to block an interstate freeway. It is NOT "peaceful" protest!!!

Anyone notice how this is happening more and more (and I'm glad it is mind you)? There are more and more people running these bullshit blockades. Good!

07-05-20, 08:46
One of the girls just died, the other is in critical condition.


Good. Hopefully the second soon follows. I hope the driver of the vehicle sues the deceased and injured estate/family for everything they have and then follows up with a suit against the city for allowing this to happen.

07-05-20, 08:48
Good. Hopefully the second soon follows.
I have mixed feelings on this. Out of concern for the driver.

07-05-20, 09:04
Perhaps the road block mob is too young to remember Reginald Denny, but there are many motorists old enough to remember Mr Denny stopping, being pulled out of his truck, surrounded by hostiles and beaten to near death. And just like we have seen in countless violent mob attacks the past few weeks, the police are no were to be seen. Law enforcement remains safely away from the violence abandoning the law-abiding to the mob.

Anyone need a reminder?


I think it is in every bodies best interest to really practice situational awareness and try to avoid situations in which people end up getting ventilated or ran over. If you are driving somewhere , take 2 minutes and drop the route in google maps and you will get a real time update if your rout is blocked. Also leave yourself enough room in traffic to un-ass the area in required.

Also, know that they are going to beat on your car in an attempt to draw you out of the car in order to jump you. Know that they will do this most likely essentially city level diplomatic immunity and they are going to be recording you in Hi-Def and WILL Dox you if you make any attempt to defend yourself.

So I would advise, game planning all this beforehand, scrub your social media account if applicable,

The only think that I can say for certain, is that I am not getting dragged out of my vehicle.

07-05-20, 09:08
When I joined the Sheriff's department, the old timers told stories of a few hippies that got thrown off I-5 when they blocked it.

Now WSP, SPD assists the marxist take over of the USA.

john armond
07-05-20, 09:46
Years ago when I was on the PD there was a local woman who liked to walk down the middle of the lane of traffic just outside my jurisdiction, at night in all black wearing a black trench coat. She got hit several times. The SHP would charge the woman with “impeding the flow of traffic” whenever she got hit. I saw her being handed a ticked as she was strapped on a backboard and loaded on the bandaid bus on a couple occasions.

07-05-20, 09:47
I think it is in every bodies best interest to really practice situational awareness and try to avoid situations in which people end up getting ventilated or ran over. If you are driving somewhere , take 2 minutes and drop the route in google maps and you will get a real time update if your rout is blocked. Also leave yourself enough room in traffic to un-ass the area in required.

Also, know that they are going to beat on your car in an attempt to draw you out of the car in order to jump you. Know that they will do this most likely essentially city level diplomatic immunity and they are going to be recording you in Hi-Def and WILL Dox you if you make any attempt to defend yourself.

So I would advise, game planning all this beforehand, scrub your social media account if applicable,

The only think that I can say for certain, is that I am not getting dragged out of my vehicle.




I will defend myself, one way or another, if I'm in such a situation. I don't go into trouble areas, I have better things to do with my life. That said, I work in the city so M-F it is imperative that I venture in there. While I will obviously avoid trouble if possible, I sure as hell am not going to sit and fret if I encounter such a situation and can't back up. My G19 is secondary to my main defensive weapon whose trigger is called a gas pedal.

07-05-20, 10:42
From the linked article on page 1: "The Washington State Patrol said Sunday evening that going forward it won't allow protesters to enter I-5 and would arrest pedestrians on the freeway."

Well no shit Sherlock! Day late and a dollar short.

You do NOT have the "right" to block an interstate freeway. It is NOT "peaceful" protest!!!

Anyone notice how this is happening more and more (and I'm glad it is mind you)? There are more and more people running these bullshit blockades. Good!

Total and complete disgrace that law enforcement would even remotely consider allowing so-called 'protesters' to set up roadblocks.

'Defund the Police'? As the nation continues to see the lawless run amok while police are nowhere to be seen or acting as bystanders, I'm guessing there's a growing number of law-abiding taxpayers wondering what they're funding.

Dr. Bullseye
07-05-20, 11:27
Those two BLM women got exactly what they deserved--FINALLY! I will certainly never slow down or stop for a BLM roadblock. Nor do I blame this guy for running it nor do I blame him for not stopping. They would have killed him. Anyone know how I can contribute to his legal defense fund?

The Highway Patrol/State Troopers are responsible for the freeways. As I have often said here, those are the street soldiers for the state power elites. Keeping the pitchfork peasants at bay is their primary function. Otherwise, these are just turds who are totally redundant and ought to be defunded.

07-05-20, 11:53

07-05-20, 14:53
I live and work near Seattle, but thankfully not in Seattle. They, "protestors", have been blocking I-5 every night for the 18 days prior to this incident. WSP had orders from their Chief, which likely came from the Governor to allow the protestors to do their thing in I-5. Each Trooper I know had stated it was just a matter of time before something like this happened. WSP and King County Sheriff's deputies have been told to effectively stay out of Seattle and leave everything in city limits to SPD, including backing them on calls.

The driver entered the freeway from an off-ramp, turned around then drove down I-5 since WSP had on-ramps in the area blocked. He's f^cked and is being held on two charges of vehiclular assault. One will be upgraded to vehicular homicide with the death of one of the protestors. They played stupid games, and won stupid prizes. Now Chief Batiste has said WSP will be enforcing the laws he told them to ignore to keep people off the freeways.

Hopefully, this will keep these loons off I-5 and persuade them from playing in traffic again. I don't hold much sympathy for them, their actions lead to this result and it was inevitable.

07-05-20, 18:39
WSP and King County Sheriff's deputies have been told to effectively stay out of Seattle and leave everything in city limits to SPD, including backing them on calls.

I worked the high crime area for the Sheriffs department, we shared a border with SPD which was split in the middle of an east west street. SPD officers were always in shock at what we were allowed to do, the weapons we were allowed to carry, the car chases that were allowed to go on until we ran the suspects down.

It didn't matter if it was the hippies in the really old days, or WTO which happened long after I went back to Israel. You wanted to restore order it was the deputies that came in and took care of business.

07-05-20, 19:40
That Double Tap Sound Effect....

07-05-20, 20:03
Don't stand in the road trying to mess with people and you probably will never get hit by a car.

07-06-20, 09:45
This is a tough one for me. This wasn't a case of someone driving down main street and suddenly they are surrounded and being threatened by a mob of angry protesters. In those instances I believe all rules are off and you have to do whatever needs to be done to ensure you and yours reach safety.

This almost looked intentional and I'm not sure how the driver will be able to defend his actions. And whether we agree with them or not, these were still human beings.

I'm of the mindset that I'll avoid situations where I know there might be trouble. If you cannot avoid said situations, you surely have the right and duty to defend yourself and those around you.

07-06-20, 10:33
This is a tough one for me. This wasn't a case of someone driving down main street and suddenly they are surrounded and being threatened by a mob of angry protesters. In those instances I believe all rules are off and you have to do whatever needs to be done to ensure you and yours reach safety.

This almost looked intentional and I'm not sure how the driver will be able to defend his actions. And whether we agree with them or not, these were still human beings.

I'm of the mindset that I'll avoid situations where I know there might be trouble. If you cannot avoid said situations, you surely have the right and duty to defend yourself and those around you.

Id watch the video again. Imagine rounding a curve at 80-85 mph and seeing cars blocking the road. The threat to your life is running into the cars so you swerve to the only gap in the cars, there happens to be people there.

07-06-20, 13:15
Id watch the video again. Imagine rounding a curve at 80-85 mph and seeing cars blocking the road. The threat to your life is running into the cars so you swerve to the only gap in the cars, there happens to be people there.

Have you seen all angles? The high angle video - unsure if traffic camera or a distant watcher - shows:
-barely a curve in the road - yes it curves, but so little that you could see the vans from far away, plenty of time to stop even if you're going 75
-no other cars at all - this would be called a clue on that highway
-driver is probably going closer to 50 than 80
-driver appears to speed up after he passes the vans, and appears to steer towards the people who he hit

Pending full investigation it sure looks intentional to me.

07-06-20, 15:28
As far as I know there are two intentional acts. 1. Intentionally standing in the middle of an interstate highway. 2. Law enforcement intentionally allowing it. Injury and death is the inevitable outcome of these two intentional acts.

07-06-20, 16:43
-driver appears to speed up after he passes the vans, and appears to steer towards the people who he hit

WRT this point and in the guy's defense:

We tend to drive where we're looking. He may have seen the two folks in the road, locked eyes on them, went, "oh shit," and then hit them.

That he drove off is not going to look very good to a jury, though, either way.

07-06-20, 16:45
This is a tough one for me. This wasn't a case of someone driving down main street and suddenly they are surrounded and being threatened by a mob of angry protesters. In those instances I believe all rules are off and you have to do whatever needs to be done to ensure you and yours reach safety.

This almost looked intentional and I'm not sure how the driver will be able to defend his actions. And whether we agree with them or not, these were still human beings.

I'm of the mindset that I'll avoid situations where I know there might be trouble. If you cannot avoid said situations, you surely have the right and duty to defend yourself and those around you.I have been told he had some kind of a motive and may have known some of the people. IE: possible retribution. But I've not seen that confirmed.

07-06-20, 17:17
As far as I know there are two intentional acts. 1. Intentionally standing in the middle of an interstate highway. 2. Law enforcement intentionally allowing it. Injury and death is the inevitable outcome of these two intentional acts.

Yea LE should have shut the shit down ASAP.

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07-06-20, 17:18
Have you seen all angles? The high angle video - unsure if traffic camera or a distant watcher - shows:
-barely a curve in the road - yes it curves, but so little that you could see the vans from far away, plenty of time to stop even if you're going 75
-no other cars at all - this would be called a clue on that highway
-driver is probably going closer to 50 than 80
-driver appears to speed up after he passes the vans, and appears to steer towards the people who he hit

Pending full investigation it sure looks intentional to me.

Per speeding up that’s the same line people use to condemn folks who find victims in a pop up riot and their vehicle surrounded trying to get away.

Like no shit you’re going to speed up

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07-06-20, 17:39
Per speeding up that’s the same line people use to condemn folks who find victims in a pop up riot and their vehicle surrounded trying to get away.
Like no shit you’re going to speed up

We all see our own little snapshots. I don't claim to have all the info. I have seen three camera angles, and one of those three makes it look like this guy came a long way down an empty road and had warning, when he could have stopped and turned around and left without any risk to himself. He also probably could have gone left before the vans (towards center of the freeway) if he was just insistent on driving down the road.

Totally different from an in-town situation where someone gets mobbed by people beating on their car and quite reasonably wants to get away. This guy had nothing but empty space in all directions and kept going.

For those pop-up riots where a mob attacks a car, I support the driver's right to flee to safety, including by going forward. That would be more like Charlottesville, or the shooting in Provo Utah a week ago, etc. And the shooting of the innocent 8yo girl in Atlanta yesterday just reinforces the value of getting away from rioting mobs.

I'm not in any way supporting the freeway blockers. They should be appropriately punished, and if this guy is innocent and really feared for his life he should go free... but it really doesn't look that way to me. Like a gangland shootout, I don't think there are any morally-correct people in this incident.

07-06-20, 23:04
If he stayed, he would have been pulled from the car and lynched by the protesters.

07-07-20, 00:23
If he stayed, he would have been pulled from the car and lynched by the protesters.

The guy didnt run, he stopped then the mob started banging on his car trying to get him out so he drove away and waited for the police. Thats why theres no hit and run charge in his case.

07-07-20, 06:01
Speaking of snapshots.....


“I’m alive and stable,” Love posted on Facebook late Sunday. "In a lot of pain. I cannot believe Summer was murdered. If they thought this murder would make us back down, they are very wrong. Very wrong.

As troopers investigate the crash, they’re also cracking down on any future protests that might happen on the freeway.

“We’re letting them know now that we’ll block their access, and if they go around and they actually do go out on the freeway, they will be arrested,” a trooper said.



After Kelete was stopped by state troopers, he agreed to take a field sobriety test for drugs and alcohol. The tests showed he was not impaired, the state patrol said.

“The driver was reserved and appeared sullen throughout his time in custody,” Trooper James McGuire wrote in the arrest report. “At one point he asked if the injured pedestrians were okay.”

Troopers said there is no proof that Kelete acted deliberately.


07-07-20, 06:19
This is no different than Chaz or the occupied Wendy's in Atlanta. The politicians and police let the criminals harass, intimidate and generally break the law. And then when, surprise, people start getting killed it's all "well we need to enforce the law now so this doesn't happen again".

07-07-20, 08:03
From whichever SJW is not taking a dirt nap - "I cannot believe Summer was murdered. If they thought this murder would make us back down, they are very wrong. Very wrong."

Number one - murder, really?

Number two - "they" as in young black males?


07-07-20, 09:36
The guy didnt run, he stopped then the mob started banging on his car trying to get him out so he drove away and waited for the police....

You seem to be supporting my point.

07-07-20, 10:35
Speaking of snapshots.....


“I’m alive and stable,” Love posted on Facebook late Sunday. "In a lot of pain. I cannot believe Summer was murdered. If they thought this murder would make us back down, they are very wrong. Very wrong.

As troopers investigate the crash, they’re also cracking down on any future protests that might happen on the freeway.

“We’re letting them know now that we’ll block their access, and if they go around and they actually do go out on the freeway, they will be arrested,” a trooper said.



After Kelete was stopped by state troopers, he agreed to take a field sobriety test for drugs and alcohol. The tests showed he was not impaired, the state patrol said.

“The driver was reserved and appeared sullen throughout his time in custody,” Trooper James McGuire wrote in the arrest report. “At one point he asked if the injured pedestrians were okay.”

Troopers said there is no proof that Kelete acted deliberately.


And this will be the last we hear about this.

07-07-20, 11:44
And this will be the last we hear about this.

It don't fit the narrative.

Trump should say there were good drivers on both sides of the freeway just to jack up the press.

07-07-20, 12:33
It don't fit the narrative.

Trump should say there were good drivers on both sides of the freeway just to jack up the press.

This is one time Trump should just STFU. However, to paraphrase what Ron White says, "He has the right to remain silent, but he doesn't have the ability..."

07-07-20, 12:38
Speaking of snapshots.....


“I’m alive and stable,” Love posted on Facebook late Sunday. "In a lot of pain. I cannot believe Summer was murdered. If they thought this murder would make us back down, they are very wrong. Very wrong.

As troopers investigate the crash, they’re also cracking down on any future protests that might happen on the freeway.

“We’re letting them know now that we’ll block their access, and if they go around and they actually do go out on the freeway, they will be arrested,” a trooper said.



After Kelete was stopped by state troopers, he agreed to take a field sobriety test for drugs and alcohol. The tests showed he was not impaired, the state patrol said.

“The driver was reserved and appeared sullen throughout his time in custody,” Trooper James McGuire wrote in the arrest report. “At one point he asked if the injured pedestrians were okay.”

Troopers said there is no proof that Kelete acted deliberately.


Maybe when he saw those two in the road the driver thought he was getting attacked by zombies from I Am Legend, panicked and tried to take them out. Just a guess.....

07-07-20, 12:48
But wait! There's more!


Disturbing videos have emerged purportedly showing a car driving into two protesters following a demonstration Monday night in Indiana, leaving them clinging onto its hood as it raced down a street.

The crowd had gathered in Bloomington to call for arrests in connection to the alleged attempted lynching of one of the city’s Black residents on Fourth of July at nearby Lake Monroe, according to WRTV. The hit-and-run incident reportedly happened in an intersection around 9 p.m. local time after the protest concluded.

"A woman driving the vehicle came up to the stop and had started revving her engine toward us and we tried to stop her and let her know that the crowd is clearing up," Geoff Stewart, who claimed to be one of the two people seen on video being hit by the car, told the station.

07-07-20, 13:01
Yet another moment of "innocents" getting "hit" while "peacefully demonstrating."

You can skip the first minute and not miss anything.


07-07-20, 13:37
They may not have learned much math and science in school, but they're getting schooled in physics.

07-07-20, 13:47
Wtf is it with white chicks and this crap.

I’m convinced there is a deep seeded race based psychosexual pathology going in here.

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07-07-20, 14:41
Yet another moment of "innocents" getting "hit" while "peacefully demonstrating."

You can skip the first minute and not miss anything.


I know I shouldn't , but I have to admit I am amused at videos like this one.

07-07-20, 14:47
Wtf is it with white chicks and this crap.

I’m convinced there is a deep seeded race based psychosexual pathology going in here.

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Totally agree, but I think it's somehow linked to daddy issues as well. I've heard lots of these white chicks hate Trump because he reminds them of their dad.

07-07-20, 15:35
This is Summer Taylor, whos pronouns are "they" and "their".

Videos from earlier in the night show the protesters just hanging out on the highway, they had no signs or anything that would suggest a protest. Videos earlier show all the "protesters" just hanging out and talking and even listening to music.

I do think its ironic that she was killed by the very people she was protesting for. And the people that came to her rescue was the same people she was trying to defund.

The is a photo from the aftermath taken by the AP.

07-07-20, 18:43
Videos from earlier in the night show the protesters just hanging out on the highway, they had no signs or anything that would suggest a protest. Videos earlier show all the "protesters" just hanging out and talking and even listening to music.

I do think its ironic that she was killed by the very people she was protesting for. And the people that came to her rescue was the same people she was trying to defund.

Active protesting or not, "hanging out" on a highway is an incredibly bad idea. Perhaps this could be a "learning moment" for the left.

07-07-20, 18:48
I don't think he saw them (the two he hit) before he got around the van. His path was more or less lined up with the van. When he got to it, he swerved around it and by then was already going way too fast. It appears he swerved to avoid the bulk of the group only to hit two of them.

Driving toward a group of highway blocking protesters when there's better options...hes going to eat this one for sure.

You'd think they'd have better highway blocking tactics than human meat shield. There was only three cars all haphazardly spread over the lanes.

07-07-20, 18:56
Active protesting or not, "hanging out" on a highway is an incredibly bad idea. Perhaps this could be a "learning moment" for the left.

When I was a little kid my mother spanked my little @ss for playing in the street. I learned my lesson then and haven't done it since......

07-07-20, 19:20
This is Summer Taylor, whos pronouns are "they" and "their".

Videos from earlier in the night show the protesters just hanging out on the highway, they had no signs or anything that would suggest a protest. Videos earlier show all the "protesters" just hanging out and talking and even listening to music.

I do think its ironic that she was killed by the very people she was protesting for. And the people that came to her rescue was the same people she was trying to defund.

The is a photo from the aftermath taken by the AP.

They were packing waaay too much cottage cheese for that swimsuit. They should have taken a page from their Muslim hero's and worn a burkini.

Maybe if they spent more time in a gym than a tattoo parlor they could have dodged the car.


07-07-20, 19:27
They were packing waaay too much cottage cheese for that swimsuit.

You do know Summer Taylor was a transgender right?

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07-07-20, 21:48
You do know Summer Taylor was a transgender right?

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I don't care, they were weird and have stopped wasting my oxygen.

07-07-20, 21:57
You do know Summer Taylor was a transgender right?

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Further evidence relating to my earlier psychopathology statement.

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07-07-20, 22:01
I bet he beats all charges. These “protesters” were on a highway. The driver is a black man, thereby removing the ability for the prosecution to push a racist motive. Highway Patrol and/or Seattle are to blame for not enforcing the law. When it’s all said and done, I bet the driver walks and Highway Patrol or SPD have a civil suit against them.

07-07-20, 23:20
When I was a little kid my mother spanked my little @ss for playing in the street. I learned my lesson then and haven't done it since......

That's considered child abuse the last couple decades. Lessons are learned later in life... THUMP.

07-08-20, 13:14
Oh look another case of "peaceful protesters" who are surprised when someone decides to hit the gas when they start slashing his tires.


07-08-20, 13:31
Oh look another case of "peaceful protesters" who are surprised when someone decides to hit the gas when they start slashing his tires.


Kinda defeats your "peaceful" narrative when a person is heard on camera saying "pop his effin tires."

07-08-20, 13:52
Kinda defeats your "peaceful" narrative when a person is heard on camera saying "pop his effin tires."

Please explain to me how this isn't restricting your freedom of travel, commerce and essentially bordering on kidnapping?

07-08-20, 14:50
That's considered child abuse the last couple decades. Lessons are learned later in life... THUMP.

A spank on the ass isn't considered child abuse. Lessons learned later in life rather than sooner is usually a lot more costly.

07-08-20, 15:38
A spank on the ass isn't considered child abuse. Lessons learned later in life rather than sooner is usually a lot more costly.

To quote my Father, "I can whip your ass, or I can turn you loose and the whole world will whip your ass !"

07-08-20, 15:39
To quote my Father, "I can whip your ass, or I can turn you loose and the whole world will whip your ass !"

Assuming the world would actually do such a thing...

07-08-20, 16:14
Assuming the world would actually do such a thing...

I think the intended purpose was to keep me focused on school, out of jail and to be a good person.
I didn't understand that at the time, but it was pretty effective. My biggest motivation was to make him proud.

07-08-20, 16:16
I think the intended purpose was to keep me focused on school, out of jail and to be a good person.
I didn't understand that at the time, but it was pretty effective. My biggest motivation was to make him proud.

Hey, I'm all about physical punishment for children. Trust me, I see examples that should be beaten all the time in supermarkets. "Why aren't your parents jerking a knot in your ass?"

07-08-20, 17:29
This roadblocking bullshit needs to stop. One way or the other.

07-08-20, 18:16
Kinda defeats your "peaceful" narrative when a person is heard on camera saying "pop his effin tires."

No shit.

07-08-20, 19:23
The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s office charged Dawit Kelete, 27, with vehicular homicide, vehicular assault and reckless driving. He’s scheduled to be arraigned on July 22 and remains in custody on $1.2 million bail.

F***ing ridiculous.

john armond
07-08-20, 19:28
It also looks like the King County DAs office is also dropping charges on most, if not all, “peaceful protesters” that were arrested.

07-08-20, 19:34
This is like living in Black Mirror episode ffs

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-08-20, 20:29
Is everyone starting to realize that we are now enemies of the state and not eligible for fair treatment under the law?

07-08-20, 22:23
So if your a Marxist and you burn down millions of dollars worth of property and assault people you get a pass.

But if you happen to come face to face with Marxist, wanting to hurt you or murder you and you defend yourself your going to get charged.

We are fast approaching the Solzhenitsyn moment.

07-08-20, 22:26
So if your a Marxist and you burn down millions of dollars worth of property and assault people you get a pass.

But if you happen to come face to face with Marxist, wanting to hurt you or murder you and you defend yourself your going to get charged.

We are fast approaching the Solzhenitsyn moment.

Its Seattle...might as well be a gulag for those who have wrong think.

07-08-20, 23:15
While I think it's BS, I guess we have our test case and I wish Dawit Kelete well. I hope he gets an excellent lawyer and is completely exonerated. Will be interesting to see how this actually plays out.

07-08-20, 23:31
While I think it's BS, I guess we have our test case and I wish Dawit Kelete well. I hope he gets an excellent lawyer and is completely exonerated. Will be interesting to see how this actually plays out.

My job is literally to put people away for car crashes. Having seen the videos there is no way I could argue any of those charges. That driver reacted better than 99% of people in my experience.

The only thing is if he ran a road block to get on the highway. The crash itself was unavoidable by what I am seeing. I literally know a list of at least a dozen human factors experts that could tear those charges up in 5 minutes.

07-09-20, 00:10
My job is literally to put people away for car crashes. Having seen the videos there is no way I could argue any of those charges.

That is the difference between NW Iowa and Seattle, he's ****ed.

07-10-20, 08:20
He has a pretty good chance. The defense attorneys in Seattle are stellar, the prosecutor's office with a few exceptions is pretty useless and Dan Satterburg is 100% politically driven. If they get a bench trial he might walk, but there are hurdles.

As I mentioned before, what is going to screw him is the driving backward up an off ramp then turning around on the freeway to go the direction he wanted to go. WSP had on-ramps blocked, but not off ramps. This also took place after these hippie/commies had been blocking I-5 for 18 days in a row. From some troops I know, they are already being criticized for not having troopers on the freeway to keep this little dance party safe. I personally hope the WSP Chief's career is another casualty of this mess, he really needs to go away.

john armond
07-10-20, 08:37
So if your a Marxist and you burn down millions of dollars worth of property and assault people you get a pass.

But if you happen to come face to face with Marxist, wanting to hurt you or murder you and you defend yourself your going to get charged.

We are fast approaching the Solzhenitsyn moment.

This is exactly what is happening in Chicago:

“Under new guidelines unfurled by Foxx, Marny Zimmer, and Joseph Magats on June 30, 13 crimes would be separated into two categories. One category, which includes Disorderly Conduct, Public Demonstration, Unlawful Gathering, Criminal Trespass to State Supported Land, and Violation of Curfew, are charges under which Foxx’s office as a matter of course will presume dismissal. A second category, which includes more serious offenses such as Resisting or Obstructing Arrest, Assault, Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault, Battery, Aggravated Battery to a Police Officer, Reckless Conduct, Mob Action, Obstructing Identification, are infringements to law among which Foxx’s office will not proceed with prosecution without evidence furnished from body-worn camera.“

It seems a lot or most officers were rushed to the scenes of the riots without body cameras, and DA Fox knows this.

Dropping all charges supposedly opens up the arresting officers to “false arrest” charges too.

ETA link to article: https://www.chicagocontrarian.com/blog/kim-foxx-games-the-system

07-10-20, 14:14
This is exactly what is happening in Chicago:

“Under new guidelines unfurled by Foxx, Marny Zimmer, and Joseph Magats on June 30, 13 crimes would be separated into two categories. One category, which includes Disorderly Conduct, Public Demonstration, Unlawful Gathering, Criminal Trespass to State Supported Land, and Violation of Curfew, are charges under which Foxx’s office as a matter of course will presume dismissal. A second category, which includes more serious offenses such as Resisting or Obstructing Arrest, Assault, Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault, Battery, Aggravated Battery to a Police Officer, Reckless Conduct, Mob Action, Obstructing Identification, are infringements to law among which Foxx’s office will not proceed with prosecution without evidence furnished from body-worn camera.“

It seems a lot or most officers were rushed to the scenes of the riots without body cameras, and DA Fox knows this.

Dropping all charges supposedly opens up the arresting officers to “false arrest” charges too.

ETA link to article: https://www.chicagocontrarian.com/blog/kim-foxx-games-the-system

Isnt Foxx the DA that dropped all charges against Jussie "Fake a hate crime" Smollet?

Also not only do you have to worry about actually hitting rioters when they dance in the highway at night. You have to worry about them lying about you hitting them.


07-10-20, 14:21
This is exactly what is happening in Chicago:

“Under new guidelines unfurled by Foxx, Marny Zimmer, and Joseph Magats on June 30, 13 crimes would be separated into two categories. One category, which includes Disorderly Conduct, Public Demonstration, Unlawful Gathering, Criminal Trespass to State Supported Land, and Violation of Curfew, are charges under which Foxx’s office as a matter of course will presume dismissal. A second category, which includes more serious offenses such as Resisting or Obstructing Arrest, Assault, Misdemeanor Aggravated Assault, Battery, Aggravated Battery to a Police Officer, Reckless Conduct, Mob Action, Obstructing Identification, are infringements to law among which Foxx’s office will not proceed with prosecution without evidence furnished from body-worn camera.“

It seems a lot or most officers were rushed to the scenes of the riots without body cameras, and DA Fox knows this.

Dropping all charges supposedly opens up the arresting officers to “false arrest” charges too.

ETA link to article: https://www.chicagocontrarian.com/blog/kim-foxx-games-the-system

At the rate they are killing each other in Chicago there won’t be anyone left in a few months anyway. I just hope the good people get out fast.

07-11-20, 00:38
He has a pretty good chance. The defense attorneys in Seattle are stellar, the prosecutor's office with a few exceptions is pretty useless and Dan Satterburg is 100% politically driven. If they get a bench trial he might walk, but there are hurdles.

As I mentioned before, what is going to screw him is the driving backward up an off ramp then turning around on the freeway to go the direction he wanted to go. WSP had on-ramps blocked, but not off ramps. This also took place after these hippie/commies had been blocking I-5 for 18 days in a row. From some troops I know, they are already being criticized for not having troopers on the freeway to keep this little dance party safe. I personally hope the WSP Chief's career is another casualty of this mess, he really needs to go away.

You guys start him a gofundme and I’ll tell you who to hire with it.

07-11-20, 04:41
Isnt Foxx the DA that dropped all charges against Jussie "Fake a hate crime" Smollet?

Also not only do you have to worry about actually hitting rioters when they dance in the highway at night. You have to worry about them lying about you hitting them.


they lie about everything though so yeah reckon this and the fake hate crime etc..

keep thinking about putting front back car cams in so have evidence

07-11-20, 22:53
You guys start him a gofundme and I’ll tell you who to hire with it.

And post the gofundme info here.

07-12-20, 11:46
More low-IQ BLM protesters get schooled. Watch till the end for additional camera angle.

Looks like this guy reached his limit with the bs and isn't going to put up with it. How many here can relate?


07-12-20, 12:47
More low-IQ BLM protesters get schooled. Watch till the end for additional camera angle.

Looks like this guy reached his limit with the bs and isn't going to put up with it. How many here can relate?


Surprise surprise, YouTube tagged it as adult and requires login

07-12-20, 13:02
Vid is posted at many non-youtube sites. Google BLM Bloomington car.

07-12-20, 13:04
Vid is posted at many non-youtube sites. Google BLM Bloomington car.

Thank you. I meant that you tube often buries video they don't like.

It's mildly amusing that the rioters jumped on the car before it drove away, but it's reported as if the car rammed a crowd.


P.S. Sincere thanks for the search hint

07-12-20, 13:06
Thank you. I meant that you tube often buries video they don't like.

Sorry. I knew you meant that and should have acknowledged.

john armond
07-13-20, 09:27
Vid is posted at many non-youtube sites. Google BLM Bloomington car.

THE 66 YOA WF driver was arrested for trying to un-ass herself from the situation:

"Christi Bennett was cuffed late Wednesday and charged with criminal recklessness, authorities said on Thursday. The 66-year-old also faced charges of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in serious bodily injury and leaving the scene of an accident resulting in bodily injury, police told ABC News."

The article stated she "plowed into protesters."

07-13-20, 11:18
THE 66 YOA WF driver was arrested for trying to un-ass herself from the situation:

"Christi Bennett was cuffed late Wednesday and charged with criminal recklessness, authorities said on Thursday. The 66-year-old also faced charges of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in serious bodily injury and leaving the scene of an accident resulting in bodily injury, police told ABC News."

The article stated she "plowed into protesters."

Jury of her peers and all...................