View Full Version : Mt Rushmore may not be your typical protest.

07-04-20, 18:17
Things may go real bad at Mt Rushmore. I had no idea that's what was developing. Large group of heavily armed (BLM?) protestors who seem highly interested in armed confrontation. This is a totally different level and group than anything seen before. I hope they're just gonna saber rattle and vent, but that made the hair on my neck stand up. I heard of protestors, figured it was the usual groups of fruits and nuts. That is not the case:


I don't know if the media will even show them. I don't watch the news channels, but a large group of armed people in full kit talking war, should a burnt orange alert. As POTUS is going to be there, no doubt there will be meat eaters read to respond well above the local LE level and ability.

Anyone in the area getting more local coverage?

07-04-20, 18:33
You got something that's not on TrackingYourFaceBook?

07-04-20, 18:54
The ironic part is...I agree with part of his rhetoric: That the government only wants to disarm people in order to oppress us, and that a gun is the difference between a citizen and subject.

The problem is, they have intention of making war on us, overthrowing the government, taking the guns from the survivors, and making them subjects.

This is a war. Sooner or later, they're going to strike. I have to wonder what their level of training is. Would they be able to take down a police station? Are they a match for a SWAT team? Could they take on a National Guard platoon, or even a regular Army infantry platoon? Or are they just a bunch of thugs playing dress up?

just a scout
07-04-20, 19:12
Whatever level they’re at now, they smart enough to learn from mistakes and get better over time.

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07-04-20, 19:24
The ironic part is...I agree with part of his rhetoric: That the government only wants to disarm people in order to oppress us, and that a gun is the difference between a citizen and subject.

The problem is, they have intention of making war on us, overthrowing the government, taking the guns from the survivors, and making them subjects.

This is a war. Sooner or later, they're going to strike. I have to wonder what their level of training is. Would they be able to take down a police station? Are they a match for a SWAT team? Could they take on a National Guard platoon, or even a regular Army infantry platoon? Or are they just a bunch of thugs playing dress up?

My former editor at RS thinks these guys are getting professional training/mentorship from somebody who's studied and practiced the old '60s-'70s KGB and GRU guerrilla/terrorism/revolutionary playbooks.

07-04-20, 19:26
President Trump, in his speech at Rushmore, said nobody was going to deface Mt. Rushmore as long as he's president. At some point the U.S. Government is going to have to draw a line in the sand when it comes defending national treasures. It might as well be Mt. Rushmore.

07-04-20, 19:46
It was definitely one of his better speeches

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07-04-20, 20:15
This is actually at Stone Mountain Georgia

07-04-20, 20:32
Stone Mountain. Listen to them... they want a fight.


07-04-20, 20:37
This is actually at Stone Mountain Georgia
Yeah, lots of video from all kinds of sources showing this well armed parade of Blacks marching towards the place, until the monument was shut down today around mid-day. That group reminds me of the militant Black Hebrew Israelite bunch and maybe Black Panthers in the mix.

The enemy is well funded and organized, and they are on the offense -- and offensive at the same time. Not seeing much push back from ordinary, patriotic Americans. The win usually goes to the aggressor.

07-04-20, 20:37
Yeah this isn't gonna go well for anyone. If things kick off there is gonna be a lot of people who are gonna find out this isn't as cool as they were thinking, been to war and do not want to see it here but it's looking more and more like everyone is gonna be along for the ride

07-04-20, 20:38
I just wander what percentage are actually going out and wanting this?

07-04-20, 20:42
Let the Tier 1 units play with U.S. Marshal badges, and hunt them down....

07-04-20, 20:44
Let the Tier 1 units play with U.S. Marshal badges, and hunt them down....

I am just glad I have spent a lot of time and money with that SPR and precision bolt gun the last two years

07-04-20, 21:26
When morons go looking for a fight they will find one, but it might not be the one they imagined in their jack off dream.

07-04-20, 21:36
Yeah this isn't gonna go well for anyone. If things kick off there is gonna be a lot of people who are gonna find out this isn't as cool as they were thinking, been to war and do not want to see it here but it's looking more and more like everyone is gonna be along for the ride

I've been saying this every time someone mentioned another civil war.

07-04-20, 21:44
Yeah this isn't gonna go well for anyone. If things kick off there is gonna be a lot of people who are gonna find out this isn't as cool as they were thinking, been to war and do not want to see it here but it's looking more and more like everyone is gonna be along for the ride

I don't anyone wants a war. But if it's between that and a totalitarian dictatorship, then it's best to either try and fight off that dictatorship or die.

07-04-20, 21:45
I don't anyone wants a war. But if it's between that and a totalitarian dictatorship, then it's best to either try and fight off that dictatorship or die.

You have that right. If these people meaning the Marxist get power they will kill or destroy what ever they have to, too keep it

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07-04-20, 21:50
President Trump, in his speech at Rushmore, said nobody was going to deface Mt. Rushmore as long as he's president. At some point the U.S. Government is going to have to draw a line in the sand when it comes defending national treasures. It might as well be Mt. Rushmore.

Yep, before they get to one that's actually important. Regardless of the origins of Mt. Rushmore, it's time to say enough is enough.

07-04-20, 22:25
Yep, before they get to one that's actually important. Regardless of the origins of Mt. Rushmore, it's time to say enough is enough.

When the likes of Polpot or the Nazi’s erase culture and history, it is revisionist tyranny.
When ISIS and the Taliban destroyed ancient religious sites and artifacts, it was an international tragedy.
When The Woke mob strike at the core of American identity it is tolerated, encouraged and enabled because “it’s about time to settle the score”.

07-04-20, 23:11
Whatever level they’re at now, they smart enough to learn from mistakes and get better over time.

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Natural selection at an industrial pace weeds out weak ones, quickly...

What is it with fire works this year?

07-04-20, 23:17
Natural selection at an industrial pace weeds out weak ones, quickly...

What is it with fire works this year?

What’s wrong with fireworks?

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07-04-20, 23:23
What’s wrong with fireworks?

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More the volume and number, and for the past week? They started lighting it off at 5pm tonight, and Denver sounds like Tel Aviv under a SCUD attack. They don’t sell them here, so,it is all brought in. In all this, I didn’t think, “what I’ll do this year is blow stuff up, in the city”. But people sure did, and planned ahead and spent some CASH to do it. I think there are less than 3 muni shows here in the Denver metro, so that is a lot of wracked for amateurs.

Plus it is distracting from the 1/5 eclipse tonight. Talk about non-stop, edge of your seat fun...

07-04-20, 23:38
My former editor at RS thinks these guys are getting professional training/mentorship from somebody who's studied and practiced the old '60s-'70s KGB and GRU guerrilla/terrorism/revolutionary playbooks.

The first video where the kid tries to flying tackle the sign guy, but misses and end up sprawled on the ground... he wouldn’t have gotten up.

07-04-20, 23:46
When the likes of Polpot or the Nazi’s erase culture and history, it is revisionist tyranny.
When ISIS and the Taliban destroyed ancient religious sites and artifacts, it was an international tragedy.
When The Woke mob strike at the core of American identity it is tolerated, encouraged and enabled because “it’s about time to settle the score”.

I'm just saying Mt. Rushmore isn't really a national treasure. Some of the civil war monuments that have already been removed were far more significant than this manufactured "tourist attraction."

Aesthetically, I actually love Mt. Rushmore and think it's impressive. But it's hardly a Top 10 monument. But that also makes it an excellent place to settle this crap once and for all.

07-05-20, 00:34
What is it with fire works this year?

I live on about 50 acres in NE Oklahoma. Our home sits at the base of a large hill, at the opening of a valley surrounded by woods and hills. We're just shy of 15 miles from downtown Tulsa. If you look South East over the trees, you can actually see one of the skyscrapers downtown. We stayed home this year instead of traveling to see a fireworks show like we usually do, and I'm glad we did.

I've never seen a 4th of July as active as this year. Our fence line is about 300m from my front door, facing South. Standing on our front deck looking out over our pasture and out of the valley towards the city, all you could hear or see were explosions. The sound of fireworks constantly echoed through the valley. It seriously sounded like WWIII out here from about 6 p.m. through Midnight. I've never seen or heard anything like it. At one point the smoke moving through the valley was so thick, you couldn't see fifty yards ahead of you. There probably wasn't a five second window during that time where you didn't hear or see something. I'm not talking about cheap fireworks either. People seriously must have spent thousands of dollars per household this year on mortars/shells in my area.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the hell out of it. I think, going off of what I've heard from a lot of normal folks locally, a lot of people are fed up with the way things have become in this country. This year really did feel.. different.

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07-05-20, 00:43
Yeah this isn't gonna go well for anyone. If things kick off there is gonna be a lot of people who are gonna find out this isn't as cool as they were thinking, been to war and do not want to see it here but it's looking more and more like everyone is gonna be along for the ride

This. Many people like to pretend that having no infrastructure or not knowing who's out to get you today and from where is nothing to sweat.

07-05-20, 07:03
Stone Mountain. Listen to them... they want a fight.


I don't do Twitter but never recall seeing this covered in the media!

07-05-20, 08:13
What is it with fire works this year?

It was like this in my area as well. Far more than in past years and in all directions. I just enjoyed it, sat on the porch, drank beer and watched/listened to the fireworks for a couple of hours. I felt like the people in the area where I live, that are out shooting of fireworks on the 4th, were probably like-minded people tired of the nonsense and America hating. Plus I'm not close enough to a major urban area to hear any stupidness that might've gone on there.

Here's three articles I found from local news networks about the Stone Mountain protest. Doesn't give too much info though. Basically they just describe it as a "peaceful protest."




07-05-20, 08:23
I live on about 50 acres in NE Oklahoma. Our home sits at the base of a large hill, at the opening of a valley surrounded by woods and hills. We're just shy of 15 miles from downtown Tulsa. If you look South East over the trees, you can actually see one of the skyscrapers downtown. We stayed home this year instead of traveling to see a fireworks show like we usually do, and I'm glad we did.

I've never seen a 4th of July as active as this year. Our fence line is about 300m from my front door, facing South. Standing on our front deck looking out over our pasture and out of the valley towards the city, all you could hear or see were explosions. The sound of fireworks constantly echoed through the valley. It seriously sounded like WWIII out here from about 6 p.m. through Midnight. I've never seen or heard anything like it. At one point the smoke moving through the valley was so thick, you couldn't see fifty yards ahead of you. There probably wasn't a five second window during that time where you didn't hear or see something. I'm not talking about cheap fireworks either. People seriously must have spent thousands of dollars per household this year on mortars/shells in my area.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the hell out of it. I think, going off of what I've heard from a lot of normal folks locally, a lot of people are fed up with the way things have become in this country. This year really did feel.. different.

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Central OK is the same. Since you can't buy fireworks in the OKC Metro area (or Norman or Moore), my town is littered with fireworks stands. Each and every one of them I passed on my way home Friday had lines waiting to get in practically.

The entire area was lit up like a spring thunderstorm last night.

07-05-20, 08:27


"This is not supposed to be happening."

07-05-20, 09:02


"This is not supposed to be happening."

That's great. The little valley that I live in sounded like WW2 last night with so many fireworks going off. We finished our little celebration and then just watched and listened to the others up and down the valley.

07-05-20, 09:15
I've been saying this every time someone mentioned another civil war.

The civil war has started, just isn't official yet.

This is our bloody Kansas.

07-05-20, 09:26
I've been saying this every time someone mentioned another civil war.

Make no mistake, there will be nothing civil about it. To quote Tombstone and Doc Holliday "it's not revenge he's after, it's a reckoning." Which will happen on both sides.

Truth is, I don't know how it doesn't spill over into other countries with boiling tensions.

07-05-20, 09:29

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07-05-20, 09:33
Yep, before they get to one that's actually important. Regardless of the origins of Mt. Rushmore, it's time to say enough is enough.Took a screenshot of this reply from PragerU to New York times in response to their tweet about Mt. Rushmore's origins


07-05-20, 12:20
Whatever level they’re at now, they smart enough to learn from mistakes and get better over time.
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Like I've said before, "the right" is far to complacent about conflict. The other side is hungry.
Never underestimate the enemy, especially when they are lunatics backed by the government.

...The enemy is well funded and organized, and they are on the offense -- and offensive at the same time. Not seeing much push back from ordinary, patriotic Americans. The win usually goes to the aggressor.

On the flip side of what I just said, it's easy to declare victory when one side hasn't yet begun to fight. I say let them have it. Let them feel good and 'empowered' just as long as we're getting our shit together and linking up in the background.
Of course, since we seem a bit slow on the uptake with that, yeah, sure, you're probably right.

Stone Mountain. Listen to them... they want a fight.


I'm looking at all those nice straight lines and tight groups on wide open ground and all I can think is "enfilade". :laugh:

Meanwhile in other news;
People chanting "We solemnly swear to protect the black nation".
Apparently other unconfirmed chants of "black power, black love"


Funny. I thought this was America... "One nation under God" and all that... :rolleyes:

Edit; "Black Power" quote confirmed; at least one participant can be heard in the first twitter vid embedded here;

07-05-20, 12:34
On the flip side of what I just said, it's easy to declare victory when one side hasn't yet begun to fight. I say let them have it. Let them feel good and 'empowered' just as long as we're getting our shit together and linking up in the background.
Of course, since we seem a bit slow on the uptake with that, yeah, sure, you're probably right.

Yeah, the game here would be to let them overreach and overextend themselves like the NoKos at Pusan while we tee up an Inchon Landing to strike deep in their rear. I'm not sure Trump Second Term could do enough to make the required effect even with blowout wins in both houses of Congress, and I KNOW that most R's can't even muster the brains for Connect Four never mind joining the Donks at the chess table and winning.

It pains me to say this, but finding some island or Third World country ripe for hostile takeover and setting ourselves up as the Benevolent Warlordship of M4C sounds better and better every day...

07-05-20, 12:36
Like I've said before, "the right" is far to complacent about conflict. The other side is hungry.
Never underestimate the enemy, especially when they are lunatics backed by the government.

I don't think the government "backs" them; they're just too afraid to oppose them. When the government gives these groups official military/law enforcement status, or orders police/troops to actively hunt down and arrest perceived enemies of the movement, that will be full backing. Right now, the government is in a precarious position in that they would have to order the police to fight alongside people who want them dead. While there are the mercenary cops who have no principles other than "follow orders without question," many do not, and would not.

But I think preparation by the right is going on behind the scene. The countryside is watching the horizon right now; as the time for conflict draws closer, more mobilization will occur.

On the flip side of what I just said, it's easy to declare victory when one side hasn't yet begun to fight. I say let them have it. Let them feel good and 'empowered' just as long as we're getting our shit together and linking up in the background.
Of course, since we seem a bit slow on the uptake with that, yeah, sure, you're probably right.

Right now, we need to fight the Battle of Cannae: Let them push back our center so they think they're going to break the lines for an easy victory, ignoring the fact that they are allowing themselves to be flanked...

07-05-20, 13:49
Our elected officials are afraid that if they interfere with the destruction and insurrection that they might be called “gasp” a racist.

07-05-20, 14:22
Our elected officials are afraid that if they interfere with the destruction and insurrection that they might be called “gasp” a racist.

White guilt runs deep in America. It’s a perplexing phenomenon. But after decades of brow beating and apologizing to the world abroad (looking at you obama) people have internalized the belief that they should feel regretful for American exceptionalism.

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07-05-20, 14:42
Seems like there is a lot of conflicting emotion within the ranks.

We are all balck.
We invite white to join us.

Passerby -- "Hey what's up... "reparations"


NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay told Newsweek via phone Sunday that the militia members at Stone Mountain on Saturday were "100 percent black" and they are not affiliated with Black Lives Matter. "We are a black militia. We aren't protesters, we aren't demonstrators. We don't come to sing, we don't come to chant. That's not what we do," he said.

About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia's Stone Mountain Park on Independence Day, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government.

confused motorists asking: "Who are you guys?" One member of the militia immediately threw the question right back at one white motorist and asked him about slavery reparations.

Sounds like the General Grand Master Jay is not really in charge.

The real irony is they will vote for the Dems that will take their guns.

07-05-20, 14:57
Yeah this isn't gonna go well for anyone. If things kick off there is gonna be a lot of people who are gonna find out this isn't as cool as they were thinking, been to war and do not want to see it here but it's looking more and more like everyone is gonna be along for the ride

In the opening days of the Civil War, folks would dress up, pack a basket, and ride out to see the skirmish, making a family outing picnic of it. By the end of the war, soldiers were eating tree bark, and leather straps, holsters, and other parts of their gear. It never ends, as fun as it starts.

07-05-20, 15:00
Seems like there is a lot of conflicting emotion within the ranks.

We are all balck.
We invite white to join us.

Passerby -- "Hey what's up... "reparations"


NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay told Newsweek via phone Sunday that the militia members at Stone Mountain on Saturday were "100 percent black" and they are not affiliated with Black Lives Matter. "We are a black militia. We aren't protesters, we aren't demonstrators. We don't come to sing, we don't come to chant. That's not what we do," he said.

About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia's Stone Mountain Park on Independence Day, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government.

confused motorists asking: "Who are you guys?" One member of the militia immediately threw the question right back at one white motorist and asked him about slavery reparations.

Sounds like the General Grand Master Jay is not really in charge.

The real irony is they will vote for the Dems that will take their guns.

The KKK really isn’t what people think it is anymore.

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07-05-20, 17:59
The KKK really isn’t what people think it is anymore.

Now is subsidiary of Amazon?

07-05-20, 18:03
Seems like there is a lot of conflicting emotion within the ranks.

We are all balck.
We invite white to join us.

Passerby -- "Hey what's up... "reparations"


NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay told Newsweek via phone Sunday that the militia members at Stone Mountain on Saturday were "100 percent black" and they are not affiliated with Black Lives Matter. "We are a black militia. We aren't protesters, we aren't demonstrators. We don't come to sing, we don't come to chant. That's not what we do," he said.

About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia's Stone Mountain Park on Independence Day, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government.

confused motorists asking: "Who are you guys?" One member of the militia immediately threw the question right back at one white motorist and asked him about slavery reparations.

Sounds like the General Grand Master Jay is not really in charge.

The real irony is they will vote for the Dems that will take their guns.

There's no lack of ironies on top of the irony for that one.

07-05-20, 18:42
Now is subsidiary of Amazon?

No that would be BLM, with all the money Amazon has given them.

07-05-20, 18:46
Reparations, that is my red line.

I will leave the USA, forever. My American self will vanish.

Having said that if you can produce a person that was enslaved in the USA at the time of the troubles in the 1860's. I will support giving that person 1 Billion tax free.

The problem with the USA, is we have more slaves inside the USA today than we had in 1860. We also have gone from the worlds consumer of children for sexual purpose to now we are also the worlds largest source of those poor children.

07-05-20, 20:00
Seems like there is a lot of conflicting emotion within the ranks.

We are all balck.
We invite white to join us.

Passerby -- "Hey what's up... "reparations"


NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay told Newsweek via phone Sunday that the militia members at Stone Mountain on Saturday were "100 percent black" and they are not affiliated with Black Lives Matter. "We are a black militia. We aren't protesters, we aren't demonstrators. We don't come to sing, we don't come to chant. That's not what we do," he said.

About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia's Stone Mountain Park on Independence Day, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government.

confused motorists asking: "Who are you guys?" One member of the militia immediately threw the question right back at one white motorist and asked him about slavery reparations.

Sounds like the General Grand Master Jay is not really in charge.

The real irony is they will vote for the Dems that will take their guns.

As a early follower of Run DMC I strongly object to the misappropriation of the name Jam Master Jay in any form. Think people would have some respect.

07-05-20, 20:03
White guilt runs deep in America. It’s a perplexing phenomenon. But after decades of brow beating and apologizing to the world abroad (looking at you obama) people have internalized the belief that they should feel regretful for American exceptionalism.

Funny, I don't seem to be afflicted with that disease. Maybe I'm immune? Or maybe I don't have a g-damn thing to feel guilty about? Nah, surely must be something else.

07-05-20, 20:19
As a early follower of Run DMC I strongly object to the misappropriation of the name Jam Master Jay in any form. Think people would have some respect.

He's combining Jam Master Jay with Grandmaster Flash into a...Super DJ with an AR-15 I guess??

07-05-20, 20:49
Funny, I don't seem to be afflicted with that disease. Maybe I'm immune? Or maybe I don't have a g-damn thing to feel guilty about? Nah, surely must be something else.

It’s like you haven’t been watching all the white folk out and about protesting and begging on their knees for forgiveness

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07-05-20, 20:57
It’s like you haven’t been watching all the white folk out and about protesting and begging on their knees for forgiveness

Oh I've been watching alright. Bunch of fvcking cucks. My circle of compadres don't think that way. It is totally alien to me and will remain so.

07-05-20, 20:59
Reparations, that is my red line.

I will leave the USA, forever. My American self will vanish.

Having said that if you can produce a person that was enslaved in the USA at the time of the troubles in the 1860's. I will support giving that person 1 Billion tax free.

The problem with the USA, is we have more slaves inside the USA today than we had in 1860. We also have gone from the worlds consumer of children for sexual purpose to now we are also the worlds largest source of those poor children.

I wish you could settle on whether you're going to fight for America or flee whenever your line in the sand is crossed.

07-05-20, 21:14
I wish you could settle on whether you're going to fight for America or flee whenever your line in the sand is crossed.

See, I’m not the only catching the double talk.

“I will fight and die for America!!”.

“No I’m going back to Zion”...

Pick one

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07-05-20, 21:38
He's combining Jam Master Jay with Grandmaster Flash into a...Super DJ with an AR-15 I guess??

Maybe they are auditioning for Kayne's security team?

If he comes out with a line of big red shoes.... NFAC becomes KCP... Kaynes Clown Posse.

07-05-20, 22:15
It pains me to say this, but finding some island or Third World country ripe for hostile takeover and setting ourselves up as the Benevolent Warlordship of M4C sounds better and better every day...

I think the official term somewhere here for personnel within our foreign legion/PMC is "M4 Carbineers". ;)

I don't think the government "backs" them; they're just too afraid to oppose them...
Then by default, they back them... silence is violence, right?

Seems like there is a lot of conflicting emotion within the ranks.

We are all black.
We invite white to join us.
NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay told Newsweek via phone Sunday that the militia members at Stone Mountain on Saturday were "100 percent black" and they are not affiliated with Black Lives Matter. "We are a black militia. We aren't protesters, we aren't demonstrators. We don't come to sing, we don't come to chant. That's not what we do," he said.

About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia's Stone Mountain Park on Independence Day, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government.
So... then what they're saying is they want to make a deal? Perhaps everyone CAN get what they want! :laugh:

The real irony is they will vote for the Dems that will take their guns.
Nah. D's ain't going to screw over their homeboys. Just the "white ISIS" people. But that's still a good line to keep slapping them in the face with. Along with the blatant self-nullification of all their anti-gun talking points they've handily accomplished in the last month.

07-05-20, 23:47
He's combining Jam Master Jay with Grandmaster Flash into a...Super DJ with an AR-15 I guess??

Double blasphemy. He's got to go.

07-05-20, 23:56
Funny, I don't seem to be afflicted with that disease. Maybe I'm immune? Or maybe I don't have a g-damn thing to feel guilty about? Nah, surely must be something else.

The dirty secret of white guilt is the realization that somewhere deep inside you actually believe in some racial biases. That you really do think at some level "all black people are X" and "all white people are Y."

Ironically enough people like Charles Manson helped me realize at an early age that "****ed up" isn't exclusive or unique to any race and skin pigment doesn't make you anything good or bad.

But yeah, it's the white girls who scream BLACK LIVES MATTER and then hold their purse close if an actual black person walks by her...well there is a reason she makes a point to be seen screaming BLACK LIVES MATTER. A lot of white people are confident that black people can manage black issues without the participation of a bunch of liberal white college kids.

If I thought black people (regular people not the BLM activists) actually needed my help, sure why not. And if they come to me with something I can help them with such as firearms, firearm training, what have you...well already been doing that for awhile. But most black people I know are just handling their business just fine without me.

07-06-20, 07:00
I wish you could settle on whether you're going to fight for America or flee whenever your line in the sand is crossed.

I will fight to keep America free. But I refuse to be part of giving people money under false pretense.If the only wat for me to do that is too leave, then I will leave but me and mine will still fight to keep A
merica free, no matter where I am.

07-06-20, 07:52
It was like this in my area as well. Far more than in past years and in all directions. I just enjoyed it, sat on the porch, drank beer and watched/listened to the fireworks for a couple of hours. I felt like the people in the area where I live, that are out shooting of fireworks on the 4th, were probably like-minded people tired of the nonsense and America hating. Plus I'm not close enough to a major urban area to hear any stupidness that might've gone on there.

Here's three articles I found from local news networks about the Stone Mountain protest. Doesn't give too much info though. Basically they just describe it as a "peaceful protest."




I would lay money on it that if someone threw a firecracker in the middle of that group, they would have shot each other to pieces like a circular firing squad. Like others have said, it's a bunch of people getting together because they think they are cool. I like the guy with the gasmask with no filter. Bet that was nice and comfy in the 90+ degree heat.

07-06-20, 10:18
Reparations, that is my red line.

Where do you stand on repatriations?

07-06-20, 12:40

Very, very good article, and quite chilling.

I've learned that many Chinese immigrants, especially those who, either themselves, or their parents, or both experienced the Cultural Revolution and/or Tienanmen Square, and now the Hong Kong protests, tend to be very pro-gun, and very anti-communist. When I did gun sales, some of our best customers were Chinese immigrants. If we're looking for strong allies, look for these people. They don't want this place to turn into what they escaped.

07-06-20, 12:51
I will fight to keep America free. But I refuse to be part of giving people money under false pretense.If the only wat for me to do that is too leave, then I will leave but me and mine will still fight to keep A
merica free, no matter where I am.

You're fine with your tax dollars going to the Taliban, ISI, IRGC, but more of your tax dollars going to other Americans (many of whom are, presumably, recipients of various forms of welfare already) is where you draw the line?


07-06-20, 12:53
If you can show me a person that was a slave in 1860, I say pay them a billion dollars tax free.

But since that person doesn't exist, then don't steal my hard earned money to pay people that were not slaves. So I am against the government paying people for nothing, the newest figure is $14 Trillion for reparations. So if the government were to borrow this money, I would see a very bad future financially for the USA. Which would be a factor on if people should stay or leave. For me, if they raise my taxes to 70% total taxation or higher, and I watch the money spent on stupid things. It makes it hard to want to stay, here.

I look at the situation, in the country as a very fluid situation. I will stand with the people that support the Constitution and do what I can to restore the correct direction of the future of the USA. But if the American people's future is being sold out by political leaders and major corporations, the battle has become harder.

I am against income tax on principle, it is the government making us slaves for 5 to 6 months a year.

I favor no income tax for individuals, and a consumption tax for things we buy. For nobody is putting a gun to the head of any of us saying you must buy a super car, boat, plane etc., it is a free will choice.

07-06-20, 12:58
You're fine with your tax dollars going to the Taliban, ISI, IRGC, but more of your tax dollars going to other Americans (many of whom are, presumably, recipients of various forms of welfare already) is where you draw the line?


Now don't try to put words in my mouth, the subject at hand was reparations.

I was against the way the wars was fought in A-stan, and the stupid idea of Bush and his idiots to try to build democracy in a place where it isn't wanted. Trillions of dollars wasted.

I was 100% against the war in Iraq, they did nothing against the USA. By removing Saddam, the USA removed a buffer against Iran. I am against all the money that was spent in Iraq.

I am even against American financial aid to Israel, and Egypt.

07-06-20, 13:48

07-06-20, 18:39

On top of that, how's he get behind that chessie RDS? The thing is practically right on the upper rail.

Don't Tread On Me
07-06-20, 19:01
I like how he has what appears to be SGT stripes on his tac vest.

07-06-20, 20:06
Another rimfire warrior.

MBUS rear sight flipped up but no front sight. Muzzle brake to tame the beast.


07-06-20, 20:09
Like I've said before, "the right" is far to complacent about conflict. The other side is hungry.
Never underestimate the enemy, especially when they are lunatics backed by the government.

On the flip side of what I just said, it's easy to declare victory when one side hasn't yet begun to fight. I say let them have it. Let them feel good and 'empowered' just as long as we're getting our shit together and linking up in the background.
Of course, since we seem a bit slow on the uptake with that, yeah, sure, you're probably right.

I'm looking at all those nice straight lines and tight groups on wide open ground and all I can think is "enfilade". :laugh:

Meanwhile in other news;
People chanting "We solemnly swear to protect the black nation".
Apparently other unconfirmed chants of "black power, black love"


Funny. I thought this was America... "One nation under God" and all that... :rolleyes:

Edit; "Black Power" quote confirmed; at least one participant can be heard in the first twitter vid embedded here;

Unrelated, inflammatory, probably seen as being racist, but I would pay BIG money for the facebook feed when this came around the corner and faced the idiots above....



07-06-20, 20:13

Field expedient chamber flag, bro.

Another rimfire warrior.

MBUS rear sight flipped up but no front sight. Muzzle brake to tame the beast.


And, uhm, the muzzle brake from a Paladin...

No justice, no penetration...

I know 22lr isn't to be scoffed at, but she's going to need all 25 rounds...

07-06-20, 20:39
You should never underestimate your enemy. A great many here are doing just that. Oh look, haha a .22; LOL no sights, and so on. Guess what, a spray and pray from .22's will kill or incapacitate you, as will Jamal's AK barrage, even if his sights are canted. In the event of a real incident they may just be cannon fodder while the real fighters take out the 'bubbas'. Some may see weekend ghetto thugs posing with theatrics; I see a a number of fit, armed, organized, and judging by their rhetoric, very aggressive individuals. There are quite a few with optics, IFAKs, and possibly quality AR's. I am sure there are a number of trained .mil and LE in their ranks. To think otherwise is folly. What I don't see are counter demonstrators.

07-06-20, 22:58
True... if I was an organized, cunning enemy I'd put the Clownshow front and center to give the other side a false sense of security. Maybe even deliberately set them up as expendable pawns to be sacrificed for The Cause, a la Horst Wessel.

07-06-20, 23:43
True... if I was an organized, cunning enemy I'd put the Clownshow front and center to give the other side a false sense of security. Maybe even deliberately set them up as expendable pawns to be sacrificed for The Cause, a la Horst Wessel.

I'm going with Clownshow and occams razor. I think we are seeing a lot of Ftards who have Umarex .22 rifles because they are $499. I think because they are less experienced they will also trick that junk out with china mart redots and airsoft accessories.

And I'm f-ing glad, I'd hate to think I might have to go up against people who understand weapons and tactics on an advanced level. They are dangerous enough when they march down the middle of the street with slung .22s.

And as much as anything, photos of "what they are doing wrong" help everyone who might not have extensive experience but is worried about this stupidity coming to their block not make the same mistakes.

But I agree, this is the expendable "rabble" but they are going to be the ones who do most of the fighting. City council members of Seattle aren't going to suit up and put their ass on the line...not even for marxism.

So learn from what you see. People with ACTUAL RIFLES who seem to hold them correctly, who have outfitted them with things that make sense. People who are positioned near cover rather than in the middle of the street blocking traffic...those are your biggest threats. They are the people most likely to find you and shoot you...even at a distance.

Then you work your threat levels according to capacity to pose a threat and proximity to you as a threat.

And that's assuming they have actually come to play. I see lots of posturing and photo ops. Raised fist with your firing hand doesn't suggest somebody came to actually throw down.

07-07-20, 00:04
On the one hand, these are wannabe SA Brownshirts not SS-Einsatzgruppen; on the other Brownshirts are plenty dangerous in their own right and I have never heard of anyone who said "yeah, he ONLY shot me with a .22LR!"

The one real certainty is Interesting Times Ahead; PPE would be a prudent investment for all of us.

07-07-20, 02:58
That lady with the 22 rifle and white pants is straight up gunslinger. Nobody wears white pants to a gun fight unless they know that they won't crap themselves. Plus, she has her trigger finger's nail painted red for extra pew-pew.

Whatever. Posers gonna pose, if they turn into hosers, we'll see what happens.

I do get annoyed when they are seen as mirrors of 'militias'. The difference is saying that you are going to take from other people, versus telling the govt to keep their hands to themselves. Big difference. One is a rabid bear in the woods, the other is bear poked too many times with a stick.

07-07-20, 06:31
Pre-march pep talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-PmzOcuK5A

NFAC Grand Master Jay waving around two rifles in one hand, says "everyone ex-military raise your hands"... don't see many hands go up. The guy with the .22lr drum mag and jammed action (pic earlier in the thread) is apparently one of their best, standing front and center with the Grand Master.

Grand Master yells: "We have nothing left to lose" "Don't shoot them, kill them".

07-07-20, 07:10
People honestly believe this is exactly the same as a group of armed protesters attending an open carry rally. They are right except normally those rifles are unloaded and no one with a mike is threatening people.

I liked the guy with the shotgun and ~ 100 rds that was about to fall out. Wearing all black during the 4rd in GA sounds like fun - no thank you.

These are the same type of folks who claim the KKK is a threat and insist all militia members are white supremacists.


07-07-20, 07:55
Many centrists and leftists are saying this is exactly the same as the "white militia" that marched on the Michigan capitol over the stay-at-home orders.

That is intellectual dishonesty that is bred out of fear and a burning desire for things to not be scary to them. These (white) people are telling themselves that this is simply an equivalent black second amendment demonstration, and are they are hoping that since they signal their sympathy they will not be seen as foe by this "black militia" movement.

Anyone with a bit of discernment and self honesty can watch the clips of the Stone Mountain march and hear these guys proclaiming that they are not "black lives matter" and are pro-black, anti-white, and are demanding that they receive slavery reparations and better treatment than white people.

It is laughable that anyone is not labeling these folks as hardline racists.

Evel Baldgui
07-07-20, 08:03
You should never underestimate your enemy. A great many here are doing just that.

After reading the last few posts, 'many folks here' are still underestimating the enemy.

07-07-20, 08:34
There's talk that the Black Panthers Stone Mountain group were actors:


Actors or not, that magazine in the .22 looked loaded, see the golden glimmer of brass.


07-07-20, 08:59
There's talk that the Black Panthers Stone Mountain group were actors:


Actors or not, that magazine in the .22 looked loaded, see the golden glimmer of brass.


Well that is interesting.

07-07-20, 09:03
After reading the last few posts, 'many folks here' are still underestimating the enemy.

You do understand that 100 armed black men and women are not the enemy to be feared, right? The enemy to fear are the hard left totalitarian government and their sponsors and the army of useful idiot SJWs that support them.

I'm a 50+ ex-POG, but 10 like me with reasonable arms could destroy this group in an armed conflict. The problem is that we wouldn't survive the response from the local, state, and federal law enforcement who would come for their pound of flesh from the "racist alt-right white supremacist anit-government militia". Even if the other 9 in my group are people of color.


07-07-20, 09:04
Well that is interesting.

No question they are loaded.

07-07-20, 09:07
Looks like Governor Kemp has seen enough incompetence from Mayor Bottoms. Kemp is sending the NG to Atlanta.

07-07-20, 09:19
You should never underestimate your enemy.

Good point. I was surprised that the pile of human lard carrying the .22 survived the walk without collapsing on the street. Impressive.

07-07-20, 09:21
Looks like Governor Kemp has seen enough incompetence from Mayor Bottoms. Kemp is sending the NG to Atlanta.

That should douse her VP candlelight :)

07-07-20, 09:44
I love her nails. Are those tacticool nails?

07-07-20, 10:07
If they were just LARPing, I wonder where the guns came from? The guns I saw in the stills and the vid looked real, although not set up to actually use. At least some of them weren't set up properly.

07-07-20, 10:13
If they were just LARPing, I wonder where the guns came from? The guns I saw in the stills and the vid looked real, although not set up to actually use. At least some of them weren't set up properly.

Both sides of those points were mentioned in post #82.

Evel Baldgui
07-07-20, 10:15
You do understand that 100 armed black men and women are not the enemy to be feared, right? The enemy to fear are the hard left totalitarian government and their sponsors and the army of useful idiot SJWs that support them.

I'm a 50+ ex-POG, but 10 like me with reasonable arms could destroy this group in an armed conflict. The problem is that we wouldn't survive the response from the local, state, and federal law enforcement who would come for their pound of flesh from the "racist alt-right white supremacist anit-government militia". Even if the other 9 in my group are people of color. Andy

The armed group in the photo are just a part of the SJW stooges, and com-dem .gov scumbags. You have more than a single enemy.

07-07-20, 10:19
You do understand that 100 armed black men and women are not the enemy to be feared, right? The enemy to fear are the hard left totalitarian government and their sponsors and the army of useful idiot SJWs that support them.

I'm a 50+ ex-POG, but 10 like me with reasonable arms could destroy this group in an armed conflict. The problem is that we wouldn't survive the response from the local, state, and federal law enforcement who would come for their pound of flesh from the "racist alt-right white supremacist anit-government militia". Even if the other 9 in my group are people of color.


This ^^^^^^^^^^

07-07-20, 10:20
Both sides of those points were mentioned in post #82.

Got it. Thx.

I guess they bought them, it's a bit unclear, even in the original story. They say they are real guns, but it doesn't look like they really shoot much.

07-07-20, 15:17
No question they are loaded.

Not only loaded, the jammed weapons meant they also were fired....and being they were 15-22's, they are pretty reliable 22lr's. They were fired a bunch.

07-07-20, 15:39
Years ago, I was taught that when looking at pictures of dudes with guns, I should conclude that they may have received professional training if their fingers are outside the triggerguard. Its the first thing I noticed in that pic.

Obviously there is more in that pic worth observing. But that jumped out at me.

You should never underestimate your enemy. A great many here are doing just that. Oh look, haha a .22; LOL no sights, and so on. Guess what, a spray and pray from .22's will kill or incapacitate you, as will Jamal's AK barrage, even if his sights are canted. In the event of a real incident they may just be cannon fodder while the real fighters take out the 'bubbas'. Some may see weekend ghetto thugs posing with theatrics; I see a a number of fit, armed, organized, and judging by their rhetoric, very aggressive individuals. There are quite a few with optics, IFAKs, and possibly quality AR's. I am sure there are a number of trained .mil and LE in their ranks. To think otherwise is folly. What I don't see are counter demonstrators.

Not only loaded, the jammed weapons meant they also were fired....and being they were 15-22's, they are pretty reliable 22lr's. They were fired a bunch.

I made an assumption that the round nosed the wrong way on chambering, which can certainly happen with that rifle.

07-07-20, 15:53
I made an assumption that the round nosed the wrong way on chambering, which can certainly happen with that rifle.

Your right. That could be the case too. I never had that happen to me in my CMMG upper though with the 15-22 mag adapter. I just have had jams (fte or out of battery mostly )once it got pretty dirty.

07-08-20, 11:04
You do understand that 100 armed black men and women are not the enemy to be feared, right? The enemy to fear are the hard left totalitarian government and their sponsors and the army of useful idiot SJWs that support them.

I'm a 50+ ex-POG, but 10 like me with reasonable arms could destroy this group in an armed conflict. The problem is that we wouldn't survive the response from the local, state, and federal law enforcement who would come for their pound of flesh from the "racist alt-right white supremacist anit-government militia". Even if the other 9 in my group are people of color.


This is the truth.