View Full Version : Utopia = COVID 19?

07-05-20, 19:20
Has anyone seen Utopia, the UK TV series?

The Network wants to fulfil Carvel's plan and sterilise 90–95% of the world population. They have created a similar protein, but it is not certain whether it works. Anyway, they put the sterilising protein in a vaccine for the Russian flu whose epidemic outbreak is gripping the nation in fear and panic. When the department of health orders the vaccine for the British population at large, Jessica Hyde and the group of four must try to stop the Network before Janus is released. But is this really beneficial to humanity?

Bill Gates... COVID-19... Vaccine... Anything ring a bell?

07-05-20, 19:58
Similar plotline in Lone Survivor, but of course it's something that sterilizes only minorities and the evil boogeyman is again a secret underground of white supremacists.

I guess I'm sorta feeling what black people were made to feel in the 30s and 40s when they were constantly portrayed in a negative light. I guess I just wish we could do "equality" instead of endless payback.

One would think we could at least agree that "all racism" is bad, but I guess I need to adjust my expectations....again.

That said, this is a rather silly conspiracy theory that was a lot more entertaining in Black Dynamite.

07-05-20, 20:20
I’m curious if you are forced to get a vaccine in order to participate in public life in the near future if you will consider it silly?

07-05-20, 22:01
I’m curious if you are forced to get a vaccine in order to participate in public life in the near future if you will consider it silly?

"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark..." Revelation 13:16-17a

Certainly times have been worse in human history but I can't help but see correlation in what's happening now. The KS governor recently mandated that residents of KS were required to wear a mask in public - luckily KS law leaves the counties to decide. When my county voted to not enforce the governor's EO, the city voted to make it an ordinance punishable by fine to be out in public without a face mask. Want to do business in Wichita? Wear a mask, and require all your patrons to wear a mask, or be fined or shutdown. Want to purchase products or services in Wichita? Wear a mask, or be fined.

Is it the worst thing imaginable? No, but part of the governor's EO stated that mask mandates could go on until a vaccine is produced. I'm thankful that most people, at least on my side of town, are ignoring the EO and ordinance at every level, but it also means that for businesses that refuse me because I won't put on a mask I now have to take my dollars else where.

07-05-20, 22:26
Similar plotline in Lone Survivor, but of course it's something that sterilizes only minorities and the evil boogeyman is again a secret underground of white supremacists.

I guess I'm sorta feeling what black people were made to feel in the 30s and 40s when they were constantly portrayed in a negative light. I guess I just wish we could do "equality" instead of endless payback.

One would think we could at least agree that "all racism" is bad, but I guess I need to adjust my expectations....again.

That said, this is a rather silly conspiracy theory that was a lot more entertaining in Black Dynamite.

Revenge is more visceral than forgiveness.

07-05-20, 23:41
I’m curious if you are forced to get a vaccine in order to participate in public life in the near future if you will consider it silly?

Shit we can't even make vaccines we know actually work mandatory. I'm half amazed people aren't getting polio again.

07-05-20, 23:43
Revenge is more visceral than forgiveness.

I don't require anyone's forgiveness and I'm not necessarily giving mine, but that doesn't mean we can't all just move forward under the same set of rules. And I suspect if we did that for a reasonable length of time, people would probably be a lot more forgiving.

07-05-20, 23:44
"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark..." Revelation 13:16-17a

I'm old enough to remember when the UPC was declared the "mark of the beast" and people were damn serious about that being proof of the end times.

07-06-20, 06:05
I don’t think the mark is a physical item, for various reasons I won’t go into here.

My point is that Gates is pro depopulation and Planned Parenthood, by his own words. Something to think about.

07-06-20, 06:51
I'm old enough to remember when the UPC was declared the "mark of the beast" and people were damn serious about that being proof of the end times.

"Times" certainly haven't gotten better SINCE its invention. :(

07-06-20, 08:25
I’m curious if you are forced to get a vaccine in order to participate in public life in the near future if you will consider it silly?

Does that mean everybody will have to carry papers around proving they recieved the vaccine when they go out in public? Go to a park, "papers please. Let me see your papers."

07-06-20, 08:42
Government offices, DMV, etc.
Post Office
Work office

Just think how easy it would be to force compliance.

07-06-20, 18:40
Government offices, DMV, etc.
Post Office
Work office

Just think how easy it would be to force compliance.

If the children of illegals can drop their kids off at public schools and day cares without vaccination records of any kind...I don't think your "doom scenario" is on the horizon.

07-06-20, 18:46
Does that mean everybody will have to carry papers around proving they recieved the vaccine when they go out in public? Go to a park, "papers please. Let me see your papers."

And to think there are MUCKING FORONS who live in denial saying "it can't happen here, it won't happen here, that shit's from a bygone place and time and MUH GODWIN'S LAW!"...

All that Evil needs to begin another march across the globe is for Good to relax in our eternal vigilance even just a little bit... and sadly we're well past that now.

07-06-20, 22:55
And case of bubonic plague aka Black Death of Middle Ages

Shit we can't even make vaccines we know actually work mandatory. I'm half amazed people aren't getting polio again.

07-06-20, 23:28
And to think there are MUCKING FORONS who live in denial saying "it can't happen here, it won't happen here, that shit's from a bygone place and time and MUH GODWIN'S LAW!"...

All that Evil needs to begin another march across the globe is for Good to relax in our eternal vigilance even just a little bit... and sadly we're well past that now.

The flip side of that is we waste time on Pizzagate and hidden tunnels and nobody looks twice at Jeff Epstein or his pedophile island. And in this instance we are postulating a covid vaccine will actually be "solyent green" or the forever prophesied "mark of the beast" and we will miss something else that is very real and happening right now.

There are actually people seriously promoting the idea that some covid vaccine will become mandatory (and I think we've demonstrated how well that will completely fail based upon past vaccination efforts) and will actually be some secret Bill Gates human extinction project that will sterilize everyone (I guess we are done getting people to be stupid enough to believe chem trails) as if people wouldn't catch on to that pattern very quickly.

Might as well throw "mark of beast" stupidity on top of that. It baffles me that people are willing to fight tooth and nail about things that don't even exist but they won't life a damn finger about things that are actually happening that we might be able to do something about.

Swear to god I wish the second amendment was in the bible rather than the constitution. People would be storming the gates and Nancy Pelosi would have already been burned as a witch.

07-07-20, 06:55
The flip side of that is we waste time on Pizzagate and hidden tunnels and nobody looks twice at Jeff Epstein or his pedophile island. And in this instance we are postulating a covid vaccine will actually be "solyent green" or the forever prophesied "mark of the beast" and we will miss something else that is very real and happening right now.

There are actually people seriously promoting the idea that some covid vaccine will become mandatory (and I think we've demonstrated how well that will completely fail based upon past vaccination efforts) and will actually be some secret Bill Gates human extinction project that will sterilize everyone (I guess we are done getting people to be stupid enough to believe chem trails) as if people wouldn't catch on to that pattern very quickly.

Might as well throw "mark of beast" stupidity on top of that. It baffles me that people are willing to fight tooth and nail about things that don't even exist but they won't life a damn finger about things that are actually happening that we might be able to do something about.

Swear to god I wish the second amendment was in the bible rather than the constitution. People would be storming the gates and Nancy Pelosi would have already been burned as a witch.

SteyrAUG, your posts are one of the reasons I keep coming back to M4C.

And to add an exclamation mark to this excellent one, yeah, the amount of able bodies in the last 100+ years who were capable of unifying around real domestic threats but were distracted by conspiracy, prophecy, and “impurities” in the cause.... make me think of the way burglars throw juicy steaks to watchdogs. Wasted time and energy. If only we had as much enthusiasm about the long game of collectively persuading public opinion as we do in the minutia of where roll pins are made.

07-07-20, 07:02
My understanding is; the rate of mutation with the COVID virus will make a successful vaccine difficult to impossible.

07-07-20, 09:57
I suggest people read “Survival of the Wisest” by Jonas Salk.

07-07-20, 13:15
SteyrAUG, your posts are one of the reasons I keep coming back to M4C.

And to add an exclamation mark to this excellent one, yeah, the amount of able bodies in the last 100+ years who were capable of unifying around real domestic threats but were distracted by conspiracy, prophecy, and “impurities” in the cause.... make me think of the way burglars throw juicy steaks to watchdogs. Wasted time and energy. If only we had as much enthusiasm about the long game of collectively persuading public opinion as we do in the minutia of where roll pins are made.

That's the rub, a key part of that "Eternal Vigilance" is being able to tell the feints from the real thrusts and the pawns/patsies/Useful Idiots from the real "offensive power." Yes, these people are dangerous (remember, Stupid People In Large Numbers made up the whole Eastern Front), but they're probably a Magician's Wand being waved around to distract us from the other hand that's really doing the trick.

Or at least, that's what the Left's leadership thinks... once you gin up and turn loose an angry mob it has a certain way of shaking off all outside control.

07-07-20, 13:23
It's worth noting that nothing paranoid conservatives have predicted ever actually occurs. There's just lots of fearmongering, purity test statements, speculation about who will fight "when the time comes", general consensus of who the "enemy" is, and then just general shitposting until the next proclamation.

You guys need hobbies.

07-07-20, 14:45
It's worth noting that nothing paranoid conservatives have predicted ever actually occurs. There's just lots of fearmongering, purity test statements, speculation about who will fight "when the time comes", general consensus of who the "enemy" is, and then just general shitposting until the next proclamation.

You guys need hobbies.

Don't fall off that high horse or you might hurt yourself.

07-07-20, 14:59
Don't fall off that high horse or you might hurt yourself.

And by contrast, EVERYTHING that the Left has said "we don't wanna go so far as X we only want Y"... well, as soon as they've gotten Y they've immediately moved to demanding precisely what they claimed to "not want."

Sociology and History are not like Wall Street, past performance is very much indicative of future results.

07-07-20, 15:15
Well this has certainly run into a ditch.

07-07-20, 15:21
Don't fall off that high horse or you might hurt yourself.

this place is basically Arfcom now.

07-07-20, 18:36
It's worth noting that nothing paranoid conservatives have predicted ever actually occurs. There's just lots of fearmongering, purity test statements, speculation about who will fight "when the time comes", general consensus of who the "enemy" is, and then just general shitposting until the next proclamation.

You guys need hobbies.

Not completely true, in the 1930s our flirtations with socialism and Eugenics were truly scary stuff. But your general point is noted and accepted. The Millerites are still waiting.