View Full Version : Movies we'd like to see remade

07-08-20, 10:19
Right now, there's a bunch of classics being remade that should not be and should be left alone. But, what of movies that should be remade? My first vote is an easy one: 300

I'd like to see that story made without the 12 ft tranny, monsters, and homo eroticism and such. I didn't know it was based on a comic book when I saw it, and thought it really sucked. I mean, it's not like that real story is not amazing enough.

Sure, I know some really like that movie, perhaps already awares of the comic is was based on, but for me, it was total disappointment other than a few good battle scenes and one liners.

That one should be remade following the actual history. BTW, History Channel did "Last Stand of the 300: The Legendary Battle at Thermopylae" which is fantastic and worth a view.

What you got?

Alex V
07-08-20, 10:21
Law Abiding Citizen where Clyde Shelton [Gerard Butler] wins.

07-08-20, 10:27
A lot of the old war movies, while classics, were kinda campy and unrealistic. I would like to see more realistic, more better versions of the battle of the bulge, Midway, Wake Island...

07-08-20, 10:36
One thought I had was a modern twist on The Count of Monte Cristo being a Delta Operator type set up by dirty CIA types that had him imprisoned in a CIA black site with the whole escape and revenge plot.... maybe the Delta Operator could have some orange hair.... :sarcastic:

07-08-20, 10:52
Leave the old war movies alone!

About the only one I wouldn't mind seeing remade (a pair actually) would be Guns of Navarone/Force 10 from Navarone. Same cast in both.

07-08-20, 11:00
Right now, there's a bunch of classics being remade that should not be and should be left alone. But, what of movies that should be remade? My first vote is an easy one: 300

I'd like to see that story made without the 12 ft tranny, monsters, and homo eroticism and such. I didn't know it was based on a comic book when I saw it, and thought it really sucked. I mean, it's not like that real story is not amazing enough.

Sure, I know some really like that movie, perhaps already awares of the comic is was based on, but for me, it was total disappointment other than a few good battle scenes and one liners.

That one should be remade following the actual history. BTW, History Channel did "Last Stand of the 300: The Legendary Battle at Thermopylae" which is fantastic and worth a view.

What you got?

Victor Davis Hanson, the historian, IIRC said that while '300' wasn't historical, it wasn't far off from how the Spartan's would have wanted it told. It's a story, in a unique visual style. I knew it going in, and while not a comic boook guy, I appreciated it. I told my wife that I wanted to go see it the night it opened for my birthday. I didn't quite clue in that she thought she was going with me, when I left her at home pregnant with an 18 month old. Opps.

One thought I had was a modern twist on The Count of Monte Cristo being a Delta Operator type set up by dirty CIA types that had him imprisoned in a CIA black site with the whole escape and revenge plot.

I like how you think.

Forbidden Planet- Surely I must be kidding, No, and stop calling me Shirley.
Last Starfighter
Make sequel to Ronin
Quatermass and the Pit- THe details in this like the alien ship being not of metal, but some ceramic- and other things really set this apart from other science fiction of the time.

I'd like to see more Clancy, early Clancy, made or remade. Sum of Fears blew a tranny Neo-Nazi. The Prime reboot looked good, and then they killed off Neo-Clark and added SJW BS. Hey, Hollywood, making Clancy into some lefty fantasy is like making Little Women into lesbian porn- not with the theme.

On the other side, can we just kill off all references to Fantastic Four and Green Lantern? Carthage their asses so there is no trace of them.

07-08-20, 11:07
is like making Little Women into lesbian porn- not with the theme.

Hold up a moment. Little Women in 2019 has Emma Watson in it.

Let's not be too quick to make a judgment call here, 'kay? We can remain open minded about such things.

07-08-20, 11:32
Victor Davis Hanson, the historian, IIRC said that while '300' wasn't historical, it wasn't far off from how the Spartan's would have wanted it told. It's a story, in a unique visual style. I knew it going in, and while not a comic boook guy, I appreciated it. I told my wife that I wanted to go see it the night it opened for my birthday. I didn't quite clue in that she thought she was going with me, when I left her at home pregnant with an 18 month old. Opps.

I learned that the hard way and didn't enjoy it much. Visuals were good being a Miller project, but it was essentially a work of fiction "based on actual events" which are movies I generally dislike. Either just make a fictional movie, or make a movie that does it's best to follow the history, but that "based on a true story" BS that's usually not even close to the true story other than in name, annoy me. 300 annoyed me.

07-08-20, 11:39
Cold Dead Hand had a good idea with Forbidden Planet, and a sequel to Ronin...

I've always been an incredible fan of the Edgar Rice Burroughs classic John Carter series, and it's been done a couple times as "Princess of Mars", and "John Carter". Neither followed the books well, and both sucked big time, though "John Carter" sucked less. The first 3 books in the series would make for an absolutely killer trilogy... if done right.

07-08-20, 11:45
Dune is being remade, that will be interesting.

07-08-20, 11:49
Dune is being remade, that will be interesting.


EDIT: I am counting the mini series that was released as once.

Damn...they have Momoa, Brolin and Bautista in it.

Kind of a weird choice on pick to play Muad Dib.

just a scout
07-08-20, 11:50
I’ll second the Ronin sequel.

I’d really like to see The Longest Day redone. And no SJW crap.

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07-08-20, 12:41
All the Star Wars except 4,5 and 6 and 4 needs to be the original cut with Han shooting first. And Scout The Longest Day is perfect, lots of great actors and no CGI.

I would also like to see an expanded Pacific, Band of Brothers covered less than a year of combat in 10 episodes while The Pacific crammed 4 years of war into 10 episodes, not near enough.

The last episode of Game of Thrones.

07-08-20, 13:25
All the Star Wars except 4,5 and 6 and 4 needs to be the original cut with Han shooting first. And Scout The Longest Day is perfect, lots of great actors and no CGI.

I would also like to see an expanded Pacific, Band of Brothers covered less than a year of combat in 10 episodes while The Pacific crammed 4 years of war into 10 episodes, not near enough.

The last episode of Game of Thrones.

I'm not sure I want Disney messing around with the Star Wars saga any more than they already have unless it's to say "J/K, Episodes 7, 8 and 9 are being removed because we went full potato with them."

And let's face it, the whole last season of GoT should be redone.

07-08-20, 16:58
Right now, there's a bunch of classics being remade that should not be and should be left alone. But, what of movies that should be remade? My first vote is an easy one: 300

I'd like to see that story made without the 12 ft tranny, monsters, and homo eroticism and such. I didn't know it was based on a comic book when I saw it, and thought it really sucked. I mean, it's not like that real story is not amazing enough.

Sure, I know some really like that movie, perhaps already awares of the comic is was based on, but for me, it was total disappointment other than a few good battle scenes and one liners.

That one should be remade following the actual history. BTW, History Channel did "Last Stand of the 300: The Legendary Battle at Thermopylae" which is fantastic and worth a view.

What you got?

There was a tranny? I never noticed. There were some weird chicks in a tent though... :laugh:

I was actually ok with it being super over-the-top, since like FMCDH mentioned, it's more of a "mythologisation" of the events. Because remember, at the end you realize the one-eyed Spartan is "telling the story" to everyone, it's not a docu-drama. And it was f***ing glorious.
Like, the kind of movie you watch once, and it's awesome, but every time you watch it after that it gets lamer... :laugh: That's my only gripe; not good for a revisit more than once ever 1-2 years.

I'm not sure I want Disney messing around with the Star Wars saga any more than they already have unless it's to say "J/K, Episodes 7, 8 and 9 are being removed because we went full potato with them."

And let's face it, the whole last season of GoT should be redone.


My vote for a remake;
Leon the Professional.
Wanted to like it, but the lead actor is a bit... too odd to latch onto, and then there was the cringe with mini-Portman...oh the cringe... :bad:

07-08-20, 17:00
Seven Samurai
But not another bad Western. Maybe in space or something. Or keep it in Japan.

Inagaki’s trilogy from Yoshukawa’s Miyamoto Musashi
Little Caesar

300 should be discarded for the scrap it is, and a film should be made based on Gates of Fire.

Do not think about touching The Longest Day.

07-08-20, 17:03
I'm only interested in remakes if they are able to improve upon the original like True Grit. I'm sorry, and I know this is going to anger some boomers, but the Jeff Bridges remake was better in every way than the original version with John Wayne.

Another remake that was light years ahead of the original is the 2002 version of The Bourne Identity. The 1988 version is just awful.

The best remake of all time though is the 1995 Michael Mann classic Heat. The made for tv version that Mann did in 1989 called L.A. Takedown was decent enough for a made for tv movie, but Heat is a masterpiece.

As far as movies I'd like to see remade, I'd vote for Dirty Harry, but I know Hollywood would screw it up. It would have to be dark, with good casting. No getting The Rock to play Harry Callahan either.

07-08-20, 17:03
Do not think about touching The Longest Day.

QFT. The original cast alone makes that movie untouchable.

07-08-20, 18:05
Denzel Washington‘s version of man on fire is purely sublime. A masterpiece and way better than the original which I couldn’t get through.

There are movies you can watch once and really like but never have to see you again there are other Movies that whenever they’re on if you come across them you watch them, and then there’s one you come across turn on and tell everybody else to shut up and watch the movie. Man on Fire with Denzel is that way. Pure love, Pure evil, damnation and redemption, gunplay, anal bombs, Christopher Walken, Justice at the Reckoning levels, sacrifice and loss.

07-08-20, 18:23
Maybe "Earth vs. The Flying Saucers."

I know Independence Day largely covered this one and I worry that they will destroy it like they did with "The Day the Earth Stood Still" but could be fun if done right.

07-08-20, 19:11
There was a tranny? I never noticed. There were some weird chicks in a tent though... :laugh:

Dude would fit in perfectly in Antifa and the ilk:


Some how, don't think he looked like that...

07-08-20, 21:03
Star Wars Episodes 7, 8, and 9.


Red Dawn. Keep it set in the 1980s. Keep it set in the same universe as the original. Just make it about another small town resistance in Texas, Utah, Colorado, &c.

Seven Samurai
But not another bad Western. Maybe in space or something. Or keep it in Japan.

I don't think there's any way to remake Seven Samurai and improve it. I think the best you could do would be to do a shot-for-shot remake - and hope the new actors are up to the task.

I'm only interested in remakes if they are able to improve upon the original like True Grit. I'm sorry, and I know this is going to anger some boomers, but the Jeff Bridges remake was better in every way than the original version with John Wayne.

Another remake that was light years ahead of the original is the 2002 version of The Bourne Identity. The 1988 version is just awful.

The best remake of all time though is the 1995 Michael Mann classic Heat. The made for tv version that Mann did in 1989 called L.A. Takedown was decent enough for a made for tv movie, but Heat is a masterpiece.

3:10 to Yuma's remake is also better than the original, IMO.

As far as movies I'd like to see remade, I'd vote for Dirty Harry, but I know Hollywood would screw it up. It would have to be dark, with good casting. No getting The Rock to play Harry Callahan either.

I don't think you can make Dirty Harry in 2020. Even before George Floyd. The idea of a loose-cannon police officer who is a gun nut and does the right thing even when it goes against the regulations and living in San Fransisco. First, it's been troped to death and second, nobody would believe that anyone who knows anything about guns would intentionally choose to live in San Fransisco. Maybe, maybe Los Angeles. But I don't think it works outside of San Fransisco.

And what would you replace the iconic S&W model 29 with? A 10mm?

07-08-20, 21:15

07-08-20, 21:18
Dune would benefit.

With Star Wars, a lot of us grew up with it and didn't realize how hokey and silly it was. After watching 1-6 dozens of times, and having seen 7-9 (puke), I think Lucas did as well as his material allowed, Jar-Jar and all. Actually what I would change would be to have Lucas re-do 2-3 with the evil Sith lord Jar-Jar that was intended. 7-9 are junk and are two steps below Spaceballs.

Wouldn't mind seeing the promised sequel of Spaceballs, it couldn't possibly be worse than Star Wars 7-9 or GOT season 8.

Most of the recent re-makes are awful and I would rather just enjoy better films from the era when Hollywood was only 70-90% pozzed instead of the current 100%.

just a scout
07-08-20, 21:40
I'm only interested in remakes if they are able to improve upon the original like True Grit. I'm sorry, and I know this is going to anger some boomers, but the Jeff Bridges remake was better in every way than the original version with John Wayne.

Another remake that was light years ahead of the original is the 2002 version of The Bourne Identity. The 1988 version is just awful.

The best remake of all time though is the 1995 Michael Mann classic Heat. The made for tv version that Mann did in 1989 called L.A. Takedown was decent enough for a made for tv movie, but Heat is a masterpiece.

As far as movies I'd like to see remade, I'd vote for Dirty Harry, but I know Hollywood would screw it up. It would have to be dark, with good casting. No getting The Rock to play Harry Callahan either.

I think I love you. In a manly, no sexual way...

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07-08-20, 22:20
Not a remake per se, but how about a quality movie about the Korean War, specifically about the Chosin.

Evel Baldgui
07-08-20, 23:05
I would remake any film with John Wayne in it. He was a god awful actor who never deserved the fame he got. Also, Bob Hope was never funny, he sucked; but I digress.

07-08-20, 23:09
Wouldn't mind seeing the promised sequel of Spaceballs,

They could do a JJ Abrams style prequel-sequel for it.

I don't think anyone can do Mel Brooks as well as Mel Brooks does, unfortunately.

07-08-20, 23:13
The first person to suggest remaking Blazing Saddles gets banned.

That is all.

07-08-20, 23:21
Red Dawn. Keep it set in the 1980s. Keep it set in the same universe as the original. Just make it about another small town resistance in Texas, Utah, Colorado, &c.

I don't think there's any way to remake Seven Samurai and improve it. I think the best you could do would be to do a shot-for-shot remake - and hope the new actors are up to the task.

3:10 to Yuma's remake is also better than the original, IMO.

I don't think you can make Dirty Harry in 2020. Even before George Floyd. The idea of a loose-cannon police officer who is a gun nut and does the right thing even when it goes against the regulations and living in San Fransisco. First, it's been troped to death and second, nobody would believe that anyone who knows anything about guns would intentionally choose to live in San Fransisco. Maybe, maybe Los Angeles. But I don't think it works outside of San Fransisco.

And what would you replace the iconic S&W model 29 with? A 10mm?

All salient points. I considered Dirty Harry but I don't think it could be done in a way that modern movie goers could even relate too since cops are generally the "bad guy" unless they too are criminals fighting the system from inside.

Would be interesting to see a period Red Dawn attempt. Anything would be better than that ":Oh No the Koreans are here" nonsense.

I don't see the point in a Seven Samurai remake, most audiences wouldn't be able to relate to it without them making a "manga" version. And they completely destroyed classic films like "Hara Kiri" and a few others.

But you can add "13 Assassins" to films where there was a very successful remake as good or better than the originals.

07-08-20, 23:23
I would remake any film with John Wayne in it. He was a god awful actor who never deserved the fame he got. Also, Bob Hope was never funny, he sucked; but I digress.

McQ is gonna kick your ass.

07-08-20, 23:27
The first person to suggest remaking Blazing Saddles gets banned.

That is all.

I can't even see the name of that movie without going through the hundreds of one liners it has...

07-08-20, 23:32
I'm not much of a sci-fi guy, but I read the book on deployment after my Warrant Officer had read it and thought of how funny it pertained to our current situation and really enjoyed all the layers of the story. I know that they had a sort of campy verison in the 80's and that there was TV movie in the 90's- early 00's but I feel like if it got the Lord of the Rings treatment it could be a pretty solid movie, and if it did well maybe Disney would no longer Woke-ify Star Wars (I never really got into these films).

07-09-20, 00:30
I would remake any film with John Wayne in it. He was a god awful actor who never deserved the fame he got. Also, Bob Hope was never funny, he sucked; but I digress.

Ban him

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07-09-20, 00:35
More spaceballs movies could be good. A proper stargate remake or just expansion off the sg1/atlantis series.

I'd really like another Dredd movie like the last one as well although I don't see it happening.

A new set of adams family movies that are not cartoons would be nice as well.

Law Abiding Citizen where Clyde Shelton [Gerard Butler] wins.

Yea they really screwed up the ending of that movie. I wouldn't have cared if he dies, just not have it all fall apart like it did.

07-09-20, 02:20
The first person to suggest remaking Blazing Saddles gets banned.

That is all.

Because it can't get better, or that it would have to be ruined to be made now?

Logan's Run

Dirty Harry was a reaction to things like Miranda Rights and other criminal rights. You could do it, but from the angle that when the cops are going to have to stand down post Flyood, and that leads to new more bolder criminals, that have to be met, outside of what society sanctions.

Don't know if it has been made, but the Leyte Gulf/Samar action where the tin cans took on the Yamato. Or mash it up and send a squadron of Fletchers against the IRG gun boats.

Final Countdown. More Zero's.

07-09-20, 09:21
I don't think you can make Dirty Harry in 2020. Even before George Floyd. The idea of a loose-cannon police officer who is a gun nut and does the right thing even when it goes against the regulations and living in San Fransisco. First, it's been troped to death and second, nobody would believe that anyone who knows anything about guns would intentionally choose to live in San Fransisco. Maybe, maybe Los Angeles. But I don't think it works outside of San Fransisco.

And what would you replace the iconic S&W model 29 with? A 10mm?

That's what I meant by Hollywood screwing it up. It would have to be a level of dark that they just won't do anymore.

I think I love you. In a manly, no sexual way...

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Thank you. #nohomo

I would remake any film with John Wayne in it. He was a god awful actor who never deserved the fame he got.

This guy gets it.

McQ is gonna kick your ass.

McQ was good when I was a kid in the 80's, but it hasn't held up to the test of time. I watched it again a year or two again and it was kinda hard to finish.

07-09-20, 09:35
That's what I meant by Hollywood screwing it up. It would have to be a level of dark that they just won't do anymore.

I can think of a few that could pull it off:

Michael Mann (Heat)
Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects)
David Fincher (Seven)

Maybe even Christopher Nolan depending on if they let him loose.

07-09-20, 09:50
I can think of a few that could pull it off:

Michael Mann (Heat)
Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects)
David Fincher (Seven)

Maybe even Christopher Nolan depending on if they let him loose.

Mann doesn't have the stomach for it. He's a BLM sympathizer and climate change activist.

Life's a Hillary
07-09-20, 10:22
Right now, there's a bunch of classics being remade that should not be and should be left alone. But, what of movies that should be remade? My first vote is an easy one: 300

I'd like to see that story made without the 12 ft tranny, monsters, and homo eroticism and such. I didn't know it was based on a comic book when I saw it, and thought it really sucked. I mean, it's not like that real story is not amazing enough.

Sure, I know some really like that movie, perhaps already awares of the comic is was based on, but for me, it was total disappointment other than a few good battle scenes and one liners.

That one should be remade following the actual history. BTW, History Channel did "Last Stand of the 300: The Legendary Battle at Thermopylae" which is fantastic and worth a view.

What you got?

Wasn’t Ancient Greek society pretty homoerotic?

I hadn’t even thought of that movie in quite some time, it was decent and had some really badass scenes but I wasn’t the biggest fan of the whole comic book style.

07-09-20, 10:59
But, just find all the footage that was cut from the final battle scene. Such a waste. So not a remake, just an extended director’s cut.

07-09-20, 11:07
Mann doesn't have the stomach for it. He's a BLM sympathizer and climate change activist.

True, but nobody sets up an action scene with appropriate music like Mann. Very few words, if any. Like real life if something hectic is happening around you. The other question is who would be able to replace Eastwood?

07-09-20, 11:57
Wasn’t Ancient Greek society pretty homoerotic?

I felt the GCI sculpted abs, the 12ft tall androgynous Persian what ever the hell that was guy, etc, was over the top. Had that been how he/they looked, all good, as I'm all for historical accuracy. That it was added for effect, not so much.

I'm not homo phobic, but I'm not a fan of how that was done at all.

A movie that attempted to add the reality of the sexual aspects of the Greeks/Romans culture that was tastefully done but removed was Sparticus. The famous "snails and oysters" scene that was 4 mins long and removed after a few screenings.


07-09-20, 12:41
I felt the GCI sculpted abs, the 12ft tall androgynous Persian what ever the hell that was guy, etc, was over the top. Had that been how he/they looked, all good, as I'm all for historical accuracy. That it was added for effect, not so much.

I'm not homo phobic, but I'm not a fan of how that was done at all.

A movie that attempted to add the reality of the sexual aspects of the Greeks/Romans culture that was tastefully done but removed was Sparticus. The famous "snails and oysters" scene that was 4 mins long and removed after a few screenings.


Spartacus. What a great movie. That's definitely a "leave alone."

07-09-20, 12:43
McQ is gonna kick your ass.

I'm gonna guess he's a younger person who didn't grow up with them. Lettuce be honest, he was not a great actor, but neither were many (most?) of the actors back in the day. Wayne was more about attitude than great acting, and we loved it for what it was, as we do for say Eastwood in Dirty Harry, and so forth. Bob Hope was just annoying and beloved for the time and such, but I found him cringeworthy myself.

I will say John Wayne was still a better actor than Keanu Reeves who only does not suck if he plays the exact same part and has minimal dialogue to say in a movie.

07-09-20, 12:51
True, but nobody sets up an action scene with appropriate music like Mann. Very few words, if any. Like real life if something hectic is happening around you. The other question is who would be able to replace Eastwood?

I wouldn't want it to be a Heat style Michael Mann type thriller. He's not the right guy to make a truly dark film like Dirty Harry would have to be.

As far as casting, I don't really look at it as replacing Eastwood with a modern day Eastwood. The one liners and bravado were great in the 70's and 80's but aren't needed for the kind of Dirty Harry I envision in 2020.

07-09-20, 13:16
...the GCI sculpted abs...

In fairness, the actors worked hard for those abs.


07-09-20, 13:17
I'm gonna guess he's a younger person who didn't grow up with them. Lettuce be honest, he was not a great actor, but neither were many (most?) of the actors back in the day. Wayne was more about attitude than great acting, and we loved it for what it was, as we do for say Eastwood in Dirty Harry, and so forth. Bob Hope was just annoying and beloved for the time and such, but I found him cringeworthy myself.

I will say John Wayne was still a better actor than Keanu Reeves who only does not suck if he plays the exact same part and has minimal dialogue to say in a movie.

I think Chris Pratt is the source, but there is clearly a difference between “good leading man” and “great actor,” though a person can be both.

07-09-20, 15:18
Spartacus. What a great movie. That's definitely a "leave alone."

Where you awares of that deleted scene?

07-09-20, 15:21
I think Chris Pratt is the source, but there is clearly a difference between “good leading man” and “great actor,” though a person can be both.

The actor said that? Talk about kettle black and all that.

07-09-20, 15:26
Not a remake, but we still haven’t seen a big budget, IMAX, esteemed Director version of a movie about 9/11. That day was insane and has all the right elements for a story: bravery, tragedy, heroism, etc

07-09-20, 16:26
Right now and in the current climate? Nothing. Please don't let them touch anything for a rewrite.

07-09-20, 16:44
I just want to point out that whatever Mann’s politics are, his police protagonists are generally almost never criminals (any more than your average loose-cannon cop in cinema is, anyway).

I'd really like another Dredd movie like the last one as well although I don't see it happening.

I think Netflix is supposed to be working on a series with Karl Urban.

True, but nobody sets up an action scene with appropriate music like Mann. Very few words, if any. Like real life if something hectic is happening around you. The other question is who would be able to replace Eastwood?

Hugh Jackman (whose Wolverine was very Eastwood-esque) or Karl Urban (see: Dredd) would be my first two thoughts to play Harry Callahan in a Dirty Harry remake.

07-09-20, 17:10
Not a remake, but we still haven’t seen a big budget, IMAX, esteemed Director version of a movie about 9/11. That day was insane and has all the right elements for a story: bravery, tragedy, heroism, etc

Actually I thought "United 93" was very well done but having seen it once, I really can't watch it again.

07-09-20, 17:21
McQ was good when I was a kid in the 80's, but it hasn't held up to the test of time. I watched it again a year or two again and it was kinda hard to finish.

Not many films from 1974 hold up.

When I was a kid I thought Billy Jack kicked ass, as an adult it's completely unwatchable "after school special" mentality nonsense.

Pretty much every film from the late 60s with hippie fashion and crappie jazzie music scores are unwatchable.

By contrast McQ was ever bit as good as an episode of Rockford Files and they are still excellent.

Waynes other films such as "The Green Berets", well it's never gonna be "Act of Valor" or anything close to that, but at the time it was one of the greatest films ever made. He also did some excellent films during WWII but I think people are contrasting them with "Band of Brothers."

Films like "Flying Leathernecks" are every bit as good as the recent Midway and I'll put John Wayne up against Woody Harrleson any day. Even in Highwaymen (which I loved) Harrleson was very much second banana to Kevin Kostner who carried the film.

07-09-20, 17:50
I can't even see the name of that movie without going through the hundreds of one liners it has...

You can just guess how many times I have started reading an thread in General Discussion, and wanted to throw a post in that started "What in the wide, wide world of sports is agoing on here?"

07-09-20, 17:54
Pork Chop Hill. Find someone who looks like Gregory Peck and make it 2020-style realistic. Like how The Outpost had the zip of incoming bullets in every firefight scene.

07-09-20, 18:00
Because it can't get better, or that it would have to be ruined to be made now?


Honestly - both.

I got to meet Slim Pickens at dinner years ago, and got to share dessert with him and ask questions. He said the hardest movie he ever had to work on was Dr Strangelove, because Kubrick was a perfectionist that would shoot scenes over a hundred times until he got the perfect take.

He also said that Mel Brooks was a tremendous guy to work with, and they had a huge amount of fun making Blazing Saddles. The cast all got along very well and became good friends, and he thought it showed in the final product.

Pickens was a very kind and gracious man, and it was a genuine pleasure to spend a few hours in his company. He was out in West Texas on a mule deer hunt, and we literally bumped into each other in a steakhouse out in the middle of nowhere.

07-09-20, 18:40
Honestly - both.

I got to meet Slim Pickens at dinner years ago, and got to share dessert with him and ask questions. He said the hardest movie he ever had to work on was Dr Strangelove, because Kubrick was a perfectionist that would shoot scenes over a hundred times until he got the perfect take.

He also said that Mel Brooks was a tremendous guy to work with, and they had a huge amount of fun making Blazing Saddles. The cast all got along very well and became good friends, and he thought it showed in the final product.

Pickens was a very kind and gracious man, and it was a genuine pleasure to spend a few hours in his company. He was out in West Texas on a mule deer hunt, and we literally bumped into each other in a steakhouse out in the middle of nowhere.

That is an interesting story, thanks for sharing.

07-09-20, 19:21
Not many films from 1974 hold up.

When I was a kid I thought Billy Jack kicked ass, as an adult it's completely unwatchable "after school special" mentality nonsense.

Pretty much every film from the late 60s with hippie fashion and crappie jazzie music scores are unwatchable.

By contrast McQ was ever bit as good as an episode of Rockford Files and they are still excellent.

Waynes other films such as "The Green Berets", well it's never gonna be "Act of Valor" or anything close to that, but at the time it was one of the greatest films ever made. He also did some excellent films during WWII but I think people are contrasting them with "Band of Brothers."

Films like "Flying Leathernecks" are every bit as good as the recent Midway and I'll put John Wayne up against Woody Harrleson any day. Even in Highwaymen (which I loved) Harrleson was very much second banana to Kevin Kostner who carried the film.

There are a lot of movies from the 70's that have withstood the test of time. He was a good leading man for the time period, but his Foghorn Leghorn style delivery is just plain awful to sit through now.

07-09-20, 22:47
Don't know if it has been made, but the Leyte Gulf/Samar action where the tin cans took on the Yamato.

THIS. Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors would be an epic movie, but better if it had the screen-time of a TV miniseries. If we're gonna revisit Midway, I'd like to see an adaptation of Shattered Sword--we used that as the playbook for a miniature wargaming recreation at NW Historical Miniatures Gaming Society's Enfilade convention in 2011, and even with the deck stacked as much in the US's favor as I could make it as scenario author and referee without outright cheating the Japanese still won, highlighting just how tough our forebears were that day and how thoroughly the Man Upstairs was watching over them.

Not technically a "movie" or a "remake," but if History Channel ever grows a pair again I think they could build a winning group of TV series based on some of Osprey Publishing's book catalog, specifically the "Combat," "Duel" and "Campaign" series.

And while we're at it, don't even THINK about messing with Tombstone. Just run the Extended Cut with all the deleted scenes and that's all it needs--too many pieces that were JUST what was needed, like a lead actor who was passionate enough about the role to dig into research and become accepted as a scholar in his own right reminiscent of Jeremy Brett portraying Sherlock Holmes, a specialist Old West reenacting troupe doing all the extras/weaponry/costumes/etc. (look up Peter Sherayko sometime), music by a composer who knew his craft... I'm not sure even legendary John Williams could have done that movie better.

07-09-20, 23:13
There are a lot of movies from the 70's that have withstood the test of time. He was a good leading man for the time period, but his Foghorn Leghorn style delivery is just plain awful to sit through now.

I still like McQ. Something about Wayne with a suppressed M10.

07-10-20, 08:00
If I enjoyed the original movie, I see no reason for a remake.

I would like for the writers in Hollywood to come up with original material.

07-11-20, 12:56
If I enjoyed the original movie, I see no reason for a remake.

I would like for the writers in Hollywood to come up with original material.

^^^This. Very few new ideas coming out now, too many sequels and remakes.

07-12-20, 07:44
Pork Chop Hill. Find someone who looks like Gregory Peck and make it 2020-style realistic. Like how The Outpost had the zip of incoming bullets in every firefight scene.

I agree; my Step Dad was a medic at Chosin. I remember watching Pork Chop Hill with him one evening, enlightening to hear him speak about combat.

07-12-20, 09:17
If I enjoyed the original movie, I see no reason for a remake.

I would like for the writers in Hollywood to come up with original material.

There are enough interesting things that have happened in history to merit a thousand original movies or miniseries. I absolutely agree with going for originals and stop doing the remakes. But some original movies are just so bad, a remake can only make them better.

07-12-20, 10:19
There are enough interesting things that have happened in history to merit a thousand original movies or miniseries.

Problem is, you need a culture interested in history for that, rather than one only interested in destroying it.

07-12-20, 10:30
If I enjoyed the original movie, I see no reason for a remake.

I would like for the writers in Hollywood to come up with original material.

This. I saw a while back they are remaking Steven King's The Stand.

To me, I thought the original was perfectly fine. Great cast, excellent development from the book and broken up well into the miniseries.

Why mess up a good thing because you can't be creative enough to come up with something on your own?

07-12-20, 21:04
^^^This. Very few new ideas coming out now, too many sequels and remakes.

Actually most movies that have been well received are remakes of older movies. And the originals made before most of us were even born are usually based upon a book.

Hollywood has very few new and original ideas. This has been true from the beginning.

07-12-20, 21:23
Actually most movies that have been well received are remakes of older movies. And the originals made before most of us were even born are usually based upon a book.

Hollywood has very few new and original ideas. This has been true from the beginning.

Not to mention "re-skinnings" like how Sergio Leone transplanted Feudal Japanese stories into the Wild West like how Yojimbo became A Fistful Of Dollars... there's a reason we have tropes, it's that those plot planks work.

07-13-20, 02:27
1. The entire Miami Vice series, except done for today and make it a litter darker and less MTV.

2. A sequel to Heat but focusing on Chris Shiherlis seeing how he was the only one to escape.

07-13-20, 03:17
Id like to see the shinning remade. Doctor Sleep was pretty good. Love the movie Goonies. Maybe that be ok. Star Wars 1-3 and maybe the Star Trek Movies.

07-13-20, 04:00
1. The entire Miami Vice series, except done for today and make it a litter darker and less MTV.

2. A sequel to Heat but focusing on Chris Shiherlis seeing how he was the only one to escape.

Honestly, since Miami is no longer the epicenter of the drug trade like it was in the 80s, the show would probably be a bit of a let down. The Miami Vice movie shows just how bad this concept can turn out.

If you did Miami Vice today, the focus would probably be on the emerging porn industry that doesn't have nearly as many villains to establish elaborate plots around. Usually it's just some dickhead with a website and a house and a ever rotating stable of marginally attractive girls who believe somehow they will be the next Sasha Grey. Their careers are measured in months rather than years and most of the content is shot on digicam.

But with the lack of regulation when compared to CA, Miami is quickly becoming the "other" porn capitol of the nation.

07-13-20, 06:50
While they would be no comparison to the originals, maybe a modern setting to Outlaw Josey Wales and Jeremiah Johnson, my two all time favorites. With these times, both would be very interesting indeed.

07-13-20, 07:56
Badlands (1973), more of an art film by director Terrence Malick, starring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek. Filmed mostly in Otero County, New Mexico, it sort of deals with the 1957-1958 murder spree by Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate in Nebraska and Wyoming. Badlands is actually interesting as it is and does stand alone.

However, instead of an art film, this story needs to be re-told in a high production value major motion picture.

07-13-20, 08:15
King Kong - For once, I'd like to see the ape wins.

Titanic - Like above, I like to see the ship not hit the ice berg.

Die Hard - Like to see Hans and his crew get away safely.

07-13-20, 08:43

I want a damn Doom movie that is not absolute hot garbage. I want earth being overrun by inter-dimensional hell spawned demons, NOT A STUPID ASS VIRUS FROM MARS or whatever the abomination Annihilation was based on.

I want Doom Guy to be the most over the top UAC Alpha mashup of Doom, Duke Nukem, Yujiro Hanma, hulk, and a juiced up murderous gun slinging rage machine that goes super saiyan who gives zero fvcks that just rips and tears through high production value demons and environments using a double barrel shotgun and a chainsaw. I want the testosterone to bleed through the screen and into my eyeballs. I want to see, IN IMAX, the BFG1000 blow a moon sized chunk out of Mars while revenants fly across the screen whaling and eyeball monsters implode in the vacuum of space... I want it all .... maybe Doom Guy ends up the savior of earth or maybe earth, the solar system, and the universe is destroyed in the process in the cosmic conflict between heaven and hell. I’m good with whatever I just want there to be carnage set to a dope soundtrack but has sprinklings of humanity and love with daisy.

Also an A grade sequel to Event Horizon....

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07-13-20, 09:51
Honestly, since Miami is no longer the epicenter of the drug trade like it was in the 80s, the show would probably be a bit of a let down. The Miami Vice movie shows just how bad this concept can turn out.

If you did Miami Vice today, the focus would probably be on the emerging porn industry that doesn't have nearly as many villains to establish elaborate plots around. Usually it's just some dickhead with a website and a house and a ever rotating stable of marginally attractive girls who believe somehow they will be the next Sasha Grey. Their careers are measured in months rather than years and most of the content is shot on digicam.

But with the lack of regulation when compared to CA, Miami is quickly becoming the "other" porn capitol of the nation.

Who? You know way too much about that...

07-13-20, 10:59
She’s overrated.

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07-13-20, 14:33
If they absolutely MUST reboot Bond, I want it done as period pieces, set against the times they were written in, in storyline order and only "massaged" to tone down the graphic obscenity and fit historical events and equipment of the day.

And find an ensemble of actors willing to sign long-term contracts as the core "Bond-Moneypenny-M-Q-Leiter" team.

Similarly, Tom Clancy stuff should have been done as period pieces... James Earl Jones's Admiral Greer stomps the crap out of the new "reimagined" Greer as a character.

07-13-20, 15:26
Don’t hate me.

I’ve wanted to see a Back To The Future reboot badly.

None of the same cast. Maybe a brief cameo from Christopher Lloyd

07-13-20, 16:26
Don’t hate me.

I’ve wanted to see a Back To The Future reboot badly.

None of the same cast. Maybe a brief cameo from Christopher Lloyd


07-13-20, 16:43
Don’t hate me.

I’ve wanted to see a Back To The Future reboot badly.

None of the same cast. Maybe a brief cameo from Christopher Lloyd

None of the same characters other than Doc, more "BTTF:TNG". Bob Gale has said, though, that the story ends at the end of BTTF3 and he owns the rights so nothing's happening as long as he lives, and Bob Zemeckis is in full agreement with him.

Please, no more SJW's shitting all over my childhood like they did with Jurassic World...

07-13-20, 17:50
Please, no more SJW's shitting all over my childhood like they did with Jurassic World...

They're making another one. And Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, and Admiral Pinkhair are supposed to be reprising their roles from Jurassic Park in it.

07-13-20, 17:55
They're making another one. And Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, and Admiral Pinkhair are supposed to be reprising their roles from Jurassic Park in it.

Yes, I know, that franchise is already a writeoff. Dern only got the job because Goldblum was banging her at the time*... and sadly they're already planning MORE even though supposedly this one's meant to tie up all the Trevorrow Trilogy storylines in a bow.
*Not that I blame him, if she weren't batshit crazy and I had the shot I'd have seriously considered taking it too

If more JP movies are made, I'd rather see them do things like exploring character backstories, Hammond and Wu's struggles to reverse extinction, the abandonment of the Isla Sorna facility and things like that.

07-13-20, 18:02
Dirty Harry... but keep it in the same time and use the same gun. Hell, use Eastwood’s son if need be.

Just think with current filmography and special effects, I’d think you’d have a jump like the original Mad Max movies to that remake (Fury Road).

07-13-20, 19:28
OK, let's get serious :)

Someone mentioned the Tom Clancy's series. This won't be a remake, but just a make. Make a movie based on the book "Without Remorse". I've heard talks and plans and discussions about it, just make the damn movie.

07-13-20, 19:42
OK, let's get serious :)

Someone mentioned the Tom Clancy's series. This won't be a remake, but just a make. Make a movie based on the book "Without Remorse". I've heard talks and plans and discussions about it, just make the damn movie.

THIS. So much THIS... as a Vietnam period piece. Do it right, get someone short and stocky to play Clark. Needs to be about 5-8 IIRC... Hugh Jackman's too big and Tom Cruise is too scrawny pipsqueak, somebody in between.

07-13-20, 19:46
OK, let's get serious :)

Someone mentioned the Tom Clancy's series. This won't be a remake, but just a make. Make a movie based on the book "Without Remorse". I've heard talks and plans and discussions about it, just make the damn movie.

You have multiple good options out of the Clancy series that could make good movies. A rainbow 6 movie could be good, a better version of swat(the 2003 movie). I actually think The Division video game which is a "Clancy" game despite him not writing it would be good although I think it would do better as a mini series.

I actually think a more serious version of resident evil could be good. Pretty much movies off the first two games.

Something else I didn't mention earlier but with Deadpool showing off how a hard R super hero movie can be done a new SPAWN movie that is extra dark could be awesome.

07-13-20, 20:27
OK, let's get serious :)

Someone mentioned the Tom Clancy's series. This won't be a remake, but just a make. Make a movie based on the book "Without Remorse". I've heard talks and plans and discussions about it, just make the damn movie.

"Without Remorse" would be epic if done right. If they do Clarke like they did in "Clear and Present Danger", it would be a pisser.

07-13-20, 22:10
If they absolutely MUST reboot Bond, I want it done as period pieces, set against the times they were written in, in storyline order and only "massaged" to tone down the graphic obscenity and fit historical events and equipment of the day.

And find an ensemble of actors willing to sign long-term contracts as the core "Bond-Moneypenny-M-Q-Leiter" team.

Similarly, Tom Clancy stuff should have been done as period pieces... James Earl Jones's Admiral Greer stomps the crap out of the new "reimagined" Greer as a character.

I have read every piece of Clancy fiction and do enjoy what they've done with the TV show on Amazon. If they can't come up with some good movies from that stable of books it's Hollywood's fault, and I want period pieces *cough* Without Remorse *cough* done correctly. Heck, even the Jack Jr. series is solid.

07-13-20, 22:34
If they absolutely MUST reboot Bond, I want it done as period pieces, set against the times they were written in, in storyline order and only "massaged" to tone down the graphic obscenity and fit historical events and equipment of the day.
Similarly, Tom Clancy stuff should have been done as period pieces...

You are correct on both these ideas.
My only thought on Bond... Is that they should redo “Bond” without it being Bond. Follow the format somewhat, but go without the spoof stuff that made Bond Bond from the beginning.
And with Clancy...man, that would be cool. Watch the growth of characters from period piece to modern day. Would be beautiful.

07-13-20, 22:43
JG, I mean hardcore Fleming/Gardner Bond, not "kinder gentler kiddie-fied" Broccoli Bond. :) Even Connery seems a bit cartoon-character at times... Dalton was the closest to a Book Bond, but still missing something. Maybe Jason Statham could pull it off if he cleaned up and grew some hair...

07-13-20, 23:53
Bond was always intended as a spoof of spy films. Admittedly, all films except the newest reboot have been studiously avoided by me... But when I saw clips, they always fit with the idea of “intentional exaggeration.”

07-14-20, 08:53
Bond without the character development is Jason Bourne. What makes Bond Bond is his dry sense of humor, his alcoholism, his dapper sense of dress, and his womanizing.

I’d be down to see a much younger actor play Bond next time around, and explore the changes to his psyche from his first assignment as a 00 to his 4th or 5th, over the course of the movies. They kind of tried to do that with Craig. The events of Casino Royals and QoS took his youth and innocence away, by the time we see him in Skyfall he’s a raging alcoholic that nearly dropped off the grid.

07-14-20, 09:18
Clancy had so much detail a single movie just can't do a book justice. I would love to see the books done as a mini-series, especially Red Storm Rising. I love that book, I re-read it every other year or so.

07-14-20, 09:34
OK, let's get serious :)

Someone mentioned the Tom Clancy's series. This won't be a remake, but just a make. Make a movie based on the book "Without Remorse". I've heard talks and plans and discussions about it, just make the damn movie.

THIS. So much THIS... as a Vietnam period piece. Do it right, get someone short and stocky to play Clark. Needs to be about 5-8 IIRC... Hugh Jackman's too big and Tom Cruise is too scrawny pipsqueak, somebody in between.

"Without Remorse" would be epic if done right. If they do Clarke like they did in "Clear and Present Danger", it would be a pisser.

You guys do realize they are making Without Remorse with Michael B. Jordan as Clark? And like everything Clancy, Hollywood is effing it up royally?


John Clark, a U.S. Navy SEAL, goes on a path of vengeance to solve his wife's murder only to find himself inside of a larger conspiracy.

With Rainbow 6 as a sequel...

07-14-20, 18:28
Bond without the character development is Jason Bourne. What makes Bond Bond is his dry sense of humor, his alcoholism, his dapper sense of dress, and his womanizing.

I’d be down to see a much younger actor play Bond next time around, and explore the changes to his psyche from his first assignment as a 00 to his 4th or 5th, over the course of the movies. They kind of tried to do that with Craig. The events of Casino Royals and QoS took his youth and innocence away, by the time we see him in Skyfall he’s a raging alcoholic that nearly dropped off the grid.

If only they could have gotten Don Draper.

07-15-20, 01:21

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07-15-20, 05:53
I'd be willing to let somebody take a shot at "Three Days of the Condor", by itself it was decent but I kinda hate Robert Redford. But as an analyst who suddenly finds himself on the "operational" side of the CIA it was an interesting film.

I also wouldn't mind seeing a big budget attempt at "The Exterminator" but I fear it would just become another "Punisher" movie and those all are mostly terrible. I also fear early 80s vigilante films wouldn't translate well because few today can comprehend what a cesspool NYC was back then. But "Defiance" would be another good one with the same problems.

NYC really was a tinderbox of combat experienced nam vets who felt like they had been left out in the cold with no jobs, no skills and no prospects and often found themselves in gangland and could only see one solution to the problem of predatory gangs that victimize their working class communities.

07-15-20, 07:35
You guys do realize they are making Without Remorse with Michael B. Jordan as Clark? And like everything Clancy, Hollywood is effing it up royally?


With Rainbow 6 as a sequel...

Well....f*cksticks. There went our hope for that one.

07-15-20, 08:32
The Great Gatsby. Maybe the fifth time it will actually be worthy of the novel.

07-15-20, 09:47
Well....f*cksticks. There went our hope for that one.

You thought they would actually do something right?

Hunt for Red October was adapted okay in my opinion. Patriot Games was an okay adaptation, but I wasn't fond of Harrison Ford. (I would have thought Alec Baldwin would have been better since it was a younger Jack Ryan in the book)

Clear and Present Danger sucked royally. Not even going to get into what they did to Sum of All Fears since Hollywood caved into politically correct pressure and changed the villains. Having said that, Liev Schreiber had a very Clark-esque feel to him even though the ages didn't match.

I had no expectations of a decent movie concerning Without Remorse. I'd dare say I'll watch it eventually when it becomes free on Netflix or Prime, but I'm not paying for it.

Life's a Hillary
07-16-20, 16:25
After rewatching The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for the first time in decades I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake if it could be done right by someone like Tarantino. Just not sure anyone could be as badass as Clint Eastwood.

07-16-20, 18:12
After rewatching The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for the first time in decades I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake if it could be done right by someone like Tarantino. Just not sure anyone could be as badass as Clint Eastwood

His son in "The Outpost" has the same coolish demeanor and facial expressions as his dad. It's uncanny (well, maybe not, they are father and son!). He would be a definite candidate for that remake you mention!

07-16-20, 18:23
Dirty Harry... but keep it in the same time and use the same gun. Hell, use Eastwood’s son if need be.

Just think with current filmography and special effects, I’d think you’d have a jump like the original Mad Max movies to that remake (Fury Road).

I could get on board with this if his kid was doing them 100%. Maybe not a remake per se but an evolution absolutely.

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07-16-20, 19:41
After rewatching The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for the first time in decades I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake if it could be done right by someone like Tarantino. Just not sure anyone could be as badass as Clint Eastwood.

After his last movie, I have no faith in Tarantino doing a remake of The G,the B, & the U. I agree with you about Eastwood. Everyone would fall short.

08-03-20, 11:25
You guys do realize they are making Without Remorse with Michael B. Jordan as Clark? And like everything Clancy, Hollywood is effing it up royally?


With Rainbow 6 as a sequel...

Let's revisit this post and get away from BLM/Antifa.

I went back and re-read WR again last week, skipping some long drawn out parts about the Navy planning the rescue of the POW. Just went for the meat and potatoes.

I don't know who this Michael B. Jordan is, never seen any of his movies, so I don't know if he would fit the character of Kelly/Clark. Maybe he can be the younger version of Admiral Greer. Maybe they can do better once the real movie production does get off the ground. And who would play a good nurse Sandy O'Toole, or Pam or Drs. Sam and Sarah Rosen?

08-03-20, 11:40
Let's revisit this post and get away from BLM/Antifa.

I went back and re-read WR again last week, skipping some long drawn out parts about the Navy planning the rescue of the POW. Just went for the meat and potatoes.

I don't know who this Michael B. Jordan is, never seen any of his movies, so I don't know if he would fit the character of Kelly/Clark. Maybe he can be the younger version of Admiral Greer. Maybe they can do better once the real movie production does get off the ground. And who would play a good nurse Sandy O'Toole, or Pam or Drs. Sam and Sarah Rosen?

I like your positive attitude, but in this current sjw & virtue signaling environment, this has a slim to none chance of getting through it unscathed. I hope I'm wrong, but have zero hopes so I can minimize my future disappointment.

08-03-20, 11:50
Let's revisit this post and get away from BLM/Antifa.

I went back and re-read WR again last week, skipping some long drawn out parts about the Navy planning the rescue of the POW. Just went for the meat and potatoes.

I don't know who this Michael B. Jordan is, never seen any of his movies, so I don't know if he would fit the character of Kelly/Clark. Maybe he can be the younger version of Admiral Greer. Maybe they can do better once the real movie production does get off the ground. And who would play a good nurse Sandy O'Toole, or Pam or Drs. Sam and Sarah Rosen?

To me, it's not as much BLM/Antifa/Whatever, it's more of what the the character is supposed to be as he goes through time in the Clancy novels. I assume you've read the other novels with Clark and knows he eventually becomes a premier CIA operative that's able to slip in and out of Russia/the Soviet Union at will during his time. Not easy for a black fella to do in the 70s and 80s.

A lot of the background on him depends on race (sorry to say that) and Without Remorse is a time period piece, specifically set in Vietnam and Baltimore of the start of the drug crisis that sets up Kelly/Clark up for his life in the CIA. Just reading the details behind the "plot" (which are probably inaccurate), the movie adaptation will probably not be set in Vietnam. Frankly, call it something else if that's the case. Without Remorse is a great time period story.

I have no problem with Jordan being the lead because of his race. I do have a problem with the studio taking an outstanding novel like Without Remorse and changing everything behind the plot as well as changing canon in the future novels. The studio seems to be setting it up to be even worse than the Jack Ryan series on Prime. Greer is not supposed to be a hateful a-hole to Ryan. He basically protects him, mentors him and sets him up for success. The Greer in Jack Ryan is everything the Jim Greer in the books is not. You won't ever get any better than James Earl Jones for that part IMO. (Morgan Freeman was good in Sum of All Fears as Cabot even though that movie sucked... of course, it's hard to find a role Freeman does that isn't good)

If I came across as making this race centric, it was not my intention. My point is what Hollywood normally does which is totally eff up a good book with a movie adaptation.

08-03-20, 12:10
I don't know who this Michael B. Jordan is, never seen any of his movies, so I don't know if he would fit the character of Kelly/Clark. Maybe he can be the younger version of Admiral Greer. Maybe they can do better once the real movie production does get off the ground. And who would play a good nurse Sandy O'Toole, or Pam or Drs. Sam and Sarah Rosen?

Two part post...

Jordan was in Black Panther if you saw that. He is a talented actor.

I was thinking for Doctor Dam Rosen, someone like Stanley Tucci or Bryan Cranston. Problem is, Rosen in the novel was overweight if memory serves.

Sarah Rosen would be a tougher fill, but I was thinking maybe someone like Andie MacDowell?

The problem with Sandy Clark nee' O'Toole is the fact she's never really described in detail in the novels. I would tend to think a "girl next door" type like Emma Stone or Daisy Ridley might be the best choice? Very subjective subject.

08-03-20, 12:41
You thought they would actually do something right?

Hunt for Red October was adapted okay in my opinion. Patriot Games was an okay adaptation, but I wasn't fond of Harrison Ford. (I would have thought Alec Baldwin would have been better since it was a younger Jack Ryan in the book)

Clear and Present Danger sucked royally. Not even going to get into what they did to Sum of All Fears since Hollywood caved into politically correct pressure and changed the villains. Having said that, Liev Schreiber had a very Clark-esque feel to him even though the ages didn't match.

I had no expectations of a decent movie concerning Without Remorse. I'd dare say I'll watch it eventually when it becomes free on Netflix or Prime, but I'm not paying for it.

I actually thought Patriot Games was an excellent movie, and it was in fact better than the book. I thought Harrison Ford was an excellent Jack Ryan too. Admittedly, Baldwin probably played his Ryan a bit closer to the source material; Ryan is supposed to be laid back, intellectual, and a bit introverted, but a bit more glib and sarcastic than Ford played him. Ford played him as stoic and almost silent, and never emotional unless others really pushed him. The book, however, like most of Clancy's works, was too long and too slow, and I thought the movie did well by cutting out a lot of unnecessary characters and scenes. I liked that they changed Sean Miller's motives for going after Ryan to one of a blood feud for killing Miller's brother; I also thought the ending was a lot better. The book ending was more realistic, but a bit anticlimactic compared to the movie's boat chase scene.

I have no intention of seeing Without Remorse or Rainbow Six, as much as I love the games. R6 is no doubt going to change the ultra-environmentalist bad guys to American patriotic conservative Christians who want to wipe out black people, LGBTQ, and Muslims.

08-03-20, 13:14
I actually thought Patriot Games was an excellent movie, and it was in fact better than the book. I thought Harrison Ford was an excellent Jack Ryan too. Admittedly, Baldwin probably played his Ryan a bit closer to the source material; Ryan is supposed to be laid back, intellectual, and a bit introverted, but a bit more glib and sarcastic than Ford played him. Ford played him as stoic and almost silent, and never emotional unless others really pushed him. The book, however, like most of Clancy's works, was too long and too slow, and I thought the movie did well by cutting out a lot of unnecessary characters and scenes. I liked that they changed Sean Miller's motives for going after Ryan to one of a blood feud for killing Miller's brother; I also thought the ending was a lot better. The book ending was more realistic, but a bit anticlimactic compared to the movie's boat chase scene.

I have no intention of seeing Without Remorse or Rainbow Six, as much as I love the games. R6 is no doubt going to change the ultra-environmentalist bad guys to American patriotic conservative Christians who want to wipe out black people, LGBTQ, and Muslims.

I liked Patriot Games and the adaptation, but just felt for the continuity of the series it would have benefited a younger character like Hunt for Red October did. It was a fair adaptation and stayed with the spirit of the novel.

I can understand and appreciate Clancy being a little too wordy in his earlier writings. I'm guilty of the same thing in my earlier works (I hobby write). I think every writer looks back at things they wrote starting out and says "Holy hell, I really SUCKED!"

08-03-20, 15:25
To me, it's not as much BLM/Antifa/Whatever, it's more of what the the character is supposed to be as he goes through time in the Clancy novels. I assume you've read the other novels with Clark and knows he eventually becomes a premier CIA operative that's able to slip in and out of Russia/the Soviet Union at will during his time. Not easy for a black fella to do in the 70s and 80s.

A lot of the background on him depends on race (sorry to say that) and Without Remorse is a time period piece, specifically set in Vietnam and Baltimore of the start of the drug crisis that sets up Kelly/Clark up for his life in the CIA. Just reading the details behind the "plot" (which are probably inaccurate), the movie adaptation will probably not be set in Vietnam. Frankly, call it something else if that's the case. Without Remorse is a great time period story.

I have no problem with Jordan being the lead because of his race. I do have a problem with the studio taking an outstanding novel like Without Remorse and changing everything behind the plot as well as changing canon in the future novels. The studio seems to be setting it up to be even worse than the Jack Ryan series on Prime. Greer is not supposed to be a hateful a-hole to Ryan. He basically protects him, mentors him and sets him up for success. The Greer in Jack Ryan is everything the Jim Greer in the books is not. You won't ever get any better than James Earl Jones for that part IMO. (Morgan Freeman was good in Sum of All Fears as Cabot even though that movie sucked... of course, it's hard to find a role Freeman does that isn't good)

I read another one and seen the movies Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger. Didn't really care about Red October but I enjoyed PG and CaPD. Scrawny Willem Defoe played Clark in CaPD, he doesn't fit the description of Clark/Kelly in Without Remorse. James Earl Jones's older version of Admiral Greer was enjoyable.

I would hope that they base the movie closer to the book in the time period (Vietnam) since Kelly/Clark is younger and Jack Ryan was just entering the USMC at that time. His father was the detective Emmet Ryan.

The novel described Sarah Rosen as short and chubby with messy hair :) Maybe Kathy Bates can be here.

Sandy O'Toole was tall and attractive. I'm picturing Jennifer Garner.

08-03-20, 18:13
Sandy O'Toole was tall and attractive. I'm picturing Jennifer Garner.

I was thinking Sandy and Clark were probably in their late 20s at the most (again, not really discussed) so I was picturing a younger female.

08-03-20, 18:55
I liked Patriot Games and the adaptation, but just felt for the continuity of the series it would have benefited a younger character like Hunt for Red October did. It was a fair adaptation and stayed with the spirit of the novel.

Fair point. I think one thing the movie did well at least is somewhat portray the movie version as having taken place after Red October as opposed to Clancy's vision that it was chronologically before. But for continuity sake, the switch from Baldwin to Ford made it feel like the two movies weren't connected and that Patriot Games was more or less of a reboot of the Jack Ryan series rather than a continuation of the first movie.

I can understand and appreciate Clancy being a little too wordy in his earlier writings. I'm guilty of the same thing in my earlier works (I hobby write). I think every writer looks back at things they wrote starting out and says "Holy hell, I really SUCKED!"

Haha, same here! My early writings were the opposite though, as I didn't write enough detail. I look at some of the "military/action thrillers" I wrote when I was 19 and 20 years old, they were full of every faux pas a writer could ever make. My protagonists were always Mary Sue/Gary Stu types, the bad guys were over dramatic to the point of practically being Disney villains. Plus, my perspectives were that of...well, a 20 year old kid who was extremely naive and didn't have a clue of what he was talking about. And, when I read some of the romance/relationship aspects I wrote into my stories...wow, I needed a girlfriend, or at least to get laid!

just a scout
08-03-20, 21:05
I would love to see them do Red Storm Rising, either set in the period or updated. Not neutered like Red Dawn though.

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08-03-20, 22:13
I'd like to see Vince Flynn's Transfer of Power made into a movie. It's been long enough since Olympus has Fallen and White House Down to do another White House hostage situation movie. The book was excellent and a lot more realistic and believable than those movies. Hollywood would never make it for a number of reasons:

-The president is a moderate, Blue Dog Democrat of high moral values and views that are more conservative than most Democrats or Republicans of today.

-The Democratic Party is portrayed as what they are: Power hungry, arrogant, willfully ignorant cowards who hate this country.

-The bad guys are Islamic terrorists who are fighting to wipe Israel and the U.S. off the map and form a worldwide Islamofascist caliphate. The terrorists are portrayed as brutal rapists and heartless murderers.

08-03-20, 23:47
I actually thought Patriot Games was an excellent movie, and it was in fact better than the book. I thought Harrison Ford was an excellent Jack Ryan too. Admittedly, Baldwin probably played his Ryan a bit closer to the source material; Ryan is supposed to be laid back, intellectual, and a bit introverted, but a bit more glib and sarcastic than Ford played him. Ford played him as stoic and almost silent, and never emotional unless others really pushed him. The book, however, like most of Clancy's works, was too long and too slow, and I thought the movie did well by cutting out a lot of unnecessary characters and scenes. I liked that they changed Sean Miller's motives for going after Ryan to one of a blood feud for killing Miller's brother; I also thought the ending was a lot better. The book ending was more realistic, but a bit anticlimactic compared to the movie's boat chase scene.

I have no intention of seeing Without Remorse or Rainbow Six, as much as I love the games. R6 is no doubt going to change the ultra-environmentalist bad guys to American patriotic conservative Christians who want to wipe out black people, LGBTQ, and Muslims.

I'm with you, I actually enjoyed Harrison Ford in both Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger. I guess Baldwin played an acceptable Ryan in The Hunt for Red October but I think I'd have preferred Harrison Ford. And of course Afleck killed the franchise.

08-03-20, 23:55
My vote for a remake;
Leon the Professional.


08-04-20, 11:51
My vote for a remake;
Leon the Professional.


NO. —

08-04-20, 12:00
When I think of movies that I would like to see remade it is because the original missed the mark but had a lot of potential. Why take an original that was already great and remake it with today’s so-so actors and over done CGI?

08-04-20, 12:48
NO. —

100% no. As in nadda, never, and no. Leave that one alone.

08-05-20, 09:10
None. It was made once, the remake always sucks. Hollywood can’t come up with good ideas so they are just trying to save money by ruining classic movies by remaking them

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