View Full Version : Coming to a church near you?

07-08-20, 19:47
This was quite troubling. Don't know what I'd do exactly. Depends, I suppose, how close they got to the women and children.


07-08-20, 19:52
Why were the cops just standing around watching instead of removing the trespassers from private property?

07-08-20, 19:53
I know what I would be doing , if they laid a hand on anybody. Especially the more vulnerable.

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07-08-20, 19:55
Why were the cops just standing around watching instead of removing the trespassers from private property?No spine.
They need to get violent with them.

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07-08-20, 19:56
Why were the cops just standing around watching instead of removing the trespassers from private property?

I was wondering that myself...it was like he was part of the furniture.

07-08-20, 20:08
I was wondering that myself...it was like he was part of the furniture.

How is this not a hate crime?

Clearly, schools and houses of worship need armed security, or they will continue to be juicy soft targets for the lowest of the low.

07-08-20, 20:28
Reckon that was sarcasm :)

But yeah same reason they let the looting happen and other violence happen
Look at trump rallies they block the trump people let antifa go through with what they want

LEO is not on the conservative side they are controlled by the left and most are doing the lefts bidding not sure how many are OK with it and how many are not ? But that is the truth anymore and the more I see them doing nothing the less and less I trust them or feel like they will ever be on the side of law and order instead they are the do what I am told law be dammed !

Why were the cops just standing around watching instead of removing the trespassers from private property?

07-08-20, 20:34
Coming to a church near you?

It might.


07-08-20, 20:41
This is a hate crime. They hate The Truth (God’s Word), Jesus Christ and Christians. That’s undebatable. How in the hell could anybody vote Democrat these days. That goes +1000% for Democrat voting gun owners. The biggest GD hypocrites of all.

07-08-20, 20:47
This is a hate crime. They hate The Truth (God’s Word), Jesus Christ and Christians. That’s undebatable. How in the hell could anybody vote Democrat these days. That goes +1000% for Democrat voting gun owners. The biggest GD hypocrites of all.

Said claim holds up just fine without the preachyness though

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07-08-20, 20:55
Did you guys see the other vid where there was like 5 or 6 of them pummeling some guy trying to get in? Looked like a disparity of force situation.

LMT Shooter
07-08-20, 22:05
I'm not a church goer, but those "protesters" called for a belt fed solution. Disgusting to watch those videos.

I am fvcking sick & tired of seeing videos of these BLM/ Antifa types doing this shit, and getting away with it. If getting their asses kicked, or worse, was happening to them regularly, we'd see a lot less of these so called "protests" that are just an excuse to riot.

LMT Shooter
07-08-20, 22:07
Did you guys see the other vid where there was like 5 or 6 of them pummeling some guy trying to get in? Looked like a disparity of force situation.

100% correct, they should've all been shot, and it would've been legally justified in most if not all jurisdictions.

Evel Baldgui
07-08-20, 22:54
If I decide I'm going to attend services, I will. No one will prevent me from entering my house of worship.

07-09-20, 02:48
Sadly you will be prosected for something ? Hate crime most likely

Agree with ya it should be legal but you will be outed and prosecuted cause this is the new woke country under dem control

Looting rioting is illegal but nothing and yet some folks are finding just saying things like blm does not matter you loose job have hate crime laid onto you etc....

100% correct, they should've all been shot, and it would've been legally justified in most if not all jurisdictions.

07-09-20, 03:56
Reverse McCarthy-ism

07-09-20, 07:05
If I decide I'm going to attend services, I will. No one will prevent me from entering my house of worship.

So what do you do? You cannot shoot your way through, pretty hard to go MMA and beat 30 people's collective ass singlehandedly, the police won't arrest a single one of the "peaceful protesters", and at least half of the congregation will turn their backs on you both legally and personally if you snap open your asp and commence to popping grapes.

There are only two ways to win at this point, the ballot box or a civil war.

If the Dems win the house, senate, and presidency, the ballot box is taken off the list - the laws will be changed to ensure individual states no longer have any influence in the country, every semi-conservative justice will be removed nation wide, districts will suffer gerrymandering that we cannot even imagine, and voting is off the table.

Civil war is pretty iffy and each day we are closer to weapons laws which make the UK look like a sportsman's paradise.

Unless the Christian leadership condemns BLM and throws themselves behind the Republicans, unless every preacher rails at people to vote and to vote out the people permitting this crap at a local level, the churches will simply become the places people go to be robbed and watch their daughters raped.

On the flip side, there are people on this board whose feathers get ruffled anytime God is mentioned and they may as well have driven the bus to Troy.

We can stand together or we can kneel individually - Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, or whatever you believe, it doesn't matter.


P.S. I quoted Evel, but I am in no way attacking his statement.

07-09-20, 07:23
Individual churches need to wake up, have some tough conversations, form security teams, and teach people that walking away for 5 minutes when the police sirens are already wailing in the distance is not a sin. Also to act quickly, together, and aggressively when the mob starts putting hands on the elderly, that crap is indefensible.


LMT Shooter
07-09-20, 07:35
Sadly you will be prosected for something ? Hate crime most likely

Agree with ya it should be legal but you will be outed and prosecuted cause this is the new woke country under dem control

Looting rioting is illegal but nothing and yet some folks are finding just saying things like blm does not matter you loose job have hate crime laid onto you etc....

If the story as I understand it (regular congregation members simply going to church like they always do, having no idea that "protesters" are coming) is correct, I believe that almost no jurisdiction outside of major leftist strongholds would charge them for shooting at people grabbing an individual, pulling him into your mob & beating him like that. I also believe that there wouldn't be a successful prosecution ending with a conviction anywhere for this.

And if I'm wrong, then it really is time for the boogaloo.

If we have a government that won't allow people to defend themselves against a mob that shows up at church & starts grabbing folks & beating them, then we don't have a legitimate government that exists to secure our rights as defined in our Declaration of Independence.

Even if the congregation KNEW the protesters were coming, screw that, nobody has a right to set up a "demonstration" that keeps me from going to my home, my place of work, to the store to get necessities, or to church. I know lots of folks talk about taking steps to avoid trouble, but these "protesters" stood right outside the church, the guy was trying to get in, they blocked him, and then they grabbed him & the beating began. They wanted to keep people from exercising their Constitutional rights, and they did it to provoke a response. So they instigated, and have no legal right to defend themselves in those circumstances.

07-09-20, 07:52
Yes, you are wrong. We are there.

My neighbor is Atlanta PD and has been telling me that they are seeing people accidentally driving into these mob groups downtown and are being pulled from their cars and beaten. The mayor is calling the shots and APD is told that they are not to enter the mob to save the people being beaten.

If you are pulled from your car in Atlanta by a mob and beaten, there will be no police report, no charges filed, nothing.

If you defend yourself and start shooting in self defense you will be either killed by the mob, or if you are able to escape, you will be lynched by the court system and your life will be over.

07-09-20, 08:13
How is this not a hate crime?

Clearly, schools and houses of worship need armed security, or they will continue to be juicy soft targets for the lowest of the low.

A good number of us at our church carry for this reason. We are in an area that is pretty hostile to leftists, but even still, it's good to be prepared.

07-09-20, 08:23
This is despicable. And that the local PD let it happen with no intervention and no arrests is even more disgusting.

Evel Baldgui
07-09-20, 08:24
So what do you do?

P.S. I quoted Evel, but I am in no way attacking his statement.

IF a 'peaceful' protestor(s) forcibly stop me from entering, it is assault. I will defend myself in an appropriate manner. Multiple protestors, well THAT is disparity of force. Options, one, pepper spray, two, rapid use of a discreet fixed blade edged weapon very rapidly applied to one or more assailants (have performed this successfully in past situations), third option is deploying my pistol. Self defense, disparity of force, mob attack intent on causing death/ doing great bodily harm, an excellent attorney, and my states stand your ground laws are my options. Granted, a most untoward situation to begin, but one must drawn the line at some point to the flagrant abuse of citizens by these hostile criminal pigs.

07-09-20, 08:49
Trying to apply the use of force that was employed during career with the FBI Police, "...may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person." I think in the situation at the church, the guy getting dragged into the mob and beaten by multiple people, all parameters are met, and then some. FBI does not permit warning shots, but as a CCW'er I think I'd give one to let self-preservation kick in and maybe snap a few out of the "safety in the mob" mentality. Failing that, shooting someone or several people in order to "stop the threat" seems perfectly reasonable, justifiable and morally accurate. I am never without 46 rounds on me for just such an occasion. 15 round mags, one in the chamber and two spare mags on my belt; EVERYWHERE I go. It's like a parachute, the first time you need it and don't have it might be the last time...

07-09-20, 09:02
I'm sure that applying deadly force in this case is exactly the reaction the mob organizer was hoping for.

We knew stuff like this was coming, but how do you plan for a complete lack of law enforcement support for the non criminal public?

It would be easier to protect the church in a without rule of law situation.


07-09-20, 09:15
Yes, you are wrong. We are there.

My neighbor is Atlanta PD and has been telling me that they are seeing people accidentally driving into these mob groups downtown and are being pulled from their cars and beaten. The mayor is calling the shots and APD is told that they are not to enter the mob to save the people being beaten.

If you are pulled from your car in Atlanta by a mob and beaten, there will be no police report, no charges filed, nothing.

If you defend yourself and start shooting in self defense you will be either killed by the mob, or if you are able to escape, you will be lynched by the court system and your life will be over.

At what point do people's DGAF meter hit the max and take matters into their own hands?

07-09-20, 09:18
I'm sure that applying deadly force in this case is exactly the reaction the mob organizer was hoping for.

We knew stuff like this was coming, but how do you plan for a complete lack of law enforcement support for the non criminal public?

It would be easier to protect the church in a without rule of law situation.



Any use of force in defense from the mob will result in you being crucified by the judicial system and court of public opinion.

07-09-20, 09:21
At what point do people's DGAF meter hit the max and take matters into their own hands?

I would not be surprised to see this happen. Someone realizes they are about to be killed by the mob or crucified by the judicial system if they respond with reasonable self defense measures, so they just go all in and release as much mayhem as possible on their way down.

07-09-20, 09:23
At what point do people's DGAF meter hit the max and take matters into their own hands?

You can only tell after you’ve reached that point.

I don’t know, maybe baptize them with a fire hose?

Or just skip directly to the last rites.

Either that or just Jesus the crap out of them, that will drive them away.

Call the cops and start preaching. Have the cops remove the unruly ones, and keep preaching to the ones still sitting there. And keep going and going and going.

And file charges against any of them to get violent or make threats. And if the local DA won’t follow up kick it to the state level, and the state won’t pick it up, kick it to the national level.

Shooting hearts and minds is always easier than changing hearts and minds.

Imagine if a bunch of right wing guys showed up at one of those churches giving sanctuary to illegals and started doing this.

07-09-20, 09:39
I mean, even Jesus went crazy whipping people's asses in the temple at one point.

I'd tend to think we have better impact weapons these days than a scourge made of small cords.

07-09-20, 11:32
Biggest problem they had was no stand off. I mean, the public street is right at their door. Fortunately our church has a large campus and it's nearly 100 yards from the public sidewalk to the main door. We have officers as congregation members, anybody who came in that was a problem is going to get removed and trespassed right there. Done.

07-09-20, 13:19
Obviously, I’m not the shining light for religion around here, but know that shit like this is not nationwide. People still get arrested for nonsense down here. With force, if necessary to protect people. If a church gets mobbed, cops aren’t just going to watch.

07-09-20, 13:33
Obviously, I’m not the shining light for religion around here, but know that shit like this is not nationwide. People still get arrested for nonsense down here. With force, if necessary to protect people. If a church gets mobbed, cops aren’t just going to watch.

The fact it happened anywhere in this nation is appalling. The fact the police stood around and barely did a damn thing is even worse.

07-09-20, 13:34
The fact it happened anywhere in this nation is appalling. The fact the police stood around and barely did a damn thing is even worse.

I concur.

07-09-20, 13:48
Why were the cops just standing around watching instead of removing the trespassers from private property?

Unfortunately, law enforcement seems to be morphing into a spectator sport.

07-09-20, 13:56
Unfortunately, law enforcement seems to be morphing into a spectator sport.

Not surprising since since you’re going to be jammed up internally, externally, and both criminally or civilly for just trying to keep the peace it seems.

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07-09-20, 14:18
Not surprising since since you’re going to be jammed up internally, externally, and both criminally or civilly for just trying to keep the peace it seems.

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The pastor and church should file massive suits against the city and PD in federal court for violations of civil rights.

07-09-20, 14:26
Not surprising since since you’re going to be jammed up internally, externally, and both criminally or civilly for just trying to keep the peace it seems.

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APD is told specifically to not intervene via the mayor's office.

Optics are too bad when officers have any confrontation with the mob.

It's easier to deal with the fallout of civilians getting beat up my the mob.

07-09-20, 14:30
Then the people of Atlanta need to fire up the wood chippers

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07-09-20, 17:44
We are in bad times, since what used to be legal when it came to using force now will get you arrested in many parts of the country.

If anyone here blame police for not getting involved, then your not being realistic. For the cops are in a worse position than civilians.

We have to get through the next 3 months, and then see what the American people want for a future.

With Biden going hard left, if the American people go that direction then we are screwed.

With corporate America getting down on it's knees along with most political types to BLM, a terrorist group the country has gone insane.

Here are board members and spiritual head for BLM


Jewish ****ing bitch, I hate her kind.


I support the Constitution, but at times I wish we could disappear some people.

07-09-20, 17:57
The fact it happened anywhere in this nation is appalling. The fact the police stood around and barely did a damn thing is even worse.


07-10-20, 05:29
We are in bad times, since what used to be legal when it came to using force now will get you arrested in many parts of the country.

If anyone here blame police for not getting involved, then your not being realistic. For the cops are in a worse position than civilians.

We have to get through the next 3 months, and then see what the American people want for a future.

With Biden going hard left, if the American people go that direction then we are screwed.

With corporate America getting down on it's knees along with most political types to BLM, a terrorist group the country has gone insane.

Here are board members and spiritual head for BLM


Jewish ****ing bitch, I hate her kind.


I support the Constitution, but at times I wish we could disappear some people.

I'm sure you know of course, but there are a lot of other people leading, supporting and funding them that are just as bad as these play-az. They need to be publicly ID'd and held accountable for the damage done to businesses by their actions.... wishful thinking...

07-10-20, 07:13
No they don't need to be outed, they need to disappear.

07-10-20, 07:39

07-10-20, 07:40
double post.

07-10-20, 09:25
At what point do ass kickings stop being about race and about "the guy deserved it for being an asshole"?

Maybe she clearly deserved it because she decided to impact her head against his elbow.


07-10-20, 09:47
If anyone here blame police for not getting involved, then your not being realistic.

I haven't seen many folks blame individual officers, but that doesn't change the reality that law enforcement isn't engaging and is abandoning the law-abiding to the mob. This isn't anything new, and is among the reasons I and millions of others choose to have the means of personal protection. Anyone who has seen this video in the past 30 years should require no further explanation.


07-10-20, 10:25
I foresee more and more churches giving in to the new think. I'm not a Southern Baptist, but they are the largest Protestant denom and the big cheeses in the church are going left in droves. Many are following them. A few have left. Other denoms will follow suit. It will ultimately shield them from this type of thing, at least in the short run. The ultimate goal is to rid the nation of churches...period. That's always been the commie goal.

07-10-20, 10:36
I was in a funk last night and deeply bothered after mulling over this incident. Watching police officers stand by as a violent mob assaulted churchgoers is something that is unfathomable in our society. I don’t think our country is coming back from where we are now.

07-10-20, 11:09
I was in a funk last night and deeply bothered after mulling over this incident. Watching police officers stand by as a violent mob assaulted churchgoers is something that is unfathomable in our society. I don’t think our country is coming back from where we are now.

This country is done when we say it’s done. Start connecting with likeminded people quietly; formulate plans. There’s a difference between laying about and laying low (Patriot Games). But if all we do is piss and moan, what does that accomplish?

07-10-20, 18:27
I foresee more and more churches giving in to the new think. I'm not a Southern Baptist, but they are the largest Protestant denom and the big cheeses in the church are going left in droves. Many are following them. A few have left. Other denoms will follow suit. It will ultimately shield them from this type of thing, at least in the short run. The ultimate goal is to rid the nation of churches...period. That's always been the commie goal.

And that is the goal. The weak will move left to satisfy the leftists in their church who, as we know, make the most noise. They will be destroyed from within which is the ultimate goal anyway. The devil wins that one because those people didn't hold true to the Word. The ones who stay the course will be persecuted and yet another prophesy will be fulfilled.

07-10-20, 19:52
That is just alarming.

So disappointing.


07-10-20, 20:03
I mean, even Jesus went crazy whipping people's asses in the temple at one point.

I'd tend to think we have better impact weapons these days than a scourge made of small cords.

I mean, let's be fair, when you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. As the mob has discovered, sometimes you can accomplish more with bats and bricks than guns...
I think every church should field a team of "scourgers" just for this sort of situation. Smite the heathens out of thine father's temple! :laugh:
Seriously though...

Here are board members and spiritual head for BLM


Jewish ****ing bitch, I hate her kind.

So... what you're saying is Malcom-X was right? ;)

I foresee more and more churches giving in to the new think. I'm not a Southern Baptist, but they are the largest Protestant denom and the big cheeses in the church are going left in droves. Many are following them. A few have left. Other denoms will follow suit. It will ultimately shield them from this type of thing, at least in the short run. The ultimate goal is to rid the nation of churches...period. That's always been the commie goal.

Truth. The problem is the weak-minded religious are hamstrung by their own beliefs which are easily twisted around by the leftists, and the religious then either start to believe they must adhere to such 'truths' for religious reasons, lest they self-nullify their own beliefs, and/or such beliefs make them easily guilt-trippable for supposedly not adhering to the tenets of their religion good enough. The religious will likely end up being the most fanatical perpetrators of leftist religious revisionism, because God wants them to...

As a person who grew up with a restrictive-religious upbringing it boggles my mind to see how many people I used to know from similar religious background go full leftard. They think they're rebelling when instead I watch them shoveling the same hive-mind bull$#!+ I grew up in. On person I used to know went off the cliff and then half the stuff they'd post on facebook was some sort of "gotcha" argument trying to use the bible to "prove" various leftist beliefs and how other Christians weren't being christian enough for not embracing the leftist beliefs.

Another person I know is a Mormon, and I've gotten to hear all about how their local temple is changing and more and more of the leftist 'beliefs' are creeping in. It's funny because, Mormons are usually big on prepping and guns, and this person I know always carries their handgun everywhere, even to temple, and has been doing so, from what I can gather, as long as they've been a member. Then they got a new preacher/priest/church leader[?].... the new guy is not a gun guy and took issue. It was both hilarious hearing the person I know explain the 'horrified' reaction of the new leader when they found out my friend A) carries and B) wasn't going to be dissuaded from doing it, regardless of "church policy", and sad, because I could tell the person I know just couldn't believe that this was happening in their own church, let alone at the leadership level. IIRC, they stopped attending shortly after.

So yeah, the disease is spreading faster and deeper than anyone wants to realize while lulled to sleep by the goodthink they hear in the pew every weekend. I mean, when you have LGBT so-called 'pastors' on tik-tok... you know there's a problem.
Now repeat after me; we are all one....

07-10-20, 20:37
I mean, let's be fair, when you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. As the mob has discovered, sometimes you can accomplish more with bats and bricks than guns...
I think every church should field a team of "scourgers" just for this sort of situation. Smite the heathens out of thine father's temple! :laugh:
Seriously though...

So... what you're saying is Malcom-X was right? ;)

Truth. The problem is the weak-minded religious are hamstrung by their own beliefs which are easily twisted around by the leftists, and the religious then either start to believe they must adhere to such 'truths' for religious reasons, lest they self-nullify their own beliefs, and/or such beliefs make them easily guilt-trippable for supposedly not adhering to the tenets of their religion good enough. The religious will likely end up being the most fanatical perpetrators of leftist religious revisionism, because God wants them to...

As a person who grew up with a restrictive-religious upbringing it boggles my mind to see how many people I used to know from similar religious background go full leftard. They think they're rebelling when instead I watch them shoveling the same hive-mind bull$#!+ I grew up in. On person I used to know went off the cliff and then half the stuff they'd post on facebook was some sort of "gotcha" argument trying to use the bible to "prove" various leftist beliefs and how other Christians weren't being christian enough for not embracing the leftist beliefs.

Another person I know is a Mormon, and I've gotten to hear all about how their local temple is changing and more and more of the leftist 'beliefs' are creeping in. It's funny because, Mormons are usually big on prepping and guns, and this person I know always carries their handgun everywhere, even to temple, and has been doing so, from what I can gather, as long as they've been a member. Then they got a new preacher/priest/church leader[?].... the new guy is not a gun guy and took issue. It was both hilarious hearing the person I know explain the 'horrified' reaction of the new leader when they found out my friend A) carries and B) wasn't going to be dissuaded from doing it, regardless of "church policy", and sad, because I could tell the person I know just couldn't believe that this was happening in their own church, let alone at the leadership level. IIRC, they stopped attending shortly after.

So yeah, the disease is spreading faster and deeper than anyone wants to realize while lulled to sleep by the goodthink they hear in the pew every weekend. I mean, when you have LGBT so-called 'pastors' on tik-tok... you know there's a problem.
Now repeat after me; we are all one....

There is hope though. There was a Bible study that my parents hosted at our house the other night for a few of the teens and young adults from our church. All were either recent high school grads and/or in college. None of these kids were naive about anything going on in the world. All were extremely well informed about the Bible, and all were very aware of the distortions that have been creeping into the church, especially among kids their age. They were having some very deep theological and philosophical discussions, and I liked what I was hearing. One girl stated that she knew it was going to be tough, but that they couldn't just change their beliefs just because they are unpopular. It was downright inspiring to hear a bunch of Gen Z kids who actually educated themselves, have a grasp of logic, use discernment, and are making the right decisions while knowing the consequences. I've known these kids' parents for awhile, so I know they come from good stock. But they exceeded my expectations.

This was just a small sample. I'm sure there are more out there.

07-11-20, 08:06
Another person I know is a Mormon, and I've gotten to hear all about how their local temple is changing and more and more of the leftist 'beliefs' are creeping in. It's funny because, Mormons are usually big on prepping and guns, and this person I know always carries their handgun everywhere, even to temple, and has been doing so, from what I can gather, as long as they've been a member. Then they got a new preacher/priest/church leader[?].... the new guy is not a gun guy and took issue. It was both hilarious hearing the person I know explain the 'horrified' reaction of the new leader when they found out my friend A) carries and B) wasn't going to be dissuaded from doing it, regardless of "church policy", and sad, because I could tell the person I know just couldn't believe that this was happening in their own church, let alone at the leadership level. IIRC, they stopped attending shortly after.

Do we know each other, because this is exactly my experience.
The LDS are slipping left at an alarming rate. When one of our Elders mentioned in a meeting that the wished Mitt Romney would have been POTUS instead of Trump, I flipped. I got up and walked out.
Romney isn't a Republican. he's a leftists-socialist and they don't get it, but I refuse to sit there and listen to this tripe.

07-11-20, 14:00
Physical confrontations are not ok when it comes to protests. And the police should damn sure be bothered to try to keep folks apart to stop it from becoming a melee.

All that said, has anyone heard this preacher speak?


I tried to watch the full sermon to see if this had been taken out of context, but it had been taken down. The guy is pretty unambiguous in his message (badminton?).

Read some other stuff that I won’t repeat because I didn’t vet it, and am too busy enjoying my family to spend a lot of time rabbit holing on this. Suffice it to say that this didn’t go down quite as portrayed in the linked video.

/end drive by post

Sent from 80ms in the future

07-12-20, 12:42
The crazy doesn't stop - Florida man crashed through the front doors of a Catholic church, set the foyer on fire, then drove away before police stopped him. Fortunately no church members were injured.



07-12-20, 13:23
The crazy doesn't stop - Florida man crashed through the front doors of a Catholic church, set the foyer on fire, then drove away before police stopped him. Fortunately no church members were injured.



I saw that Andy, it was the second one this weekend apparently a very, very old Catholic Church in California was burnt too.

07-12-20, 13:31
I am not a christian, but someone wants to burn a chuch, then...

I would favor crucifixion upside down while hanging them over a camp fire.

It would put an end to church burning.

07-12-20, 14:12
I am not a christian, but someone wants to burn a chuch, then...

I would favor crucifixion upside down while hanging them over a camp fire.

It would put an end to church burning.
I miss firefly. He’d be saying some craziness about 240s and crucifixions right now.

07-12-20, 14:33
My family converted from many hundreds of years of Catholicism to Protestantism in the early 20th Century. I consider myself a person of faith, and Churches will be off limits to looters and vandals.

For centuries out here, the Catholic Church had various secret groups that did a lot of stuff in private, including protection for churches and the parishioners. One group was/is the Los Hermanos de la Fraternidad Piadosa de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, or Penitentes. This group builds little chapels in remote areas and at certain times of the year around moveable feast days, they would self-mutilate themselves as Christ was beaten. This group still exists and I know numerous of them. They also act as muscle or vigilantes to protect fellow Catholics and sacred structures.

When a social organization of Catholics was created in the latter half of the 19th Century, it was called the Knights of Columbus. They are known as a charity group and for hosting bingo games in Church fellowship halls. But out here they have several groups which do the same work of protection as the Penitentes. Many Catholic Men in rural New Mexico are members of both groups.

I also have numerous friends who are Evangelicals and some Pentecostals. If you want to start a religious backlash in America, target the Churches. I asked my Dad once about the Biblical mandate for turning the other cheek. He said do it, then beat the hell out of your adversary since the scripture is vague about the followup.

07-12-20, 15:20
My family converted from many hundreds of years of Catholicism to Protestantism in the early 20th Century. I consider myself a person of faith, and Churches will be off limits to looters and vandals.

For centuries out here, the Catholic Church had various secret groups that did a lot of stuff in private, including protection for churches and the parishioners. One group was/is the Los Hermanos de la Fraternidad Piadosa de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, or Penitentes. This group builds little chapels in remote areas and at certain times of the year around moveable feast days, they would self-mutilate themselves as Christ was beaten. This group still exists and I know numerous of them. They also act as muscle or vigilantes to protect fellow Catholics and sacred structures.

When a social organization of Catholics was created in the latter half of the 19th Century, it was called the Knights of Columbus. They are known as a charity group and for hosting bingo games in Church fellowship halls. But out here they have several groups which do the same work of protection as the Penitentes. Many Catholic Men in rural New Mexico are members of both groups.

I also have numerous friends who are Evangelicals and some Pentecostals. If you want to start a religious backlash in America, target the Churches. I asked my Dad once about the Biblical mandate for turning the other cheek. He said do it, then beat the hell out of your adversary since the scripture is vague about the followup.

I moved to NM 10 years ago, and knew nothing of the heritage or traditions. My first trip south of Albuquerque was around Easter, and I was stunned by the number of people I saw walking along the highway. This was concentrated around Socorro, and I think people were walking as far north as Belen. For reference, that is a good 30+ minutes at 75mph. At first I thought it was a group of people walking to safety after their tour bus broke down. I then noticed many people were carry crosses or praying the rosary as they walked. As for self flagellation, I did not see any of that, but I honestly believe there were people with white garments with red stains on the back, as if they were flogged. My neighbor later told me marches of penitence happened all over the state, especially in northern New Mexico. This depth of history and culture is missed by the tourists who pop in for the Balloon Fiesta or other glossy brochure items. OH58D, I see this as proof to what you've mentioned about the ranchers, etc, keeping tight circles and staying true to themselves, irrespective of the transplanted Santa Fe elite and their politics.

PS- I think your father's understanding of scripture needs to be passed along to every one, regardless of denomination. People will learn not to target those who stand their ground.

07-12-20, 15:26
Imagine if two black churches had been burned in one weekend...

The Jesuits run nice schools, but have tacked too far left lately. They were not to be trifled with in their day though and they were the original "The Company"... the CIA could only dream of their intelligence network. Lot's of 'dual purpose' groups out there.


Turn the other cheek can mean let a-holes prove that they are a-holes.
Turning shows that their shot wasn't very impactful.

There is also that in old days, you'd use your poop hand to slap someone as a sign of dominance. IF you turn the other check they have to use their other hand to strike you, which makes you their equal.

I'm hearing more and more the the idea that the opposites of winning and losing aren't correct. The opposites are peace. IE if you go for the 'win' and force the other guy to lose, that is detrimental to the long term peace. That kind of goes agains the Victor Davis Hanson model of western warfare of short, intense combat with clear outcomes- but I'd have to say that it syncs up better with the current world of continuous combat/opposition with no end in sight- especially if you are willing or able to put a final boot on someones throat like in WWII in Berlin or Hiroshima.

I can kind of see a parallel to what a teacher said to me in an English class. Hate and love are not the opposite of each other. In the middle is indifference. At least for mentally healthy people. I do think that is something the BLM doesn't understand. They are so narcissistic that they think that everyone is out to hate them- and you'd better sound off that you love them. In reality 90% of people don't care about black people- don't even think about them, don't actively plan on how to screw them over. We are indifferent, and being ignored is a real problem for a lot of people.

07-12-20, 16:09
I moved to NM 10 years ago, and knew nothing of the heritage or traditions. My first trip south of Albuquerque was around Easter, and I was stunned by the number of people I saw walking along the highway. This was concentrated around Socorro, and I think people were walking as far north as Belen. For reference, that is a good 30+ minutes at 75mph. At first I thought it was a group of people walking to safety after their tour bus broke down. I then noticed many people were carry crosses or praying the rosary as they walked. As for self flagellation, I did not see any of that, but I honestly believe there were people with white garments with red stains on the back, as if they were flogged. My neighbor later told me marches of penitence happened all over the state, especially in northern New Mexico. This depth of history and culture is missed by the tourists who pop in for the Balloon Fiesta or other glossy brochure items. OH58D, I see this as proof to what you've mentioned about the ranchers, etc, keeping tight circles and staying true to themselves, irrespective of the transplanted Santa Fe elite and their politics.

PS- I think your father's understanding of scripture needs to be passed along to every one, regardless of denomination. People will learn not to target those who stand their ground.

What you probably saw were Easter marchers heading to a little community on the east side of the Rio Grande southeast from Los Lunas. It's called Tome', and they climb to the top of a little hill called El Cerro de Tomé, or just Tome' Hill. Back in the Territorial Days and even before US government took over, you'd always have a rough element of gunfighters and bandits. However, it was off limits to conduct your evil on a Church's holy ground. Even gunmen on the run would stop into a rural mission church, cross themselves when entering and hang their guns in the back to pray the rosary while kneeling at the altar.

These traditions are still strong here. I'd defend a Catholic Church here with the same zeal I would for a Southern Baptist House of God.

07-12-20, 16:51
I am an orthodox Jew and I will defend churches.

07-12-20, 18:06
I am an orthodox Jew and I will defend churches.
Yoni, FYI your inbox is full....:)

I worked for a Jewish Temple when I was a college student, albeit Reformed Jews. They treated this Gentile well. I also had a husband and wife as neighbors who were Auschwitz survivors. Living in Tucson between 1978 and 1982 was my first contact with American Jews. I'd defend a Synagogue/Temple as well.

07-12-20, 20:17
Yoni, FYI your inbox is full....:)

I worked for a Jewish Temple when I was a college student, albeit Reformed Jews. They treated this Gentile well. I also had a husband and wife as neighbors who were Auschwitz survivors. Living in Tucson between 1978 and 1982 was my first contact with American Jews. I'd defend a Synagogue/Temple as well.

I don't have the skills, but if I lived in an actual community that actually helped other members rather than just an "accident of co-location," I would join a team to stand watch over our Houses of Worship too, no matter the faith--to watch over others as I'd hope for them to watch over me and mine in return; in the end, against these wannabe Jacobins we're all in this together no matter what tongue we commune with our Creator in.

07-12-20, 20:33
Yoni, FYI your inbox is full....:)

Has space now.

07-13-20, 12:07
Well, besides the Fla church attack, it looks like other churches and Christian statues have been the next target for the Burn Loot Murder crowds. I guess it's time for members to start posting up armed guards at their church:


07-13-20, 20:11
Well, besides the Fla church attack, it looks like other churches and Christian statues have been the next target for the Burn Loot Murder crowds. I guess it's time for members to start posting up armed guards at their church:


If I remember correctly, a fire intentionally set in any place of worship is supposed to be investigated by the ATF. So even if they start going nuts about burning churches and whatnot, it won't (or at least shouldn't) be swept under by sympathetic local politicians.

07-13-20, 22:29
... We are indifferent, and being ignored is a real problem for a lot of people.

Yes, exactly!
Think about this... if nobody 'hated" all these ridiculous special interest groups, they'd have to move on and live their lives just like everyone else. They wouldn't be 'special' any more, and there'd be nothing to gain socially by openly and loudly claiming a certain social identity. They'd be just like everyone else; just another random in the street. And they can't have that... because it would nullify their lives and beliefs. So now they have to find things that people have largely ceased to care about, in order to "prove" the 'hate' and justify their special social status.

07-17-20, 12:22
Might want tell your local parish to lock up their statues.

