View Full Version : Freedom loses the fight. What then?

07-09-20, 22:04

07-09-20, 22:11
They only have a chance to achieve full victory if we fail to learn the lessons that history can teach us.

We are more than they are, will we follow the model of the Soviet citizens, or will we learn from what others
have written to try and teach us on how to fight them.

The problem with a loss of the USA, the whole world will enter a new dark age.

So my answer is become a war lord, some place warm and sunny.

07-09-20, 22:20
Flee to whatever country I can that looks better, with whatever I can manage to take with me.

I think we are heading to a partition though, so everyone should think about which side of the future lines your current home is on.

Victory of the evil and partition of once-unified states are both common themes in recent human history.

07-09-20, 22:49
Flee to whatever country I can that looks better, with whatever I can manage to take with me.

I think we are heading to a partition though, so everyone should think about which side of the future lines your current home is on.

Victory of the evil and partition of once-unified states are both common themes in recent human history.

I don't think there will be any better countries left. And if there are, they won't last long. At some point, we can't just check out and run anymore, because there will be nowhere left to run.

The biggest problem we have now is that before even a shot has fired, we've already agreed to surrender, because this constant pessimism has got us all thinking that victory is completely impossible.

07-09-20, 22:58
Flee to whatever country I can that looks better, with whatever I can manage to take with me.

I think we are heading to a partition though, so everyone should think about which side of the future lines your current home is on.

Victory of the evil and partition of once-unified states are both common themes in recent human history.

The U.S. (ugly socialists) will do a South Africa and restrict the money you can take or transfer out of the country, so living in another country could be tough - start moving assets offshore now?


07-09-20, 23:07
It will be reported that I was lost in a boating accident.

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07-09-20, 23:09
If I can't relocate without losing it all, go rogue - go covert.

This is that point where if they have taken everything, you have nothing left to lose. So you make them pay.

07-09-20, 23:09
I'm a pilgrim on this earth. There have been many, many epochs in history of extraordinary darkness. If I survive the 4 or 5 years of violence, I will do what my pilgrim forefathers did. Whether I live or die, hopefully resisting all the way, is not ultimately in my hands. I have great hope that your scenario will not come to pass.

07-09-20, 23:17
I'm a pilgrim on this earth. There have been many, many epochs in history of extraordinary darkness. If I survive the 4 or 5 years of violence, I will do what my pilgrim forefathers did. Whether I live or die, hopefully resisting all the way, is not ultimately in my hands. I have great hope that your scenario will not come to pass.This, I cannot kneel. Family be damned, I plan to go down fighting. I'm sorry but it is more critical to resist for the potential future than to protect the current malaise.
I post this knowing that others are watching...

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

07-10-20, 00:59
In your made up its all doom they lost and we are not allowed to chest thump and say I died in combat :)

In my made up they wont win cause enough will come forward and take the lives of those involved in removing our freedoms :)

I really can not see it going this way I do think the military has enough conservatives in it this wont happen and the far left for sure is not going to go hey lets all join up now so we can hold ranks in the military to take it over ?

The far left for the most part is a small % still the sad thing is the republicans are pathetic weak give in all the time and will drag us down so it’s going to have to be some hits on high up folks and any security for the left will have to be far left and their history is not going to match what would happen in a all in end the USA again its a silly scenario IMHO

Every conservative secret service will have to turn and execute the traitors or turn them over to be executed and the mass will turn and remove alll those against the free of our country

But to answer your post
I would be fighting still cause there is no way in that time they can take every persons guns or will to fight its impossible and if it was that bad I think enough would stand up finally
Also the lead up to it once bodies start dropping of loved ones gloves would be off and it would never get to that ?

And if this became a true 3rd world crap hole no idea reckon I would be going to a harbor and pirating a nice 70 foot or so sail boat and head back to the South Pacific that I know and love and live my last days out as a well armed pirate but trying to avoid fights ;) so a good pirate :)

I have been wanting to head to Japan for a few years to live in the culture :) so hope I get to do this before the US ends ;)

My kids are 11 and 16 so I do have a reason to fight to stay alive and to fight for the future of them and hope I can die old age knowing they will go forward in a great country

07-10-20, 01:57
Identify as a firearmsexual polygamist, marry all my firearms in addition to my wife, claim minority oppression if anyone tries to seperate me from any of my wives.

Have my wife do the same.

Get corn rows, start wearing a LOT of salmon colored LaCrosse shirts and socks with Birkenstocks.

Always talk about how hot it was at the range with my wives because **** other people, we have to have homosexuality shoved in our faces, they can have firearmsexuality shoved in theirs.

I'm sure we're somehow 1/64 jewish as well being of european heritage, so we'll also claim antisemitism for good measure.

07-10-20, 05:11
Everybody just continues to do nothing, lay low, and just go along so they don't get in trouble, jeopardize their jobs and comfortable lifestyle, and schedules. But they'll all have plenty of excuses just like now in 2020. Its already lost. We are already there...the Socialist Republic of America land of diversity, inclusion, and social justice for all. Look around and tell me thats not the way it is.

07-10-20, 06:06
Identify as a firearmsexual polygamist, marry all my firearms in addition to my wife, claim minority oppression if anyone tries to seperate me from any of my wives.

Have my wife do the same.

Get corn rows, start wearing a LOT of salmon colored LaCrosse shirts and socks with Birkenstocks.

Always talk about how hot it was at the range with my wives because **** other people, we have to have homosexuality shoved in our faces, they can have firearmsexuality shoved in theirs.

I'm sure we're somehow 1/64 jewish as well being of european heritage, so we'll also claim antisemitism for good measure.

I'm a good bit more than 1/64 Jewish, but the modern day SA hates Jews as much as the first, and anti-semitism is worshipped in their ranks. All they need is to wear brown shirts.


07-10-20, 06:22
Reckon I have to ask what have you done ?

Things are very comfy food on shelves etc... family is safe etc...
as we all type this from some form of computer using the internet most likely food in belly and comfy house etc... I can see why nobody wants to go to jail because some idiots are doing things
And what can you do against the gov folks ? Only thing we can do is vote

Again I am not disagreeing with ya but I have to ask what should folks do ?

Not about to murder anyone I will protect myself and family but to go out and seek them out no way

I used to work on boats some decent size if ya know boats ? Over 50 tons I used to watch sometimes when we would come into docks isome folks think they could put a foot out or fend off the boat from the dock :) hahahahaha well no ya cant ya just loose your foot or leg so we would scream out get away and let the fenders take the impact etc...

Some things in life you can not stop and are along for the ride and realize like a forest fire or earthquake the dems are on a path for destroying the country the looting rioting is what they are using now if not they would have had something else ?
Vote be active try to educate etc...

If the law breaks down then their is no line ? But then things are so bad and that is a whole other idiocy discussion
Having lived in 3rd world don’t care to go their without knowing my out that is for sure :)

Everybody just continues to do nothing, lay low, and just go along so they don't get in trouble, jeopardize their jobs and comfortable lifestyle, and schedules. But they'll all have plenty of excuses just like now in 2020. Its already lost. We are already there...the Socialist Republic of America land of diversity, inclusion, and social justice for all. Look around and tell me thats not the way it is.

07-10-20, 06:33
The U.S. (ugly socialists) will do a South Africa and restrict the money you can take or transfer out of the country, so living in another country could be tough - start moving assets offshore now?


Friend of mine was in South Africa and decided to leave. Sold everything he had there and bought a huge yacht with the proceeds.... Sailed it to Europe, sold it, immigrated to the states with a pocket full of cash, lol....

07-10-20, 07:10
I will say this if by chance I was caught here and couldn't legally take my assets with me. Then I would cross over to the other side of the line with friends of mine and get my reparations and then leave in a covert method.

We have a history of entering places in a covert manor, plus leaving places in a covert manor with things the government would murder to keep secret. We have taken the biggest secrets of countries out and also have removed thousands of citizens without getting made.

I am not worried in the least, opposite remove any reason for me to be a good citizen and let the fun start.

07-10-20, 07:12
If they won and took away everything from me I'd probably commit suicide

07-10-20, 08:24
If they won and took away everything from me I'd probably commit suicide

You wouldn't fight, go down and take a few with you?

07-10-20, 08:31
The "Hide" or "Skip town" folks are why this fu$ktardation can even gain traction. There is NO end to fighting for freedom EVER.

A large portion of gun owners disgust me. Always looking into defeat like a foregone conclusion. As long as they can hoard and hide enough for themselves, it's OK if the fight is lost.

Back in the Clinton Ban, you'd have these FU$Ks calling out those of us who ignored the ban. Little weasel pussies. Milling off Bayo studs, Ban compliant non threaded barrels, But they rocked the Moron Labe shirts and stickers like the true warriors they were.

07-10-20, 09:22
There's way more to it than "are you a gun-owning Conservative."

22 year old me would've grabbed all the Mosins I had and spam cans of ammo and gone full guerilla fighter because I had nothing to lose.

36 year old me has a wife, a two year old son, and a three week old son. I have everything to lose.

Call me whatever you want, but if it comes down to me fighting for "the republic" versus taking care of my family I'm taking door number two.

If that means taking the cash I have saved up, abandoning my house/mortgage, and taking my family somewhere else that's what I'll do. We are already making moves to distance ourselves - home schooling, stay at home wife working off my income living within our means, no debt other than the mortgage, etc. If things magically went upside-down overnight I'd have no problem paying cash for an RV, loading the family up and walking away from everything else we own, and hitting the road with some old shotgun and revolver I paid cash for in a parking lot. The sailboat idea is pretty cool too.

I hope there are plenty of current versions of 22 year old me who will go all in though.

07-10-20, 09:28
There's way more to it than "are you a gun-owning Conservative."

22 year old me would've grabbed all the Mosins I had and spam cans of ammo and gone full guerilla fighter because I had nothing to lose.

36 year old me has a wife, a two year old son, and a three week old son. I have everything to lose.

Call me whatever you want, but if it comes down to me fighting for "the republic" versus taking care of my family I'm taking door number two.

If that means taking the cash I have saved up, abandoning my house/mortgage, and taking my family somewhere else that's what I'll do. We are already making moves to distance ourselves - home schooling, stay at home wife working off my income living within our means, no debt other than the mortgage, etc. If things magically went upside-down overnight I'd have no problem paying cash for an RV, loading the family up and walking away from everything else we own, and hitting the road with some old shotgun and revolver I paid cash for in a parking lot. The sailboat idea is pretty cool too.

I hope there are plenty of current versions of 22 year old me who will go all in though.

I'm also 35, married, and have a son. I don't want to go off to war if I can avoid it, but if the war is coming to us, it's going to keep coming no matter how much we move. This country isn't the only one in trouble; it's the world. Sooner or later, we have the choice of either surrender or fight, and run will no longer be an option.

07-10-20, 09:31
This kinda shVt is what makes me believe that this pandemic crap is a farce:


It's more about keeping the voices against this kind of thing silent and contributing to the loss of our freedoms.

07-10-20, 09:32
There's way more to it than "are you a gun-owning Conservative."

22 year old me would've grabbed all the Mosins I had and spam cans of ammo and gone full guerilla fighter because I had nothing to lose.

36 year old me has a wife, a two year old son, and a three week old son. I have everything to lose.

Call me whatever you want, but if it comes down to me fighting for "the republic" versus taking care of my family I'm taking door number two.

If that means taking the cash I have saved up, abandoning my house/mortgage, and taking my family somewhere else that's what I'll do. We are already making moves to distance ourselves - home schooling, stay at home wife working off my income living within our means, no debt other than the mortgage, etc. If things magically went upside-down overnight I'd have no problem paying cash for an RV, loading the family up and walking away from everything else we own, and hitting the road with some old shotgun and revolver I paid cash for in a parking lot. The sailboat idea is pretty cool too.

I hope there are plenty of current versions of 22 year old me who will go all in though.

So is communist America a place that you want your kids to grow up in? I wouldn’t plan on any other country to be any better if America were to fall.

So do you fight to keep free American values so that your kids grow up with a brighter future than you do? Or do you run/hide and have your kids grow up with no future?

Do you think the American Revolution or the Civil War was only fought by 22 yo men without kids?

07-10-20, 09:32
The "Hide" or "Skip town" folks are why this fu$ktardation can even gain traction. There is NO end to fighting for freedom EVER.

A large portion of gun owners disgust me. Always looking into defeat like a foregone conclusion. As long as they can hoard and hide enough for themselves, it's OK if the fight is lost.

Back in the Clinton Ban, you'd have these FU$Ks calling out those of us who ignored the ban. Little weasel pussies. Milling off Bayo studs, Ban compliant non threaded barrels, But they rocked the Moron Labe shirts and stickers like the true warriors they were.

The only thing that chaps my cheeks more than that are the people who not just do that but try to convince everyone else that cowardice is a virtue. There are moonbat lawyers in pink shirts that have more testicular fortitude than half the gun owners. When those two stood up it embarrassed the cowards so much that they immediately tried to shift the conversation to their lack of training and bad tactics.

07-10-20, 09:35
I’m 38, have a 3 year old and 4 month old twins and I will not allow their future and their Liberty to be taken from them without a Helluva fight on my part.

I won’t be leaving. There is nowhere else to go. This is it. The last remaining bastion of freedom in the entire world.

I’d rather my children knew me as the man who died to protect them and their Liberty and future than the coward who sold them out to Marxist fvcks and went into hiding/retreat mode until we all get placed in a gulag and end up slaves or dead anyways.

If you aren’t willing to fight for what our Constitution stands for, well, it’s pretty sad.

07-10-20, 09:46
I am mission critical for my boys. Period. If I get killed defending them, I will have done everything I could to protect them, but obviously things will be immensely worse for them if I'm killed standing between them and an enemy. I will not leave them defenseless at home just so I can go "fight for the republic."

At this point the patriot movement is nothing more than a bunch of internet talk anyway. The BLM people are literally organizing, looting, rioting, killing in the streets in our cities and the "patriots" are doing nothing. People can keyboard thump all they want but nobody is doing squat and the line in the sand keeps being moved because nobody wants to actually do anything.

Please don't talk to me about how my stance is bad while the self proclaimed patriots are just watching the world burn around them saying "maybe tomorrow is the day."

07-10-20, 10:00
With all the talk about doing something and our means of resistance all but gone. Then when the neo-KGB shows up at your door you better be willing and ready to club them to death...you, your family and your neighbors and then EVERYONE keep your mouths shut.

07-10-20, 10:05
It’s not a joyous theoretical discussion to have.

Fast forward to 2025: The left has gained enough power to ram through (more) blatantly unconstitutional legislation, they’ve packed the courts, many states have attempted secession, they’ve had their leadership decapitated, full communism is in effect, they’re seizing private property, no more self defense, free speech, privacy, etc. Constitutionalists can’t get anything done in the courts or in the ballot box. Violent resisters are made example of, every skirmish ends in piles of dead American civilians, the police and military had 30% defection, but it didn’t amount to enough and after 4 or 5 long years of violence, it has become clear that freedom has lost the fight and the place is run by despots. They have won. It wasn’t even close.

What do you do then?
Let’s say for arguments’ sake that either you didn’t participate in the war, or you did but were able to maintain your anonymity. What do you do then?

I suspect most of you will provide a non-answer with: “I’ll never have to see that day, because I will have died in combat trying to prevent it. Their victory will only come once every last one of us that believes in human rights has been murdered. As long as I have air in my lungs I will resist.”

All the chest thumping aside, what would you do if they achieved full victory?

Figured I'd repost the OP since most replies have been opposite of what was requested.

07-10-20, 10:16
Figured I'd repost the OP since most replies have been opposite of what was requested.

Yeah, answering the OP's actual question hasn't been popular so far.

As I read it, it was "you are a capitalist/Kulak in 1925 Russia," or "you are a confederate in 1867 Georgia," or "you are a nationalist Chinese in 1950 Shanghai," etc. etc.

Protip: chest beating aside, the people who flee to somewhere else after their side is totally defeated have historically done 1000 times better than those who keep fighting with no support or allies.

07-10-20, 10:25
Yeah, answering the OP's actual question hasn't been popular so far.

As I read it, it was "you are a capitalist/Kulak in 1925 Russia," or "you are a confederate in 1867 Georgia," or "you are a nationalist Chinese in 1950 Shanghai," etc. etc.

Protip: chest beating aside, the people who flee to somewhere else after their side is totally defeated have historically done 1000 times better than those who keep fighting with no support or allies.

I'm thinking we take over Siberia. it's not like the Russians are really using much of that space.

07-10-20, 10:31
I'm 29 and very happily married to the woman of my dreams. I live on a quiet farm in NE Oklahoma where I have the freedom to live as I please. I have two girls (two years old and four years old). My wife is pregnant with our third child, which will be our first boy. My family, and the life we live together, means everything to me.

I will not stand idly by and watch the country I call home be destroyed. My children already stand to have a much more difficult life than I've had. I won't stand by and hope they are left alone.

The cost of freedom is paid in blood, pain, misery, and death. I'd much rather pay that toll than even entertain the thought of letting my children pay for it later.

If I die, I die. I couldn't imagine living the rest of my life wondering if I'd have made a difference. There's only one way to find out.

These people will not leave us and ours alone. They will take and take, until the only thing left to take is our lives themselves.

If we fail, the world will plunge into a new dark age. We absolutely CAN NOT let that happen.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

07-10-20, 10:41
I agree with the overall sentiment of your post.

However, what happens once you are killed and your wife and children become slaves or worse without you around to fend for them?

Anyone familiar with what happened to the women and children left at home alone once Sherman's army found them on his march to the sea?

07-10-20, 10:49
Yeah, answering the OP's actual question hasn't been popular so far.

As I read it, it was "you are a capitalist/Kulak in 1925 Russia," or "you are a confederate in 1867 Georgia," or "you are a nationalist Chinese in 1950 Shanghai," etc. etc.

Protip: chest beating aside, the people who flee to somewhere else after their side is totally defeated have historically done 1000 times better than those who keep fighting with no support or allies.

Assuming we have total defeat, or assuming there’s somewhere else to go. Also, it’s one thing to go into exile and long for the season to be right for return, and another to simply give up. If you retreat, don’t do so out of surrender; do it to regroup.

Straight Shooter
07-10-20, 10:56

07-10-20, 10:57
Yeah, answering the OP's actual question hasn't been popular so far.

As I read it, it was "you are a capitalist/Kulak in 1925 Russia," or "you are a confederate in 1867 Georgia," or "you are a nationalist Chinese in 1950 Shanghai," etc. etc.

Protip: chest beating aside, the people who flee to somewhere else after their side is totally defeated have historically done 1000 times better than those who keep fighting with no support or allies.

Where do you flee too? Antarctica? There is no where to flee to this time around.

In all of your other scenarios except 1867 Georgia, the USA was the place to flee to to find Liberty and prosperity, a new life away from the marxists.

Even in 1867 Georgia, you could go to other parts of the USA to get away and you still had the Liberty and freedom of our Constitution.

There is no where to flee too now. No where left to fight for except here.

You could go live a rough life in the middle of a forest somewhere, but that's not a long term plan, a brutal life and eventually you'd likely get strung up by the powers that be anyways.

So where would you go, then?

07-10-20, 10:59
I agree with the overall sentiment of your post.

However, what happens once you are killed and your wife and children become slaves or worse without you around to fend for them?

Anyone familiar with what happened to the women and children left at home alone once Sherman's army found them on his march to the sea?

Did the men who stayed home and did not fight magically NOT incur the wrath of Sherman during his march to the sea? Did those mens women and children receive different treatment?

07-10-20, 11:07
As bad as thing are right now on the face of it, deep down I really don't believe that or at least hold hope that people in this country aren't standing with the radical agenda of the left. At least in the rural areas of this country. If things do go down the tubes, I believe that there will be plenty of folks to stand with. Thing is that you need to get out and talk with your neighbors about this stuff. Some people in our area are coming together to form the beginnings of an organized "neighborhood watch" if you will. How that will work out is still to be determined, but it is beginning.

07-10-20, 11:17
I have stated many times that if the USA goes down the world will enter a new dark age.

This will not mean that you could make a go of it someplace else. Think WW2. More nations of the world were not at war, than were at war. Some people made huge fortunes because of the war, they sold supplies to both sides.

The problem I have has been shown here in this thread, and doesn't surprise me. People never change, read Solzhenitsyn. The people in the USSR didn't fight back, KGB educated everyone to snitch off everyone else. Stalin put more people in Gulags in a short period of time than probably Hitler and his boys put into camps.
Solzhenitsyn, told us what to do. It is what his people didn't do. It is what I used to tell Palestinians when they told me they wanted to live in peace, my reply was if I know in your village the terrorist live in the 3rd house down from the well, so do you. Go there in the middle of the night everyone that wants peace and kill every terrorist in the house. Oh I can't do that my brother, my cousin etc live there. So I would tell them to get the hell away from me because they really didn't want peace.

After the election no matter who wins, would be the time I would tell people to fight back if I were hired to consult on how to win the battle before it became a war. For we know the Republicans are lazy bastards with no balls. For if they had any balls, Obama and Biden would have already been in a perp walk, for using the FBI like the KGB.

I will not state here what I mean about fight back read Solzhenitsyn.

Alex V
07-10-20, 11:34
37, married, no kids for reasons that are becoming more and more evident every day.

If the US falls, there is no place to flee. We are the only country with a protected free speech and firearm ownership. If the US falls, the rest of the world falls.

If that happens I will go covert, become part of the Brotherhood like 1984.

"You are prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail, to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habit-forming drugs, to encourage prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases—to do anything which is likely to cause demoralization and weaken the power of the Party? If, for example, it would somehow serve our interests to throw sulfuric acid in a child’s face—are you prepared to do that?"


07-10-20, 12:12
OK, but here is the really bad news to add to the OP's scenario (I come from a computer, data, cellular/wireless background).

With diminished civil rights this could happen quickly...

1. They will use all the electronic signatures you've left behind since you first made a purchase, sent an e-mail, or used a search engine on the internet to profile everyone and assign risk metrics. They will know your psychological makeup, your political and religious beliefs, your habits, family members, associates, where you work, what you've bought, and where you've been in the past. They will control speech.

2. Everyone will be chipped. There will be a penalty if you are not, thanks to the new 5G networks. And they will know your location. Removal or damage to the chip will be harshly dealt with.

3. How will they force you to get chipped? Currency will be outlawed, only electronic money kept on your chip will be valid. You will only be able to buy what they want you to buy.

4. Facial and behavioral recognition will be used, in addition to chip tracking.

5. They will control your medical care.

6. Automobiles will be tracked electronically and can be disabled remotely. They will also restrict the movements of your auto to where they want you to be allowed to go. Gasoline, to the extent it still exists will be tightly controlled.

7. Using these tools they will FORCE you to move to the cities where they can control you more easily.

8. Don't ever fall for the implementation of self driving cars.

Be on the lookout and stop the implementation of electronic currency, the left (Nancy Pelosi) has been pushing parts of this agenda already.

If any substantial parts of the above control grid are implemented there will be NO chance to fight back...

07-10-20, 12:18
You wouldn't fight, go down and take a few with you?

I didn't say how I would do it. I would definitely fight. But if I had no way to win. Suicide would be an option. Kamikaze suicide without a plane of course. If I had only one bullet left I'd save that for myself

07-10-20, 12:24
You guys are funny, it will happen way before 2025. $hit look around, it may not be game over just yet it it’s the 4th quarter and we are down by a crapload.

07-10-20, 12:28
I agree with the overall sentiment of your post.

However, what happens once you are killed and your wife and children become slaves or worse without you around to fend for them?

Anyone familiar with what happened to the women and children left at home alone once Sherman's army found them on his march to the sea?

Yes, you are right. But its actually worse than that. If you step out of line your family will be punished...

Alex V
07-10-20, 12:37
You guys are funny, it will happen way before 2025. $hit look around, it may not be game over just yet it it’s the 4th quarter and we are down by a crapload.

and yet, in the other threads people still keep saying "it's not time yet" LOL

07-10-20, 12:40
You guys are funny, it will happen way before 2025. $hit look around, it may not be game over just yet it it’s the 4th quarter and we are down by a crapload.

99% of our side hasn't even started playing yet.

The OP question is for if/when it's all over. But it has barely begun at this point.

07-10-20, 12:47
and yet, in the other threads people still keep saying "it's not time yet" LOL

That's just it. The ones who are boasting online about being a patriot and all blah, blah, blah. The enemy is literally in the streets burning buildings and killing people.

Those that right in this thread are saying they are willing to leave their families behind and go fight the enemy. Why aren't you doing that right now today???

07-10-20, 12:52
I would hope that when that "end" is at hand and freedom has lost, I would have had the sense to fight tooth and nail to that point (kids grown, no one that can't live without me so no reason I don't go "full semi-auto" (still makes me laugh) right to the end. However, in the spirit of the OP, I would try to get out with like minded friends shortly before the full collapse and "go West" stopping somewhere in the middle of the country as far from anything of consequence as possible and live like it's the 1700s again I suppose; log cabin, hunting, farming? This would be where having the right friends would come in handy and having thought about it beforehand would come in. I imagine it's much easier to do without phones, internet, cars, etc if your days are busy trying to ensure you have food to eat, water to drink and a place to keep warm or cool. Living in a new neighborhood since December and am still feeling out the neighbors to know who I'd want to be on "our" compound.

07-10-20, 12:59
and yet, in the other threads people still keep saying "it's not time yet" LOL

They've already put a lot of the infrastructure in place, government and private companies need only link and write some interfaces. Only our Constitution is in the way of tyranny!

If they stack the Supreme Court, and add DC and Puerto Rico as a state, remove the Electoral College and make it a popular vote. America will be done as we know it. It is that bad.

07-10-20, 13:11
I would hope that when that "end" is at hand and freedom has lost, I would have had the sense to fight tooth and nail to that point (kids grown, no one that can't live without me so no reason I don't go "full semi-auto" (still makes me laugh) right to the end. However, in the spirit of the OP, I would try to get out with like minded friends shortly before the full collapse and "go West" stopping somewhere in the middle of the country as far from anything of consequence as possible and live like it's the 1700s again I suppose; log cabin, hunting, farming? This would be where having the right friends would come in handy and having thought about it beforehand would come in. I imagine it's much easier to do without phones, internet, cars, etc if your days are busy trying to ensure you have food to eat, water to drink and a place to keep warm or cool. Living in a new neighborhood since December and am still feeling out the neighbors to know who I'd want to be on "our" compound.

You cannot really hide or go completely off grid unless you have a perfect location. And there are a lot of people who want that perfect location.

Solar panels, electronics, and electric motors eventually fail, you'll need to buy gas or have horses, you'll need abundant wood fuel, and water. Know this, they intend to force people into the cities and they will be ruthless about it.

The only time this can be stopped is before they put large portions of their plan in place. There is no hiding.

07-10-20, 13:12
And who's willing to give up their cushy life and start cutting throats? Nobody.

07-10-20, 13:51
99% of our side hasn't even started playing yet.

The OP question is for if/when it's all over. But it has barely begun at this point.
It could and very well be all over but the crying before our side pulls their head out of their ass.

07-10-20, 13:52
Here is the billion dollar question.


I have trained and worked and studied on this exact issue my whole life. I know what needs to be done to defeat the Marxist.

The difference between sitting in a Federal pen waiting for a needle, and being one of the hero's that saved the Republic is only a question of timing.

Since I really believe the time for radical action has not let arrived, it is just a waiting game. Also prior to entering into a war, you have you make an honest assessment of both your side and your enemies.

Let's take the last civil war in the USA. Both sides lied to themselves for months before the first shot was fired about the duration of the war and how truly brutal it would be.

But my ancestors were the bigger idiots of the 2 sides, thinking that they could win without a population or industrial base that was close to the North's. I will give them credit for doing a good job at fighting for as long as they did. But the North was building new guns and canon like crazy and had new soldiers sailing into New York all the time to say nothing of the draft.

War is easy to get into and hard to win.

07-10-20, 14:19
Nobody will start really fighting back until youve got nothing left...your family is taken away or turns on you, your money, job, and friends are gone. The reason not many will hoist the flag now is because you don't have the sanction of the state. You'll kill if the mighty state says its ok...military, cops, self defense (for now), but remove yourself from that sanctioning and now you're outlaw vermin to be tracked down by the cops or military.

07-10-20, 16:21
Expatriating to another country is no longer an option.

If you and your hard assets are not currently set up somewhere else, right now, then it’s already too late.

07-10-20, 17:10
What is with you effin dorks continually trying to shame everyone for not shooting MFers whilst clearly not shooting MFers yourselves.

Its like your trying to blame everyone for the loss before its even happened. Are you liberal shills, trying to instigate a self fulfilling prophecy?

Eff off with this masochistic crap, who would actually discuss such plans on the internets anyway....thats right, larpers, dorks, and democrats.

...but theyll know who you are! ...but but but there will be nowhere to go, but but youll have no money, but muh family, but but will you still have to wear a mask?..but but but itll be hard, but you could die sniffle sniffle. Whatever. Itll be what it will be, no one was promised a rose garden.

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

07-10-20, 17:18
I do agree with getting rid of cash and having a credit system is coming and that will gain huge control
Agree also about digital info used against one etc...

But I have and a few others willing to fight but fight what ? Should I go kill my democrat neighbor then go to jail ? should I drive to the next demonstration riot area and start shooting kids ? Those will put me in jail and I had to go to them ?

Again even hear the so called fighters refuse to cancel cable tv quit going to movies hit Hollywood and quit supporting football games or refuse to cancel Netflix and send a message ? I will die fighting OH WAIT I like movies and games no way will I give that up now

Refuse to shop at stores that are pandering to the left
Vote with your dollar and the conservatives IMHO easily will outnumber the far left who claim to boycott the other stores or the recent Goya foods as example ?
Some hear argue it wont hurt amazon that much if we all canceled amazon prime and quit buying anything but that is just not true

So the I will die for my country OH WAIT I wont cancel Netflix though

Again at this point sending a message of folks truly standing together legally and sending a message and when stocks take a hit on huge stores they will listen and turn around and say OK fine you can wear your gun into our stores but then its to late just keep it up see how long Starbucks or Netflix or amazon can go on with only liberals Using them and support say only black rifle coffee or other conservative companies

But again I hear the OH I don’t want to hurt my portfolio but I will die fighting hahahahaha

And not saying this to all of you but you know who you are

07-10-20, 17:25
What is with you effin dorks continually trying to shame everyone for not shooting MFers whilst clearly not shooting MFers yourselves.

Its like your trying to blame everyone for the loss before its even happened. Are you liberal shills, trying to instigate a self fulfilling prophecy?

Eff off with this masochistic crap, who would actually discuss such plans on the internets anyway....thats right, larpers, dorks, and democrats.

...but theyll know who you are! ...but but but there will be nowhere to go, but but youll have no money, but muh family, but but will you still have to wear a mask?..but but but itll be hard, but you could die sniffle sniffle. Whatever. Itll be what it will be, no one was promised a rose garden.

Sent from my SM-A205U using Tapatalk

I think most of us are responding to those who have declared that they have no intention of putting up any kind of resistance should the time come to do so.

07-10-20, 20:36

07-10-20, 20:45
So my answer is become a war lord, some place warm and sunny.

Well done.

07-10-20, 20:54
• Those who would avoid fighting, to protect their family, are not taking into account the possibility that the end result could be horrific for their family whether they fight or not. I.e. you don’t fight, communism wins, eventually they come to your secluded farm to explain that it belongs to the great leader now, you are held at gunpoint while the troops help themselves to your wife and take your kids to a youth program. That was solzhenitsyns warning: fight while you have the chance, while it will make a possible difference. Because you won’t have a chance later.

Just look up "South Africa farm murders." It's far worse than what you describe, it's been going on for over a decade, and there's no sign of it stopping.

BTW while not advertised as such in the west, the ANC was a Marxist organization with support of the USSR and some post-USSR commies.

07-10-20, 20:59
Nobody will start really fighting back until youve got nothing left...your family is taken away or turns on you, your money, job, and friends are gone. The reason not many will hoist the flag now is because you don't have the sanction of the state. You'll kill if the mighty state says its ok...military, cops, self defense (for now), but remove yourself from that sanctioning and now you're outlaw vermin to be tracked down by the cops or military.

Honestly, this is closer than you think.

07-10-20, 22:20
All the chest thumping aside, what would you do if they achieved full victory?

Go full Bracken; hop on a sailboat, marry some dusky middle-eastern or south-american hottie and sail the seven seas happily ever after...

Ah well, it's a nice fantasy anyway...after all I hate sailboats, unless they have at least two decks of cannon... :laugh:

Let's be honest; if whoever 'they' are win everything... what will there really be to do? We can barely do anything now, with what remains to us of our vaunted freedoms.

I don't think there will be any better countries left. And if there are, they won't last long. At some point, we can't just check out and run anymore, because there will be nowhere left to run.

The biggest problem we have now is that before even a shot has fired, we've already agreed to surrender, because this constant pessimism has got us all thinking that victory is completely impossible.

Because, as things stand today, it is impossible.
People want to run because, as it stands today, there's nothing greater to fight for here than your front porch. I think this current outbreak of pessimism I'm seeing around everywhere is the realization finally sinking in to a large group of people that they are not going to 'stand up and take back America'. And frankly, it's about damn time.

To fight effectively, first you need to find a sense of purpose.
I was watching some neat videos of civil war cannon firing some tests to try and gauge how effective grapeshot really was (spoiler; at the right distance, very) and where the fall of shot on the battlefield might indicate where some batteries were placed at Gettysburg, and of course I couldn't resist reading some of the comments. One fellow hit it right on the head;

[paraphrased] "You don't march with your men into the face of cannon fire like that over mere slavery; you do it because of what else is at stake."

What else is at stake.
We're never going to get a shared sense of purpose until we stop merely watching the news and then whining on the internet about it, and start getting together, talking and organizing in real space.
The other half of it is it seems to me, most people know damn well what's at stake, and what needs to be done, but for some weird reason can't say it, can't admit it. They have this odd sense that if they don't say or do anything 'wrong' that it will somehow all go away. It's some odd almost talismanic 'passover blood on the doorway' belief that if they live as "good americans" the 'plague' will pass them by. The amount of self-censorship already in play is amazing.
But even those people will get online and admit they know nobody can be left alone in our brave new future.
I really don't get it.

99% of our side hasn't even started playing yet.

The OP question is for if/when it's all over. But it has barely begun at this point.

And 99% of them never will. They'll just look on in horrified solidarity with the sensible majority as a few 'crazy people' self-immolate.

Barely begun? No, they declared war years ago, but unlike us, instead of talking about it they just did it. All the moronic and violent blisters popping all over the country right now are just the final indication of the nearly complete systemic rot below the surface.

That's just it. The ones who are boasting online about being a patriot and all blah, blah, blah. The enemy is literally in the streets burning buildings and killing people.
Those that right in this thread are saying they are willing to leave their families behind and go fight the enemy. Why aren't you doing that right now today???

Nobody will start really fighting back until youve got nothing left...your family is taken away or turns on you, your money, job, and friends are gone. The reason not many will hoist the flag now is because you don't have the sanction of the state. You'll kill if the mighty state says its ok...military, cops, self defense (for now), but remove yourself from that sanctioning and now you're outlaw vermin to be tracked down by the cops or military.

Because deep down, they all know there's nothing to fight for and they would just be throwing away their lives to no purpose...
Whether or not that is cowardice or just impotent fear of the impending inevitable talking, who knows. Maybe we simply have to many Stransky's and not enough Steiner's on or side. Maybe it doesn't really matter either way. The simple fact is that nobody has your back right now, and likely nobody ever will.

Then again, on the flip side... my whitepill side sees things like this July 4th in Cali and yet holds out a little hope.

Whatever. This is all pointless internet speculation, so who really cares.
OP wants an answer to a question you can't answer.

07-10-20, 22:21
All the chest thumping aside, what would you do if they achieved full victory?

Not much, since I'll be dead.

07-11-20, 08:13
It won't matter, whatever the blowhards "in charge" want or say, if they run out of suckers.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote about it in "The Gulag Archipelago."

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

07-11-20, 09:38
I live in a non-liberal area, have a job, mortgage, retirement account, family, etc.

That weirdo wormfood thing that got hit and killed by a car on I5 worked a shit job in some pet store or vet office who felt the protesting was bravery and noble. No worries about career, future, etc. Parents or a very weird sugar daddy paying the bills, a drag on society. That's who the media portrays and retards worship as the future of our country. That buzzard Soros is playing puppet master and millions of people are stupid enough to line up hoping for a taste of his cock.

I'm pretty sure my career is ending in about 5 years at the most, I am not rich but I will be OK by that time. I will get by if it's sooner, I have lived poorer than most and can survive it again. If my career ends, so do my concerns about being doxed, fired, etc for supporting conservative protests. If my freedom ends, so does anything holding me in check.

I can't speak for anyone else, but if you take away my reasons for being a good citizen, the only other setting I have is hateful callous asshole. I'm not bragging and posturing, and I don't think I am alone.

07-11-20, 09:58

07-11-20, 10:09
I don’t think it’s cowardice. What I think it is: No one wants to be the first one. No one wants to put themselves that far out on the plank, but they would if others joined in.

“In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

A lone actor or even a few hundred lone actors will change very little. But organized hundreds of thousands would change a lot. I think most liberty lovers are waiting for a massive movement to join. As I said, people feel like they’d be throwing their life away, without backup. But with backup, they stand a chance. Within a mass movement, they stand a chance.

Here’s the problem: let’s say a leader emerges and gives excellent speeches and starts an organization that will flex muscle and start turning all this bullshit around with targeted show of force plans . . . . That man will be arrested. On the extreme left, you’re allowed to talk about insurrection and violence, the feds seem to mostly leave you alone. On the right, you get raided and shot and arrested. Any mass movement would be decapitated almost as soon as it emerged.

Proud Boys is a great example of your last paragraph. The right were not willing to provide even nodding support to a group that was not flawless, so they turned their backs.

07-11-20, 12:27
USSR collapsed remember that

Countries in Central and South America and the Asias and far South Pacific are pretty much the same no matter what other parts of the world are doing and not all rely on the US
Bad going outside its physical control tends not to happen when you look at history as it has enough hard time controlling its borders

Most folks all over the world just want to live work enjoy free time when they can and have friends and family

For the most part dictarorships are few and the left is already eating itself in some ways so it would be pretty tough to throw the USA under the bus with so many who want it like it is

Here is the thing IMHO the left is the enemy and the current Republican Party are worthless back stabbing traitors they are the Jews that helped like soros did turn in others etc. they are the scum of the earth and need to be outed and put in good hard true Americans that will stand up to the idiocy
Even here so many hate trump and yet he is the only one who stepped up and you turn your back it seems ?
Same as in the gov now they should be joining him
He is far from perfect and does stupid stuff for sure but again if every republican stood up for the regular folks and said NO put their foot down threw all these traitors on the left in prison or better yet deport them to Iran or somewhere nice :)

07-11-20, 15:18

Here's the thing, we have reached that point in our history as a nation where government has nearly reached the maximum level of interference in our daily lives. Used to be about 50 or so years after the Civil War (longer in some places) you didn't like the government? You moved just a bit further away and lived your life the way you wanted to. Didn't have to worry about filing for a permit to build a new shed or get that permit to fish in the local creek or anything of that nature. You lived comfortably with your neighbors no matter how near or far and you respected their differences.

Not so much now...

At this point, government officials, regardless of local, state or federal no longer ask "can I do that legally?" They aren't asking those questions any longer. They are saying "you will do this because I'm the one in charge." Under the guise of "emergency powers" or "because this rule we made without your consent allows that." It's truly mind blowing watching what's happening these days. Not only that, but we are allowing that to happen.

There is an old saying about "soap box, ballot box, jury box and ammo box."

Soap box doesn't work these days because "you're a racist" or a bigot or whatever the term they want to use that week if you aren't kowtowing to the demands of the elite. it's gotten to where you just can't speak your mind in public any longer without being vilified. Social media isn't much better since freedom of speech only exists if they agree with what you are saying.

The ballot box is worthless these days as well. Party doesn't matter because if it truly did, those we put into office to replace the politicians creating such ignorant laws would repeal them as quickly as possible once they got into office. But do they? Nope. "Just get me reelected and I'll make good on the same campaign promises from 2-4 years ago." And the process repeats. Plus, you have overt socialists and revolutionaries literally calling for the dismantlement of the Republic and the Constitution. And they keep getting reelected.

The jury box is similarly useless because too many so called "justices" create laws from the bench. They have become a de facto branch of government all to themselves. And if the jury box truly did work, we wouldn't have LEOs saying "I won't enforce such and so order because I believe it to be illegal." They would be going into the offices of said elected officials and arresting them for the violations of said laws and holding them accountable. Of course, the legal system wouldn't support such a matter and the police are no longer there to protect and serve the people. They are there to protect and serve the hand that feeds them.

We are in the stages of having to open that ammo box. The problem is, and we've seen it on this site too, is "I have a spouse, kids, stable job, etc, etc, etc" as the excuse not to be involved. Now, I can appreciate the fact some don't want to enter the fight because of existential concerns for their family, but the fight will eventually come to them. And when we could have been strongest by standing together, we get taken apart piecemeal by the crazed mob that is allowed to operate while the politicians and LEOs stand by and do nothing.

We are in the opening stages of the boog. One side knows it, the other side doesn't want to admit it. And to think it's going to get "better" between now and November is foolhardy. To think if Trump gets reelected will help is more than foolish because those opposed to him have been given free reign to do whatever they want. Furthermore, to think things will be "normal" with Biden is even worse. The other side has gotten a taste of being able to riot, loot, pillage and go after anything and everyone they disagree with. Once that dog gets the taste of blood, they will continue biting as much as they want since they weren't corrected. (and yes, I realize the dog-blood thing is a myth, but the analogy is accurate)

07-11-20, 15:18

The Boog...

No matter what, eventually it will come to violence on both sides. Someone will eventually just say "IDGAF any longer" and start rectifying the situation on their own terms. They will be tired of government inaction or tacit support to those who would make a mockery of the principles the nation stood for. And when that starts, that's the whole ball game. Because when one gets involved, others will too. And as stated yesterday, once you take away a person's job, their money, try to turn their friends and family against them, they are faced with a situation where there is nothing to lose. And cornered animals are the most ferocious.

Regardless, it will infect each and every state, city, county and community in our nation. Sure, some places will end up settling things quicker than others, but make no mistake, the front lines of this are outside your front door. There are no "safe areas" to be had. And the problem is our problems will spill over quickly to the entire world.

Asia and China aren't safe since any disruption in our economy is even worse for them. Once we stop buying their products, their people will be faced with the same situation ours are in. The same with India to an extent, though they aren't as dependent on our markets as the rest of Asia for the moment. I would expect a bunch of call centers to be out of business since they won't have anyone to call and try to scam a SSAN out of.

Europe has their own problems with underlying tensions and leaders not paying attention to what the people are saying. Do you honestly think France, Germany, Italy and others are going to avoid their own reckoning against the millions of immigrants forced on them by their political masters?

Remove the US influence from the Middle East and they'll be back at it soon enough.

Mexico won't be any better for the most part since that nation is corrupt to the core.

The rest of Central America isn't going to be much better off.

South America might be safe, but violence in places like Venezuela will spill over into neighboring countries and they'll have to take issue with it.

Russia would be in a curious position since they could be self sufficient. Of course, who knows which way Putin would go. I'm not sure they would get involved in Europe for the most part since, after removing the US and with Europe fighting with each other, there is no threat on their border. They very well could face a Chinese refugee crisis though.

Africa will continue to do Africa.

About the "safest" place to be would be places like Australia and New Zealand. They could be self supporting for the most part outside of petroleum production.

I'm not even going to get into the worldwide implications of the next civil war in the US and the effects it would have on the nuclear stockpile we have. You know that's going to keep people awake at night. But who does anything? How do they get involved other than a first strike of their own? The US has refined the ability to force project better than any nation in history. Nobody else can get boots on the ground like we can. Not China, Russia, NATO or anyone else.

07-11-20, 15:19

The short answer is there is nowhere to go. No place in the world that isn't "claimed" or could be beneficial in getting to. Meaning you have to stay where you are.

The long answer is you fight for as long as you have to. You fight for the land you live on and the community you have. You can still fight against the overwhelming odds as proven by the Forest Brothers in Lithuania after the Soviet occupation post WWII. You continue fighting until you can't fight any longer. Because eventually, others will take up the banner for you.

It may take months, years or even decades, but eventually freedom wins out in the end.

07-11-20, 17:37
The "Hide" or "Skip town" folks are why this fu$ktardation can even gain traction. There is NO end to fighting for freedom EVER.

A large portion of gun owners disgust me. Always looking into defeat like a foregone conclusion. As long as they can hoard and hide enough for themselves, it's OK if the fight is lost.

Back in the Clinton Ban, you'd have these FU$Ks calling out those of us who ignored the ban. Little weasel pussies. Milling off Bayo studs, Ban compliant non threaded barrels, But they rocked the Moron Labe shirts and stickers like the true warriors they were.

This. If / when it comes here, Ill do whats needed... until then, im living the life I want.
The government is losing credibility imo. When someone wants to restict me by force, then things will change for me.

07-11-20, 20:20
Expatriating to another country is no longer an option.

If you and your hard assets are not currently set up somewhere else, right now, then it’s already too late.

That is not true!

If someone want to move assets off shore my company can assist.

PM if you want info.

07-11-20, 21:28

South America might be safe, but violence in places like Venezuela will spill over into neighboring countries and they'll have to take issue with it.

Chile of all places had riots last year over a minor bus fare increase. Most of SA is totally FUBAR. Uruguay might be an exception but is small and in between two really messed up countries.

Russia would be in a curious position since they could be self sufficient. Of course, who knows which way Putin would go. I'm not sure they would get involved in Europe for the most part since, after removing the US and with Europe fighting with each other, there is no threat on their border. They very well could face a Chinese refugee crisis though.

Russia under Putin will be immune to this sort of thing. They are back to being a positive-nationalist country and at least nominally religious (unsure if there's any sincerity, but not sure how much it matters). And they have observed all the color revolutions and have the intelligence and resources to head them off.

I don't want to move to Russia for a variety of reasons, but they are the #1 most likely to weather this globalist revolution.

About the "safest" place to be would be places like Australia and New Zealand. They could be self supporting for the most part outside of petroleum production.

NZ is pretty far left and similar to Canada these days, going full Orwellian. Oz is mixed but in a situation not too different from the US.

I'm not even going to get into the worldwide implications of the next civil war in the US and the effects it would have on the nuclear stockpile we have.

Any separatist region that can get a dozen nukes and viable delivery systems is likely to be left alone from that point onward. Obviously the nuclear security forces of the USAF are setup to make this impossible, but never say never. How many forced parade marches in red high heels for some dumb Major's career advancement are those guys going to tolerate?

07-11-20, 23:48
If anything we will become like Europe or Australia ? My oz friends say the immigrants are making a mess of it and the gov is taking their side but yeah the outback and other areas are great as some say and small towns are OK and not all are lefty there but the cities are kinda like here :) but they already banned guns so again they are ahead of us so no way would I move live in a country that has already done what we do not want to happen here :)

Have you ever lived in Central or South America for extended time ?
Some parts of Guatemala are amazing and very nice some of the best quiche I ever had was in Panajachel aka gringo town quite developed in many senses and not to much $ and really nice again google it amazing lake and scenery

the idiot left has no reason to go there and would be safer then any city here in the worst case scenario
Again I would never want to live in Chicago or NY or other huge cities here so the same goes for the other Americas but once you get out primitive maybe but nice

It’s like here good and bad and depends where you live its for sure not the US but you can have good life in these places depending on where you choose :)

I am not a doom gloom the left is going to take over so no reason to move or abandon the US

but I do like living in place to experience them and got to work them :) so I have lived worked in various countries and lucky been able to travel a ton in my life

Again because some lefty antifa folks and blm riot the world and US is not over ;)


The short answer is there is nowhere to go. No place in the world that isn't "claimed" or could be beneficial in getting to. Meaning you have to stay where you are.

The long answer is you fight for as long as you have to. You fight for the land you live on and the community you have. You can still fight against the overwhelming odds as proven by the Forest Brothers in Lithuania after the Soviet occupation post WWII. You continue fighting until you can't fight any longer. Because eventually, others will take up the banner for you.

It may take months, years or even decades, but eventually freedom wins out in the end.

07-12-20, 03:23
If anything we will become like Europe or Australia ? My oz friends say the immigrants are making a mess of it and the gov is taking their side but yeah the outback and other areas are great as some say and small towns are OK and not all are lefty there but the cities are kinda like here :) but they already banned guns so again they are ahead of us so no way would I move live in a country that has already done what we do not want to happen here :)

Have you ever lived in Central or South America for extended time ?
Some parts of Guatemala are amazing and very nice some of the best quiche I ever had was in Panajachel aka gringo town quite developed in many senses and not to much $ and really nice again google it amazing lake and scenery

the idiot left has no reason to go there and would be safer then any city here in the worst case scenario
Again I would never want to live in Chicago or NY or other huge cities here so the same goes for the other Americas but once you get out primitive maybe but nice

It’s like here good and bad and depends where you live its for sure not the US but you can have good life in these places depending on where you choose :)

I am not a doom gloom the left is going to take over so no reason to move or abandon the US

but I do like living in place to experience them and got to work them :) so I have lived worked in various countries and lucky been able to travel a ton in my life

Again because some lefty antifa folks and blm riot the world and US is not over ;)

The U.S. I grew up in is over. Gone. Nothing here resembles what it was. Nothing.

07-12-20, 03:30
What a loser of a thread. Basically a gathering of soy's collaborating on how they can justify being a giant pussy. Shame on you.

07-12-20, 03:38
We have young mothers getting killed and people being attacked for driving down the street and you sorry ass ****ers looking for an exit can go get the **** out and live a life of shame being a huge bitch who ran away. You'll never get this time back or be able to say you did something. You'll get to tell your grand kids you were a huge pussy and ran.


07-12-20, 03:50

07-12-20, 06:49
This thread like most threads on controversial topis, is starting to go off the rails.

The person that doesn't make a calculated assessment of where the country is at and where they are at as a person and for his family is a person that will make a bad choice.

Today we are seeing things that even 6 months ago we never could have guessed at this point in time.

We are in a full blown Marxist revolution, that for the most part is urban centered. We have seen corporate America surrender, we have seen the Republicans surrender for the most part. We have an election coming up in a few months, which will tell us what the American people really want for the future of the country.

To make a choice of fight or flight today, is really not a wise thing to do. For we don't have enough information to make a choice.

But if a person had a significant amount of resources, if they didn't diversify the countries where they are holding funds, that would just be stupid.

Taking these actions in my view does not make one a huge pussy. It makes one wise.

Picture yourself a Jew in Berlin in about 1937, Krystalnacht has not taken place. But you can't walk the streets in safety and people are starting to stop doing business with you.

One of my favorite stories is about a very wealthy Jewish family that had the biggest fanciest bar mitzvah for their son that Berlin had ever seen. In the middle of the party the family slipped out the back door and drove to Zurich. They survived the war, were they huge pussies?

Let's take a look at the civil war between the white russians and the reds. By 1920 the reds had lost on both fronts of the war, it was over. But in central asia the fighting lasted until 1934. Then we had the various countries that fought to be independent, from the new USSR.

My question is this, if a man had fought in the White army until defeat in 1920, and then took his family out to a new place in the world would fall into the pussy category?

Now back to the USA, I know how to drop this revolution in it's tracks in 6 months time, as does every other ex special ops person. What I don't know, is if people will do it.

So to sit on the net and name call, is the norm for the USA today.

But to try and learn about how to survive and thrive in what might be coming means to look at the situation without false fantasies guiding what you type on your computer.

I will be honest, I have little faith in the gun owners, to act when the time comes. I do have faith in military and police vets, but now is not the time to do anything.

07-12-20, 07:36
Ten foot of chain a couple of padlocks and a Ma Deuce and all the APIT that we can stack up.
I'm going to be 60 next spring, sounds like the way to Valhalla is paved with hot brass.
I will give you a hell of a head start.

LMT Shooter
07-12-20, 14:37

Those Twitter responses are fvcking disgusting. The people who sent them deserve a slow, painful, public death.

07-12-20, 16:13
I am 56
Yes and no ? I still have guns can buy guns
I used to jet ski no mandatory registration or had to wear PFD etc... but we did as we were pretty hard core wave riders

I still go where I want for the most part I cant shoot up a dump I reckon :) but can go out here to nowhere and shoot sadly most do not pick up their trash that has not changed :)

I can eat crap or eat well I have a huge choice of food a huge choice of entertainment new and used vehicles abound I can buy so much variety in clothes or food homes are quite nice these days for the most part as in stay cool in summer warm in winter

We homeschool our kids some countries educating your own child is now illegal sadly

So really the nothing resembles it ? At 56 I am NOT going to buy that sorry :)
for sure things are dif and stupid right now but my dad in his late 80s said every generation has its this is horrible as we move forward for his parents the depression was truly a mess WWII was truly a mess the Vietnam war the idiocy stateside was kinda like going on now stupid and folks need a wake up call

Again has it changed yeah big time and it did for my dad your dad and you and me and will for our kids etc...

Do we need to do something about the current state NO DOUBT A HUGE YES it is spiraling but again I do think the real % of the idiocy is smaller then we are told by the lying press and those in control on the democrat side and over half the republicans need to be replaced and all of the media folks need to just turn it all off and boycott every sport event every far left establishment and show them who the masses are but nobody does that we are all to comfy in our Netflix and internet world :)

Again all this said as you and I type on our computer/tablet/phone over the internet sharing thoughts ides and so life changes and goes on :)

The U.S. I grew up in is over. Gone. Nothing here resembles what it was. Nothing.

07-12-20, 17:58
I am 56
Yes and no ? I still have guns can buy guns
I used to jet ski no mandatory registration or had to wear PFD etc... but we did as we were pretty hard core wave riders

I still go where I want for the most part I cant shoot up a dump I reckon :) but can go out here to nowhere and shoot sadly most do not pick up their trash that has not changed :)

I can eat crap or eat well I have a huge choice of food a huge choice of entertainment new and used vehicles abound I can buy so much variety in clothes or food homes are quite nice these days for the most part as in stay cool in summer warm in winter

We homeschool our kids some countries educating your own child is now illegal sadly

So really the nothing resembles it ? At 56 I am NOT going to buy that sorry :)
for sure things are dif and stupid right now but my dad in his late 80s said every generation has its this is horrible as we move forward for his parents the depression was truly a mess WWII was truly a mess the Vietnam war the idiocy stateside was kinda like going on now stupid and folks need a wake up call

Again has it changed yeah big time and it did for my dad your dad and you and me and will for our kids etc...

Do we need to do something about the current state NO DOUBT A HUGE YES it is spiraling but again I do think the real % of the idiocy is smaller then we are told by the lying press and those in control on the democrat side and over half the republicans need to be replaced and all of the media folks need to just turn it all off and boycott every sport event every far left establishment and show them who the masses are but nobody does that we are all to comfy in our Netflix and internet world :)

Again all this said as you and I type on our computer/tablet/phone over the internet sharing thoughts ides and so life changes and goes on :)

I didn't say its not still better than other places.

Not sure I can even begin to describe the differences that are night and day.

There were very few franchises and each town was unique. Americans were the skilled labor force. We didn't lock our doors ever and left our keys in vehicle unlocked. Most pick up trucks had gun racks with loaded guns in them unlocked. You could buy guns at sears and hardware stores without paperwork or age restrictions. I bought several starting at age 12. There was no internet, cell phones, cable or satellite TV. Families did much more together. We ordered things from a Sear & Roebucks catalog and waited weeks without compliant. We didn't wear seatbelts and the roads were mostly empty. But theres more...Something thats hard to describe about our culture that is so different. The way we related to one another as Americans, with more respect and more pride in our heritage. We also sacrificed more, appreciated more, worked harder, ate healthier. Then theres all the changes to the landscape. All the development and growth, more roads, wider roads, less farms. All the mom and pop hardware stores, grocery stores, mechanic shops are gone. All replaced by chains. Everybody new everybody and your reputation and character meant a lot more.
My small town resembles nothing of what it use too. Not the landscape, the people, the culture, or the values.

I'm not saying this to complain as if its all terrible and we are doomed. Just that its 180 from what it was.