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07-11-20, 03:02
Watching the lawlessness and the destruction of our country in real time, i have a few questions:

Is this madness temporary or do you feel this is the new normal?
-The madness I'm referring to is the violent protesters, harassments and mobs imposing their agenda on us.

Chaz/Chop- whatever you want to call it: Is this a one time thing or do you see this happening in the future in more communities around the nation?

BLM: is it here to stay or will this movement die off eventually? Armed BLM/(NFAC) detaining cars and demanding reparations screaming "Black Power". This movement has gone from "peaceful" to full on guerilla warfare pretty quick.

Antifa: seems to me they are attracting more and more people. Especially after Hollywood offers to bail them out for protesting. Going after churches, tearing down statues, terrorizing our communities. Literally burning the place down. Where does it end, where do we draw the line? Surely we are not going to let a small group of emotionally unstable, non-binary liberal-ass, d*ckless c*cks*cking snowflakes continue this insurgency on our soil? Are we?

Where do we or where should we fit in all of this? Keep a low profile or should we react? How should we respond?

Looking down the road, what should we do? A St Louis homeowner protected his property against a mob, now has had his firearms taken and made public as if the media was telling the protesters that he is now defenseless and cant protect himself. Do we stick up for one another during these times? Do we need to be involved at all? Is it our problem?

Violent mobs are getting worse and even more violent. Do we sit back and watch or do we take a stand and push back?

This is new territory for all of us (im assuming) and i doubt many of us have seen this before. I don't think any of us can predict what will happen next or how much longer this will continue. I do know many of us can endure this up to a certain point, but where is that point?

What are your thoughts?

07-11-20, 03:28
I remember during the 90s that Aryan Nations, Skinheads, Aryan Brotherhood, Christian Identity, WAR and the National Alliance were coming for us all and were going to take over the nation. A few groups like The Order actually did some real world damage and stole millions of dollars and dabbled in political assassination (Alan Berg). Their goal was to take over the entire Northwestern US (including Washington, ironic huh) and create a white "homeland."

They did it in earnest with "willing to die" dedication, some firepower well beyond the trailer park SKS rifle that can usually be found in the hands of idiots and enough focus on strategy and tactics that the FBI felt the need to burn down the Matthews crew in their cabin when the opportunity presented itself.

So yeah, what we are seeing is real. What we are seeing is dangerous. What we are seeing needs to be addressed in a serious manner. But that doesn't mean what we are seeing will still even exist in 10 years.

07-11-20, 06:52
I remember during the 90s that Aryan Nations, Skinheads, Aryan Brotherhood, Christian Identity, WAR and the National Alliance were coming for us all and were going to take over the nation. A few groups like The Order actually did some real world damage and stole millions of dollars and dabbled in political assassination (Alan Berg). Their goal was to take over the entire Northwestern US (including Washington, ironic huh) and create a white "homeland."

They did it in earnest with "willing to die" dedication, some firepower well beyond the trailer park SKS rifle that can usually be found in the hands of idiots and enough focus on strategy and tactics that the FBI felt the need to burn down the Matthews crew in their cabin when the opportunity presented itself.

So yeah, what we are seeing is real. What we are seeing is dangerous. What we are seeing needs to be addressed in a serious manner. But that doesn't mean what we are seeing will still even exist in 10 years.

We thought the March to socialism was dead when the wall fell, I guarantee you Marxism will still be alive in ten years. Maybe these particular Marxist groups won’t be the direct threat, well except for the democrat party which is growing, but their subscribers are many and our leaders’ gonads are small and few.

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07-11-20, 07:53
When you have a large number of politicians and most of the mainstream media against you, open and visible defense or offensive tactics seem to be a non-starter. If you have read my thoughts here over the years, I have always said that in the coming dark age, gun ownership and other activities will go underground - a new black market in a gun and related item economy. This is the defensive side. Just like Prohibition, evade, avoid and survive to await a better time.

The offensive side will need to operate in the shadows as well. This is the part that will be most unpalatable for many - targeted hits on many of the opposition, from all walks of life and role. Armed bubba militias are not going to be the key in all of this, but could be a front line distraction while the real work is being done behind the scenes. Just like ANTIFA uses legitimate protesters in the front, the real action is taking place at the back. You keep your enemy focusing in one direction while your real target is somewhere else. It's an ages old military tactic. The US did it WW2 in preps for the D-Day invasion.

07-11-20, 08:12
The fundamental problem is that one side has been planning and agitating for their own marxist agenda since at least the 1920s. Even back then, they recognized that exploiting racial tensions was the best path to fraying social stability. At first, it would be racial protests and conflict, but inevitably escalate to marxist class warfare. They're organized, funded, and true believers have worked their way into key culture centers for decades (education, media, entertainment, etc.). They have a multi-generational agenda and they are sticking to it.

The other side (presumably our side) essentially wants to be left alone. They don't want anyone pushing an agenda on them, and they don't want to push an agenda on anyone else.

Which one has the initiative?

While there is a huge group stuck in the middle, they are relatively easy to influence via parliamentary revolution. This group will see proposals from the people they typically trust in academia, politics, and entertainment and also see the groundswell of "lower class" support for those proposals. While they would normally think such ideas were questionable or outright wrong, the person caught between the groups is more likely to go along with it because, "well...I might be wrong about this if it seems like such an important idea." We're seeing it play out right now with the rapid spread of critical race theory as the "norm."

Undoing this in the short turn simply isn't possible at this point. To go back to the classic Yuri Brezmenov interview, it's going to take at least two or three generations of concerted effort to teach youth the value of individualism, critical thought, and patriotism. I think this is one of the biggest reasons there's so much pushback against homeschooling right now: it breaks one of the key venues for leftist teaching of the youth.

In the meantime, the only way I see this going is to a logical end where they finally go for the power grab and create enough counter-revolutionaries in the process. The resistance against them won't be overt, as any kind of visible organization will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Instead, it's going to be underground. I expect things to play out a bit like one of those Matt Bracken stories where hunters, competitive shooters, and people with nothing to lose pick up scoped rifles and begin applying pressure against the influence peddlers.

I know this sounds dark. Perhaps its just my mood this morning. I just don't see an easy way out of this.

07-11-20, 08:17
I think going through scenarios in one's mind is a good idea. Think it through before the fact, so there will be little hesitation. Sure, some scenarios can be outlandish, and shouldn't clutter our minds, but there is a core of likelihoods that one can address internally. Minimizes the shock factor.

07-11-20, 08:40
Is this madness temporary or do you feel this is the new normal?

It's silly nonsense that's VERY isolated in context of the entire country's population. BUT propagandized up the ass via social media to influence Mongos who can't stop a red light without looking at their f#$king phone..

07-11-20, 08:52
The fundamental problem is that one side has been planning and agitating for their own marxist agenda since at least the 1920s. Even back then, they recognized that exploiting racial tensions was the best path to fraying social stability. At first, it would be racial protests and conflict, but inevitably escalate to marxist class warfare. They're organized, funded, and true believers have worked their way into key culture centers for decades (education, media, entertainment, etc.). They have a multi-generational agenda and they are sticking to it.

The other side (presumably our side) essentially wants to be left alone. They don't want anyone pushing an agenda on them, and they don't want to push an agenda on anyone else.

Which one has the initiative?

While there is a huge group stuck in the middle, they are relatively easy to influence via parliamentary revolution. This group will see proposals from the people they typically trust in academia, politics, and entertainment and also see the groundswell of "lower class" support for those proposals. While they would normally think such ideas were questionable or outright wrong, the person caught between the groups is more likely to go along with it because, "well...I might be wrong about this if it seems like such an important idea." We're seeing it play out right now with the rapid spread of critical race theory as the "norm."

Undoing this in the short turn simply isn't possible at this point. To go back to the classic Yuri Brezmenov interview, it's going to take at least two or three generations of concerted effort to teach youth the value of individualism, critical thought, and patriotism. I think this is one of the biggest reasons there's so much pushback against homeschooling right now: it breaks one of the key venues for leftist teaching of the youth.

In the meantime, the only way I see this going is to a logical end where they finally go for the power grab and create enough counter-revolutionaries in the process. The resistance against them won't be overt, as any kind of visible organization will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Instead, it's going to be underground. I expect things to play out a bit like one of those Matt Bracken stories where hunters, competitive shooters, and people with nothing to lose pick up scoped rifles and begin applying pressure against the influence peddlers.

I know this sounds dark. Perhaps its just my mood this morning. I just don't see an easy way out of this.

Actually yours and OH58D's theories on how pushback will take place are spot on. There is indeed a "Swamp", and it permeates and infects the government from top to bottom (very much at the top decision-making level though). It also leans heavily Leftward. Once those who "just want to be left alone" are forced into a corner of prison, death, or subjugation the more vengeance-inclined among them will do unsavory deeds from the shadows. Politicians, prosecutors, loud-mouthed MSM types, leaders of Lefty groups, even your local outspoken Karen will have not-nice things begin to happen to them. And right or wrong, even their families will need to have a high pucker factor. Guns will, as OH58D says, "go underground" and essentially disappear. A new-found interest in things that go BOOM (not BANG) will arise......why do it up close and forfeit your life when you can do it from a distance with a burner cellphone and live to do more dastardly deeds another day?

No Bubba militias to be sure. Instead be careful to peek around EVERY corner and over your shoulder 'cause the boogeymen you wouldn't leave alone just might be there......

07-11-20, 09:32
We thought the March to socialism was dead when the wall fell, I guarantee you Marxism will still be alive in ten years. Maybe these particular Marxist groups won’t be the direct threat, well except for the democrat party which is growing, but their subscribers are many and our leaders’ gonads are small and few.

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If the communist groups don't gain more power, they may fade in popularity in the next decade. It was a blessing in the short term that our country never experienced communist terrorism during the Cold War. Throughout much of the world, groups like Red Army Faction, Action Directe, FARC, and Shining Path proved to be serious threats to the existence of various Western democracies. People saw the atrocities these groups were willing to commit to establish a communist state. Over here, we had the SLA and the Weather Underground, neither of which got off the ground enough to be more than local nuisances. So most American experience with communism is based on accounts from people who escaped Eastern Bloc countries rather than firsthand observation. As a result, we have a generation that still thinks communism could work as advertised and just needs another chance.

If BLM/Antifa starts bombing, assassinating, and taking hostages, they'll lose sympathy among the moderates very quickly. Sure, maybe the academics and media will sing their praises and justify the atrocities as "the price of progress", but the common people will see the writing on the wall.

07-11-20, 09:42
Hundreds of rioters in the street can be "controlled" and will be.
When they've reached the end of their tether someone with some training is going to take a couple of well placed shots and this will go really sideways for them.

07-11-20, 10:07
I see the lawlessness continue until we put a stop to it, put a stop to the people causing the "problems".
By "put a stop to it" I refer to a cleansing, or getting rid of them.

07-11-20, 16:52
We thought the March to socialism was dead when the wall fell, I guarantee you Marxism will still be alive in ten years. Maybe these particular Marxist groups won’t be the direct threat, well except for the democrat party which is growing, but their subscribers are many and our leaders’ gonads are small and few.

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In the 1930s we had the German American Bund as well as practicing socialism and eugenics. These things tend to come and go.

07-11-20, 18:39
In the 1930s we had the German American Bund as well as practicing socialism and eugenics. These things tend to come and go.

Only thing I might say makes this different is the tacit or sublime support this movement has from the "authorities". More so state and local governments, but I'll guarantee you if it was Obama or Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump you'd see the Feds (and their limitless resources) leaning that way also.

07-11-20, 18:40
Only thing I might say makes this different is the tacit or sublime support this movement has from the "authorities". More so state and local governments, but I'll guarantee you if it was Obama or Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump you'd see the Feds (and their limitless resources) leaning that way also.


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07-11-20, 18:55
Only thing I might say makes this different is the tacit or sublime support this movement has from the "authorities". More so state and local governments, but I'll guarantee you if it was Obama or Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump you'd see the Feds (and their limitless resources) leaning that way also.

In the 1960s places like Berkeley permitted a "Ho Chi Mihn" park during the Vietnam war. Just like the KKK enjoyed the support of Woodrow Wilson and knew they had safe haven's all across the south until the late 1960s, these new groups understand where they can operate with impunity. That is why CHAZ happened where it did.

Granted, they are intent upon spreading their influence, but we'll see how that actually plays out in red states.

07-11-20, 19:14
I am seeing support for these morons like I’d never imagined in a red city in a red county in a very red state. It baffles me.

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07-11-20, 20:44
I am seeing support for these morons like I’d never imagined in a red city in a red county in a very red state. It baffles me.

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Nobody wants to be called "racists." We will allows cities to burn to prove we aren't racists. He'll we'll even charge a black motorists who hit a white protestor who was in the street at night to prove we aren't racists if need be.

07-11-20, 21:41
Only thing I might say makes this different is the tacit or sublime support this movement has from the "authorities". More so state and local governments, but I'll guarantee you if it was Obama or Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump you'd see the Feds (and their limitless resources) leaning that way also.

A couple years ago, either 2016 or 2018, there were many reports that Soros was pushing as many of his favored far-left candidates for prosecutors as he possibly could.

Has anyone seen a comparison between Soros' candidates and the extremely blatant prosecuting decisions in the last few months - BLM/Antifa unprosecuted for obvious crimes, and innocent people defending themselves being persecuted with felony charges for obviously lawful actions?

07-11-20, 21:43
Hundreds of rioters in the street can be "controlled" and will be.
When they've reached the end of their tether someone with some training is going to take a couple of well placed shots and this will go really sideways for them.

The various BLM / Antifa actions are so outrageous that they obviously WANT that kind of violence. Which means they think it will help their cause. What is their overall plan? How do they expect that to work to their benefit?

07-11-20, 22:04
Lots of voting to do still...

No great Marvel comics style group rumblew is the endgame. The cops will stop Copping, the cities will become less and less livable, and anybody with money more flee to the suburbs.

07-11-20, 22:45
Only thing I might say makes this different is the tacit or sublime support this movement has from the "authorities". More so state and local governments, but I'll guarantee you if it was Obama or Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump you'd see the Feds (and their limitless resources) leaning that way also.

I’m not going to comment on the rest of the thread, but I’m moderately sure that the 1930’s has some hefty support for communism/socialism at various levels, certainly at the federal.

07-12-20, 06:39
Lots of voting to do still...

No great Marvel comics style group rumblew is the endgame. The cops will stop Copping, the cities will become less and less livable, and anybody with money more flee to the suburbs.

Biden has plans for the suburbs.

Biden’s 2020 Party Platform Proposal Seeks to Abolish America’s Suburban Communities


07-12-20, 07:16
Biden's plan for the suburbs is for sure a Sanders idea, as it was taken out of Stalin's playbook.

BLM and Antifa are not going to go away. I can give you $1.6 billion reasons BLM will not go away.

I have always said 2 things, first no matter which party wins in November it will be bloody. Second if the Republic falls and we become the USSA, then hope will die for the world which will usher in a new dark age.

The left and CEO's need to pay a price for supporting marxist.

Straight Shooter
07-12-20, 07:33
If Trump wins in November, whats happened thus far will look like toddlers in a sand pit. Me or anyone else cant imagine the goat screw this country is gonna turn into overall.
In the places where stuff has already gone sideways, multiply that times..who knows..a hundred or more.
In places where moderate to light trouble has been, it'll turn into major trouble. Its really unforseeable how bad its gonna bem but it WILL be bad. Were I in a major city, Id DEFINATELY bug out a couple days prior to election. You wont get out that night if Trump wins, or even appears to have won. The country will stop for a time. Media, already apeshit crazy, will be 100% unhinged, instead of the 99% they are now.
Co-workers will intolerable. Last election we had several sent home for hollering FVCK TRUMP all day, at work. Wearing any sort of MAGA gear will really put your life in danger.
If he loses, they will be even further emboldened. All bets are off. Its gonna be Nation altering, no matter what. Im prepping best I can.

07-12-20, 08:46
Lots of voting to do still...

No great Marvel comics style group rumblew is the endgame. The cops will stop Copping, the cities will become less and less livable, and anybody with money more flee to the suburbs.

And we voted these people in to office and they are willing and able to do nothing to protect our lives and properties. I'm not talking Democrats either, there are some Conservatives sitting back with a wet finger in the air.

07-12-20, 08:57
I think these events (Kung Flu, BLM, CHAZ, etc) are temporary political weapons for the most part. Half the country busts their asses to build and maintain successful lives, families, businesses, and communities. We are the ones who get up early, work hard, raise kids with values, and truly make a difference. We have a lot of time and resources invested. The other side, they have no skin in the game. The soy boy antifas, immature SJW’s, BLMers, illegals, and all the other degenerates throwing the recent temper tantrums have done nothing to be revered for. They have no real world training or experience in anything besides complaining and being burdens on society. When push comes to shove and the rest of us have been backed into a corner to the point where it’s about to really affect our families safety, our properties, and all the other things we’ve silently worked hard for, things will change. We are the plow horses pulling the sled steadily with our heads down. We don’t ask for much, we just perform. What happens when the plow horse gets tired of pulling the sled, says f**k it, and caves the chest in of the guy holding the reins with one kick?

07-12-20, 09:27
I think these events (Kung Flu, BLM, CHAZ, etc) are temporary political weapons for the most part. Half the country busts their asses to build and maintain successful lives, families, businesses, and communities. We are the ones who get up early, work hard, raise kids with values, and truly make a difference. We have a lot of time and resources invested. The other side, they have no skin in the game. The soy boy antifas, immature SJW’s, BLMers, illegals, and all the other degenerates throwing the recent temper tantrums have done nothing to be revered for. They have no real world training or experience in anything besides complaining and being burdens on society. When push comes to shove and the rest of us have been backed into a corner to the point where it’s about to really affect our families safety, our properties, and all the other things we’ve silently worked hard for, things will change. We are the plow horses pulling the sled steadily with our heads down. We don’t ask for much, we just perform. What happens when the plow horse gets tired of pulling the sled, says f**k it, and caves the chest in of the guy holding the reins with one kick?

Agree 1000%. Most of us have worked to hard to just give up without a fight.

07-12-20, 12:42
Lots of voting to do still...

No great Marvel comics style group rumblew is the endgame. The cops will stop Copping, the cities will become less and less livable, and anybody with money more flee to the suburbs.

I still have faith in the ballot box.

However, if the law is being enforced in those cities, it's becoming clear that it's increasingly along ideological lines. Painting political messages on the street is okay but opposing messages are illegal. Riots are okay but operating a small business is jail time. A good number of people fleeing the untenable cities have reliably voted in favor of what made them so blue in the first place. They aren't just packing their soy milk and leaving their ideology or voting habits behind. They are going to be bringing their ideology in large enough numbers to flip the new areas.

The endgame, as I see it, is either what that KGB agent spoke of and begin a massive education campaign to ensure the next generation spits on the ground at the mention of socialism or the locust plague continues unabated. Socialism/Marxism/Communism needs to be viewed with the same disdain (if not more so...far greater body count) as Nazism. Anything less and there will always be embers threatening to reignite what got us here in first place.

November is going to be rough no matter what the outcome is. But the only real way any of this BS gets put in it's place is R's sweeping across the board (and the R's actually DO SOMETHING). We can shake our heads in disbelief at how this current madness is being tolerated/perpetuated but if the D's regain power, it'll be in overdrive and have legal backing (SCOTUS flips). Even speaking up after that point will likely be deemed hate speech with heavy consequences for having done so.

07-12-20, 13:52
1. The double standard is quite obvious and make no mistake it's the new normal.

2. The left play by their own rules.

3. Conservatives are not use to operating outside or without the protection/security of the rule of law.

4. The tide won't turn until number 3 changes.

07-12-20, 15:59
1. The double standard is quite obvious and make no mistake it's the new normal.

2. The left play by their own rules.

3. Conservatives are not use to operating outside or without the protection/security of the rule of law.

4. The tide won't turn until number 3 changes.

And this is what absolutely infuriates me about guys like John McCaine, Mitt Romney and Bush II.
At some point there is not coming back from this tragedy, it's well documented, the slow slide in to Socialism comes with no easy return. Unfortunately these guys wont fight back, they just stand there with a stern face and let them take us and slowly drag us further left.
Our biggest problem as a whole is that we have no power to call them out or remove them from office and they sit there taking punches from half wit Nancy Pelosi because they don't want to appear rude to a woman.
The really crazy thing is, I sincerely don't believe Americans want Socialism or Communism here. If a Conservative unleashed hell on these Muppet's I believe he would get massive support from the voting public.

07-12-20, 16:07
If Trump wins in November, whats happened thus far will look like toddlers in a sand pit. Me or anyone else cant imagine the goat screw this country is gonna turn into overall.
In the places where stuff has already gone sideways, multiply that times..who knows..a hundred or more.
In places where moderate to light trouble has been, it'll turn into major trouble. Its really unforseeable how bad its gonna bem but it WILL be bad. Were I in a major city, Id DEFINATELY bug out a couple days prior to election. You wont get out that night if Trump wins, or even appears to have won. The country will stop for a time. Media, already apeshit crazy, will be 100% unhinged, instead of the 99% they are now.
Co-workers will intolerable. Last election we had several sent home for hollering FVCK TRUMP all day, at work. Wearing any sort of MAGA gear will really put your life in danger.
If he loses, they will be even further emboldened. All bets are off. Its gonna be Nation altering, no matter what. Im prepping best I can.

Second this.

07-12-20, 17:04
And this is what absolutely infuriates me about guys like John McCaine, Mitt Romney and Bush II.
At some point there is not coming back from this tragedy, it's well documented, the slow slide in to Socialism comes with no easy return. Unfortunately these guys wont fight back, they just stand there with a stern face and let them take us and slowly drag us further left.
Our biggest problem as a whole is that we have no power to call them out or remove them from office and they sit there taking punches from half wit Nancy Pelosi because they don't want to appear rude to a woman.
The really crazy thing is, I sincerely don't believe Americans want Socialism or Communism here. If a Conservative unleashed hell on these Muppet's I believe he would get massive support from the voting public.

Trump is fighting the socialists and you see whats happening...

07-12-20, 17:54
Trump is fighting the socialists and you see whats happening...

This is what gets him votes. A lot of folks I talk to don't think he is a great president but they do believe he is the last roadblock against full on socialism.

07-13-20, 19:10
What about just continuing down the slippery slope scenario? Chipping away a little here and a little there. No more Pistol Braces, no more 80% stuff, no more online firearms accessories, no more online ammo. You know just a little more each year. How much do American give up and who do you take the fight to one you've decided you've had enough?

07-13-20, 20:17
What about just continuing down the slippery slope scenario? Chipping away a little here and a little there. No more Pistol Braces, no more 80% stuff, no more online firearms accessories, no more online ammo. You know just a little more each year. How much do American give up and who do you take the fight to one you've decided you've had enough?

I heard a story about how a certain popular website used to have a certain color as the background on their screen. One day, they had changed it suddenly and their user base at the time flipped out so they changed it back. They then tried incrementally changing the color subtly over a long period of time. No backlash. They still got what they wanted and there was no outcry because by the time it had happened, no one even noticed the old color was gone and replaced by the new one.

07-14-20, 06:09
The entire military, LE, public schools, colleges, all government agencies, big corporations are already so eat up with the communist, socialist, diversity, indoctrination policies that people are already so use to tolerating it and have just grown accustomed to accepting it without any real pushback. You don't hear people like Dan Bongino speaking out until they have already retired and I'm not convinced Platforms like Dan Bongino's or the crew over at the daily wire are having any affect. People just get tired of hearing how ****ed up everything is. There is no shortage of smart people giving us common sense solutions. But did Dan Bongino implement any before he retired? No. People on the payroll go along. Until I see some change I'm pretty convinced the U.S. will become a socialist country. At least thats the direction we're headed.

07-14-20, 06:18
I heard a story about how a certain popular website used to have a certain color as the background on their screen. One day, they had changed it suddenly and their user base at the time flipped out so they changed it back. They then tried incrementally changing the color subtly over a long period of time. No backlash. They still got what they wanted and there was no outcry because by the time it had happened, no one even noticed the old color was gone and replaced by the new one.

A frog and boiling water.

07-14-20, 08:05
If Trump wins in November, whats happened thus far will look like toddlers in a sand pit. Me or anyone else cant imagine the goat screw this country is gonna turn into overall.
In the places where stuff has already gone sideways, multiply that times..who knows..a hundred or more.
In places where moderate to light trouble has been, it'll turn into major trouble. Its really unforseeable how bad its gonna bem but it WILL be bad. Were I in a major city, Id DEFINATELY bug out a couple days prior to election. You wont get out that night if Trump wins, or even appears to have won. The country will stop for a time. Media, already apeshit crazy, will be 100% unhinged, instead of the 99% they are now.
Co-workers will intolerable. Last election we had several sent home for hollering FVCK TRUMP all day, at work. Wearing any sort of MAGA gear will really put your life in danger.
If he loses, they will be even further emboldened. All bets are off. Its gonna be Nation altering, no matter what. Im prepping best I can.

What kind of work do you do?

07-14-20, 08:35
I hate to say it, but I'm fearing the worst. By that I mean I think that regardless of what happens come Nov, the attacks from the left will not only continue, but intensify. They have several things in their favor.

First off, I think it's already reached a saturation point where it can sustain itself. Way too may converts have gone over to the dark side, and it's much easier to fool someone, (even those who genuinely want to do what's right) than to convince them they've already been fooled. Admitting your good intentions have been misused for evil is a hard pill to swallow. Then of course, there are the truly evil, who's numbers are growing...

Secondly, and the biggest advantage they have is commo. Their entire side of the revolution can communicate with each other. City to city, nationwide, even worldwide. The vast majority of the media (and social media) is (and has been) on board with them for a long time, giving them almost completely uninterrupted used of the airwaves to blast the populace with their version of reality. It's very hard to get the truth out. Hell, it's getting hard to even keep our history intact these days with them rewriting it as they see fit every chance they get... most often by force. It has effected our schools for years, and it's bringing in new recruits every day. They get on their phones, plan a riot, and within a few minutes a flash mob of violence washes over a targeted area. There is no Facebook, Twitter, or whatever for the conservative voice. Until there is a large, and widely used social media application similar to Facebook, but tolerant to conservatives... groups of patriot from different areas of the nation will never be able to coordinate, and work together as a team. Hell, I'd be happy if I could just follow the assholes to know when a "demonstration" is gonna be, so I could have warning if it was gonna be in my area.

Schools. This is where we lost many of today's idiots, and where we'll continue to lose more to the dark side unless something can be done to bring them back into "teaching" mode rather than "politicizing" mode. Kids don't learn history, math, English, science, or any facts of life at all these days. It's all about how evil America is, social justice, feelings, and bizarre sexual practices. We're never gonna prosper again, if we keep teaching self hate.

So, anyway... I think it's gonna keep up... even get worse.

Now, as far as fighting back goes, this is where it gets tricky. See, we're the good guys. We generally believe in all the great things that America stands for like freedom, the law of the land, and what not... Now we find ourselves in a pinch. We want to defend her, but if we do, WE will be the ones who get in trouble with the law. We're at that awkward stage where it's almost too late for the soap box, and ballot box... but if we start breaking open the ammo box... Well, then we prove their point that WE are the bad guys...

I want to. These assholes are traitors in my eyes. They should all be shot, and right now... BUT, I'm the good guy. Even though they deserve it so much... the reality of it is, it's actually the last thing I want to happen. I know my history. I remember how long it took the country to come back together following the Civil War. I've also been deployed to shit holes around the world where this kind of thing has went down, so I know what is does to a people, and a nation. It's this being the good guy that's the problem... It's going to keep us from acting until the last second. We tend not to act, but rather REact. We don't do well attacking because it's not in our nature. However, we excel in defending. Problem is, many of us are worried if we start in too soon, it won't be considered defensive.

Yeah, I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

07-14-20, 10:44
heard a good example of the slow boil theory: first it was gay relationships, just want to be left alone to do what they want; people went along. Then it was needing to have a civil union to not get screwed out of rights, people didn't see the harm. Then it went to having to be allowed marriage. Although people didn't agree that it fit the word "marriage" and what it actually stood for; people went along. Now it's "you will provide goods and services/bake that cake for the gay wedding that stands firmly opposed to your religiuos beliefs, or else we'll bring down the full weight of the governemnt/mob/cancel culture on you and your entire family and way of life." Ooops, now you have a problem. Little Sisters of the Poor just needed the SCOTUS to allow them to not have to hire people who believe aspects totally opposite of the Catholic religion.
The left has certainly played the long game. The one part of punishing the right that they may have overlooked in the plandemic here is home schooling. The indoctrination of our youth has been a big part of their program and I think maybe some eyes are being opened at what kids have actually "learned" in school so far in their lives. I'm hopeful that enough parents will be aghast at their children's inability to read, write and figure things out while knowing all about the "evil that the country was founded upon" crap that's being shoveled so heavily into their minds.

07-14-20, 11:09
Hopefully the silent majority proves me wrong but the way I see it, where we were vs where we are and the direction we’re headed...conservatives have already lost America. They’ve been silent too long. The socialists are in fact running things.

07-14-20, 11:28
As I just commented to some friends Up North:

There is no compromising with these people, they want nothing less than literally absolute power over your life and even death, in every detail. If you're one of the Nomenklatura, no offense is too heinous for a pass because of the mythical Greater Good; for a mere Deplorable prole no misstep too small to be punished by the harshest measures against not just you but all your loved ones too and besides "the world is overpopulated and the herd needs thinning anyway." This is not just attacking us People Of The Gun on both sides of the border, it's a full frontal assault on the tapestry our cultures have woven from Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, English Common Law and assorted other traditions; indeed, a war on Western Civilization itself.

07-14-20, 12:07
The strategy thus far seems to be, “I don’t want a bloody civil war so let’s just tolerate the socialists agenda”...

07-14-20, 20:43
Hopefully the silent majority proves me wrong but the way I see it, where we were vs where we are and the direction we’re headed...conservatives have already lost America. They’ve been silent too long. The socialists are in fact running things.

They've been running things for awhile. But we're giving them enough rope to hang themselves...

07-14-20, 20:58
The strategy thus far seems to be, “I don’t want a bloody civil war so let’s just tolerate the socialists agenda”...

I think it’s more like “If it’s just me fighting, it won’t be a civil war, it’ll just be me as an active shooter and I’ll throw my life away and I won’t solve anything. There’s no movement to join, so I have no choice but to tolerate the socialist agenda.”

Everyone I talk to has made up their minds that now is the time to organize in defense of the constitution and the republic, just not taking direct action

07-14-20, 21:44
I think it’s more like “If it’s just me fighting, it won’t be a civil war, it’ll just be me as an active shooter and I’ll throw my life away and I won’t solve anything. There’s no movement to join, so I have no choice but to tolerate the socialist agenda.”

Everyone I talk to has made up their minds that now is the time to organize in defense of the constitution and the republic, just not taking direct action

Precisely. In WWII terms, the time to get your Resistance cells organized and supplies cached is BEFORE the Wehrmacht's panzers come clanking across your border.

There are certain things one just doesn't discuss in the clear for all to see on an Internet where the men are men, the 'women' are also men and the 'children' are undercover FBI or ATF agents... LOL

07-16-20, 13:11
Secondly, and the biggest advantage they have is commo. Their entire side of the revolution can communicate with each other. City to city, nationwide, even worldwide. The vast majority of the media (and social media) is (and has been) on board with them for a long time, giving them almost completely uninterrupted used of the airwaves to blast the populace with their version of reality. It's very hard to get the truth out. Hell, it's getting hard to even keep our history intact these days with them rewriting it as they see fit every chance they get... most often by force. It has effected our schools for years, and it's bringing in new recruits every day. They get on their phones, plan a riot, and within a few minutes a flash mob of violence washes over a targeted area. There is no Facebook, Twitter, or whatever for the conservative voice. Until there is a large, and widely used social media application similar to Facebook, but tolerant to conservatives... groups of patriot from different areas of the nation will never be able to coordinate, and work together as a team. Hell, I'd be happy if I could just follow the assholes to know when a "demonstration" is gonna be, so I could have warning if it was gonna be in my area.

I don't know if commo is specifically their advantage. They certainly have a leg up on psyops via social media channels. They are so coordinated with social media swarming, gaslighting, and messaging that it's scary. And the platforms tend to shut down dissenting voices. They have a win there.

But when it comes to general networking and information distribution among their networks, I don't think they have a lock on it. There's nothing in the world stopping liberty-minded folks from starting up Slack channels, Discord servers, or utilizing any number of communications services to do the exact same thing. From my perspective, it's more a matter of motivation. The other side's foot soldiers tend to be younger and more versed in technology like that. Our side tends to sway older. Frankly, a lot of people on our side struggle with effectively using message boards like this, much less keeping up with a fast-paced synchronous communications app like Slack or Discord.

And even if those shut us down, there's always learning how to effectively use the amateur radio bands. Of course, that means people actually have to get off their butts and start putting in work to learn and utilize real skills. Most people on our side can barely put in the effort to contribute a few bucks here or there to causes they care about, much less invest the time, learning, and funds required to communicate over HF.

I think it’s more like “If it’s just me fighting, it won’t be a civil war, it’ll just be me as an active shooter and I’ll throw my life away and I won’t solve anything. There’s no movement to join, so I have no choice but to tolerate the socialist agenda.”

Everyone I talk to has made up their minds that now is the time to organize in defense of the constitution and the republic, just not taking direct action

IMO, this is where a lot of people are at. There are probably more than a few people who are at the breaking point where they're willing to grab a rifle and cause some chaos, but they're still logical enough to realize that going at it lone wolf in a single event is just going to get them labeled a madman and embolden the other side.

Until there's some serious organization going on (which then refers back to point number one about networking and communication), we aren't there yet. Add to that, nobody with a lick of sense is going to advertise their activities and plans publicly. It's too easily infiltrated.

To quote one of the Altered Carbons series books, "If you want to lose a fight, talk about it first."

07-16-20, 13:27
Here’s a former SF that’s trying to organize. Who’s stepping up?


07-16-20, 15:38
Already a whole thread on this alone :)

Here’s a former SF that’s trying to organize. Who’s stepping up?


07-16-20, 16:17
Remove the head of the snake and it can neither eat nor bite you.
Know where your money goes.
Defund Antifa and BLM, by cutting off as much money as you can.

07-16-20, 17:08
I think it’s more like “If it’s just me fighting, it won’t be a civil war, it’ll just be me as an active shooter and I’ll throw my life away and I won’t solve anything. There’s no movement to join, so I have no choice but to tolerate the socialist agenda.”

Everyone I talk to has made up their minds that now is the time to organize in defense of the constitution and the republic, just not taking direct action
So where is the organization and where is the leadership to start the Civil War? You talk to some people and they don't have a clue what to do or how to do it. We could always just break it down, cut thru all the BS and ask:

"Who is going to do the shooting and who are they going to shoot?"

You probably remember it was the German Field Marshall Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel who so eloquently said:

"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it"

This is not a conventional civil war yet so that kind of mentality is the cart before the horse...Ultimately, if you can't vote your way out of Socialism, what are the alternatives? This is the point where everybody who has been foaming at the mouth and hyperventilating about "the Boog" suddenly get quiet.

07-16-20, 19:47
Up until the BLM/antifa marxist terrorist took to the streets and unleashed violence across the country, and then instead of universally being condemned they were joined by the Democratic party, corporate America and the media. We all looked at the situation in the country, as it being on the wrong track. But we had hope that elections would change the direction of the country.

Now it is clear, that no matter who wins the election we are in trouble and the situation will only get worse.

So now we have people sitting back and taking stock of what they can do and what is the correct time frame to reveal what we are willing to do.

I have faith, that leadership will come forward to provide structure for those that aren't all ready plugged into a group of like minded people.

07-16-20, 20:06
Up until the BLM/antifa marxist terrorist took to the streets and unleashed violence across the country, and then instead of universally being condemned they were joined by the Democratic party, corporate America and the media. We all looked at the situation in the country, as it being on the wrong track. But we had hope that elections would change the direction of the country.

Now it is clear, that no matter who wins the election we are in trouble and the situation will only get worse.

So now we have people sitting back and taking stock of what they can do and what is the correct time frame to reveal what we are willing to do.

I have faith, that leadership will come forward to provide structure for those that aren't all ready plugged into a group of like minded people.
By the time I retired, I was a battalion level Executive Officer. Even I didn't call the shots. Missions and training came down from a higher level, and I was responsible for making sure all my Troop/Company Captains and CWO's had all the information and material they needed to make it happen. An Army Major at the battalion level is a facilitator - the key person between the brass and higher field grade officers, and other allied groups/teams such as Special Operators.

I am not a political leader. I can and have been a leader of soldiers and other pilots. I know what my talents are and it doesn't extend into the political world. We need aggressive political leaders who can create an environment that will cause people like myself to get involved in a movement. Not a gang of thugs but an Army of average men and women who are willing to take back large areas of our government and land area, not just a few localized areas.

07-16-20, 20:10
Feelgood story of the day from PDX:

07-16-20, 20:16
I am also not a political leader, and have no desire to become one.

The problem is at the current time, we have a void in political leadership.

So I understand why an ex SF guy has stood up. However he has to be very careful as now he has made himself a target and if I were him from this point forward I would talk to a really hot lawyer not from norther AZ where he lives but from DC. a misstep could change his life forever.

I still serve in reserve capacity and as a Colonel, I still get told what to do. But due to my duties I do mission planning. We are told what the mission is, and then we get to plan how to achieve it.

07-16-20, 20:22
So I understand why an ex SF guy has stood up. However he has to be very careful as now he has made himself a target and if I were him from this point forward I would talk to a really hot lawyer not from norther AZ where he lives but from DC. a misstep could change his life forever.

He should have called Sidney Powell (Flynn's lawyer) at the minimum caliber before even speaking up.

Best case scenario, things do get worse before they get better, but this is their Tet Offensive and we get them to pull all their reserves and break their back. The worry in that case is that Tet was lost not on the battlefield, but on America's TV screens thanks to Comrade Propaganda Minister Cronkite, so we need to win not just the physical and legal battles but the media ones too.

Worst case... *shudder* I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's started reading up on the Warsaw Ghetto in 1944, along with the various other Resistance movements of WWII...

07-16-20, 20:53

07-16-20, 21:04

07-16-20, 21:12
Also a thought I had recently:

Beware the 3rd Actor who is waiting in the wings.
Let’s say constitutionalist patriots ultimately win, but the U.S. is very badly destabilized and damaged as a result. Who could swoop in and hit us while we’re bruised and bloody?

I know in my gut that China, or rather the Chinese Communist Party, is behind a large chunk of all the rioting and destruction, and also funds many DNC candidates' campaigns. I suspect more than half of the DNC's money comes from the CCP, their ultra-useful idiot vassal.

I don't have proof though, and even if I did I'd just be another ranting crazy. I suspect that some in the administration do have this proof, but I don't know, and I have zero faith in "Q" or supposed 4D chess.

07-16-20, 21:32
Also a thought I had recently:

Beware the 3rd Actor who is waiting in the wings.

In the animal kingdom, many times when the established Alpha is fighting a challenger, he will undoubtedly win, but he will exhaust himself and sustain some injuries in the process. THAT is when another challenger seizes the opportunity for his attack, and fairly regularly defeats the Alpha. It’s all timing. Sun Tzu even works on animals.

Let’s say constitutionalist patriots ultimately win, but the U.S. is very badly destabilized and damaged as a result. Who could swoop in and hit us while we’re bruised and bloody?

The worrying thing is, who WOULDN'T? There are plenty of Canucks and Mexicans that want to relitigate 1783 and 1836/1848, on top of China, Russia, even the ungrateful Eurotrash who'd love to see us taken down a peg...

07-16-20, 22:07
Temporary. People will become tired, it takes a lot of energy to keep all of this crap going. New recruits may help but again, people need to sleep and take a break. If this country decides to tear itself apart, will an entrepreneurial foreign power arrive on our shores to “help”? Possibly, if there are resources that can be exploited. Just look what has happened to Africa for decades. Socialism and even Communism seem all the rage right now.....due to peoples rage over inequality and finger pointing. Most don’t even have a clue about Socialism or Communism, some even believe that China couldn’t possibly be a communist country with such a strong and vibrant economy. It will probably escalate up to the election and then fizzle. Hopefully.

07-16-20, 23:21
You know, I typed up a whole entire loooong essay detailing The Who, What, Where, Why, When and How of conducting direct action against AntiFa and similar violent Marxist orgs.

Then I came to my senses and realized that if I put what I just typed on the internet, I’d likely receive unwanted attention.

Suffice to say: they are not well-versed in OPSEC so if you want to know the answers to all of those questions, it’s not difficult. The most difficult and dangerous stuff is avoiding detection by LE and staying out of a prison cell.

I think things would need to get very chaotic before any smart patriots would attempt any war making.
Chaos provides obscurity, obscurity provides anonymity.

I already have a good idea as to what is going to happen, or might happen at some point. I ask rhetorical questions because everything about this kind of thing needs to be thought thru. I don't like to be around hotheads and bullet magnet types - they get themselves killed and everyone around them. There's also a fine line between "Patriot" and "Anarchist" in the eyes of the public. These militia groups which parade around all puffed up with self-importance have me worried, but as I have said before, they could be useful as front-line cannon fodder while the real work is being done in the shadows.

All of these kinds of discussions really need to be left to other venues. If I owned a forum like this, I'd probably be cringing reading these kinds of things, wondering when the knock on the door will come.

07-17-20, 12:38
I think things would need to get very chaotic before any smart patriots would attempt any war making.

It's almost as if the radicals understand this. Low grade simmering BS is still advancing their agenda. If kept fairly low-grade, they can act unobstructed for the foreseeable future and not risk a massive backlash.

They keep tap-dancing on the line without crossing it. The longer that continues, the more apparent it becomes that it's by design and not luck.

07-17-20, 16:43
All of these kinds of discussions really need to be left to other venues. If I owned a forum like this, I'd probably be cringing reading these kinds of things, wondering when the knock on the door will come.

Completely agree.

Let me make clear that I do not wish violence upon anyone. War is failure. But I do believe, that in short order, many peaceable citizens will be put into a position where self defense is necessary. Hopefully none of that is true

07-17-20, 20:08
Completely agree.

Let me make clear that I do not wish violence upon anyone. War is failure. But I do believe, that in short order, many peaceable citizens will be put into a position where self defense is necessary. Hopefully none of that is true

I think it will boil down to securing one's own situation first. I remember my Dad saying: "Charity begins at home". He was saying that you take care of yourself so you can be in a position to help others. I think it may be the case when it comes to difficult times in the U.S. Secure your situation first with food, supplies, ammo and weapons, plus perhaps barter items. Once you are in good shape, then you can be used as an asset for the Greater Good.

07-17-20, 20:23
I think it will boil down to securing one's own situation first. I remember my Dad saying: "Charity begins at home". He was saying that you take care of yourself so you can be in a position to help others. I think it may be the case when it comes to difficult times in the U.S. Secure your situation first with food, supplies, ammo and weapons, plus perhaps barter items. Once you are in good shape, then you can be used as an asset for the Greater Good.

While we are doing this^ I wish some of the types of guys that you use to fly around with could look for work in the shadows.

It sure would be interesting to know what the founders would do in our situation. I just can't believe it would be nothing...

07-17-20, 20:49
While we are doing this^ I wish some of the types of guys that you use to fly around with could look for work in the shadows.

It sure would be interesting to know what the founders would do in our situation. I just can't believe it would be nothing...

The military is a cross-section of society: conservative, liberal, nonchalant. Even in those tip-of-the-spear organizations I'm sure you will see those various views represented (maybe a little more conservative than not). Cops, .mil, Feds, they all have commies in their ranks to some degree that would gladly lick the boot. While I certainly support law and order (not uber alles) the convenience of following orders as your moral cover could define the actions of the liberals and nonchalant among them. That doesn't leave much of a percentage overall for the the conservative among them.

07-17-20, 23:02
While we are doing this^ I wish some of the types of guys that you use to fly around with could look for work in the shadows.

It sure would be interesting to know what the founders would do in our situation. I just can't believe it would be nothing...
Remember, members of units from my generation like the 75th Ranger Regiment, Delta, etc. that I provided aerial taxi service for are now senior citizens. A 25 year old in 1985 turns 60 this year. At a recent get-together at Fort Knox, met up with some still around, but they're now in civilian careers getting ready to retire again. Got to interact with some members of the current generation, and I was impressed. Same mentality, very cliquish to a certain extent and not communicative with outsiders. Different generation but the same level of professionalism.

07-18-20, 00:33
I think it will boil down to securing one's own situation first. I remember my Dad saying: "Charity begins at home". He was saying that you take care of yourself so you can be in a position to help others. I think it may be the case when it comes to difficult times in the U.S. Secure your situation first with food, supplies, ammo and weapons, plus perhaps barter items. Once you are in good shape, then you can be used as an asset for the Greater Good.

Probably the best advice in this entire thread.

07-18-20, 09:16
Well hopefully John Lewis is out in the limo warming up the engine for one last drive with R.B. "Miss Daisy" Ginsberg.
Don't forget to turn that A/C way up John, you two will need it for this trip.

07-18-20, 09:53
Remember, members of units from my generation like the 75th Ranger Regiment, Delta, etc. that I provided aerial taxi service for are now senior citizens. A 25 year old in 1985 turns 60 this year. At a recent get-together at Fort Knox, met up with some still around, but they're now in civilian careers getting ready to retire again. Got to interact with some members of the current generation, and I was impressed. Same mentality, very cliquish to a certain extent and not communicative with outsiders. Different generation but the same level of professionalism.

The current generation from those units with recent experience are the ones I was referring to.

I think they could do some good conus work anonymously.

Evel Baldgui
07-18-20, 11:32
When contemplating scenarios, perhaps one should consider what response/action/measures to employ if 'protestors' are in front of one's home (a la St. Louis couple) or trapped in your vehicle on the highway or wandering about and a mob approaches and you don't exactly resemble any of the crowd, or, or ... Well, you get the picture. These are more likely to present a threat right now.

07-18-20, 14:39
I just got back from Las Vegas, New Mexico, spending the early morning there. The governor has shut down restaurants to inside dining as of last Monday, but numerous ones around the State are defying her. State Police are being told to issue citations, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Went to a favorite eatery this morning and every other table is closed off, waitresses have masks and everything seemed good - no different than a big box store or grocery store. Ate lunch at another eatery that was supposed to close down. Both places packed and every VERY DEFIANT. Both restaurants I went to today have had their food service licenses pulled by the State. Any establishment with liquor license will also be pulled as well as the server's liquor licenses. Our leftist governor is playing hardball now. Trying to spend money with places who are fighting back.

I have a friend with the NM State Police and he said they are getting around the citation order by not going inside the restaurant, therefore they can't find the owner. This friend also said his supervisor is on the governor's security staff, and someone has overheard the governor on the phone during a conference call with Biden people and top democrat party officials regarding her role in a Biden White House - some cabinet level job. They also overheard discussion about clamping things down tight in this State. Now why would that discussion be happening with political operatives and not healthcare professionals?

The key is now to exert maximum misery on the American public.

07-18-20, 18:15
The mayor in Atlanta is not acting independently either.
Governor northam is fixing to put Virginia back to phase 2 further restricting businesses.
I have grave concerns for whats coming down the pike in the coming weeks...

07-18-20, 19:51
And based on his "every 3 weeks to reset the 30-day clock" Inslee's due for his net round of jackassery here in about a week... my complex is fixing to move toward "you have to have a facediaper just to even leave your apartment."

07-18-20, 20:01
And based on his "every 3 weeks to reset the 30-day clock" Inslee's due for his net round of jackassery here in about a week... my complex is fixing to move toward "you have to have a facediaper just to even leave your apartment."

I tell people they're strapping a used Petri dish to their face.

07-18-20, 20:15
I tell people they're strapping a used Petri dish to their face.

I love my ADA exemption, the places that are smart enough to honor it... :) (And I try to show my appreciation with regular business and generous tipping... the manager at my usual Jersey Mike's has come to see me as a "good luck charm" since I'm usually the very first customer of the workweek and by some strange coincidence her sales tend to follow the size or absence of my Monday-morning takeout.) Everywhere else I keep a $10 Lowe's plastic face shield in my out-and-about bag.

07-18-20, 20:48
Hahahaha so true

I have said the same thing in various forms unless you are tossing them right away with a gloved hand or using sanitizer these reuse ones are a freaking joke IMHO at least if not handled but hey its not about that anyway DO WHAT I SAY !!!!

I tell people they're strapping a used Petri dish to their face.

07-18-20, 21:12
I just got back from Las Vegas, New Mexico, spending the early morning there. The governor has shut down restaurants to inside dining as of last Monday, but numerous ones around the State are defying her. State Police are being told to issue citations, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Went to a favorite eatery this morning and every other table is closed off, waitresses have masks and everything seemed good - no different than a big box store or grocery store. Ate lunch at another eatery that was supposed to close down. Both places packed and every VERY DEFIANT. Both restaurants I went to today have had their food service licenses pulled by the State. Any establishment with liquor license will also be pulled as well as the server's liquor licenses. Our leftist governor is playing hardball now. Trying to spend money with places who are fighting back.

I have a friend with the NM State Police and he said they are getting around the citation order by not going inside the restaurant, therefore they can't find the owner. This friend also said his supervisor is on the governor's security staff, and someone has overheard the governor on the phone during a conference call with Biden people and top democrat party officials regarding her role in a Biden White House - some cabinet level job. They also overheard discussion about clamping things down tight in this State. Now why would that discussion be happening with political operatives and not healthcare professionals?

The key is now to exert maximum misery on the American public.

Offtopic, personal to OH58D: I bet some folks at RedState and the rest of the Blogosphere would be very interested, and the Managing Editor over there and I go back a ways. If somebody's interested in writing about this, would you be open to having me hlp connect you with them?

07-18-20, 22:01
Offtopic, personal to OH58D: I bet some folks at RedState and the rest of the Blogosphere would be very interested, and the Managing Editor over there and I go back a ways. If somebody's interested in writing about this, would you be open to having me hlp connect you with them?
Sure, send me a PM. I will be in Albuquerque tomorrow taking my son to the airport for his flight back to Pennsylvania and some Summer Army training. If I don't get back to you tomorrow, it will be Monday.

07-19-20, 11:19
Offtopic, personal to OH58D: I bet some folks at RedState and the rest of the Blogosphere would be very interested, and the Managing Editor over there and I go back a ways. If somebody's interested in writing about this, would you be open to having me hlp connect you with them?

Don't trust ANY media. I know RedState and would hope they would be better, but don't expect it. And even if they are, your info gets out into media-land you'll get smeared by someone from Vox or Salon, etc.

Don't talk to the press. If you have anything to say, say it yourself in your own words. I am trying to help you by making this warning.

07-19-20, 11:40
Don't trust ANY media. I know RedState and would hope they would be better, but don't expect it. And even if they are, your info gets out into media-land you'll get smeared by someone from Vox or Salon, etc.

Don't talk to the press. If you have anything to say, say it yourself in your own words. I am trying to help you by making this warning.

I used to write for Redstate--there are a handful of paid Front Pagers, but much of the site is still just individual bloggers. For example, you can check out my work here; I stopped because my weekly pieces started turning into a grind.

Actually, anyone can register an account and request "Diary" privileges to post their own offerings; many FP'ers over the years came up that way.

07-19-20, 16:33
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

07-19-20, 23:55
It Has Begun: Somebody just tried to smoke a Federal judge in NJ, killed her son and put husband in ICU.

Lack of details so far is suggesting that the facts aren't favorable to the Dominant Media Narrative and they need time to spin it...