View Full Version : Trump to Sign Executive Order Providing Pathway to Citizenship to DACA Recipients

07-11-20, 11:57
“President Trump said Friday that he will be signing an executive order in the next few weeks which will include a ‘road to citizenship’ for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.”


26 Inf
07-11-20, 12:22
Got to love the guy.

I've never really thought of the children of illegal immigrants as illegal immigrants themselves, so I'm okay with giving them a path to citizenship.

I also think that there needs to be a path to citizenship for illegals who currently reside within the US and who have no felony convictions.

Before that will work, though, there needs to be a way to assure the American people that the flow of illegal entries into the country has been significantly slowed or stopped. I don't think arelying on a physical wall is the best way to secure our border.

Dr. Bullseye
07-11-20, 12:37
These are alien enemies who should be summarily deported immediately. One thing is for sure, anyone thinking otherwise does not live in California.

07-11-20, 13:00
These are alien enemies who should be summarily deported immediately. One thing is for sure, anyone thinking otherwise does not live in California.


The Reagan Amnesty gave California, away. I was born there in the 1960s, it was the next best thing to Heaven.

Post Amnesty and chain migration and it fell pretty fast, afterwards. I escaped 10 years ago, praise the Lord.

Now, DACA will produce the same effect: 900K “children” will chain migrate another 12 million extended family members, which in turn will generate 14 million new Left-wing voters.

Meanwhile, statues of Andrew Jackson are being taken down.

Demography is destiny.

07-11-20, 13:41
Got to love the guy.

I've never really thought of the children of illegal immigrants as illegal immigrants themselves, so I'm okay with giving them a path to citizenship.

I also think that there needs to be a path to citizenship for illegals who currently reside within the US and who have no felony convictions.

Before that will work, though, there needs to be a way to assure the American people that the flow of illegal entries into the country has been significantly slowed or stopped. I don't think arelying on a physical wall is the best way to secure our border.

Absolutely not. No way, never. Only rewards criminal behavior. I have only slightly less of an issue with the DACA ones, but no friggin' way for the parents.

I'd also make sure that some DACA recipient could not sponsor their criminal, illegal parents to get them to stay.

07-11-20, 13:47
I'd rather not start a new thread, but this guy gets it. Worth the eleven minutes of watching.


07-11-20, 13:48
I think it’s odd he telegraphed this move this many weeks out though. I wonder if they just through it there to test the waters on it.

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07-11-20, 14:07
I think it’s odd he telegraphed this move this many weeks out though. I wonder if they just through it there to test the waters on it.

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That or it's another Rope-A-Dope. Raise the question, let the Dems play their usual overreaching list of demands and drop an "I tried, they're insane, NO DEAL!"

07-11-20, 16:52
I’m not sure why this is coming from the Executive.

Had it been done earlier in his first term, with Republicans in control, through Congress this would have been beautiful.


07-11-20, 18:21
I have this feeling he's up to something...

ETA: First he has the meeting with Hispanic leaders, Democrats call for a boycott of Goya Foods (apparently a staple of Hispanic cuisine in the US), he has other leaders praising him... which will call for yet more Democratic responses.

I believe he's trying to get the Democrats to show their true colors. Just saying he's looking at Exec action, Trump starts looking at increased Latin voters come November. If the Democrats try to oppose it, they end up losing votes in November.

The Devil is in the details, I'd imagine.

07-11-20, 18:48
I have this feeling he's up to something...

ETA: First he has the meeting with Hispanic leaders, Democrats call for a boycott of Goya Foods (apparently a staple of Hispanic cuisine in the US), he has other leaders praising him... which will call for yet more Democratic responses.

I believe he's trying to get the Democrats to show their true colors. Just saying he's looking at Exec action, Trump starts looking at increased Latin voters come November. If the Democrats try to oppose it, they end up losing votes in November.

The Devil is in the details, I'd imagine.

Yup. Like I said, Troll Gonna Troll. :) And Trump is Troll Supreme...

07-11-20, 19:03

The Reagan Amnesty gave California, away. I was born there in the 1960s, it was the next best thing to Heaven.

Post Amnesty and chain migration and it fell pretty fast, afterwards. I escaped 10 years ago, praise the Lord.

Now, DACA will produce the same effect: 900K “children” will chain migrate another 12 million extended family members, which in turn will generate 14 million new Left-wing voters.

Meanwhile, statues of Andrew Jackson are being taken down.

Demography is destiny.

This is my basic objection. I understand the issue of children born to illegals in the US. But do we make special provisions for the children of other criminals? Illegals who come here illegally put their kids at risk too is what it comes down to.

Now I'm not strongly opposed to helping "only the children" of illegals, but at the same time we have to also meaningfully address the problem of the unchecked flood of illegals that we are doing almost nothing about other than "catch and release."

Beyond physicals barriers, we need the willingness to control our borders at all levels. The fact that NAFTA has moved so much production to Mexico (and let's not forget that was supposed to control unrestricted mass illegal immigration by providing jobs in Mexico) that we can't really control the strong points of entry without making it impossible to deliver cars and televisions.

I think it's time to close all those Mexican factories and bring those jobs back home. Maybe we could make electronics that aren't considered disposable.

07-11-20, 20:13
Absolutely not. No way, never. Only rewards criminal behavior. I have only slightly less of an issue with the DACA ones, but no friggin' way for the parents.

I'd also make sure that some DACA recipient could not sponsor their criminal, illegal parents to get them to stay.

Agreed. The best they should get is not be deported. Never citizenship. Not all the benes.

The stupid thing is that with Scotus not allowing Trump to actually enforce the law and invasion, they need a long-term solution that is stable even less likely. If you take away DACA it would force the Democrats to make some kind of deal. Now they know all they have to do is just keep Suing in court and waiting for the rest of us the die off.

07-11-20, 20:18
DACA is tailor-made land mine for conservatives to step on. By taking the issue away from Democrats and neutralizing a huge loser issue, Trump wins.

Is there a chance that it could backfire? Yes but politics are the art of the possible.

07-11-20, 20:25
Bearing in mind that I have a dog in the immigration fight through a cross-border relationship of my own, here's what I'd do for DACA:

LPR but barred from Citizenship. You want Citizenship, you go home and do it the RIGHT way--and your parents are ineligible for entry. General for all illegals, a one-time-only "amnesty" in the sense of if you go home and play by the rules trying to come back the RIGHT way, just this once we'll pretend you were never here illegally--we're going to start rounding up and deporting starting with the most violent criminals first, and if you want to take advantage of this generous offer you have to register and go home before we get to you--if ICE has to come find and deport you, Game Over for you." Carrot and Stick approach, the carrot being a one-time Mulligan.

07-11-20, 22:26
I don’t think that’s a bad arrangement, Diamondback.

Two things I struggle with: 1) Creating or maintaining and underclass that has no say in government. 2) Allowing an amnesty that tells the world that another may happen later.

Any movement (in a positive way, and I think it is needed) has to come with massive enforcement concurrent and ongoing.

07-11-20, 22:58
I don’t think that’s a bad arrangement, Diamondback.

Two things I struggle with: 1) Creating or maintaining and underclass that has no say in government. 2) Allowing an amnesty that tells the world that another may happen later.

Any movement (in a positive way, and I think it is needed) has to come with massive enforcement concurrent and ongoing.

Excellent points I don't have answers to, JG. When I say "Barred," I mean they still have a path to citizenship, but it only opens if they Go Home first. The other proposal I have is for FN's who've married US citizens... well, I'm not the most educated sort in the world on immigration and visas, but I've been penciling out a spitball on a "Spousal Visa"--a conditional LPR that automatically expires at the end of the marriage unless the spouse starts the naturalization process first. (Stalled by the question of widowed FN spouses and what happens to them.) Such a program should be confined only to countries that offer a similar program for American spouses of their citizens... (The spark on this was that since neither of us are willing to leave our own country full-time, my gal and I penciled out an idea of spending part of the year together on each side of the border, and just enough time separated between those to maintain our primary residencies in our own countries.)

AFTER we get things under control I'm for easing legal immigration of Value Add individuals, but at the same time ANY illegal entry should be stomped on HARD.