View Full Version : Anyone noticing a bit more crazy going on lately?

07-12-20, 08:22
I'm staying home a lot more than I have to, I've just noticed too many people running around like they are crazy/selfish.
It doesn't matter where I go, driving sucks, people at the grocery angry. WalMart is a mad house.
I saw a screaming Karen at the grocery just yelling at the top of her lungs at her kids.

07-12-20, 08:25
I'm in Mich. been going on for months here

07-12-20, 08:32
Yup. I notice a lot fewer snide remarks about body armor and truck guns too. Some of us needed a wake up call....

07-12-20, 08:33
I drove 300 miles to spend the day with a friend, it was like the Daytona 500 the whole way. I saw about 20 DPS Troopers, but nobody was being pulled over. I moved to the right lane and drove 4 under the whole way hoping to remain out of the way. 1 accident and two near misses.
The Lady in the Parking lot was the living end, she looked like she was howling at the Moon.
Do not make eye contact, don't get in the way.

07-12-20, 08:38

Danus ex
07-12-20, 08:47
Passed a guy in his mid sixties walking his dog on the paved bike trail. Trail was narrow, so it was a close but slow pass with a verbal alert. Dude lost his shit, kicking gravel at me and and F bombing as I cycled past. Takes huge balls and months of social isolation to do that to someone 30 years your junior!

07-12-20, 08:57
Everything seems to be about the same as it was, just people going about their day.

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07-12-20, 09:20
Everything seems to be about the same as it was, just people going about their day.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

We've been on a steady decline since social media has become front and center in people's lives. It is all about me, me and me and screw everyone else. Civility, manners and common courtesy are lost in today's society. The current political climate has just accelerated the decline.

07-12-20, 09:27
We've been on a steady decline since social media has become front and center in people's lives. It is all about me, me and me and screw everyone else. Civility, manners and common courtesy are lost in today's society. The current political climate has just accelerated the decline.Not seeing that here overall. But then again I'm not out all day, everyday and everywhere.

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07-12-20, 09:34
I think the entire US population is more cranky, on edge, fearful, demonstrating a short fuse. Everything that was normal has been turned upside down. You wait in line in the hot sun outside to enter a Wal-Mart, or most other big box stores. Restaurants are shutting down to inside dining again (New Mexico). TV is filled with burning, looting and murder (BLM). You watch statues and monuments being attacked and destroyed. Police are all bad according to the media. The White majority is being vilified as racist. Everything in government is one giant fight 24/7. People are out of work and even the prospect of your kids going to school is up in the air.

I think the American people are just getting worn out by all of this.

07-12-20, 09:43
Have had several people either pull out in front of me or almost hit me changing lanes, etc, etc every time I have been out for the last two weeks! It's like people have stopped paying attention. And you can forget the local PD/SO doing any traffic stops. They aren't running radar, the traffic units are only responding to accidents, no pro-active policing done at all. And you can see the public responding with more bullshit. Last week two guys got into a fight, which ended up with one of them shot in the arm by the other, and there was a PD officer in his parked directly across the street! They knew nothing would happen until they started getting physical. It's going nuts...

07-12-20, 09:51
Have had several people either pull out in front of me or almost hit me changing lanes, etc, etc every time I have been out for the last two weeks! It's like people have stopped paying attention. And you can forget the local PD/SO doing any traffic stops. They aren't running radar, the traffic units are only responding to accidents, no pro-active policing done at all. And you can see the public responding with more bullshit. Last week two guys got into a fight, which ended up with one of them shot in the arm by the other, and there was a PD officer in his parked directly across the street! They knew nothing would happen until they started getting physical. It's going nuts...

Shit, the local little podunk town is still actively doing revenue generation.

07-12-20, 09:52
Have had several people either pull out in front of me or almost hit me changing lanes, etc, etc every time I have been out for the last two weeks! It's like people have stopped paying attention. And you can forget the local PD/SO doing any traffic stops. They aren't running radar, the traffic units are only responding to accidents, no pro-active policing done at all. And you can see the public responding with more bullshit. Last week two guys got into a fight, which ended up with one of them shot in the arm by the other, and there was a PD officer in his parked directly across the street! They knew nothing would happen until they started getting physical. It's going nuts...

This. The drivers since the COVID outbreak have been beyond words. I thought that decreased traffic might make navigating the roads easier, but dang, people well full potato behind the wheel. It really hasn't gotten any better.

About the worst I saw was in a Chick-fil-A drive through where this dingleberry decided to go the wrong way into the outgoing traffic, blocked the lanes and got out of their SUV to go after the poor kids handing out the food after they told him to turn around and get in line. Luckily, there was a cop waiting for service in the parking lot and the pair of them put a quick end to said idiot's actions.

07-12-20, 10:02
We haven't seen anything yet. The closer we get to November and the more apparent Biden's condition becomes the more crazy we're going see. It's going to get down right dangerous just to be out conducting what use to be normal everyday business.

07-12-20, 10:04
why in the world is everyone suddenly using the fabricated pejorative “Karen”? SMH.

07-12-20, 10:06
why in the world is everyone suddenly using the fabricated pejorative “Karen”? SMH.It's a thing. I think San Francisco is trying to pass a "Karen" law

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07-12-20, 10:36
Everything seems to be about the same as it was, just people going about their day.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Same here in Orange County, Calif. about 30 south of downtown LA. We're in a semi-lockdown again so traffic is a bit lighter. I drive to make a buck. Had to go up to Hollywood friday. The traffic coming home was kind of heavy but it seemed that there was the usual amount of aggressive yahoo drivers. Everyone I had to actually talked to during the week was normal and generally quite courteous. I do think things will explode in LA again eventually though. BLM isn't going to just stay at home quietly.

07-12-20, 10:42
Been around since at least '18.

I think the entire US population is more cranky, on edge, fearful, demonstrating a short fuse. Everything that was normal has been turned upside down. You wait in line in the hot sun outside to enter a Wal-Mart, or most other big box stores. Restaurants are shutting down to inside dining again (New Mexico). TV is filled with burning, looting and murder (BLM). You watch statues and monuments being attacked and destroyed. Police are all bad according to the media. The White majority is being vilified as racist. Everything in government is one giant fight 24/7. People are out of work and even the prospect of your kids going to school is up in the air.

I think the American people are just getting worn out by all of this.

Not to mention closing off all traditional avenues our culture has for morale, wellness and recreation... it's all driven by trying to spike the Misery Index as high as they can to crater Trump on "Are You Better Off Today Than Four Years Ago."

07-12-20, 11:35
It's a thing. I think San Francisco is trying to pass a "Karen" law

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

The Tide Pod challenge was a “thing” too.

07-12-20, 11:58
why in the world is everyone suddenly using the fabricated pejorative “Karen”? SMH.
It's like "ok boomer", but for psycho bitches instead of fudds...

I think the American people are just getting worn out by all of this.

Not to mention closing off all traditional avenues our culture has for morale, wellness and recreation... it's all driven by trying to spike the Misery Index as high as they can to crater Trump on "Are You Better Off Today Than Four Years Ago."
As this goes on, I genuinely am starting to wonder if there's some truth to what some folks are saying about this event all being a psy-op to mentally torture the American public...
There was a story in the news the other day, [paraphrased] something to the effect of, if your home has an AC that recirculates air, it could spread Coronavirus, and you should consider turning it off.
I just laughed, like... you want people to cut their AC in the middle of summer?

07-12-20, 12:04
It's like "ok boomer", but for psycho bitches instead of fudds...

As this goes on, I genuinely am starting to wonder if there's some truth to what some folks are saying about this event all being a psy-op to mentally torture the American public...
There was a story in the news the other day, [paraphrased] something to the effect of, if your home has an AC that recirculates air, it could spread Coronavirus, and you should consider turning it off.
I just laughed, like... you want people to cut their AC in the middle of summer?

Funny tangent, though related to crazy and complete WTF moments:


The county took down the announcement and was working on clarifying it Wednesday, but Public Works Director David Yamamoto told West Hawaii Today the requirement must stay in place unless the County Council changes the law. The requirement was added to the energy code in a bill approved by the council earlier this year.

Yamamoto said a permit is important because those air conditioning their homes also need to pay attention to factors such as insulation and sealing windows and doors to prevent energy waste. But community input has the administration taking another look.

Permits would range from a minimum of $10 to $200 and should be granted within a week, the press release states. Fines for not getting a permit could range up to $1,000 per day, and those who installed a unit or system without a permit should get an “as-built” permit, the press release said.

07-12-20, 12:20
A permit for a window AC is all about control.

07-12-20, 12:22
why in the world is everyone suddenly using the fabricated pejorative “Karen”? SMH.

There's a lot of debate as to where it started. I've heard from some that it comes from a Dane Cook bit. Others say it started on Reddit when some guy ranted about his bitch ex-wife Karen, who had taken the kids and the house and was everything that a "Karen" is. As websites like Reddit are wont to do, they made it into a meme, and then applied the name "Karen" to any woman they thought resembled the personality of this woman.

The funny thing is, I know quite a few women named Karen, and all are of them are among the nicest people I know.

07-12-20, 12:34
Crazy confrontational people need to get a wake up call. I would prefer to be a Gentleman, but I'm not discounting physical violence against someone of either sex yelling, screaming or running up to get in my face.

07-12-20, 12:37
Crazy confrontational people need to get a wake up call. I would prefer to be a Gentleman, but I'm not discounting physical violence against someone of either sex yelling, screaming or running up to get in my face.

Life was better when people got punched in the face for being dumbasses.

The folks you mentioned never have and it shows.

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07-12-20, 12:42
The funny thing is, I know quite a few women named Karen, and all are of them are among the nicest people I know.

Yeah, but have you been around them if a restaurant gets their order wrong or they are cut off in traffic?

07-12-20, 13:21
Life was better when people got punched in the face for being dumbasses.

The folks you mentioned never have and it shows.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahhhhhhhhh yes it certainly was.

07-12-20, 14:26
There's a lot of debate as to where it started. I've heard from some that it comes from a Dane Cook bit. Others say it started on Reddit when some guy ranted about his bitch ex-wife Karen, who had taken the kids and the house and was everything that a "Karen" is. As websites like Reddit are wont to do, they made it into a meme, and then applied the name "Karen" to any woman they thought resembled the personality of this woman.

The funny thing is, I know quite a few women named Karen, and all are of them are among the nicest people I know.

afaik, it started with people noticing a correlation between a particular haircut style and requests to speak to managers. i think one went viral and the chick was named karen and after that it got applied to about everything.

when it was just applied to women showing their ass in an "i'm entitled" way, it was funny. now that it applies to everyone, it is meaningless

07-12-20, 14:27
Yeah, but have you been around them if a restaurant gets their order wrong or they are cut off in traffic?

Haha, actually yes. Even then, they don't act like "Karens".

07-12-20, 15:13
I'm staying home a lot more than I have to, I've just noticed too many people running around like they are crazy/selfish.
It doesn't matter where I go, driving sucks, people at the grocery angry. WalMart is a mad house.
I saw a screaming Karen at the grocery just yelling at the top of her lungs at her kids.

I've noticed this shopping and when I've had to go into work occasionally, and as a father of 3 small boys, it is infuriating having them fight in the middle of a ZOOM meeting. Having said that, there are more people out on the hiking trails and walking paths then normal, these people are more friendly and relaxed. I think even in times like this, it's all in what you make it. Some people are taking the time to improve others are just waiting it out with frustration. As Dickens so beautifully wrote;

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way"

07-12-20, 15:49
On the driving, I know my skills are a bit off with less practice. For a month there I drove maybe 1/4 tank of gas?

I'm actually more polite with people in places like stores, and for the most part it seems other people are too. There are the outliers though...

07-12-20, 16:16
Haha, actually yes. Even then, they don't act like "Karens".

I think Karen will become firmly cemented into our lexicon as "Felicia" has.

"Bye, Felicia."

"Don't be a Karen."

07-12-20, 16:38
Getting worse out there... a young mom just murdered for refusal to kowtow to the Burn-Loot-Murder scum.

LMT Shooter
07-12-20, 16:59
Life was better when people got punched in the face for being dumbasses.

The folks you mentioned never have and it shows.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is truth to this, and most people don't seem to grasp it.

The craziest thing is when folks do things that legally justify others using force against them, then freak out when they get shoved/hit/whatever, and claim victim status.

07-12-20, 17:19
We lost two officers down here yesterday & while we are not seeing the anti-LE movement along the border in forms of protest by any stretch (Thank God) , I do think the thugs have been soaking it with all the social media poison & played a big part in the ambush...got several friends in an array of LE & the Rio Grande Valley is in pain.

One of the officer's daughter posted a touching tribute to her Dad on twitter w/ a Blue Lives Matter & so many replied with the most hateful, deviant & abhorrent comments I was literally turn red w/ rage & had to cool off...my wife said even a celebrity made a snide remark.

Crazy?? Yeah, I say we're there & thought my little corner of the US was somewhat exempt.

07-12-20, 18:14
Getting worse out there... a young mom just murdered for refusal to kowtow to the Burn-Loot-Murder scum.

There's a lot more to that story for sure... nobody deserves to be gun downed for practicing their right to free speech, but there's a ton of questions to be asked here. I won't continue lest I be labeled as a victim blamer. I bet more will come out in a few days.

BTW.. things up here are pretty much business as usual. My customers have been extremely polite, my interactions with the public outside of work have been excellent. Hell, I was at the boat launch yesterday and everyone was friendly and that never happens.

07-12-20, 20:43
I see it chiefly in Phoenix, not so much in my area. Getting behind the wheel is a life-and-death decision when you are in the valley.

Society is coming apart, in real time.

In the end, it will all be settled with rocks, knives, clubs, and guns.

07-12-20, 20:54
On a good day most people suck.

Add all the stress of the Covid drama. People losing money, jobs, not being able to reliably buy their wants and needs, paying closer attention to the news and all the tardfests going on and yeah people are losing their shit.

I've been pretty fortunate to be where I am all things considered.

07-12-20, 21:00
Getting worse out there... a young mom just murdered for refusal to kowtow to the Burn-Loot-Murder scum.

This is why you don't even talk to fanatics.

And the level to which this is being ignored by news outlets is rather astonishing.

07-12-20, 21:37
LEOs and anyone with a scanner knows . . . . Domestic abuse, alcohol-related calls, Road rage, assaults, brandishing, suicidal ideation, etc are all up vs this time last year. By far.

Hell, I even heard a call recently that the neighbor of some folks fired a rifle into the side of their house after yelling at the house for some time. Cops arrested him with no issue, but damn. Can you image your crazy neighbor drunkenly shouting at your home then peppering it with an AK variant?

07-12-20, 21:59
On a good day most people suck.

Add all the stress of the Covid drama. People losing money, jobs, not being able to reliably buy their wants and needs, paying closer attention to the news and all the tardfests going on and yeah people are losing their shit.

I've been pretty fortunate to be where I am all things considered.

This pretty much sums everything up ! As I like to say, I HATE everyone, I just tolerate certain people ! Over all things are pretty decent in my area, nothing outrageous so far. I'm still working & never stopped so that isn't a problem. There was some looting and shit last month about 25 miles from me but for the most part good. I went to a Shooting/Steel Challenge Match today and was on the NYS Thruway pretty much maintaining 80ish MPH there & back with 0 issues, even passed a few State Boys parked in there typical spots and we breezed right on by ! Not sayin things can't go down hill fast but we are maintaining so far !

07-12-20, 22:05
I drive a 18 wheeler OTR, mainly Dallas to Washington, Denver to Calif, Denver to Phoenix, etc. and it's NASCAR on the highway, in any given city, on any given day. I'm given the Jethro # 1 sign daily and it's not just the soccer mom's doing it, it's everybody cause I'm in their way, I'm big, I'm a slow mover and I may wiggle a little as I go down the highway. Also I get cut off regularly, brake checked, you name it, they do it to me all because people are in such a great big hurry to get where ever the hell their going and it's summer time, the heat is record breaking out west. I'm in Primm, Nevada right now and this afternoon about 2:00 it was 112 degrees on the parking lot so it's miserable out here. Mad Karen made an appearance at Whiskey Pete's this afternoon, pissing & moaning about having to wear a mask! She looked at me & I said, BITCH everybody's wearing a mask, get with the program, then I turned around and walked out. She was still screaming at the top of her lungs when I hit the door headed to my Mansion on Wheels.

07-12-20, 22:11
LEOs and anyone with a scanner knows . . . . Domestic abuse, alcohol-related calls, Road rage, assaults, brandishing, suicidal ideation, etc are all up vs this time last year. By far.

Hell, I even heard a call recently that the neighbor of some folks fired a rifle into the side of their house after yelling at the house for some time. Cops arrested him with no issue, but damn. Can you image your crazy neighbor drunkenly shouting at your home then peppering it with an AK variant?

And people wonder why I say I wanna build a house on top of a mesa with almost no ground-level access...

07-13-20, 01:19
And people wonder why I say I wanna build a house on top of a mesa with almost no ground-level access...

Build me a nice small house of reinforced concrete one day :) 2-3 feet with 5 foot earth then another foot concrete into the ground and on top of one of those mesas :) and a few long tubs going out to look back should I need to :)

07-13-20, 05:49
Life was better when people got punched in the face for being dumbasses.

The folks you mentioned never have and it shows.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That would straighten out the majority of the ANTIFA/BLM types for sure.

07-13-20, 09:27
We lost two officers down here yesterday & while we are not seeing the anti-LE movement along the border in forms of protest by any stretch (Thank God) , I do think the thugs have been soaking it with all the social media poison & played a big part in the ambush...got several friends in an array of LE & the Rio Grande Valley is in pain.

One of the officer's daughter posted a touching tribute to her Dad on twitter w/ a Blue Lives Matter & so many replied with the most hateful, deviant & abhorrent comments I was literally turn red w/ rage & had to cool off...my wife said even a celebrity made a snide remark.

Crazy?? Yeah, I say we're there & thought my little corner of the US was somewhat exempt.

I saw the nasty comments posted towards the daughter. We truly have become a coward society by saying things from behind a computer screen.

Because if they said such things to her face, I can flat guarantee you someone would be getting their ass handed to them.

07-13-20, 09:32
I see it chiefly in Phoenix, not so much in my area. Getting behind the wheel is a life-and-death decision when you are in the valley.

Society is coming apart, in real time.

In the end, it will all be settled with rocks, knives, clubs, and guns.

As a buddy and I say when we part ways after a visit, our version of "goodbye until we meet again"----- "Blood and Steel".....It's how all things end and new things are made.

07-13-20, 10:06

That hippie needs a G.I. shower, shave and a haircut.

07-13-20, 15:00
Definitely in the traffic.

More and more often I'm getting passed on both sides on I95. While going 80 mph. So I (sorry, looks like my 80 mph slowness in the middle lane has made me a traffic hazard!) usually get over to the far right and up my cruise speed to 85, sometimes more.

And they'll still be vehicles in the far left lane going faster than that. Crazy.

Red lights are becoming suggestions, only, too.

07-13-20, 15:55
I drive a 18 wheeler OTR, mainly Dallas to Washington, Denver to Calif, Denver to Phoenix, etc. and it's NASCAR on the highway, in any given city, on any given day. I'm given the Jethro # 1 sign daily and it's not just the soccer mom's doing it, it's everybody cause I'm in their way, I'm big, I'm a slow mover and I may wiggle a little as I go down the highway. Also I get cut off regularly, brake checked, you name it, they do it to me all because people are in such a great big hurry to get where ever the hell their going and it's summer time, the heat is record breaking out west. I'm in Primm, Nevada right now and this afternoon about 2:00 it was 112 degrees on the parking lot so it's miserable out here. Mad Karen made an appearance at Whiskey Pete's this afternoon, pissing & moaning about having to wear a mask! She looked at me & I said, BITCH everybody's wearing a mask, get with the program, then I turned around and walked out. She was still screaming at the top of her lungs when I hit the door headed to my Mansion on Wheels.

Ummm, no ... she’s not a “Karen” for objecting to a mask.

You are the Karen for enforcing the state control regime and prop.

For shame.

07-13-20, 16:25
Red lights are becoming suggestions, only, too.

Vegas has been this way for a while, merely a guideline. When I get a green light, it’s one thousand one, one thousand two, go... the crap I see here on a weekly basis will make your eyes bleed.

07-13-20, 17:50
Red lights are becoming suggestions, only, too.

They say the red stop signs with white borders are optional...

07-13-20, 18:21
Ummm, no ... she’s not a “Karen” for objecting to a mask.

You are the Karen for enforcing the state control regime and prop.

For shame.

OK, Karen.

07-13-20, 18:48
I'm just waiting for the vids when both Karen's meet & hope I'm there...come on fellas, Karen can change her mind & be on either side of the argument any given day depending on her mood ring & what the circle of her fellow Karen's decide what is righteous.


Seriously, how hard would it have been these two to just go about their day & yet they decide to decide to hang out with his spewing unmasked covid?? A karen is not what opinion she has...a karen is just imposing her superior values on everyone else. You can thank the spineless bastards who these witches go home to & have to ask to get their balls out of her purse for the evening.

07-13-20, 19:48
I'm just waiting for the vids when both Karen's meet & hope I'm there...come on fellas, Karen can change her mind & be on either side of the argument any given day depending on her mood ring & what the circle of her fellow Karen's decide what is righteous.


Seriously, how hard would it have been these two to just go about their day & yet they decide to decide to hang out with his spewing unmasked covid?? A karen is not what opinion she has...a karen is just imposing her superior values on everyone else. You can thank the spineless bastards who these witches go home to & have to ask to get their balls out of her purse for the evening.

I blame the parents who didn't tell Karen "No" enough as a kid. I also find it interesting how the Mask Gestapo like to get right up to Halitosis Range where you could see their tonsils if not for their facediapers... whatever happened to Social Distancing? Six millimeters ain't six feet by a longshot...

07-13-20, 19:57
I blame the parents who didn't tell Karen "No" enough as a kid. I also find it interesting how the Mask Gestapo like to get right up to Halitosis Range where you could see their tonsils if not for their facediapers... whatever happened to Social Distancing? Six millimeters ain't six feet by a longshot...

I will say "Get Back" twice..
I've seen too many guys get sucker punched while engaging someone in a conversation. It seems to me that they like to get a hysterical Karen in your face screaming right before the weapon of choice meets the side of your skull.
No thanks, even if we weren't wearing masks, I don't like it; at this point I'm just pimp slapping someone after saying, no, get back.
I'm also wearing a non logo'ed hat and dark glasses with my mask.

07-14-20, 01:53
A karen is not what opinion she has...a karen is just imposing her superior values on everyone else.

This ^
