View Full Version : We’ve reached peak stupid

07-15-20, 13:10
Posting on Facebook?


07-15-20, 13:13
False summit...

john armond
07-15-20, 13:20
Of course, her post makes the cop killer out to be the victim: "he got out and started running they start shooting so he started shooting back"

emphasis mine

07-15-20, 13:37
I thought that my computer was going to explode loading that page.

07-15-20, 13:39
We are only at the first base camp of Mount Stupid

07-15-20, 13:40
Of course, her post makes the cop killer out to be the victim: "he got out and started running they start shooting so he started shooting back"

emphasis mine

I like how we’re not suppose to bring up past transgressions of violent felons when they get smoke checked by the police because that would be victim blaming. However we the American public are suppose feel guilty because of slavery 150 years ago even though none of us actually had anything to do with it.

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07-15-20, 13:55
We are only at the first base camp of Mount Stupid


It's like the Twinkie in Ghostbusters.

Honk honk.

07-15-20, 14:29
Never underestimate our ability to go higher.

07-15-20, 14:35
Welcome to the real world penitentiary.

07-15-20, 14:41
I got a 24 hour time out for calling a protester a "white trash mental patient". If I would have said the same about the Prez, I'd have got nothing.

07-15-20, 16:04
Of course, her post makes the cop killer out to be the victim: "he got out and started running they start shooting so he started shooting back"

emphasis mine

Looks like the video doesn't support her story.

Washington allegedly took the life of officer Jonathan Shoop in Bothell, Washington, on Monday night. Shoop had attempted to pull Washington over, but Washington hadn't stopped. Instead, he had continued driving and crashed into a moped.

Officer Aaron Snell issued a press release, on behalf of the Snohomish County Multiple Agency Response Team, about the shooting, "According to video footage and witnesses, a male exited the Pontiac and walked towards the police SUV while firing a handgun at it. The male then ran from the scene as the police SUV continued forward, glanced off the Pontiac and rolled several hundred yards before coming to a stop against a tree."

07-15-20, 16:23
Never underestimate our ability to go higher.

^^^ THIS x infinity ^^^

I think we are going to see things get really really stupid as we get to and through election

so dude in his pic in that article has earpro on and looks like a mouth guard ? so he premeditated his murder and attempted get away by the looks of it ?

07-15-20, 17:21
Never underestimate our ability to go higher.

I don't.


Leaders in Asheville, North Carolina, have taken a historic step to repair centuries of racial prejudice by unanimously voting to provide reparations.

The Asheville City Council voted 7-0 on a resolution Tuesday night that formally apologized to its Black residents for the city's role in slavery, discriminatory housing practices, and other racist policies throughout its history.

The measure also calls for a plan to provide reparations to its Black residents in the form of investments in their community such as "increasing minority home ownership," "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," and "strategies to grow equity and generational wealth," according to the resolution.

07-15-20, 17:33
I like how we’re not suppose to bring up past transgressions of violent felons when they get smoke checked by the police because that would be victim blaming. However we the American public are suppose feel guilty because of slavery 150 years ago even though none of us actually had anything to do with it.

And none of these asswipes now were subject to it either. I'll go you one further....none of them were forced to sit in the back of a bus or use a different water fountain either (the few left that were are too old to be out there in the streets acting like pieces of whining shit).

07-15-20, 18:11
And none of these asswipes now were subject to it either. I'll go you one further....none of them were forced to sit in the back of a bus or use a different water fountain either (the few left that were are too old to be out there in the streets acting like pieces of whining shit).

Half of it is jealousy, IMO. The previous generation accomplished pretty much everything they want, so since there's no "great cause" fort them to get behind, they gotta make one up.
Same goes for the braindead white dipshits so eager to be seen at the forefront of such a 'movement'.

07-15-20, 18:34
Half of it is jealousy, IMO. The previous generation accomplished pretty much everything they want, so since there's no "great cause" fort them to get behind, they gotta make one up.
Same goes for the braindead white dipshits so eager to be seen at the forefront of such a 'movement'.

Thank God I did something right, as my boys are grown and see all this bs for exactly what it is. I can't even imagine seeing my kid in skinny jeans running around supporting a marxist organization and being unable to find North America on a globe. Reminds me of a quote from elsewhere, I would probably feel "like a wolf learning his son is a pug"

And I just can't get over the comrades in NY, mayor and governor; one out fingerpainting graffiti in the street and the other designing a poster to highlight the total mismanagement of the virus and incredibly high number of deaths in his state!!??

07-15-20, 18:41
We are only at the first base camp of Mount Stupid

Not even, this is just the foothills. :(

This is what we get for closing don the asylums and not strictly enforcing the Communist Control Act and the Sedition Act...

07-15-20, 18:55
A song perfect for just how high it can go.


Crank it.

07-15-20, 19:10
A song perfect for just how high it can go.


Crank it.

That was actually pretty good. Thanks.

07-15-20, 19:23
That was actually pretty good. Thanks.

You're welcome...always liked the Moody's brand of late 60' psychedelia.

07-15-20, 19:35
I like how we’re not suppose to bring up past transgressions of violent felons when they get smoke checked by the police because that would be victim blaming. However we the American public are suppose feel guilty because of slavery 150 years ago even though none of us actually had anything to do with it.

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07-15-20, 19:51
And none of these asswipes now were subject to it either. I'll go you one further....none of them were forced to sit in the back of a bus or use a different water fountain either (the few left that were are too old to be out there in the streets acting like pieces of whining shit).

The entire race movement is a distraction that paves the way for regime change. Remember the Arab Spring? How social media was used to create the movement by playing on inflammatory rhetoric. These movements are inflammatory by design to stir emotions ie movement. Slavery, statues, injustice, its all irrelevant because those are fake issues that are easy to fool people with.

The racial bull shit and the politicalization of covid 19 is all about the November election because the left knows they have a extremely weak candidate.

07-15-20, 20:01
The entire race movement is a distraction that paves the way for regime change. Remember the Arab Spring? How social media was used to create the movement by playing on inflammatory rhetoric. These movements are inflammatory by design to stir emotions ie movement. Slavery, statues, injustice, its all irrelevant because those are fake issues that are easy to fool people with.

The racial bull shit and the politicalization of covid 19 is all about the November election because the left knows they have a extremely weak candidate.

Yes, it’s called a color revolution, look it up on Wikipedia. This is what leads me to believe that there are State actors on the stage, possibly including factions within our own.

07-15-20, 20:20
The racial bull shit and the politicalization of covid 19 is all about the November election because the left knows they have a extremely weak candidate.

Well, it looks like Punch Drunk Joe has got the election in the bag with a 15 point lead. Some university polled 1200 voters and the majority said the Alzheimer's patient is more trusted to handle everything over President Trump. You know, because Sleepy Joe accomplished so much in the 40 years he has been living off the taxpayers.


07-15-20, 20:23
We’ve reached peak stupid

False summit...

Reason #87,897,823,636,078,615,941,593,653,616,346,025,041,747,320,732 I deleted my FAZEbook account. :rolleyes:

And yep - we got MILES of STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID to surmount before November - where it'll increase exponentially, no MATTER who wins. :sad:

07-15-20, 20:36
Well, it looks like Punch Drunk Joe has got the election in the bag with a 15 point lead. Some university polled 1200 voters and the majority said the Alzheimer's patient is more trusted to handle everything over President Trump. You know, because Sleepy Joe accomplished so much in the 40 years he has been living off the taxpayers.


Thats the disinformation campaign. Just another aspect of 5th gen war.

07-15-20, 22:11
Honestly, this doesn't even come close to a video I saw about 10 years back where a woman said "My baby didn't do nothing wrong, he only killed two police."

So long as certain communities embrace criminality as a legitimate part of their "culture" because they've embraced the idea that they have been socially disenfranchised, you will continue to see this shit.

Look at pages like Hip Hop world, rather than embracing music, dance and art (and back then graffiti was the only commonly accepted aspect that ignored misdemeanor crime) which is how hip hop began as a alternative to "gang lifestyle" which was claiming lives all through the 70s, they have now returned to and embraced "thug culture" and ironically have wrongfully incorporated criminal ideas into the original purpose of hip hop culture.

Those pages look like Become a Felon 101 with everyone trying to outdo the other.

07-16-20, 05:29
Posting on Facebook?


Amazing.... there is a good article at the bottom of this page too that shows you what BLM is all about... reach out a hand and get the fist. Maybe it was a teachable moment for the chief.... naw, probably not.


07-16-20, 05:33
Honestly, this doesn't even come close to a video I saw about 10 years back where a woman said "My baby didn't do nothing wrong, he only killed two police."

So long as certain communities embrace criminality as a legitimate part of their "culture" because they've embraced the idea that they have been socially disenfranchised, you will continue to see this shit.

Look at pages like Hip Hop world, rather than embracing music, dance and art (and back then graffiti was the only commonly accepted aspect that ignored misdemeanor crime) which is how hip hop began as a alternative to "gang lifestyle" which was claiming lives all through the 70s, they have now returned to and embraced "thug culture" and ironically have wrongfully incorporated criminal ideas into the original purpose of hip hop culture.

Those pages look like Become a Felon 101 with everyone trying to outdo the other.

I remember way back when young black kids being murdered in Atlanta. There was a video of black women screaming about whitey killing our babies... it's all whitey. etc etc... turned out it was a black man named Wayne Williams.

07-16-20, 10:25
The entire race movement is a distraction that paves the way for regime change. Remember the Arab Spring? How social media was used to create the movement by playing on inflammatory rhetoric. These movements are inflammatory by design to stir emotions ie movement. Slavery, statues, injustice, its all irrelevant because those are fake issues that are easy to fool people with.

The racial bull shit and the politicalization of covid 19 is all about the November election because the left knows they have a extremely weak candidate.

In 2009 I was renting from a Polish man who was well educated and completely down to earth. We hung out and discussed all kinds of things. Obamacare was the hot topic for everyone, as were marriage equality, race relations, gun control, etc. He said to me these were all distractions to keep the workers busy fighting amongst themselves. Being divided on personal identity issues keeps the masses blind, ignorant and unwilling to examine what is really happening- the unilateral push to tyranny. Having grown up in communist Poland, his perspective was vetted by actual experience. He was always a bit taken back by how Americans lost their post-war vision and were blind to the communist infiltration of our society.

07-16-20, 10:49
In 2009 I was renting from a Polish man who was well educated and completely down to earth. We hung out and discussed all kinds of things. Obamacare was the hot topic for everyone, as were marriage equality, race relations, gun control, etc. He said to me these were all distractions to keep the workers busy fighting amongst themselves. Being divided on personal identity issues keeps the masses blind, ignorant and unwilling to examine what is really happening- the unilateral push to tyranny. Having grown up in communist Poland, his perspective was vetted by actual experience. He was always a bit taken back by how Americans lost their post-war vision and were blind to the communist infiltration of our society.

My dad says the same thing about shiny rims, gigantic TVs and cell phones. All a form of control. You want 42 inch spiny shiny rims with WiFi? Go for it! Whatever it takes to keep you preoccupied

I'm not going to discredit that Polish guy since everyone's experience was different but growing up in Eastern Europe there was no personal identity issues to be divided over. Nothing remotely close. Everyone was the same and you were told what, where, when, and why. You either agreed or disagreed but shut up and went along. No one was protesting shit or divided about anything

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

07-16-20, 10:57
Yes, it’s called a color revolution, look it up on Wikipedia. This is what leads me to believe that there are State actors on the stage, possibly including factions within our own.


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07-16-20, 10:58
Honestly, this doesn't even come close to a video I saw about 10 years back where a woman said "My baby didn't do nothing wrong, he only killed two police."

So long as certain communities embrace criminality as a legitimate part of their "culture" because they've embraced the idea that they have been socially disenfranchised, you will continue to see this shit.

Look at pages like Hip Hop world, rather than embracing music, dance and art (and back then graffiti was the only commonly accepted aspect that ignored misdemeanor crime) which is how hip hop began as a alternative to "gang lifestyle" which was claiming lives all through the 70s, they have now returned to and embraced "thug culture" and ironically have wrongfully incorporated criminal ideas into the original purpose of hip hop culture.

Those pages look like Become a Felon 101 with everyone trying to outdo the other.

I mean have you ever watched the boondocks cartoon?

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07-16-20, 10:59
I remember way back when young black kids being murdered in Atlanta. There was a video of black women screaming about whitey killing our babies... it's all whitey. etc etc... turned out it was a black man named Wayne Williams.

Allegedly. There’s a lot more to that case that was never released publicly. Or at the very least not publicly emphasized as investigative pathways.

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07-17-20, 00:11
Allegedly. There’s a lot more to that case that was never released publicly. Or at the very least not publicly emphasized as investigative pathways.

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I think it was Williams. And yes the FBI profilers seem to have ignored this to focus on that, because it would reinforce their premise, but Williams is a very strong candidate who checked off nearly every box as a viable suspect.

It certainly didn't seem like Klan activity even though that was the early focus of all investigators.

07-17-20, 08:41
In 2009 I was renting from a Polish man who was well educated and completely down to earth. We hung out and discussed all kinds of things. Obamacare was the hot topic for everyone, as were marriage equality, race relations, gun control, etc. He said to me these were all distractions to keep the workers busy fighting amongst themselves. Being divided on personal identity issues keeps the masses blind, ignorant and unwilling to examine what is really happening- the unilateral push to tyranny. Having grown up in communist Poland, his perspective was vetted by actual experience. He was always a bit taken back by how Americans lost their post-war vision and were blind to the communist infiltration of our society.

Why does the government want to distract its citizenry?

Reasonable people both left and right can get along and move forward together. The entrenched elite know they can’t win a battle against a free and united people so theY attempt to keep us distracted, divided, and conquered.

07-17-20, 08:49
We're barely in the foothills.

Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department


07-17-20, 10:33
The amount of bullshit in the media on the polls and covid is criminal. I hope enough people see through it but I’m not very optimistic.

07-17-20, 10:59
My dad says the same thing about shiny rims, gigantic TVs and cell phones. All a form of control. You want 42 inch spiny shiny rims with WiFi? Go for it! Whatever it takes to keep you preoccupied

I'm not going to discredit that Polish guy since everyone's experience was different but growing up in Eastern Europe there was no personal identity issues to be divided over. Nothing remotely close. Everyone was the same and you were told what, where, when, and why. You either agreed or disagreed but shut up and went along. No one was protesting shit or divided about anything

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

Really, the same could be said of any "'shiny new thing" consumerist bauble... also of the death of Craftsman Culture where people had something they *did* rather than just stared at a screen and honed their skills at it. Even some of the hoarders in the gun community who think a huge stockpile will somehow compensate for lack of education and training...

07-17-20, 14:33
In 2009 I was renting from a Polish man who was well educated and completely down to earth. We hung out and discussed all kinds of things. Obamacare was the hot topic for everyone, as were marriage equality, race relations, gun control, etc. He said to me these were all distractions to keep the workers busy fighting amongst themselves. Being divided on personal identity issues keeps the masses blind, ignorant and unwilling to examine what is really happening- the unilateral push to tyranny. Having grown up in communist Poland, his perspective was vetted by actual experience. He was always a bit taken back by how Americans lost their post-war vision and were blind to the communist infiltration of our society.

That's because the American media and educational system has been run by communists for over 100 years. American's have no clue about the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s, chairman Mao, Stalin, Che Guevara/Castro, the Russian revolution, etc.

Nelson Mandela was a communist.

They have no clue 100-200 million people died in communist movements around the globe in the 20th century. President McKinley was asassinated by a communist anarchist.

FDR was a communist, his vice president was a Russian double agent. Massive amounts of spies in the Manhattan project. Several scientists working on it were double agents or communist sympathizers.

WW2 was fought (on a global perspective) to save the Soviet Union from Germany and Japan.