View Full Version : Addressing the County Counsel.

07-15-20, 14:33
So again they want to tear down the Statue of the Confederate Soldier.

Dear Council Members;
If we have learned any lessons over the last two years since we last met about this issue, there is no amount of appeasement that will satisfy the radical angry leftists.
I would like to point out, that if that was true, the last time we voted that would have been the end of it. Instead, since New Year we have watched radicals tear down statues of General Lee and Traveler and perhaps thinking "well, that will end it. Yet now we have watched President Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas's statues have been removed. Both the Great Abolitionist and the Great Emancipator are no more.

No where on that statue does it mention "White" Soldiers, only Soldiers. The 6,500 Confederate African Americans and 13,000 Mexican American Texans aren't mentioned either. This isn't because it didn't happen, but only because it is little known. I recommend we do.

History does not matter to these people only anger, violence and threats of violence. I would submit to you that you, our council members must be our line of defense against appeasement to radicals.

Let us either leave this statue alone, or find an inclusive way to honor all our Soldiers rather than to allow a small radical elements demand our supplication to their not needs, but feelings.

It's not lost on me that as I hurriedly jotted these notes down that like the Gettysburg Address my notes were written on the back of an envelope. At no time on that day did President Lincoln that the Soldiers of the North delegated as more worthy of honor than those from the South, nor did he mention the races of the men who died that day, but only that the better Angels of our nature prevail.

We live in a Democratic Republic, allow us to vote on this issue rather than to be forced by a very few to meet their demands.