View Full Version : How long till masks are mandated 24/7, including at home?

07-15-20, 16:41
A Texas official is bringing it up so most every dream hinted at has become a reality so far.


07-15-20, 16:49
I would like to see them enforce that.

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07-15-20, 16:56
I considered it.....for a microsecond....then rejected the idea.

Life's a Hillary
07-15-20, 17:01
That’s the dumbest thing I have heard. Maybe if you’re living with someone who is immunocompromised and you think you might have been infected I could see mask use in common areas/if you can’t isolate but that’s about it and definitely not something that should be mandated. Not like the clown speaking on it has the power to make that happen anyway.

07-15-20, 17:05
My theory is they're working towards a mail in only election. After they defraud the voters of their pick, they're be a miracle reduction in positive tests, imbeciles can go to sports events again, and the news will only run happy times stories to keep stupid asses from figuring out they just got shafted.

I suggest this because the news here in AZ is constantly reporting that AZ is behind in testing.... And you can't fake positive results if the tests aren't administered.

07-15-20, 17:33
My theory is they're working towards a mail in only election. After they defraud the voters of their pick, they're be a miracle reduction in positive tests, imbeciles can go to sports events again, and the news will only run happy times stories to keep stupid asses from figuring out they just got shafted.

I suggest this because the news here in AZ is constantly reporting that AZ is behind in testing.... And you can't fake positive results if the tests aren't administered.


07-15-20, 18:04
My theory is they're working towards a mail in only election. After they defraud the voters of their pick, they're be a miracle reduction in positive tests, imbeciles can go to sports events again, and the news will only run happy times stories to keep stupid asses from figuring out they just got shafted.

I suggest this because the news here in AZ is constantly reporting that AZ is behind in testing.... And you can't fake positive results if the tests aren't administered.

Yep. I'll never buy that as an absolute either. If you can go to Wal-mart or anywhere similar, you can damn sure go out and vote. Lines be damned, you don't have to participate, but for those that do EVERY method and practice should be practiced to go and do it in person.

Voting needs to become a Federal Holiday with mandatory pay for doing so.

07-15-20, 18:10
Interesting concept, I don’t think I’ll let you arrest me today, sheriff.

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just a scout
07-15-20, 18:24
Yep. I'll never buy that as an absolute either. If you can go to Wal-mart or anywhere similar, you can damn sure go out and vote. Lines be damned, you don't have to participate, but for those that do EVERY method and practice should be practiced to go and do it in person.

Voting needs to become a Federal Holiday with mandatory pay for doing so.

It should also be the day after Tax Day.

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07-15-20, 18:31
Here in Tennessee the counties decide mask policy. Chattanooga mayor has been after our county mayor for several weeks to mandate masks. Last week the county mayor finally relented and issued a mask mandate policy. Chattanooga police chief immediately responded by saying he will not enforce it: "However, with the mask mandate that will come out tonight, I do not believe that enforcement is the necessary path. So your Chattanooga police officers will not be issuing any citations relative to non-compliance on masks,"

University of Washington recently released a study indicating Tennesseans are among the least likely in the nation to wear a mask in public.

07-15-20, 18:48
Right after they kick your door in to jack you on the mask caper, they might as well put the pinch on your guns....it's a twofer.

07-15-20, 19:14
desperate times for the left

when it turns out the numbers by the labs are now being falsified even !!

this election I sadly think might be a steal as in stolen by cheating mail in etc...

dems thinking I need to go get a few thousand pets to register :)

07-15-20, 19:19
dems thinking I need to go get a few thousand pets to register :)

Starting to think I should get the lizards registered here... (I kid, I kid. Please don't kick my door and shoot my dog.)

07-15-20, 20:16
Right after they kick your door in to jack you on the mask caper, they might as well put the pinch on your guns....it's a twofer.

might happen in AZ if Mark Kelly gets his way

Kelly is also campaigning on gun seizures. The campaign website states that he plans to “reduce mass shootings and suicides by allowing families and law enforcement to ensure dangerous individuals and people in crisis don’t have access to firearms.”

Another aspect of his platform would result in the forfeiture of Second Amendment rights for persons fitting certain categories.

reckon that will mean anyone who does not believe in abortion or climate change or blm etc..


07-15-20, 20:19



07-15-20, 22:16
So far only Menards in my town requires customers to wear a mask.

Everywhere else it's optional. The only one where I always comply is Wal Mart because it is probably the highest risk building in town.

07-15-20, 22:38
Interesting concept, I don’t think I’ll let you arrest me today, sheriff.

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Masks? We don’t need no stinking masks.

Great movie

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07-15-20, 22:46
Mandated in the privacy of one’s own home? Unlikely

07-15-20, 23:07
So far only Menards in my town requires customers to wear a mask.

Everywhere else it's optional. The only one where I always comply is Wal Mart because it is probably the highest risk building in town.

Just FYI, Walmart is going to mandatory masks nationwide starting Monday.

07-15-20, 23:23
Mandated in the privacy of one’s own home? Unlikely

Considering that the tards across the Pond have even prohibited sex between married couples in Old Blighty over this...

Dr. Bullseye
07-15-20, 23:41
Beyond characterizing the Covid 19 genome, there is absolutely no science about Covid 19. There are plenty of studies but no consensus. The mask situation is the worst pseudo science imaginable. A cloth mask is used in medicine to stop bacteria in the operating room from falling out of the doctor's mouth and nose into your open body. But virus pass through these masks and that crappy cloth mask you are wearing it the material is not even there. So do the tiniest water droplets so it really does not matter if the virus rides water droplets or is caught by humans from virus floating about in the air.

So what are masks then? There are only two possibilities.

A. A mask is a political statement whereby you are made to acknowledge a political philosophy and become subservient to it by wearing that symbol. Like wearing a Star of David if you were Jewish in Nazi Germany.
B. A mask is a very faulty medical device which is designed to protect other people and which you are required to wear.

What is wrong with A and B?

This is still America, isn't it? You have First Amendment rights and should never be required in any way, overt or covert, to wear a statement of someone else's political beliefs.

As for being required to undergo a medical procedure to protect others, that has been decided since 1946. This same reasoning was the Nazi defense as to why prisoners should be experimented upon without their permission. The Nazis said altitude and malaria experimentation was for the greater good and would benefit a greater number of people than it would harm. The Nuerenburg Court never let them finish this argument. The fact they were given a medical procedure without the patients permission, to benefit others or not, was the deciding factor. It is illegal. And it has been illegal since.

Refusing the Mask is a small thing but an important thing. You can find merchants who will take you without the mask. My local gunstore had 8 people in it and only 2 people wore masks but not management.

07-16-20, 00:15
Just FYI, Walmart is going to mandatory masks nationwide starting Monday.

Won't make a difference to me, it is one of the few places where I take several precautions. Thankfully I live in a county that has a low number of new cases and is relatively "low risk" so it's really not an issue to me. Fast food is still drive thru only and most business are still closing earlier than normal, but we are getting back to normal for the most part.

But when I wear throw on a shemagh, I don't feel like I'm having anything forced on me and I'm not feeling like I'm showing everyone else how safe I'm being. It's just another kind of fire extinguisher to me, better to have and not need than need and not have. I'd have thought people who carry firearms would mostly get that idea.

But at the same time I'm not seeing anyone getting yelled at because they don't have a Threat Level 5 Hazmat suit on in the grocery store.

There is a logical middle ground between the two extremes of insanity. A face mask is NOT a vaccine and it is no guarantee of protection but at the same time it does provide some level of prevention in the spread of C19 and a lot of other stuff. So for me "something" is better than "nothing" and it falls under due diligence.

I think the bigger issues are people losing jobs and major change of life issues than if somebody has a mask or not in the grocery store. I also think a lot of this is zip code dependent.

The big issue is do we do this now and successfully suppress the threat or does this become the "new normal." I'm willing to do a LOT if it means we achieve containment, but if people want us to become Japan where a lot of the population wears face masks in public all the time, well I'm not ready for that just yet.

07-16-20, 00:39
**** that

07-16-20, 04:09
The usa ha become a country of obedient conformists.

07-16-20, 04:53
The usa ha become a country of obedient conformists.

...and a lot of the don’t tread on me gun community has fallen right in line as well revealing those who are just as likely to fall in line on 2A issues as well.

07-16-20, 05:22
The level of stupidity going on in this country continues to re-amaze me on a daily basis.... and I'm no rocket scientist. I was talking to my buddy yesterday when his wife called him. She was up at the Norton VA Waltards. She told him that if you weren't wearing a mask, the employees at the front door were linking arms and not letting you in. I wish I was there. I would have asked them if they had the right to prevent me from picking up my life essential prescriptions that were waiting for me at their pharma. I could have retired today.... :big_boss:

07-16-20, 07:08
Won't make a difference to me, it is one of the few places where I take several precautions. Thankfully I live in a county that has a low number of new cases and is relatively "low risk" so it's really not an issue to me. Fast food is still drive thru only and most business are still closing earlier than normal, but we are getting back to normal for the most part.

But when I wear throw on a shemagh, I don't feel like I'm having anything forced on me and I'm not feeling like I'm showing everyone else how safe I'm being. It's just another kind of fire extinguisher to me, better to have and not need than need and not have. I'd have thought people who carry firearms would mostly get that idea.

But at the same time I'm not seeing anyone getting yelled at because they don't have a Threat Level 5 Hazmat suit on in the grocery store.

There is a logical middle ground between the two extremes of insanity. A face mask is NOT a vaccine and it is no guarantee of protection but at the same time it does provide some level of prevention in the spread of C19 and a lot of other stuff. So for me "something" is better than "nothing" and it falls under due diligence.

I think the bigger issues are people losing jobs and major change of life issues than if somebody has a mask or not in the grocery store. I also think a lot of this is zip code dependent.

The big issue is do we do this now and successfully suppress the threat or does this become the "new normal." I'm willing to do a LOT if it means we achieve containment, but if people want us to become Japan where a lot of the population wears face masks in public all the time, well I'm not ready for that just yet.

Then why haven’t you been wearing a mask all the time in public prior to this and doubly so during flu season?

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07-16-20, 07:22
...and a lot of the don’t tread on me gun community has fallen right in line as well revealing those who are just as likely to fall in line on 2A issues as well.

Don't pay taxes, have a drivers license, liability insurance on your car, wear clothes when you walk by a playground, obey traffic laws, or pull over for emergency vehicles, right? Because that's just the man restricting your freedoms.


07-16-20, 08:00
Don't pay taxes, have a drivers license, liability insurance on your car, wear clothes when you walk by a playground, obey traffic laws, or pull over for emergency vehicles, right? Because that's just the man restricting your freedoms.


AndyLate in real life.

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07-16-20, 08:11
My theory is they're working towards a mail in only election. After they defraud the voters of their pick, they're be a miracle reduction in positive tests, imbeciles can go to sports events again, and the news will only run happy times stories to keep stupid asses from figuring out they just got shafted.

I suggest this because the news here in AZ is constantly reporting that AZ is behind in testing.... And you can't fake positive results if the tests aren't administered.


07-16-20, 08:13
Then why haven’t you been wearing a mask all the time in public prior to this and doubly so during flu season?

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This is a disease, and people act like Bergamo and NYC didn’t happen. It’s a nasty disease that people don’t have defenses to. The virus isn’t that unique or dangerous, it’s that we don’t have much resistance to it and it inherently spreads like crazy.

I didn’t wear a mask, but I travel 20 weeks a year and I slathered myself in hand sanitizer, wipe down my seating area, and wash my hands a lot.

Don't pay taxes, have a drivers license, liability insurance on your car, wear clothes when you walk by a playground, obey traffic laws, or pull over for emergency vehicles, right? Because that's just the man restricting your freedoms.


Of all the pain from this and people won’t take the simplest step to wear a mask, I just don’t get it. Wear a mask, prove the experts wrong or improve Trumps chances of winning. Literally a win win. If I were a Political troll trying to hurt Trump, I’d be spreading things about people not wearing masks.

07-16-20, 08:13

07-16-20, 08:15
Considering that the tards across the Pond have even prohibited sex between married couples in Old Blighty over this...

Really? That sounds unlikely.

07-16-20, 08:21
Really? That sounds unlikely.

Not married couples but yes, sex with someone outside of your household is illegal.


07-16-20, 08:21
double tap...

07-16-20, 08:29
Not married couples but yes, sex with someone outside of your household is illegal.


Everyone in Kentucky just breathed a sigh of relief.

07-16-20, 08:29
AndyLate in real life.

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Nothing like going full retard personal attack when someone posts something you don't agree with...

FYI, Andy late in real life would very much like his wife, who is high risk for genetic reasons, not to die.


07-16-20, 08:30
This is a disease, and people act like Bergamo and NYC didn’t happen. It’s a nasty disease that people don’t have defenses to. The virus isn’t that unique or dangerous, it’s that we don’t have much resistance to it and it inherently spreads like crazy.

I didn’t wear a mask, but I travel 20 weeks a year and I slathered myself in hand sanitizer, wipe down my seating area, and wash my hands a lot.

Of all the pain from this and people won’t take the simplest step to wear a mask, I just don’t get it. Wear a mask, prove the experts wrong or improve Trumps chances of winning. Literally a win win. If I were a Political troll trying to hurt Trump, I’d be spreading things about people not wearing masks.

1) How is wearing a mask going to improve Trump's chance of winning?

2) Why are the only experts worth listening to those who agree with Bill Gates and other leftists while others employed in the medical field that hold other positions should be dismissed as quacks?

3) How many times can experts take up a whole new position and back again and still be considered experts?

4) Why should the flip flopping opinions of #3 become policy that is damaging to the public?

5) Why are all the slogans in this basically the same as those used in the war on the 2nd Amendment(and other individual liberties) and Constitutional limitations?

07-16-20, 08:34
Never said it wasn’t real. But me wearing or not wearing a mask has no bearing or impact on the efficacy of you taking precautions as needed or where needed.

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07-16-20, 08:35
...and a lot of the don’t tread on me gun community has fallen right in line as well revealing those who are just as likely to fall in line on 2A issues as well.

We already saw that during the Clinton ban. Moron Labe shirt wearing imbeciles with ban compliant ARs.

07-16-20, 08:38
1) How is wearing a mask going to improve Trump's chance of winning?

2) Why are the only experts worth listening to those who agree with Bill Gates and other leftists while others employed in the medical field that hold other positions should be dismissed as quacks?

3) How many times can experts take up a whole new position and back again and still be considered experts?

4) Why should the flip flopping opinions of #3 become policy that is damaging to the public?

5) Why are all the slogans in this basically the same as those used in the war on the 2nd Amendment(and other individual liberties) and Constitutional limitations?

I submit to you the experts.

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07-16-20, 09:31
This is a disease, and people act like Bergamo and NYC didn’t happen. It’s a nasty disease that people don’t have defenses to. The virus isn’t that unique or dangerous, it’s that we don’t have much resistance to it and it inherently spreads like crazy.

I didn’t wear a mask, but I travel 20 weeks a year and I slathered myself in hand sanitizer, wipe down my seating area, and wash my hands a lot.

Of all the pain from this and people won’t take the simplest step to wear a mask, I just don’t get it. Wear a mask, prove the experts wrong or improve Trumps chances of winning. Literally a win win. If I were a Political troll trying to hurt Trump, I’d be spreading things about people not wearing masks.

You should change your screen name. That’s not very from my cold dead hands of you.

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07-16-20, 10:21
This is a disease, and people act like Bergamo and NYC didn’t happen. It’s a nasty disease that people don’t have defenses to. The virus isn’t that unique or dangerous, it’s that we don’t have much resistance to it and it inherently spreads like crazy.

Act like it didn't happen?

Every year America acts like flu deaths don't happen... combined 100,000 flu-related deaths in two seasons 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 according to the CDC. No media hysteria, no nationwide shelter in place, no economic meltdown, no masks, no Jiffy Lube testing centers, no Faudi and scarf queen press briefings... nada.

07-16-20, 10:26
Act like it didn't happen?

Every year America acts like flu deaths don't happen... combined 100,000 flu-related deaths in two seasons 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 according to the CDC. No media hysteria, no nationwide shelter in place, no economic meltdown, no masks, no Jiffy Lube testing centers... no Faudi and scarf queen press briefings... nada.

And keep in mind, those 100k deaths are with a vaccine.

07-16-20, 10:36
Don't pay taxes, have a drivers license, liability insurance on your car, wear clothes when you walk by a playground, obey traffic laws, or pull over for emergency vehicles, right? Because that's just the man restricting your freedoms.


...if it saves just one life.

Slippery slope. Conditioning.

07-16-20, 11:04
...if it saves just one life.

Slippery slope. Conditioning.

Even if you take the death rates at their worst (all diagnostic and data recording issues aside) were still talking something like a 96.2% survival rate. And since we know the data is jacked it’s likely higher than that.

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07-16-20, 12:08
1) How is wearing a mask going to improve Trump's chance of winning?

2) Why are the only experts worth listening to those who agree with Bill Gates and other leftists while others employed in the medical field that hold other positions should be dismissed as quacks?
I know docs that say wear them. They are smarter than you, better educated, and actual know medicine.

3) How many times can experts take up a whole new position and back again and still be considered experts?
Two things go on one Fauci and the powers that be thought they could play a game and try to keep people from snarfing up N95 and it has come back to bite them in the ass, big time. The other is the nature of science, you learn new stuff, you change. Welcome to the real world of messy data and crappy studies.

4) Why should the flip flopping opinions of #3 become policy that is damaging to the public?
Damaging how to the public.

5) Why are all the slogans in this basically the same as those used in the war on the 2nd Amendment(and other individual liberties) and Constitutional limitations?
Uhm, about the direct opposite. Who is telling you to take a gun in public to protect not just yourself but others.

You should change your screen name. That’s not very from my cold dead hands of you.

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Name calling? I guess that’s why you are jpMUSCLE and not jpbrains? NA,NA, Ni nah, nahhh.

I swear to god that some of you are using leeches and blood letting to fight this. A mask during a pandemic is literally the least you can do.

Act like it didn't happen?

Every year America acts like flu deaths don't happen... combined 100,000 flu-related deaths in two seasons 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 according to the CDC. No media hysteria, no nationwide shelter in place, no economic meltdown, no masks, no Jiffy Lube testing centers, no Faudi and scarf queen press briefings... nada.

TheY don’t kill twice as many in an 1/8 of the time and almost cure the Medicare budget problem and the housing shortage, and that was with shutting everything down.

07-16-20, 12:12
...if it saves just one life.

Slippery slope. Conditioning.

I don't support laws/govt requiring masks. From experience, laws never go away and the government never releases control.

Private businesses and individuals can decide what is appropriate on their property and I will respect that or take myself and my money elsewhere.

Politicizing masks and creating division helps no one. At the same time, refusing to wear masks where appropriate seems as foolish to me as people losing their shit over an unmasked person.

The only time I mention wearing a mask to anyone is at work, because encouraging compliance with company policies is part of my job. I was wearing a mask before wearing one became a leftist position.


07-16-20, 12:17
[B]TheY don’t kill twice as many in an 1/8 of the time and almost cure the Medicare budget problem and the housing shortage, and that was with shutting everything down.

Come on dude, don't sensationalize things and look at the big picture here. The fact is that this disease is not very nasty to most of the population and is very nasty to a small portion. Common sense is you isolate and protect the at-risk individuals and those who have to be in direct contact with them (Group A). Everyone else is in Group B. Group B should be able to go about their business just like during Flu season because the reality is their body's immune systems will sh*t this virus out...just like it does with the flu.

You don't isolate and protect the healthy and not at risk people...its stupid, unnecessary, and a waste of time.

07-16-20, 12:21
Masks are the least you can do right along with praying to that Flying Spaghetti Monster of having hope.

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07-16-20, 12:27
Uhm, about the direct opposite. Who is telling you to take a gun in public to protect not just yourself but others.

Name calling? I guess that’s why you are jpMUSCLE and not jpbrains? NA,NA, Ni nah, nahhh.

I swear to god that some of you are using leeches and blood letting to fight this. A mask during a pandemic is literally the least you can do.

TheY don’t kill twice as many in an 1/8 of the time and almost cure the Medicare budget problem and the housing shortage, and that was with shutting everything down.

You want to know why I’m bitter as fvck about all this BS?

Masks and social distancing are supposed to be the end all be all to this right? And then the goal posts moved to well we’re going to have to this until we have a vaccine... each time it’s completely exacerbated to wear non compliance will be the extinction of humanity.


My grandmother is 92, has advanced dementia, is in a nursing home, and is declining. Yet for the last 4-5 months I can’t visit her irrespective of wearing masks, social distancing, etc... yet George Floyd gets a gold casket funeral with 1000s of people, and riots or protests are completely immune from infection on top of being supported my state and local governments.

So in all likelihood if this crap keeps up she will pass and I won’t be able to be there until after the fact. But I guess I should just suck it up because other bitch made people want to live in a state of fear and are afraid to go outside. Fvck that.

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07-16-20, 12:30
1) How is wearing a mask going to improve Trump's chance of winning?

2) Why are the only experts worth listening to those who agree with Bill Gates and other leftists while others employed in the medical field that hold other positions should be dismissed as quacks?
I know docs that say wear them. They are smarter than you, better educated, and actual know medicine.

3) How many times can experts take up a whole new position and back again and still be considered experts?
Two things go on one Fauci and the powers that be thought they could play a game and try to keep people from snarfing up N95 and it has come back to bite them in the ass, big time. The other is the nature of science, you learn new stuff, you change. Welcome to the real world of messy data and crappy studies.

4) Why should the flip flopping opinions of #3 become policy that is damaging to the public?
Damaging how to the public.

5) Why are all the slogans in this basically the same as those used in the war on the 2nd Amendment(and other individual liberties) and Constitutional limitations?
Uhm, about the direct opposite. Who is telling you to take a gun in public to protect not just yourself but others.
Uhm, about the direct opposite. Who is telling you to take a gun in public to protect not just yourself but others.

Name calling? I guess that’s why you are jpMUSCLE and not jpbrains? NA,NA, Ni nah, nahhh.

I swear to god that some of you are using leeches and blood letting to fight this. A mask during a pandemic is literally the least you can do.

TheY don’t kill twice as many in an 1/8 of the time and almost cure the Medicare budget problem and the housing shortage, and that was with shutting everything down.

Why no attempt answer #1?

2) I didn't say anything about me. There are doctors, with degrees licensing and the works, saying most of this is a scam. Their stuff gets yanked from online.

3) So blindly follow recommendations based on deceit and ignorance....so long as those issuing the recommendations are leftists.

4) You haven't noticed the damage to the US? Unemployment, small businesses closed for good, infringements on freedom of association and movement? Really, you haven't noticed all that based on the recommendations of #3?

5) Violating liberties/ignoring constitutional limitations in the faux name of the collective good is not the direct opposite at all.

07-16-20, 12:33
Why no attempt answer #1?

2) I didn't say anything about me. There are doctors, with degrees licensing and the works, saying most of this is a scam. Their stuff gets yanked from online.

3) So blindly follow recommendations based on deceit and ignorance....so long as those issuing the recommendations are leftists.

4) You haven't noticed the damage to the US? Unemployment, small businesses closed for good, infringements on freedom of association and movement? Really, you haven't noticed all that based on the recommendations of #3?

5) Violating liberties/ignoring constitutional limitations in the faux name of the collective good is not the direct opposite at all.

I honestly think it’s a boomer thing. Folks my parents age and particularly my grandparents age are completely subservient to the words of medical practitioners under any and all circumstances more often than not.

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07-16-20, 12:39
One thing is for certain, the “research” that is in support of wide-spread mask wearing is shoddy at best. Many physicians buy it because professional organizations endorse it, but few have looked at the data themselves and even fewer are capable of interpreting statistical data. The study I was pointed to as justification the reduction in transmission was inside the statistical error of the study. In fact, all cloth mask research leading up until it became politically correct to wear a mask stated mask-wearing was detrimental to the wearer, but those studies which were peer-reviewed have suddenly been “retracted”.

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07-16-20, 12:49
One thing is for certain, the “research” that is in support of wide-spread mask wearing is shoddy at best. Many physicians buy it because professional organizations endorse it, but few have looked at the data themselves and even fewer are capable of interpreting statistical data. The study I was pointed to as justification the reduction in transmission was inside the statistical error of the study. In fact, all cloth mask research leading up until it became politically correct to wear a mask stated mask-wearing was detrimental to the wearer, but those studies which were peer-reviewed have suddenly been “retracted”.

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Which cloth mask studies are you referring to specifically?

07-16-20, 12:57
I honestly think it’s a boomer thing. Folks my parents age and particularly my grandparents age are completely subservient to the words of medical practitioners under any and all circumstances more often than not.

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My grandfather being like that, in tandem with a cardiologist's God Complex, cost him his life. Very first words Dr. S___ said to him when he was in an imminent-life-and-death cardiac emergency were "you will do as I say without question or I will wash my hands of you and you can die right here," and eventually COD was a prescribed massive overdose (each of three pills a day being a MAXIMUM daily starting dosage!) of Allopurinol triggering Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

My grandmother settled in arbitration because she wouldn't keep herself together well in court, my mother and I wanted to go after his license and pursue Criminally Negligent Homicide charges--this guy killed other patients the same way both before Grandpa in the late '80s and after.

Life's a Hillary
07-16-20, 13:20
Come on dude, don't sensationalize things and look at the big picture here. The fact is that this disease is not very nasty to most of the population and is very nasty to a small portion. Common sense is you isolate and protect the at-risk individuals and those who have to be in direct contact with them (Group A). Everyone else is in Group B. Group B should be able to go about their business just like during Flu season because the reality is their body's immune systems will sh*t this virus out...just like it does with the flu.

You don't isolate and protect the healthy and not at risk people...its stupid, unnecessary, and a waste of time.

How do you isolate those at risk when most of this country is obese and a large number have plenty of comorbidities? This sounds good and all but please explain how this actually works.

Do we pay them a special at risk welfare that compensates them for lost wages while also passing a law making their jobs secure once they can go back to work? Do we set up free grocery delivery for them so they don’t have to be exposed at the store? What happens when an at risk person lives with a non at risk person? Do we isolate all of them or pay for special housing for one of them so the at risk person can isolate and the other can go about their business? We obviously can’t have them living together because that defeats the entire point of isolating the at risk population.

In other words, that will never actually work in the real world. However, all we have to do is look at plenty of other countries that haven’t been kneecapped by this and emulate what they are doing. And guess what? They all wear masks like it’s the common sense thing to do and not a liberal conspiracy to put you on a train to a death camp and round up all the guns.

07-16-20, 13:23
I honestly think it’s a boomer thing. Folks my parents age and particularly my grandparents age are completely subservient to the words of medical practitioners under any and all circumstances more often than not.

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I see lots of millennials and younger wearing masks, definitely a majority, including at the recent large protests in our area most were wearing masks though a good-sized minority didn't. It is true that a slightly larger % of boomers in polling I've seen, say that they wear masks outside the home for example when in a store, but this is logical if they're in a high-risk group. And it's equally logical that younger folks who are less affected even if they're infected, are somewhat less likely to wear masks if they don't have to. But despite those differences based on likely health outcomes, substantial majorities of people are wearing masks in ALL age groups[B]. So it's not just "a boomer thing."

This Pew Research poll has these numbers for people by age group reporting they wore a mask in stores within the last month. Showing that while you'd expect those more at risk to wear them in higher percentages, there's really a good-sized majority of even the younger groups wearing masks.
* 65+: 74%
* 30-49: 61%
* 18-29: 62%


Despite the whole mask-wearing dust-up, there continues to be a lot of contradictory findings in the medical community about whether masks work. Already you hear people starting to say "the science is settled", which is a cheap rhetorical trick used to end debate, but that's not a real argument and proves nothing. That's just a way of saying "The majority thinks X and you're outnumbered, so shut up, because majority vote determines what's true in science." Nope. That may be how you win a local election, but it's not how science works. There are plenty of articles and research, including at the WHO's online guidance (The left's favorite health organization--which astonishingly admits there's little evidence general mask wearing works, but then suggests it's a good idea to have public mask mandates anyway. Huh???). And here in a recent NEJM article, that openly question whether masks really make a difference for the general population outside of a few specialized settings (like healthcare facilities). In our area, we wear them only when strictly required to get into stores. They won't let you in without a mask, under threat of being closed by the gov.


[B]We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

07-16-20, 13:27
Which cloth mask studies are you referring to specifically?

The one from Vietnam from 2015/2016 and there is the JAMA article that isolated MA decline of 3.2% after mask requirements in a clinical setting (despite ignoring the same phenomenon in settings without masks), and the survey JAMA used from the Missouri Hair Salon that is merely anecdotal. We can’t forget the California-San Diego study that claims 66,000 cases were prevented in New York due to masks which was an eye roll at best. I forgot the other study that examined four states that were early adopters of masks and there was 0.9, 1.1, 1.7, and 3.0% declines in transmission and they assumed variation was totally from mask wearing.

There are more variables than can be accounted for, yet experts claim 65% all the way up to 85% reduction. That’s a wide variance but none of those numbers seem to be panning out in reality.

Truth is they don’t know and it’s insulting to pretend to have answers you don’t have.

Part of me wonders...is this just a “we’re in this together/do SOMETHING” type solution? Or gauging compliance?

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07-16-20, 13:32
TheY don’t kill twice as many in an 1/8 of the time and almost cure the Medicare budget problem and the housing shortage, and that was with shutting everything down.

I agree with you about Medicare. Pays $39,000 for shoving a tube down the throat of someone who is labeled COVID. Cuomo was demanding another 40,000 more ventilators. Probably wanted to intubate every homeless person in the city.

07-16-20, 13:41
I see lots of millennials and younger wearing masks, definitely a majority, including at the recent large protests in our area most were wearing masks though a good-sized minority didn't. It is true that a slightly larger % of boomers in polling I've seen, say that they wear masks outside the home for example when in a store, but this is logical if they're in a high-risk group. And it's equally logical that younger folks who are less affected even if they're infected, are somewhat less likely to wear masks if they don't have to. But despite those differences based on likely health outcomes, [B]substantial majorities of people are wearing masks in ALL age groups[B]. So it's not just "a boomer thing."

This Pew Research poll has these numbers for people by age group reporting they wore a mask in stores within the last month. Showing that while you'd expect those more at risk to wear them in higher percentages, there's really a good-sized majority of even the younger groups wearing masks.
* 65+: 74%
* 30-49: 61%
* 18-29: 62%


Despite the whole mask-wearing dust-up, there continues to be a lot of contradictory findings in the medical community about whether masks work. Already you hear people starting to say "the science is settled", which is a cheap rhetorical trick used to end debate, but that's not a real argument and proves nothing. That's just a way of saying "The majority thinks X and you're outnumbered, so shut up, because majority vote determines what's true in science." Nope. That may be how you win a local election, but it's not how science works. There are plenty of articles and research, including at the WHO's online guidance (The left's favorite health organization--which astonishingly admits there's little evidence general mask wearing works, but then suggests it's a good idea to have public mask mandates anyway. Huh???). And here in a recent NEJM article, that openly question whether masks really make a difference for the general population outside of a few specialized settings (like healthcare facilities). In our area, we wear them only when strictly required to get into stores. They won't let you in without a mask, under threat of being closed by the gov.


My boomer comment was more about said folks taking said medical expert opinions as absolute gospel and completely disregarding alternative opinions in general settings.

As to the latter of your post it absolutely is low grade tyranny for government to mandate compliance under penalty of law and obliterate private commerce via over reaching public health mandates and requirements. Doubly so when you’re punishing private business over their failures to discriminate patrons. If they can refuse service over masks why can’t they discriminate over other criteria right or wrong?

Had the initial approach been one of imploring mask usage, distancing etc I think the population at large would be more receptive to it but you had dick bag Democrat nanny state dictators like Cuomo jump the shark and start talking about applying criminal sanctions under the guise of “the greater good” then shit went off the rails and here we are. Never mind the fact they were against shutting down international travel (from China I particular, and masks and social distancing) before they were for it all.

So yea now it’s a symbol of submission or rebellion.

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07-16-20, 13:42
I agree with you about Medicare. Pays $39,000 for shoving a tube down the throat of someone who is labeled COVID. Cuomo was demanding another 40,000 more ventilators. Probably wanted to intubate every homeless person in the city.

Why else do you think he stuck the sick in nursing homes? Who stood to make money off of that move?

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07-16-20, 14:18

Hmmm this may their a wrench in the “we need masks for asymptomatic carriers” argument. This was sent by an intensivist on an ICU Covid unit. He stated this PCRs were detecting dead rNA of the virus, akin to finding sperm at a crime scene; it can be used for genetic information but it isn’t going to impregnate anybody. He says this is consistent with his experience that asymptomatic COVID patients aren’t infecting family members or colleagues. The real question is how long is the incubation period; how much time occurs between infection and onset of symptoms.

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07-16-20, 14:58
I'll say up front that I wear a mask when going into stores. I do believe there is a certain amount of merit to the claim that one can emit a certain amount of pathogens; in my case I have dentures, so more droplets, though tiny are probable. Of course, I have another reason for preferring a mask as normal, but that's more of a private matter.

But, this progression of "requirements", from "no", to "yes", to "must", to "Must, or penalties", to "MUST at home" reminds me of a joke a buddy played on new guys coming into the Squadron (this was a "few" years ago).

Usually, the set-up was after PT. He'd ask the guy if he could touch his toe with his hand. Of course, there were a bunch of us "cheerleaders" around. Then, next to a wall, he would ask if the guy to put his foot at the baseboard, and touch his foot with his hand or fingers. Good!, then he'd ask the guy to put his foot a couple of feet up the wall, and asked him to touch his foot with his hand. OK. Done. Then the perpetrator would announce to the group, "You know, he can be trained!" Yes, it was funny with the right setup. That it was ATC made it appropriate. But, maybe the perpetrator now works for the NIH or some such, because WE SURE ARE BEING TRAINED!

07-16-20, 16:10
Come on dude, don't sensationalize things and look at the big picture here. The fact is that this disease is not very nasty to most of the population and is very nasty to a small portion. Common sense is you isolate and protect the at-risk individuals and those who have to be in direct contact with them (Group A). Everyone else is in Group B. Group B should be able to go about their business just like during Flu season because the reality is their body's immune systems will sh*t this virus out...just like it does with the flu.

You don't isolate and protect the healthy and not at risk people...its stupid, unnecessary, and a waste of time.

We can’t and won’t isolate those that we need to. I agree it is a great plan, I’d take it a step further and say that people under 35 shouldn’t be allowed to wear a mask. Build up some herd immunity with low deaths. We just aren’t set up to do it.

You want to know why I’m bitter as fvck about all this BS?

Masks and social distancing are supposed to be the end all be all to this right? And then the goal posts moved to well we’re going to have to this until we have a vaccine... each time it’s completely exacerbated to wear non compliance will be the extinction of humanity.


My grandmother is 92, has advanced dementia, is in a nursing home, and is declining. Yet for the last 4-5 months I can’t visit her irrespective of wearing masks, social distancing, etc... yet George Floyd gets a gold casket funeral with 1000s of people, and riots or protests are completely immune from infection on top of being supported my state and local governments.

So in all likelihood if this crap keeps up she will pass and I won’t be able to be there until after the fact. But I guess I should just suck it up because other bitch made people want to live in a state of fear and are afraid to go outside. Fvck that.

I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. Family member with dementia and COPD in a memory care facility- when this hit we were sure she was a goner, but luckily, no Covid yet at her facility.

The one from Vietnam from 2015/2016 and there is the JAMA article that isolated MA decline of 3.2% after mask requirements in a clinical setting (despite ignoring the same phenomenon in settings without masks), and the survey JAMA used from the Missouri Hair Salon that is merely anecdotal. We can’t forget the California-San Diego study that claims 66,000 cases were prevented in New York due to masks which was an eye roll at best. I forgot the other study that examined four states that were early adopters of masks and there was 0.9, 1.1, 1.7, and 3.0% declines in transmission and they assumed variation was totally from mask wearing.

There are more variables than can be accounted for, yet experts claim 65% all the way up to 85% reduction. That’s a wide variance but none of those numbers seem to be panning out in reality.

Truth is they don’t know and it’s insulting to pretend to have answers you don’t have.

Part of me wonders...is this just a “we’re in this together/do SOMETHING” type solution? Or gauging compliance?

Of course virtue signaling and ‘do something’ are hallmarks of modern governance. If we had 5 billion N95s and could make 500 million a week, I think that they would mandate wearing them. Think of an analogy to World War II and Sherman tanks versus Pershing tanks- we had a shit load of Cloth masks- not what we want, better than nothing until we get what we want.

I agree with you about Medicare. Pays $39,000 for shoving a tube down the throat of someone who is labeled COVID. Cuomo was demanding another 40,000 more ventilators. Probably wanted to intubate every homeless person in the city.

More that Cuomo was killing off so many old people, whose long term care is as expensive as acute care, that it would overall decrease Medicare spending.

It is becoming ever more clear to me that when it comes to mass stuff like this the government really isn’t in control. The riots are just a small microcosm. The masks are really large. They aren’t mandating it because they know they can’t actually enforce the mask rule. It isn’t the most effective thing to do, but it probably does help. In the grand scheme of things if we all pretend they work and that allows us to go around and get back as close to normal life as we can, then let’s do that, instead of going to deep lock downs again.

If you’re not wearing a mask in these public places, you’re doing literally nothing.

As to how masks could help trump get reelected, if we can tamp this thing down by a few weeks before the election, and the economy is rebounding as it seems to be, Trump could literally say that he has stare down the greatest crisis in American history and fixed it within nine months. I know masks are a small part of that, but it may come down to peoples perceptions and some kind of magic number of deaths above or below that gets people in the right headspace. If things aren’t going well by the election, they can blame it on Trump because he didn’t mandate masks.

I have to tell you what really scares me isn’t this pandemic. It’s the next pandemic that has that actual 5 to 10% kill rate, that spreads like this, that we don’t have immunity to. This frankly, was a really good test run for the real problem. Think of it like Tunguska versus the Yucatán peninsula impact. We dodged a bullet on this one. If it had gone after kids instead of old people, we would be losing our collective shit right now. Different mortality rate and it would have shut down our food supply. It came pretty close to really screwing it up. Plus the next time people hear pandemic they’ll think of this and they’ll be reluctant to actually do what’s needed, which will give the nasty pandemic the foothold it needs. Think of this like the crucible versus invading Iwo Jima. Go through the motions and learn what needs to be done and what we’ve done wrong, because the one with all the killing is going to come eventually.

This is the movie version of the zombie apocalypse where all the good guys get to live and most people never run into a zombie neighbor. Or at least one they don’t want to shoot.

Evel Baldgui
07-16-20, 16:15
I wear an evil venom or evil clown gaiter when going to my local grocery store, they sort mandate them and I do need to grocery shop on occasion. Otherwise, no mask.
As far as Walmarts' mask mandate, phuck them. Last time I was in in a Walmart was two years ago when I needed copier paper.

07-16-20, 16:18
10 dollars says as the election gets closer the data narrative is going to change from focusing on positive test cases (before that it was just deaths and ICU admissions) to projected death rates or some other completely whimsical metric to make things look even more apocalyptic.

I’m calling it now.

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07-16-20, 16:20
I wear an evil venom or evil clown gaiter when going to my local grocery store, they sort mandate them and I do need to grocery shop on occasion. Otherwise, no mask.
As far as Walmarts' mask mandate, phuck them. Last time I was in in a Walmart was two years ago when I needed copier paper.

I've had to get used to Walmart due to the Kroger/Fry's grocery store near me turning into a shithole that looks like a mexican mercado since the fakedemic started. Walmart, surprisingly, has held it together well and seemed normal. If you go in the morning when their core trash customer is still sleeping, it's not too bad.

My new problem with Walmart is they shut off the cash feature on the self serve check out citing the fake shortage of coins.

john armond
07-16-20, 16:42

john armond
07-16-20, 16:44
10 dollars says as the election gets closer the data narrative is going to change from focusing on positive test cases (before that it was just deaths and ICU admissions) to projected death rates or some other completely whimsical metric to make things look even more apocalyptic.

I’m calling it now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Already started. I saw an article on yahoo today that stated 1 million positive a day and 800K dead before the end of 2020. If I remember correctly they were just referring to the US

07-16-20, 16:49
We can’t and won’t isolate those that we need to. I agree it is a great plan, I’d take it a step further and say that people under 35 shouldn’t be allowed to wear a mask. Build up some herd immunity with low deaths. We just aren’t set up to do it.

I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. Family member with dementia and COPD in a memory care facility- when this hit we were sure she was a goner, but luckily, no Covid yet at her facility.

Of course virtue signaling and ‘do something’ are hallmarks of modern governance. If we had 5 billion N95s and could make 500 million a week, I think that they would mandate wearing them. Think of an analogy to World War II and Sherman tanks versus Pershing tanks- we had a shit load of Cloth masks- not what we want, better than nothing until we get what we want.

More that Cuomo was killing off so many old people, whose long term care is as expensive as acute care, that it would overall decrease Medicare spending.

It is becoming ever more clear to me that when it comes to mass stuff like this the government really isn’t in control. The riots are just a small microcosm. The masks are really large. They aren’t mandating it because they know they can’t actually enforce the mask rule. It isn’t the most effective thing to do, but it probably does help. In the grand scheme of things if we all pretend they work and that allows us to go around and get back as close to normal life as we can, then let’s do that, instead of going to deep lock downs again.

If you’re not wearing a mask in these public places, you’re doing literally nothing.

As to how masks could help trump get reelected, if we can tamp this thing down by a few weeks before the election, and the economy is rebounding as it seems to be, Trump could literally say that he has stare down the greatest crisis in American history and fixed it within nine months. I know masks are a small part of that, but it may come down to peoples perceptions and some kind of magic number of deaths above or below that gets people in the right headspace. If things aren’t going well by the election, they can blame it on Trump because he didn’t mandate masks.

I have to tell you what really scares me isn’t this pandemic. It’s the next pandemic that has that actual 5 to 10% kill rate, that spreads like this, that we don’t have immunity to. This frankly, was a really good test run for the real problem. Think of it like Tunguska versus the Yucatán peninsula impact. We dodged a bullet on this one. If it had gone after kids instead of old people, we would be losing our collective shit right now. Different mortality rate and it would have shut down our food supply. It came pretty close to really screwing it up. Plus the next time people hear pandemic they’ll think of this and they’ll be reluctant to actually do what’s needed, which will give the nasty pandemic the foothold it needs. Think of this like the crucible versus invading Iwo Jima. Go through the motions and learn what needs to be done and what we’ve done wrong, because the one with all the killing is going to come eventually.

This is the movie version of the zombie apocalypse where all the good guys get to live and most people never run into a zombie neighbor. Or at least one they don’t want to shoot.

Except it’s not better than nothing according to the entire body of research prior to 2020.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-16-20, 17:41
How do you isolate those at risk when most of this country is obese and a large number have plenty of comorbidities? This sounds good and all but please explain how this actually works.

Do we pay them a special at risk welfare that compensates them for lost wages while also passing a law making their jobs secure once they can go back to work? Do we set up free grocery delivery for them so they don’t have to be exposed at the store? What happens when an at risk person lives with a non at risk person? Do we isolate all of them or pay for special housing for one of them so the at risk person can isolate and the other can go about their business? We obviously can’t have them living together because that defeats the entire point of isolating the at risk population.

In other words, that will never actually work in the real world. However, all we have to do is look at plenty of other countries that haven’t been kneecapped by this and emulate what they are doing. And guess what? They all wear masks like it’s the common sense thing to do and not a liberal conspiracy to put you on a train to a death camp and round up all the guns.

What are they doing now and how does Group B going about their business change anything? If they are at risk, they should b assuming anyone they come in contact with could be asymptomatic. So the short answer is, it changes nothing.

07-16-20, 18:23
We can’t and won’t isolate those that we need to. I agree it is a great plan, I’d take it a step further and say that people under 35 shouldn’t be allowed to wear a mask. Build up some herd immunity with low deaths. We just aren’t set up to do it.

I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. Family member with dementia and COPD in a memory care facility- when this hit we were sure she was a goner, but luckily, no Covid yet at her facility.

Of course virtue signaling and ‘do something’ are hallmarks of modern governance. If we had 5 billion N95s and could make 500 million a week, I think that they would mandate wearing them. Think of an analogy to World War II and Sherman tanks versus Pershing tanks- we had a shit load of Cloth masks- not what we want, better than nothing until we get what we want.

More that Cuomo was killing off so many old people, whose long term care is as expensive as acute care, that it would overall decrease Medicare spending.

It is becoming ever more clear to me that when it comes to mass stuff like this the government really isn’t in control. The riots are just a small microcosm. The masks are really large. They aren’t mandating it because they know they can’t actually enforce the mask rule. It isn’t the most effective thing to do, but it probably does help. In the grand scheme of things if we all pretend they work and that allows us to go around and get back as close to normal life as we can, then let’s do that, instead of going to deep lock downs again.

If you’re not wearing a mask in these public places, you’re doing literally nothing.

As to how masks could help trump get reelected, if we can tamp this thing down by a few weeks before the election, and the economy is rebounding as it seems to be, Trump could literally say that he has stare down the greatest crisis in American history and fixed it within nine months. I know masks are a small part of that, but it may come down to peoples perceptions and some kind of magic number of deaths above or below that gets people in the right headspace. If things aren’t going well by the election, they can blame it on Trump because he didn’t mandate masks.

I have to tell you what really scares me isn’t this pandemic. It’s the next pandemic that has that actual 5 to 10% kill rate, that spreads like this, that we don’t have immunity to. This frankly, was a really good test run for the real problem. Think of it like Tunguska versus the Yucatán peninsula impact. We dodged a bullet on this one. If it had gone after kids instead of old people, we would be losing our collective shit right now. Different mortality rate and it would have shut down our food supply. It came pretty close to really screwing it up. Plus the next time people hear pandemic they’ll think of this and they’ll be reluctant to actually do what’s needed, which will give the nasty pandemic the foothold it needs. Think of this like the crucible versus invading Iwo Jima. Go through the motions and learn what needs to be done and what we’ve done wrong, because the one with all the killing is going to come eventually.

This is the movie version of the zombie apocalypse where all the good guys get to live and most people never run into a zombie neighbor. Or at least one they don’t want to shoot.

1) The masks, lockdowns, and other controls are predominately being done by democrats so not sure why Trump would want to bring that up as something that worked.

2) How is Trump going to say anything that the media can't twist? Their business, their rules.

Here is another instance of the experts lying:


07-17-20, 05:39
Georgia governor Kemp bans cities and counties from mandating masks.


Life's a Hillary
07-17-20, 08:47
What are they doing now and how does Group B going about their business change anything? If they are at risk, they should b assuming anyone they come in contact with could be asymptomatic. So the short answer is, it changes nothing.

So we isolate them by doing the same thing we are doing now? That’s working out so well.

07-17-20, 08:48
Peaceful Canada has a dead elderly person after a police visit over a mask issue:


According to the CBC, Ontario's police watchdog unit is investigating an incident where two officers shot and killed a 73-year-old man in Haliburton County on Wednesday morning. Right before the killing, the man had refused to wear a mask and allegedly assaulted a grocery store employee before driving off, according to a statement from the Ontario police that leaves out most of the details about how the shooting transpired.

07-17-20, 09:02
You know why we are buried one at a time and in our own individual box?
Because you are alone in life, to achieve or fail, win or lose individually, like it or not it is up to you to take care of you.

07-17-20, 09:09
Peaceful Canada has a dead elderly person after a police visit over a mask issue:


A cynic would suggest that part of these ever-changing mandates and rampant Karens Run Amok is designed to make people snap... The more thoroughly Dems can make the existing Old Order burn, the less they have to clear away before building their New Order.

07-17-20, 09:43
A cynic would suggest that part of these ever-changing mandates and rampant Karens Run Amok is designed to make people snap...

Absolutely, 100%. What do you think all the stupid BLM marches and road-blocking are for?

The more thoroughly Dems can make the existing Old Order burn, the less they have to clear away before building their New Order.

Their main goal is to generate widespread conflict to an extent that will persuade the masses of low-information types to support totalitarian measures. Hegelian dialectic or whatever you want to call it... also look up "Strategy of tension."

Terminating the stronger supporters of the old order is a welcome side effect to them, but not the primary goal nor really significant in the larger scheme.