View Full Version : Smithsonian pushing some very interesting ideas on "whiteness"

07-16-20, 08:48
You can't even make some of this stuff up. Glad our tax dollars are funding this.




07-16-20, 09:08
Somebody is going to loose their poo over that one.

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07-16-20, 09:10
There is a woman in Canada insisting white people are genetically inferior to blacks. She uses her version of science to support her claims that melanin suppression is the result of genetic mutations, thereby yielding a weaker subspecies. White privilege and authority, rugged individualism and hard work are therefore tools the weaker race has developed and adapted to control the genetically superior blacks.

So, in other words, the weak control the strong by working hard and producing value, and enslave the master race with the privilege bestowed upon them by their inferior genetic mutations.

ETA: It’s coming from the leader of BLM Toronto. Oh, and it’s recessive defects that make white sub-human. I need to check my non-human privilege.


07-16-20, 09:16
There is a woman in Canada insisting white people are genetically inferior to blacks. She uses her version of science to support her claims that melanin suppression is the result of genetic mutations, thereby yielding a weaker subspecies. White privilege and authority, rugged individualism and hard work are therefore tools the weaker race has developed and adapted to control the genetically superior blacks.

So, in other words, the weak control the strong by working hard and producing value, and enslave the master race with the privilege bestowed upon them by their inferior genetic mutations.

ETA: It’s coming from the leader of BLM Toronto. Oh, and it’s recessive defects that make white sub-human. I need to check my non-human privilege.


That's also pretty much what Nick Cannon said recently.

07-16-20, 09:17
SMH. To be woke is to be racist, but alas here we are. I will share one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther King Jr not on race but fitting of the woke movement overall.

“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.”

07-16-20, 09:20
There is a woman in Canada insisting white people are genetically inferior to blacks. She uses her version of science to support her claims that melanin suppression is the result of genetic mutations, thereby yielding a weaker subspecies. White privilege and authority, rugged individualism and hard work are therefore tools the weaker race has developed and adapted to control the genetically superior blacks.

So, in other words, the weak control the strong by working hard and producing value, and enslave the master race with the privilege bestowed upon them by their inferior genetic mutations.

ETA: It’s coming from the leader of BLM Toronto. Oh, and it’s recessive defects that make white sub-human. I need to check my non-human privilege.


Which is funny because in a roundabout way she’s essentially affirming race based differences exist in terms of superiority/ inferiority and people are in fact not equal.

Or she just likes to cuck her life partner.

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07-16-20, 09:22
This is great. This is where a lot of supposedly "woke" people will wake up and get off the train. This is the moment where what is intended as criticism will instead be seen as praise and admiration by many.

The people who push this stuff are so wrapped-up in their ideological bubble that they can't see the forest. Seriously, they're critiquing "objective, rational linear thinking... cause and effect relationships"???

07-16-20, 09:48
What’s the goal of this again? I’m missing something in the message, and it isn’t patent racial inequity.

07-16-20, 09:56
What’s the goal of this again? I’m missing something in the message, and it isn’t patent racial inequity.

The goal is socialism, pushing into communism. Remember the narrative; George Floyd died because of racist cops; all cops are racist and police departments need to be disband; the city and federal governments that support cops are racist and need to be torn down; we can only be equal when minorities are treated better then the people of the racist system.

07-16-20, 10:07
So many things are just completely ridiculous these days. The gubbamint pushes the so called policy of being fiscally responsible with the use of tax money, but this is the kind of sh!^ that it is used for. If taxpayers only knew how badly their tax funds were used... and not just on this..., they would be out in the streets... well, should be.

07-16-20, 10:08
It's pretty common to read that white people are actually cavemen because they have Neanderthal DNA and that people from Africa are "pure" humans and superior. African Americans, of course, share the same DNA as everyone else in the US; that fact greatly reduces the superiority argument for ANY race.

I should also note that many of the traits the Smithsonian calls "white" exist across nearly every culture in the world, regardless of European influence. Some of the traits are more accurate for 1950 US than 2020 US.


07-16-20, 10:19
To speak of whites (or any "race") as sub-human is nothing more than eugenics and Nazi propaganda. More stupid and especially evil.

07-16-20, 10:58
To speak of whites (or any "race") as sub-human is nothing more than eugenics and Nazi propaganda. More stupid and especially evil.

Yep, it’s the seeds of a holocaust: because whites are subhuman, they have no human rights. They can be enslaved and/exterminated without any moral debate.

07-16-20, 11:17
This is great. This is where a lot of supposedly "woke" people will wake up and get off the train. This is the moment where what is intended as criticism will instead be seen as praise and admiration by many.

Here's questions I can't help but asking: What if they don't "wake up"? What if they truly do see it as rightful criticism and a list of attributes that need "correcting"? This is an ideology that is permeating every level and layer of society in some way or another and is only gaining ground.

New standards are being set as to what constitutes racism. I fear the especially impressionable youth are going to see this not as a list of positive attributes any productive member of society should have but a how-to list to identify racism to be stamped out.

07-16-20, 11:32
Looking at where this is all heading, the radicals have an interesting game plan.

-Their end goal is obviously some form of socialism/communism.
-No one wants to be viewed as racist.
-Even if you are not racist, but are white, you are actually inherently racist and here's how...enter the list of "whiteness" qualities.
-The list of qualities are actually largely those that make individuals productive members of society with stable families. Society and the country as a whole benefit from this.
-Begin a social-shaming campaign to stamp out those qualities.
-As those qualities are eroded due to social-shaming and as the norms shift, a large part of society will be more likely to embrace their style of government (socialism/communism).

07-16-20, 11:35

So......where are the companion displays summarizing other cultures' traditions and attitudes so that an objective reader can really find out where the common ground is?

This emphasis on perceived 'whiteness' does not help achieve the goal of a colorblind society.

07-16-20, 11:36

So......where are the companion displays summarizing other cultures' traditions and attitudes so that an objective reader can really find out where the common ground is?

This emphasis on perceived 'whiteness' does not help achieve the goal of a colorblind society.

I hate to break it to you but I do not think either of the underlined points are their goal.

07-16-20, 11:50
Religion and family structure? She should go talk to the none white Arabs.

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07-16-20, 11:55

So......where are the companion displays summarizing other cultures' traditions and attitudes so that an objective reader can really find out where the common ground is?

This emphasis on perceived 'whiteness' does not help achieve the goal of a colorblind society.

Trying to be objective is an indicator of white supremacy....are you a secret Nazi????

07-16-20, 12:01
The more they keep up with stuff like this the more they’re basically saying minorities are actually scientifically inferior and whites actually are completely responsible for building the modern age of civilization as we know it.

But it’s apparent they’re not realizing what they’re doing. Like the KKK wishes they had this much influence.

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07-16-20, 12:15
Is there any commensurate attempt to categorize any other group other than whites in this way? Blacks? Asians? Hispanics?

If there isn’t, one would have to think it must be woke to characterize the white race as being a particular way but racist to try that with any other ethnicity or color.

07-16-20, 13:17
There was a time when this level of insanity got the long-term inpatient psychiatric care it so desperately needs...


07-16-20, 13:45
Yep, it’s the seeds of a holocaust: because whites are subhuman, they have no human rights. They can be enslaved and/exterminated without any moral debate.

And many of those ideas are not new. They've been accepted views within the Nation of Islam for decades now, the people saying them on public platforms are just feeling bold enough to be honest about what they think, and have twisted some more recent science to fit their deluded agenda.

The more they keep up with stuff like this the more they’re basically saying minorities are actually scientifically inferior and whites actually are completely responsible for building the modern age of civilization as we know it.

But it’s apparent they’re not realizing what they’re doing. Like the KKK wishes they had this much influence.

Yep, and if they can convince enough people that Western Civilization and all things derived from it (including science, math, law, etc.) are inherently evil, they still win.

This is a conversation from a few years ago about "decolonizing" science (deleting it and starting over). It's at the University of Cape Town, and seems crazy, but it's a logical conclusion of the ideas being pushed by the extreme left here in the US right now. Warning, the amount of delusion coming out of these people's mouths is pretty staggering:


07-16-20, 13:46
Is there any commensurate attempt to categorize any other group other than whites in this way? Blacks? Asians? Hispanics?

If there isn’t, one would have to think it must be woke to characterize the white race as being a particular way but racist to try that with any other ethnicity or color.

Many of the people pushing the "wypipo are subhuman" narrative are also rabidly anti-semitic.

07-16-20, 14:13
She has a point. Western modernity should be removed from their society. They should be allowed to develop their own Afro-centric means of science as they feel it applies to them. Start from scratch- revert to her peoples traditional way of life pre-euro settlement. Meanwhile, start packing up all forms of western modernity, and destroy what can't be physically removed. Infrastructure, medicine, houses/tenements, factories airports, and firearms in her country are all brought by western modernity. She doesn't get to keep the benefits while rejecting the institution.

How long will they survive?

07-16-20, 14:24
She has a point. Western modernity should be removed from their society. They should be allowed to develop their own Afro-centric means of science as they feel it applies to them. Start from scratch- revert to her peoples traditional way of life pre-euro settlement. Meanwhile, start packing up all forms of western modernity, and destroy what can't be physically removed. Infrastructure, medicine, houses/tenements, factories airports, and firearms in her country are all brought by western modernity. She doesn't get to keep the benefits while rejecting the institution.

How long will they survive?

I mean Africa is such a thriving continent afterall

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07-16-20, 14:39
I'm watching Zulu again just to get a perspective.
Nope , Western Civilization is a "White Thing".

07-16-20, 14:54
I'm watching Zulu again just to get a perspective.
Nope , Western Civilization is a "White Thing".

Haha. Let’s be real diversity really isn’t a strength. You can’t put people of gross differences in culture, world view, religion, etc together and then expect it to be harmonious. I just doesn’t work in real life. Doubly so when you purposely import said entities in the hundreds of thousands annually. Mass immigration destroys empires, that’s a fact. As is evidenced by all the current cultural Marxism going on. It use to be people who came here embraced what the concept of America really meant but I don’t think that’s the case anymore.

Moreover it’s not racist to standup for ones cultural heritage and traditions despite what Americans have been told for decades.

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07-16-20, 15:11
I'm a bit pissed about this and I intend to boycott all black owned and black made products.
I may be forced to hear it, I don't have to give it my money.

07-16-20, 15:34
I don't know if it's sad or funny that Woke culture has gone so far off the deep end that they'll essentially make the exact same argument the KKK was a century ago to support their ideas.

07-16-20, 16:08
I don't know if it's sad or funny that Woke culture has gone so far off the deep end that they'll essentially make the exact same argument the KKK was a century ago to support their ideas.

This is what happens when you allow an outbreak of mental illness to grow into first epidemic and then pandemic... :(

07-16-20, 16:09
I mean Africa is such a thriving continent afterall

Only if you remove all the evil vices brought in by imperialists. Take away EVERYTHING that those evil European imperialists brought, and you can truly Make Africa Great Again.

07-16-20, 16:26
I know WHERE they can push it. :mad:

07-16-20, 17:00
I don't know if it's sad or funny that Woke culture has gone so far off the deep end that they'll essentially make the exact same argument the KKK was a century ago to support their ideas.

This is what troubles me so much about wokeness. They are providing plenty of fuel and ammo for their ideological counterparts. What better way to drive home White Power propaganda than by letting these people speak for themselves? And I'm sure the WP people are just itching for the spark to ignite their call to arms.

07-16-20, 17:14
This is what troubles me so much about wokeness. They are providing plenty of fuel and ammo for their ideological counterparts. What better way to drive home White Power propaganda than by letting these people speak for themselves? And I'm sure the WP people are just itching for the spark to ignite their call to arms.

I don’t think it’s really going to impact the aryan brotherhood crows much since they’ll sit back be like well, we told you so.

The longer this vitriolic BS drags out though the more regular middle of the road Americans who are sick have the race card and reparations demands thrown in their face for being white are going take the dive over embrace the belief that racial inferiority is real by default.

You already have many respected leaders in the black community calling for the resegregation of schools, housing, neighborhoods, etc so it’s not like it’s far fetched proposition anymore. It’s becoming mainstream.

That being said if that’s the road they want go down I don’t see why anyone should bother trying to correct their trajectory. That’s on them.

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07-16-20, 17:21
I don’t think it’s really going to impact the aryan brotherhood crows much since they’ll sit back be like well, we told you so.

The longer this vitriolic BS drags out though the more regular middle of the road Americans who are sick have the race card and reparations demands thrown in their face for being white are going take the dive over embrace the belief that racial inferiority is real by default.

You already have many respected leaders in the black community calling for the resegregation of schools, housing, neighborhoods, etc so it’s not like it’s far fetched proposition anymore. It’s becoming mainstream.

That being said if that’s the road they want go down I don’t see why anyone should bother trying to correct their trajectory. That’s on them.

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Yeah, pretty much. All this work to end Jim Crow only to have their grandchildren bring it back. Bitter irony.

07-16-20, 17:42
With all of their insistence that “white people” basically conform to a bunch of stereotypes, it’s odd they seem to be forgetting another stereotypical aspect of “whiteness” - how F-ing prone we are to wiping out demographics that we decide that we don’t like, including other white people, and how good at it we are.
By their logic, if we are nothing but the stereotype, and we are truly the killer white apes they think we are, then they might want to cool their jets a bit.

07-16-20, 17:48
With all of their insistence that “white people” basically conform to a bunch of stereotypes, it’s odd they seem to be forgetting another stereotypical aspect of “whiteness” - how F-ing prone we are to wiping out demographics that we decide that we don’t like, including other white people, and how good at it we are.
By their logic, if we are nothing but the stereotype, and we are truly the killer white apes they think we are, then they might want to cool their jets a bit.

*channeling Spock; read in Leonard Nimoy voice* "Logic dictates that if we were as dangerous, violent and hateful as they say we are, there wouldn't BE any of them."

07-16-20, 17:56
Yeah, pretty much. All this work to end Jim Crow only to have their grandchildren bring it back. Bitter irony.

The peak irony is that you have a lot of regular rational folks looking at the current state of things and thinking to themselves, “jeez, was emancipation and everything else since then worth it”?

Hell if you root around online there’s even videos of black business owners and church clergy openly condemning the BLM movement and the community at large for their collective disdain of all the opportunities America has afforded to them and suggesting their undeserving of freedom and equality.

It’s full tilt bizarro world.

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07-16-20, 18:24
The peak irony is that you have a lot of regular rational folks looking at the current state of things and thinking to themselves, “jeez, was emancipation and everything else since then worth it”?

Hell if you root around online there’s even videos of black business owners and church clergy openly condemning the BLM movement and the community at large for their collective disdain of all the opportunities America has afforded to them and suggesting their undeserving of freedom and equality.

It’s full tilt bizarro world.

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Yep. I was starting something about this in an above post but quit. This polarization is the real problem here. Innocent people who are happy with their lives are getting marginalized. Even as SJW's preach against "othering", they are normalizing segregation and tribalism. I am starting to think there is no peaceful way out except to run the full gauntlet, and then rebuild once the dust settles. We will never return to what we've had if that happens. What I am hoping for is cooler heads prevailing from within the community, and whistleblowers discrediting the movement to the point that BLM gets universally discredited. It's a moonshot, I know.

07-16-20, 18:32
The infographic is now gone from the museum's site - glad it's still visible in the thread. In its place, they have a long-winded apology:

Since yesterday, certain content in the “Talking About Race” portal has been the subject of questions that we have taken seriously. We have listened to public sentiment and have removed a chart that does not contribute to the productive discussion we had intended.

The site's intent and purpose are to foster and cultivate conversations that are respectful and constructive and provide increased understanding. As an educational institution, we value meaningful dialogue and believe that we are stronger when we can pause, listen, and reflect—even when it challenges us to reconsider our approach. We hope that this portal will be an ever-evolving place that will continue to grow, develop, and ensure that we listen to one another in a spirit of civility and common cause.

07-16-20, 18:42
Yep. I was starting something about this in an above post but quit. This polarization is the real problem here. Innocent people who are happy with their lives are getting marginalized. Even as SJW's preach against "othering", they are normalizing segregation and tribalism. I am starting to think there is no peaceful way out except to run the full gauntlet, and then rebuild once the dust settles. We will never return to what we've had if that happens. What I am hoping for is cooler heads prevailing from within the community, and whistleblowers discrediting the movement to the point that BLM gets universally discredited. It's a moonshot, I know.

I pondered this a bit. To your point that polarization is a real issue is valid and is problematic. To the end the more polarized things are the more the establishment wins.

Past that though if this debacle leads to a greater awareness and discussion about the pitfalls of globalism vs Nationalism I think that’s a win. Also in before the thinks nationalism is a dirty word crowd [emoji849].

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07-16-20, 19:04
I pondered this a bit. To your point that polarization is a real issue is valid and is problematic. To the end the more polarized things are the more the establishment wins.

Past that though if this debacle leads to a greater awareness and discussion about the pitfalls of globalism vs Nationalism I think that’s a win. Also in before the thinks nationalism is a dirty word crowd [emoji849].

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Yes, exactly. When society devolves and fractures, tyranny can take root. It’s almost as if this is the plan.
I do hope we have a chance to get people to really wake up, none of this ‘woke and aware’ myopic BS, and get past the dogma and agenda they’ve been fed. Then we really can MAGA...but not on our current trajectory. Meanwhile I am ready to head to the hills while society eats itself.

As for nationalism is bad, it is amazing the number of times I’ve spoken to ‘informed’ people about ‘MAGA is racist’ and what, in their opinion, it would take to make America a great nation. After listening a bit to flavor of the week media regurgitation, I can usually loop their statements into my retort: “so, what you are saying is we a need to replace systemic fascism with a strong nation wide socialist identity. We could call it the Nationalist Socialist movement. We can even make a new party with the same name since Democrats and Republicans have failed us!”. And most times they readily agree. Funny how things get edited out of history education, despite people with living memory warning us about it all.

07-16-20, 19:31
Once again, your money has a lot of power.
Stop doing business with black owned businesses, tradesmen, products until it gets fixed.
Your opinions mean nothing until the well goes dry.
Boycott every thin dime. 3 days to a week it will be fixed.

07-16-20, 20:45
Once again, your money has a lot of power.
Stop doing business with black owned businesses, tradesmen, products until it gets fixed.
Your opinions mean nothing until the well goes dry.
Boycott every thin dime. 3 days to a week it will be fixed.Might work locally, very locally. Outside of your zip code, if that, it won't matter.

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26 Inf
07-16-20, 21:25
Is there any commensurate attempt to categorize any other group other than whites in this way? Blacks? Asians? Hispanics?

If there isn’t, one would have to think it must be woke to characterize the white race as being a particular way but racist to try that with any other ethnicity or color.

Sure. It's pretty common in Cultural Awareness Training. Cultures and by extension ethnicity are commonly broken down in terms of, as example:

Patriarchal oreientation;

Time management - as an example - in some cultures adherence to the schedule is more important than doing the job right; in other cultures the job is more important than the time schedule. Likewise in some cultures if you have an appointment at 9:00 the norm is to be early; other cultures arrive at 10:00 and say 'I ran into a friend.'

Expressiveness in communication - some cultures are reserved, others are more animated. In some cultures the process is more important than the words.

Values - individual or group (family)

and so on.....

26 Inf
07-16-20, 21:27
I'm a bit pissed about this and I intend to boycott all black owned and black made products.
I may be forced to hear it, I don't have to give it my money.

Do you really believe ALL blacks are the same? Any more than ALL whites?

07-16-20, 21:59
BLM et. al. have openly stated that they want to burn everything down and replace it with something new of their own making.

If their antics drive moderate and conservative white folks into the arms of the Aryans and other white identitarians, it's a feature, not a bug. This stuff is designed to be divisive and to promote tribalism on both sides of the fence.

The goal is to tear it all down. It doesn't really matter to them how it happens, or how many get killed along the way.

07-16-20, 22:01
Do you really believe ALL blacks are the same? Any more than ALL whites?

And here in lies the rub on that.
The Black folks have made it pretty clear that they don't want to hear what people of my age and color have to say, so the answers have to come from within the Black Culture.
The way to achieve the desired effect is to apply economics.
Just a gentle reminder of all of the business's that were lost due to BLM and Antifa and say sorry, we need to spread the pain as equally as we do profit, so go home and talk to your family.
Perhaps when this ends we can do business again.
If he's squared away, he will have an answer, if he hesitated you'll know why.
The wallet talks and the bullshit walks.

07-16-20, 22:13
If they aren’t all the same, and I do not believe they are, by all means point me to studies that broke down other racial groups in this same way with broad generalizations applying to the apparent majority of their population.

Since the racial issue du jour seems to be prominently with black groups and has been for some time foremost by coverage, how do blacks get characterized by any similar study?

07-16-20, 22:15
And here in lies the rub on that.
The Black folks have made it pretty clear that they don't want to hear what people of my age and color have to say, so the answers have to come from within the Black Culture.
The way to achieve the desired effect is to apply economics.
Just a gentle reminder of all of the business that were due to BLM and Antifa and say sorry, we need to spread the pain as equally as we do profit, so go home and talk to your family.
Perhaps when this ends we can do business again.
If he's squared away, he will have an answer, of he hesitated you'll know why.
The wallet talks and the bullshit walks.

That's some pretty tribalistic thinking.

It's not "The Black folks."

It's a small minority of really vocal people, many of them white, who are using race to push Marxism. The people who founded BLM are all radical feminists and openly Marxist, and a lot of the things they're pushing aren't even congruent with the values of most black people. BLM doesn't care one bit about the black community or the average black American, and their actions prove it.

The same goes for the nonsense pushed by Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam cult. It's not representative of all black Americans. Nation of Islam has at most 50,000 members, which is about 0.1% of the black population of the US.

07-16-20, 22:19
Maybe your right, but "white folks" fixing this directly has never worked.
There is no motivating factor to stop it without dollars or some amount of force.

This is simply "nicer".
They can use their own methods.

07-16-20, 22:20
And here in lies the rub on that.
The Black folks have made it pretty clear that they don't want to hear what people of my age and color have to say, so the answers have to come from within the Black Culture.
The way to achieve the desired effect is to apply economics.
Just a gentle reminder of all of the business's that were lost due to BLM and Antifa and say sorry, we need to spread the pain as equally as we do profit, so go home and talk to your family.
Perhaps when this ends we can do business again.
If he's squared away, he will have an answer, if he hesitated you'll know why.
The wallet talks and the bullshit walks.Does this apply the same to white peeps since the large portion of the rioters are white? These rioters have made it pretty clear they want nothing to do with me or you and majority of them are white.

Also how does one tell who the owner of the business is?

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07-16-20, 22:26
BLM et. al. have openly stated that they want to burn everything down and replace it with something new of their own making.

If their antics drive moderate and conservative white folks into the arms of the Aryans and other white identitarians, it's a feature, not a bug. This stuff is designed to be divisive and to promote tribalism on both sides of the fence.

The goal is to tear it all down. It doesn't really matter to them how it happens, or how many get killed along the way.

Yep, their goal is to make white people prove, or appear to prove, that they are what BLM says we are. They need an excuse to enslave and/or reduce, or fully exterminate, the white population and make it seem like it was necessary for their self-preservation.

My thought is: WE are not the hateful ones. THEY are. We don't give a damn about skin color and we never did. Most black and white people in this country aren't racist and have no intention of separating into tribes. White supremacists are just as bad as black supremacists. There is no lesser of two evils; they're equal. There's only one choice when caught between black and white supremacists: Stand back-to-back and start shooting at both sides.

07-16-20, 22:32
And economics draws no blood but some startling realizations.
You simply don't have the numbers or power for this fight.

07-16-20, 22:39
Do you really believe ALL blacks are the same? Any more than ALL whites?

Blacks vote 94% democrat.

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07-16-20, 22:51
Blacks vote 94% democrat.

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Well, there is that after all, then how much money flows between Antifa, BLM and the Democratic Party?
You're left with few palatable choices and the economic impact would be felt quickly and deeply
and more importantly once it was evident, it would gain traction and attention.
The Left would howl!

07-16-20, 23:28
BLM et. al. have openly stated that they want to burn everything down and replace it with something new of their own making.

If their antics drive moderate and conservative white folks into the arms of the Aryans and other white identitarians, it's a feature, not a bug. This stuff is designed to be divisive and to promote tribalism on both sides of the fence.

The goal is to tear it all down. It doesn't really matter to them how it happens, or how many get killed along the way.
And the kicker is, when it is all done, the very agents of destruction and change will be nothing more than peasants once again. This time, though, they'll have company in the ghetto since everyone not in the 1% will be in some way subject to the power players.

If they aren’t all the same, and I do not believe they are, by all means point me to studies that broke down other racial groups in this same way with broad generalizations applying to the apparent majority of their population.

Since the racial issue du jour seems to be prominently with black groups and has been for some time foremost by coverage, how do blacks get characterized by any similar study?
Not disagreeing with you, just saying this: not that long ago groups like La Raza were making themselves heard over racial identity (ever hear of the cosmic race aka la raza cosmica?) DACA, the wall, and general down with whitey, take back our lands (which the cosmic people themselves took). They've been around for quite some time, with similar racist agenda from their leadership going back for years. Their leadership group had a university professor who (forgot his name and don't want get angry reading his posts when I search) openly & unapologetically discriminated against white students and favored hispanics via arbitrary grading, etc. La Raza never really denied it, more shifted focus, "well times were different then" & "he is not speaking for us now". They have been less prevalent in MSM lately but not any less active with their hate speech and racial crap. They've taken a side line and let the next group of anti-white oppressors take the lime light. BLM is just the next phase.
To your point, what I see is BLM is just the latest flavor of the color revolution being field tested. If we look at this from a historical perspective blacks might be the group most vulnerable to manipulation from Marxist agitators, ie, who better to rise up against the bourgeoisie than their emancipated slaves? Ignore the historical facts, just run with the narrative.

And here in lies the rub on that.
The Black folks have made it pretty clear that they don't want to hear what people of my age and color have to say, so the answers have to come from within the Black Culture.
The way to achieve the desired effect is to apply economics.
Just a gentle reminder of all of the business's that were lost due to BLM and Antifa and say sorry, we need to spread the pain as equally as we do profit, so go home and talk to your family.
Perhaps when this ends we can do business again.
If he's squared away, he will have an answer, if he hesitated you'll know why.
The wallet talks and the bullshit walks.
Harsh, but maybe this is what it takes to prompt that change from within their tribe that stops this train before it runs any further off the rails. I mean, they won't hear it from non-blacks.

07-16-20, 23:34
Geeze, remember being taught racism is wrong.

More importantly, the things they are attributing to "race" are actually aspects of "culture." Kind of like how black people really don't fall out of a vagina with an instinctive knowledge of how to dribble a basketball.

Now there are things that probably are related to race. For example if your last 10,000 years of environmental conditioning made it important to run from other predators, you might be more likely to be athletic than groups or peoples whose survival was more a matter of being educated.

But there is always the Urkel factor. So saying all [insert any race here] people are [insert any cultural value here] is at best a gross generalization that hardly applies to every member. Then there is the problem that "race" is a nearly arbitrary visual classification with lots of genetic exceptions so when you group people in to Race A, Race B and Race C...what you discover is at the genetic level people in B will actually have more genetic commonality with members of C or A and people in C and A will have more genetic commonality with each other or with people in group B.

We are all the same species, homo sapiens sapiens and we now KNOW we all originated in Africa. But we left Africa at different times and went to different places and those new environments placed new demands upon us and provided new environmental conditioning that made slight changes of the space of thousands of years, but not enough to result in an alternate species.

If you take Africans today and place them in Norway for 10,000 years you won't have the same identical Africans when you check on them. And if you take people from Norway and place them in Africa for 10,000 years they will have likely developed a genetic tan. It's just what happens, we are conditioned by our environments.

Everything else is cultural, for example if you come from a people that invented legalism and values education above almost everything else and that is your cultural background for the last 10,000 years you MIGHT be good at math. But even cultural considerations aren't absolutes and San Francisco has more than a few Chinese kids who suck at math and can't do kung fu. But they can smoke the shit out of a bong and ride a skateboard even though culturally these are "new skills."

07-16-20, 23:36
Blacks vote 94% democrat.

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Is that due to race or chosen cultural preferences? Does it mean Allen West has to overcome his own biology to hold conservative views?

07-16-20, 23:45
I'm not sure that Allen West needs to have this conversation with his family, but I've yet to hear him oppose black racists. I will however wager 48 hours on to a National boycott he will.
As I said, it's not a one size fits all solution, bit it is swift, can be turned on and off and draws no blood.
Imagine 1,000,000 three day late mortgages?
Imagine taking this sort of economic power to bear against corporate sponsors of BLM and Antifa?

Watching the movie "Shane" if like reading Huckleberry Finn for me, I enjoy it every time, except this last one when I came to the realization that Shane was a gunfighter, he knew bad Men and he knew how disputes at this level are going to turn out. Lots of shooting and broken bones and deaths.
In the movie Shane waits until the last two and a half seconds to kill three guys that I believe he should have killed individually in the first thirty minutes of the movie.
Waiting and being honorable is a chump move, take action early and be decisive and avoid all the drama. Waiting for a fair fight means your planning sucks.

07-17-20, 00:19
I'm not sure that Allen West needs to have this conversation with his family, but I've yet to hear him oppose black racists. I will however wager 48 hours on to a National boycott he will.

Is Allen West required to disavow black racists any more than white people are required to disavow white racists? Can we not just simply assume he isn't a "race motivated retard" until he proves otherwise.

I know for example Spike Lee is extremely racists and lives an existence where race dictates nearly all of his beliefs and values. But that is because Spike Lee has made a point of putting all of those beliefs and values out on Front Street for everyone to see. So I know Spike Lee is a racist.

But for everyone else, black, white, whatever...I'm not making assumptions. If you look like a reasonable person I am treating you like a reasonable person until I learn differently. If you look like a sketchy, high risk basket case of a person...I'm treating you like a high risk basket case of a person until I learn differently.

07-17-20, 00:24
Is Allen West required to disavow black racists any more than white people are required to disavow white racists? Can we not just simply assume he isn't a "race motivated retard" until he proves otherwise.

I know for example Spike Lee is extremely racists and lives an existence where race dictates nearly all of his beliefs and values. But that is because Spike Lee has made a point of putting all of those beliefs and values out on Front Street for everyone to see. So I know Spike Lee is a racist.

But for everyone else, black, white, whatever...I'm not making assumptions. If you look like a reasonable person I am treating you like a reasonable person until I learn differently. If you look like a sketchy, high risk basket case of a person...I'm treating you like a high risk basket case of a person until I learn differently.

I once heard this described as "present yourself in the manner you want others to perceive you." Funny thing, I forwarded the Federalist article to my gal and she blew a headgasket over Smithsonian's crap too... which is surprising from a self-described "center-left" Canuck.

How many days ago before this dropped did I say that BLM/Antifa/WTFE were really an assault on the very fabric of Western Civiliation itself? And then they go and rip the mask off...

07-17-20, 01:07
Dear black people, I’m truly sorry about woke white people. Their racist beliefs that you are unable to help yourselves because of racism is uhm, racist. Just think of these work idiots as the new colonialists. For those of you who actually live in dangerous neighborhoods, I’m sorry that things are going to get worse as the police step back and crime and violence increases in your neighborhoods. The worst part of it is that these work people don’t actually have any skills to actually help you. They really are just helping themselves to make themselves feel better. My only suggestion is to maybe just tell them everything is better now and they’ll go away. Selfishly I hope that doesn’t work because we don’t want them back either.

Good luck,
The Management

07-17-20, 05:21
Is that due to race or chosen cultural preferences? Does it mean Allen West has to overcome his own biology to hold conservative views?

It was asked if they were all the same, not why they were all the same. I’d say it’s Stockholm Syndrome, but that’s just me.

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07-17-20, 05:35
That's some pretty tribalistic thinking.

It's not "The Black folks."

It's a small minority of really vocal people, many of them white, who are using race to push Marxism. The people who founded BLM are all radical feminists and openly Marxist, and a lot of the things they're pushing aren't even congruent with the values of most black people. BLM doesn't care one bit about the black community or the average black American, and their actions prove it.

The same goes for the nonsense pushed by Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam cult. It's not representative of all black Americans. Nation of Islam has at most 50,000 members, which is about 0.1% of the black population of the US.

Thank you


07-17-20, 07:48
Blacks vote 94% democrat.

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It was asked if they were all the same, not why they were all the same. I’d say it’s Stockholm Syndrome, but that’s just me.

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You're living in the same fantasy land as the Democrats, where you can judge a single person based on assumptions you've made about some group that you've chosen to assign them to.

These days there are many blacks who do not vote at all, mostly because they don't feel either choice will represent them and so why bother.

Voter turnout among blacks in 2016 was only 59%, so just over 40% chose not to vote for either party.

When you poll black Americans, 25% of them identify as conservative, 43% moderate, and only 29% identify as "liberal." That's 68% who are not describing themselves as liberal/progressive.


And in the 2016 election, while 94% of black women (who voted) voted democrat, only 80% of black men did. Younger black voters were also less likely to vote Democrat than black men and women over 30, though only by a small margin.

Despite the ongoing effort by the MSM to paint Trump as racist and an enemy of the black community, as of June Rasmussen put Trump's approval rating among black voters at 40%, up from 26% in August of 2019 (this is after George Floyd was killed at the end of May):


With Biden going on TV and making statement's like "Well I tell you what, If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black," and his insistence on defending the crime bill he wrote and passed in the 90's, his campaign has cut out unscripted appearances almost entirely. The man was actively driving black voters into the arms of the Trump campaign.


My point is that the black vote isn't some monolith that's guaranteed to vote Democrat. An increasing number of black voters are waking up to the fact the Democrats only pretend to care about them when it's an election year. It's just that most of those voters are choosing to abstain, rather than vote Republican.

07-17-20, 08:27

07-17-20, 08:33
You're living in the same fantasy land as the Democrats, where you can judge a single person based on assumptions you've made about some group that you've chosen to assign them to.

These days there are many blacks who do not vote at all, mostly because they don't feel either choice will represent them and so why bother.

Voter turnout among blacks in 2016 was only 59%, so just over 40% chose not to vote for either party.

When you poll black Americans, 25% of them identify as conservative, 43% moderate, and only 29% identify as "liberal." That's 68% who are not describing themselves as liberal/progressive.


And in the 2016 election, while 94% of black women (who voted) voted democrat, only 80% of black men did. Younger black voters were also less likely to vote Democrat than black men and women over 30, though only by a small margin.

Despite the ongoing effort by the MSM to paint Trump as racist and an enemy of the black community, as of June Rasmussen put Trump's approval rating among black voters at 40%, up from 26% in August of 2019 (this is after George Floyd was killed at the end of May):


With Biden going on TV and making statement's like "Well I tell you what, If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black," and his insistence on defending the crime bill he wrote and passed in the 90's, his campaign has cut out unscripted appearances almost entirely. The man was actively driving black voters into the arms of the Trump campaign.


My point is that the black vote isn't some monolith that's guaranteed to vote Democrat. An increasing number of black voters are waking up to the fact the Democrats only pretend to care about them when it's an election year. It's just that most of those voters are choosing to abstain, rather than vote Republican.

Yet 94% of those that want to have a say in the way they are governed vote Democrat. In some years it’s been as high as 96 and 98%.

Whether these “moderate” and unaffiliated blacks identify as whatever they want, they are still voting democrat in overwhelming rates.

Truth hurts.

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07-17-20, 08:47
My point is that the black vote isn't some monolith that's guaranteed to vote Democrat. An increasing number of black voters are waking up to the fact the Democrats only pretend to care about them when it's an election year. It's just that most of those voters are choosing to abstain, rather than vote Republican.

No, it's not a perfect monopoly, but it's so damned close, it's nearly irrelevant that it isn't perfect..
How many times have you seen a famous black athlete, musician/celebrity say some radically racist things about Whites or Jews while still standing at the Podium and receiving an award?
Any accountability for any of that? Will there ever be any real accountability? How about those who openly call for the murder of whites?
Just turn off the tap for 72 hours and see who stands up to call for this to end. Then simply screw the tap tighter or open it up.

That all of these Rioters aren't black, that all of the "Peaceful Protesters" aren't all black is irrelevant, it is all being done in the name of African Americans. Simply motivate their celebrities to call for all of this to end and therefore pull the carpet out from underneath the system the Democrats have been milking for years.

I understand you may be apprehensive because no one wants to be called a racist or to become a random target for violence, but because of your "Whiteness" you are being called one anyway. By default they look at you as the enemy and oppressor.

Western Civilization wasn't built in a day, we could do something , anything to help save it, or we could sit back and worry about being called names while we wonder about having enough ammunition for guns that we will never take up in self defense because we've been programmed to be concerned about being "Outed" as a Cracker.

If you are worried about offending conservative Blacks, simply explain how and why this is being done, if they are Conservative, they may even support it. Who knows, if they truly want it to end they may even want it enough to stand up to be heard.
The true "Art of War is to subdue your enemies without fighting.

07-17-20, 08:58
You're living in the same fantasy land as the Democrats, where you can judge a single person based on assumptions you've made about some group that you've chosen to assign them to.

These days there are many blacks who do not vote at all, mostly because they don't feel either choice will represent them and so why bother.

Voter turnout among blacks in 2016 was only 59%, so just over 40% chose not to vote for either party.

When you poll black Americans, 25% of them identify as conservative, 43% moderate, and only 29% identify as "liberal." That's 68% who are not describing themselves as liberal/progressive.


And in the 2016 election, while 94% of black women (who voted) voted democrat, only 80% of black men did. Younger black voters were also less likely to vote Democrat than black men and women over 30, though only by a small margin.

Despite the ongoing effort by the MSM to paint Trump as racist and an enemy of the black community, as of June Rasmussen put Trump's approval rating among black voters at 40%, up from 26% in August of 2019 (this is after George Floyd was killed at the end of May):


With Biden going on TV and making statement's like "Well I tell you what, If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black," and his insistence on defending the crime bill he wrote and passed in the 90's, his campaign has cut out unscripted appearances almost entirely. The man was actively driving black voters into the arms of the Trump campaign.


My point is that the black vote isn't some monolith that's guaranteed to vote Democrat. An increasing number of black voters are waking up to the fact the Democrats only pretend to care about them when it's an election year. It's just that most of those voters are choosing to abstain, rather than vote Republican.

You bring up some great points and statistics but until evidence proves otherwise, history tells us that the black vote is basically a monolith that will vote democrat. The question is, how do we change this fact? I have to hope it's possible.

07-17-20, 09:03
You bring up some great points and statistics but until evidence proves otherwise, history tells us that the black vote is basically a monolith that will vote democrat.

Maybe so, but in the black community, the values are often a lot closer to the GOP than most Republicans. It’s sad, because it’s so self defeating. Black Republicans, however, “get it” more than just about any conservatives out there. Of all the conservative voices out there, most of my favorites happen to be black.

07-17-20, 09:18
You bring up some great points and statistics but until evidence proves otherwise, history tells us that the black vote is basically a monolith that will vote democrat. The question is, how do we change this fact? I have to hope it's possible.

Only recent history, really starting with Kennedy. And we all know what Johnson said about the black vote.

07-17-20, 09:22
Only recent history, really starting with Kennedy. And we all know what Johnson said about the black vote.

Started with FDR.

07-17-20, 09:31
Started with FDR.

Yeah, the GOP exodus of the black vote started in 1936, kinda plateaued from the mid-40s, and started taking off again with Kennedy. As a voting bloc they seemed 'meh' about Truman and Ike. I think their slow down at the polls were because they didn't get the post-war American Dream as promised.

Alex V
07-17-20, 09:50
This dude has a good take on it:

07-17-20, 09:54
Yeah, the GOP exodus of the black vote started in 1936, kinda plateaued from the mid-40s, and started taking off again with Kennedy. As a voting bloc they seemed 'meh' about Truman and Ike. I think their slow down at the polls were because they didn't get the post-war American Dream as promised.

Thinking about civil rights and upwardly mobile opportunities for Blacks, most people will never know and those that do know, but will never tell you, but Eisenhower did more for Blacks than almost any other President.

07-17-20, 10:04
This dude has a good take on it:

Officer Tatum is one of the good guys through and through.

07-17-20, 10:22
This dude has a good take on it:

That was interesting. Thanks.

07-17-20, 10:53
No, it's not a perfect monopoly, but it's so damned close, it's nearly irrelevant that it isn't perfect..
How many times have you seen a famous black athlete, musician/celebrity say some radically racist things about Whites or Jews while still standing at the Podium and receiving an award?
Any accountability for any of that? Will there ever be any real accountability? How about those who openly call for the murder of whites?
Just turn off the tap for 72 hours and see who stands up to call for this to end. Then simply screw the tap tighter or open it up.

That all of these Rioters aren't black, that all of the "Peaceful Protesters" aren't all black is irrelevant, it is all being done in the name of African Americans. Simply motivate their celebrities to call for all of this to end and therefore pull the carpet out from underneath the system the Democrats have been milking for years.

So if someone calls for the deportation of everyone not of European descent, or shoots up an African American church, and does so in the name of white people, it puts everyone with white skin on the hook? Even though most whites would be appalled by either of those things?

Doesn't matter how a white person feels, if some extremist does something in the name of whites, then all white people are culpable?

You really seem to have an issue with seeing people as faceless members of a collective identity group, rather than individuals.

Case in point:

I understand you may be apprehensive because no one wants to be called a racist or to become a random target for violence, but because of your "Whiteness" you are being called one anyway. By default they look at you as the enemy and oppressor.

Western Civilization wasn't built in a day, we could do something , anything to help save it, or we could sit back and worry about being called names while we wonder about having enough ammunition for guns that we will never take up in self defense because we've been programmed to be concerned about being "Outed" as a Cracker.

You're making some serious assumptions about me, including my race and motivations, considering all that you know about me is what I've posted on this forum.

I don't suffer from white guilt, white fragility, or whatever it is you're suggesting motivates me to see people as individuals. And I've no interest in sharing my race (white or otherwise) with anyone on the internet, nor do I see how it's relevant to anything I've posted.

07-17-20, 10:54
This dude has a good take on it:

Good stuff. Thanks for posting that.

Alex V
07-17-20, 11:00
Officer Tatum is one of the good guys through and through.

That was interesting. Thanks.

Good stuff. Thanks for posting that.

Officer Tatum drops good truth bombs.

07-17-20, 13:20

07-17-20, 13:37
So if someone calls for the deportation of everyone not of European descent, or shoots up an African American church, and does so in the name of white people, it puts everyone with white skin on the hook? Even though most whites would be appalled by either of those things?
Doesn't matter how a white person feels, if some extremist does something in the name of whites, then all white people are culpable?
Actually that's the way it has been working for over a decade or more. White and a gun owner? Ohhhh, extra double redneck KKK Member.
You really seem to have an issue with seeing people as faceless members of a collective identity group, rather than individuals.
Because I simply don't see individuals doing this, I see wild crowds of self righteous misguided idiot Protesters followed on closely by looting arson, general destruction. If I were a Black man, I would grab a megaphone and shout "You Do Not Represent my People, my culture or my Race."
As a white guy, if someone pretending to represent me hurts people, I'm for damn sure going to let them know that those actions and ideas do not represent me or my race.
Who has stepped up and said "No!" ? Hell you cannot get the Mayor of the burning city to say no. It has to come from within.

Case in point:[/B]

You're making some serious assumptions about me, including my race and motivations, considering all that you know about me is what I've posted on this forum.
I'm apologetic if you took that personally, I don't suffer from White Guilt either. I never meant to infer that you did.
I don't suffer from white guilt, white fragility, or whatever it is you're suggesting motivates me to see people as individuals. And I've no interest in sharing my race (white or otherwise) with anyone on the internet, nor do I see how it's relevant to anything I've posted.
I'm just tired of the destruction and I don't see another way of stopping the momentum with a lot of blood being spilled.

07-17-20, 13:49
You can't even make some of this stuff up. Glad our tax dollars are funding this.




So maybe I am missing something but are those things listed suppose to be bad? Other than maybe the "prefer blondes" I'd say that the majority of those points would make for a functional, advanced society. Anyway, isn't it racist to assume that people adhere to those listed stereotypes based on the color of their skin?

Alex V
07-17-20, 15:05
So maybe I am missing something but are those things listed suppose to be bad? Other than maybe the "prefer blondes" I'd say that the majority of those points would make for a functional, advanced society. Anyway, isn't it racist to assume that people adhere to those listed stereotypes based on the color of their skin?

That's what makes it so ironic and racist. It's saying that wanting to be successful, self reliant and working hard are white only traits. Totally discounting the ability of people who are not white to do the same.

07-17-20, 15:12
Like life grades on a curve?

07-17-20, 16:03
This lady has similar feelings to The Officer Tatum:


07-17-20, 17:52
So maybe I am missing something but are those things listed suppose to be bad? Other than maybe the "prefer blondes" I'd say that the majority of those points would make for a functional, advanced society. Anyway, isn't it racist to assume that people adhere to those listed stereotypes based on the color of their skin?
Someone at The Smithsonian appears to have engaged in an immense exercise of bigotry and failed to recognize it. They (probably several people) must have spent a bit of time on the presentation and obviously had to get approval from someone else to release it for publication.

No additional context was offered by the National Museum of African American History & Culture in the form of parallel summaries of other cultures.
We can certainly believe that this is an insight into the authors' understanding of 'whiteness' and, absent additional guidance, the audience is left to infer things that are inadequately explained. I would hope that if they went though this process to include, say Hispanics, Native Americans, Blacks, etc that it might have become what is often called a teachable moment.

A lot of responses here and elsewhere indicate people are interpreting the presentation as a list of things that are antithetical to black culture.

It would be interesting to find out what the feedback looked like leading up to them retracting this content.

I don't know if you have been subjected to any corporate 'diversity training' but this is exactly the kind of stupidity that it purports to address (except the bigots in almost all the training material I've seen were portrayed as white men).

Can you imagine the storm that would have developed if they did one on Thug Culture?

07-17-20, 17:54
Officer Tatum drops good truth bombs.

Yep. And among other black celebrities speaking out against this madness, Terry Crews has been really good as well. He went after Nick Cannon today, and said he fears people like Nick more than he ever feared the Klan.

07-17-20, 18:02
Someone at The Smithsonian appears to have engaged in an immense exercise of bigotry and failed to recognize it. They (probably several people) must have spent a bit of time on the presentation and obviously had to get approval from someone else to release it for publication.

No additional context was offered by the National Museum of African American History & Culture in the form of parallel summaries of other cultures.
We can certainly believe that this is an insight into the authors' understanding of 'whiteness' and, absent additional guidance, the audience is left to infer things that are inadequately explained. I would hope that if they went though this process to include, say Hispanics, Native Americans, Blacks, etc that it might have become what is often called a teachable moment.

A lot of responses here and elsewhere indicate people are interpreting the presentation as a list of things that are antithetical to black culture.

It would be interesting to find out what the feedback looked like leading up to them retracting this content.

I don't know if you have been subjected to any corporate 'diversity training' but this is exactly the kind of stupidity that it purports to address (except the bigots in almost all the training material I've seen were portrayed as white men).

Can you imagine the storm that would have developed if they did one on Thug Culture?

Except you’re missing the point.

Minorities cannot be racist under virtually any context thanks to ever evolving definitions and the redefining of beliefs.

The material and the underlying beliefs are literally as bigoted as they appear to be but they’re not because racism only flows in one direction.

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07-17-20, 22:21

Minorities cannot be racist under virtually any context thanks to ever evolving definitions and the redefining of beliefs.

The material and the underlying beliefs are literally as bigoted as they appear to be but they’re not because racism only flows in one direction.

As popular as that perspective may be, and I'm not saying its yours, it is not one I've ever endorsed.

07-18-20, 00:41
Except you’re missing the point.

Minorities cannot be racist under virtually any context thanks to ever evolving definitions and the redefining of beliefs.

The material and the underlying beliefs are literally as bigoted as they appear to be but they’re not because racism only flows in one direction.

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Depressing to see "equality" sacrificed in favor of the new racism. There have been so many times we've attempted and come very close to something like "actual" equality but we just end up with a different racism and we declare it benign in nature and tell ourselves that this time it's acceptable.

Ironically it is no different from how "separate but equal" people felt. They thought their racism was fair and theoretically harmless.

But I guess moderate enlightenment is just too damn much to ask from the average person, especially if they are a college student. I think it's one of the things I like most about the military. When you really need help and they tell you help is coming, nobody asks what color the help is going to be. They are just glad somebody is coming to hopefully rescue them.

07-18-20, 00:46
But I guess moderate enlightenment is just too damn much to ask from the average person, especially if they are a college student. I think it's one of the things I like most about the military. When you really need help and they tell you help is coming, nobody asks what color the help is going to be. They are just glad somebody is coming to hopefully rescue them.
One more reason a trip to Basic straight out of high-school would have done so much good for my generation and those that follow us... No, I don't mean full conscription, just you go to Boot, you get some basic rifle training, then you go home (and get a little college money for your time; though not a full GI Bill load, maybe a year at community college) unless you choose to join up.

07-18-20, 04:06
One more reason a trip to Basic straight out of high-school would have done so much good for my generation and those that follow us... No, I don't mean full conscription, just you go to Boot, you get some basic rifle training, then you go home (and get a little college money for your time; though not a full GI Bill load, maybe a year at community college) unless you choose to join up.

It would just give idiots one more thing to protest.

Also not everyone can be cured by military experience. But they do have a pretty effective success rate given the cross section of candidates that explore the military.

But I'd hate to do any kind of mandatory service, even basic skills training. There are lots of people who have no business in the military or anywhere near the military and they will undermine the efforts of everyone else and infect the basic reasoning skills of all they come in contact with.

Now I'm all for a skills building program that doesn't require actual induction into the military being made available on a voluntary basis, but not sure exactly how that would work or if it would actually benefit anyone.

07-18-20, 04:39
Depressing to see "equality" sacrificed in favor of the new racism.

So much this, pretty damn sad.

07-18-20, 07:41
As I tried to suggest earlier, what does the one about aspects and assumptions about black culture in the United States say?

Or does that even exist?

07-18-20, 10:27
The funny thing is, the majority "whiteness" rules are pretty much universal: Work hard, take responsibility for your actions, be respectful, honest, punctual, humble, optimistic, think ahead and plan, be rational...that's pretty much the rules of good human beings, whether they're black, white, Asian, Native American, Arab, Jewish, and Gentile.

So, what that poster was saying is that black people are lazy, irresponsible, disrespectful, dishonest, boastful, have no sense of consequences, and can't think straight. Nice work fighting racism, Smithsonian!

07-18-20, 10:43
The funny thing is, the majority "whiteness" rules are pretty much universal: Work hard, take responsibility for your actions, be respectful, honest, punctual, humble, optimistic, think ahead and plan, be rational...that's pretty much the rules of good human beings, whether they're black, white, Asian, Native American, Arab, Jewish, and Gentile.

So, what that poster was saying is that black people are lazy, irresponsible, disrespectful, dishonest, boastful, have no sense of consequences, and can't think straight. Nice work fighting racism, Smithsonian!

The message is that people of color who display these characteristics are Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas who have lost their cultural identity and the black community must distance themselves from those members.

The success of well known, successful, talented, hardworking people like Barak Obama, Frederick Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Oprah Winfrey are contrary to the teachings of Nation of Islam and Burn Loot Murder, so they must be discredited.


07-18-20, 11:08
The message is that people of color who display these characteristics are Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas who have lost their cultural identity and the black community must distance themselves from those members.

The success of well known, successful, talented, hardworking people like Barak Obama, Frederick Douglas, Morgan Freeman, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Oprah Winfrey are contrary to the teachings of Nation of Islam and Burn Loot Murder, so they must be discredited.


Sure because half that list has done such a bang up job denouncing the violence and distancing themselves from the rhetoric thus far.

I just can’t understand how folks on the left and minorities in particular are unable to see how much they’re being exploited over all of this.

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07-18-20, 11:25
One more reason a trip to Basic straight out of high-school would have done so much good for my generation and those that follow us... No, I don't mean full conscription, just you go to Boot, you get some basic rifle training, then you go home (and get a little college money for your time; though not a full GI Bill load, maybe a year at community college) unless you choose to join up.

You do realize someone has to be in charge of this goat screw right?
You also understand that the people wanting to be there to learn their jobs as Soldiers will only be stopped, slowed down and eventually punished for every squeaky wheel that doesn't want to be there and decides to raise hell right?

07-18-20, 11:52
Sure because half that list has done such a bang up job denouncing the violence and distancing themselves from the rhetoric thus far.

I just can’t understand how folks on the left and minorities in particular are unable to see how much they’re being exploited over all of this.

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Even BO and his manly wife worked to create and widen a racial divide in the US, with OW's public and financial support. Why? Because the divide increased their wealth and influence.


07-18-20, 12:31
The list (which condemns history being "euro-centric) was written by people who know nothing about history or culture.

The Egyptians and Chinese are thought to have invented the water clock at about the same point in history. Logically, they taught the rest of the world about promptness.

Monotheism developed in the Middle East and India before being taught to Europeans.

The concept of law as we know it dates (again) to the Chinese and Egyptians, 3000 years before the Brehon Code was recorded in Ireland (arguably the basis of common law).

The idea of female beauty being based on a European look was written by some gay dude who never cracked a National Geographic in his life. The Middle East, North Africa, India, Asia, Pacific Island, and New World based their idea of beauty on the same characteristics that we recognize today.

Relatively fine features, smooth skin, a petite but distinctly feminine shape are not chacteristics that Europe taught the world to appreciate. Women featured in 4000 year old Egyptian art are much closer to the modern "western" concept of beauty than contemporary European female representations.


07-18-20, 12:34
The people I listed exibit many of the traits the graphic identified as "white" and their success invalidates NOI and BLM's core message of systemic racism. Nothing else was stated or implied.


It’s called opining.

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07-18-20, 12:52
The funny thing is, the majority "whiteness" rules are pretty much universal: Work hard, take responsibility for your actions, be respectful, honest, punctual, humble, optimistic, think ahead and plan, be rational...that's pretty much the rules of good human beings, whether they're black, white, Asian, Native American, Arab, Jewish, and Gentile.

So, what that poster was saying is that black people are lazy, irresponsible, disrespectful, dishonest, boastful, have no sense of consequences, and can't think straight. Nice work fighting racism, Smithsonian!

That list isn't really about race. It helps to remember all of this stuff is essentially an outgrowth of Critical Theory, and Critical Theory is essentially Marxism re-branded and re-framed with new groups in the oppressor/oppressed roles.

Nearly all of the traits listed in that chart as elements of "whiteness" stand in opposition to a collectivist state. The chart is essentially "why Western values are incompatible with Communism," they're just using "whiteness" in place of "Western Civilization."

It wasn't intended as a put-down to "POC." It was intended to highlight the parts of traditional values (held by all races of Americans) the authors find "problematic" so they can be targeted as toxic and in need of replacement. It just backfired because they overestimated how open they should be about where they really stand.

The silver lining in all of this is that the mask is finally slipping enough that it's becoming impossible to hide or ignore how insane and anti-American the left has become.

07-18-20, 13:00
It’s called opining.

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You are right and I edited my reply.


07-18-20, 14:34
BLM et. al. have openly stated that they want to burn everything down and replace it with something new of their own making.

If their antics drive moderate and conservative white folks into the arms of the Aryans and other white identitarians, it's a feature, not a bug. This stuff is designed to be divisive and to promote tribalism on both sides of the fence.

The goal is to tear it all down. It doesn't really matter to them how it happens, or how many get killed along the way.

If they aren’t all the same, and I do not believe they are, by all means point me to studies that broke down other racial groups in this same way with broad generalizations applying to the apparent majority of their population.

Since the racial issue du jour seems to be prominently with black groups and has been for some time foremost by coverage, how do blacks get characterized by any similar study?

And here in lies the rub on that.
The Black folks have made it pretty clear that they don't want to hear what people of my age and color have to say, so the answers have to come from within the Black Culture.
The way to achieve the desired effect is to apply economics.
Just a gentle reminder of all of the business's that were lost due to BLM and Antifa and say sorry, we need to spread the pain as equally as we do profit, so go home and talk to your family.
Perhaps when this ends we can do business again.
If he's squared away, he will have an answer, if he hesitated you'll know why.
The wallet talks and the bullshit walks.


Even BO and his manly wife worked to create and widen a racial divide in the US, with OW's public and financial support. Why? Because the divide increased their wealth and influence.

Keep them ignorant, poor and needy, and they will be easily manipulated. Applies to any tyrant, and type dictatorship.

07-18-20, 17:25
Keep them ignorant, poor and needy, and they will be easily manipulated. Applies to any tyrant, and type dictatorship.

Well said.

07-18-20, 18:39
As I tried to suggest earlier, what does the one about aspects and assumptions about black culture in the United States say?

Or does that even exist?

As with most ridiculous "catch all" definitions, it's not even defined and can change dramatically in the space of 10 years and is very, very regional.

In some parts of this country "representatives of the black community" (and here both "representative" and "black community" are both also nebulous catch all terms) would claim it is about hard working, church going people who are dedicated to the support of their group. In other parts of the country those reps would say it's about "getting yours" even if that means slanging and banging because you "have to rob to get back what was taken from you at birth" or some other professional victim pseudo justification.

That black community cannot even reach consensus regarding who their black leaders are (of course if you tried to establish a white community you'd have many of the same problems) or agree on core values. Many black people only self identify as black because they are viewed along racial lines more than by any other criteria. So even if you have a fully enlightened individual who happens to be what we'd call "black", the fact that so many other people will view them first as a "black person" forces even that individual to adopt a race based mindset to some extent, even if it is only other black people viewing them as such.