View Full Version : Can you legal eagles answer this question about "doxing"?

07-19-20, 19:48
This "cancel culture" and "doxing" BS has gone waaayyy too far. If you are fired by a company (like many have been) because someone doxed you can you sue the living shit out of that company?

Before the "their job, their rules" or "right to work" crowd chimes in, I don't give a damn about those principles in this case. IMHO if you are terminated for posting, say, All Lives Matter on Facebook because some whiney-ass libtard snowflake complained about it you should be able to sue your former employer into oblivion. THAT would stop the "cancel culture" crap in it's tracks.

07-19-20, 19:56
This "cancel culture" and "doxing" BS has gone waaayyy too far. If you are fired by a company (like many have been) because someone doxed you can you sue the living shit out of that company?

Before the "their job, their rules" or "right to work" crowd chimes in, I don't give a damn about those principles in this case. IMHO if you are terminated for posting, say, All Lives Matter on Facebook because some whiney-ass libtard snowflake complained about it you should be able to sue your former employer into oblivion. THAT would stop the "cancel culture" crap in it's tracks.

Most employers won’t fire for that. They’ll fire for all the other little things everyone does.
Really, the usual issue that comes up is people putting their employer on their profile, and little “whineyass libtard snowflakes” trying to get them fired. Don’t put your employer out their like you represent it, less problems.

07-19-20, 20:08
Most employers won’t fire for that. They’ll fire for all the other little things everyone does.
Really, the usual issue that comes up is people putting their employer on their profile, and little “whineyass libtard snowflakes” trying to get them fired. Don’t put your employer out their like you represent it, less problems.

I don't but if you're related to someone or friends of friends with someone they can find out where you work. Then they have a groups of people who do nothing but bombard a company's social media and contact info about you and guilt them for employing 'racists' if you're white and post something like all lives matter.

My employer sent out a message a couple of weeks ago saying you can be fired for stuff you do outside of work, and they formed a task force to combat racism.

Means to me if someone found a post they didn't like or you debate a known [to you] person my job is at stake if you don't fall in line with the BLM marxist revolution or are proud of your 'white' heritage.

If I get fired **** it but Im not going to go out of my way to make it easy to get doxxed. The people I actually want to contact and talk to are all trusted and done through text (iMessage). I don't make it a habit to talk to leftists or people I would have doubts about anyways.

07-19-20, 20:25
If ‘Hamilton’ can get attacked, no one is safe from Social media French revolution. Off with their Twitter accounts.

Don’t know if you knew it or not but you are black and gay. Start piling up protected class designations. Also identify as a woman and throw in an Aloha snack bar for good measure. If you are going to lose your job and be labeled with one of those social justice warrior bozo no no labels, you might as well go the nuclear option.

07-19-20, 20:36
If ‘Hamilton’ can get attacked, no one is safe from Social media French revolution. Off with their Twitter accounts.

Don’t know if you knew it or not but you are black and gay. Start piling up protected class designations. Also identify as a woman and throw in an Aloha snack bar for good measure. If you are going to lose your job and be labeled with one of those social justice warrior bozo no no labels, you might as well go the nuclear option.

Hmm... maybe it's time to weaponize autism and play the ADA card. I don't like the idea of being thought "disabled" or "victim," but... the only way to beat these Crybully scum may be to out-score them at their own Intersectionality Victim Bullshit game.

07-19-20, 20:37
I dropped off most social media right around the George Floyd incident and resulting fallout. Why? Because I have opinions, and I sometimes express them. So I muzzled myself, and you know what... it hasn’t negatively affected me at all. I still have my opinions that no one else cares about, and now no one else knows them. If you think it’s bad for hourly employees, consider how fast someone in a leadership role could be shut out for some sort of unneeded comment. Management always represents the company.

I don’t know what grounds could be provided by which to win a lawsuit against an employer who terminated employment in an at-will state for an employee putting out messages known to be offensive and considered by some to be racist. The phrase “perception is reality” will be used. I don’t see a former employee winning, but I’m not a lawyer.

07-19-20, 20:52
I dropped off most social media right around the George Floyd incident and resulting fallout. Why? Because I have opinions, and I sometimes express them. So I muzzled myself, and you know what... it hasn’t negatively affected me at all. I still have my opinions that no one else cares about, and now no one else knows them. If you think it’s bad for hourly employees, consider how fast someone in a leadership role could be shut out for some sort of unneeded comment. Management always represents the company.

I don’t know what grounds could be provided by which to win a lawsuit against an employer who terminated employment in an at-will state for an employee putting out messages known to be offensive and considered by some to be racist. The phrase “perception is reality” will be used. I don’t see a former employee winning, but I’m not a lawyer.

"....known to be offensive" is part of the VERY subjective terminology of these days in which we live. So is "racist". Freedom of speech is obviously shifting away from it's original intent and in a direction where screeching biotches from one particular political persuasion seem to get their way as the only acceptable opinion. I am just suggesting that an employer who terminates an employee for PC reasons should be very easily litigated into bankruptcy.

07-19-20, 20:59
My employer sent out a message a couple of weeks ago saying you can be fired for stuff you do outside of work, and they formed a task force to combat racism.

Regardless of current political or social climates, that right there is a lawsuit waiting to happen if what you're doing isn't illegal.

07-19-20, 21:07
I'm a lawyer, but caution this is WAY outside my specialty.

In most states your employment is at-will, meaning the employer can fire you for almost any reason. BUT... they can't fire you for certain reasons that are legally prohibited or would be unlawful discrimination. And courts sometimes expand this restriction, as with the recent case that treated the firing of a trans-person as unlawful sex discrimination.

If a hypothetical person got fired for any reason other than their clear misconduct in the course of their employment, I would encourage that person to consult an employment discrimination / civil rights lawyer about possible legal action. No guarantee of outcome but I think anyone fired for political reasons, or almost any kind of speech even if deemed "hateful" (which is vague, arbitrary, and viewpoint-dependent) would potentially have a good legal case to seek damages for unlawful termination.

Specific example: employment discrimination based on race, creed, or color is generally unlawful. If a white person is fired for saying something that a non-white person has said and was not fired for, that is unlawful racial discrimination under common sense and under the logic of the recent SCT trans case I mentioned above. If you are fired for saying something that relates in almost any way to your religious belief, firing for that statement would potentially be unlawful discrimination based on creed.

Again this is not my specialty and I don't guarantee or predict any good outcome, I'm just saying that there would appear to be some pretty obvious potential avenues for legal claims.

07-19-20, 21:07
Regardless of current political or social climates, that right there is a lawsuit waiting to happen if what you're doing isn't illegal.

Heres the relevant part I referenced:

We expect all XXXXXXXXXX employees to treat everyone with respect so that every individual feels safe and supported in our buildings and in our community. If we do hear of any such behavior from a XXXXXXX employee, we will investigate and take whatever action we feel is necessary, including termination.

07-19-20, 21:17
Heres the relevant part I referenced:

That's just vague enough to be worrisome. Again, though, if what you are doing outside of your work (attending a conservative political rally as an example) is not illegal or hits someone else's "feelz" in a bad way, they are really open to a big lawsuit.

Or say you post a picture on your MyFacePlace account of you wearing your BCM swag hat and someone finds out they are evil black rifle makers and suddenly doesn't feel "safe." Again, not illegal and I don't care how "unsafe" someone feels. You get fired for that? Get a lawyer.

I used to think employers wouldn't go full potato on such things, but then we hit January 1st, 2020 and the whole world turned full potato.

07-19-20, 21:41
That's just vague enough to be worrisome. Again, though, if what you are doing outside of your work (attending a conservative political rally as an example) is not illegal or hits someone else's "feelz" in a bad way, they are really open to a big lawsuit.

Or say you post a picture on your MyFacePlace account of you wearing your BCM swag hat and someone finds out they are evil black rifle makers and suddenly doesn't feel "safe." Again, not illegal and I don't care how "unsafe" someone feels. You get fired for that? Get a lawyer.

I used to think employers wouldn't go full potato on such things, but then we hit January 1st, 2020 and the whole world turned full potato.

The way the rest was worded didn't single out any group or anything but they formed a task force with a black female running it so its obvious what they were getting at. To me its stifling free speech like if you want to work here you better STFU or only express pro BLM type propaganda.

They also said they'd be giving us more detailed info about their policies. But if we had a person involved in riots Im sure the implementation would be they are fine but post all lives matter = fired.

Not that big of a deal to me since it's hourly, and Im only doing this to pay the bills while we get through school. Not some place I've worked for for 18 years and tied to some retirement plan. They have already run things to be a revolving door and people are more likely to be gone within 6-12 months than stick around and they're not the only game in town. For those of us who still came to work during all this and didn't get put on short term disability our reward was two cold nasty corndogs and a cookie.

07-19-20, 22:36
so that every individual feels safe and supported

I'd love to hear a lawyerly breakdown of that. 'Feel' is loaded, 'safe' can at least be quantified somewhat, but 'supported'? Question someone's work and they are in a protected class?? Who knows what evil can happen with those three words.

I do find it interesting that the collectivist SJWs use the term 'individuals', which is in direct contradiction to the issues that they are pressing where it is all group identity driven. I'm fine with treating individuals as individuals. Getting away from that got us in the mess we are in.

07-19-20, 22:47
Sounds like a good job to keep your head down, go to work, limit non-work contact/connections, and leave as soon as able.

07-19-20, 22:54
The problem is that this is based on comments OUTSIDE of work. It is especially troubling when you put it together with the "Silence is Violence". If you aren't actively supporting BLM, does that make you fire-able....


07-19-20, 23:09
If you MUST have a facebook page, I suggest Mr. Brown, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Blue, Mr. Orange, or Mr. Pink and nothing else to indicate your actual identity.

07-20-20, 06:41
If you MUST have a facebook page, I suggest Mr. Brown, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Blue, Mr. Orange, or Mr. Pink and nothing else to indicate your actual identity.

Because living in fear of what someone might thing is a far better option these days.

That's what irks the shit out of me about all this.

07-20-20, 06:48
If you need to dig in to my personal life until you can find something to offend you, just let me know this is what you want.
I will just go ahead and punch you in the mouth and save you some research.

07-20-20, 12:31
Because living in fear of what someone might thing is a far better option these days.

That's what irks the shit out of me about all this.

I have made this point to several people, by phone or in person.

I am very opinionated, in general. I am not generally loathe to provide my opinion. The fact that I and others I know were assessing the wisdom of that is unbelievably (as in, hard to imagine ten years ago) “scary.”

My personal opinion is that we’ve passed the point of return.

07-21-20, 16:00
If you participate in, or support doxxing or cancel culture, you and/or your organization/company are fascists.

Change my mind.