View Full Version : 2 Signs - 2 Mentalities in New Mexico

07-20-20, 11:05
Yesterday I took my West Point Cadet son to the Albuquerque Sunport, our "international" airport. He is heading to Fort Indiantown Gap, PA to train with National Guard troops before heading back to New York for his final year at the Academy.

At a favorite gas fill up establishment in Las Vegas, New Mexico, I took a picture of the top sign by the front door. Despite a spelling error, it's message is clear and represents a lot of thinking outside of the big cities. I took the second photo at the Albuquerque Sunport just before the TSA check-in location. A different kind of message there, and a little more foreboding. If you wish to enter the airport, you wear a mask or you're not going anywhere except to be removed from the place:



07-20-20, 12:30
It's an interesting sign. Subject to a fine (Sunport cannot fine you) or Criminal Trespass (The state does not determine trespass, the property owner does).

07-20-20, 12:40
It's an interesting sign. Subject to a fine (Sunport cannot fine you) or Criminal Trespass (The state does not determine trespass, the property owner does).
None of this is based on any statute - it's an executive order by the governor. The Albuquerque Sunport is municipal property, so the City would be issuing the fine/citation.

FYI they were handing out free masks. The wife had a homemade one, but she took the free cloth one at the airport. It's well made. I put on an extra large neck gaitor and when I put it over my face, I looked like Joseph Merrick from the film: "The Elephant Man". A worker asked me if I would like a mask, and I replied (really):

"I am not an animal...I am a human being"..... :)

07-20-20, 13:11
I really wish businesses would run spellchecker and maybe have someone proofread things before they post them up.

07-20-20, 13:20
I really wish businesses would run spellchecker and maybe have someone proofread things before they post them up.

I hear you...Professional sign makers doubly so.

07-20-20, 13:21
It's an interesting sign. Subject to a fine (Sunport cannot fine you) or Criminal Trespass (The state does not determine trespass, the property owner does).

Not to segue this too much, but on the topic of trespassing per property owner's discretion- New Mexico is an open carry state, and (at least for now, there are no restrictions on magazines or RKBA). That said, it is common to see signs in stores that state firearms are not permitted on the premises, and anyone in possession is guilty of criminal trespass. This applies to lawful open carry, lawful CCW as well as to those without CCW. It is a loop hole to avoid an out right ban on RKBA. The thing is, the owner has to call the police, who then are burdened with proving the accused is in fact carrying a weapon, and then at that point the owner has to press charges. If the accused leaves the property before the police come then it is a dead issue. At least, that is my understanding.

Back to the point, I'm wondering if the no mask constitutes trespassing at the airport falls is similar.

OH58D...It has been a long time since I've been past Las Vegas (NM) on I-25. Is the gas station near Wagon Mound? I used to stop in that area on my drives to/from Colorado.

07-20-20, 13:24
I really wish businesses would run spellchecker and maybe have someone proofread things before they post them up.

It's a gas station/convenience store. They can't spell "aisle" or "rogue", but they got their point across.

Not to segue this too much, but on the topic of trespassing per property owner's discretion- New Mexico is an open carry state, and (at least for now, there are no restrictions on magazines or RKBA). That said, it is common to see signs in stores that state firearms are not permitted on the premises, and anyone in possession is guilty of criminal trespass. This applies to lawful open carry, lawful CCW as well as to those without CCW. It is a loop hole to avoid an out right ban on RKBA. The thing is, the owner has to call the police, who then are burdened with proving the accused is in fact carrying a weapon, and then at that point the owner has to press charges. If the accused leaves the property before the police come then it is a dead issue. At least, that is my understanding.

Back to the point, I'm wondering if the no mask constitutes trespassing at the airport falls is similar.

OH58D...It has been a long time since I've been past Las Vegas (NM) on I-25. Is the gas station near Wagon Mound? I used to stop in that area on my drives to/from Colorado.

The station/convenience store is in Las Vegas, NM proper.

07-20-20, 15:17
None of this is based on any statute - it's an executive order by the governor.

Same here in PA. Our dipshit guvner, and mentally-ill (transexual) health secy (a child psychiatrist, by training), have blown by the PA Constitution, and now issue imperial edicts. :mad:

07-20-20, 15:41
Same here in PA. Our dipshit guvner, and mentally-ill (transexual) health secy (a child psychiatrist, by training), have blown by the PA Constitution, and now issue imperial edicts. :mad:

Don't want to thread drift, but I saw something yesterday about the PA Gov getting served impeachment articles?

07-20-20, 16:10
Same here in PA. Our dipshit guvner, and mentally-ill (transexual) health secy (a child psychiatrist, by training), have blown by the PA Constitution, and now issue imperial edicts. :mad:
I am not a lawyer, but my question has been regarding the validity of an executive order. If it's not statute or law, how can you break it if it doesn't exist? Law enforcement people will be the ones to provide the "enforcement", but they enforce laws, not hot air.

I guess they get you for the criminal trespass by not doing something when on someone else's turf; i.e. City property, or a privately owned business. Out in public walking on the street can they enforce it if not in a building? Too many questions.

07-20-20, 16:26
Don't want to thread drift, but I saw something yesterday about the PA Gov getting served impeachment articles?Goodie gumdrops!

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07-20-20, 18:44
The mask is bullshit. If it doesn't prevent you from getting the virus it doesn't keep you from spreading it.

07-20-20, 19:00
The mask is bullshit. If it doesn't prevent you from getting the virus it doesn't keep you from spreading it.
Does that mean you won't be shopping much for groceries, or you don't have those issues in your part of the Country?

07-20-20, 19:14
No issues in my part of the country. We're not under a statewide mandatory mask command, but individual businesses and cities can demand you wear a mask. I was at a local gas station that also has a Subway. There is a sign saying masks are mandatory, but over 25 customers were in there without masks. The only mask wearers were the staff. Anchorage has mandatory masks, but the wholesalers I frequent are not wearing masks nor asking customers to do so. We are currently having a huge increase in cases for several weeks now, but only a couple new deaths and barely any additional hospitalizations.

07-20-20, 19:49
Does that mean you won't be shopping much for groceries, or you don't have those issues in your part of the Country?

So far I haven't worn a mask. Today at the grocery store they had greeters outside reminding everyone masks were mandatory, I ignored them as did a small percentage of others.

I deliver to a major hospital general receiving area 5 days a week. (receiving is connected to the hospital). Masks are no longer worn by the employees in the receiving area though they are still required. They only wore them for the first 3-4 weeks after operation covid started.

07-20-20, 20:32
Were the free ones the nice, soft white ones?

FYI they were handing out free masks. The wife had a homemade one, but she took the free cloth one at the airport. It's well made.

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LMT Shooter
07-20-20, 20:48
So far I haven't worn a mask. Today at the grocery store they had greeters outside reminding everyone masks were mandatory, I ignored them as did a small percentage of others.

I deliver to a major hospital general receiving area 5 days a week. (receiving is connected to the hospital). Masks are no longer worn by the employees in the receiving area though they are still required. They only wore them for the first 3-4 weeks after operation covid started.

I live in central Illinois, and I've not worn a mask, outside of at work & at the hospital. Only had somebody say something 1-2 times. At the hospital, I saw staff member not wearing them. I'm OK with that, but my friends who work for the hospital say they've been told they must where them at all times, including when they are not at work. I heard some of them got a snarky comment while eating on their lunch break because they weren't wearing their masks. You can't make this shite up.

07-20-20, 21:00
I live in central Illinois, and I've not worn a mask, outside of at work & at the hospital. Only had somebody say something 1-2 times. At the hospital, I saw staff member not wearing them. I'm OK with that, but my friends who work for the hospital say they've been told they must where them at all times, including when they are not at work. I heard some of them got a snarky comment while eating on their lunch break because they weren't wearing their masks. You can't make this shite up.

How are they supposed to eat with a mask on? Shove food up their asses? Mercury astronaut-style squeeze tubes through a straw?

And just think, these same f---in' retards want the power to literally decide whether YOU live or die...

07-20-20, 22:13
Were the free ones the nice, soft white ones?

As a matter of fact, you are describing exactly what the airport was handing out.

07-20-20, 23:18
Governor Polis here in CO put out a mask mandate just last week. It's mandated a mask must be worn at all times when out in public. SO- if you are walking your dog, riding a bike , etc- you are supposed to have it on. Such bullshit.

I've seen more people without them since the order went out then I have since the whole mask thing started. I can tell some people are just fed up and saying F-it.

The whole mask issue is a joke. Mandating there use is not Constitutional in CO state and lawsuit is already being brought up against Polis and the mandate by a local Republican Senator.

07-21-20, 18:06
Well, for a little comedic relief, you should know those were supplied to airport operators by the federal government. They are made by Hanes. The same Hanes that makes underwear. Lol. I’m not kidding as I have direct experience and knowledge based on my line of work.

As a matter of fact, you are describing exactly what the airport was handing out.

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07-21-20, 18:41
The wife and I had a good chuckle over her Hanes Underwear mask at the dinner table tonight. At least she got one from an American company, despite where it was made.

Well, for a little comedic relief, you should know those were supplied to airport operators by the federal government. They are made by Hanes. The same Hanes that makes underwear. Lol. I’m not kidding as I have direct experience and knowledge based on my line of work.

07-21-20, 19:29
The wife and I had a good chuckle over her Hanes Underwear mask at the dinner table tonight. At least she got one from an American company, despite where it was made.

This thing may be clunky and ugly, but in places that are ADA-noncompliant it doesn't give me panic attacks like the thing from Alien is trying to face-rape me (which means, VERY importantly, I can breathe) and it keeps the underwear where they belong, in my pants and OFF my face.

And it stops even my hurricane-force sneezes (Hayfever From Hell, what fun!) where even a handkerchief lets a mist through. LOL

07-21-20, 19:43
Good deal! I have to tell you when our shipment arrived at my airport, we were in hysterics as some of the masks were supper small and the shape was just like a G-string. They looked hilarious on some of my staff.

The wife and I had a good chuckle over her Hanes Underwear mask at the dinner table tonight. At least she got one from an American company, despite where it was made.

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