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View Full Version : Discussion: Trump gets to appoint a Supreme Court Judge soon......

07-21-20, 21:52
What does everyone think about this? Could it happen before the election?


07-21-20, 21:54
First, I wouldn't use Vox as a source...

But anyway, I think Trump would nominate a SCOTUS replacement. Obama did with Garland (rightly so). But...

Will McConnell have the balls to actually bring it to a vote? My bet is no.

tomme boy
07-21-20, 22:54
If the old bat dies there will not be another person appointed till after the election. The dems will burn down the white house before they will let Trump appoint another SCJ

07-21-20, 23:21
If the old bat dies there will not be another person appointed till after the election. The dems will burn down the white house before they will let Trump appoint another SCJ

On the upside, if they try that's Game ON...

07-22-20, 09:08
I think that since Roberts was clearly a Liberal appointee that Trump should immediately appoint the Reincarnation of Hitler.

07-22-20, 09:22
At this point does it really matter? The SCOTUS refused to hear 10 second amendment cases. Roberts is still Chief Justice and with him nothing will get done. They had a chance to protect the 2A and it's gone.

07-22-20, 09:32
At this point does it really matter? The SCOTUS refused to hear 10 second amendment cases. Roberts is still Chief Justice and with him nothing will get done. They had a chance to protect the 2A and it's gone.

I hear ya. But really the 2nd Amendments only real protection is in using it.

SCOTUS illegally usurped the power of judicial review of constitutionality, it was never granted by the Constitution itself.

I don’t trust anyone to protect my Rights, especially not some Ivy League elite justices.

The only protection any of our Rights has is people knowing that there are other people who will use the 2nd Amendment as it was intended- to defend liberty from tyranny.

Sadly, Republicans seem to appoint middle of the road “conservatives” who sometimes turn out to be liberals in conservatives clothing to the bench instead of true constitutionalists like they should.

I still hope DJT gets another term and can appoint 2-4 more, it’s better than the alternative, although slightly so.

07-22-20, 09:56
Let's handicap next dominoes to fall. For optimism, we'll assume Trump is reelected, all of these are before end of second term and all are firebreathing conservatives.

Current Court: 4-1-2-2. Four Commie garbage, 1 switch-hitting Chief Justice who always takes whichever side gives him most "legislate from bench" power, two untrustworthy at-best-semicons (Gorsuch and Kavanaugh), and two real conservatives.
Post-RBG: 3-1-2-3. If Roberts can strongarm Gorsuch or Kav to side with the Left on any given case, 5-4 with the doors blown open against us. If not, 6-3 nominally ours but so narrowly tailored it's as useless as a castrato's dick. That's the BEST case, worst is one of the Ruesome Twosome flips making it 4-1-1-3.

Post-Thomas: Status unchanged.

Post-Sotomayor: At this point we're looking at a nominal 2-1-2-4, but my bet is Gorsuch and Kav would both move Left "to preserve balance" and Roberts finally rips the mask off revealing himself to be Zombie Earl Warren.

So we really need THREE replacements between the Left and the Switches, plus a Thomas replacement to ensure we KEEP his seat. Unfortunately, thanks to Trump we're gonna be stuck with the two Switches for a long time...

07-22-20, 10:25
I just hoe the dessicated old bat survives past the election. If she dies before it will drive the left to the polls in record numbers, because no way will they let Orange Hitler replace her. :(

07-22-20, 14:08
No judges will be appointed until after the election.

If the marxist win, then the first thing will be the expansion of the court to 12 seats or maybe even 15.

Once this is done, they will make DC and Puerto Rico States giving the Marxist 4 more Senators.

All guns will be banned.

Game over, but for the shooting.

07-22-20, 16:37
No judges will be appointed until after the election.

If the marxist win, then the first thing will be the expansion of the court to 12 seats or maybe even 15.

Once this is done, they will make DC and Puerto Rico States giving the Marxist 4 more Senators.

All guns will be banned.

Game over, but for the shooting.
And if Trump wins he should do the same with conservative justices.

07-22-20, 16:43
I hear ya. But really the 2nd Amendments only real protection is in using it.

SCOTUS illegally usurped the power of judicial review of constitutionality, it was never granted by the Constitution itself.

I don’t trust anyone to protect my Rights, especially not some Ivy League elite justices.

The only protection any of our Rights has is people knowing that there are other people who will use the 2nd Amendment as it was intended- to defend liberty from tyranny.

Sadly, Republicans seem to appoint middle of the road “conservatives” who sometimes turn out to be liberals in conservatives clothing to the bench instead of true constitutionalists like they should.

I still hope DJT gets another term and can appoint 2-4 more, it’s better than the alternative, although slightly so.
I agree what you said about the second amendment in theory but in reality we see how when the McCluskeys used the second amendment to defend themselves from rioters how the government responded.

07-22-20, 16:58
And if Trump wins he should do the same with conservative justices.

I disagree.

The reason I disagree, is at some point in time the marxist will win elections. If trump expands the Supreme Court, they will just add even more judges.

I would be over joyed if Trump gets to put 2 more replacement judges on the court.

07-22-20, 17:41
I agree what you said about the second amendment in theory but in reality we see how when the McCluskeys used the second amendment to defend themselves from rioters how the government responded.

Defense against private sector crime, hunting, target shooting, and similar actions are fringe benefits of the 2nd Amendment in much the same way the average song or book are fringe benefits of the 1st Amendment.

07-22-20, 18:02
Let me be clear in saying this: I do not care one damn bit what happened to Merrick Garland's nomination. The time has come for too bad so sad, to hell with "turnabout is fair play" with these bastards. The gloves are off as far as I'm concerned.

There, I feel better!

07-22-20, 19:09
At this point does it really matter? The SCOTUS refused to hear 10 second amendment cases. Roberts is still Chief Justice and with him nothing will get done. They had a chance to protect the 2A and it's gone.

Let me be clear in saying this: I do not care one damn bit what happened to Merrick Garland's nomination. The time has come for too bad so sad, to hell with "turnabout is fair play" with these bastards. The gloves are off as far as I'm concerned.

There, I feel better!

If Obama really wanted Garland in, he would have gotten him it. THe GOP senate would not have been able to stand up to it. Obama thought Garland would get in, or be replaced by someone really left, since Garland was left of center and not pure left.

Trump will shut down the govt to get another SCOTUS pick. If RBG dies before he leaves, he can appoint someone with out congressional approval until the next term is over as a recess appointment..

07-22-20, 20:16
Lemme drop one word about all this dirty-pool bitching...


07-22-20, 21:01
Lemme drop one word about all this dirty-pool bitching...


This. Democrats play dirty they don't care about who they screw over there are power hungry.

07-23-20, 20:48
Honestly I’m glad they didn’t take any 2a cases. With Roberts being such a shitbag and a wobbler who knows where we’d have ended up. I mean he is the sole reason obummercare is still in place.

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07-23-20, 21:23
Honestly I’m glad they didn’t take any 2a cases. With Roberts being such a shitbag and a wobbler who knows where we’d have ended up. I mean he is the sole reason obummercare is still in place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Indeed, that would be the ONLY good reason for Gorsuch/Kav to vote against Cert, but a VERY good one.

Dr. Bullseye
07-23-20, 21:27
Let me be clear in saying this: I do not care one damn bit what happened to Merrick Garland's nomination. The time has come for too bad so sad, to hell with "turnabout is fair play" with these bastards. The gloves are off as far as I'm concerned.

There, I feel better!

You Sir have my nomination as Supreme Military Commander in charge of eradicating America's Domestic Enemies. No due process, no fair play, no appeal, no sanctuary, no treaty, no armistice, no cease fire, total war--complete victory or death. Complete this sentence: The only good Leftist is a .......................

07-23-20, 21:53
The only good Leftist is a............

person falling though the air, trying to figure out if they will survive the splash and if they can swim the 15 miles back to shore. Of course they are 15 miles of the southern coast of Cuba.

07-24-20, 23:01
Oh, you want batshit? Projections indicate Ginsburg has six months tops... guy who wrote this sounds like a cancer doc by trade given his knowledge of treatment regimens.