View Full Version : America will become Venezuela if Trump Looses

07-23-20, 18:05
Victor Davis Hanson doesn't sound too optimistic about winning the cultural revolution.


Alex V
07-23-20, 20:23
We know, but we continue to embrace the fantasy that voting might be able to safe us from it.

We are effed.

07-23-20, 21:45
We know, but we continue to embrace the fantasy that voting might be able to safe us from it.

We are effed.

So you've taken a shot at an opposition politician or are you just bitching about it?

07-24-20, 00:29
We know, but we continue to embrace the fantasy that voting might be able to safe us from it.

We are effed.

Before you start shooting people willy nilly, there is a process. There is a due diligence and a required effort to do any and everything you reasonably could to prevent getting to this point. That way when you stack magazines and start dropping bodies you know you did everything you could to save "their" lives but they simply wouldn't have it.

07-24-20, 04:43
To support Trump at this point is to overlook a staggering amount of un-American activity and behavior. I can't imagine a candidate who would be worse for this country than him.

07-24-20, 04:50
To support Trump at this point is to overlook a staggering amount of un-American activity and behavior. I can't imagine a candidate who would be worse for this country than him.

Riiiight. 'Cause the Left is soooo pro-American. Did you mean to log into DU?

I shouldn't feed the trolls, but I gotta ask: exactly what "un-American activity and behavior" are you fantasizing about?

07-24-20, 05:08
Riiiight. 'Cause the Left is soooo pro-American. Did you mean to log into DU?

I shouldn't feed the trolls, but I gotta ask: exactly what "un-American activity and behavior" are you fantasizing about?

That's my opinion and the opinion of millions of people. You won't accept even a single example as true, so let's not pretend you are entering into this discussion in good faith.

07-24-20, 06:16
To support Trump at this point is to overlook a staggering amount of un-American activity and behavior. I can't imagine a candidate who would be worse for this country than him.


07-24-20, 06:58
Why are we losing? Why is the coalition of people who are varying degrees of conservative, libertarian, and/or Christian (let's loosely call this group, "Constitutionalists", those who believe in the Founding vision of America) losing the cultural war?

That is a hard one to answer, but I've thought about this a lot over 30 years as I've watched our culture decline since my college days. Could be wrong of course, but I see a few trends that seem like the main reasons why we're losing.

1. It's the culture. Politics is downstream of culture. Leftists realize culture is everything. They infiltrate and take over all influential cultural institutions (schools, universities, news media, entertainment, the judiciary, state and local government). Constitutionalists neglect culture and tend to pursue individual things.
2. Leftists play the long game. They patiently work out a long-term strategy and implement it over decades, and don't give up. Constitutionalists tend to focus on short-term things: a court case victory, an election win.
3. Leftists organize and work together. They are collectivists, so it comes naturally to them. Constitutionalists are fierce individualists, love their liberty, and struggle to organize and work together. You see people in forums like this one, even this thread, talking half seriously about ending their life in a shoot-out with authorities presumably to defend their liberty. Well I can appreciate the courage and dedication to principle, but isn't there a more constructive way that doesn't involve you and your loved ones dying? Why couldn't WE organize, work together, start playing the long game, start emphasizing cultural institutions, etc?
4. Leftists can articulate a vision of the 'ideal' future (it's completely false, and evil, but it sure sounds good on paper). Constitutionalists stumble, bumble, and mumble, and pretty much cannot articulate anything other than "freedom to do what I want", smaller government (oh wait, not even that anymore), and tax cuts for all.
5. And here's the one that enables all the others to happen: we have largely forgotten God. Many individuals still believe, but as a society, we have allowed God to be pushed completely out of the public square. We are all 'practical atheists' now. So that all considerations of ethics, of truth, of right and wrong, the 10 commandments, the sanctity of life, the difference between a man and a woman for God's sake---all these things are completely up for grabs. Relativism rules the roost. There's a national vacuum because the public square of our country is a soulless, empty space without meaning. People are desperate for some other meaning to fill the void, this is why, for example, you see the almost fanatical and religious-like commitment to phony causes like 'anti-racism.' Because they have nothing else to believe in. Because believers in God and Constitutionalists have allowed this to happen, we've created a vacuum that is being filled with leftist lies, propaganda, and the cultural revolution.

Sorry to be a downer, but that's how I see it. We have lost, for now, that's the realistic assessment. Even if Trump "wins" the election I see this as a short-term, rearguard win that will delay the inevitable. Until the above trends are reversed, the cultural revolution will continue and intensify. Trump winning does not a single thing to affect any of those trends, it is not the 'cure' for our disease, although it does slow it down a bit and I'll vote for him for that reason alone.

There are "solutions" for the above, there is hope. But they are long term and will require a whole different approach and way of thinking than Constitutionalists have historically been willing to do. We need to start reversing the trends in those areas I listed, and that is going to be the 'long game.' And we have to start by returning God to the public square.

07-24-20, 07:42
That's my opinion and the opinion of millions of people. You won't accept even a single example as true, so let's not pretend you are entering into this discussion in good faith.

Ahhh....exactly what I was expecting. Zero facts....all opinion and emotion.

07-24-20, 08:04
To support Trump at this point is to overlook a staggering amount of un-American activity and behavior. I can't imagine a candidate who would be worse for this country than him.

I'm your Huckleberry. I'm on record, on this forum as not having voted for Trump. So, you cant say I'm a Trump Uber Alles guy! We can have a real discussion if you're willing....

Here's the reality- Trump is a POS with some redeeming qualities. Biden is an absolute POS who clearly has advanced cognitive decline who will be "run" by the Marxists of his party. Those are the choices. Now what?

07-24-20, 08:07
So you've taken a shot at an opposition politician or are you just bitching about it?

Thats a convenient dodge.....But, How exactly is he WRONG?

VIP3R 237
07-24-20, 08:08
Although I think trump will win in 2020, Trump will be the last republican president. As Maximus has said, the right has lost the culture war.

07-24-20, 08:20
I don't think Trump is really in control of the outcome of what is going to happen. He wins, they riot loot and burn. He loses, they celebrate by rioting, looting and burning. As Ben Shapiro said the other day on Rogan, and I'm paraphrasing, " Its not that the 2016 election is about Turmp winning, but Hillary losing." She was a monster and everyone happened to see it. Biden is a puppet, but people are holding there nose once again and will most-likely vote D. If you listen to others, I think the biggest change for the Republicans is that they might be able to swing some congressional seats away from the Democrats, especially as they get more and more outlandish in their views.

07-24-20, 08:43
Here's the reality- Trump is a POS with some redeeming qualities. Biden is an absolute POS who clearly has advanced cognitive decline who will be "run" by the Marxists of his party. Those are the choices. Now what?


Although I think trump will win in 2020, Trump will be the last republican president. As Maximus has said, the right has lost the culture war.

I would argue that W. Bush was the last genuine Republican. Trump is an erratic populist who managed to hijack the Republican primaries. But the Republicans were intellectually and morally bankrupt anyway, so it's no big loss. There is a Pacific-sized gap between what the average midwestern or southern "R" voter wants and what the party has actually been doing for decades now.

I don't think Trump is really in control of the outcome of what is going to happen. He wins, they riot loot and burn. He loses, they celebrate by rioting, looting and burning.

This, times 1000. I think Trump has good odds of re-election despite the supposed poll numbers, but given how the Dems have been since he was first elected, we're in for a lot more turmoil regardless. I don't see any happy and peaceful situation on November 5. There will be violent conflict, it's only a matter of which side claims legitimacy - and you can bet that both sides will.

I don't have a solution, but identifying the problem is the first step in finding one.

07-24-20, 08:57
I would argue that W. Bush was the last genuine Republican.

He and his family are globalists. Reagan claims that spot.

07-24-20, 08:57
That's my opinion and the opinion of millions of people. You won't accept even a single example as true, so let's not pretend you are entering into this discussion in good faith.

Millions of people believe the world is flat. You are welcome to your opinion, but it seems to be based on emotion, conjecture, and herd mentality. I know it is a shock that it doesn't carry much weight when you step outside the confines of group think.


Alex V
07-24-20, 09:01
So you've taken a shot at an opposition politician or are you just bitching about it?

Before you start shooting people willy nilly, there is a process. There is a due diligence and a required effort to do any and everything you reasonably could to prevent getting to this point. That way when you stack magazines and start dropping bodies you know you did everything you could to save "their" lives but they simply wouldn't have it.

Plenty of ways to win without having to start dropping politicians. That is a bad strategy anyway because it would only make martyrs of them and further their cause. The left is winning not by taking out conservative politicians, but by making independents afraid of voting for conservatives or feel guilty for doing so. We need to start using the leftist playbook against them.

Look at how the left has been able to sway public opinion and scare people into complying with their world view. They have been able to infest nearly everything in media, academia and the corporate world while those on the Right just let it happen, zero pushback other than McCarthy 70 years ago.

If Trump wins, they will riot like they did last time or worse. If he loses, will people on the right do the same? No, they will just sit there, afraid to be called which ever derogatory term the left prefers at that time.

Life's a Hillary
07-24-20, 09:11
Maybe I need more tin foil or chicken little’s in my backyard but I think if Biden gets elected we basically have a four year lame duck president. If the Republicans can manage to hold the senate then nothing of substance will really change except RBG will just get replaced with another liberal judge and then we are back to where we were. That gives the Republicans four years to get their act together and come up with a reasonable candidate. However, if the 2016 debacle showed us anything that is a pipe dream. They had eight years of Obama and couldn’t produce a solid candidate and then when they had complete control of Congress and the Whitehouse they didn’t have any actual plan ready to go to replace and repeal Obamacare.

I know it’s all the rage around here to see this election as the point where the US basically turns into China and they are going to round up all the conservatives and throw them into fema re-education camps but I guess I’m just more of a glass half full kind of guy. We survived 8 years of Obama with less deterioration of our second amendment than we have with 4 years of Trump so I’ll wait a while to say the sky is falling.

07-24-20, 09:18
Plenty of ways to win without having to start dropping politicians. That is a bad strategy anyway because it would only make martyrs of them and further their cause. The left is winning not by taking out conservative politicians, but by making independents afraid of voting for conservatives or feel guilty for doing so. We need to start using the leftist playbook against them.

Look at how the left has been able to sway public opinion and scare people into complying with their world view. They have been able to infest nearly everything in media, academia and the corporate world while those on the Right just let it happen, zero pushback other than McCarthy 70 years ago.

If Trump wins, they will riot like they did last time or worse. If he loses, will people on the right do the same? No, they will just sit there, afraid to be called which ever derogatory term the left prefers at that time.

Your description of the problem- cultural domination by the Left, which is correct, Excludes your solution! It took the Left DECADES to accomplish. We dont have DECADES in which to un program people.

It will "go to guns" long before that could happen.

07-24-20, 10:18
That's my opinion and the opinion of millions of people. You won't accept even a single example as true, so let's not pretend you are entering into this discussion in good faith.

The first thing I ask someone like you is give me your best example. Man up son and stop making unfounded assertions. You stepped into the forum, now put up or shut up. Slandering people is the Democrat bread and butter, trying to speak the truth should be a conservative's...what do you have?

07-24-20, 10:29
To support Trump at this point is to overlook a staggering amount of un-American activity and behavior. I can't imagine a candidate who would be worse for this country than him.

President Trump isn't a one person government. There are a lot of other people running things behind the scenes that aren't on board with the agenda. There are still a lot of Obama era holdovers that are causing all sorts of problems since day one of his term. I believe that President Trump has the best interests of the everyday American forefront in his mind no matter the race or color of their skin... especially when you compare him to all the other politicians in office. His actions speak to that. A lot of people can't acknowledge that because they fell under the spell of TDS and can't think for themselves. They have to be spoon fed low level moronic rhetoric from commies like Pelosi, Schumer, OAC and that whole bunch of clowns. If you ask them to what they are upset about, they can't have a logical polite discussion about it because they just don't know anything outside of the blithering commie platitudes injected into the empty space between their ears. They are nothing short of the commies useful idiots that will end up the proletariat living the socialist dream in rundown government housing waiting in lines for hours for their rice and beans allotment when the progressive commie elitists come to power.

Hope you don't get what you want, but if you do, you deserve it.....

07-24-20, 10:32
Why are we losing? Why is the coalition of people who are varying degrees of conservative, libertarian, and/or Christian (let's loosely call this group, "Constitutionalists", those who believe in the Founding vision of America) losing the cultural war?

That is a hard one to answer, but I've thought about this a lot over 30 years as I've watched our culture decline since my college days. Could be wrong of course, but I see a few trends that seem like the main reasons why we're losing.

1. It's the culture. Politics is downstream of culture. Leftists realize culture is everything. They infiltrate and take over all influential cultural institutions (schools, universities, news media, entertainment, the judiciary, state and local government). Constitutionalists neglect culture and tend to pursue individual things.
2. Leftists play the long game. They patiently work out a long-term strategy and implement it over decades, and don't give up. Constitutionalists tend to focus on short-term things: a court case victory, an election win.
3. Leftists organize and work together. They are collectivists, so it comes naturally to them. Constitutionalists are fierce individualists, love their liberty, and struggle to organize and work together. You see people in forums like this one, even this thread, talking half seriously about ending their life in a shoot-out with authorities presumably to defend their liberty. Well I can appreciate the courage and dedication to principle, but isn't there a more constructive way that doesn't involve you and your loved ones dying? Why couldn't WE organize, work together, start playing the long game, start emphasizing cultural institutions, etc?
4. Leftists can articulate a vision of the 'ideal' future (it's completely false, and evil, but it sure sounds good on paper). Constitutionalists stumble, bumble, and mumble, and pretty much cannot articulate anything other than "freedom to do what I want", smaller government (oh wait, not even that anymore), and tax cuts for all.
5. And here's the one that enables all the others to happen: we have largely forgotten God. Many individuals still believe, but as a society, we have allowed God to be pushed completely out of the public square. We are all 'practical atheists' now. So that all considerations of ethics, of truth, of right and wrong, the 10 commandments, the sanctity of life, the difference between a man and a woman for God's sake---all these things are completely up for grabs. Relativism rules the roost. There's a national vacuum because the public square of our country is a soulless, empty space without meaning. People are desperate for some other meaning to fill the void, this is why, for example, you see the almost fanatical and religious-like commitment to phony causes like 'anti-racism.' Because they have nothing else to believe in. Because believers in God and Constitutionalists have allowed this to happen, we've created a vacuum that is being filled with leftist lies, propaganda, and the cultural revolution.

Sorry to be a downer, but that's how I see it. We have lost, for now, that's the realistic assessment. Even if Trump "wins" the election I see this as a short-term, rearguard win that will delay the inevitable. Until the above trends are reversed, the cultural revolution will continue and intensify. Trump winning does not a single thing to affect any of those trends, it is not the 'cure' for our disease, although it does slow it down a bit and I'll vote for him for that reason alone.

There are "solutions" for the above, there is hope. But they are long term and will require a whole different approach and way of thinking than Constitutionalists have historically been willing to do. We need to start reversing the trends in those areas I listed, and that is going to be the 'long game.' And we have to start by returning God to the public square.

And I'll ask you then, what is God doing and saying to the U.S.?

Alex V
07-24-20, 10:33
Your description of the problem- cultural domination by the Left, which is correct, Excludes your solution! It took the Left DECADES to accomplish. We dont have DECADES in which to un program people.

It will "go to guns" long before that could happen.

I gave a possible solution, use their playbook. No, we won't turn those institutions anytime soon, if ever. What I am saying is throw the same tantrums they do until we get our way. Riot, loot, burn down city centers. Eff it. Maxine Waters told her followers to harass the shit out of conservative politicians and their families, we can do the same. Why can the Sarah Sanders be harassed at dinner but we can't pay it back in kind? Disrupt business, block highways. Stop with this "moral high ground" bullshit, it ain't working.

People are afraid of getting their homes vandalized if they put up a Trump sign. Start vandalize homes with Biden signs, if they can do it, why can't we?

Biden wins, they defund the police and DHS/CBP etc, good, lets start riots and go on TV saying that we won't stop until all Democrats removed from their offices.

I know what you're going to say, MSM is on their side and will make us out to be evil while making them out to be "peaceful protesters". Fine, dox their commentators like they to do the conservative ones, show up at their homes, their children' schools parents' retirement homes and protest. Do it on the public right of way, not their property, all good. It will take a little while, but it will work. They are literally trying to do this to Tucker Carlson, why aren't we doing the same to the leftist commentates?

07-24-20, 11:54
I gave a possible solution, use their playbook. No, we won't turn those institutions anytime soon, if ever. What I am saying is throw the same tantrums they do until we get our way. Riot, loot, burn down city centers. Eff it. Maxine Waters told her followers to harass the shit out of conservative politicians and their families, we can do the same. Why can the Sarah Sanders be harassed at dinner but we can't pay it back in kind? Disrupt business, block highways. Stop with this "moral high ground" bullshit, it ain't working.

People are afraid of getting their homes vandalized if they put up a Trump sign. Start vandalize homes with Biden signs, if they can do it, why can't we?

Biden wins, they defund the police and DHS/CBP etc, good, lets start riots and go on TV saying that we won't stop until all Democrats removed from their offices.

I know what you're going to say, MSM is on their side and will make us out to be evil while making them out to be "peaceful protesters". Fine, dox their commentators like they to do the conservative ones, show up at their homes, their children' schools parents' retirement homes and protest. Do it on the public right of way, not their property, all good. It will take a little while, but it will work. They are literally trying to do this to Tucker Carlson, why aren't we doing the same to the leftist commentates?

I actually agree with almost all of that. Voting and logical arguments aren't going to make it happen though. People are going to have to get their hands dirty.

Alex V
07-24-20, 12:06
I actually agree with almost all of that. Voting and logical arguments aren't going to make it happen though. People are going to have to get their hands dirty.

That was the intent of my original post.

Look at what is happening in Portland? Why won't the right do that when Biden gets elected?

The reason this is all happening is because between the depression and malaise brought on by the Chinese virus, the fear of the riots and so on is to make the average American unhappy. The DNC wants Americans to be unhappy. The more unhappy they become the more they want change. This is why people who don't like Trump and Biden seem to be breaking for Biden.

When Biden gets elected, the right needs to start creating the same sense of insecurity and fear. It should have been done in 2008, but we wanted to "keep the moral high ground". Where did that lead us?

07-24-20, 12:13
The only problem is the leftists are cuckolded into victimhood. Using their tactics on them triggers the conditioned response of crying racial/gender/orientation discrimination. They can’t be reasoned with because they have indoctrinated into resisting logic. Anyone playing their game by their rules will need to be ready for that. But I agree, give them a taste of their own medicine and tell them to stop judging.

07-24-20, 12:14
That was the intent of my original post.

Look at what is happening in Portland? Why won't the right do that when Biden gets elected?

The reason this is all happening is because between the depression and malaise brought on by the Chinese virus, the fear of the riots and so on is to make the average American unhappy. The DNC wants Americans to be unhappy. The more unhappy they become the more they want change. This is why people who don't like Trump and Biden seem to be breaking for Biden.

When Biden gets elected, the right needs to start creating the same sense of insecurity and fear. It should have been done in 2008, but we wanted to "keep the moral high ground". Where did that lead us?

It leads to the Gulags, always has. Hard to believe any thinking person can't understand that.

Evel Baldgui
07-24-20, 13:05
The reason most on the right or conservatives don’t block highways, demonstrate, loot, burn buildings, tear down monuments etc, is that we have jobs. We go to work, support our families, go grocery shopping, and perform other mundane daily life activities. I’d guess 99% of the Blm, Antifa protestors are unemployed, homeless, live in mommy’s basement, are illegal and are by and large the refuse of society. They are vile vermin who contribute nothing to society, and are likely to be on food stamps and welfare. Nothing more than opportunistic societal dregs, probably financed by scumbags like soros and the klinton foundation.

Alex V
07-24-20, 13:35
It leads to the Gulags, always has. Hard to believe any thinking person can't understand that.

Not if not right, it certainly not for the left because they do this en masse. The right can't seem to organize in any meaningful manner.

07-24-20, 14:45
And I'll ask you then, what is God doing and saying to the U.S.?

I don't presume to speak for God. But I think what's already been said in the Bible and in history--about his standards, his truth, and what he does with nations that ignore them--is pretty clear.

07-24-20, 14:46
Ahhh....exactly what I was expecting. Zero facts....all opinion and emotion.

He makes more sense like this. :rolleyes:


07-24-20, 15:03
I don't presume to speak for God. But I think what's already been said in the Bible and in history--about his standards, his truth, and what he does with nations that ignore them--is pretty clear.

That's what I meant...the bibles clear that God/Christ rules the nations and that He has poured out His wrath before. He blessed us with many true and real liberties and what did we do? We tolerated and promoted every kind of wickedness...idolatry, false religion, baby murder in the millions, every kind of sexual perversion, and govt thievery, and since we're talking about the 10 commandments, not the 9 commandments, sabbath breaking. Im so glad He is long suffering, because we surely got worse things coming to us than what He has meted out so far. Now it's being discussed that we should engage in what the left does...looting, burning rioting. No real Christian is going to engage in such wickedness, but here we are.

07-24-20, 15:14
That's what I meant...the bibles clear that God/Christ rules the nations and that He has poured out His wrath before. He blessed us with many true and real liberties and what did we do? We tolerated and promoted every kind of wickedness...idolatry, false religion, baby murder in the millions, every kind of sexual perversion, and govt thievery, and since we're talking about the 10 commandments, not the 9 commandments, sabbath breaking. Im so glad He is long suffering, because we surely got worse things coming to us than what He has meted out so far. Now it's being discussed that we should engage in what the left does...looting, burning rioting. No real Christian is going to engage in such wickedness, but here we are.

Who said we should loot, burn, and riot?

07-24-20, 15:14
Every socialist attempt has crumbled

Lets hope enough conservatives are around and make it through to rebuild this time with some really solid control over any of the current idiocy and laws that truly protect peoples freedoms and ones that take away anyone trying to attack them with severe punishment

Again I do not want to go there but their might be no stopping it again folks are way to comfy
I think even for those who say they are conservative we should have a mandatory 2 year service of our country (not forcing military) for folks to go to 2rd world crap holes and see what its really like to not have freedom or have severe crime and so on
Those lefties who want this socialist idiocy send them to radical socialist countries to help so they can see the FUN that is socialism

07-24-20, 15:36
Who said we should loot, burn, and riot?

Read post 24

07-24-20, 16:08
Who said we should loot, burn, and riot?

I do. Barring a Moses parts the sea moment we are pretty well done for if we don't fight. Lose Texas, and its moderately close-I live there, and you will NEVER see another Republican in the White House. Think about the joys of one party rule--when its not YOUR party.

If you aren't willing at a MINIMUM to riot etc....turn in your guns now and buy a comfortable cushion. You'll need it for the train ride.

07-24-20, 20:33
I do. Barring a Moses parts the sea moment we are pretty well done for if we don't fight. Lose Texas, and its moderately close-I live there, and you will NEVER see another Republican in the White House. Think about the joys of one party rule--when its not YOUR party.

If you aren't willing at a MINIMUM to riot etc....turn in your guns now and buy a comfortable cushion. You'll need it for the train ride.
...and you will still accomplish nothing. Rioting and looting is unorganized stupidity. You need a purpose and specific missions to accomplish specific end goals that is well organized.

07-24-20, 20:55
...and you will still accomplish nothing. Rioting and looting is unorganized stupidity. You need a purpose and specific missions to accomplish specific end goals that is well organized.

The only correct thing in your statement is the last sentence. The rioting and looting is, "a purpose and specific missions to accomplish specific end goals that is well organized."

07-24-20, 20:59
The only correct thing in your statement is the last sentence. The rioting and looting is, "a purpose and specific missions to accomplish specific end goals that is well organized."

For them it accomplishes a specific end goal that is useful...they want chaos...for us it would accomplish nothing but further their end goal.

07-24-20, 21:27
For them it accomplishes a specific end goal that is useful...they want chaos...for us it would accomplish nothing but further their end goal.

They want people to mentally detach from our country and history so we give up and think its not worth fighting for. If they get our side to say **** it and who cares anyways then the slate gets wiped and the new rules get decided by who wins the culture war we're in (that only one side is fighting, and its not ours).

07-25-20, 06:38
What if Guatemala suddenly became very conservative and had a huge influx of talented, hard working, English speaking gun owners who cashed in their retirement accounts, sold their homes and businesses and then converted the cash to euros?


07-25-20, 06:50
What if Guatemala suddenly became very conservative and had a huge influx of talented, hard working, English speaking gun owners who cashed in their retirement accounts, sold their homes and businesses and then converted the cash to euros?


You do realize that lawful gun ownership in Guatemala is at the whim of the government, right? I don’t think it’s any sort of paradise.

07-25-20, 07:28
...and you will still accomplish nothing. Rioting and looting is unorganized stupidity. You need a purpose and specific missions to accomplish specific end goals that is well organized.

How ridiculous. What has rioting and looting accomplished for "them"? Well, lets see, tens of Billions of Dollars worth of free publicity- Black National Anthem sung at every NFL game, BLM plastered in every sports arena in the country and seen week after week by millions of people, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding-Gee, i wonder what they will use that for? An energized base of support going into an election.

They have renamed streets and buildings. They have gutted law enforcement. They have beaten and killed their enemies without any real sanction. They have attacked the basis of their enemies legitimacy and support. They have literally torn down your nations history before your eyes!

I would say they are doing ok while we piss our pants and wonder what would be "appropriate" to do while not being called Racists....

07-25-20, 07:35
What if Guatemala suddenly became very conservative and had a huge influx of talented, hard working, English speaking gun owners who cashed in their retirement accounts, sold their homes and businesses and then converted the cash to euros?


Guatemala has been governed by members of only 14 families since its inception. They control EVERYTHING. Never happen.

07-25-20, 07:40
They want people to mentally detach from our country and history so we give up and think its not worth fighting for. If they get our side to say **** it and who cares anyways then the slate gets wiped and the new rules get decided by who wins the culture war we're in (that only one side is fighting, and its not ours).

True. But the wild card, is secession. THAT, is how we win, that is how we maintain our identity, our culture, our customs, our freedom.

Secession is the best outcome. Second best is living under a continued Federal System that makes all sorts of communist pronouncements from DC which are pretty much un enforceable because just like Marijuana, Illegal immigration etc...the locals say, "Meh,.. no thanks, F You".

07-25-20, 09:40
How ridiculous. What has rioting and looting accomplished for "them"? Well, lets see, tens of Billions of Dollars worth of free publicity- Black National Anthem sung at every NFL game, BLM plastered in every sports arena in the country and seen week after week by millions of people, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding-Gee, i wonder what they will use that for? An energized base of support going into an election.

They have renamed streets and buildings. They have gutted law enforcement. They have beaten and killed their enemies without any real sanction. They have attacked the basis of their enemies legitimacy and support. They have literally torn down your nations history before your eyes!

I would say they are doing ok while we piss our pants and wonder what would be "appropriate" to do while not being called Racists....

And, don't forget that politicians are willing to have a "dialogue" with them, and make concessions. Other people with legitimate concerns get the brushoff.

07-25-20, 11:30
Sign of things to come:

07-25-20, 11:57
Sign of things to come:

And yet you will have people even here who dismiss it as meaningless. They "Can't wait for all this political stuff to get over" so they can stuff their head up their arse and go on pretending every thing is fine. They "just wanna be left alone"...Well no shit? Guess what? THEY WON'T LEAVE YOU ALONE, EVER.

It's not fine. It wont be fine until one side or the other DEFINITIVELY WINS, essentially crushing all opposition. The two philosophies are fundamentally incompatible and one must destroy the other for peace to occur.

07-25-20, 12:00
Guatemala has been governed by members of only 14 families since its inception. They control EVERYTHING. Never happen.

I'm sure they can be bought and influenced. The problem is regional dictators (Venezuela, narco-state Mexico) might not approve of a growing yanqui presence. All the gringo cash & weapons caches will be low hanging too sweet & juicy to ignore.

07-25-20, 12:03
Sign of things to come:

Utterly disgusting. Clearly, hate crimes are justifiable when it silences opposition to the world these animals want to live in.
As I alluded to earlier, I'm worried about when these savages start doxxing, aka, mark for execution (social media canceling or literal), any and all who refuse to get in lock step with ushering in the dawn of the USSA.

07-25-20, 12:12
As I alluded to earlier, I'm worried about when these people start doxxing, aka, mark for execution (social media or literal), any and all who refuse to get in lock step with the march to ushering in the dawn of the USSA.

The Dirty War has already begun. I hope people have their local accountability files up to date....

07-25-20, 12:51
We've been watching going on 60 days of this. It's simply no longer acceptable, nor can it be tolerated any longer.
The crowds have little respect for the Mayors of these places, they're taking a beating in order to come out and show their faces. Eventually one of them will be seriously hurt making one of these appearances.
The world turns and so do situations, when this breaks loose, there will be blood and it wont take long for it to kick off.

07-25-20, 12:59
We've been watching going on 60 days of this. It's simply no longer acceptable, nor can it be tolerated any longer.
The crowds have little respect for the Mayors of these places, they're taking a beating in order to come out and show their faces. Eventually one of them will be seriously hurt making one of these appearances.
The world turns and so do situations, when this breaks loose, there will be blood and it wont take long for it to kick off.

As Lenin said, "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"

When it snaps, it will go fast.....

07-25-20, 13:06
I fear that we will be faced with the same choice our founders were faced with. Comply or revolt. I don't say that lightly or wish for it. I would like the process to work, but I'm not sure how much longer it can. If there is a war, I pray that burden falls on me and my generation and not my children's.

07-25-20, 20:16
Black Communist Lives Matter?


07-25-20, 20:22
I'm sure they can be bought and influenced. The problem is regional dictators (Venezuela, narco-state Mexico) might not approve of a growing yanqui presence. All the gringo cash & weapons caches will be low hanging too sweet & juicy to ignore.

Tongue in cheek, btw, I was thinking less asking and more taking.

Dr. Bullseye
07-25-20, 22:25
Na, you guys are wrong about the US becoming Venezuela if the Dems win. It is far worse. Here is an article on the draft Dem platform.


The Dems are going to turn the USA into Zimbabwe.

07-26-20, 00:32
Before you start shooting people willy nilly, there is a process. There is a due diligence and a required effort to do any and everything you reasonably could to prevent getting to this point. That way when you stack magazines and start dropping bodies you know you did everything you could to save "their" lives but they simply wouldn't have it.

The words you type here on this forum are always intelligent and on point. Even eloquent sometimes. But this... you've outdone yourself here. So much truth here.

07-26-20, 08:32
Tongue in cheek, btw, I was thinking less asking and more taking.

Oh, I got it. My response was simply expounding on that. It’s all well and good for outsiders to “influence” their way in, but upsetting the balance of power there will prompt a response from some bad people intent on maintaining status quo.

07-26-20, 08:45
Oh, I got it. My response was simply expounding on that. It’s all well and good for outsiders to “influence” their way in, but upsetting the balance of power there will prompt a response from some bad people intent on maintaining status quo.

I think 200000 or so like minded people showing up with 20 billion or so euros could win a lot of residents over.


07-26-20, 09:10
Oh, I got it. My response was simply expounding on that. It’s all well and good for outsiders to “influence” their way in, but upsetting the balance of power there will prompt a response from some bad people intent on maintaining status quo.

The ruling Oligarchy is hand and hand with Columbian traffickers etc....Having said that, I don't discount the idea. Most of the Central American nations have no serious military capability. The real issue would be Russian or more likely Chinese intervention. You can't kick over a rock these days without running into a Chicom in Central America these days....

07-26-20, 09:10
Oh, I got it. My response was simply expounding on that. It’s all well and good for outsiders to “influence” their way in, but upsetting the balance of power there will prompt a response from some bad people intent on maintaining status quo.

The ruling Oligarchy is hand and hand with Columbian traffickers etc....Having said that, I don't discount the idea. Most of the Central American nations have no serious military capability. The real issue would be Russian or more likely Chinese intervention. You can't kick over a rock these days without running into a Chicom in Central America ....

07-26-20, 11:21
The ruling Oligarchy is hand and hand with Columbian traffickers etc....Having said that, I don't discount the idea. Most of the Central American nations have no serious military capability. The real issue would be Russian or more likely Chinese intervention. You can't kick over a rock these days without running into a Chicom in Central America ....

I wonder how the Western Hemisphere would have evolved had America not been focused on WW1. Central and South America could have become more prosperous, with a stronger middle class and higher standard of living. Now after a century of leftist juntas, etc, the region is prime for China to take a crack at running banana republics.

07-26-20, 11:40
To support Trump at this point is to overlook a staggering amount of un-American activity and behavior. I can't imagine a candidate who would be worse for this country than him.

This has to be the stupidest post ever.

Trump is a jerk, no doubt.

But he turned the economy around, he wants to reverse the policies on China that have put us in a position where 90% of the medicine this country needs come from the Chicoms.

He started the process which will keep Iran from getting the bomb.

Prior to Corona the employment of people in the USA was at a high.

The bottom line is this you can Trump and the Republicans in November or you can have Biden the trojan horse and the Marxist.

Give me trump and the Republicans all day long

07-26-20, 12:00
How about a nice location with great hospitals, a government that wants you to move, will not rat your banking out to the USA, and will allow you to own guns. Pistols sure, full auto no problem, SBR yep, the only thing so far we haven't got approval for is suppressors.

When everything is set and signed off 100%, we will make public the location and we will assist you with everything you need to make the switch.

07-26-20, 14:37
How about a nice location with great hospitals, a government that wants you to move, will not rat your banking out to the USA, and will allow you to own guns. Pistols sure, full auto no problem, SBR yep, the only thing so far we haven't got approval for is suppressors.

When everything is set and signed off 100%, we will make public the location and we will assist you with everything you need to make the switch.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

07-26-20, 16:17
I'm voting Biden, i don't know how anyone in good conscience could vote for Trump after the things he has said and done.

07-26-20, 16:27
I'm voting Biden, i don't know how anyone in good conscience could vote for Trump after the things he has said and done.

You just had to prove Yoni wrong didn’t you.

07-26-20, 16:27
I'm voting Biden, i don't know how anyone in good conscience could vote for Trump after the things he has said and done.

Might as well saw your guns in half and hand 'em in then... Trump sucks, but the alternate outcome is orders of magnitude worse.

07-26-20, 16:31
I'm voting Biden, i don't know how anyone in good conscience could vote for Trump after the things he has said and done.

What!?! I hope that is tongue in cheek. Biden is 100% behind fully draconian gun control.

From Biden’s website:


Get weapons of war off our streets. The bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that Biden, along with Senator Feinstein, secured in 1994 reduced the lethality of mass shootings. But, in order to secure the passage of the bans, they had to agree to a 10-year sunset provision and when the time came, the Bush Administration failed to extend them. As president, Biden will:

Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act.

Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities.

Reduce stockpiling of weapons.

07-26-20, 16:43
You just had to prove Yoni wrong didn’t you.

Well no shit.

07-26-20, 16:54
I gave a possible solution, use their playbook. No, we won't turn those institutions anytime soon, if ever. What I am saying is throw the same tantrums they do until we get our way. Riot, loot, burn down city centers. Eff it. Maxine Waters told her followers to harass the shit out of conservative politicians and their families, we can do the same. Why can the Sarah Sanders be harassed at dinner but we can't pay it back in kind? Disrupt business, block highways. Stop with this "moral high ground" bullshit, it ain't working.

People are afraid of getting their homes vandalized if they put up a Trump sign. Start vandalize homes with Biden signs, if they can do it, why can't we?

Biden wins, they defund the police and DHS/CBP etc, good, lets start riots and go on TV saying that we won't stop until all Democrats removed from their offices.

I know what you're going to say, MSM is on their side and will make us out to be evil while making them out to be "peaceful protesters". Fine, dox their commentators like they to do the conservative ones, show up at their homes, their children' schools parents' retirement homes and protest. Do it on the public right of way, not their property, all good. It will take a little while, but it will work. They are literally trying to do this to Tucker Carlson, why aren't we doing the same to the leftist commentates?

I agree 100 percent with this, BUT we don't have left wing billionaires like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg etc to financial support us. Plus they have total control of everything including the Feds, NSA, and every .gov agency at their disposal to use against us.

07-26-20, 18:04
Pretty sure it has been said elsewhere but I will say it here. It is time to accept that they will play the victim card then respond with labeling people with all they associate with as negatives (racist, etc). I think the only way to defeat that tactic is to ignore it, and even acknowledge it. Steal the power of their words by not being cowed by them. These people operate on emotions and peer acceptance. There is no individualism, only muppets echoing the feelings. No one wants to take the lead and own anything their peers will down vote or virtue signal. Show them you aren't afraid of their scorn but in a manner that makes them feel you share something in common.
Something along the lines of, "Ok, so you say I'm racist. Got it. You are blocking public access and hindering emergency response to at risk populations. Move so I can clear the road and go home. Some one some where nearby is dying of opioid overdose and you and I don't want to be the ones stopping their right to Narcan, now do we?"
I couldn't reason with this mindset in casual conversation when the stakes were low, so I tried to emulate their sense of emotion based reasoning. It isn't logical, exactly, but more like finding a way to apply common sense by hitting a nerve and showing empathy (real or feigned) to make them believe you feel what they feel. Keep in mind illogical people a prone to say "I feel" and seldom say "I think". Work that angle.

07-26-20, 18:32
You just had to prove Yoni wrong didn’t you.

I am not sure he proved me wrong.

I am sure he has proved that he has zero understanding of the situation in the country.

Biden is going to make that fake latino Beto his gun czar. He is on record as saying this. Beto is on record that he will take away AR, AK etc.

I would like him to give evidence of the things he has done that are so bad!

Trump has said a lot online I don't like, so what.

Biden will have in his cabinet AOC, Talib, Sanders, Beto how do you think you will fare?

Victor David Hanson who is in a video near the start of this thread, told the truth. If you watched it and after watching it still will vote for Biden, I then have no words.

As far as making a second home for like minded people outside the USA, it is business no different than project built in other countries. But we got the government to put into law our people can import guns.
That doesn't make me nor my clients cowards.

I own a house in Israel, a place in the Dominican Republic and a place in Africa. That just means I am well traveled.

07-26-20, 18:44
What I was hinting at this reference.
“This has to be the stupidest post ever.” Your response to AKS-74u. Then morbidbattlecry post his gem and proves that his post was the stupidest ever.

07-26-20, 19:13
How ridiculous. What has rioting and looting accomplished for "them"? Well, lets see, tens of Billions of Dollars worth of free publicity- Black National Anthem sung at every NFL game, BLM plastered in every sports arena in the country and seen week after week by millions of people, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding-Gee, i wonder what they will use that for? An energized base of support going into an election.

They have renamed streets and buildings. They have gutted law enforcement. They have beaten and killed their enemies without any real sanction. They have attacked the basis of their enemies legitimacy and support. They have literally torn down your nations history before your eyes!

I would say they are doing ok while we piss our pants and wonder what would be "appropriate" to do while not being called Racists....

I think you just proved my point if you read my post carefully.

Evel Baldgui
07-26-20, 21:17
I'm voting Biden, i don't know how anyone in good conscience could vote for Trump after the things he has said and done.
So you would vote for an avowed anti 2a alzeimer's infected pedophile who has been in .gov for over 30 years and hasn't done chit for the country other than enrich himself and his pos sons with lucrative criminal, perhaps treasonous deals in the Ukraine and with red china. Nice.
Trump, making unemployment almost negligible, helping restore the stock market and the economy to new heights, lowering black and hispanic unemployment, appointing more women and minorities than any previous administrations, restructured a trade deal with china so that they are not raping the US, actually building a wall, lowering taxes, and other accomplishments. If Biden wins, (by wins, I mean he stole the election via mailing ballots) your taxes will go up, your guns will restricted to no end, and God knows what other abominations the citizenry will be subjected to. Biden is barely able to speak in complete lucid sentences, he's a brain dead empty shell as are the people who would vote for him.

07-26-20, 21:20
I would say they are doing ok while we piss our pants and wonder what would be "appropriate" to do while not being called Racists....

I have a weekly pro Israel radio program that I give the open commentary on.

I was attacked by liberal so called Jews, they were calling me a racist because I am 100% against a Palestinian. They would send vicious emails to the host of the show, calling me every vile name in the book in addition to being a racist.

I sent in letters of reference from some places, first that I was part of the effort to bring the Jews of Ethiopia home to Israel. Second was documentation from an NGO I was one of 3 founders to combat the funding of terrorism. That I in addition to being a founder, had two roles in the NGO, one being administrative and the second is that I am the head of the African desk. The letter further testified that I have led the intelligence aspect of working against funding of Islamic terror in Africa but more important that I have led and will continue to lead missions on the ground to end a big source of funding in Africa, slavery. So while my forefathers fought in grey for states rights, I have fought to free slaves today. Just please don't call me a yankee.

I provided proof that I funded a medical clinic out of my own pocket in Africa.

Lastly, I showed where I am heavily involved in clean water projects in Africa, where we use technology that takes water from the air and then treats it so it is the best drinking water you can get.

I shut these people up, when it comes to calling me a racist.

I understand that most people don't have my history, but we must stand against what is happening in the country. If the good people in this country don't unite and take to the streets to stand up to these marxist thugs we will lose the country.

I have to share a conversation I had today with a historian that is a professor at one of the countries major big name universities. It was during this conversation that my eyes opened up. We were discussing Jewish persecution in Europe for the last 1500 years and how the Jews there through the years learned to be meek in the face of oppression. This behavior is what brought about the holocaust in my humble opinion.

What Antifa and BLM, has done and done masterfully in conjunction with the democratic party and the main stream media has made the majority of the American people meek. Afraid to stand up for fear of losing jobs, putting our families at risk etc.

We must find the formula to break out of this mode. I will be honest I don't know what it will take, but I am talking with some of the smartest people I know to try and figure a way out of this fear that grips the American people.

For is we lose the country when we own over 95% of the guns and the majority of police and military are on our side, it will be the biggest tragedy ever.

Go hear the video at the start of this thread again. The Senate will become based on a States population and they will stack the court at least 12 judges, it was tried before with FDR but he was forced to back down. We can not let the marxist win, the USA will be over. We will not get through it and then elect Republicans again to the White House and Congress. Besides do you really think the Republicans have the balls to stand up for anything?

07-26-20, 21:30
I would say they are doing ok while we piss our pants and wonder what would be "appropriate" to do while not being called Racists....

I have a weekly pro Israel radio program that I give the open commentary on.

I was attacked by liberal so called Jews, they were calling me a racist because I am 100% against a Palestinian. They would send vicious emails to the host of the show, calling me every vile name in the book in addition to being a racist.

I sent in letters of reference from some places, first that I was part of the effort to bring the Jews of Ethiopia home to Israel. Second was documentation from an NGO I was one of 3 founders to combat the funding of terrorism. That I in addition to being a founder, had two roles in the NGO, one being administrative and the second is that I am the head of the African desk. The letter further testified that I have led the intelligence aspect of working against funding of Islamic terror in Africa but more important that I have led and will continue to lead missions on the ground to end a big source of funding in Africa, slavery. So while my forefathers fought in grey for states rights, I have fought to free slaves today. Just please don't call me a yankee.

I provided proof that I funded a medical clinic out of my own pocket in Africa.

Lastly, I showed where I am heavily involved in clean water projects in Africa, where we use technology that takes water from the air and then treats it so it is the best drinking water you can get.

I shut these people up, when it comes to calling me a racist.

I understand that most people don't have my history, but we must stand against what is happening in the country. If the good people in this country don't unite and take to the streets to stand up to these marxist thugs we will lose the country.

I have to share a conversation I had today with a historian that is a professor at one of the countries major big name universities. It was during this conversation that my eyes opened up. We were discussing Jewish persecution in Europe for the last 1500 years and how the Jews there through the years learned to be meek in the face of oppression. This behavior is what brought about the holocaust in my humble opinion.

What Antifa and BLM, has done and done masterfully in conjunction with the democratic party and the main stream media has made the majority of the American people meek. Afraid to stand up for fear of losing jobs, putting our families at risk etc.

We must find the formula to break out of this mode. I will be honest I don't know what it will take, but I am talking with some of the smartest people I know to try and figure a way out of this fear that grips the American people.

For is we lose the country when we own over 95% of the guns and the majority of police and military are on our side, it will be the biggest tragedy ever.

Go hear the video at the start of this thread again. The Senate will become based on a States population and they will stack the court at least 12 judges, it was tried before with FDR but he was forced to back down. We can not let the marxist win, the USA will be over. We will not get through it and then elect Republicans again to the White House and Congress. Besides do you really think the Republicans have the balls to stand up for anything?

I know this is kind of simpleton in response to all that but just stop giving a **** being called a racist. Once you free yourself of that attack angle things become a lot better. Its just them trying to put people in boxes they can control and pit against each other which is what the whole intersectionality movement is about. Everyone has to be fit into neat little categories, and call them racist right back to their face. Most of these people are whites who've never had to work together or with people from all kinds of backgrounds. Turn it right around on them because they're expecting people to STFU as soon as they throw out the racist accusation.

Say, "I've been doing the work and check your privilege because Im a minority advocate."

07-26-20, 21:31
I am not sure he proved me wrong.

I am sure he has proved that he has zero understanding of the situation in the country.

Biden is going to make that fake latino Beto his gun czar. He is on record as saying this. Beto is on record that he will take away AR, AK etc.

I would like him to give evidence of the things he has done that are so bad!

Trump has said a lot online I don't like, so what.

Biden will have in his cabinet AOC, Talib, Sanders, Beto how do you think you will fare?

Victor David Hanson who is in a video near the start of this thread, told the truth. If you watched it and after watching it still will vote for Biden, I then have no words.

As far as making a second home for like minded people outside the USA, it is business no different than project built in other countries. But we got the government to put into law our people can import guns.
That doesn't make me nor my clients cowards.

I own a house in Israel, a place in the Dominican Republic and a place in Africa. That just means I am well traveled.

Why would I do that? You wouldn't believe me if i beat you over the head with a rock made of evidence. If I wanted to frustrate myself and raise my blood pressure i'd try to go get the 5,000 dollars my ex-wife owes me.

07-26-20, 21:35
Why would I do that? You wouldn't believe me if i beat you over the head with a rock made of evidence. If I wanted to frustrate myself and raise my blood pressure i'd try to go get the 5,000 dollars my ex-wife owes me.

Weak sauce. All the same. I've asked this question to numerous libs who are sure he's going to jail and the response is the same weak ass shit like if you can't figure it out you're lost.

Spell out the acts and federal code or STFU

07-26-20, 21:36
Why would I do that? You wouldn't believe me if i beat you over the head with a rock made of evidence. If I wanted to frustrate myself and raise my blood pressure i'd try to go get the 5,000 dollars my ex-wife owes me.

Then you don't know me at all.

I put out arguments here to support what I believe.

Let me ask you just one question. Your on a gun forum, who will do more to take away your gun rights, Biden and Beto or President Trump.

Trump is a jerk, I stipulate to that.

Biden is an empty shell that the marxist are going to use to take over the country.

But I guess you want to stick to your principles all the way to the gulag.

07-26-20, 21:43
Then you don't know me at all.

I put out arguments here to support what I believe.

Let me ask you just one question. Your on a gun forum, who will do more to take away your gun rights, Biden and Beto or President Trump.

Trump is a jerk, I stipulate to that.

Biden is an empty shell that the marxist are going to use to take over the country.

But I guess you want to stick to your principles all the way to the gulag.

They're full of shit and been duped listening to CNN and MSNBC for the last 4 years.

I had relatives in 2016 listening to same shit telling me Trump was going to drop out any day and it was just a publicity stunt.

Most of these retards still believe the Russia collusion bullshit 100% because that's what MSNBC and their socialist news tells them.

I've lost friends and relatives over this but you won't find one of these idiots who can actually articulate anything besides tweet level talking points.

They're all shallow pieces of shit who don't understand even basic tenets of law.

07-26-20, 22:03
Then you don't know me at all.

I put out arguments here to support what I believe.

Let me ask you just one question. Your on a gun forum, who will do more to take away your gun rights, Biden and Beto or President Trump.

Trump is a jerk, I stipulate to that.

Biden is an empty shell that the marxist are going to use to take over the country.

But I guess you want to stick to your principles all the way to the gulag.

Biden is more of a threat for sure.

I find it hard to hold a conversation with someone who says if i don't vote a certain way it's the gulag for me.

07-26-20, 22:13
Weak sauce. All the same. I've asked this question to numerous libs who are sure he's going to jail and the response is the same weak ass shit like if you can't figure it out you're lost.

Spell out the acts and federal code or STFU

You're Straw manning me. I never said anything about Trump going to jail. The things I don't like are what some people think are great about him. But generally ethical, moral in nature are my qualms. I really hate his foreign policy, how to him it's Trump over country, his environmental polices(i'm a big environmentalist), that he does nothing to advance gun rights( not having any sort of ban doesn't count), I really hate the shit he says about( John McCain anyone?), i don't like how he shits on poor people for not working hard when he gives handouts to corporations who should know how to run a businesses with out the government stepping in to prop them up when there is a slight turn in the market.

07-26-20, 22:24
Tell 'em their Race Cards have been canceled for grossly exceeding credit limit. :)

07-26-20, 22:56
You're Straw manning me. I never said anything about Trump going to jail. The things I don't like are what some people think are great about him. But generally ethical, moral in nature are my qualms. I really hate his foreign policy, how to him it's Trump over country, his environmental polices(i'm a big environmentalist), that he does nothing to advance gun rights( not having any sort of ban doesn't count), I really hate the shit he says about( John McCain anyone?), i don't like how he shits on poor people for not working hard when he gives handouts to corporations who should know how to run a businesses with out the government stepping in to prop them up when there is a slight turn in the market.

That was a generality which should have been apparent.

His foreign policy has been the shift we needed. He's the first president in decades who has not started a new front.

Enviro? Nuclear and nat gas are the future

Gun rights...he hasn't gotten a bill to sign and yes the bump stock stuff was stupid. Better than Obama and gun running into MX though

McStain can eat shit and die in hell.

Tons of 'poor' people living in what was one of the best economies the world has ever seen. I often find it hard to drag myself to work everyday but I ****ing do it. I go do some of the most mundane shit I've had mid level managers tell me they'd rather hang themselves but I go do it day after day. Good on Trump for putting some work ethic back into the country.

As to the corporation shit I was at the first Tea Party Rally in San Antonio TX when TARP was passed. That whole movement got zero support from the left and was actively killed off from having impact in Congress by both RINO's and Dems. I never have been and never will be a big GOP supporter. Same reason McStain can burn in hell.

07-26-20, 23:08
Our poorest are still considered "top 1%" by most of the world. That's something these crybaby lefties need their noses rubbed in... I can't imagine anybody in the asshole of Ougadougou who wouldn't trade places with our poorest, and set to their new hard-work-and-hardscrabble life with a smile at their dramatic Upward Mobility and better life for their kids.

07-26-20, 23:18
Our poorest are still considered "top 1%" by most of the world. That's something these crybaby lefties need their noses rubbed in... I can't imagine anybody in the asshole of Ougadougou who wouldn't trade places with our poorest, and set to their new hard-work-and-hardscrabble life with a smile at their dramatic Upward Mobility and better life for their kids.

The thing is Chicago has a play major and black senior police officers.

Seattle has a black police chief.

Portland has a black police chief.

Over 50% of Atlanta officers are minorities.

No idea about some other stats but its not stopped white communists. Numerous examples of white liberals yelling in the faces of black officers.

So we need to get rid of this whole narrative about reform or defunding. This always boils back down into a commie revolution that I've harped on for a very long time with Gramsci and a social revolution rather than something like the White War in Russia.

07-26-20, 23:20

That was 7-8 years ago. The title is Agenda: Grinding America down. Trying to find a new link

ETA 2 should work https://youtu.be/NNYj9hRx9H4

07-26-20, 23:28
How ridiculous. What has rioting and looting accomplished for "them"? Well, lets see, tens of Billions of Dollars worth of free publicity- Black National Anthem sung at every NFL game, BLM plastered in every sports arena in the country and seen week after week by millions of people, hundreds of millions of dollars in funding-Gee, i wonder what they will use that for? An energized base of support going into an election.

They have renamed streets and buildings. They have gutted law enforcement. They have beaten and killed their enemies without any real sanction. They have attacked the basis of their enemies legitimacy and support. They have literally torn down your nations history before your eyes!

I would say they are doing ok while we piss our pants and wonder what would be "appropriate" to do while not being called Racists....

I don't agree with you on some issues but I do agree with you on this.

Richmond VA yesterday, last night, and today...

Yesterday there had been nothing but peaceful protest according to the black Mayor. Defaced statues, attacks on Police, whatever. It was all peaceful.

Last night lo and behold, so soon after the new black chief of Police was appointed, RightyWhitey carried a BLM sign and while throwing bricks, attacking Police,,, that was ok, but they set a Garbage Truck on fire... By God that was the last straw. This new Police Chief out of NC took charge!! These were rioters!!!!! The first to be so!!

It's a damn good thing all those monuments, statues, and historical artifacts had been removed, defaced, before these rioters came to town.

What a FkN clown show. I thought croney Stoney and "Coonman" Northam were the lowest forms of political life but Mayor croney Stoney seems to have found himself a new PC that is as deeply compromised and transparent.

Richmond, VA is a political shit show and it is exactly what you describe.

The Mayor is a young black fraud.
The Governor is a white compromised racist.
The AG is a white compromised racist.

Our two white male Senators Time Kaine ( Hillary VP ) and Mark Warner support them.


RE: AOC, et al... The female contingent in suburban central VA is Abigail Spanbeger. She "looks white". Blonde hair, ex-CIA. So she is more visually acceptable. She is Tim Kaine's girl.

Anyone that thinks their tactics are not working is not only fool, but a damn fool. No personal attack intended. All I care about is DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT !!!!!!!!!!

They are winning.

We all said after 2016... "hold the line" "we have high ground now" "the fight is different but young" "Don't let your guard down"

Well, here we are. They are of a mindset to win by action. They have nothing to lose and little fear of punishment.

07-27-20, 10:21
America will become Venezuela regardless of who wins the election.

A "Republican" president merely means that the decent into hell may be slightly slower.

07-27-20, 10:49
America will become Venezuela regardless of who wins the election.

A "Republican" president merely means that the decent into hell may be slightly slower.

YUP! The sooner everyone figures this out, the better. People need to be "getting their shit together" NOW.

07-27-20, 11:20
The government providing everything is what creates this Venezuela affect which is communism.

Sadly too many people think thats what government is for.

I'll just leave these quotes below;

When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find that far more, and far more hideous, crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.
C.P. Snow

“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.”
~ Voltaire

When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty
Thomas Jefferson

07-27-20, 11:44
Since we are throwing out pearls of wisdom I will add one more from my favorite President Tommy J/

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

07-27-20, 18:28
As far as making a second home for like minded people outside the USA, it is business no different than project built in other countries. But we got the government to put into law our people can import guns.
That doesn't make me nor my clients cowards.


07-28-20, 05:39
I am a business man, I see an opportunity here and I am going to take it.

Second, if you do not have options on the table your not acting wisely.

Third, as of this point in time I see no reason to believe that a serious effort is going to take place to save the Republic. I see one former SF guy, that has stepped up. But I am not aware of any others at this point in time. So if the conservatives have no plan in place, we will fail. If we fail, we will not be the 2020 version of the Alamo. No we will have just failed.

Lastly, since I put out here the fact that I am doing this I have received many emails from people that are interested.

In 1938 Berlin, one of the wealthiest Jewish families threw the biggest and most lavish bar mitzvah parties the town had ever seen. In the middle of the party, they slipped out the back door and drove to Zurich. They survived the war, while as best we can understand everyone at the party did not.

Were they smart or were they cowards?

I fought my first war in 1982, and have raided more terrorist safe houses, or sat on ambush more nights than I can remember. Other wars followed.

The sad truth about the current situation in the USA, is I don't see that people are willing to do anything.
We have seen riots day after day in many cities, where are the counter demonstrations? My wife who was not born in the USA, has many times said if the right had counter demonstrations I would go.

Why would she go, you ask?

Because she like me understands if marxist win, the world will be worse off.

To close, if I want to slink off in the night that wouldn't be a problem for me to do from a practical stand point. I own property and houses in several different countries, I hold multiple passports. So I could just go and nobody would know. But I am still in the USA, praying and hoping that our side will wake up and start acting at least hitting the streets once a week to provide balance.

In the mean time, even with Corona I am trying my best to make my company successful. A second home in a great exotic location with lots of perks, is just one of many projects.

07-28-20, 07:04
This year marks 400 years my people have been in this country. I ain't going anywhere and nobody is putting me on a railcar.

07-28-20, 07:37
My people came to the USA about 331 years ago, we have had family fight in every war the country has ever fought.

I have tried everyone I know to try and organize big money to start fighting back against the marxist insurrection using a campaign of social engineering. My staff has a fantastic record and I know given the funding in time we can change the situation in the country. The lack of knowledge of social engineering capabilities on the right is mind blowing. Prior to Corona, both my partner and I were united in the idea of funding it ourselves if we had to. But with Corona hitting us the way it did, we have a lot of money going out every month with just a tiny amount coming in. I have to take care my people first and since we see no end in sight of Corona such is life.


Evel Baldgui
07-28-20, 22:49

07-28-20, 23:45
If Trump doesn't win and the republicans lose the senate America is in trouble, make no mistake
about it, the dems will be coming for blood.
Trump may not be perfect but he is a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

07-29-20, 15:37
If Trump doesn't win and the republicans lose the senate America is in trouble, make no mistake
about it, the dems will be coming for blood.
Trump may not be perfect but he is a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

I heard this same complaining about Obama for 8 years.

07-29-20, 15:41
I heard this same complaining about Obama for 8 years.

......and he did no damage? Come on. He could have done a lot more if he wasn't so lazy.

Trump has been one of the hardest working Presidents we've had in quite a while. Especially when you consider everything he's had to deal with from the Leftist media.

I sit here wondering why he would want to do another 4 years.

07-29-20, 16:04
I heard this same complaining about Obama for 8 years.

Are you honestly saying that Obama was a benign President?

Fast and Furious says otherwise. Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal says otherwise. The use of fines paid by Financial Institutions etc... to fund various Leftist groups says otherwise. Destroying the entire American Medical system says otherwise.

07-29-20, 16:09
I’m not sure why people are shocked about a this. Trump winning another term isn’t going to save us and stop anything from devolving further. Sure we might get another respite for 20-24 months but the 2024 election will be a free for all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-29-20, 16:10
I’m not sure why people are shocked about a this. Trump winning another term isn’t going to save us and stop anything from devolving further. Sure we might get another respite for 20-24 months but the 2024 election will be a free for all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

On that we completely agree.

07-29-20, 17:57
I heard this same complaining about Obama for 8 years.

The current issues are entirely his fault. Racial divide was narrowing considerably before obama and holder stoked those fires for their own personal benefit.

Trump is prob the best president since Reagan BUT if he wins we are still in trouble because despite unleashing the economy which is fantastic, his fiscal discipline is even worse than obamas. He’s spending ludicrous amounts of money we don’t have and inflation is the inevitable result.
I’m starting to think the push for cashless society is because someone thinks they can print electronic money like Zimbabwe without the economy collapsing.

07-29-20, 17:57
I’m not sure why people are shocked about a this. Trump winning another term isn’t going to save us and stop anything from devolving further. Sure we might get another respite for 20-24 months but the 2024 election will be a free for all.

Whoever "wins" the election will have (a) at least a chance of being obeyed by a ton of "just following orders" types in mil and LE, and (b) legitimacy in the eyes of people who haven't picked a side and are sitting on a fence, in an ocean of normalcy bias. That could be 80% or more of the population, so I wouldn't discount them.

07-29-20, 18:45
If Trump doesn't win and the republicans lose the senate America is in trouble, make no mistake
about it, the dems will be coming for blood.
Trump may not be perfect but he is a hell of a lot better than the alternative.

America's in trouble no matter what--the questions on the table are not "If" but "When?" and "How Bad?" Even if we rebuild the Triple Crown, we still have too may Deep Staters and Cronyists on Red Team for any meaningful fixes. Even if we Primary a significant number of them in '22, we still have SCOTUS to deal with. Even if the rumors about RBG Terminal are true and we get another pick, we still have a sissybitch and rumored-pedo (he flew on Epstein's plane!) Chief Justice who votes on cases and assigns opinions to ensure that only rulings HE wants get issued.

And those are the BEST case scenario... if Biden wins OR we lose the Senate, bend over, break out the K-Y and grab your ankles.

07-29-20, 19:07
Are you honestly saying that Obama was a benign President?

Fast and Furious says otherwise. Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal says otherwise. The use of fines paid by Financial Institutions etc... to fund various Leftist groups says otherwise. Destroying the entire American Medical system says otherwise.

Dumping 1000s of "refugees" in states that didn't carry him in the elections.

07-29-20, 19:28
Dumping 1000s of "refugees" in states that didn't carry him in the elections.

"If you can't change the votes, change the voters..."

07-30-20, 15:30
America's in trouble no matter what--the questions on the table are not "If" but "When?" and "How Bad?" Even if we rebuild the Triple Crown, we still have too may Deep Staters and Cronyists on Red Team for any meaningful fixes. Even if we Primary a significant number of them in '22, we still have SCOTUS to deal with. Even if the rumors about RBG Terminal are true and we get another pick, we still have a sissybitch and rumored-pedo (he flew on Epstein's plane!) Chief Justice who votes on cases and assigns opinions to ensure that only rulings HE wants get issued.

And those are the BEST case scenario... if Biden wins OR we lose the Senate, bend over, break out the K-Y and grab your ankles.

Yes, I believe we are in trouble, the way things look right now I think socialism may be in Americas
future. I hope i'm wrong. I do know that I will never get on my knees to anyone but God.

07-30-20, 19:27
I am a business man, I see an opportunity here and I am going to take it.

Second, if you do not have options on the table your not acting wisely.

Third, as of this point in time I see no reason to believe that a serious effort is going to take place to save the Republic. I see one former SF guy, that has stepped up. But I am not aware of any others at this point in time. So if the conservatives have no plan in place, we will fail. If we fail, we will not be the 2020 version of the Alamo. No we will have just failed.

Lastly, since I put out here the fact that I am doing this I have received many emails from people that are interested.

In 1938 Berlin, one of the wealthiest Jewish families threw the biggest and most lavish bar mitzvah parties the town had ever seen. In the middle of the party, they slipped out the back door and drove to Zurich. They survived the war, while as best we can understand everyone at the party did not.

Were they smart or were they cowards?

I fought my first war in 1982, and have raided more terrorist safe houses, or sat on ambush more nights than I can remember. Other wars followed.

The sad truth about the current situation in the USA, is I don't see that people are willing to do anything.
We have seen riots day after day in many cities, where are the counter demonstrations? My wife who was not born in the USA, has many times said if the right had counter demonstrations I would go.

Why would she go, you ask?

Because she like me understands if marxist win, the world will be worse off.

To close, if I want to slink off in the night that wouldn't be a problem for me to do from a practical stand point. I own property and houses in several different countries, I hold multiple passports. So I could just go and nobody would know. But I am still in the USA, praying and hoping that our side will wake up and start acting at least hitting the streets once a week to provide balance.

In the mean time, even with Corona I am trying my best to make my company successful. A second home in a great exotic location with lots of perks, is just one of many projects.

Who is this SF guy?

07-30-20, 19:46
Who is this SF guy?

I think this is what Yoni is referring to:


07-30-20, 19:52
I think this is what Yoni is referring to:


Mike Glover seems like a solid dude. Need to take some of his classes.

07-30-20, 23:44
I do not think we are going to be Venezuela

We are going to be Europe 2nd gen and like Europe is ahead of us now on stupidity and lack of freedoms but enough to give the illusion to some they are free we will be the ones ahead of them on squashing control from the ones in charge and those in control will try to show how to squash any resistance etc... it wont be pretty but it wont be 3rd world Venezuela crap cause that chaos leaves no hope and they do not want that from the right they want the majority to fall in line with verbal protests and they are seeing testing now how much they can do

If anything I could see it coming out like some eastern block countries and the fights they have to stay free of Russia but still under the thumb but with the states trying to stay on their own and being ripped apart and so divided wont be pretty but again I see more Europe V2 happening