View Full Version : The Roots of BlackLivesMatter

07-24-20, 18:50
Theres a lot of disinformation or lack of information on who the 'founders' of BLM are, how the money is handled, and what their actual ideology is.

Im going to try to go chronologically so some of this is 'old' and some 'new'. I'd encourage people to do their own research on the groups/names/funding as Im not trying to make this longer than needed to get the point out.

Patrice Cullors is one of the founders, and Ill discuss how she got to this point. The important part starts with the CPUSA and other communist/socialist groups from the 40's through 60's. They were under extreme scrutiny at the time with the Red Scare, so splinter organizations were formed. During the Vietnam war there were numerous such groups. The important one for this topic is the Students for a Democratic Society or SDS. They were formed on college campuses, and were the agitators/organizers of the college anti-war protests. At some point the more radical members started branching off. Some of these people formed the Weather Underground.

The Weather Underground was a terrorist organization that bombed police stations and murdered people. These were hardcore revolutionary marxists that were trying to instigate a domestic war within the United States. Several ended up in prison, some escaped justice due to technicalities, and after their reign of terror they disbursed out while still pushing cultural marxism. Most of you are probably familiar with names like Bill Ayers who connected with Obama at the University of Chicago, and Obama even 'launched' his political career from Ayer's living room. Another name is Susan Rosenburg, also a Weather Underground terrorist. She was sentenced to decades in jail but was pardoned by Bill Clinton. Another name is Eric Mann. Where did these people end up?

Susan Rosenburg is the chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents which is the fiscal sponsor of Black Lives Matter Inc. What is Thousand Currents? Yes, its yet another leftist 501C3 organization that funnels money from wealthy donors like Soros to communist sub-groups, organizers, and holds training (indoctrination) seminars both in person and online.

In 2016, BLM Global Network approached Thousand Currents to create a fiscal sponsorship agreement. Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, provides the legal and administrative framework to enable BLM to fulfill its mission. Fiscal sponsorship is a common structure utilized by nonprofit organizations. Oftentimes, nonprofit initiatives seek fiscal sponsorship to be able to have the fiscal sponsor handle administrative operations while the organization focuses on its programs and builds up its own organizational infrastructure. In this capacity, we provide administrative and back office support, including finance, accounting, grants management, insurance, human resources, legal and compliance. Donations to BLM are received as restricted donations to support the activities of BLM.

Eric Mann headed west to Los Angeles where he was one of the founders of the [LA] Bus Riders Union. What is the Bus Riders Union? They started off advocating for people who rely on public transportation but quickly became involved in 'civil rights' issues. In 2006 they staged a protest calling for a reduction in policing in LA (sound familiar?). They turned public transportation issues into a racism wedge in the city. Besides that they were training and sending out organizers who heavily pushed marxist issues as race issues.

Heres some audio of Eric Mann (these are like 10 years old not recent)




Where did Patrisse Cullors grow up? In Los Angeles of course. Patrisse's childhood was rough but not unusual for her neighborhood. Her mom had to work several jobs, and her father was sent to prison.

Here is her talking about her childhood:


The beginnings of becoming radicalized at age 17:


What fuels her anger:


Patrisse found herself 'organized' into BRU, and thus began her journey into communism. What we have here is the old boomer aged communists who were radicalized back in the 60's, who then became domestic terrorists, with decades of behind the scenes [marxist] organizing, funding, and influence finding kids from poor, broken, and minority homes. They take vulnerable, angry, and easily influenced people like 17 year old Patrisse Cullors and give them a sense of community and purpose. I can easily see why she hates the nuclear family because she never had one. Her dad was in and out of jail, addicted, and her brothers ended up on the same path. She's projecting what replaced her family onto others, and to make everyone else go through what she did.


Students for a Democratic Society https://youtu.be/EZGCfPw54Ek

Weather Underground https://youtu.be/8apP1IxVUUc

Bus Riders Union organizing https://youtu.be/_wcg7ahE8g0

Susan Rosenburg http://https://youtu.be/FAAEFBAij_o (https://youtu.be/FAAEFBAij_o)

Eric Mann https://youtu.be/a5xSO4sscss



07-24-20, 19:52
Excellent job with the research. Thank you for compiling all this for the rest of us.

07-24-20, 20:48
Excellent job with the research. Thank you for compiling all this for the rest of us.

Have to give credit to Adam Curry and the No Agenda podcast for the clips. I listen to a lot of different stuff but have sent out a ton of their clips you can find at no agenda show notes because they cut out the fluff and bs to get down to the point. On the other side I've listened to a lot of podcasts with dudes who are on the right side but just aren't exposed to this sort of insight into what we're facing and kind of going at it blindly like 'I just don't understand why people want to get rid of the police.' People are mad but have little to no idea what they're even looking at. 3

And this is just the 'roots' of the BLM movement. You have to understand your enemy, and not go at it blindly without understanding who they are, why they do what they do, and what their goals are. A lot of that happened in the early GWOT and led to a lot of suffering later on. Iraqis dismissed as hadjis and Afghanis dismissed at goat herders. Doing the same shit here at home is going to bite us in the ass the same way and we're already on the defensive or already been beaten on many fronts.

07-24-20, 20:58
Excellent info! I’ve already shared this post with all of my inner circle. Thanks for compiling this.

07-24-20, 21:06
Patrisse Cullors also shows signs that she is a high functioning sociopath. In her book, she promotes violent crime, including armed robbery and murder, if the ends justify the means, and believes it is unjust for those who do so to be held accountable. She also lies about a great portion of her childhood, and claims her family members to be 100% innocent of everything they ever were arrested for. Her own family members and acquaintances contradict a lot of the claims in her book. She denies her devote Jehovah's Witness mother abusing and disowning her due to her sexuality because it doesn't fit with the narrative that all her oppression came exclusively from the police and white people.

07-24-20, 21:18
Patrisse Cullors also shows signs that she is a high functioning sociopath.
IOW, would fit right in with most politicians and the Bureaucratic Class...

07-24-20, 21:22
Patrisse Cullors also shows signs that she is a high functioning sociopath. In her book, she promotes violent crime, including armed robbery and murder, if the ends justify the means, and believes it is unjust for those who do so to be held accountable. She also lies about a great portion of her childhood, and claims her family members to be 100% innocent of everything they ever were arrested for. Her own family members and acquaintances contradict a lot of the claims in her book. She denies her devote Jehovah's Witness mother abusing and disowning her due to her sexuality because it doesn't fit with the narrative that all her oppression came exclusively from the police and white people.

Her book is an issue lol

I Just wanted to address the 'roots' and how whats old is new. The current messaging should be a whole new post at some point.

Theres a **** ton of avenues you can go down like the Obama DOJ funding the Trayvon Martin protests. They were sending money and agents down to FL to fuel these people.

There are other groups like BYP 100 and Dream Defenders that go back to Chicago ---> Florida. Its not an accident all these people ended up at the same place at the same time while DOJ advisors were spending cash.

Add in the Obama DOJ offering settlements for reduced fines and penalties if certain organizations got donations.

A lot of work needs to be done if Obama is currently involved in these organizations and the current protests. Everything is in place and makes sense but outside an email hack or document dump it would be hard to prove.

I don't personally think he just slinked away and abandoned his old life for some new quiet life. If George Floyd was killed under the same exact circumstances, and Hillary was president right now, 99.999999% of the world would have never known his name.

07-24-20, 21:29
They take vulnerable, angry, and easily influenced people like 17 year old Patrisse Cullors and give them a sense of community and purpose.

This has gang written all over it.
Bloods or Cripts?

07-24-20, 21:36
This has gang written all over it.
Bloods or Cripts?

Revolutionary Marxists

07-24-20, 22:04
An interesting observation from a fellow RedStater that, while talking about Pelosi, seems just as relevant here...


Here’s a relatively simple tip,per space here, for the non-mental health awareness crowd: entrenched Sociopaths love to have puppets and mannequins to be the front folk, so they don’t have to be in the line of fire when the s~~t invariably hits the fan.

The favorites are usually the young, the old, and people in the middle who have much to lose if they cross the sociopath, usually money, and possibly family.

The old is easy: all the entrenched Democrat leaders in the House and Senate, and people who are matriarchs and patriarchs of businesses that have been operating for 30 or more years beholden to Democrat interests. The young are the younger millennials and all of the Gen Z morons, who are immature brats in adult bodies, and they’ll do anything as long as it maintains their entitlement, dependency, and horrid arrogant attitudes this generation has without fail. What’s really pathetic and cruel is to watch the likes of these humanoid c~~ts of the AOC/Tlaib/Omar/ Pressley squad, because, these women are so f~~ked in the head, they really think they’re going to have a place at the boss table, but they won’t…the prime sociopaths in place are men, misogynistic racist men!!!

Just remember the pathological defenses of these antisocials: denial, projection, deflection, minimization, and in the end, when they’re desperate, a pathological rationalization that makes even the hardest healthy mature adult wince when hearing the uncaring scumbag tell you the most obscene yet maintained reason why they want to destroy and kill. A very common one?: because they have to, for the good of the people!

So, pay attention to who talks for the Democrats loudest, and most ridiculous, and who accuses the dissenters of absurd and untrue things. And then, like in the Star Wars movies , who is behind the scenes, insidious but most to gain from Democrat inappropriateness and ruin of America.

07-25-20, 04:10
An interesting observation from a fellow RedStater that, while talking about Pelosi, seems just as relevant here...


Trying to think of a good way to respond to that and I think it just boils down to there's a **** ton of floater people out their in the abyss, and its easy for them to get caught up in the stream of fitting into whatever is happening at the moment. How do people pull the trigger on people lined up against a wall, round up jews, drop gas into a chamber, starve others to death? How do people just not say no and go kill the ****er telling them to do such things? Its 2020 and China is operating labor camps and you'd know next to nothing about it if all you did is follow MSM news.

Just very few people have the ability to process big picture trends and take in multiple avenues of data on a daily basis and come out the other side while processing all that through a moral compass to decide whats good, bad, worrying, positive, and then remember all that years down the road with ability to recall to inform their decision making looking at the future.

I think it was a Jocko and Pederson podcast where the topic of 'how does it happen' came up, and he gist is you can break down the average group of people to get an average number of certain types of people. A platoon size group is bound to have at least one 'sadist' type personality who enjoys seeing others suffer. Extrapolate that to other groups of people be it the entire country where we'd have millions who see the suffering of others as their joy to tens of millions of people who just are floaters who don't have a solid moral base but do the work of who's telllng them what to do or just following trends. If you have these sociopaths in charge the floaters will follow them.

The problem is the focused moralistic types rarely also possess the traits to become leaders, and tend to either get made an example of if they do speak out or just become the 'dark' grey man that sits in the back and doesn't cause trouble.

Relating all that to the topic of the thread I think the Alinsky Rules for Radicals are just a rationalization performance of sociopaths to shed any chance of guilt that might enter their minds. Hillary Clinton is a perfect example of this, and the bitch actually went to Chicago to study under Alinsky. She became so immune to humanity she had to get acting lessons on how to act like a ****ing human which is why her response to stimuli all look so weird and faked because its a rehearsed performative act rather than a natural human response. To this day she's still spouting off accusations against Trump that in reality are things she actually did.

Of course there are multitudes of in between there which is why we're human which to me is also why 'freedom' is so hard to maintain because actually doing nothing is harder than doing something. Maintaining freedom often requires doing nothing when an easy wrong is often seen as better than just saying, 'no we're not going to do anything'.

Interesting quote. Thanks.

07-25-20, 09:41
It also jives with my own experience in one of the incubators where the political class educate their own kids... we were taught to think of everyone else as pawns, so when you combine Nature *and* Nurture you get a bunch of little Perfect Storms walking around society just waiting for their chance to break.

07-26-20, 22:58
There are a lot of Jewish people in the OP's BLM history. I don't understand why so many Jews LOVE communism and marxism.

07-26-20, 23:11
There are a lot of Jewish people in the OP's BLM history. I don't understand why so many Jews LOVE communism and marxism.

Mann talked about it one of the linked interviews. His mom harped on him about fascists.

Adding to that most of the camps were in Poland or east Germany. The allies didn't do a whole lot of liberating of camps with Jews, and it wasn't even widely known about until the news came back of these people's conditions. In fact there were refugee ships coming out of Europe full of jews we turned away that had to head the Caribbean or S America. Some returned back to Europe.

So a lot of people view the Soviets as their saviors and communism saved them from the [Nazi] fascists. Those people were also behind the Iron Curtain from 44-45 until ~1989-90

Then on the western side a lot of people held in camps or work groups were put right back in camps as the allies had no idea what to do with mass amounts of displaced people. Thats a big reason Israel was formed in 1948 as they wanted a place for a lot of these people to go to.

Add in the modern day rhetoric and these people think Trump is a modern day Hitler and his supporters are Nazi's. They think of themselves the same as the guys who came out of the landing crafts on Gold or Juno beaches.

07-27-20, 01:16
I'm not so sure about all that. Jews were huge proponents of communism waaaay before anyone heard of Hitler. In fact, many/most of the early fathers of the 1917 Russian revolution were Jews. And the 1917 boleshevik success was after a few earlier communist attempts to overthrow the Russian government. Isn't Marx himself a jew? Many in the cruel NKVD (KGB predecessor) leadership were jews.

After the 1917 boleshevik success in Russia, the communists tried to spread westward towards Germany and tried to subvert the German government. The people had to choose between fascist Hitler or communism.

Seems America is at the same crossroads as 1920's Germany. I pray not. Lots of present day American subversives pushing communist ideologies have Jewish last names. Just an observation.....not trying to start any anti-semitc crap.

I'm just trying to understand why Jews LOVE communism so much.

07-27-20, 01:59
I'm not so sure about all that. Jews were huge proponents of communism waaaay before anyone heard of Hitler. In fact, many/most of the early fathers of the 1917 Russian revolution were Jews. And the 1917 boleshevik success was after a few earlier communist attempts to overthrow the Russian government. Isn't Marx himself a jew? Many in the cruel NKVD (KGB predecessor) leadership were jews.

After the 1917 boleshevik success in Russia, the communists tried to spread westward towards Germany and tried to subvert the German government. The people had to choose between fascist Hitler or communism.

Seems America is at the same crossroads as 1920's Germany. I pray not. Lots of present day American subversives pushing communist ideologies have Jewish last names. Just an observation.....not trying to start any anti-semitc crap.

I'm just trying to understand why Jews LOVE communism so much.

No worries I don't buy into the critique of Jews = anti-Semitic nazi. Nor Israel = perfect.

Anyways for sure a lot people don't don't get understand commie from the east were poised to take over Germany before Hitler came around.

This is the root of the main debate I get into some people with about the political spectrum.

Going back to the enlightenment era the only real place the took root was in America. Europe is fine being on the X Y axis because their only two options have been 'right wing' fascism or 'left wing' communism. They never got the entire other side of free market individuality based rights we did. So they swing from 'savior' to 'group think'.

As for the religious aspect I think you'd have to go way back in communism and it actually has religious beginnings with outpost communes, and it wasn't something Marx and Engels just dreamed up on their own out of the blue.

Not speaking about all jews or being anti-jew but when I did pizza delivery we served a JCC or jewish community center. They had paid security and it was a community to itself. To me you could look at that and see the kind of communist or 'commune' aspect of that place. Coming in as an outsider it felt like foreign turf because of how they interacted with us. A lot of times it was taking pizzas to their after school program or their pool, and it was like thanks GTFO now. Also did deliveries to youth temple for their teenage kids and they tried to get us in and out as fast as possible. Just odd every time even though we were bringing them their food to eat. Doesn't really mean anything but that type of closed off culture where they have all their own services in a communal fashion that controlled doesn't surprise me they'd have a positive view of communism.

07-27-20, 04:33
Even when Israel was formed, mostly Jews from eastern Europe I believe. Their first form of society/government were kibbutzs, which are a form of socialized communes (communism light?).

The kibbutzs failed because like ever other time socialism was tried, the hard workers had to make up for the lazy, which made everyone lazy.......lowest common denominator-type thing.

I think you are right about the communist-religion connection. I believe I read communism ideology actually started in the United States by some farmer or something.

Still, Ayers and his wife, Susan Rosenburg, and Eric Mann all being Jewish and pushing communism can't be mere coincidence either. Is it a control thing?

07-27-20, 10:17
When you reject your religion in mass, something has to fill the void. Politics and isms seem to be that something.

I think a higher power wasn't pleased with them. You don't want me...here's a little something for you.