View Full Version : A Dystopian Short Story

07-25-20, 07:47

07-25-20, 07:55
Im glad somebody gets it. There will be no voting our way out of this future. It will require a violent minority willing to kill and die for their rights. Because face it, those who love and want freedom ARE a distinct minority-or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

If you can't reconcile the fact that this only ends with blood, yours or theirs, you're wrong.

07-25-20, 10:00
I feel like I should add some bits about your church being labeled a hate organization and shut down, and a person having a trial right before yours who gets let off for a crime because they espouse the “accepted” ideology, and the judge is very lenient with her own tribe.

07-25-20, 10:52
I feel like I should add some bits about your church being labeled a hate organization and shut down, and a person having a trial right before yours who gets let off for a crime because they espouse the “accepted” ideology, and the judge is very lenient with her own tribe.

Peace and reconciliation tribunals where allies are pardoned and enemies punished for Bad Think.

07-25-20, 13:45
...We cannot let that future happen. Some of those things have already happened, some are being discussed and planned right now, and some are my assumptions based on the mindset of the people who desperately seek power in this country.

Gentlemen, none of us want violence. What we want is to be left alone to live our lives in peace and prosperity; to make or break our own existence through our own decisions. Freedom. Liberty. To succeed or to fail. To pursue happiness, whether we catch it or not. But there needs to at least be a commitment from all of us to REFUSE to live in peace under conditions like that. Even 1/4 as bad as that. No compliance, no surrender, no sitting on the couch in fear while the prison walls get built up around you. I am not calling for violence, I am saying that we need to commit to resist and disobey.

That is all

Well, pick one. It can't be both ways.

"...You live in a town that has 2 lakes to pump drinking water from- a clear lake and a massive muddy one. Someone made you stick the pump in the muddy lake because "we have to conserve the water", but now everyone is shitting themselves to death. So you're like "f*** that muddy crap, we're going back to the clear water", you yank the pump out, disinfect it and stick it in the clear lake.
But two seconds after you turn it on, a new person re-appears and tells you that you can't put the pump in there because you'll use up all the good water.
You point out the massive influx of sick people shitting everywhere and tell them to piss off, but they give you the sad puppy eyes and a speech about the importance of saving the good water for the children, and it all sounds very logical and humanitarian, so you agree to put the pump back in the muddy lake.

A week later everyone is shitting themselves worse than ever, and a couple people have died. You realize you've been duped, yank the pump out, clean it, and stick it back in the clear lake.
This time you manage a about a day of pumping clean water before yet another person appears, distraught and tearful about the water situation, and through a convoluted series of mental contortions manages to create an argument for putting the pump back in the muddy lake, but with smaller pipes this time so less muddy water can get through. Surely this time no-one will get sick! You're pretty sure it's bullshit, but they start going through the town knocking on doors bawling about the awfulness of the water situation and their "solution" to fix it, so you go along anyway because you don't really want to upset everyone.

A couple days later with the pump safely ensconced back in the muddy lake, everyone is still sick, including yourself, and a few more people are dead. You are now DAMN SURE that person was lying and you sickly drag yourself down to the lake with your shotgun, rip the pump out, laboriously clean it *again*, stick it back in the clean lake and then sit down beside it determined to waste the first fool that suggests putting the pump back.

This time you manage to get the pump to run a few days, some people are starting to feel better, and a few have even put up an awning and joined you to guard the pump.
Then a new person shows up, ostensibly to help guard the pump, but more and more they start talking about how very concerned they are about the water situation. Not the sick and dead people of course, just the possibility that you might be using too much clean water. They suggest moving the pump back to the muddy lake, since the supply of water there is much bigger. You laugh in his face and point out all the sick people and the associated impact on life and society using the muddy lake has caused.

He gets mad and leaves, but a short time later he comes back with someone he says is a scientist, who proceeds to roll out graphs and charts and all manner of sciencey-sounding terms to explain to you why there's not really *that* many sick or dead people, and the associated societal downturn isn't because of the muddy water, it's that people simply haven't had enough time to evolve to a point where they can absorb the water that's not clear and fresh.

Now you and the others guarding the pump *know* people can't survive on dirty water, so you point your guns at him and tell him the gig’s up, but the ex-guard jumps in front of you and using his big puppy eyes implores you with great feeling not to shoot a fellow neighbor and human-being.
You really don't actually want to shoot anyone, so you agree.
The "scientist" and his enabler beat a hasty retreat back to the town, and your posse sits back down around the pump, relieved that disaster was avoided again, and satisfied at their vigilance in guarding the pump.

Meanwhile on the other side of town.... Science-boi and Enabler are still sure they're right, and decide that it's not fair that only the stubborn men with the guns get to make the rules, so they decide to pitch their theory to the entire town, and seize the town square to present their Totally True and Scientifically Backed opinion to the masses.
Some of the people feeling better after ditching the dirty water start telling everyone it's nonsense, but most of the people are still too sick to think straight, and they start to agree.

So the newly-healthy people go out and throw the proselytizers off the stage, but Enabler fakes a hard fall and "breaks" his arm.
He screams and howls in grand fashion, and berates the growing crowd of observers for being closed-minded idiots who all deserve to die IF the clean water ever runs out, which it's SURE to happen because Science-boi said so.
The healthy people still aren't buying Enabler’s act, and they demand to see Science-boi's fact sources, and point out that Enabler's arm can't possibly be broken, given the wild gesticulating he's been doing with it throughout his pity-rant.

Things are boiling over when Science-boi steps in with a hearty "Friends, friends, we're all neighbors in the same town, there's no sense in fighting over something that's our shared problem, if we just calm down and review The Facts we can figure something out that's good for everyone..."
Mayor wipes the remains of his third vomit of the day from his shirt front and mouth, and pouncing on the momentary quiet to re-assert his authority loudly pronounces that Science-boi may have a point, and he's going to call a town council right away to solve the problem once and for all, everyone just needs to chill out and go home to rest.

The next day, you and the rest of the pump guards are shocked to see a large, joyous procession coming out from the town led by Science-boi and the Mayor, with Enabler holding one end of a massive sign that says "No More Dead People - Endless Water For Everyone Forever".
You groan and brace yourself to receive the inevitable news.

Science-boi strides up to you, the light of vindication of his superior logic glowing in his eyes. He outlines his plan- it turns out that he WAS correct that it was the people's digestive systems not the muddy water that was the problem, and people just aren't advanced enough biologically to handle all water sources yet. However, being the understanding and logical man that he is, he throws you a bone and acknowledges that trying to put the pump solely in the muddy lake was a bad idea, since it's clearly too much to ask people to handle a diet of only muddy water all at once.
Therefore, the solution is to put the pump in the middle of the two lakes, and draw water from both simultaneously. Therefore there can be enough unrestricted water for everyone, and they won't have to drink ONLY muddy water.

Utterly deadpan, you look him square in his smug face, and point out that the problem won't be solved by simply pumping both types of water at the same time and having everyone drink it.
He smiles compassionately at your childish logic, and pats you on the head, pointing out that of COURSE you don't pump the water at the same time through the same pipe silly, that's why there's TWO pipes leading from the pump to the town, and even two separate tanks for each type of water to flow into. "It's all perfectly safe!" he declares as the crowd cheers.

"Yes yes", the Mayor chimes in, beaming beatifically at you- "It's a grand plan, and there will be more than enough water forever, and nobody will die as long as everyone drinks an equal amount of the clean and muddy water each day!”

The shotgun feels unbelievably heavy in your hands as you and the rest of the guards walk back to the pump to begin moving it yet again...."

“…Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves...Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” ~Churchill

07-25-20, 14:33
Mozart and Jellybean, would you mind if I copypasta'd your "short story" posts for a "Dispatches from the Gun Tribe" piece over at RedState?

07-25-20, 15:26
Mozart and Jellybean, would you mind if I copypasta'd your "short story" posts for a "Dispatches from the Gun Tribe" piece over at RedState?

Yeah man, whatever you want to do. I couldn’t sleep this morning and rattled that off . . . . it’s weird, for the past week or two I can think very clearly. More clearly than usual. Maybe it’s the extra sunlight or better sleep or better diet, idk.

Boy Scout
07-25-20, 20:00
I feel like I should add some bits about your church being labeled a hate organization and shut down, and a person having a trial right before yours who gets let off for a crime because they espouse the “accepted” ideology, and the judge is very lenient with her own tribe.

Everybody knows what's in Room 101.

07-25-20, 20:22
If world gets going that way heading to the sea to live on a boat again :)

I kinda wish I went ahead and did that but oh well :) nice 60 foot sailing cat and bounce around the South Pacific :) fish every day

When I was chartering we would get guests once in a while ask what if and we said well IF it went we would say hope you do not mind heading toward Fiji :)

IF things ever got like you wrote I would never be in a city that is for sure

But very well done little story and very entertaining and sci-fi true :) ! I cant write to save my life

07-25-20, 21:13

07-25-20, 22:17
Mozart and Jellybean, would you mind if I copypasta'd your "short story" posts for a "Dispatches from the Gun Tribe" piece over at RedState?

I'm going to PM you to ask a quick question.