View Full Version : Time for another Crusade

07-27-20, 15:42

When you add in the fact that the Hagia Sophia is being converted into an active Mosque, might not be a bad time for it...Religious leaders used to DEFEND the faith and the faithful. Oh well, one more thing that is watered down and a poor imitation of what made it worthwhile and glorious.

07-27-20, 16:58
Kill him, Le Guillotine !!!

07-27-20, 17:37
Yeah, I dont think I want any Popes raising armies. But a faithful protestant magistrate, yeah I'd go for that.

07-27-20, 17:52
I think a better solution would be for humans to stop living their lives according to fairy tales all together *shrug*

07-27-20, 18:27
I think a better solution would be for humans to stop living their lives according to fairy tales all together *shrug*

I'm a believer, but if we are going to have any crusade it should be to stack ALL the pedos in the Catholic church.

07-27-20, 18:38
I think a better solution would be for humans to stop living their lives according to fairy tales all together *shrug*

Yea, that defies all of known human history, good luck with that.

07-27-20, 18:41
I think a better solution would be for humans to stop living their lives according to fairy tales all together *shrug*

While your suggestion is the most reasonable, M4C will label you a heretic and this thread will now be locked.

07-27-20, 19:17
I think a better solution would be for humans to stop living their lives according to fairy tales all together *shrug*

Oh you mean that you came from some scorched chemicals on some rocks? I agree.

I forgot to mention. While you're waiting for the Pentagon to drag out those alien stiffs and bits of alien unobtanium...I'll keep believing.

07-28-20, 08:37
I'm game. Someone ring Sobieski and that other German guy and let's do this. Wendy's Vult! :laugh:



I mean, yeah we all knew the Notre Dame fire was about as much of a "work accident" as the grooming gangs are "asian"...

07-28-20, 09:26
So let me understand, a nation with about 0.4% Christians can't take a building which over it's 1400 year history spent about 50% of the time as a church and 50% of it's time as a mosque, (excluding about 100 years post Ottoman revolution) can't be converted from a museum back to a mosque?

Israel used to have great relations with Turkey before the current government, I have cross trained with Turkish soldiers and police. They are very good and they are tough. David Hackworth if I remember correctly served with Turks in Korea and he thought they were crazy. He remarked that at one point in time everyone was retreating and the Turks fixed bayonets and a smile and marched north.

I really think we have enough to fight about at home.

07-28-20, 09:36
I really think we have enough to fight about at home.

Agreed. The Hagia Sophia is beautiful, but I don't want it. While I wish the Kurds would have more power in that region, I don't have anything against the Turks. We have Iran, which is and has been a much more credible threat to world.

Life's a Hillary
07-28-20, 09:48
I really think we have enough to fight about at home.

Sounds like you are trying to leave “home” more than fight

07-28-20, 09:54
Sounds like you are trying to leave “home” more than fight

Then you haven't read all most posts.

I don't see a serious effort on the part of the majority of people in the USA to even hold counter demonstrations. I have offered to run psy ops and social engineering campaigns at cost with the books being fully open to donors, no takers.

Now back to topic, Istanbul is one of the coolest cities in the world.

07-28-20, 10:04
Dad was stationed at Incirlik, Adona Turkey for several years. He worked closely with the Turks as he was part of base security. He said they were wonderful people--If, they liked you.

I just think its a sad reflection on all of Western Civilization that we are unwilling to defend the greatest achievements of mankind and willingly surrender our culture, our freedom etc....to the dregs of the world. Where are the Jan Sobieskis?

07-28-20, 10:16
Dad was stationed at Incirlik, Adona Turkey for several years. He worked closely with the Turks as he was part of base security. He said they were wonderful people--If, they liked you.

I just think its a sad reflection on all of Western Civilization that we are unwilling to defend the greatest achievements of mankind and willingly surrender our culture, our freedom etc....to the dregs of the world. Where are the Jan Sobieskis?

I was too, in 76'-77'. Back then you had to watch out for the college commies. The folks out in the country were very friendly, but then when we drove to remote sites to work we would generally pass ourselves off as British. Didn't go into town much.

07-28-20, 10:22
I was too, in 76'-77'. Back then you had to watch out for the college commies. The folks out in the country were very friendly, but then when we drove to remote sites to work we would generally pass ourselves off as British. Didn't go into town much.

Pop was there 64-66 I believe. Had a great time over there. Used to go to Lebanon on leave, said the beaches etc....were incredible..

07-28-20, 10:30
Lebanon was great, went into the toilet when Arafat and gang moved in. Turkey used to be great till the current leadership took over.

It is too bad.

Alex V
07-28-20, 17:24
I think a better solution would be for humans to stop living their lives according to fairy tales all together *shrug*


At the end of be day, do I really care about that building? No. They can make it a strip club or a mosque, it’s all the same to me. I understand the historical significance of the building, I had to recreate its plan by hand in school, and I still don’t really care.

07-28-20, 17:43
Now back to topic, Istanbul CONSTANTINOPLE is one of the coolest cities in the world.


I don't recognize mohammedama ding-dongs.

07-28-20, 18:06
I think a better solution would be for humans to...live...their lives...without worrying what other people think. *shrug*

Fixed it so I could say I generally agree.

I’m listening to The Great Courses course The Story of Human Language, and it is a wonderful reminder that the world and things within it are constantly and unavoidably changing. That’s my way of saying I don’t care what the Turks do with the Hagia Sophia, but we can pay attention to the wind direction it indicates.

07-28-20, 23:35
I welcome everyone who wishes to go on crusade to do so.

Take up the cross, purchase weapons, and travel to Constantinople or Jerusalem or wherever and fight the Mohammedans (or whoever) in the name of Christ.

Just as I welcomed the chickenhawks who wanted to go to war with Russia over Syria to take up arms and fight alongside the Kurdish Syrians and Yazzidis.

No one has done so. And I doubt that anyone will. No faith.

I have offered to run psy ops and social engineering campaigns at cost with the books being fully open to donors, no takers.

It's remarkable how many American patriots, men who signed the Declaration of Independence, survived the Revolution only to die in debtors' prisons run by the governments they expended the sum total of their treasure and then some (in some cases lost all of their sons on the battlefield, or their entire families to British and loyalist retaliation) to birth. In fact, I don't believe a single American patriot was ever offered monetary compensation for whatever expenses they personally undertook in the name of American liberty, including paying to convert ships to merchant raiders and raising, feeding, and arming regiments of soldiers. Some refused to accept payment for their service in the Continental Army, even though it meant leaving their families destitute after their deaths.

07-29-20, 10:34
I welcome everyone who wishes to go on crusade to do so.

Take up the cross, purchase weapons, and travel to Constantinople or Jerusalem or wherever and fight the Mohammedans (or whoever) in the name of Christ.

Just as I welcomed the chickenhawks who wanted to go to war with Russia over Syria to take up arms and fight alongside the Kurdish Syrians and Yazzidis.

No one has done so. And I doubt that anyone will. No faith.

It's remarkable how many American patriots, men who signed the Declaration of Independence, survived the Revolution only to die in debtors' prisons run by the governments they expended the sum total of their treasure and then some (in some cases lost all of their sons on the battlefield, or their entire families to British and loyalist retaliation) to birth. In fact, I don't believe a single American patriot was ever offered monetary compensation for whatever expenses they personally undertook in the name of American liberty, including paying to convert ships to merchant raiders and raising, feeding, and arming regiments of soldiers. Some refused to accept payment for their service in the Continental Army, even though it meant leaving their families destitute after their deaths.

And really isn't this the problem today, no wealthy men or lesser magistrates with a clear vision to rally those patriots, to help finance it, to inspire it. In the end it's just people complaining about the situation, I'm as guilty as the next guy.

07-29-20, 10:46
I think we should file this under, who the **** cares.

07-29-20, 12:29
You notice in all these "we got to do something" threads, that it always revolves around what's in it for me thinking. My rights, my money, my pleasures, my wants and needs. There doesn't seem to be anything greater than me, myself and I. There's really nothing greater than that to pull all of you together. The constitution is merely a prop to point to and say...my rights, my rights.