View Full Version : To Hell with F1 racing

08-02-20, 07:57
Drivers were wearing BLM t shirts and half the drivers took a knee prior to the British Gran Prix.

08-02-20, 08:19
The only sports worth a damn anymore are the ones you are personally participating in at the moment.

08-02-20, 08:28
Does it surprise you? In a predominately white sport, by not signaling their virtuousness they’d surely be branded as racist. Not to mention this is the in vogue thing to do right now.

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08-02-20, 08:44
Next thing you know, chess will be racist.

08-02-20, 08:46
I refuse to play this stupid game.

08-02-20, 09:00
USPSA, PRS, and Three Gun.

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08-02-20, 09:51
Next thing you know, chess will be racist.

Well fortunately it was invented in India, so it doesn't have white origins at least. But then there's the whole medieval theme we've adopted with the game pieces: knights and kings and all that. Not good, smacks of white power and patriarchy and DWEMs. Chess has gotta go...

I liked basketball--playing and watching--from grade school through college, and beyond. But I've gotten so sick of the NBA's latest outrage even before BLM posing, I've sworn off them, as well as at them. And NFL, and NASCAR.

It isn't that I'm being all like, pure and stuff, "I won't watch any organization that does X." As if, I'd secretly still enjoy watching them, once we get through the national anthem (which one?) and forget about all the idiot slogans on the jerseys. No, it's worse than that: I'm disgusted by them to the extent that I can't enjoy the sport anymore. They've killed the joy. Which is I think OP's point.

08-02-20, 10:31
The taking a knee crap as well as the rainbows everywhere. Even the safety car. ��

08-02-20, 10:35
It was one hell of a race...the last few laps were fantastic. Cannot believe 2nd place pitted like they did.

08-02-20, 10:51
Does it surprise you? In a predominately white sport, by not signaling their virtuousness they’d surely be branded as racist. Not to mention this is the in vogue thing to do right now.

Watching the mad scramble for everyone to try and "get on the right side of history" just to stay ahead of the outrage of mob is sad and pathetic.

Frankly, I think as more and more people walk away from the toxic nonsense all the big-name sporting events are coming to increasingly represent, the more they will realize they never really needed them anyway.
Kind of like a drunk realizing they don't need booze to have a 'good time'.
Oh, sure it won't make a dent in the corporations that own the sports; they are literally to big to fail from a few pinpricks. But you'll feel better mentally as you find more useful and/or directly personally interactive things to do for fun...

08-02-20, 11:17
Next thing you know, chess will be racist.

Why does white get the first move?

Why are there castles? Don't they know the elite uses castles to rule over the slaves?

Why are pawns sacrificed? Isn't that just typical of the ruling class to kill those who don't agree with them.

Why are there horses? That's cruel to animals.

Why are there bishops? That's favoring one religion over others. Religion shouldn't be a part of that game.

Why isn't the queen the top piece on the board? Why do we let the patriarchy infiltrate that game?

08-02-20, 11:38
I'm disgusted by them to the extent that I can't enjoy the sport anymore. They've killed the joy. Which is I think OP's point.
Which is precisely the POINT of the exercise... these people are miserable inside, angry that anyone else is LESS miserable than they are and thus have to piss on everybody's Cheerios and destroy everything that anyone else might enjoy in order to enforce "spreading the misery."

08-02-20, 11:42
Some Dumba-ass knelt at a hockey game yesterday. :rolleyes:

08-02-20, 11:50
Some Dumba-ass knelt at a hockey game yesterday. :rolleyes:

I hope he was enthusiastically checked by Enforcers from both teams at every opportunity... or that the coach had him Riding Pine.

08-02-20, 11:58
Well fortunately it was invented in India, so it doesn't have white origins at least.

Mark my words, whenever some American of Indian ethnicity shoots a crook Zimmerman-style, he will be described as either a "white Indian" or "white Asian" in the news.

08-02-20, 12:33
I lost my enthusiasm for pro sports over 30 yrs ago. Most of it is on my day of rest, and I don't turn on the TV on that day. I do get into the technical side of the cars and bikes a little. All this politicalizing/SJWing of sport just ices it form. Is golf still good? I like to watch golf sometimes on Sat.

08-02-20, 12:40
I lost my enthusiasm for pro sports over 30 yrs ago. Most of it is on my day of rest, and I don't turn on the TV on that day. I do get into the technical side of the cars and bikes a little. All this politicalizing/SJWing of sport just ices it form. Is golf still good? I like to watch golf sometimes on Sat.

Same here. Watched college sports for a bit after that then just got out of the habit of sitting in front of the box altogether. Doubtful that SJWs are going to pony up pro-sports ticket/parking/food costs to dutifully go to games they don't care about now that the teams are so woke. It will be fun to hear the pampered players squeal when the wokesters cry that they should have free admission/parking/etc. for the benefit of the community.

08-02-20, 12:41
Which is precisely the POINT of the exercise... these people are miserable inside, angry that anyone else is LESS miserable than they are and thus have to piss on everybody's Cheerios and destroy everything that anyone else might enjoy in order to enforce "spreading the misery."

Yup. I think they've all made a HUGE tactical mistake though. They've assumed we want or need to watch their sport badly enough that we'll keep putting up with all their BS. Wrong.

08-02-20, 12:53
The only sports that have ever been worth a damn are the ones you are personally participating in at the moment.


08-02-20, 13:01
I lost my enthusiasm for pro sports over 30 yrs ago. Most of it is on my day of rest, and I don't turn on the TV on that day. I do get into the technical side of the cars and bikes a little. All this politicalizing/SJWing of sport just ices it form. Is golf still good? I like to watch golf sometimes on Sat.

You and I disagree on almost everything, but you’ve cracked the code on mental health.

08-02-20, 13:06
Why does white get the first move?

Why are there castles? Don't they know the elite uses castles to rule over the slaves?

Why are pawns sacrificed? Isn't that just typical of the ruling class to kill those who don't agree with them.

Why are there horses? That's cruel to animals.

Why are there bishops? That's favoring one religion over others. Religion shouldn't be a part of that game.

Why isn't the queen the top piece on the board? Why do we let the patriarchy infiltrate that game?


08-02-20, 13:42
As I age, I finding rooting for people to do something cool is less and less appealing. I don't even enjoy local auto racing anymore, or even watching snowmobile or moto-x racing (both of which I do recreationally). This happened years before SJW stuff took over many sports. I gained a lot of time to get things accomplished by not sitting in front of the T.V. It also keeps me mentally healthy in that I have no vested interest in the virtual signaling going on.

08-02-20, 13:57
Next thing you know, chess will be racist.

Black now,gets the first two moves...

In some ways it doesn’t mean anything because it’s all just about the dollars. If these people were really justice warriors they be going after China also. But they are they’re going after the safest target on the planet, all the white guys. Ironically, all white guys have all the money. So they kind of just shut themselves in the foot there. Who do you think cries all of those expensive season tickets?

Do you really wanna #^@( these people in the ***. Go after the all the money that goes in the stadiums. If these bozos are to actually pay for their own infrastructure it be a near zero sum game. Stop giving them money.

Better yet tax professional sports franchises to pay for the social justice warrior bullshit. Why should somebody like LeBron get all those millions of dollars? Texas shit and get it to the people that need it.

08-02-20, 15:24
With everyone in almost every major sport too pathetic to not kneel to the BLM Marxist BS, I thought I would be catching up on some premier league lacrosse. Hadn't played in men's leagues in a few years and not seriously since college. Outdoor game is really entertaining. Aaaaaaaaand then I see the BLM patch on the jerseys. So I'm still looking for something. Saw a little of the IMSA Weathertech sports car racing today hoping to see more of the new Corvettes and didn't see anything BLM ish, but I didn't watch the beginning of the broadcast either

08-02-20, 15:30
Hockey and motorcycle racing is still good.

08-02-20, 15:41
The problem with America is the majority of grown men are obsessed with watching the exploits of a small of small number of other grown men from the safety and comfort of their couch.

08-02-20, 15:58
The problem with America is the majority of grown men are obsessed with watching the exploits of a small of small number of other grown men from the safety and comfort of their couch.

That's why I like to do 3gun twice a month, at least until the ammo runs out. I was a bit obsessed with pro sports back in the day, now the obsession has left, and they are busy killing off any casual interest left in me to sit for an hour and watch. I'd rather load ammo, or clean my guns (2 things I begrudgingly do) than to just sit and watch sports. Watching golf I find relaxing and it's still somewhat of a gentlemen's sport, although I don't think of myself as much of a gentleman.

08-02-20, 16:00
Part of me never wants to go back to normal if it means I have to hear people talk about sports again.

08-02-20, 16:30
The problem with America is the majority of grown men are obsessed with watching the exploits of a small of small number of other grown men from the safety and comfort of their couch.

May I sign you up for Isle of Man TT...:cool:

08-02-20, 16:32
Revoke their Antitrust exemptions and make 'em pay for their own damn stadiums.

08-02-20, 18:13
May I sign you up for Isle of Man TT...:cool:

I will admit that the Isle of Man TT (and some other road course races in Europe) are worth watching. I also set aside some time to watch the Erzberg Rodeo and other hard enduro events. Very few dudes die doing hard Enduro, but the Isle of Man kills folks every year.

08-02-20, 18:21
Back in the early 90s I was into baseball. I played it, lived it, breathed it, talked it none stop. I had my parents subscribe to the newspaper just so in the summer I can keep up with all the stats. Then in 94 MLB went on strike for a year. By next summer I discovered girls and cars and like a drug it initially took a few months to get used to and then I never looked back. I was 15. Since then I've watched a few world cups and been to maybe 2 hockey games.

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john armond
08-02-20, 19:08
Next thing you know, chess will be racist.

It has already been declared racist. I read an article a couple weeks ago stating the same. The reasoning is because white goes first.

Of course, if you look at the history of chess, the easiest dies back then were black and white. One of those colors was chosen to go first only to make the rules universal. White just happened to be the chosen color.

08-02-20, 21:21
I have a good friend who’s a realtor. The National realtor’s group, whatever it is, is proactively virtue signaling by, among other things, giving consideration to changing reference to the “master” bedroom because “master” is racist.

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08-02-20, 21:25
The taking a knee crap as well as the rainbows everywhere. Even the safety car. ��

The rainbows are part of their “We race as one” initiative which bundles COVID “togetherness” with racial inequality. Basically a get out of jail free card for whoever wants to complain against them, but not specifically LGBTetc. What really chaps my hide is all of us now see a rainbow and think one thing now days when it’s high jacked from what it has meant biblically for thousands of years.

08-02-20, 21:28
What really chaps my hide is all of us now see a rainbow and think one thing now days when it’s high jacked from what it has meant biblically for thousands of years.
That's precisely why they hijack others' symbols, institutions etc. Not so much for their own us, but to "poison the well" for the rest of us.

08-02-20, 21:37
I have a good friend who’s a realtor. The National realtor’s group, whatever it is, is proactively virtue signaling by, among other things, giving consideration to changing reference to the “master” bedroom because “master” is racist.

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And those same realtors are going to make a killing when people start moving out of failed cities due to crime.

08-02-20, 22:13
Just joining in? F1 Started a D&I program well before the season started.. If you don’t like it, change the channel, meanwhile; we’ll all be enjoying wheel to wheel action.

08-02-20, 22:17
It was one hell of a race...the last few laps were fantastic. Cannot believe 2nd place pitted like they did.

How were they to know that HAM would lose a tire as well? Although I do agree, VER could have won and ALB could have kept the fastest lap point.

08-03-20, 04:00
And those same realtors are going to make a killing when people start moving out of failed cities due to crime.

But the jackasses are going to bring their liberal politics out of the cities with them.

08-03-20, 04:34
Of course they are.

I live in a small resort community of around 11,000. Property values are at an all time high right now for exactly that reason.

And those same realtors are going to make a killing when people start moving out of failed cities due to crime.

That ship sailed long ago where I live. One of four blue counties in the entire state. A majority of the “non-natives” are from California (LA and San Francisco mostly), Washington (Seattle) and New York.

But the jackasses are going to bring their liberal politics out of the cities with them.

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08-03-20, 04:37
What? All four of you? Well, maybe five including Yoni who started the thread.

meanwhile; we’ll all be enjoying wheel to wheel action.

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08-03-20, 05:00
No Yoni is now looking to moto gp and super bikes for his racing fix.

Which brings up a question anyone know the difference between the 2?

08-03-20, 07:39
No Yoni is now looking to moto gp and super bikes for his racing fix.

Which brings up a question anyone know the difference between the 2?

MotoGP is the F1 of motorcycles. All prototype...leading edge tech.

WorldSBK, MotoA Superbike, etc are based on production motorcycles. They all have their own different rules of allowed modifications to the production bike, but they all have to be based on the production bike itself.

Then there is Superstock (1000cc) and Supersport (600cc) - they are even closer to the production bikes that you can buy with even stricter rules on what can be modified or changed.

08-03-20, 08:19
Great I have multiple places to get my racing fix on.

F1 started to lose me when it became clear that the championship didn't come down to who was the best driver, but which team built a better car. I want tougher closer races. Now with Hamilton working really hard to try and prove he is in touch with inner city black Americans, even though he is English and more than likely worth more than $300,000,000. and flies everywhere in his private plane.

Bike racing for a few years and then will maybe look again at F1. Sebs being in the hunt would help bring me back since I like his attitude about his wealth and fame.

08-03-20, 08:22
The rainbows are part of their “We race as one” initiative which bundles COVID “togetherness” with racial inequality. Basically a get out of jail free card for whoever wants to complain against them, but not specifically LGBTetc. What really chaps my hide is all of us now see a rainbow and think one thing now days when it’s high jacked from what it has meant biblically for thousands of years.

Yeah I know, and that’s precisely why it bothers me. Opportunistic virtue signaling.

Evel Baldgui
08-03-20, 09:42
I never cared for team sports of any kind, never bothered with baseball, football, etc. An occasional World Series, or Super Bowl that's about it.
Single person sports: surfing, kayaking, cycling, hiking those I've enjoyed and indulged in my entire life since I was teenager.

08-03-20, 10:23

08-03-20, 11:56
Great I have multiple places to get my racing fix on.

F1 started to lose me when it became clear that the championship didn't come down to who was the best driver, but which team built a better car. I want tougher closer races. Now with Hamilton working really hard to try and prove he is in touch with inner city black Americans, even though he is English and more than likely worth more than $300,000,000. and flies everywhere in his private plane.

Bike racing for a few years and then will maybe look again at F1. Sebs being in the hunt would help bring me back since I like his attitude about his wealth and fame.

Yea...that's the problem. With F1 cars being that wide and long, passing isn't exactly the easiest thing to do, especially when they are that delicate in the event of contact with each other. The racing environment for passing sucks. Now take a motorcycle, they take up very little space on a track and corner so stuffing it down the inside and/or boxing out the one they pass can be done a lot more readily. It makes better racing.

Passing in the pits is absolute garbage racing.

08-03-20, 12:12
I'm typically all about college sports as most of the social justice stuff isn't there. But some people can't leave well enough alone:


Some I agree with, others they have lost their damn minds.

08-03-20, 12:59
Great I have multiple places to get my racing fix on.

F1 started to lose me when it became clear that the championship didn't come down to who was the best driver, but which team built a better car.

It's been a great season with some outstanding finishes so far...Mercedes certainly has their cars dialed in but tire management this last race cost Bot an easy podium to way back & Ham would have lost if 2nd place hadn't pitted near the last lap. The machines in F1 & GP are way to amazing for me to give up watching for now & not sure we are going to be able to escape the woke mob short term. Professional ball sports are going to be especially hard to stomach & suspect college may follow.

08-03-20, 15:05
I'm typically all about college sports as most of the social justice stuff isn't there. But some people can't leave well enough alone:


Some I agree with, others they have lost their damn minds.

For the most part, college sports have been their own scam for decades, maybe from their inception.

Alex V
08-03-20, 15:23
Hamilton is a tool.

Im barely paying attention this year since there is no hope for Ferrari until at least 2022.

Life's a Hillary
08-03-20, 16:32
If you’re going to get your panties in a twist over an athlete or racer taking a knee then you should probably just ignore all sports. Unless of course what you really wanted to do is virtue signal to your right wing friends how patriotic you are and want to make a big deal out of not watching something on your television.

08-03-20, 18:06
My buddy works at a Sherwin Williams paint store and was given a “stand together“ plastic bracelet to wear today. He asked what it was about and he was told it’s part of the Black Lives Matter. He said he was so confused “are we standing on kneeling for these people”? And then told them to go shove the bracelet.

08-03-20, 18:47
If you’re going to get your panties in a twist over an athlete or racer taking a knee then you should probably just ignore all sports. Unless of course what you really wanted to do is virtue signal to your right wing friends how patriotic you are and want to make a big deal out of not watching something on your television.

What a guy can't bitch about what is going on?

If the majority of people in the USA, said EFF all sports that allow protest during the Star Spangle Banner, it would be done in a week.
It isn't patriotism, that drives me. It is pragmatism, because I know what will happen to the world if the USA fails.

By allowing this crap it strengthens the marxist and hastens the fall of the USA.

08-03-20, 18:51
If the majority of people in the USA, said EFF all sports that allow protest during the Star Spangle Banner, it would be done in a week.
Not to mention most of those overpaid thugs would soon be hustling drugs on street corners...

08-03-20, 21:13
If you’re going to get your panties in a twist over an athlete or racer taking a knee then you should probably just ignore all sports. Unless of course what you really wanted to do is virtue signal to your right wing friends how patriotic you are and want to make a big deal out of not watching something on your television.

Disgust and discussion about a topic isn’t virtue signaling. But you do you.

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08-04-20, 19:53
I used to watch all the practice, qualifying, and race coverage that was available. Now I watch the way I used to watch Nastycar. Record it, fast forward to the wrecks. The fact that the American broadcast team was fired and now the commentary is provided by the brit twits on Sky sports helped make the decision to skip as much as possible. They are virtue signalling worse than the Nastycar announce team.

Straight Shooter
08-04-20, 22:19
If you’re going to get your panties in a twist over an athlete or racer taking a knee then you should probably just ignore all sports. Unless of course what you really wanted to do is virtue signal to your right wing friends how patriotic you are and want to make a big deal out of not watching something on your television.

I say if you DONT get your panties in a wad about it- YOU need to check YOUR Patriotism, or lack of it, unless you really have none and want to watch overpaid celebs & atheletes who virtue signal THEMSELVES by kneeling. They are the OG virtue signalers.
We got a right to call them & you out as much as they got a right to virtue signal.

08-05-20, 00:54
I say if you DONT get your panties in a wad about it- YOU need to check YOUR Patriotism, or lack of it, unless you really have none and want to watch overpaid celebs & atheletes who virtue signal THEMSELVES by kneeling. They are the OG virtue signalers.
We got a right to call them & you out as much as they got a right to virtue signal.

I was 20 years active duty with 7 deployments. My wife was military as well. I'm pretty comfortable with MY patriotism. While I would never utilize either the flag or the national anthem in this way, this is a First Amendment issue for me. As soon as I start telling people they do not get to put a voice to their cause, I forfeit any expectations to be able to voice an unpopular opinion of my own some day.

Straight Shooter
08-05-20, 05:24
I was 20 years active duty with 7 deployments. My wife was military as well. I'm pretty comfortable with MY patriotism. While I would never utilize either the flag or the national anthem in this way, this is a First Amendment issue for me. As soon as I start telling people they do not get to put a voice to their cause, I forfeit any expectations to be able to voice an unpopular opinion of my own some day.

Brother- I NEVER said they shouldnt be allowed.. Im all about letting these idiots out themselves, Hollywood, media, sports, politicians..LET them inform me & us about how rotten they are, so I know who & where NOT to spend my money on. It IS their right, I agree.
THEY started this shit. THEY are the original "virtue signalers". THEY want to shove their beliefs in My face and tell me IM wrong, Im racist. TO HELL WITH THEM. Our lives -our COUNTRY, has changed for the worse because of these f-ing goblins. Ive never forced my beliefs or love of country onto anyone- but these demons think I gotta think, act & believe like them or its ME thats the problem.
If youve got the time in you say, and I dont doubt it a bit btw, how can you NOT get pissed when they kneel, or want a "black national anthem", or..there is now actual talk of replacing the Star Spangled Banner...with commie rat John Lennon's communist manifesto set to music..IMAGINE. So, seeing the rich & famous destroying destroying America doesnt bother you..but me raising hell about it does?

08-05-20, 06:56
The problem is not if they have the freedom to kneel, because of course they do. I also would not want to live in an America that had no Constitutional rights.

The problem is that the country has endorsed BLM and anti social behavior without looking under the hood. BLM is a marxist terrorist organization being run by people that should have been killed by the government decades ago, that want to over throw the Republic and make America a marxist paradise.

For me at that point in time they have crossed a line and they no longer should be allowed rights.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact for the country.

08-05-20, 08:53
The difference is this...these athletes can support, kneel, burn the flag, circle jerk...whatever they want...ON THEIR OWN TIME!

If people, you know, the consumers, don't want to deal with this type of crap in the products they are purchasing, they have a right not to...and have a right to bitch about it if they are forced to...then if nothing is done, boycott it and bitch about it all they want. That's the way it works.

You get paid to do a job. Do the freaking job and stfu. If you went to a grocery store or fast food chain and you had to deal with a protest by the employees every time you went to purchase something there, one, it would be like going to a new car dealership and not want to deal withe the bs after a bit, and two, the employer wouldn't stand for that bs to begin with and they would be fired.

08-05-20, 10:24
I don't know why people bring up the 1st amendment. The issue was never should they be able to do this, except concerning whether their bosses signed off on it during working hours, the issue is ought they do it. Is their cause a righteous cause, or is it built on lies and marxist drivel. The other issue is whether the left has now poisoned sports with politics and terrible politics on top of that. They have poisoned and eventually destroyed everything they have touched.

08-08-20, 21:08
I think not... It’ll be a Merc 1,2 as always and Verstappen P3. That’s my prediction.

09-15-20, 06:42
The racing hasn’t been too bad in this compressed COVID season, but now Hamilton goes full retard with that shirt on the podium. Even more interested now in seeing some new people finishing up front to deplatform him.