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08-07-20, 08:24
What will the Democrat/Communist party do when they have a historic loss in November? If you think they are going to win, this isn’t your thread and please move on.

1. Will they reflect internally and go the middle way a la William Jefferson (isn’t that a slave owner?) Clinton route?
2. Double down on riots, actively try to initiate secession, etc?

08-07-20, 08:31
Do I think Biden will lose? Yes. Do I think it's a forgone conclusion? Not in the least.

I think if Trump wins, the DNC/left will flood the land with continued investigations and impeachment proceedings filled with innuendo and obfuscation, they will halt every bit of GOP-initiated legislation, and they will actively promote continued civil unrest/riots. I also think given ANTIFA and BLM they will go left, not center.

Alex V
08-07-20, 08:36
IF they lose, it will be an all out assault on everyone who isn't them.

They will impeach Trump again. Leftist strongholds will ratchet up the violence for sure. They will not move back to the middle, they will double down on the leftism.

08-07-20, 08:41
IF they lose, it will be an all out assault on everyone who isn't them.

They will impeach Trump again. Leftist strongholds will ratchet up the violence for sure. They will not move back to the middle, they will double down on the leftism.

And this is why the "run" on guns and ammo etc...will not slow down for the foreseeable future. It doesn't matter who wins in Nov., it may be a few years before you can just walk into a store and buy a particular gun or ammo off the shelf for anything like a reasonable price.

08-07-20, 08:42
More of this will bring one big ass smile to my face. But you need to vote.


08-07-20, 08:44
I will be tickled if Trump wins. I really hope he does. I will vote for him in person.

However, I am very doubtful that he will do so. Biden's handlers have done a fantastic job of keeping him in the shadows and not letting him look stupid in the general public eye. At this point it's just a case of showing that Trump is a mean, crazy, crass guy and Biden is not. That's all. Many voters will punch their card based on that alone.

Remember, the vast majority of voters aren't spending all day reading obscure internet forums, but simply watching what they consider "the news" which is CNN.

I think a lot of centrist women saw Hillary as a dangerous b**** and voted accordingly. Kind of a mean girls thing. Biden is a nice, quiet, predictable guy whose been doing the political thing for many years and that's what a lot of people are going to vote for I'm afraid.

08-07-20, 08:56
Biden has been Biden all of his life; there is so much out there on Youtube and elsewhere, Trump's team is gonna flood the airwaves. I don't think Biden's handlers are going to overcome that. Conservative people, of note caucasian male republicans, are largely underground, and are not taking poll bait. They will vote in November. The deciders will be a very slim 1-3% of the voters who turn out.

08-07-20, 08:57
I will be tickled if Trump wins. I really hope he does. I will vote for him in person.

However, I am very doubtful that he will do so. Biden's handlers have done a fantastic job of keeping him in the shadows and not letting him look stupid in the general public eye. At this point it's just a case of showing that Trump is a mean, crazy, crass guy and Biden is not. That's all. Many voters will punch their card based on that alone.

Remember, the vast majority of voters aren't spending all day reading obscure internet forums, but simply watching what they consider "the news" which is CNN.

I think a lot of centrist women saw Hillary as a dangerous b**** and voted accordingly. Kind of a mean girls thing. Biden is a nice, quiet, predictable guy whose been doing the political thing for many years and that's what a lot of people are going to vote for I'm afraid.

Thanks, and. I don’t mean to be rude, but we are five Posts in and you’ve brought up the wrong topic, this thread is about when Trump wins and cleans the down ballot as well.

Straight Shooter
08-07-20, 09:09
Should Trump win: MAD MAX.
I wouldnt be in any major city election night. After a Trump win..youd BEST be careful about wearing MAGA gear, stickers on your car, ect.
We saw the level of mental retardation the first time..the left will be mentally unhinged...these idiotic, feckless college kids are going to have a come apart. The media..especially CNN & MSNBC & a couple more..arent going to handle it well at all. Theyll insist it was voter fraud & theyll push that narrative until they no longer can.
I truly feel that Trump winning again...while its what I personally hope for..will start a new, higher level of mental illness & thus a new, higher level of pure, abashed HATRED, resulting in mass rioting, to make this years previous rioting look like a walk in the park.
It aint gonna be "good", socially speaking.
But MAN O MAN.. its gonna be GRAND!
I cannot wait for the media to have eat a pile of shit again. Cannot wait to see what 'The View" says..thatll be worth watchin boys. Several Ill watch after Trump wins, just for the complete meltdowns theyre gonna have.
But seriously- STUFF WILL HIT THE FAN unlike anything we've seen, for months after.

08-07-20, 09:12
Thanks, and. I don’t mean to be rude, but we are five Posts in and you’ve brought up the wrong topic, this thread is about when Trump wins and cleans the down ballot as well.

When Trumps rides his Skittles Pissing Unicorn, leading the Rhohirim down Pennsylvania Avenue, slaying the Army of the Swamp all the way, restoring the Consteetooshun.... it will surely be a sight to see.........I won't hold my breath.....

08-07-20, 09:19
Riot like mad and claim voting fraud. Have a phony swearing-in ceremony for Biden and basically be the Fort Sumter attackers.

Both sides are going to declare victory this year. I expect unprecedented voting fraud for Dems. I also won't be surprised if we have another popular/electoral vote split.

08-07-20, 09:26
Riot like mad and claim voting fraud. Have a phony swearing-in ceremony for Biden and basically be the Fort Sumter attackers.

Both sides are going to declare victory this year. I expect unprecedented voting fraud for Dems. I also won't be surprised if we have another popular/electoral vote split.

My wife and I just had this discussion this week: I told her the DNC and GOP are hiring lawyers left and right, and will be saturating the purple/battleground states.

08-07-20, 09:51
Thanks, and. I don’t mean to be rude, but we are five Posts in and you’ve brought up the wrong topic, this thread is about when Trump wins and cleans the down ballot as well.

Ok, so it's a suspension of disbelief thread where we post what we think will happen assuming Trump wins.

Nothing changes.

The war on old school American values continues.

The extreme left is more emboldened than ever and riots, violence, etc. continues to escalate.

Reactionary legislation continues to be passed erasing history and criminalizing traditional white, nuclear family, values.

The media fans the flames with the rhetoric that the people obviously didn't want Trump (see protests) therefore he stole the election, thus the system is broken and needs to be rebelled against.

The economy will collapse, COVID will continue to cause havoc, and civil unrest and violence becomes the norm.

Alex V
08-07-20, 10:12
Ok, so it's a suspension of disbelief thread where we post what we think will happen assuming Trump wins.

Nothing changes.

The war on old school American values continues.

The extreme left is more emboldened than ever and riots, violence, etc. continues to escalate.

Reactionary legislation continues to be passed erasing history and criminalizing traditional white, nuclear family, values.

The media fans the flames with the rhetoric that the people obviously didn't want Trump (see protests) therefore he stole the election, thus the system is broken and needs to be rebelled against.

The economy will collapse, COVID will continue to cause havoc, and civil unrest and violence becomes the norm.

That is why I feel Biden will win. Suburban moms will vote for Biden "just to make it stop"

08-07-20, 10:56
That is why I feel Biden will win. Suburban moms will vote for Biden "just to make it stop"

Suburban moms voted for HRC; they are the backbone of the mainstream democratic party. They will need help if they want to win.

08-07-20, 11:02
Just let this sink in for a minute with the talks of mail in voting...

The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) endorsed Biden after they had previously endorsed Bernie Sanders in the primaries.


08-07-20, 11:05
-Immediate investigations will be launched in an attempt to discredit/void the election results
-The riots will increase both in geography and in scope (residences/individuals will be targeted) as they lash out at whoever they believe enabled Trump's reelection
-Social media will drop all pretense and flat-out ban anything/anyone right leaning preventing them from communicating, organizing or being heard as their way of fighting back
-The violence associated with the riots will increase and they'll begin to generate a heavy body count
-People will inevitably defend themselves and the propaganda machine, as already evident, will make the defenders out to be bigots/extremists/criminals and based on that, the Commie-radicals will escalate accordingly
-Trump will call on Governors to reign in the violence but as the majority of the violence is occurring in blue states or blue leaning areas, the state and local governments will do nothing/encourage it to some degree
-When the violence is allowed to continue unabated, we'll see the Federal government enact something like the Insurrection Act
-Enacting the Insurrection Act (or some flavor of it) will be used as propaganda that Trump is going "full-fascist" and to escalate even further
-Possibility of the Left coast states speaking of, it not attempting secession
-Possibility of foreign powers jumping into to the fray, either covertly or overtly.

Any rights that we thought we had will be up in the air, as it would all be under an "emergency" and "public health concerns". Depending on where you reside and the politics of that location will determine how that affects you.

I've seen on social media where people defend Antifa and their ilk, claiming they've never killed anyone. It's not for lack of trying, they're just really bad at it. Increase the intensity and number involved and that will change.

I really hope I'm wrong and we go back to no violence, a great economy, no pandemic panic and plentiful ammo so I can get back to shooting matches.

08-07-20, 11:38
-Possibility of foreign powers jumping into to the fray, either covertly or overtly.


china china china

If you follow politics on the right side of things you know that China has been deeply associated with a lot of prominent D politicians, most particularly Feinstein and Pelosi. In the case of Feinstein and her driver the relationship goes back 20 years or more.


I would assume that Chinese intelligence tries to sink their hooks into any politician they can, and likely has relationships with, including financing and blackmail, dozens of D congress-theys and perhaps 1-2 dozen senators. Probably both Clintons too.

The Floyd/BLM riots showed up right around the time China got completely fed up with Hong Kong trying to be independent, and look almost like a mirror image of the HK unrest. Without concrete evidence, I'll simply say I "know" that China is involved as a backer, funder and organizer of this summer's mass unrest.

Likewise Saudi Arabia has all sorts of dirty connections here, and we could all name a few others as well. The Las Vegas shooting is still unexplained and appears likely to have involved Saudi Arabia at some level (perhaps also ISIS and/or Mexican cartels).

08-07-20, 11:53
If Trump wins (hope he does) I can see us not finding out until sometime in 2021

08-07-20, 11:54
Likewise Saudi Arabia has all sorts of dirty connections here, and we could all name a few others as well. The Las Vegas shooting is still unexplained and appears likely to have involved Saudi Arabia at some level (perhaps also ISIS and/or Mexican cartels).

Wrong side of the gulf and wrong sect of Islam, but you are close...

08-07-20, 12:04
Wrong side of the gulf and wrong sect of Islam, but you are close...

I've seen absolutely zilch to suggest Iran had anything to do with the Vegas shooting.

Iran is an enemy, but Saudi Arabia is hardly a friend of ours.

Saudi Arabia is a kingdom with tons of intrigue and rivalries. I'm not suggesting that Vegas was an official action of the SA government acting in a unified manner. I am suggesting it may have been, or related to, some SA political intrigue and/or Islamic terrorism, involving Saudi nationals and support from someone who is (or at least was then) nominally a high official within the SA government. I'm also stating that SA is heavily involved in US politics, both officially and unofficially, and not always in a unified manner.

08-07-20, 12:50
My biggest concern for the next 90 days is keeping RBG alive. If she kicks off before the election, then Biden will win. They don't really want to vote for him, but they'll never let Trump replace their Queen. If she stays above room temperature, then Trump wins and we'll see a resurgence in human spontaneous combustion.

Either way I don't think we'll see plentiful ammunition at any price until mid-2021. :(

08-07-20, 13:19
I've seen absolutely zilch to suggest Iran had anything to do with the Vegas shooting.

Iran is an enemy, but Saudi Arabia is hardly a friend of ours.

Saudi Arabia is a kingdom with tons of intrigue and rivalries. I'm not suggesting that Vegas was an official action of the SA government acting in a unified manner. I am suggesting it may have been, or related to, some SA political intrigue and/or Islamic terrorism, involving Saudi nationals and support from someone who is (or at least was then) nominally a high official within the SA government. I'm also stating that SA is heavily involved in US politics, both officially and unofficially, and not always in a unified manner.

I don’t see any overt mention of Vegas, but OK.

08-07-20, 13:52

china china china

If you follow politics on the right side of things you know that China has been deeply associated with a lot of prominent D politicians, most particularly Feinstein and Pelosi. In the case of Feinstein and her driver the relationship goes back 20 years or more.


I would assume that Chinese intelligence tries to sink their hooks into any politician they can, and likely has relationships with, including financing and blackmail, dozens of D congress-theys and perhaps 1-2 dozen senators. Probably both Clintons too.

The Floyd/BLM riots showed up right around the time China got completely fed up with Hong Kong trying to be independent, and look almost like a mirror image of the HK unrest. Without concrete evidence, I'll simply say I "know" that China is involved as a backer, funder and organizer of this summer's mass unrest.

Likewise Saudi Arabia has all sorts of dirty connections here, and we could all name a few others as well. The Las Vegas shooting is still unexplained and appears likely to have involved Saudi Arabia at some level (perhaps also ISIS and/or Mexican cartels).

If I had to pick one to encourage disorder, it'd be China.

The Leftist radicals and the ChiComs are two peas in a pod ideology-wise. Moral authoritarianism, overbearing rules/regs, government control of resources, the list goes on. Hell, if WW3 ever broke out and China was a primary belligerent, I truly believe we'd have a frighteningly large part of our populace sympathetic to or even acting in support of them.

08-07-20, 14:31
My biggest concern for the next 90 days is keeping RBG alive. If she kicks off before the election, then Biden will win. They don't really want to vote for him, but they'll never let Trump replace their Queen. If she stays above room temperature, then Trump wins and we'll see a resurgence in human spontaneous combustion.

Either way I don't think we'll see plentiful ammunition at any price until mid-2021. :(

I think this is definitely true. I believe Trump putting out his list of SCOTUS nominees in 2016 helped push him over the finish line last time. David

08-07-20, 15:10
My prediction: the left will riot like it's 1999 and not just ordinary run-of-the-mill riots but on a whole new level. They have shown a pattern of escalation of violence. They started by tilting at windmills, aka pulling down statues of .... anything they saw. Now they've moved up to lasering the eyes of LE and citizens and trying to burn down apartment buildings.
What's next?

08-07-20, 16:10
I think we're staring down the barrel of Kristallnacht either way, the only difference is how enthusiastically the State governments, Congress, White House and MAYBE Federal courts will be participating in it.

08-07-20, 16:12
Blood in the streets and by November, fewer Cops to stop it.
These guys keep raising the bar and by November I think people will be ready to fight to stop it.
I think we will see (if we haven't already) things move from violent riots to terrorism.

08-07-20, 17:08
I don't follow...rbg isn't going to make it to 2024 if scotus is a main concern as a voter, How would her dying before Nov change minds?? To me, the scotus situation is the main reason for this whole nonsense.

My biggest concern for the next 90 days is keeping RBG alive. If she kicks off before the election, then Biden will win. They don't really want to vote for him, but they'll never let Trump replace their Queen. If she stays above room temperature, then Trump wins and we'll see a resurgence in human spontaneous combustion.

Either way I don't think we'll see plentiful ammunition at any price until mid-2021. :(

08-07-20, 17:09
Blood in the streets and by November, fewer Cops to stop it.
These guys keep raising the bar and by November I think people will be ready to fight to stop it.
I think we will see (if we haven't already) things move from violent riots to terrorism.

Terrorist activity for sure. Yet so far, the democrat party refuses to see or acknowledge it. I predict that a Trump victory brings on more terrorism and should biden et al win the violence will stop as long as he does their bidding.

08-07-20, 17:23
I don't follow...rbg isn't going to make it to 2024 if scotus is a main concern as a voter, How would her dying before Nov change minds?? To me, the scotus situation is the main reason for this whole nonsense.

So how long has RBG had this diagnosis and when did she notify the rest of us?
I think she's known for a while and it's been kept under wraps because she could have been replaced in early spring without all the possible drama.

Alex V
08-07-20, 17:29
So how long has RBG had this diagnosis and when did she notify the rest of us?
I think she's known for a while and it's been kept under wraps because she could have been replaced in early spring without all the possible drama.

She has 9 lives. How many times has she already had cancer? If Trump wins they will keep her up there till 2024. Pump her full of adrenochrome and whatever else they can.

08-07-20, 17:56
Completely agree:

I think we're staring down the barrel of Kristallnacht either way, the only difference is how enthusiastically the State governments, Congress, White House and MAYBE Federal courts will be participating in it.

An additional angle between now and November:
I think the Dems will creatively attempt to unravel the stock market and economy as those areas serve as a firewall for Trumps argument for re-election.

08-07-20, 18:12
Either way I don't think we'll see plentiful ammunition at any price until mid-2021. :(

Not if we start actually having to use it. Win or lose, some cities are gonna try and spike to ball or scorch the earth with basically the same plan.

Iran is definitely looking for a Biden win.


08-07-20, 18:27
There is a fictional book series I downloaded on my Kindle that deals with a scenario just like the one we might be dealing with in Nov....

08-07-20, 19:08
its gonna be GRAND!

Watch it...

08-07-20, 19:08
A shit-show of epic proportions? If you thought 2000 was bad, just wait.....

08-07-20, 19:13
Terrorist activity for sure. Yet so far, the democrat party refuses to see or acknowledge it. I predict that a Trump victory brings on more terrorism and should Biden et al win the violence will stop as long as he does their bidding.

I dunno, I've seen "victory riots" before. Didn't Chicago eat a shit sandwich one time the Bulls won the NBA championship?

08-07-20, 19:42
I don't follow...rbg isn't going to make it to 2024 if scotus is a main concern as a voter, How would her dying before Nov change minds?? To me, the scotus situation is the main reason for this whole nonsense.

The average DNC voter... as well as way too many RNC voters... are unwilling or incapable of planning ahead and thinking about the future, and are only living in the present. If RBG is dead RIGHT NOW that will generate added enthusiasm on the DNC side. If she's just kinda limping along, it will not.

The USA in 2020 is, among other things, a perfect example of what mob democracy brings with it, and why it should not exist.

08-07-20, 19:58
Well, I guess it's just hard for me to get in others heads as I felt scotus issues were a big reason for the 2016 victory & still held water today...probly better off quit trying to rationalize the idiots in the middle.

I truly believe it will be a trump landslide if mail in ballots were not the #1 topic of the day...this election is going to be fubar & we will never see more fraud in our lifetime. I'm in the rio grande valley & voter mail fraud is the on the front page every election day. We are overrun blue so it's always primaries between competitive dems & here come the lawsuits. Can't imagine what we about to jump into on the deep end. Scary shit.

The average DNC voter... as well as way too many RNC voters... are unwilling or incapable of planning ahead and thinking about the future, and are only living in the present. If RBG is dead RIGHT NOW that will generate added enthusiasm on the DNC side. If she's just kinda limping along, it will not.

The USA in 2020 is, among other things, a perfect example of what mob democracy brings with it, and why it should not exist.

08-07-20, 20:05

08-07-20, 20:41
Sign up to be a poll watcher and contest invalid ballots.

08-07-20, 21:39
Sign up to be a poll watcher and contest invalid ballots.

A judge will yell you what to do in the end like counting random unpostmarked ballots in NY

08-07-20, 23:30
Sign up to be a poll watcher and contest invalid ballots.

Here in WA, poll-watching is pointless... no matter how legit your challenge may be, if you bring one the ballot doesn't get thrown out but YOU do.

08-08-20, 00:28
I don't really see things going well this November whether Biden or Trump wins. Maybe less violence if Biden wins.

08-08-20, 01:22
I don't really see things going well this November whether Biden or Trump wins. Maybe less violence if Biden wins.

I dunno, a lot of the crowd will interpret it as "free to lock up PDs without actual consequences." Either way I hope they step out of line and receive sufficient push back.

08-08-20, 06:41
The end game for the left is always the same. Agitation without end until the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order. That strong man is always a psychopath - Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Antiochus V, etc.

That’s where this is headed.

08-08-20, 08:13
The end game for the left is always the same. Agitation without end until the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order. That strong man is always a psychopath - Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Antiochus V, etc.

That’s where this is headed.

There is a young lady in my office, 30ish, who I was chatting with about current events. She and her husband are staunch conservatives, gun owners, outdoors type people. She was telling me that in her social circles the current feeling is that maybe if Biden wins the Leftists will stop their craziness and things will get back to normal. I explained to her that if Punch Drunk Joe wins it will just embolden the Left in knowing they can use death and destruction to hold the American people hostage until they get what they want.

08-08-20, 09:28
There is a young lady in my office, 30ish, who I was chatting with about current events. She and her husband are staunch conservatives, gun owners, outdoors type people. She was telling me that in her social circles the current feeling is that maybe if Biden wins the Leftists will stop their craziness and things will get back to normal. I explained to her that if Punch Drunk Joe wins it will just embolden the Left in knowing they can use death and destruction to hold the American people hostage until they get what they want.
Reminiscent of the suburban soccer mom voter mentality. Vote to elect Biden so all the chaos and rioting goes away. Trump is too much of a lightning rod for some voters. Surrender is the easy route.

08-08-20, 09:39
There is a young lady in my office, 30ish, who I was chatting with about current events. She and her husband are staunch conservatives, gun owners, outdoors type people. She was telling me that in her social circles the current feeling is that maybe if Biden wins the Leftists will stop their craziness and things will get back to normal. I explained to her that if Punch Drunk Joe wins it will just embolden the Left in knowing they can use death and destruction to hold the American people hostage until they get what they want.

How can Biden be expected to control these people if he's too senile to control his own tongue?

08-08-20, 09:58
The end game for the left is always the same. Agitation without end until the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order. That strong man is always a psychopath - Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Antiochus V, etc.

That’s where this is headed.

There's always a contest between psychopaths and sociopaths, sometimes they're one and the same. me, I'd rather have a sociopath like Trump than I psychopath like almost everyone on the left, who are often both.

08-08-20, 11:09
What will the Democrat/Communist party do when they have a historic loss in November? If you think they are going to win, this isn’t your thread and please move on.

1. Will they reflect internally and go the middle way a la William Jefferson (isn’t that a slave owner?) Clinton route?
2. Double down on riots, actively try to initiate secession, etc?

Good question. They can't go 'backward' by definition, they consider themselves 'progressives.' The metaphor is to always go 'forward.'

They'll double down on, let's call it, cultural terrorism. Gum up the works. Impeachments. Protests. Riots. Doxing people. State and local ordinances against firearms, religion. Schools teaching trangenderism to kingergartners (Think I'm exaggerating? Our state just passed a version of that). Tighten the noose on college campuses; no free speech, no free thought, sign off on the leftist statement of faith or you're kicked out and they wreck your career. Surrounding judges houses if they rule the wrong way. Infiltrating .gov agencies and undermining Presidential authority, as they already have at FBI. Hollywood pushing everything anti-police, anti-military, anti-male, anti-white, anti-family, anti-God, anti-America, anti-Western civilization.

Oh, btw? That's all gonna happen regardless, whether they win or lose. But it'll be more intense, they'll be more nasty about it, if they lose.

08-08-20, 11:19
Asking rational people what irrational people will do is kind of pointless. Logic is not factored into determining their course of action. Its all about how they will react to their feelings.

08-08-20, 12:52
The end game for the left is always the same. Agitation without end until the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order. That strong man is always a psychopath - Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Antiochus V, etc.

That’s where this is headed.

The classic tactic of the totalitarian, agitate, create problems and destabilize. Then, when the time seems right propose a solution which always includes handing over power to those who created the issues.

08-08-20, 14:18
Asking rational people what irrational people will do is kind of pointless. Logic is not factored into determining their course of action. Its all about how they will react to their feelings.

The useful idiots, the screaming blue-dyed-hair marchers are irrational. But the real masterminds behind the scenes are not irrational, they are cold and calculating. They are evil psychopaths, but calculating ones. We can potentially predict their actions.

08-08-20, 14:35
The useful idiots, the screaming blue-dyed-hair marchers are irrational. But the real masterminds behind the scenes are not irrational, they are cold and calculating. They are evil psychopaths, but calculating ones. We can potentially predict their actions.

This. We can't directly predict every detail about the crazies, but by remembering that they're just pawns to be used and sacrificed we can watch the Chessmasters and get a pretty good idea what to expect... and right now we can expect that the Chessmasters are spoiling for a Horst Wessel to "consecrate a blood flag" with.

Frankly, I'm surprised more rioting shitstains haven't been Swisscheesed already, if need be by False Flag--Soros's Nazi blood-money can buy professional mercenaries just as easily as it can hordes of restless rabble.

08-08-20, 14:40
The useful idiots, the screaming blue-dyed-hair marchers are irrational. But the real masterminds behind the scenes are not irrational, they are cold and calculating. They are evil psychopaths, but calculating ones. We can potentially predict their actions.

Create chaos, affect as many people as possible, blame the innocent for said chaos, propose solution installing themselves as authority.

08-08-20, 14:54
Create chaos, affect as many people as possible, blame the innocent for said chaos, propose solution installing themselves as authority.

Yup, one of the oldest, nastiest and most effective political strategies in the book--it was old when even Ancient Egypt was young.

08-08-20, 15:11
What will the Democrat/Communist party do when they have a historic loss in November? If you think they are going to win, this isn’t your thread and please move on.

1. Will they reflect internally and go the middle way a la William Jefferson (isn’t that a slave owner?) Clinton route?
2. Double down on riots, actively try to initiate secession, etc?

I'll take #2 for a thousand, Alex!

Even though they'll cheat MASSIVELY with mail-in ballots, they'll STILL lose. Me & my friends are ready for 'em...


08-09-20, 08:52
China is already interfering in the election. Do you think this China flu was an accident? This was done to destroy the Trump economy, because they had ZERO chance of winning without its destruction.

08-09-20, 09:19
China is already interfering in the election. Do you think this China flu was an accident? This was done to destroy the Trump economy, because they had ZERO chance of winning without its destruction.

Democrats are working with the Chinese controlled chaos to steal the election. These people accuse you of the very thing they are doing, scamming an election, the only difference is it's China, not Russia.
I think the EO, Trump signed yesterday was a pretty good move to pull a bit of rug out from under them.

08-09-20, 09:51
China is already interfering in the election. Do you think this China flu was an accident? This was done to destroy the Trump economy, because they had ZERO chance of winning without its destruction.

I think it was an accident and I think the initial reason for the lockdowns was the suspicion that it was a bio weapon, due to the gene inserts people “discovered” if that is true.

Do I think they psychos leveraged the lockdowns to try to hurt Trump? Yes, of course.

08-10-20, 11:16
China is already interfering in the election. Do you think this China flu was an accident? This was done to destroy the Trump economy, because they had ZERO chance of winning without its destruction.

That makes zero sense.

China: "Let's release a virus that's a lot less lethal and virulent than other bugs we have in storage, but start it here, and let it escape to Europe and ravage other countries, then export it to the US where it's gonna derail the election..."

08-10-20, 12:23
That makes zero sense.

China: "Let's release a virus that's a lot less lethal and virulent than other bugs we have in storage, but start it here, and let it escape to Europe and ravage other countries, then export it to the US where it's gonna derail the election..."

Maybe not destroy the USA economy, but Trump was running over China with all the trade deals and negotiations. Seems like all that has fallen apart and China is back in the game because the Hong Kong Flui created the situation for them to do so.

08-10-20, 13:00
Maybe not destroy the USA economy, but Trump was running over China with all the trade deals and negotiations. Seems like all that has fallen apart and China is back in the game because the Hong Kong Flui created the situation for them to do so.

That I can buy. I see it as a "never let a crisis go to waste" venture from the left, and from outside actors.

08-10-20, 14:02
Maybe not destroy the USA economy, but Trump was running over China with all the trade deals and negotiations. Seems like all that has fallen apart and China is back in the game because the Hong Kong Flui created the situation for them to do so.

Don't discount plausible deniability value... also, you don't need mass-kill to get a mass-terror effect and demoralize the enemy populace. Sorta like the difference between a haymaker versus a jab to knock the other guy off-balance...

Alex V
08-10-20, 14:08
That makes zero sense.

China: "Let's release a virus that's a lot less lethal and virulent than other bugs we have in storage, but start it here, and let it escape to Europe and ravage other countries, then export it to the US where it's gonna derail the election..."

They would want to destroy the US economy, as the shut down did. They don't want to kill their largest customer base. China has been warring with the rest of the world economically for a long time.

08-10-20, 14:08
Don't discount plausible deniability value... also, you don't need mass-kill to get a mass-terror effect and demoralize the enemy populace. Sorta like the difference between a haymaker versus a jab to knock the other guy off-balance...

It's the PERFECT bio weapon in some ways. If you have an obvious Slate Wiper....someone might get NUKED in response. This is just benign enough for plausible, "We're so solly" deniability......

08-10-20, 14:12
It's the PERFECT bio weapon in some ways. If you have an obvious Slate Wiper....someone might get NUKED in response. This is just benign enough for plausible, "We're so solly" deniability......

Yup. If memory serves, at least one of their military texts advocates exactly this kind of economic terrorism... give "Unrestricted Warfare" a read sometime. The fact that it was published rather than the colonels who wrote advocating murder of enemy civilians Gulaged tells us that they have the Powers That Be over there fully onboard with this shit, and if it means sacrificing a few million of their own well there are always more to replace them.

Besides, with it hitting them first they get to play "sympathetic victim" and suck up all the supplies, then they make money hand over fist selling 'em back once the spread is Game On.

08-10-20, 14:26
It's the PERFECT bio weapon in some ways. If you have an obvious Slate Wiper....someone might get NUKED in response. This is just benign enough for plausible, "We're so solly" deniability......

There are two types of incapacitants, right? Lethal and non-lethal. Booger eaters use both; VX to kill everyone, and a pox to knock out one warfighter/civilian requiring 4-8 'life support' personnel to make them well and keep them alive, and tie up personnel and resources. I have little doubt that the Chinese were futzing with it, bio-engineering, and it got out, but I don't think it was on purpose. If it was on purpose, it would make sense that it was designed as a non-lethal incapacitant (but obviously one that can kill the 'wrong' population), but it would not make sense to use it on their own people (I think if that was the design, then releasing it to the public in China was an 'oopsie').

I would say that it is almost the perfect bio-wep; too many get it with no/mild symptoms, so it's not quite as severe as a good bio-wep could be. Make more sense to have a bug that would knock 20-60 year-olds down for 30+ days; now that would eff up the economy.

I think as a purposeful effort to screw Trump and the economy, it just doesn't make much sense. China is a lot of things, stupid is not one of them. They could much easier wreck our economy and probably do it in a way that really enforces plausible deniability. But do I think China is laughing at us over all of this? Without a doubt.

08-10-20, 14:34
There are two types of incapacitants, right? Lethal and non-lethal. Booger eaters use both; VX to kill everyone, and a pox to knock out one warfighter/civilian requiring 4-8 'life support' personnel to make them well and keep them alive, and tie up personnel and resources. I have little doubt that the Chinese were futzing with it, bio-engineering, and it got out, but I don't think it was on purpose. If it was on purpose, it would make sense that it was designed as a non-lethal incapacitant (but obviously one that can kill the 'wrong' population), but it would not make sense to use it on their own people (I think if that was the design, then releasing it to the public in China was an 'oopsie').

I would say that it is almost the perfect bio-wep; too many get it with no/mild symptoms, so it's not quite as severe as a good bio-wep could be. Make more sense to have a bug that would knock 20-60 year-olds down for 30+ days; now that would eff up the economy.

I think as a purposeful effort to screw Trump and the economy, it just doesn't make much sense. China is a lot of things, stupid is not one of them. They could much easier wreck our economy and probably do it in a way that really enforces plausible deniability. But do I think China is laughing at us over all of this? Without a doubt.

The Chinese have a huge surplus of people. They are not terribly concerned with losing a few million here or there......especially if it furthers the, "We didn't mean to, Look, it killed a bunch of us too"......

My personal feeling is that they were futzing with the virus for military use. The release was an accident- I have this picture in my mind that some poorly paid janitor simply took a bunch of dead, infected, bats out of the trash and down to the local wet market to make a few bucks on the side, lol....BUT, once it was out, they immediately decided that it could serve their purpose and intentionally from that point forward did as much as they could to use it against us to their advantage. I mean, they KNEW that we would find out where it originated, this isn't 1920 and things like this can be computer modeled etc....they KNOW that....

08-10-20, 14:39
There are two types of incapacitants, right? Lethal and non-lethal. Booger eaters use both; VX to kill everyone, and a pox to knock out one warfighter/civilian requiring 4-8 'life support' personnel to make them well and keep them alive, and tie up personnel and resources. I have little doubt that the Chinese were futzing with it, bio-engineering, and it got out, but I don't think it was on purpose. If it was on purpose, it would make sense that it was designed as a non-lethal incapacitant (but obviously one that can kill the 'wrong' population), but it would not make sense to use it on their own people (I think if that was the design, then releasing it to the public in China was an 'oopsie').

I would say that it is almost the perfect bio-wep; too many get it with no/mild symptoms, so it's not quite as severe as a good bio-wep could be. Make more sense to have a bug that would knock 20-60 year-olds down for 30+ days; now that would eff up the economy.

I think as a purposeful effort to screw Trump and the economy, it just doesn't make much sense. China is a lot of things, stupid is not one of them. They could much easier wreck our economy and probably do it in a way that really enforces plausible deniability. But do I think China is laughing at us over all of this? Without a doubt.

Here again, it's as much psychological effect as physical--the ChiComs know we've become a nation of bedwetters who run home sobbing like a little bitch if somebody just arches an eyebrow in a way they don't like.

08-10-20, 14:55
The Chinese have a huge surplus of people. They are not terribly concerned with losing a few million here or there......especially if it furthers the, "We didn't mean to, Look, it killed a bunch of us too"......

My personal feeling is that they were futzing with the virus for military use. The release was an accident- I have this picture in my mind that some poorly paid janitor simply took a bunch of dead, infected, bats out of the trash and down to the local wet market to make a few bucks on the side, lol....BUT, once it was out, they immediately decided that it could serve their purpose and intentionally from that point forward did as much as they could to use it against us to their advantage. I mean, they KNEW that we would find out where it originated, this isn't 1920 and things like this can be computer modeled etc....they KNOW that....

China could not care less about its' people. I read that almost all of the junior NCOs and below are simply cannon fodder. I also think your hypothesis on the origin is likely.

Here again, it's as much psychological effect as physical--the ChiComs know we've become a nation of bedwetters who run home sobbing like a little bitch if somebody just arches an eyebrow in a way they don't like.

Yes, WMDs (and bio counts) pull doubly duty as psychological incapaitants. Spot on. But this one has had a weird response: half the country is locked-in with gas masks, the other half are mask are at the beach trying to lead normal lives.

08-10-20, 16:17
My personal feeling is that they were futzing with the virus for military use. The release was an accident- I have this picture in my mind that some poorly paid janitor simply took a bunch of dead, infected, bats out of the trash and down to the local wet market to make a few bucks on the side, lol....BUT, once it was out, they immediately decided that it could serve their purpose and intentionally from that point forward did as much as they could to use it against us to their advantage. I mean, they KNEW that we would find out where it originated, this isn't 1920 and things like this can be computer modeled etc....they KNOW that....

I reached the same conclusion. Accidental release, intentional spread once it was in the wild.

08-10-20, 16:24
I reached the same conclusion. Accidental release, intentional spread once it was in the wild.

Once you KNOW you are going to take a hit....Why not spread the wealth? It only makes sense.

Alex V
08-10-20, 17:47
A recent poll of Americans asking how many people they think were killed by COVID came back with an average answer of 9%.

That’s right folks. The average American thinks that 30MM people have died from COVID. If the ChiComs released this on purpose or used it for their advantage it’s an excellent psychological tool as well.

It also seems to show that the average American is a total moron.

08-11-20, 10:25
A recent poll of Americans asking how many people they think were killed by COVID came back with an average answer of 9%.

That’s right folks. The average American thinks that 30MM people have died from COVID. If the ChiComs released this on purpose or used it for their advantage it’s an excellent psychological tool as well.

It also seems to show that the average American is a total moron.

You truly can't fix stupid, but most of them are just ignorant of the facts. They're ignorant because the media keeps them in the dark and feeds them BS.

08-11-20, 12:41
You truly can't fix stupid, but most of them are just ignorant of the facts. They're ignorant because the media keeps them in the dark and feeds them BS.

Also ignorant because they like confirmation bias, and they dislike anything that will not fit their agenda.