View Full Version : Biden Picks Kamala Harris

08-11-20, 15:23
According to a news flash that just came across Apple News it is Kamala Harris for Biden.

08-11-20, 15:23
Just when you thought his campaign couldn't get any more Anti Gun.


08-11-20, 15:26
There’s no meme that would accurately reflect the humor my body is feeling right now.

2020 is just wild

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08-11-20, 15:45

This thread aged poorly lol


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08-11-20, 15:48

This thread aged poorly lol


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Yeah most of us called him on his BS. Obvious Troll was Obvious.

08-11-20, 16:23
How is a daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants an African-American?


Pocahontas style I guess.

08-11-20, 16:31
The least liked presidential candidate who dropped out early and is also a former prosecutor who threw a lot of people in jail. Good move there Punch Drunk Joe.

08-11-20, 16:38
She will not move the black community to get out and vote. I think Trump might double his number of black votes from 2016.

Great move brain dead Joe.

08-11-20, 16:39
If Biden wins......absolutely doubtful he will serve the whole term.

08-11-20, 16:50
The least liked presidential candidate who dropped out early and is also a former prosecutor who threw a lot of people in jail. Good move there Punch Drunk Joe.

She didn't just throw them in jail. While Harris was the Cali Attorney General, her office argued against releasing non-violent offenders because it would negatively impact the state's pool of cheap prison labor.

08-11-20, 16:51
If Biden wins......absolutely doubtful he will serve the whole term.


Anyone who doesn't assume Harris is now essentially the Democratic candidate for President is fooling themselves.

08-11-20, 16:53
She didn't just throw them in jail. While Harris was the Cali Attorney General, her office argued against releasing non-violent offenders because it would negatively impact the state's pool of cheap prison labor.

And don't forget she wants to prosecute anything involving a Firearm as a Felony. Including simple mistakes on ownership, which is easy in Cali.

08-11-20, 16:55
She didn't just throw them in jail. While Harris was the Cali Attorney General, her office argued against releasing non-violent offenders because it would negatively impact the state's pool of cheap prison labor.

So this is quite possibly the most racist campaign in recent history then. Joe "you aint black" Biden and Kamala "slave labor" Harris. Ironic huh?

08-11-20, 16:58
And don't forget she wants to prosecute anything involving a Firearm as a Felony. Including simple mistakes on ownership, which is easy in Cali.

Only if you’re white though

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08-11-20, 17:03
A woman whose family were slave owners running with a guy who (I think) voted against school integration.

At least the democrats are consistent in their commitment of minorities. You have to give them that.

08-11-20, 17:03
She didn't just throw them in jail. While Harris was the Cali Attorney General, her office argued against releasing non-violent offenders because it would negatively impact the state's pool of cheap prison labor.

Kamala Harris is Simon Legree with a sex-change and melanin. 'Nuff Said.

08-11-20, 17:04
Somehow I have ended up on a million "Conservative" news site mail lists -- the click bait kind that drown you in ads. I never signed up but they keep multiplying.

Anyway, one of them had the best headline for this news on Harris:

"BREAKING: Joe Biden Just Found Out He picked Kamala Harris As His Running Mate"

08-11-20, 17:05
So it is really Trump vs Harris, as Biden wont make it 100 days. Maybe not 100 hrs. All depends how fast they can 25 him

08-11-20, 17:21
A woman whose family were slave owners running with a guy who (I think) voted against school integration.

You have proof her family were slave owners?

08-11-20, 17:25
You have proof her family were slave owners?

her father states that he descended from Hamilton Brown.

Dr. Bullseye
08-11-20, 17:34
Joe and a Ho

Let's see if the media has the guts to ask Kamala about her quid pro quo sexual relationship with Mayor Willie Brown in which Harris initiated and went after Brown, publicly, even though Brown was a long term married man. Brown then (after using this 27 year old) for sex, endorsed her for San Francisco District Attorney and got the Democratic party on board.

So if she becomes V.P. will she negotiate with Putin using sexual favors?

08-11-20, 17:39
Remember when Joe said you have to have an Indian accent to work at 7/11? Trump will.

Remember when Kamala said she believed Joe’s sexual abuse accusers? Trump will.

08-11-20, 17:44
The Democrats (as we all know Joe didn't come up with this by himself) really must believe the whole country hates Trump and it doesn't matter who/what/where/why/when in all their backgrounds of their candidates.

I think they will be in for a rude surprise (unless of course the election is already bought and paid for)

Alex V
08-11-20, 17:47
Assuming chadbag is right the the mail in fix isn’t in yet.

Do we think this helps Trump or makes it harder for him to win. I’m conflicted as to which way to lean.

08-11-20, 18:02
She's got a closet full of skeletons and apparently knows her way around a "Bone".
A lot of Trump mileage will be made off her sketchy past as a prosecutor.

08-11-20, 18:03
I did just see that apparently Trump has donated to her past campaigns. That will be used in an Ad I am sure.

08-11-20, 18:11
Well at least didn't pick her due to the color of her skin but the content of her character. Oh wait...

08-11-20, 18:17
"As far as Kamala Harris goes, I don't want to be represented by anyone who knows what Willie Brown tastes like."--Kurt Schlichter

08-11-20, 18:27
Well at least didn't pick her due to the color of her skin but the content of her character. Oh wait...

No, it was her talent, and ability to suck-start a Harley.

08-11-20, 18:31
No, it was her talent, and ability to suck-start a Harley.

Harley? She could suck-start a B-36--and with each of its six corncobs being over 4300 cubes, that's pretty serious...

08-11-20, 18:39
Kamala: Biden is a racist with kkk friends and a rapist too.

Joe: you're hired

08-11-20, 18:46
Basically, with Biden shoehorning himself into having to pick a minority woman, she was the least smelly turd in the Port-A-John after seven days of being used at Sturgis.

This is gonna be fun.

08-11-20, 18:57
There’s no meme that would accurately reflect the humor my body is feeling right now.

2020 is just wild

Let me help;

So if this pick holds true... I'm kind of with Alex on this. Not sure if it makes it harder to beat the Dems, or if they really just shot themselves in the foot....
I'm hoping for lots of foot-shooting, but it's also well clear how they forgive all sins if you're "their guy".

08-11-20, 18:58
If Biden wins......absolutely doubtful he will serve the whole term.

What I’ve been thinking since he got the nomination

08-11-20, 19:07
Assuming chadbag is right the the mail in fix isn’t in yet.

Do we think this helps Trump or makes it harder for him to win. I’m conflicted as to which way to lean.

I don't think it does either one. It's a very 'meh' pick. I don't think it's going to dissuade anybody who was already going to vote for Biden, nor is it going to excite anybody who was on the fence. He would have done better to get Michelle Obama; that might have fired some people up. Either that or someone from the far left of the party like Elizabeth Warren or one of the "Squad" members who would excite the angry youth base.

08-11-20, 19:20
What I’ve been thinking since he got the nomination

I'd be surprised if he made it a month before getting 25'ed. More probably within the first week, possibly even Day 1.

08-11-20, 19:21
Eff her and ALL the marxist, she is a whore and wants my guns.

Nuff said.

She is a whore not for her sex life, past,present or future, I don't care who she has sex with.

She is a whore because during the primary she believed what she said to Biden. Now she is his Veep, hence whore. She has no principles, other than to let the country be over run with illegals, who she wants to give free stuff too. Also take away our guns.

08-11-20, 19:24
I find it rather hilarious that Kamala is announced as the VP choice, but Tulsi Gabbard is trending higher on Twitter than she is.

Honestly, don't like her politics at all, but she would have been the best choice for Biden. He pretty much lost the Bernie crowd when he picked Harris.

08-11-20, 19:27
Eff her and ALL the marxist, she is a whore and wants my guns.

Nuff said.

She is a whore not for her sex life, past,present or future, I don't care who she has sex with.

She is a whore because during the primary she believed what she said to Biden. Now she is his Veep, hence whore. She has no principles, other than to let the country be over run with illegals, who she wants to give free stuff too. Also take away our guns.

I wouldn't insult prostitutes with the comparison, at least with a hooker 1. you know exactly what you're getting and 2. they do work hard for the money. :)

To Hell with this Commie skank... #JustSayNoToHeelsUpHarris

08-11-20, 19:32
I'd be surprised if he made it a month before getting 25'ed. More probably within the first week, possibly even Day 1.

If that happened, let the shooting begin. Talk about the gov't burning to ashes. There would be no doubt whatsoever we were a banana republic.

08-11-20, 19:34
If that happened, let the shooting begin. Talk about the gov't burning to ashes. There would be no doubt whatsoever we were a banana republic.

To be clear for everyone in the Peanut Gallery, I mean a 25th Amendment removal on incapacity grounds.

08-11-20, 19:39
If that happened, let the shooting begin. Talk about the gov't burning to ashes. There would be no doubt whatsoever we were a banana republic.

I’m alright if the country burns over this atleast


Some how I doubt dementia Joe and cob I knobbler Camel-a are doing to do anything about it.

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08-11-20, 19:46

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08-11-20, 19:49
It has been brought to my attention, that I have insulted all the prostitutes world wide.

I was wrong, to group these women with Harris. A lot of these women at least in the 3rd world are single mothers trying to support their child. Women forced into a hard choice. I apologize to them all each and everyone. Your must more honest than marxist VP choice.

08-11-20, 19:55
Kamala: Biden is a racist with kkk friends and a rapist too.

Joe: you're hired

Nah, I don’t think Punch Drunk Joe even knows who his VP running mate is yet.

08-11-20, 20:03
Harley? She could suck-start a B-36--and with each of its six corncobs being over 4300 cubes, that's pretty serious...Tart-start?

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08-11-20, 20:10
Can’t wait for Kanye to go full Kanye on Kuntmala.

08-11-20, 20:13
NEVER MIND :) yeah going to be interesting

08-11-20, 20:25
Heh. Called it in the Warren for VP thread.

I just had a feeling. She fits a great many intersectional boxes (black or whatever POC she is), and Biden Harris 2020 has a good bumper sticker quality to it.

Straight Shooter
08-11-20, 20:27
Not a one of the prospects were worse than the other. I believe this to be a good thing. I believe the only one now that can beat Trump, IS Trump. so lets hope HE doesnt blow it somehow.
But, if Im wrong- how fvcked are we.

08-11-20, 20:35

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She would have been *very* popular on some Strategic Air Command bases in the '50s... at least until she caught LeMay's attention, then it wouldn't end well. LOL

(Side note re the tech arcana: The B-36 Peacemaker was powered by six Pratt & Whitney R-4360 radial engines, known as "corncobs" because of their four rows of seven cylinders. If you suck hard enough to crank six of those big beasties...)

08-11-20, 21:32
Is it wrong of me to hope that they both fall into a giant sausage maker?

08-11-20, 21:53
To be clear for everyone in the Peanut Gallery, I mean a 25th Amendment removal on incapacity grounds.

Yeah, I understand you meant the 25th, but still, that action on their part would be about as naked a grab for power as it can get.

08-11-20, 23:17
The debates should be interesting to watch. Should be a blood bath. Trump/Pence will pounce on them bad.

08-11-20, 23:21
The debates should be interesting to watch. Should be a blood bath. Trump/Pence will pounce on them bad.

Like a second bite of Shark Week? :D *hums Jaws theme*

08-11-20, 23:47
I love how they don’t even try to deny this anymore.

That said the fact that Dems accuse Republicans and everyone right leaning as full on KKK but then go and pick a VP candidate based on nothing but her skin color is just PEAK irony.

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08-11-20, 23:57
Even my wife thinks that Kamala has some chops, but if you watch her performances, her major weakness comes out. She's never really had to answer questions. She is good at sophisticated versions of "when did you stop beating your wife" questions - the problem for her is that she has never had to take shots. She was a prosecutor, she was a Senator and hasn't had to defend herself. In her political career, her magical status and dick sucking have made it so that she hasn't faced serious challenges, that is until she walked into the Tulsi chainsaw...


08-12-20, 00:46
I'm hoping for lots of foot-shooting, but it's also well clear how they forgive all sins if you're "their guy".

That is only true for those already voting blue.

The so-called "independent", in the middle voter, does not think like that.

08-12-20, 05:17
This might actually turn into a funny election season with the choice of Harris as Biden's running mate. She is... should be... totally destroyed by her past history. She has been nothing short of a political whore that would do anything to further her career.

Just two highlights of her career include the fact that she slept her way to higher positions with and through Willie Brown:


While a prosecutor, she was over zealous in prosecuting marijuana crimes all the while joking about smoking pot in college. She came out back in 2018 with a new stance supporting legalization of pot to help her out politically:



I really believe at one of the last democratic presidential debates, she was stoned out of her mind while on stage. She didn't have her normal demeanor, but acted like she was at Ridgemont High.

08-12-20, 06:02
I would love to see an ad something like this.

Vote Harris, she believes in tradition. Her family has kept black people in chains for over 200 years.

08-12-20, 06:40
MOnica Lewinsky must be pissed. She blew a president and got basically nothing, Kamala blew a California Assemblyman and worked it into being VP and maybe POTUS...

08-12-20, 06:48
People will vote for Biden/Harris because they believe that her experience will help her quell the riots, because she is 3% more black than Fauxahontus is native american, because she is a woman, and because they are Democrats. We will get what we deserve, and it won't be pretty.

We will become South Africa.


08-12-20, 06:56
Just watched a black woman on the news call Harris out . It was something like this, she isn't black. We came from slaves and she came from slave owners.

08-12-20, 07:27
Harley? She could suck-start a B-36--and with each of its six corncobs being over 4300 cubes, that's pretty serious...


Yeah, I can't disagree with you there. Though I didn't think of a 36, the Harley was the image I thought most would understand. The 36 was a bit before my time; mine was a "smoker" in TAC.

08-12-20, 07:48
Just watched a black woman on the news call Harris out . It was something like this, she isn't black. We came from slaves and she came from slave owners.

Yes, she is part Indian... red dot Indian... and Jamaican. Not "African". Her genealogy includes slave holders in Jamaica. I'm sure she'll say she is sorry for that...

08-12-20, 08:14
I have a (black) acquaintance who is invoking the "1-drop rule" for her, and is saying since society is calling her African American, then by default, she is. I have destroyed his arguments, but it doesn't matter: it's what he (and others) believe.

08-12-20, 08:22
Yes, she is part Indian... red dot Indian... and Jamaican. Not "African". Her genealogy includes slave holders in Jamaica. I'm sure she'll say she is sorry for that...

Her roots do in fact go back to Africa, where do you think the slaves throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America came from. I would love to know how her family is tied to Hamilton Brown.

08-12-20, 08:43
I have a (black) acquaintance who is invoking the "1-drop rule" for her, and is saying since society is calling her African American, then by default, she is. I have destroyed his arguments, but it doesn't matter: it's what he (and others) believe.

I used to work with a large group of Veterans in the Defense Industry. These guys are Church Going, Fathers and Proud Black Men.
When Obama was elected I was curious as to their reaction; to a Man they said "Obama is not a Black Man" and I have a bit of a feeling, that they spoke on this in Church.
Saying Kamala Harris has some issues with African Americans, is like saying N.B. Forrest might have had some issues with Black Folks. She might actually be the worst choice he could have made.

08-12-20, 08:43
Kamalalala -ding-dong: NUMBNUT. :jester:

Yep - you heard it here FIRST! Biden loses at LEAST 45 states in this election.

08-12-20, 08:56
Her roots do in fact go back to Africa, where do you think the slaves throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America came from. I would love to know how her family is tied to Hamilton Brown.

What we don't know (or at least I don't) is if her father's family in fact mixed with slaves, or with indigenous people of Jamaica. I also read about H. Brown, but can't corroborate, and Snopes says "unproven". Snopes being left and all, also said "... Based on an article written by the 2020 presidential Democratic primary candidate's father, right-leaning opponents dove head-first into an ill-judged attack on her." Her father said that he is in fact descended from Brown.

08-12-20, 09:21
Have fun with that.

08-12-20, 10:19
I used to work with a large group of Veterans in the Defense Industry. These guys are Church Going, Fathers and Proud Black Men.
When Obama was elected I was curious as to their reaction; to a Man they said "Obama is not a Black Man" and I have a bit of a feeling, that they spoke on this in Church.
Saying Kamala Harris has some issues with African Americans, is like saying N.B. Forrest might have had some issues with Black Folks. She might actually be the worst choice he could have made.

The thing is Biden needed a Token black female on the ticket. But not so much token blackness that he’d risk losing the white guilt ridden suburban soccer mom vote. Atleast that’s my analysis.

Also the hoops Dems are jumping through on this should highlight that politics really is nothing but a game.


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08-12-20, 10:22
Her roots do in fact go back to Africa, where do you think the slaves throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America came from. I would love to know how her family is tied to Hamilton Brown.

Yes, I know where the slaves came from in the Caribbean. I was more inferring that since her genealogy included slave owners, that inferred she was in fact more along the lines of mixed race from a slave owner "affair" with one of the slaves. There are Jamaicans who don't consider themselves of African descent.

08-12-20, 10:35
Yes, I know where the slaves came from in the Caribbean. I was more inferring that since her genealogy included slave owners, that inferred she was in fact more along the lines of mixed race from a slave owner "affair" with one of the slaves. There are Jamaicans who don't consider themselves of African descent.

A large percentage of black Americans have mixed blood ancestry. According to this website, "almost all" have European and/or Native American blood somewhere in their history: https://blackdemographics.com/geography/african-american-dna/

08-12-20, 10:47
I’m alright if the country burns over this atleast


Some how I doubt dementia Joe and cob I knobbler Camel-a are doing to do anything about it.

Sweet, I'm heading down to Walmart right now to get my free stuff. Got a lighter in may back pocket in case they disagree.

I love how they don’t even try to deny this anymore.

Geez... suspicions and conspiracy theories just keep coming true across the board these days. What a time to be alive...
"If and when"
How brazen can you get.

That is only true for those already voting blue.

The so-called "independent", in the middle voter, does not think like that.

Eh, I was referring more to the Com/Soc/Dem party.
The average voter might remember (maybe). My point was, as we're already seeing, "the party" will simply engage in a mass disinformation campaign to excuse, cover up, discredit, and generally make a non-issue out of any issue people might find 'problematic'.

08-12-20, 11:22
"As far as Kamala Harris goes, I don't want to be represented by anyone who knows what Willie Brown tastes like."--Kurt Schlichter

She got to where she is today because of brown willie.

08-12-20, 11:42
She got to where she is today because of brown willie.

Well, Willie's willie in her throat.

Evel Baldgui
08-12-20, 12:08
The VP selection was not made by Biden, it was most likely made by a 'committee' of sorts at some democratic headquarters. He is basically a mental incompetent Alzheimers inflicted sod. Despite the commentary on this forum and belief to the contrary, the Biden/Harris ticket does pose significant threat to Trumps re-election. Whatever Harris did in the past or her true background is, is irrelevant. She is a liberal woman of color. A darling of white guilt infected liberal suburbanites and urban dwellers. She is what ghetto dwelling blm'ers identify with as 'one of them'. She is the darling of cash rich Hollywood types, who would flush her campaign coffers. I would guess the soros/clinton organizations are donating vast funds to elect her. The media, well, do I even need to mention how CNN, MSNBC et al would praise her values, and her outstanding record on social justice? One would need an anti emetic just for listening /reading the forthcoming propaganda the media will spew. Given the threat and likelihood of widespread voter fraud due to covid 19 mail ballots, I see biden/Harris stealing the election very easily, regardless of what the actual vote tally is. The majority of the American electorate are clueless imbeciles who cannot fathom the destruction that a B/H administration would have on their tax rates, the likely severe economic downturn which will ensue, the advent of socialized medicine ( I guarantee you its on the horizon), the end and possible dismantling of the border wall, the massive influx of illegals with commensurate welfare benefits, food stamps, and health care benefits courtesy of your increased tax rates, the possible nationalization of 401k/IRA plans for fair wealth distribution, the advent of section 8 housing in your million dollar home gated community, a reparations tax, an assorted white privileged penalties.
Unless there is a MASSIVE conservative effort to vote, and possibly avoid a B/H catastrophe, the future is very grim indeed.

Let's make it worse. Biden steals election, 6 months down the road, he is retired from office due to mental incapacity. President Harris, selects Pelosi as her VP, or Michelle Obama, or that Stacy something cow from Georgia, or Oprah. Say its Pelosi, Schumer becomes majority leader. Can conservative gun owners properly spell phucked beyond?

08-12-20, 12:15
A large percentage of black Americans have mixed blood ancestry. According to this website, "almost all" have European and/or Native American blood somewhere in their history: https://blackdemographics.com/geography/african-american-dna/

My family tree goes back into the late 1600's and early 1700's here in the USA. Most early in the tree were German immigrants that left Germany due to the Lutheran persecutions and settled in the Shenandoah Valley initially, then moved out into present day West Virginia from what I can figure out. Then there is our Powhatan/Cherokee linage and some Scott-Irish. There was a lot of mixed marriages between early European settlers in Appalachia and the Cherokee. This is usually the typical mix for families in Appalachia who can date their genealogy back to early America. But it use to be taboo to claim that you had Native American blood in your lineage. My great grandmother on my grandfather's side was full blood Cherokee. They moved to Wellsville, NY when he was young. He said that the worst whipping he could remember was when he told his teacher he was Cherokee and the teacher called his mother and told her about his claims.

Whole point is that White is just a catch all just as Black or Brown is in a lot of people in this country. I've never been to Ireland or Germany, just the same as these folks claiming to be African have probably never seen Africa. We are all 'mericans and really should be proud of that as we have... or had it better than the majority of other nations in this world and I got to see some of that when I was in the military.

08-12-20, 12:28
The VP selection was not made by Biden, it was most likely made by a 'committee' of sorts at some democratic headquarters. He is basically a mental incompetent Alzheimers inflicted sod. Despite the commentary on this forum and belief to the contrary, the Biden/Harris ticket does pose significant threat to Trumps re-election. Whatever Harris did in the past or her true background is, is irrelevant. She is a liberal woman of color. A darling of white guilt infected liberal suburbanites and urban dwellers. She is what ghetto dwelling blm'ers identify with as 'one of them'. She is the darling of cash rich Hollywood types, who would flush her campaign coffers. I would guess the soros/clinton organizations are donating vast funds to elect her. The media, well, do I even need to mention how CNN, MSNBC et al would praise her values, and her outstanding record on social justice? One would need an anti emetic just for listening /reading the forthcoming propaganda the media will spew. Given the threat and likelihood of widespread voter fraud due to covid 19 mail ballots, I see biden/Harris stealing the election very easily, regardless of what the actual vote tally is. The majority of the American electorate are clueless imbeciles who cannot fathom the destruction that a B/H administration would have on their tax rates, the likely severe economic downturn which will ensue, the advent of socialized medicine ( I guarantee you its on the horizon), the end and possible dismantling of the border wall, the massive influx of illegals with commensurate welfare benefits, food stamps, and health care benefits courtesy of your increased tax rates, the possible nationalization of 401k/IRA plans for fair wealth distribution, the advent of section 8 housing in your million dollar home gated community, a reparations tax, an assorted white privileged penalties.
Unless there is a MASSIVE conservative effort to vote, and possibly avoid a B/H catastrophe, the future is very grim indeed.

Let's make it worse. Biden steals election, 6 months down the road, he is retired from office due to mental incapacity. President Harris, selects Pelosi as her VP, or Michelle Obama, or that Stacy something cow from Georgia, or Oprah. Say its Pelosi, Schumer becomes majority leader. Can conservative gun owners properly spell phucked beyond?

And this is the very argument that all Republicans need to be telling all independants and everyone else.

At the end of the day, the election will come down to Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Sway 1% of the voters in those states, to either side, and there is your winner.

08-12-20, 12:42
It begins... just going through and reading articles on The Gateway Pundit and they are putting up a ton of Kamala flash backs. These two I find funny:

Tulsi Gabbard calls her out on being a dirty prosecutor: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/flashback-watch-tulsi-gabbard-destroy-party-favorite-kamala-harris-expose-record-dirty-prosecutor/

Kamala believes the Biden accusers: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/flashback-kamala-harris-said-believes-joe-bidens-accusers-believe-video/

Ho fo Sho: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/flashback-kamala-harris-launched-political-career-bedroom-mistress-married-mayor-willie-brown/

All sorts of stuff on Wikileaks: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/08/breaking-wikileaks-posts-137-documents-kamala-harris-hours-named-joe-bidens-running-mate/

08-12-20, 12:51
All sorts of meaningless nonsense on WikiLeaks you mean.

08-12-20, 12:57
Let's make it worse. Biden steals election, 6 months down the road, he is retired from office due to mental incapacity. President Harris, selects Pelosi as her VP, or Michelle Obama, or that Stacy something cow from Georgia, or Oprah. Say its Pelosi, Schumer becomes majority leader. Can conservative gun owners properly spell phucked beyond?

She won't pick Pelosi. Age is the primary factor, the second huge factor is the power she wields in the House.

She has always struck me as the person who needs to be the center of attention and wants to be the "boss." She won't pick Michelle Obama (that would steal her thunder in a HUGE way). Abrams is a no, talk about fighting like cats and dogs.

My opinion? She'd pick some beta male figurehead what has zero chance of causing her trouble.

08-12-20, 13:02
She won't pick Pelosi. Age is the primary factor, the second huge factor is the power she wields in the House.

She has always struck me as the person who needs to be the center of attention and wants to be the "boss." She won't pick Michelle Obama (that would steal her thunder in a HUGE way). Abrams is a no, talk about fighting like cats and dogs.

My opinion? She'd pick some beta male figurehead what has zero chance of causing her trouble.

You are assuming she would be the one actually choosing.

08-12-20, 13:04
The irony of a ticket of Crime Bill Biden and Kamala the prosecutor, voted most likely to suck-seed, in a year defined by trying to mainstream the idea of more or less abolishing the police is just too much. As the kids say, I can't even. I'm going to enjoy reminding angry feminists at every turn of how she got her start in political life.

The next best source of schadenfreude is reminding all the liberals who have spent the last four years spouting gems like "it's not that your racist if you vote for Trump, it's that you've decided racism isn't a dealbreaker," or "how can you call yourself a Christian and vote for someone who acts like Trump" of what they're doing when they walk into the voting booth. The fact that, prior to 2015, Biden and Trump basically had the same politics their whole lives is just the cherry on top.

The single biggest regret of this political season is that we won't get to see uncle Joe up on stage debating (if that's even the best word) for a couple hours.

I have already seen some of my more left-wing facebook friends already declare they won't vote for this ticket. That leads me to believe the Biden handling committee has made a strategic error. Trump's biggest enemy is his own impulsiveness and tendency to shoot himself in the foot with idiotic twitter commentary. I'm betting they sat on this decision to give team Trump less time to react to it, as everyone except actual Joe Biden understands the real campaign is Trump against the Democrat VP. What they should have done is made and announced this decision sooner, so that angry leftists posting about defunding the police and letting criminals out of jail had more time to get over it. The longer the time they had to get over it, the more likely Trump shoots himself in the foot again. But now we're already heading into fall. I know a lot of people think that the vote blue, no matter who crowd is firmly in the driver's seat numbers-wise; but my impression is that the real energy comes from the people out "protest" rioting. That contingent will not be pleased with this choice. Harris does not have the charm or political talent to win them all over, and she doesn't have enough time to use her other talent.

This is still dangerous time for 2A folk, as even if Trump manages to win, we still have to sleep with one eye open for more idiotic executive actions or "deals." But as far as staying away from progressive tyranny, this is a lucky break for our opponents to have self-inflicted wounds. My .02

08-12-20, 13:37
You are assuming she would be the one actually choosing.

The Democrats aren't stupid enough to pick Pelosi.

08-12-20, 13:40
I know of multiple people who have historically voted Republican who will be voting for Biden. Think country club white folks who have lived a pretty sheltered life and pretty much have no dealings with minorities or bad urban areas.

They are not interested in the BLM stuff or any of the extreme left policies.

They think Trump is overly aggressive and uncouth, not exhibiting Presidential behavior.

They are voting Biden because they see him as more moderate, which they say our country desperately needs right now.

These folks probably voted against Obama previously just because he was black.

These votes are the ones that will wreck Trump unfortunately.

Life's a Hillary
08-12-20, 13:51
I think this was a pretty stupid pick and leaves them open for all sorts of attacks. However, I also believe that none of that matters and this won’t change anything. Trump might win re-election but I certainly wouldn’t count on it even with Harris on the ticket.

08-12-20, 15:04
I know of multiple people who have historically voted Republican who will be voting for Biden. Think country club white folks who have lived a pretty sheltered life and pretty much have no dealings with minorities or bad urban areas.

They are not interested in the BLM stuff or any of the extreme left policies.

They think Trump is overly aggressive and uncouth, not exhibiting Presidential behavior.

They are voting Biden because they see him as more moderate, which they say our country desperately needs right now.

These folks probably voted against Obama previously just because he was black.

These votes are the ones that will wreck Trump unfortunately.

I have not spoken with a single Republican who said they were going to vote for Biden. But I have spoken to several who said they are not going to vote at all.

I would agree that Biden would have been attractive to some Republicans given Biden appears moderate, but I think Harris really up-ends that idea. Biden is not dangerous. Harris is dangerous.

08-12-20, 15:09
I think this was a pretty stupid pick and leaves them open for all sorts of attacks. However, I also believe that none of that matters and this won’t change anything. Trump might win re-election but I certainly wouldn’t count on it even with Harris on the ticket.

That’s the rub. All that matters is winning. Principles took a backseat in politics a LONG LONG time ago, if they ever mattered.

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08-12-20, 15:39
Wallstreet seems to like the pick. Markets up today.

08-12-20, 15:52
Wallstreet seems to like the pick. Markets up today.

We had a conference call with the family financial advisor at UBS late last week, and he says the Street's pulling hard for Biden because they want to go "back to normal" with cheap Chinese slave-labor and crap CHina products, not to mention reopening the floodgates of wageslave H-1B's and practically-free illegal-alien menial labor.

08-12-20, 15:53
I saw where her father had written in a Jamaican magazine claiming Hamilton Brown relations.

But her is where I am as of right now.

Joe Biden will step down after the convention endorses Biden Harris. The question then will be who is her VP pick. I say it will be the homo mayor, can't remember his name.

Life's a Hillary
08-12-20, 16:23
I have not spoken with a single Republican who said they were going to vote for Biden. But I have spoken to several who said they are not going to vote at all.

I would agree that Biden would have been attractive to some Republicans given Biden appears moderate, but I think Harris really up-ends that idea. Biden is not dangerous. Harris is dangerous.

I at least find some humor in how all the liberals that are more left than moderate are pissed and calling this a slap in the face and that Harris is way too moderate. Then the conservatives are labeling her as way too far left. Personally, I find someone like Warren or a younger version of Bernie far more dangerous for this country but that doesn’t mean a Harris administration wouldn’t be dangerous, it all depends on the Congress she will get to work with.

08-12-20, 17:10
We had a conference call with the family financial advisor at UBS late last week, and he says the Street's pulling hard for Biden because they want to go "back to normal" with cheap Chinese slave-labor and crap CHina products, not to mention reopening the floodgates of wageslave H-1B's and practically-free illegal-alien menial labor.

I cashed out my 401K and my Roth today. Checks along with instructions to pay off the mortgage company and bank the rest until after the first of the year, when I will look at perhaps investing again.
The thing is, I do not want to go in to November with Biden at the helm of State and in de facto in charge of the economy. I feel much happier with a paid off house and truck and less people involved in my business.

08-12-20, 17:19
We had a conference call with the family financial advisor at UBS late last week, and he says the Street's pulling hard for Biden because they want to go "back to normal" with cheap Chinese slave-labor and crap CHina products, not to mention reopening the floodgates of wageslave H-1B's and practically-free illegal-alien menial labor.

They pulling for the high taxes, over regulation and revenue loss, too?

08-12-20, 18:18
I know of multiple people who have historically voted Republican who will be voting for Biden. Think country club white folks who have lived a pretty sheltered life and pretty much have no dealings with minorities or bad urban areas.

They are not interested in the BLM stuff or any of the extreme left policies.

They think Trump is overly aggressive and uncouth, not exhibiting Presidential behavior.

They are voting Biden because they see him as more moderate, which they say our country desperately needs right now.

These folks probably voted against Obama previously just because he was black.

These votes are the ones that will wreck Trump unfortunately.This is very much area dependent, I think.

I've not had a single person to date state that they voted Trump in 2016 but will not be in 2020. On the flip side, I've spoken with tons of people who didn't vote Trump in 2016 who are going to vote for Trump in 2020. Some are voting Trump simply because they despise how left the Democrats have moved. A good portion have stated they think Trump has done much better than they expected, and he's earned their vote. A small percentage are unimpressed with his performance, but voting for him because he's the only viable option.

Example: I didn't vote Trump in 2016. I will certainly be voting Trump in 2020. Not because my opinion of him has changed dramatically since 2016, but because we are in a fight for survival. Whether I voted or not would likely be of little consequence in my state, but I want Trump to win in a landslide as a middle finger to the elites running this clown show. I want Trump winning the election with the electoral and popular vote so there is absolutely no denying that America is done with their bullshit.

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08-12-20, 19:04
They pulling for the high taxes, over regulation and revenue loss, too?

Remember, Wall Street is run by leftwing billionaires who think they've already BOUGHT their loopholes and have armies of tax accountants to minimize their exposure... they could care less about the small fry except for trying to influence us to invest in whatever manner most benefits THEM.

08-12-20, 19:06
Example: I didn't vote Trump in 2016. I will certainly be voting Trump in 2020. Not because my opinion of him has changed dramatically since 2016, but because we are in a fight for survival. Whether I voted or not would likely be of little consequence in my state, but I want Trump to win in a landslide as a middle finger to the elites running this clown show. I want Trump winning the election with the electoral and popular vote so there is absolutely no denying that America is done with their bullshit.
This. My vote won't make a shred of difference here on the Left Coast, but one more vote for Trump is about all I have left as a final defiant piss in the Dems' face as they try to crush us here.

08-12-20, 19:10
They pulling for the high taxes, over regulation and revenue loss, too?

Ever hear of a rather wealthy lady Leona Helsmley who once said, "Only little people pay taxes"...

08-12-20, 19:16
Ever hear of a rather wealthy lady Leona Helsmley who once said, "Only little people pay taxes"...

Oh, do not wind me up about that despicable creature, especially with her irrevocably slapping her name on what was once headquarters for the old family business... those disgusting Pennsylvania Railroad vermin defiling our offices was horror enough. (I'm from an old New York Central System family, and the NYC-PRR rivalry was just short of blood feud--it's a wonder the family didn't tear ourselves apart being half NYC half PRR.)

08-12-20, 22:14
For those of you interested in foreign languages, the Finnish word "Kamala" translates as Horrible in English. How fitting....

08-12-20, 22:17
She won't pick Pelosi. Age is the primary factor, the second huge factor is the power she wields in the House.

She has always struck me as the person who needs to be the center of attention and wants to be the "boss." She won't pick Michelle Obama (that would steal her thunder in a HUGE way). Abrams is a no, talk about fighting like cats and dogs.

My opinion? She'd pick some beta male figurehead what has zero chance of causing her trouble.

Beto male(ish). Gotta be a white(ish) guy because the women and black males that support her will love his licking her boots.


08-13-20, 00:34
I'm not liking how this is playing. I don't think that anyone is thrilled about her, but I was expecting a more focused and damaging attack on her from the right. Tulsi is still by far her most potent adversary. Maybe they will draw a better bead on her, but it pretty weak sauce so far.

08-13-20, 01:28
I'm not liking how this is playing. I don't think that anyone is thrilled about her, but I was expecting a more focused and damaging attack on her from the right. Tulsi is still by far her most potent adversary. Maybe they will draw a better bead on her, but it pretty weak sauce so far.

Give it a couple days.

08-13-20, 07:31
I at least find some humor in how all the liberals that are more left than moderate are pissed and calling this a slap in the face and that Harris is way too moderate. Then the conservatives are labeling her as way too far left. Personally, I find someone like Warren or a younger version of Bernie far more dangerous for this country but that doesn’t mean a Harris administration wouldn’t be dangerous, it all depends on the Congress she will get to work with.

Yeah, I largely agree. Her presidential run platform was pretty vanilla for a democrat, but she's been moving further left since Biden got the nomination. I also agree that Warren would have been more effective--and dangerous.

As for the GOP/right not jumping on this (yet), everyone here is on social media (this site is social media). This is where were going to see some affect to move the needle. You tell me things, I tell him things, he tells her things, we all share stories and memes and info. This is sub-grassroots, this is more guerrilla warfare campaigning. I think the GOP and the Trump campaign will absolutely be guns a'blazing very soon, but I also think the right is going underground in campaigning.

08-13-20, 07:59
Isn’t this the same chick that was openly calling for heavy handed red flag law application for “right wing” persons to stop “hate crimes” not that long ago?

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08-13-20, 09:07
I'm not liking how this is playing. I don't think that anyone is thrilled about her, but I was expecting a more focused and damaging attack on her from the right. Tulsi is still by far her most potent adversary. Maybe they will draw a better bead on her, but it pretty weak sauce so far.

May just not be all that much sauce to apply. She banged her way to the top, she's a pretty typical hypocritical controversial DA of a failed state, and that seems to be about it. Besides being black (yet she's not...), that may be another reason she was picked. Two, does not matter what they find, it will all be ignored cuz "orange man bad" the end. Reason write up:


08-13-20, 09:15
She only banger her way to the top out of necessity to survive and advance in a systemically racist and male dominated toxically masculine society.

Voters won’t care imo.

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08-13-20, 09:16
Two, does not matter what they find, it will all be ignored cuz "orange man bad" then end. Reason write up:


This. Nothing that comes up will matter.

08-13-20, 13:43
My wife really dislikes her and is not thrilled about Biden either but has said it doesn’t matter, just need a change. So you have an intelligent woman who dedicates her life to equality and ending racism but is going to vote for these two who have done so much to continue systemic racism through the mass incarceration of minorities all because orange man bad. Never mind that our investments are doing great even with covid, we need a change 🙄. Sometimes the smartest people are the dumbest.

08-13-20, 14:07
My wife really dislikes her and is not thrilled about Biden either but has said it doesn’t matter, just need a change. So you have an intelligent woman who dedicates her life to equality and ending racism but is going to vote for these two who have done so much to continue systemic racism through the mass incarceration of minorities all because orange man bad. Never mind that our investments are doing great even with covid, we need a change ��. Sometimes the smartest people are the dumbest.

I used to be married to an OBGYN in Austin. Brilliant Woman, pulled herself up by her bootstraps kind of Gal, truly a self made millionaire.
You know what she hated more than anything else? Conflict and Chaos absolutely destroyed her. Someone yelling at her would destroy her, even raising a voice could be precarious, I have seen her cave to her two absolute drug and alcohol addicted kids a dozen times just to end the drama.
A lot of Women are going to vote this way thinking, "Voting for Biden will end this rioting", but just like the spoiled kids above, in the end this bunch are going to take you down with them.
The people behind all of this understand that kind of thinking and are playing off of it.

08-13-20, 14:15
I'd be pretty comfortable running against Joe and the Ho with this record. If he doesn't get re-elected, our problems are larger than we think.

You can add UAE/IS relations to this list as of today.


08-13-20, 14:19
I used to be married to an OBGYN in Austin. Brilliant Woman, pulled herself up by her bootstraps kind of Gal, truly a self made millionaire.
You know what she hated more than anything else? Conflict and Chaos absolutely destroyed her. Someone yelling at her would destroy her, even raising a voice could be precarious, I have seen her cave to her two absolute drug and alcohol addicted kids a dozen times just to end the drama.
A lot of Women are going to vote this way thinking, "Voting for Biden will end this rioting", but just like the spoiled kids above, in the end this bunch are going to take you down with them.
The people behind all of this understand that kind of thinking and are playing off of it.

This is the same way Wall Street is thinking in their shortsightedness.

08-13-20, 14:35
This is the same way Wall Street is thinking in their shortsightedness.

Literally, that's why as of an hour ago when the last check hit my bank, I am out of the market until January.
The really brilliant thing about investing is going for Stocks that were reliable steady climbers, now it has turned in to a game of "Catch and Release." You drop a metric ton of money today and you're out next week and on to something else.
I aint got the energy, but I've still got the nerve.

08-13-20, 15:27
This is the same way Wall Street is thinking in their shortsightedness.

I disagree. They want the USA to become their feudal fiefdom, use the Corona to cut wages of high tech workers, use Corona to drive small businesses under, get the marxist back in power turn on the supply side from China of products made by slaves.

You think I am wrong look how the profits of tech have gone during corona, look what party they and Wall Street support.

Alex V
08-13-20, 17:08
I used to be married to an OBGYN in Austin. Brilliant Woman, pulled herself up by her bootstraps kind of Gal, truly a self made millionaire.
You know what she hated more than anything else? Conflict and Chaos absolutely destroyed her. Someone yelling at her would destroy her, even raising a voice could be precarious, I have seen her cave to her two absolute drug and alcohol addicted kids a dozen times just to end the drama.
A lot of Women are going to vote this way thinking, "Voting for Biden will end this rioting", but just like the spoiled kids above, in the end this bunch are going to take you down with them.
The people behind all of this understand that kind of thinking and are playing off of it.

My wife really dislikes her and is not thrilled about Biden either but has said it doesn’t matter, just need a change. So you have an intelligent woman who dedicates her life to equality and ending racism but is going to vote for these two who have done so much to continue systemic racism through the mass incarceration of minorities all because orange man bad. Never mind that our investments are doing great even with covid, we need a change ��. Sometimes the smartest people are the dumbest.

Exactly what I said in the other thread, they will vote Biden “just to make it stop” and that’s how he will win.

08-13-20, 17:15
Exactly what I said in the other thread, they will vote Biden “just to make it stop” and that’s how he will win.

They REALLY are going to hate the Civil War that follows....

Alex V
08-13-20, 17:20
They REALLY are going to hate the Civil War that follows....

Come on, we know there won’t be one. It’s never time, remember?

08-13-20, 17:31
Come on, we know there won’t be one. It’s never time, remember?

Everyone always thinks that, then shit goes sideways. One thing thats certain about human history, we like to kill one another.

Alex V
08-13-20, 17:37
Everyone always thinks that, then shit goes sideways. One thing thats certain about human history, we like to kill one another.

Let’s just hope, for the sake of freedom, we don’t wait past the time when it’s too late.