View Full Version : Never been prouder of my son...

08-13-20, 18:41
I'm finding this out like 18 months afterwards. For his gradeschool trip to DC, the trip had all kinds of pics posted on social media until all of sudden one day a couple of the kids had MAGA hats on - and that was the last of the pics we saw. It comes out at lunch today that my son was not only the instigator, but the enabler. He was the first to buy a MAGA hat, and then offered to buy a hat for anyone that would wear one. He ended up outfitting ten kids with MAGA hats. Lucky for him, he said the hats were only like $3 each, which makes me wonder if they were laced with lice- but his teachers were pissed, like I said, all the pics stopped. The funny thing is The Boy told his grandmother about it, but didn't tell my wife and I. I'm not doing the story justice, we were in stiches at lunch today when The Boy was telling the story. It's kind of Trumpian all around...

And we wonder why we aren't in the cool parents crowd, and another dad started a conversation with me with "So, you're into guns, right?"...

08-13-20, 19:05
Not to take away from your son, but I've been working the OU move in the last few days. One of the incoming freshmen came in wearing a "Keep America Great" hat while doing his check in.
