View Full Version : I need help identifying this

08-14-20, 23:23

Hopefully the link works.

My neighbor posted this on the next door app. At first I thought it was a Crane Fly, but it's too symmetrical. Any ideas?

08-15-20, 08:33
My guess is a reflection internal to the camera lens.

08-15-20, 09:10
My guess is a reflection internal to the camera lens.The whole time its being filmed?

08-15-20, 09:25
I don’t believe that’s anything to do with the camera itself.
It reminds me of the “rods” phenomenon on photos and video that has been more or less proven to be caused by flying insects. Although this moves differently I could buy that this is an insect, with the legs and wings not being visible and the light reflecting off the body. It is actually triggering some kind of half formed memory of some odd insect that can look like this in flight but the recollection is very fuzzy. I can’t quite jog my brain.

08-15-20, 10:08
The whole time its being filmed?

Light entering the lens at a sharp angle can be reflected by the lens elements which may account for the segmented appearance. The source of the light may be outside the the angle of view of the photo sensor in the camera.


08-15-20, 10:31
Light entering the lens at a sharp angle can be reflected by the lens elements which may account for the segmented appearance. The source of the light may be outside the the angle of view of the photo sensor in the camera.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.metabunk.org%2Fattachments%2Fthree_element_my_diagram-jpg.6775%2F&f=1&nofb=1Makes sense. Could be a double porch light

3 AE
08-15-20, 12:24

08-15-20, 13:26
Flying larval stage of these


08-15-20, 13:50
Flying larval stage of these

:jester:Hahaha, did you read the comments to that video?

08-15-20, 14:11
Hahaha, did you read the comments to that video?
Possessed MCHammer pants made me LOL!

I actually remember this from a tv show not to long ago, there's another video of these things as well caught by a game camera.

08-15-20, 15:02
One of the neighborhood kids obviously hung a tampon from a small drone.

08-15-20, 17:09
One of the neighborhood kids obviously hung a tampon from a small drone.I could see that!!

08-15-20, 18:47
Ok, a guy on a local forum seems to think it's a Dobsonfly and I'm inclined to agree

08-15-20, 19:04
I've seen this before. The infrared lights on the camera pick up a spider web suspended from above. The breeze changes directions and brings the web closer with a spider larvae attached. It's not floating free and actually not far away at first, but attached to the web. As big as it looks, its actually quite small.

08-15-20, 19:08
I've seen this before. The infrared lights on the camera pick up a spider web suspended from above. The breeze changes directions and brings the web closer with a spider larvae attached. It's not floating free and actually not far away at first, but attached to the web. As big as it looks, its actually quite small.

Reminds me of The Sphinx by Edgar Allen Poe.