View Full Version : Millie Weaver aka Millenial Millie arrested. “Shadow Gate” documentary released

08-16-20, 14:55

Here’s the link to YouTube video “Shadow Gate” documentary.

Two whistleblowers describe how “IIA” methods are used to influence people, outcomes of elections, riots, etc.

Deep dive into what we already know with data collection, political abuse, the deep state and the shadow net.

Watch it. Share it. Discuss it here.

Millie Weaver was arrested 8/11/20 and details surrounding her arrest are vague and mysterious. Being held without bail.

08-16-20, 15:05
Brennan needs a trial for being a traitor to his Country.

08-16-20, 15:13
The news, if true, is that is was used for partisan political purposes and you paid for it.

08-16-20, 15:42
Brennan needs a trial for being a traitor to his Country.

Brennan, McChrystal, Jones- all of them should pay for their traitorous acts.

I am starting to agree with a member here whom hasn’t been present for some time, but crucifixions need to make a come back and those three would be a marvelous place to start.

08-16-20, 16:47
Brennan needs a trial for being a traitor to his Country.

What’re you talking about?

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08-16-20, 16:50
I am starting to agree with a member here whom hasn’t been present for some time, but crucifixions need to make a come back and those three would be a marvelous place to start.

He was outed as an agent provocateur.

08-16-20, 16:54

I don't get the held w/out bond??

08-16-20, 17:17
Held without bond means a lot. As to why, well, I can't answer.
But I bet the State has the kids right now. That they can come into your home and do that should be very concerning. Your politics shouldn't be a reason to lock you away.
I'm not sure of the videos accuracy, but considering what is known it would appear to be within the sphere of possibilities.

08-16-20, 17:18

I don't get the held w/out bond??

She should have said she was protesting for BLM and the assault, burglary and obstruction of justice were just her way to express the 1st Amendment. Then she would have walked with all charges dropped.

08-16-20, 17:27

I don't get the held w/out bond??

That's the real head scratcher here. Burglary and domestic violence? I'm to understand she will appear in court tomorrow, but still, shouldn't bail be made available in advance?

Lawyer question right there.

I would hope Alex Jones has a good lawyer on retainer he's going to send to her. I'm not a fan, but arresting the media, regardless of who they work for, better be airtight.

08-16-20, 17:34
I guess I must be a dumb, uniformed dolt, because I have never heard of Millie Weaver before. I can't keep up with all of this kind of thing spending as much time as I do outside. I have frequented Inforwars on occasion to peruse some of the more offbeat headlines, but that's about it. Is this person a credible journalist?

08-16-20, 17:42
Well it has to be tied to her quoting big news ready to drop during the arrest or she has a history of repeats...creepy.

My understanding is she resigned from IW & sorta does free lance work for them now, but hearsay.

08-16-20, 17:48
I guess I must be a dumb, uniformed dolt, because I have never heard of Millie Weaver before. I can't keep up with all of this kind of thing spending as much time as I do outside. I have frequented Inforwars on occasion to peruse some of the more offbeat headlines, but that's about it. Is this person a credible journalist?

I'm with you, never heard of this person until I saw this thread.

08-16-20, 18:02
Both of the two people interviewed in the documentary will probably meet their deaths in unfortunate accidents.

08-16-20, 18:41
Is Millie Weaver related to ...Randy Weaver? Ruby Ridge Randy Weaver?

08-16-20, 18:43
Well it has to be tied to her quoting big news ready to drop during the arrest or she has a history of repeats...creepy.

My understanding is she resigned from IW & sorta does free lance work for them now, but hearsay.

Alex Jones refers to her as a contractor on multiple occasions.

08-16-20, 19:32
sign me up as a millie newbie as well...disregarded a thread started elsewhere as I had no interest in watching an unknown vid well over an hour. Seeing it on fox & then here started the percolating of interest & gotta admit if even half of the 411 is solid, we're all but screwed. I had watched an in depth vid of our interference in Ukraine elections & biden connection w/ burisma, but to piece it together to use against our own gives me shivers if factual. I wanna be left alone to pursue happiness & to believe in the American spirit / soul, but seeing what's happening and the stupidity of this election makes this eternal optimist pretty bummed.

Nov 4th may be the new Friday the 13th...probably posted here at some point & used to genuinely believe the US could live through any presidency with the constitution in place, but with 2 plus scotus on the line & the 2nd being the main tinder box issue I'm spooked.

08-16-20, 19:55
Getting arrested and hauled off to jail for posting anything political on social media is the norm in socialist/communist countries. Given thats where we're headed anything you've ever posted can and will be used against you should the commies gain the upper hand.

08-16-20, 20:18
The documentary has been permanently pulled from Youtube for violating the hate speech rules. I watched about half of it this morning and planned to finish it this evening...there was nothing in what I watched that was hateful or overtly inappropriate IMO. I am not surprised, just a bit bothered by all the censorship we tolerate.

08-16-20, 21:00
sign me up as a millie newbie as well...disregarded a thread started elsewhere as I had no interest in watching an unknown vid well over an hour. Seeing it on fox & then here started the percolating of interest & gotta admit if even half of the 411 is solid, we're all but screwed. I had watched an in depth vid of our interference in Ukraine elections & biden connection w/ burisma, but to piece it together to use against our own gives me shivers if factual. I wanna be left alone to pursue happiness & to believe in the American spirit / soul, but seeing what's happening and the stupidity of this election makes this eternal optimist pretty bummed.

Nov 4th may be the new Friday the 13th...probably posted here at some point & used to genuinely believe the US could live through any presidency with the constitution in place, but with 2 plus scotus on the line & the 2nd being the main tinder box issue I'm spooked.
I guess I would be spooked more, but I take the approach that I survive and thrive despite government. Maybe wide open space and distance skews my thinking, but I don't need government to function. I would miss that Army retirement check, but that isn't a life changer if I lost it. If the government goes 100% totalitarian, it will require adjustments in how I live and how I interact with others, but I am not going to let it be all consuming in my life. I just don't look forward to the inconvenience of returning to killing people again. It leaves you with baggage mentally.

08-16-20, 21:01
This is crazy. I feel like we live in the matrix or something

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08-16-20, 21:14
The documentary has been permanently pulled from Youtube for violating the hate speech rules. I watched about half of it this morning and planned to finish it this evening...there was nothing in what I watched that was hateful or overtly inappropriate IMO. I am not surprised, just a bit bothered by all the censorship we tolerate.

Don't know if this is kosher or not (as in linking the site) but here's another source of the video:


And to think, I remember when Carnivore was the worst thing to worry about.

08-16-20, 21:25
I guess I must be a dumb, uniformed dolt, because I have never heard of Millie Weaver before. I can't keep up with all of this kind of thing spending as much time as I do outside. I have frequented Inforwars on occasion to peruse some of the more offbeat headlines, but that's about it. Is this person a credible journalist?

About as credible as any other "journalist" these days. More credible than Jim Acosta which isn't saying much...

She does a lot of field work, vlogs and whatnot. I've watched some of her videos on YT and she tends to ask the questions others won't to random folks.

08-16-20, 22:25
I really suggest you watch it, skip through a bit if you have to at first, but it makes more sense than a lot of explanations I've seen.

26 Inf
08-17-20, 00:33
Millie Weaver was arrested 8/11/20 and details surrounding her arrest are vague and mysterious. Being held without bail.

She was arrested Friday afternoon:

Both are being held until a Monday morning arraignment hearing where a Common Pleas Court judge will set bond.

Portage County Jail staff on Saturday confirmed that Millicent “Millie” Weaver, 29, is being held on charges of robbery, tampering with evidence, obstructing justice and domestic violence.

That might get you held until Monday for first appearance.

Alex V
08-17-20, 08:20
The documentary has been permanently pulled from Youtube for violating the hate speech rules. I watched about half of it this morning and planned to finish it this evening...there was nothing in what I watched that was hateful or overtly inappropriate IMO. I am not surprised, just a bit bothered by all the censorship we tolerate.

alternate uploads always pop-up


Straight Shooter
08-17-20, 08:48
I watched it & two things im 100% sure of:
1. The Shadow Gov/Deep State exists..
2. Not a damn thing will ever be done about it..even if Trump wins again.
He will hurt it, he HAS hurt it, he will fight & rail against it...but as long as the media has their backs TO THE DEATH...it will always be there.

08-17-20, 09:22
It would seem most of these charges are somewhat like Jullian Assange's charges. They didn't want the documents out there, she put them pout there, so she's being charged with stealing the documents.
The domestic violence charges seem to come from her Mother getting between the parents and the kids during the Corona Virus lock down.
This appears to me to be some humbug.

What passes for Journalism today is some weak watered down sauce, this chick who's a free lancer breaks the story that explains Obama Gate, Russia Gate and the Deep States war against Donald Trump. I think had a few MSM Journalists gotten off their third point of contact, this wouldn't be an issue and this information would have been out there in the first place.
Sealed Indictment? Picked up late on a Friday without a Warrant?
She's seriously pissed off a few people.

08-17-20, 12:01
Just finished watching it. Very interesting.

08-17-20, 12:02
alternate uploads always pop-up


And that one is down also

08-17-20, 12:04
How long before young Millie dies in a single vehicle car wreck? These people named or alluded to (the "redacted 4 star" with a shamrock on a raven is a humorous jab) will certainly make life terribly difficult for anyone meddling in their nefarious business.

08-17-20, 13:21
He was outed as an agent provocateur.

Who was it?

08-17-20, 13:25
I guess I must be a dumb, uniformed dolt, because I have never heard of Millie Weaver before. I can't keep up with all of this kind of thing spending as much time as I do outside. I have frequented Inforwars on occasion to peruse some of the more offbeat headlines, but that's about it. Is this person a credible journalist?

No, you're not alone, so don't feel bad. I never paid a lot of attention to Info Wars.

08-17-20, 13:38
No, you're not alone, so don't feel bad. I never paid a lot of attention to Info Wars.

Or millennials.

08-17-20, 13:42
Or millennials.


08-17-20, 14:23
If half of this is factual and I believe it is, we will have a hell of a fight on our hands to stop it.

08-17-20, 14:58
I don't get the held w/out bond??

With the exception of the two "blue anchors," I'd swear OH is more pinko than PA these days. :mad:

08-17-20, 15:04
With the exception of the two "blue anchors," I'd swear OH is more pinko than PA these days. :mad:

...and in that 2nd vid of the explanation, it was stated there was no arrest warrant & only a sealed indictment. Is that even possible??

08-17-20, 15:45
How is it possible?
They came in her house with guns, threatened the entire family and made it possible.
The drug cartels in Mexico would be proud of the way that was handled.

08-17-20, 15:59
BLATANT censorship.
Watched the whole thing. How the hell was ANY of that even close to what could be construed as 'hate speech', even by weaksauce leftist standards?

I can't say I'm surprised though; if this catches anyone here off guard, welcome to the creeping censorship that's been going on for years now.

08-17-20, 17:01
Hate speech is now not agreeing with the lefts agenda plain and simple even the truth is hate speech if it is not in line
Also censorship is easy now with google and a few others controlling all media they gov can say OH we will look into it as they giggle walking away knowing you can only blame google

Dems can spread fake stories on every news channel and be praised the truth comes out on YouTube and it’s buried and buried over and over and will be verified by the fact checkers as fake cause we know the fact checkers for google and FB are honest and would never have an agenda

And agree how could they do that ? Just like the drug cartels do what they do (as said above)

08-17-20, 18:39
Hate speed is now not agreeing with the lefts agenda plain and simple even the truth is hate speech if it is not in line
Also censorship is easy now with google and a few others controlling all media they gov can say OH we will look into it as they giggle walking away knowing you can only blame google

Dems can spread fake stories on every news channel and be praised the truth comes out on YouTube and it’s buried and buried over and over and will be verified by the fact checkers as fake cause we know the fact checkers for google and FB are honest and would never have an agenda

And agree how could they do that ? Just like the drug cartels do what they do (as said above)

The Deep State has become criminals and are on par or worse than the Cartels.
The tactic of the Left seems to me to be to use minorities as a shield, you can't say anything without being branded a racist or a "Nazi". In the meantime they are fighting in our streets and seem to have the Cops on the ropes in large Democrat States.
Speaking of Democratic States, how did major Cities within Democratic States become so racist and repressive to African Americans? Here's the thing, they aren't. It's pretty simple look at the numbers, it's not Black Lives, it's pretty much statistically criminal lives that are in jeopardy when they interact with Police.
What we are seeing is a planned Coup. All this drama of rioting in the streets is just the background noise for the BS this Lady brought to our attention.
These guys have us over a barrel, they need to be rounded up and put in chains and it wont stop until they are. They seem to have dirt on everyone and are now able to predict the reaction of the civilian populace and influence it with the Media. They also seem to have enough dirt on people to get them to STFU, or they come arrest you without a warrant and take your kids.
We've got a corrupt Democrat nominee for President, who might yet be found to be a part of the whole Obama/Russia coup to overthrow the President and his VP pick was a corrupt DA and Attorney General, who do you really think the Deep State wants to run the show?
Yeah, they will get their Civil War alright, that or we will all just bend over and accept it.

08-17-20, 19:35
You can count on the Jews to help us out in a pinch.


08-17-20, 19:52
These guys have us over a barrel, they need to be rounded up and put in chains and it wont stop until they are. They seem to have dirt on everyone and are now able to predict the reaction of the civilian populace and influence it with the Media. They also seem to have enough dirt on people to get them to STFU, or they come arrest you without a warrant and take your kids.

Um, yeah, that was kind of the point of the video she uploaded...

08-17-20, 19:54
Well, not as conspiracy-y as we might think...


08-17-20, 20:00
I can't finish watching the video. The video makes tremendous leaps and bounds, mis-characterizing legitimate stuff as nefarious.

The woman copied data and makes the assumption it was replaced with something else. Ummmmm Yeah, right.

The government uses contractors? What business doesn't?

This video appears to prey on folks who don't understand technology. Again, not buying any of it as it is way too loose with the facts.

I think she’s been duped as well as she clearly doesn’t understand technology.

Then again, I could be a CIA plant here to provide disinformation.........Hmmmmm.

08-17-20, 20:36
We've been told by Snowden that this was going on.
We've got information from Jullian Assange that something very like this has been going on.
We've got a President who has been harassed by an ongoing coup attempt.
The Democratic nominee for POTUS who was a part of the coup attempt.
We have a Democratic nominee for POTUS who has managed to blackmail Ukraine and no one is doing anything about it.
I cant believe we are falling for all of this.
Although her story may sound amateurish when it comes to the technical aspects of the story, but if we are willing to agree that the above is true and no one is doing anything about it, don't you wonder why? And how is all of what was shown to us in the video unbelievable, but her story isn't?
They've had since April to come up with a charge they got one. Surprised?

08-17-20, 23:06
Although her story may sound amateurish when it comes to the technical aspects of the story,
They actually addressed this, Alex Jones used the term False Flag or Black Flag as that was easier for people to understand. Using laymans's terms is not a sign of stupidity, but rather an expedience of understanding. Breaking it down to Barney level...

08-18-20, 00:49
You can count on the Jews to help us out in a pinch.


There are plenty of conservative, right-leaning, even pro-2A Jews. Many with roots and experience in actual Marxist societies that their liberal brethren so willingly ascribe to. It’s simply not worth it for them to mention it considering the intolerance of their fellow (liberal) Jews and the “Jews did this” crowd.

08-18-20, 06:41
I can't finish watching the video. The video makes tremendous leaps and bounds, mis-characterizing legitimate stuff as nefarious.

The woman copied data and makes the assumption it was replaced with something else. Ummmmm Yeah, right.

The government uses contractors? What business doesn't?

This video appears to prey on folks who don't understand technology. Again, not buying any of it as it is way too loose with the facts.

I think she’s been duped as well as she clearly doesn’t understand technology.

Then again, I could be a CIA plant here to provide disinformation.........Hmmmmm.

Again, the point is you paid for it.

08-18-20, 06:53
Again, the point is you paid for it.

Huh? It is very widely known the NSA is collecting everything. So this shouldn't surprise anyone. It was well known before Snowden.

I'm paying for all of the damage the rioters are doing across the country as well.

08-18-20, 07:30
Huh? It is very widely known the NSA is collecting everything. So this shouldn't surprise anyone. It was well known before Snowden.

I'm paying for all of the damage the rioters are doing across the country as well.

What a lot of people were not aware of that although you might be able to make a case for Government Employee's dealing with everyone's data they didn't know the work was being farmed out to non government contracted employee's to handle.
This is far more disconcerting for some folks than some kid in uniform sitting at a terminal gathering all of this data.
What no one seems to understand is this is a stretch constitutionally in the first place and that you should be outraged that anyone is doing it.
That you cant trust any of these folks was made very clear by Roger Stone explaining the details of the composition of his Jury and that when it was evident he was being set-up no one would listen because what he was saying was above the comprehension of most people.

08-18-20, 07:50
Brennan needs a trial for being a traitor to his Country.

Brennan, McChrystal, Jones- all of them should pay for their traitorous acts.

I am starting to agree with a member here whom hasn’t been present for some time, but crucifixions need to make a come back and those three would be a marvelous place to start.

Still wondering what this is about and which Brennan is being referenced.

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08-18-20, 08:03
Well, not as conspiracy-y as we might think...


Seems legit. Argument with the mother. Mother files report months ago but then retracts it, says she wants no charges. Months later a secret indictment and both parents are arrested late on a Friday on multiple felonies and their children placed in CPS custody. No bail set yet. Yeah ok, that is all normal.

08-18-20, 08:52
Still wondering what this is about and which Brennan is being referenced.

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John of course.
Not this guy.


26 Inf
08-18-20, 21:36
Still wondering what this is about and which Brennan is being referenced.

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I waiting to hear who was outed as an agent provocateur - it was, I believe, referring to Firefly and I'd like proof.

08-18-20, 21:57
Still wondering what this is about and which Brennan is being referenced.

watch the vid...no cliff notes.

08-18-20, 22:23
I waiting to hear who was outed as an agent provocateur - it was, I believe, referring to Firefly and I'd like proof.

What happened to firefly? Brief search brings up members jumping his shit for improvising a tourniquet with a belt, and then he's gone.

Funny thing, I used to teach soldiers the exact same thing for Buddy Aid during SGT's time training on Thursdays.

08-18-20, 22:45
I waiting to hear who was outed as an agent provocateur - it was, I believe, referring to Firefly and I'd like proof.

I was very curious if @prepare was going to back that bold accusation up or just drop it and leave it to stew.

Have't seen fly post in quite some time and it's odd, wondering where he's at for sure.

08-19-20, 06:56
Did they get bailed out?

08-19-20, 07:33
watch the vid...no cliff notes.

The vid in the OP? Maybe I’m an idiot but I didn’t hear any reference.

ETA - nvm, I didn’t realize it had been updated.

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08-19-20, 10:17
...and in that 2nd vid of the explanation, it was stated there was no arrest warrant & only a sealed indictment. Is that even possible??

That's explained in this article. She was released on a $25K PR bond.


Well, not as conspiracy-y as we might think...


Did you notice the conspicuously absent word the news always uses under these circumstances? Not once do they use the word "alleged". I guess she's been found guilty already in the court of public opinion? :(

Of course a critical element of the story is buried all the way at the bottom:

A person claiming to be Felicia McCarron on Friday left a comment on a YouTube video about the arrest. The comment said Millie Weaver took her cellphone because she was recording an argument and claimed she had asked “the police chief” to drop the charges shortly after the arrest. Cleveland.com has been unable to reach McCarron to verify whether she made the comment.

Ohio law allows prosecutors and law enforcement to move forward on prosecutions without a victim’s cooperation.

Still wondering what this is about and which Brennan is being referenced.

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Former CIA Director John Brennan, one of if not THE chief architect of the criminal conspiracy to sabotage the Trump Administration.

Did they get bailed out?

Yep. $25K PR bond.

08-19-20, 10:30
That's explained in this article. She was released on a $25K PR bond.


Did you notice the conspicuously absent word the news always uses under these circumstances? Not once do they use the word "alleged". I guess she's been found guilty already in the court of public opinion? :(

Of course a critical element of the story is buried all the way at the bottom:

Former CIA Director John Brennan, one of if not THE chief architect of the criminal conspiracy to sabotage the Trump Administration.

Yep. $25K PR bond.

Ah, different John Brennan. Thank you.

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08-21-20, 21:43
Wait wait wait wait. Hold up.

Some people believe Firefly was a plant? Why?

And while we’re on that topic: forum mods/ anyone else in the know: has there ever been a known instance of an individual misrepresenting himself on m4carbine in order to gather information on the members here? Might as well nut up and tell the truth if we’re going to have that conversation, eh?

08-21-20, 21:46
I don't believe that for a minute.

08-22-20, 18:48
I don't believe that for a minute.

Yea...I would have to start doubting my instincts from here on out if it's true.

08-22-20, 19:54
He was outed as an agent provocateur.

Uh, what? That’s absurd.

Wait wait wait wait. Hold up.

Some people believe Firefly was a plant? Why?

And while we’re on that topic: forum mods/ anyone else in the know: has there ever been a known instance of an individual misrepresenting himself on m4carbine in order to gather information on the members here? Might as well nut up and tell the truth if we’re going to have that conversation, eh?

I know Firefly personally. He is not a plant.

08-22-20, 20:45
It’s interesting that there is a contingency of thread derailers and topic drifters that show up regularly.

08-22-20, 20:50
Yes, it is.

08-22-20, 21:15
Back on topic.

08-25-20, 12:52
ON-topic: Isn't it funny how so many of these things mysteriously happen under hazy circumstances to those who become serious inconveniences to the Deep State or just pull on the wrong threads?

08-25-20, 12:55
Any new news?

just a scout
08-25-20, 15:52
ON-topic: Isn't it funny how so many of these things mysteriously happen under hazy circumstances to those who become serious inconveniences to the Deep State or just pull on the wrong threads?

Pssshhhhaaawww. It’s a complete coincidence that those “people” are always having so many skeletons in their closets that come to light at convenient times with convenient people.

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just a scout
08-25-20, 15:55

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08-25-20, 16:05
ON-topic: Isn't it funny how so many of these things mysteriously happen under hazy circumstances to those who become serious inconveniences to the Deep State or just pull on the wrong threads?

You mean like a two-year multi-million dollar investigation into Russian collusion or an impeachment based on a whistleblower who wasn’t a first hand source, for instance?