View Full Version : Democratic Convention

08-18-20, 09:20
Anyone bother to watch? I did not.

Here's Fox's take:


CNN take:


08-18-20, 09:35
I really couldn't sit and watch more than 15 minutes of candy coated socialism that's manufactured for the consumption of soccer mom's in order to stop the rioting.
Michelle "I've never been proud of my Country" Obama is a wolf in sheep clothing built to be a tool for the Socialist Progressive movement.

08-18-20, 09:43
Seemed like a long infomercial or telethon to be honest. I made it about 30-45 minutes in and couldn't do it anymore.

08-18-20, 09:46
I listened to about 10 minutes last night when I drove to pick up my son from work. I could not stand it. It was a 3 AM infomercial and front page of Pravda all rolled into one.

08-18-20, 09:52
I heard a few clips. The democrat party is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to America. Their blatant lies to make their radical agenda palatable to Sheila Soccer Mom should be transparent, but unfortunately Americans are naively taking it all in.

F Biden, Harris, China, and the rest of the Democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-18-20, 10:19
I heard a few clips. The democrat party is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to America. Their blatant lies to make their radical agenda palatable to Sheila Soccer Mom should be transparent, but unfortunately Americans are naively taking it all in.

This. Politics is always filled with exaggeration and hyperbolic rhetoric. But here we've gone beyond that. We're in the realm of promoting an open socialist takeover of the United State (Bernie: at least the ole' phuk is honest about his plans). And spinning despicable falsehoods, conspiracy theories (that ridiculous USPS conspiracy they're floating now), and manipulative demagoguery (Michelle Obama).

It was sickening hearing some of the lamestream media blather on about how eloquent she was and how she nailed her speech. Actually, it was dreadful, filled with empty cliches and completely dishonest. And that whole "Go high vs go low" thing? OMG, the gall, the chutzpah, for any leftist to say that given the things going on right now. Going low? Let's see....Obama's team, maybe the Big O himself, directly using federal agencies to spy on and undermine the incoming, duly elected administration. False conspiracy theories. Holding up COVID-19 relief to the American people. Refusing to condemn, or even actively inciting (some members of the squad), the rioting and looting. Cancel culture.

Go low? Geez, this leftist bunch of cockroaches has mastered the art of going low, and then sweetly spinning lies about they're doing exactly the opposite. What's stunning to me is that they can site there with a straight face.

And John Kasich? Don't get me started. Idiot. Traitor. He sits there and says don't worry, Joe Biden won't go left. What reality is Kasich living in? Just minutes apart from Kasich's speech, you have Bernie openly describing his socialist takeover plans. But hey, no worries, Joe isn't going left.

08-18-20, 10:59
I thought this was a joke when I first saw it but making national news now...it's almost like they are trying lose.

Their closing message / song??


08-18-20, 11:43
Didn't watch it, didn't want to watch it. There was a much better alternative - Tombstone - was on at the same time.

Recap: Orange Man bad - Sleazy Joe is great.

08-18-20, 11:51
I'd rather stick a stinging nettle in my urethra or open an umbrella up my ass.

08-18-20, 11:55
I'd rather stick a stinging nettle in my urethra or open an umbrella up my ass.

I wouldn't go that far but if that is your thing ... have at it.

08-18-20, 11:56
I'd rather stick a stinging nettle in my urethra or open an umbrella up my ass.

I wouldn't go that far but if that is your thing ... have it it.

08-18-20, 12:00
I wouldn't go that far but if that is your thing ... have at it.

That's not really my thing, but it seems like a less painful experience than listening to a bunch of elitists worship socialism.

08-18-20, 12:38
I saw they have some new Democrat named John Kasich speaking.

I wonder if his dad was a mailman or something...

08-18-20, 13:19
0/10, don't recommend. Full of boring and angry democrats. Worse than Seinfeld re-runs.

08-18-20, 14:39
I wouldn't have supported nor watched if their had been TV back then. the Marxist in 1917 in Russian, nor the National Socialist in Germany in the 1930's, so why should I watch marxist in the USA in 2020?

08-18-20, 21:24
No, I prefer to relax in the evening rather than have my blood pressure raised unnecessarily.

Can’t stomach that shit.

08-18-20, 22:09
No to watching the convention.

Absolutely yes to watching the debates. Oh Lordy, I can't wait for that.

08-18-20, 22:12
No to watching the convention.

Absolutely yes to watching the debates. Oh Lordy, I can't wait for that.

100% But I don't think Slow Joe will participate. Trump will mop the floor with his weak sauce.

08-18-20, 22:21
100% But I don't think Slow Joe will participate. Trump will mop the floor with his weak sauce.

Sometimes satire probably has a ring of truth...


08-18-20, 23:32
No, I prefer to relax in the evening rather than have my blood pressure raised unnecessarily.

Can’t stomach that shit.

Yeah, I get way too much of that every time the idiot Seattle installed as their (NOT MY) governor pops up to flap his face-sphincter as it is... the lot of them need Imodium enemas to treat their oral diarrhea.

08-19-20, 07:11
Sometimes satire probably has a ring of truth...


The Babylon Bee is a Christian-centric satire site (like Duffelblog); you know it hits the 10 ring when Snopes and CNN have called them out for "fake news."

08-19-20, 08:09
The Dems and the press make a big deal out of prominent former Republicans coming out for Biden. The GOP should counter with former lifelong Democrats who are just regular people who have had it with the party and have decided to move on to the GOP.

If Powell, Kasich, and McCain Think that Trump is more of a danger than the party that supports looting and rioting and dissolution of western culture, they carry no weight with me anymore.

08-19-20, 08:37
The good thing to come about with all this garbage is that the line in the sand has been drawn..and you can actually see where these traitors really stand.

08-19-20, 08:53
The good thing to come about with all this garbage is that the line in the sand has been drawn..and you can actually see where these traitors really stand.

I agree with that. They have outed themselves, now we know. And, the legal processing system and all its components also have shown where they stand and what they will do.

We now have the facts; next is to think.

08-19-20, 09:54
The Babylon Bee is a Christian-centric satire site (like Duffelblog); you know it hits the 10 ring when Snopes and CNN have called them out for "fake news."

The problem isn't the fact it's satire (knew that and love it), the problem comes from sometimes not being able to determine the difference in satire and "news" these days.

Life's a Hillary
08-19-20, 13:23
Speaking of....


08-19-20, 13:36
Speaking of....


I did love the mental gymnastics the liberal talking heads were trying to perform on justifying how Bill Clinton can speak at the DNC during the age of #metoo

08-19-20, 14:04
I did love the mental gymnastics the liberal talking heads were trying to perform on justifying how Bill Clinton can speak at the DNC during the age of #metoo

C'mon, man, you know ol' Bill is reformed...he apologized and everything...he's not THAT bad a guy....


26 Inf
08-19-20, 23:50
C'mon, man, you know ol' Bill is reformed...he apologized and everything...he's not THAT bad a guy....


Plus, he's eating right and exercising, that counts for something.

08-20-20, 01:18
I wish I could say it blows me away that this is what it has devolved to but I can't, the writing has been on the wall has for some time now. Please dear God let Trump win by a land slide, I know you love this nation, let thy will be done.

08-20-20, 02:39
Lord, forgive my people, for most of them know not what they do, and deliver us from the Evil among us this November. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.

08-20-20, 02:54
G-D will only do what the American people deserve, if the people aren't willing to fight to keep the greatest country in world history great, why should G-D do anything?

For at least 50 years, the American people have allowed marxist to take root, to teach your children, to run for public office.

Don't tell me the Constitution protects the Marxist, because I don't believe it. The Constitution is not a suicide note. Our fore fathers as great as they were didn't have the ability to see into the future and understand that a political idea, would take root that is 100% anti the Constitution. If they could have understood how stupid people would become, I am sure they would have added a foot note. The Constitution is in full force to protect the natural rights of the American people. Unless the American people adopt positions that would remove these natural rights from other American citizens.

08-20-20, 03:20
I am a Trump voter, but can't stand to listen to him speak for more than a few minutes at a time if that. The neo-marxists get none of my time.

It may look good for the President, right now, but I am not comfortable at all with the Republican party and their penchant for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

It would be nice if the Republicans could learn a thing or two from what I hear is an unwatchable disaster. Did see the Buffalo Springfield cover, and that was terrible. The Muppets did it better.

08-20-20, 08:21
I'm not about to watch that barf-fest, but is it going anything like the campaign debates? :rolleyes:


08-20-20, 11:07
I thought this was a joke when I first saw it but making national news now...it's almost like they are trying lose.

Their closing message / song??


They want this to be their 1968 again so badly it's almost funny....

08-20-20, 11:18
They want this to be their 1968 again so badly it's almost funny....

I suspect that with the normal "pendulum swing" where people get sick of one party holding power after 8-12 years, they're gonna throw this one angling to ride the swing in '24--along with dialing up the insanity over the next four years to campaign on "Trump has brought nothing but pain, only we can make it stop. But to do it you have to submit to us without question..."

Part of me thinks Michelle Obama's ego is pushing her to seek moving back into 1600, another says her grifter laziness figures it's easier to fleece suckers from outside and place pawns to do the work and take the heat.

08-20-20, 13:25
The Dems and the press make a big deal out of prominent former Republicans coming out for Biden. The GOP should counter with former lifelong Democrats who are just regular people who have had it with the party and have decided to move on to the GOP.

If Powell, Kasich, and McCain Think that Trump is more of a danger than the party that supports looting and rioting and dissolution of western culture, they carry no weight with me anymore.

Those three and Bush haven't carried any weight with me for a long time. I'm not watching it either, I want to relax in the evening not watch socialist distancing...

08-20-20, 14:59
The Dems and the press make a big deal out of prominent former Republicans coming out for Biden. The GOP should counter with former lifelong Democrats who are just regular people who have had it with the party and have decided to move on to the GOP.

If Powell, Kasich, and McCain Think that Trump is more of a danger than the party that supports looting and rioting and dissolution of western culture, they carry no weight with me anymore.
The thing they don't say is that those RINOs never voted for Trump in 2016, so what's new?

08-21-20, 05:35
I haven't kept up with who's had talking roles other than snubbing AOC and giving a few Never Trumpers speaking roles, but it appears Tulsi Gabbard was not given an opportunity to speak.

Apparently, each and every candidate until this year that's gained delegates in the primary has had the opportunity to have a speaking role until her. Anyone want to bet it's because she put their VP choice on blast?

However, she's making better use of her time by serving on her annual two week tour with the Reserves.

08-21-20, 09:29
I haven't kept up with who's had talking roles other than snubbing AOC and giving a few Never Trumpers speaking roles, but it appears Tulsi Gabbard was not given an opportunity to speak.

Apparently, each and every candidate until this year that's gained delegates in the primary has had the opportunity to have a speaking role until her. Anyone want to bet it's because she put their VP choice on blast?

However, she's making better use of her time by serving on her annual two week tour with the Reserves.

Telling the truth about Harris and not supporting the self appointed DNC front runner in 16 gets you totally snubbed by the party and it's convention. Tulsi was the only one worth a damn in that line up which means of course the party had to excommunicate her.

08-21-20, 09:34
Telling the truth about Harris and not supporting the self appointed DNC front runner in 16 gets you totally snubbed by the party and it's convention. Tulsi was the only one worth a damn in that line up which means of course the party had to excommunicate her.

I have this feeling there's about to be an ideological split in the DNC if/when Biden loses in November.

Remember four years ago the MSM talking about the "fracturing" if the GOP because of Trump? I have this feeling they might be talking about the same thing this November.

08-21-20, 10:36


08-21-20, 11:52
I suspect that with the normal "pendulum swing" where people get sick of one party holding power after 8-12 years, they're gonna throw this one angling to ride the swing in '24--along with dialing up the insanity over the next four years to campaign on "Trump has brought nothing but pain, only we can make it stop. But to do it you have to submit to us without question..."
This is what I've been saying for the last year.
A) LLCOA; they're literally this stupid (obviously they are, to a point, but not completely)
B) MDCOA; there's something more nefarious going on we haven't seen yet (they've already admitted Kamala will be taking over when Biden resigns; will be interesting to see where they go with that, or with the Corona "new normal" and Gates' Orwellian shenanigans)
C) MLCOA; he left always plays for time, which they know damn well they have nothing but, and they're purposely phoning in the 2020 election so they can keep their base angry over "fraud" and "wacism" and "the electoral college got to go" and "orange man bad" and "give us your stuff white people" in the hope of winning big in '24, which is entirely likely, since I doubt the GOP has any real plans for where to go after Trump.
Four more years gives the lefties a lot of extra time to continue to build "outrage" over nothingburger events, as well as the pushback sure to happen inevitably (and likely violently) by small disjointed persons or groups that it will be easy to paint as "notsees" (and as always the stalwart conservitards will quail in fear, disown them, and mentally surrender to the rhetoric, thus "proving" the left is "correct"), it gives them a lot of time to continue to win local elections, and it gives them a lot of time to continue to push "progress" down everyone's throats (which is working just great, as anyone can already see the dominoes falling as individuals and corporations rush to abase themselves before it), four more years to grab everyone's guns to "stop the violence; we're better than this you guys," as well as four more years of demographic shift.
Meanwhile, most of the center/right will be sitting fat dumb and happy because "Haha, Trump won again! #fourmoreyears", never giving a thought to what happens at the end of that time, or doing anything useful nationally, locally, or organizationally... until 2023 hits, and then suddenly it will be PANIC all over again. If you think the gun rush is bad now....

Personally, I don't think they need to do anything truly nefarious yet,when they can just wait us out, then they can simply do whatever they want legally, and with support of the vast populace majority.

I have this feeling there's about to be an ideological split in the DNC if/when Biden loses in November.

Remember four years ago the MSM talking about the "fracturing" if the GOP because of Trump? I have this feeling they might be talking about the same thing this November.

Yes, they will go further left, because leftist ideology can never admit wrong, it can only double down.
"Old white man" Biden is the unwitting sacrifice to prove that "white men are box office poison" (thanks for that one Hollywood), and that they only failed in this election because they pandered to the "old democrats" who aren't hip with the children these days, and even though they picked a Womyn Of Color, didn't "represent" their base enough by choosing the 'old white guy' for the POTUS seat instead of the WOC. Since all white people are naturally racist, and always only vote their skin color, the "old" democrats saw that Biden wouldn't be able to maintain the status quo in their favor, of a democrat party that claims inclusion but is still a tool of systemic white supremacy. And so, just like the 50% of white women brainwashed by their racist conservative husbands 'betrayed the sisterhood' in 2016, the 'old democrats' betrayed us and went to vote for Trump. Going forward 'the party' will throw off such racist remnants, and devote itself wholly to the cause of social justice and racial equity. #liberalsgetthebullettoo

08-21-20, 12:42
Yes, they will go further left, because leftist ideology can never admit wrong, it can only double down.
"Old white man" Biden is the unwitting sacrifice to prove that "white men are box office poison" (thanks for that one Hollywood), and that they only failed in this election because they pandered to the "old democrats" who aren't hip with the children these days, and even though they picked a Womyn Of Color, didn't "represent" their base enough by choosing the 'old white guy' for the POTUS seat instead of the WOC. Since all white people are naturally racist, and always only vote their skin color, the "old" democrats saw that Biden wouldn't be able to maintain the status quo in their favor, of a democrat party that claims inclusion but is still a tool of systemic white supremacy. And so, just like the 50% of white women brainwashed by their racist conservative husbands 'betrayed the sisterhood' in 2016, the 'old democrats' betrayed us and went to vote for Trump. Going forward 'the party' will throw off such racist remnants, and devote itself wholly to the cause of social justice and racial equity. #liberalsgetthebullettoo

Define LL/MD/ML please? I assume COA = Course Of Action...

Also, the catch for them is they push the Less Left and the Scared Normies into the GOP... problem with that is they in turn drag the GOP left too. It's telling to note that historically, the difference between Republican-Democrat, and Democrat-Communist, is about 40 years...
*GWB 2000 platform basically equals JFK 1960
*Obama 2008 virtually indistinguishable from Communist Party USA 1968 platform

I tremble when I imagine what will be presented as "mainstream Republicans" in twenty years...