View Full Version : Kimberly Klacik For Congress: Help If you Can

08-18-20, 10:25
I don't even live in that state and just donated to her campaign. Her winning would be great for that city the nation, so I think it behooves us all to help if we can. Even $5 etc:


08-18-20, 10:31
I posted her campaign ad in the AOR thread...well made.

08-18-20, 11:55
I like her. She's good looking too!

08-18-20, 12:00
I like her. She's good looking too!

She's smart, POC, 2A supporter and way cute. Lets Help her get elected.

08-18-20, 12:35
She's smart, POC, 2A supporter and way cute. Lets Help her get elected.

She doesn't look 38 for certain.

My only problem with that ad is she doesn't say anything except "Democrats suck, vote for me." And forgive me, but pandering to the black vote. The second one is understandable given the district she's running in, but still.

People need to know why to vote for her, not just how bad the other side is.

08-18-20, 13:12
She doesn't look 38 for certain.

My only problem with that ad is she doesn't say anything except "Democrats suck, vote for me." And forgive me, but pandering to the black vote. The second one is understandable given the district she's running in, but still.

People need to know why to vote for her, not just how bad the other side is.

Me, don't care. She'd obviously be million times better than what's there, she's pro 2A, and "Dems suck" acceptable platform for me in her local case and of course her competition uses "orange man bad" so F it. Per OP, not even in my state, but I think she and her ilk are the next gen we need, an AOC type GOP equivalent for the GOP with an actual brain. We really need more POC not utterly brainwashed by the left to get traction and we all benefit from it I feel long term.

08-18-20, 13:18
The DNC candidate for that district is Kweisi Mfume, btw.

Great commercial, nice message, but not much substance. She doesn't seem to have much experience and her educational record isn't very long. She lives in another part of the state. I couldn't help laughing at her "if they walked the streets like I did" line, given how she's dressed in the commercial.

Undoubtedly better than the DNC option for that district, but I'm not seeing a whole lot of substance.

08-18-20, 13:55
"If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong."
-Robert A. Heinlein

08-18-20, 15:10
I like the guy wearing three layers in 98 degree, muggy Bahlmore.

08-18-20, 16:29
That was about minute too long. I wish her luck.

LMT Shooter
08-18-20, 18:43
I found it very interesting the way she seemed to emphasize the word "all" when she said "all black lives matter." To me, it comes across as if she is trying to be anti-BLM, without saying it explicitly. And I'm totally kewl with that. To those who say she's lacking substance on solving the problems she points out, well isn't admitting there's a problem the first step to fixing it? I wish her nothing but the best in her campaign.

It doesn't hurt that she's pretty hot, either.

LMT Shooter
08-18-20, 18:45
"If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong."
-Robert A. Heinlein

I've been voting against the candidates I hate most for decades. I can't remember the last time I voted FOR anyone at the state or federal level.

08-18-20, 20:03
The worry is, R's without strong ideological and principle moorings tend to drift into a Leftward current. See also Kasich, Bush League, McCain, Paul Ryan...

"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."--Alinsky

08-18-20, 22:16
Me, don't care. She'd obviously be million times better than what's there, she's pro 2A, and "Dems suck" acceptable platform for me in her local case and of course her competition uses "orange man bad" so F it. Per OP, not even in my state, but I think she and her ilk are the next gen we need, an AOC type GOP equivalent for the GOP with an actual brain. We really need more POC not utterly brainwashed by the left to get traction and we all benefit from it I feel long term.

Again, things she needs to be putting out. Everyone knows Baltimore is a shithole, everyone knows the Democrats are why it's a shithole.

Furthermore, her message needs to be exactly how the Democrats ruined said city.

And how she can fix it.

I'm all about flipping a seat that's been (D) for Lord only knows how long. But we continue with the same problems we have now if her only message is "Blue Man Bad." Obviously, I have no skin in this game, but I think people are starting to wake up to the lies they've been fed for decades. It's time to start putting such politicians on blast as to exactly how they effed up a community.

08-18-20, 22:56
Well, she got on The Ingraham Angle on FOX News today, so she's got that going for her.

Just a bit more substance:
Wants to bring back jobs, possibly medical equipment industry, to West Baltimore that utilize Baltimore port.

08-18-20, 23:33
Energetic, well-spoken young lady. She's an example of upward mobile other Blacks who I have interacted with over the years who were self-starters and abandoned the democrat plantation of socioeconomic slavery. I hope she does well.

08-20-20, 06:23
Yep, she needs to win and she is smokin' hot


08-20-20, 07:33
Yep, she needs to win and she is smokin' hot


Yes, she needs to win. I did my bit to help her as I think her winning benefits us all. I hope others here will follow.

08-20-20, 08:17
The DNC candidate for that district is Kweisi Mfume, btw.

QUEASY?!?! Hell I thought he OD'd with Marion Barry YEARS ago!!! :eek: