View Full Version : You don't think this is a war? Steve Bannon just arrested.

08-20-20, 09:13
General Alberto Bayo famously said, "Once is chance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action"!


Life's a Hillary
08-20-20, 09:46
Oh well

08-20-20, 10:17
I'm not a Bannon fan, but can anyone remind us how many of Hillary's campaign team have been indicted and arrested?

08-20-20, 10:20
I'm not sure when Bannon went off the rails and was either forced out of the Trump team or was asked to leave by Trump, but he always seemed right on the edge of going off the rails.
I would however agree, Since no one has taken the time to look at the Clinton's finances, how are we sure?

08-20-20, 10:36
I'm not sure when Bannon went off the rails and was either forced out of the Trump team or was asked to leave by Trump, but he always seemed right on the edge of going off the rails.
I would however agree, Since no one has taken the time to look at the Clinton's finances, how are we sure?

Bannon has been one of the primary opponents of Globo Homo Leftism WORLD WIDE. He has fostered nationalism not only in this country but in place like Hungary, Poland etc.....They hate him. He was largely responsible for crafting the Trump Nationalist message -"America First, Build the Wall, End the Wars" message. You can like him or not but the reason Trump is sitting in the White House is Steve Bannon.

Life's a Hillary
08-20-20, 10:46
I'm not a Bannon fan, but can anyone remind us how many of Hillary's campaign team have been indicted and arrested?

Maybe you should be asking why Trump hasn’t been directing Barr to look into that. He is the president, he does have some pull for those types of things.

08-20-20, 11:03
And the POTUS quickly comments;

I'm not sure, I'm not seeing the data, just the liberal drum beats.

08-20-20, 11:09
Maybe you should be asking why Trump hasn’t been directing Barr to look into that. He is the president, he does have some pull for those types of things.

The most pressing attack vs. Trump was the Russia Hoax. He has had to focus what few RELIABLE resources he has on debunking/punishing that. The other harms have been done etc...long ago. Russia etc...goes directly to his chances of being re elected. You will notice that even now they are releasing Russia related information trying to keep it going with their base and low information voters even though its' been fully debunked. MAYBE, he gets to Hillary et al in a Second Term- but none of that matters WITHOUT a Second Term.

08-20-20, 11:13
Maybe you should be asking why Trump hasn’t been directing Barr to look into that. He is the president, he does have some pull for those types of things.

Are you saying you want a memo from Trump to Barr, directing him to attack his political opponents under the authority of the DoJ, splashed on every front page and chiron in the nation? Because I certainly don't! :fie:

Life's a Hillary
08-20-20, 11:14
The most pressing attack vs. Trump was the Russia Hoax. He has had to focus what few RELIABLE resources he has on debunking/punishing that. The other harms have been done etc...long ago. Russia etc...goes directly to his chances of being re elected. You will notice that even now they are releasing Russia related information trying to keep it going with their base and low information voters even though its' been fully debunked. MAYBE, he gets to Hillary et al in a Second Term- but none of that matters WITHOUT a Second Term.

Whatever you say bud, I’m sure we’ll get the hearing protection act too if he gets a second term...

08-20-20, 11:19
Whatever you say bud, I’m sure we’ll get the hearing protection act too if he gets a second term...

I was never one of the people saying we would get the HPA. Hell, I didn't EVEN VOTE FOR THE GUY- and am on record here previously saying so. So don't try to paint me as being MR. MAGA or whatever the hell the label might be. I'm just pointing out that the most obvious political (or any sort of) threats have to be dealt with first.

08-20-20, 11:39
It seems pretty straightforward. They said all the money would go towards the wall if the money didn’t go towards the wall and went towards other stuff then he’s got a problem.

I’ve never understood the hatred for Bannon, but I think a lot of Ben Shapiro, who doesn’t think very much of Bannon. When you actually watch videos with Bannon he comes across as a fairly intelligent and thoughtful and strategic player.

08-20-20, 11:58
Bannon is CIA and infiltrated the Trump admin so he could shoehorn ol' Bombs Away Bolton into the National Security Adviser spot.

08-20-20, 12:22
It seems pretty straightforward. They said all the money would go towards the wall if the money didn’t go towards the wall and went towards other stuff then he’s got a problem.

I’ve never understood the hatred for Bannon, but I think a lot of Ben Shapiro, who doesn’t think very much of Bannon. When you actually watch videos with Bannon he comes across as a fairly intelligent and thoughtful and strategic player.

Really? Then why aren’t the Clintons in jail? There’s little to any correlation between what someone says and what happens with the money. There has to be a crime, and taking your money and spending it on administration isn’t a crime or every church in America would be closed. Well, more closed or whatever, you know what I mean.

Either this is SDNY law fare or there’re crimes we don’t know about.

Dr. Bullseye
08-20-20, 12:58
The Dept. of Justice has had four years to go after the Clinton Foundation. That was a pay to play operation. Where are they? Four years to go after Hillary Clinton for obstruction in destroying emails. Where are they? Four years to go after the conspirators of the Obamagate coupe. Where are they?

08-20-20, 12:58
Really? Then why aren’t the Clintons in jail? There’s little to any correlation between what someone says and what happens with the money. There has to be a crime, and taking your money and spending it on administration isn’t a crime or every church in America would be closed. Well, more closed or whatever, you know what I mean.

Either this is SDNY law fare or there’re crimes we don’t know about.

Then again, I don't trust the SDNY to be objective anywhere Trump's (or acquaintances) are concerned.

08-20-20, 13:30
Dems are at peak desperation at this point it would seem

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08-20-20, 13:40
Dems are at peak desperation at this point it would seem

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Now remember that we haven't seen anything yet. The "October Surprise" is yet to come. :(

08-20-20, 13:46
Dems are at peak desperation at this point it would seem

You would be too if we had that miserable ticket and message.

just a scout
08-20-20, 15:19
This is all about the election. The indictments are from SDNY who is the same guy trying to get Trumps tax returns. Who is also a Soros disciple and a hard corps Leftist.

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The Dumb Gun Collector
08-20-20, 21:20
Sounds like Bannon got caught running a scam. You can get arrested for that.

08-21-20, 00:00
I would however agree, Since no one has taken the time to look at the Clinton's finances, how are we sure?

Not saying they’re doing a bang-up job, but hasn’t the Clinton Foundation been under federal scrutiny for years now? Most recent Sessions ran an investigation thru the USAG in Utah.

As for Bannon, I’m not sure what to say about taking donations to build the wall. Is that a thing? Can the US Gov take donations to finance security infrastructure?

Sent from 80ms in the future

08-21-20, 00:06
Didn't John Bolton and Bannon sort of fall by the wayside at nearly the same time? I don't know enough about Bannon to lay blame or guilt, but I am not the kind of person to hitch my wagon too quickly to these D.C. insiders. They always seem to disappoint. I spent some time at the Pentagon and at Fort Meade, and the mentality in that area always involved favors, influence and money. It's not the real world.

The American Conservative is always looking for heroes and leaders to place on pedestals - people who think like us and are looking out for us. A lot don't, and are only looking out for their own power and money. If he's innocent, I feel sorry the system that he thrived on turned and bit him. If he's a crook, too bad.

08-21-20, 06:29
Didn't John Bolton and Bannon sort of fall by the wayside at nearly the same time? I don't know enough about Bannon to lay blame or guilt, but I am not the kind of person to hitch my wagon too quickly to these D.C. insiders. They always seem to disappoint. I spent some time at the Pentagon and at Fort Meade, and the mentality in that area always involved favors, influence and money. It's not the real world.

The American Conservative is always looking for heroes and leaders to place on pedestals - people who think like us and are looking out for us. A lot don't, and are only looking out for their own power and money. If he's innocent, I feel sorry the system that he thrived on turned and bit him. If he's a crook, too bad.

Seems like most of the political system is built on scams and scratching each other's backs. If one person falls out of line there's always dirt to go get them with based on technicalities and shit that 99% of the public will never have to deal with. Thats how these Trump orbiting people are getting snatched up. Or in Flynn's case they just make up a crime and threaten your kid if you don't confess to their made up crime. If you're part of the 'in crew' keeping the system going then no one gives two shits and you can do whatever you want.

Clinton and people in her orbit have committed all kinds of law, rule, and subpoena violations yet not a single one of them has even been charged. She was ordered to turn over her emails, and had a team of lawyers going through them then failed to turn over shit she should have. Her meeting with the FBI was with a team of lawyers while Flynn gets ambushed at home and gets lied to about the nature of the meeting. Roger Stone gets a SWAT team and CNN crew.

Breaking the law is one thing but the law doesn't mean shit if its selectively applied and then weaponized. Laws only have validity if the application is impartial and blind. Anything less is tyranny and removes the moral authority of the government if attempts to remedy the situation fail.

What are people supposed to do when Antifa/BLM, Democrats, swamp-rats, and corrupt technocrats are all implicitly exempted from the rule of law? This is not just a DC problem but has been happening at the local level with the rioters being released without charges but started before this when the IRS was targeting right wing groups. When people stop giving a shit about breaking laws on a large scale, get released so they can do the same thing the next day, and on the flip side are suppressed into silence or inaction then we're going to be in a shit sandwich that will be exponentially harder to recover from than what we're going through right now.

08-21-20, 07:22
Seems like most of the political system is built on scams and scratching each other's backs. If one person falls out of line there's always dirt to go get them with based on technicalities and shit that 99% of the public will never have to deal with. Thats how these Trump orbiting people are getting snatched up. Or in Flynn's case they just make up a crime and threaten your kid if you don't confess to their made up crime. If you're part of the 'in crew' keeping the system going then no one gives two shits and you can do whatever you want.

Clinton and people in her orbit have committed all kinds of law, rule, and subpoena violations yet not a single one of them has even been charged. She was ordered to turn over her emails, and had a team of lawyers going through them then failed to turn over shit she should have. Her meeting with the FBI was with a team of lawyers while Flynn gets ambushed at home and gets lied to about the nature of the meeting. Roger Stone gets a SWAT team and CNN crew.

Breaking the law is one thing but the law doesn't mean shit if its selectively applied and then weaponized. Laws only have validity if the application is impartial and blind. Anything less is tyranny and removes the moral authority of the government if attempts to remedy the situation fail.

What are people supposed to do when Antifa/BLM, Democrats, swamp-rats, and corrupt technocrats are all implicitly exempted from the rule of law? This is not just a DC problem but has been happening at the local level with the rioters being released without charges but started before this when the IRS was targeting right wing groups. When people stop giving a shit about breaking laws on a large scale, get released so they can do the same thing the next day, and on the flip side are suppressed into silence or inaction then we're going to be in a shit sandwich that will be exponentially harder to recover from than what we're going through right now.

People are supposed to do what our founders intended and throw off the chains of tyranny and would be usurpers by way of violence.

Thousands of armed men and women marched on Richmond to protest draconian feel good gun ban bullshit and not one window was broke let alone the governor strung up by a lamp pole. He wasn’t even home.

Cuomo kills thousands with his nursing home covid stunt and nobody marched on Albany and burned the governors mansion to the ground.

And those are just two state level examples.

There’s simply not enough like minded folks in our country with the appetite to hold the system accountable. Sure push come to shove some people will get rowdy and I imagine most on here would/will do what’s necessary but in a collective sense the American population just doesn’t have it in them any more. The good times have lasted long enough and people forget or have grown indifferent.

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08-21-20, 07:59
People are supposed to do what our founders intended and throw off the chains of tyranny and would be usurpers by way of violence.

Thousands of armed men and women marched on Richmond to protest draconian feel good gun ban bullshit and not one window was broke let alone the governor strung up by a lamp pole. He wasn’t even home.

Cuomo kills thousands with his nursing home covid stunt and nobody marched on Albany and burned the governors mansion to the ground.

And those are just two state level examples.

There’s simply not enough like minded folks in our country with the appetite to hold the system accountable. Sure push come to shove some people will get rowdy and I imagine most on here would/will do what’s necessary but in a collective sense the American population just doesn’t have it in them any more. The good times have lasted long enough and people forget or have grown indifferent.

I think it has been pointed out on this forum that at some point, this Country will have so many laws, that it would impossible to avoid committing some kind of crime - either by omission or commission. People break laws all the time, including cheating on taxes, traffic moving violations (speed), etc.

In the gun game, people defy and violate State laws all the time, including in this State. I bought my first AK type of weapon when they were first imported in the early 1980's. In the past 20 years, it became a boutique thing to build your own AK, or modify a ban-era weapon with a folding stock, pistol grip and put on a muzzle brake. You had rules such as 922r with US Parts counts. That has been ignored by perhaps hundreds of thousand of gun owners or more. Then you have the fine line between and SBR and a legal 16 inch barrel. You might or might not be surprised at the number of short barrel rifles with no tax stamp.

Americans are naturally defiant of any and all laws if they are just process crimes and don't involve others. Bannon's "crime" may have been something that took advantage of other people. If that's the case, then he's a turd. If not and it's just a political thing, remember that if you enter a pigsty, you're gonna get dirty one way or another. As I have said before, all politics is local. The average citizen doesn't care if a crook in D.C. gets caught. They're too busy surviving and paying the bills for it to be more than a passing thought.

08-21-20, 08:02
Cuomo kills thousands with his nursing home covid stunt

If you take a minute and think about putting Covid Patients in Nursing Homes, How was this ever a good idea? If you then say, well it doesn't pass the common sense test, why was it done? Then if you start looking at what was done when the bad idea started killing people how can you defend any of it?
At best it was a totally incompetent move Hospital beds were available, they were Military Hospitals put there at the order of our President. So there was room, there were many better places to treat the Covid Patients than Nursing Homes.
At worst and this is a stretch, it was a Machiavellian power play to gin up the numbers, make the POTUS look incompetent and push forward the Socialist Progressive power play to obtain the Presidency.

08-21-20, 08:12
If you take a minute and think about putting Covid Patients in Nursing Homes, How was this ever a good idea? If you then say, well it doesn't pass the common sense test, why was it done? Then if you start looking at what was done when the bad idea started killing people how can you defend any of it?
At best it was a totally incompetent move Hospital beds were available, they were Military Hospitals put there at the order of our President. So there was room, there were many better places to treat the Covid Patients than Nursing Homes.
At worst and this is a stretch, it was a Machiavellian power play to gin up the numbers, make the POTUS look incompetent and push forward the Socialist Progressive power play to obtain the Presidency.It's actually worse than that. Officially something like 6k nursing home patients died. However that's only those who died in the nursing homes. Those who died in hospitals were not counted

"The concerns stemmed from the state Department of Health decision to only report the number of nursing home residents who died of COVID-19 inside the facility, omitting those who died at hospitals

As a result, New York’s current official COVID-19 death toll of 6,421 nursing home residents could be missing at least 1,600 virus-related fatalities connected to the long-term care facilities, according to health policy researchers and advocates."


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08-21-20, 08:28
I think it has been pointed out on this forum that at some point, this Country will have so many laws, that it would impossible to avoid committing some kind of crime - either by omission or commission. People break laws all the time, including cheating on taxes, traffic moving violations (speed), etc.

In the gun game, people defy and violate State laws all the time, including in this State. I bought my first AK type of weapon when they were first imported in the early 1980's. In the past 20 years, it became a boutique thing to build your own AK, or modify a ban-era weapon with a folding stock, pistol grip and put on a muzzle brake. You had rules such as 922r with US Parts counts. That has been ignored by perhaps hundreds of thousand of gun owners or more. Then you have the fine line between and SBR and a legal 16 inch barrel. You might or might not be surprised at the number of short barrel rifles with no tax stamp.

Americans are naturally defiant of any and all laws if they are just process crimes and don't involve others. Bannon's "crime" may have been something that took advantage of other people. If that's the case, then he's a turd. If not and it's just a political thing, remember that if you enter a pigsty, you're gonna get dirty one way or another. As I have said before, all politics is local. The average citizen doesn't care if a crook in D.C. gets caught. They're too busy surviving and paying the bills for it to be more than a passing thought.

It doesn’t help when a significant portion of gun owners and “pro 2A supporters” like to get their rocks off playing junior G-men and appointing themselves mag capacity, 922r barrel pinning, NFA enforcement and compliance commandants.... I’ve never seen such a collection of b*#^h made losers than I have amongst gun owners. And these folks are going to somehow hoist the black flag if the time ever comes? Lolz.

Sure plenty ignore BS laws but not enough....

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08-21-20, 08:31
If you take a minute and think about putting Covid Patients in Nursing Homes, How was this ever a good idea? If you then say, well it doesn't pass the common sense test, why was it done? Then if you start looking at what was done when the bad idea started killing people how can you defend any of it?
At best it was a totally incompetent move Hospital beds were available, they were Military Hospitals put there at the order of our President. So there was room, there were many better places to treat the Covid Patients than Nursing Homes.
At worst and this is a stretch, it was a Machiavellian power play to gin up the numbers, make the POTUS look incompetent and push forward the Socialist Progressive power play to obtain the Presidency.

The only conceivable line of thinking was that it was some how intentional... either they intended to throw a curtain over the infected to hide them and make themselves look good or they wanted people to die to make trump look bad.

Obviously I think it was the latter since Cuomo and his ilk would never be held accountable by the public and they knew it.

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08-21-20, 08:57
I can see someone who is distraught deciding to do a little roof top recall after losing a parent or grandparent to this political move.
The Cuomo family has gone way to far and made too many enemies to remain unscathed.

08-21-20, 09:57
The only conceivable line of thinking was that it was some how intentional... either they intended to throw a curtain over the infected to hide them and make themselves look good or they wanted people to die to make trump look bad.

Obviously I think it was the latter since Cuomo and his ilk would never be held accountable by the public and they knew it.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkMake Trump look bad was always the #1 goal. When stopping flights from China he was racist! Pelosi and De Blasio held an outdoor press conference in NYC surrounded by Chinese people about how racist Trump was and how New Yorkers shouldn't listen to him and go about their lives like nothing is happening and encouraging people to attend the upcoming festival....etc . TWO days later NY was in lockdown and then the focus was all on how Trump didn't provide enough PPE and ventilators

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08-21-20, 10:04
It doesn’t help when a significant portion of gun owners and “pro 2A supporters” like to get their rocks off playing junior G-men and appointing themselves mag capacity, 922r barrel pinning, NFA enforcement and compliance commandants.... I’ve never seen such a collection of b*#^h made losers than I have amongst gun owners. And these folks are going to somehow hoist the black flag if the time ever comes? Lolz.

Sure plenty ignore BS laws but not enough....

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Sad to say it but you are right.

08-21-20, 10:07
Make Trump look bad was always the #1 goal. When stopping flights from China he was racist! Pelosi and De Blasio held an outdoor press conference in NYC surrounded by Chinese people about how racist Trump was and how New Yorkers shouldn't listen to him and go about their lives like nothing is happening and encouraging people to attend the upcoming festival....etc . TWO days later NY was in lockdown and then the focus was all on how Trump didn't provide enough PPE and ventilators

And on March 4th, a whole pile of Congress creatures (Pelosi included) were at the DAR Constitution Hall in DC giving Garth Brooks the Library of Congress George Gershwin Prize, complete with full concert and no masks, social distancing, etc. This was at the same time the average citizen was getting lectured on how we are supposed to act during a pandemic.

08-21-20, 12:55
The only good thing I can say about this is jail will give Bannon an opportunity to dry out.

08-21-20, 17:08
So explain to me how the Mayor of Chicago can say you can riot anywhere you want except for my neighborhood? Corrupt is corrupt, it shouldn't matter to what degree, if you are a public servant, then serve.
People get a foot in the door and suddenly the believe they deserve the whole house. I will say this it doesn't look good for Bannon at all.

08-21-20, 17:30
If QAnon is real, and there really is a movement getting ready to conduct mass-arrests of these traitors, what are they waiting for? Now is clearly the time. Which is why I don’t believe in QAnon; nothing has happened.

*Trump loses, the dnc /deep state wipe ALL the illegal spying and corruption by the Obama admin away. They’re going to get away with everything.*

*Q anons: “just wait, the pieces are nearly in place . . . “

08-21-20, 18:51
So explain to me how the Mayor of Chicago can say you can riot anywhere you want except for my neighborhood? Corrupt is corrupt, it shouldn't matter to what degree, if you are a public servant, then serve.
People get a foot in the door and suddenly the believe they deserve the whole house. I will say this it doesn't look good for Bannon at all.

That bitch was also getting her hair done while everyone else was locked down. Her reasoning was that she's on TV a lot.

08-21-20, 19:19
That bitch was also getting her hair done while everyone else was locked down. Her reasoning was that she's on TV a lot.

Honestly Mother Nature was not good to that woman. Getting her hair and make-up done might just keep her from going on TV and scaring my Dog.
For her, it's Public Service.

08-21-20, 20:44
Honestly Mother Nature was not good to that woman. Getting her hair and make-up done might just keep her from going on TV and scaring my Dog.
For her, it's Public Service.
If re-make of Beetlejuice was done, and Michael Keaton declined the role, I know where they could find a stand in:


08-21-20, 20:47
If re-make of Beetlejuice was done, and Michael Keaton declined the role, I know where they could find a stand in:


Don't forget these are the same people who swept the Jussie Smollett hoax under the rug.

The audio with her one and the alderman is also very enlightening.

08-22-20, 01:28
The only good thing I can say about this is jail will give Bannon an opportunity to dry out.

You see the belly on that beast??? He not only looks pregnant, he looks like he is 'carrying low' and is about to pop... odd.

The public perception of Bannon versus what I see when he is interviewed is so diametrically opposed, I don't understand it. He comes across as intelligent, well spoken and on OK guy. But he is about the only guy in the right that Ben Shapiro talks bad about...

08-22-20, 15:38
You see the belly on that beast??? He not only looks pregnant, he looks like he is 'carrying low' and is about to pop... odd.

The public perception of Bannon versus what I see when he is interviewed is so diametrically opposed, I don't understand it. He comes across as intelligent, well spoken and on OK guy. But he is about the only guy in the right that Ben Shapiro talks bad about...

People take Ben Shapiro seriously??? He didn't know that vaginas are self lubricating.

08-22-20, 16:49
That bitch was also getting her hair done while everyone else was locked down. Her reasoning was that she's on TV a lot.

Oh it gets even better. Now we have clips of her explaining why she's justified in having taxpayer funded police, protecting her own house and her neighborhood. While the rest of poor folks in Chicago have no police protection, and face heavy restrictions in their ability to get a firearm to defend themselves. But hey, she's special, she has to LEAD THE CITY, those little people just aren't as important as ole Lesbo Lori.


08-22-20, 18:20
The MSM is claiming that they have e-mail and due to the e-mail now a paper trail.
It's going to be interesting.