View Full Version : Turned my retired vibratory brass cleaner into a parts cleaner

08-22-20, 23:58
Built me a wet stainless steel pin tumbling brass cleaner and found I had no use for my Lyman vibratory brass cleaner. That is until I had a brain storming moment.
I figured why not come up with a way to attach a sturdy heavy duty Tupperware plastic container to the lid of my vibratory cleaner add some of my home brew liquid gun cleaner and wha-la I'd have a very low cost vibrating gun and parts cleaner.

Started buy cutting a 2x8 10" long and first drilled a 1/4" hole dead center all the way through.
Next took a step bit and enlarged the 1/4" hole to an appropriate sized counter sunk hole to allow the 2x8 to fit over the rubber coated nut that secures the lid to the body of the tub that holds the polishing media taking care to only go as deep as I needed to allow the 2x8 to sit flat on the lid.
Next took a scrap piece of 3/8" plywood about 26" square and screwed self tapping "I bolts" into the four corners of the 3/8" plywood.
Then set the Lyman vibrating media polisher roughly center of the plywood and placed a very sturdy 12"x8" Tupperware container with a good sealing lid on the 2x8.
Next took two 12" bungee cords connecting one hook to the left "I bolt" up and over the Tupperware container cross corner to the right "I bolt" and repeated the process for the other side of the container.
Lastly took two 8" bungee cords and connecting to the same "I" bolts went left to right then right to left around the tub of the polisher to aid keeping it in place.

Put about 20oz of my 50/50 WD40 and odorless mineral spirits DIY parts cleaner submerged one of my disassembled BCG's in a smaller Tupperware container with very small holes in it and no lid and almost and entire disassembled Ruger 22/45 and turned it on and let it sit for 1 hour. Took an additional precaution of doing this first try out on the concrete floor of my garage.

Came back in an hour and was very pleasantly surprised. Worked very well the bungee cords kept everything securely in place and the Tupperware didn't leak a drop. Turned it back on and let it go for 90 more minuets and again no issues what so ever, and the parts were clean save for a small amount of built up carbon on the BCG's bolt and lead in the 22/45's barrel.

Granted this was but two uses, and it's not able to heat the solvent, but I still have high expectations for this poor mans vibrating solvent bath cleaner. At the vary least I repurposed a piece of equipment for very little money (<$15) actually I spent $9 for the bungees, $2.80 for the "I" bolts and already had the lumber and Tupperware container.

Just a suggestion for those like me who no longer or seldom use their perfectly good working vibrating media cleaners. I did this was about as basic and cheap as I could get.

08-23-20, 18:15
It's great that you can repurpose something into possibly being better than its original use. When you get a chance, post some pictures of your handiwork as well as before/after of parts.

08-24-20, 10:53
You can also pull a windshield wiper spray unit from a vehicle and create a spray unit for parts. This is helpful for nooks and crannies.
Good Job, I love to see stuff repurposed and given a new life.

08-24-20, 13:40
It's great that you can repurpose something into possibly being better than its original use. When you get a chance, post some pictures of your handiwork as well as before/after of parts.

Might be a while but will do.

It worked very well. Vibrates so much I have to take measures to secure it in place on a table as it will walk right off if not.

08-24-20, 18:55

08-24-20, 19:41
My Lyman tumbler came with a bowl for liquid media. It's good to know there is actually a use for it.
