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View Full Version : Teflon lubes

08-23-20, 17:03
Anyone see anything wrong with being using aerosol teflon in an alcohol suspension for the buffer, spring and inside the buffer tube. Dosen't attract moisture, seems to last a pretty long time, can't really think of any negative reasons not to use it, what do you guys think? Thanks for looking......

08-23-20, 17:39
That might work ok for a bit but I would be worried about it migrating down or evaporating during firing.

I have used a very light coat of auto moly grease for decades on multiple ARs. No sproing, stays where it's needed, and lasts past where the rest of the gun needs to be cleaned anyways.

It was recommended on a popular forum a long time ago by a respected armorer/user. It was cheap and it works great.


08-24-20, 11:39
For what reason? What are you trying to improve?

I have always just lightly lubed the spring and both in military and my own shooting have never had issues.

08-24-20, 12:24
Just trying to prevent metal to metal contact. The alcohol carrier evaporates in a minute so there's no issue of migration. The buffer doesn't really have to be lubricated, it was just a thought. Thanks for looking....

08-24-20, 15:20
I like DuPont Chain Saver. 6 bucks at Walmart. The carrier/solvent evaporates leaving a wax like film you can see. I use it for many things around the house including bike chains/cables and door locks. Having said that I'll agree with Robertsk1.... We are attempting to solve a nonexistent problem.

08-24-20, 17:21
Mil-Spec buffer tubes should already be Dry Film Lubed. If yours isnt then I suppose you cound try it. Just be careful with how it might react with the lube you use on your BCG. When some lubracants are mixed they try to eat eachother and become a cosmoline like sludge.