View Full Version : Hurricane Laura: BLM's time to shine!

08-26-20, 16:19
As there are PLENTY of black folk to BE saving in Louisiana, BLM - a 501C-3 organization - is running buses out of the projected-to-be-affected areas today, right?

They have tractor-trailers of resources - clean water, diapers, canned good, clothing, debit cards, bedding, and other emergency resources, staging in TX, AR, and MS - ready to rush in, when the storm is over, right?

BLM has sent up phone banks, for refugees to contact out-of-state relatives, to let them know their status & condition, as well as to collect funds & resources from others, to HELP these soon-to-be-affected black lives, RIGHT?

BLM is coordinating other resources from their chapters across the country - doctors, nurses, & rescue workers - as well as lining up volunteers to come help clean up debris, rebuild houses and businesses, and help these poor black folks, whose lives WILL be affected by the storm and its aftermath, for months & years to come, RIGHT?

THIS is BLM's time to shine, and show America what they're TRULY made of - and that black lives MATTER most, because they are in NEED, and BLM is THERE to help!

RIGHT?! :confused:

08-26-20, 16:49
This can go along with all of the other great things they are doing for inner city minorities. I seem to have lost that list though.

08-26-20, 16:51
BLM could care less about the poor bastards down there. The white (for the most part)Cajun Navy will be out with their boats tomorrow afternoon picking the people who survived off of their roofs while the democrats are busy blaming Trump for the deaths.

Dr. Bullseye
08-26-20, 17:06
BLM is incompetent so we don't even need to entertain their efforts a hurricane relief. The Cajun Navy, FEMA, Coast Guard, etc. will do whatever they can to save lives regardless of race. I am reminded of Katrina and those helpless people on the roofs trying to flag down helicopters. I hope everyone evacuated and there is little loss of life.

08-26-20, 17:32
Black lives matter, a statement; absolutely black lives matter. We are equal and the treatment needs to be as such across the board in every way.

Black lives matter, the foundation and politically motivated and funded groups; Nope. Cannot and will not support that bullshit used to incite and divide us.

08-26-20, 18:21
Black lives matter, a statement; absolutely black lives matter. We are equal and the treatment needs to be as such across the board in every way.

I would suggest that "some" black lives matter just as I would suggest "some" white lives matter and the same holds true for every other category of humans on the planet.

But "[insert race or nationality here] Live Matter" as an absolute statement I disagree with. Any part of any group who are habitual violent offenders, pedophiles or people of that type have zero value of any kind. There are predatory feral humans (of all skin pigment shades) that simply need to be dead and gone.

That said and clarified, I understand your basic generalization and support the idea that everyone begins from a basic standard of equality, or at least they should.

08-26-20, 18:56
I can report that here in north LA, where it will be a tropical storm tomorrow around 1300, there is no run on the stores like the last tropical storm. I think C19 has actually taught some people a lesson.

08-26-20, 19:12
Black lives matter, a statement; absolutely black lives matter. We are equal and the treatment needs to be as such across the board in every way.

Black lives matter, the foundation and politically motivated and funded groups; Nope. Cannot and will not support that bullshit used to incite and divide us.

Equality is myth. Equality under the law, sure. Past that nah. Reality says otherwise and it's a matter of personal choice.

08-26-20, 20:40
Black lives do matter, 100%. Not the marxist organization, the concept. Black, brown, white, yellow, red - life is a precious gift. If the BLM marxists cared about black lives, they would burn, loot, and murder near Planned Parenthood for taking that gift overwhelmingly from unborn black children.


08-26-20, 20:48
They're waiting for the first black American to be killed by Laura, so Laura can be labelled racist, and they can riot and destroy whatever Laura doesn't. Then they will complain that the Gubmint needs to come fix their shit.

08-26-20, 23:37
Black lives matter, a statement; absolutely black lives matter. We are equal and the treatment needs to be as such across the board in every way.

Black lives matter, the foundation and politically motivated and funded groups; Nope. Cannot and will not support that bullshit used to incite and divide us.

Bolded: “needs to be”. How isn’t it currently that it “needs to be”?

I agree that equality of opportunity and everyone’s life matters until they decide to do evil/criminal shit, then it’s on them if the outcome is heinous for them and screw them.

I do not believe equality of outcome is “fair” and I do not see how black people aren’t equal and how black peoples lives “don’t matter” currently.

Care to shed some light on that for me?

08-26-20, 23:39
I can report that here in north LA, where it will be a tropical storm tomorrow around 1300, there is no run on the stores like the last tropical storm. I think C19 has actually taught some people a lesson.

Any liquor left on the shelf? (South La expat).

I’m trying to see if my agency will let me head down there if needed.

08-27-20, 02:20
As there are PLENTY of black folk to BE saving in Louisiana, BLM - a 501C-3 organization - is running buses out of the projected-to-be-affected areas today, right?

They have tractor-trailers of resources - clean water, diapers, canned good, clothing, debit cards, bedding, and other emergency resources, staging in TX, AR, and MS - ready to rush in, when the storm is over, right?

BLM has sent up phone banks, for refugees to contact out-of-state relatives, to let them know their status & condition, as well as to collect funds & resources from others, to HELP these soon-to-be-affected black lives, RIGHT?

BLM is coordinating other resources from their chapters across the country - doctors, nurses, & rescue workers - as well as lining up volunteers to come help clean up debris, rebuild houses and businesses, and help these poor black folks, whose lives WILL be affected by the storm and its aftermath, for months & years to come, RIGHT?

THIS is BLM's time to shine, and show America what they're TRULY made of - and that black lives MATTER most, because they are in NEED, and BLM is THERE to help!

RIGHT?! :confused:

I hope you are not holding your breath...

08-27-20, 03:42
Equality is myth. Equality under the law, sure. Past that nah. Reality says otherwise and it's a matter of personal choice.

I would accept "equality under the law" as a decent starting point. Then everyone is on their own and it should be as much of a meritocracy as possible.

If that means the Ivy League schools are predominantly Jewish and Asian, so be it. They come from cultures that value education, they should earn the benefits.

If that means professional sports are almost 100% black guys, if they run the ball fastest they deserve the top spots.

I would cheerfully work for a boss who is senior to me because he is smarter, more capable or more experienced. It would be a nice change, I could learn a LOT from a person like that. Cause when I've only been working some place a couple months and have already figured out dozens of ways the boss could do things cheaper, more efficiently or simply in a more productive environment...that's when I know this is going to suck.

If suburban white kids want to be gang bangers by all means move them to the hood. We can trade them for hood kids who want to be engineers or physics majors.

08-27-20, 06:14
The only people to come to save blacks, whites, any living being will be the Cajun Navy.

08-27-20, 07:51
BLM doesn't care about anything except police violence against black criminals. And, I say "violence" and not "brutality" because they don't care if the violence is justified or not. They use to stupidest excuses as to why they don't address black on black crime, police brutality against other races, black police officers being murdered, or other societal issues. It's always some bullshit like "Well, that's like asking a cancer research group why they aren't researching AIDS." So, yeah, it's going to be crickets when it comes to delivering aid after this hurricane, because it's "not their mission" to help out anybody, including black people, who are victims of anything except police violence.

08-27-20, 11:43
Bolded: “needs to be”. How isn’t it currently that it “needs to be”?

I agree that equality of opportunity and everyone’s life matters until they decide to do evil/criminal shit, then it’s on them if the outcome is heinous for them and screw them.

I do not believe equality of outcome is “fair” and I do not see how black people aren’t equal and how black peoples lives “don’t matter” currently.

Care to shed some light on that for me?

You ever get stopped by the Police for being somewhere after dark, just for being there? Has your skin color ever made it so you did not qualify for a job? You ever get watched extra hard in a convenient store because you are a different color?

Equality, and treating people as equal has has nothing to do with equality of OUTCOME. That's not what I was talking about. We are all from different walks, different locations, different tribes, but all the same damn species. Equality to me is believing that every human is deserving of respect and fair treatment until proven otherwise. Character over personal prejudices, skin color, etc. I get that's crazy hard for some people on this forum to recognize though.

08-27-20, 12:19
You ever get stopped by the Police for being somewhere after dark, just for being there?

Yes, the police will totally stop a young white man driving in a primarily Black (or Hispanic) neighborhood.

Has your skin color ever made it so you did not qualify for a job?

A white male is the only person this can happen to LEGALLY.


P.S. I'm not blind to racism, my marriage and children are both bi-racial, and I simply believe than skin color is a pretty poor metric to judge another person by.

08-27-20, 12:30
You ever get stopped by the Police for being somewhere after dark, just for being there? Has your skin color ever made it so you did not qualify for a job? You ever get watched extra hard in a convenient store because you are a different color?

Equality, and treating people as equal has has nothing to do with equality of OUTCOME. That's not what I was talking about. We are all from different walks, different locations, different tribes, but all the same damn species. Equality to me is believing that every human is deserving of respect and fair treatment until proven otherwise. Character over personal prejudices, skin color, etc. I get that's crazy hard for some people on this forum to recognize though.

Yes, I have been pulled over, and confronted while parked by LEO’s after dark just for being out.

I can’t say my skin color has played a role in getting or not getting a job- can you say with 100% accuracy that tour skin color has kept you from getting a job- not just thinking it, but that’s confirmed as why?

I’ve absolutely been watched very closely in convenient stores and other places in my life, and yes it was a black guy eyeball screwing me as a white dude- at least I’m sort of white. I can’t say for sure it was due to the difference in our skin pigment/color.

I get it, some people are racist. Not everyone is and the “system” isn’t racist. Nothing’s gonna change that, dude. Especially not criminal activity and preferential treatment/reverse racism.

08-27-20, 13:23
Follow the money, nobody in the profit margin is going to actually give that shi+ away.

08-27-20, 15:54
As there are PLENTY of black folk to BE saving in Louisiana, BLM - a 501C-3 organization - is running buses out of the projected-to-be-affected areas today, right?

They have tractor-trailers of resources - clean water, diapers, canned good, clothing, debit cards, bedding, and other emergency resources, staging in TX, AR, and MS - ready to rush in, when the storm is over, right?

BLM has sent up phone banks, for refugees to contact out-of-state relatives, to let them know their status & condition, as well as to collect funds & resources from others, to HELP these soon-to-be-affected black lives, RIGHT?

BLM is coordinating other resources from their chapters across the country - doctors, nurses, & rescue workers - as well as lining up volunteers to come help clean up debris, rebuild houses and businesses, and help these poor black folks, whose lives WILL be affected by the storm and its aftermath, for months & years to come, RIGHT?

THIS is BLM's time to shine, and show America what they're TRULY made of - and that black lives MATTER most, because they are in NEED, and BLM is THERE to help!

RIGHT?! :confused:

I am sure they are heading down there with buses, U-hauls and tractor trailers. But only to haul back all the goods they looted.