View Full Version : So let me get this straight...

08-30-20, 05:30
We just had a gunfight between members of an international terrorist organization and militia in a small American city in the midwest. And the media, police, and courts are taking the side of the terrorists, even though they started the fight, seemingly unprovoked, when they cornered a kid who was trying to give someone medical aid.

Am I missing something?

08-30-20, 06:30
No, they are missing something called integrity.

08-30-20, 06:36
Of course you're missing something. That kid didn't understand that Black Lives Matter. He thinks that all lives matter, and that property rights are relevant. So they had to throw objects at him, bludgeon him with a skateboard, and have a convicted felon illegally in possession of what appears to be a Glock (looks a lot like the seven I own from the pics) run up on him to do him harm.

We've hit peak insanity, and it's what the left wants. Elect uncle Joe and auntie Kamala and it will all go away... They don't realize that the center of the political spectrum isn't seeing this as a Republican problem.

08-30-20, 06:55
Now and again I watch Sargon of Akkad’s vids and here he does an interesting breakdown of a debate between two guys with differing opinions on the Kenosha shooting. Sargon is interesting in that way back when I don’t think he was particularly pro-gun or pro-self defense, unsurprising as he’s a Briton, who are kind of conditioned to be anti-gun, however he seems to have really come around the last few years.

The Socialist “Vaush” argues that one should disarm and submit to the mob. It’s really quite mind boggling


08-30-20, 07:00
Elect uncle Joe and auntie Kamala and it will all go away...

Except in that case, with a sympathetic political regime in power, all these irregular forces are just going to feel emboldened to start initiating “reprisals” against the defeated “fascists”. Expect even more turning a blind eye to Leftist violence and even more heavy-handed treatment of citizens who defend themselves.

08-30-20, 07:27
We are living in crazy times where right is wrong and up is down. The MSM is the propaganda arm of the violent Left and 50%+/- of our elected officials support these cretins.

08-30-20, 08:17
We just had a gunfight between members of an international terrorist organization and militia in a small American city in the midwest. And the media, police, and courts are taking the side of the terrorists, even though they started the fight, seemingly unprovoked, when they cornered a kid who was trying to give someone medical aid.

Am I missing something?

Missing the fact one of them was a registered sex offender and did hard time for that particular crime.

You also missed the fact some immediately jumped to the "white nationalist" label for the shooter. That seems to have toned down in recent days since he got legal representation that ended up costing CNN and others a lot of money for doing the same thing.

08-30-20, 08:23
Missing the fact one of them was a registered sex offender and did hard time for that particular crime.

You also missed the fact some immediately jumped to the "white nationalist" label for the shooter. That seems to have toned down in recent days since he got legal representation that ended up costing CNN and others a lot of money for doing the same thing.

What I love most is how they all fail to mention that the guy he shot in the arm was about to shoot him. They totally skip over the fact that he was being chased down by an armed mob.

08-30-20, 08:29
Can't forget a member of the "squad", an elected official, labelled him a white supremacist and domestic terrorist. No facts, just fanning those flames.

08-30-20, 08:46
We are living in crazy times where right is wrong and up is down. The MSM is the propaganda arm of the violent Left and 50%+/- of our elected officials support these cretins.
That's why you have to change your operational approach in "crazy times". Work smarter, not harder. Those .22 magnum suppressed and scoped rifles are the key. Never give your enemy a target to retaliate against. Instead, give them "Unexpected death from unexpected places".

The domestic enemies on the streets will experience confusion and fear from it, LE forensic types will take months to investigate if at all, and the media will lack an identifiable Right-wing bogeyman to destroy. TV needs pictures of an enemy to attack.

08-30-20, 09:51
Except in that case, with a sympathetic political regime in power, all these irregular forces are just going to feel emboldened to start initiating “reprisals” against the defeated “fascists”. Expect even more turning a blind eye to Leftist violence and even more heavy-handed treatment of citizens who defend themselves.

And, more penalties for not wearing your masks.

08-30-20, 10:06
And, more penalties for not wearing your masks.

A virus so deadly you need to go out of your way to get tested to know if you even have it.

Humanity is a meme

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-30-20, 10:50
Masks working as intended.


08-30-20, 11:14

08-30-20, 12:12
No, they are missing something called integrity.

Much like their sockpuppet, SlowJoe, they're missing... you know - the thing! :rolleyes:


Dr. Bullseye
08-30-20, 13:21
Ahhhhhhh, I don't understand. You guys are talking like we are actually in a civil war.

08-30-20, 13:25
Masks working as intended.


That was mostly peaceful, just ask Punch Drunk Joe.

I cannot even describe how disgusted I am to see those worthless oxygen thieves walking around and destroying with impunity. Law enforcement should have been out there in force giving out hickory shampoos on every corner. Since this has been allowed the thugs know they will not be stopped- look at 5th Avenue in NY. The criminals put out an all call looting spree and and they sacked 5th Avenue. And since nothing was done this is the new norm. Until private citizens have enough and start capping more of the anarchists.

08-30-20, 13:37
That's why you have to change your operational approach in "crazy times". (stuff that should be edited)

You know they have people that likely frequent these forums, think tanks that analyze, consider tactics and all that good stuff right? Why put that out on an open forum?

El Pistolero
08-30-20, 13:47
You know they have people that likely frequent these forums, think tanks that analyze, consider tactics and all that good stuff right? Why put that out on an open forum?

So what? I agree with everything OH58D said. What do you think leftists are saying about us on their respective message boards?

Dr. Bullseye
08-30-20, 13:58
You know they have people that likely frequent these forums, think tanks that analyze, consider tactics and all that good stuff right? Why put that out on an open forum?

You are giving them much too much credit. "Oxygen thieves" fits them more closely.

08-30-20, 15:03
That's why you have to change your operational approach in "crazy times". Work smarter, not harder. Those .22 magnum suppressed and scoped rifles are the key. Never give your enemy a target to retaliate against. Instead, give them "Unexpected death from unexpected places".

We tested .22 magnum V .22 LR, for this role in Israel.

We went with .22 LR, lower sound signature and it did enough damage to do what it needed to do. We were after knee shots that would create cripples and for the leaders of the mobs head shots. All had to be done from covert hides and close in to get approval for the shots.

08-30-20, 15:10
We tested .22 magnum V .22 LR, for this role in Israel.

We went with .22 LR, lower sound signature and it did enough damage to do what it needed to do. We were after knee shots that would create cripples and for the leaders of the mobs head shots. All had to be done from covert hides and close in to get approval for the shots.

So what kind of distance for .22LR head shots? I'm thinking it can be suppressed, but you'll need a supersonic round anyway (so a little "crack" is unavoidable) to make it at least a decent distance. I'm strictly guessing here, but inside 100m?

08-30-20, 15:15
So what? I agree with everything OH58D said. What do you think leftists are saying about us on their respective message boards?
It's because everything that has ever been thought of, has already been done in some form or another, in some location or another. None of this is created in a vacuum.

During my Army Aviation days, I been involved in three well publicized civil wars, and one that got little media attention. Killing is done either quietly in the shadows, or it's done in broad daylight for everyone to see. The only variables are personnel, tactics and equipment.

08-30-20, 15:33
It's because everything that has ever been thought of, has already been done in some form or another, in some location or another. None of this is created in a vacuum.

During my Army Aviation days, I been involved in three well publicized civil wars, and one that got little media attention. Killing is done either quietly in the shadows, or it's done in broad daylight for everyone to see. The only variables are personnel, tactics and equipment.

I wouldn't be surprised if at some point infiltration and "False Flag" hits the table too, for both sides. What better way to stoke paranoia and turn a movement against itself than have a few of its members catch "Own Goal" rounds from their buddies and never figure out who among them was the traitor?

This is another one that, as OH58D notes, has a long history... Marxists in particular have a long history of pawn-sacrificing their own to make martyrs, so I wouldn't put the above scenario too much further a reach--frankly, I'd consider it LESS of one. And I'm just an armchair/acadmic student looking at proven past performance, it's a safe bet the pro planners (many of whom I would wager to be clinical sociopaths if not outright psychopaths) have even worse tricks lurking up their sleeves.

08-30-20, 15:40
Lay the entire blame for this where it goes, the MSM.
If the lie "LEO's are Hunting Black Men" gets put out there long enough and is picked up and carried forward as it has been, people start believing it. It is now in some circles taken for granted that yes it is true.
The MSM may not have come up with the lie, but they repeat it every thirty minutes if not directly, then by questioning every OIC, regardless of the circumstances. Then it got picked up by far left Politicians and they are using it to get re elected.
When you point out that most Black Men that are murdered are murdered by other Black men and not LEO's your shouted down and told to STFU.

When you're asking for accountability for Protests turning in to riots, look no further than the MSM. The Lies they are telling about these riots only seem to increase the tempo that they are happening.
The media calling them "Peaceful Protests" only seems to embolden the Rioters a step further so it is acknowledged as a riot and not a protest.

Interestingly enough I spoke to a lady today who went to school with the Father of "Skateboard Assaulter" in Kenosha.
She say's Dad refuses to acknowledge what his Son did, he's painting the picture that his Son was chasing a murderer. I'm sure if the MSM picks that up, they will run with it.
If you abuse a Constitutional right, you shouldn't be able to hide behind it in order to continue beating the crap out of America.

08-30-20, 15:46
You know they have people that likely frequent these forums, think tanks that analyze, consider tactics and all that good stuff right? Why put that out on an open forum?
What's the old saying: "The cat is out of the bag", or "The genie is out of the bottle". The unthinkable has already happened. We are now in the infant stages of a social and cultural shooting war in the United States. One side kills one, the other side kills one or two. As it progresses the shock factor wears off for the average citizen. The young man, Kenosha Kyle, is now a hero for one side, some ANTIFA or allied group shooter becomes a hero for their side. It's all predictable and has happened before in well known and little known places worldwide.

08-30-20, 15:58
We tested .22 magnum V .22 LR, for this role in Israel.

We went with .22 LR, lower sound signature and it did enough damage to do what it needed to do. We were after knee shots that would create cripples and for the leaders of the mobs head shots. All had to be done from covert hides and close in to get approval for the shots.

Interesting--I remember seeing something in the past about the Israelis using 10-22's (I think?) for that role. Unfortunately now I can't find any of it....

08-30-20, 16:00
Interesting--I remember seeing something in the past about the Israelis using 10-22's (I think?) for that role. Unfortunately now I can't find any of it....

I remember something to the effect of them using it (suppressed 10/22) for border security?

08-30-20, 16:04
Ah now I'm finding some of it:

08-30-20, 16:41
What's the old saying: "The cat is out of the bag", or "The genie is out of the bottle". The unthinkable has already happened. We are now in the infant stages of a social and cultural shooting war in the United States. One side kills one, the other side kills one or two. As it progresses the shock factor wears off for the average citizen. The young man, Kenosha Kyle, is now a hero for one side, some ANTIFA or allied group shooter becomes a hero for their side. It's all predictable and has happened before in well known and little known places worldwide.

Has he really achieved hero status? I thought we were still foggy on the details that led to that first shooting. If the first shoot was good, then subsequent ones were good. If not, then...

Either way, Antifa is going to be wanting revenge. They are going to have to prove to their members now that they will be avenged no matter what. Antifa operates like a cartel in that manner, where they viciously protect their own. That's how they cultivate blind loyalty in their members.

08-30-20, 16:55
Has he really achieved hero status? I thought we were still foggy on the details that led to that first shooting. If the first shoot was good, then subsequent ones were good. If not, then...

Either way, Antifa is going to be wanting revenge. They are going to have to prove to their members now that they will be avenged no matter what. Antifa operates like a cartel in that manner, where they viciously protect their own. That's how they cultivate blind loyalty in their members.
Regarding Kyle Rittenhouse, I don't think most care whether he was technically/legally in the right or not when he fired his first shot(s). He was there earlier in the day removing graffiti and trying to act in a positive way. He placed himself in an environment most people would shy away from. The "hero" status comes from a cool demeanor when faced with a potentially life threatening situation.

As a Dad and Father, I would be royally pissed if my kid took off to a hot zone like that. My wife still comments that he looks like a 14 or 15 year old just entering his sophomore year of high school. Another side of me looks at a young man with lots of potential, and courage, who may have his life ruined, yet knowing he tried to be on the right side of the best we have in America.

08-30-20, 20:15
I wonder how many recruiters have already tried calling him to offer him an 18X contract.

08-30-20, 20:29
Regarding Kyle Rittenhouse, I don't think most care whether he was technically/legally in the right or not when he fired his first shot(s). He was there earlier in the day removing graffiti and trying to act in a positive way. He placed himself in an environment most people would shy away from. The "hero" status comes from a cool demeanor when faced with a potentially life threatening situation.

As a Dad and Father, I would be royally pissed if my kid took off to a hot zone like that. My wife still comments that he looks like a 14 or 15 year old just entering his sophomore year of high school. Another side of me looks at a young man with lots of potential, and courage, who may have his life ruined, yet knowing he tried to be on the right side of the best we have in America.

More data, he's 5-3 and 135lb. A "mouse that roared," indeed... and at that size with even more reason to fear for his life.

08-30-20, 22:06
A virus so deadly you need to go out of your way to get tested to know if you even have it.

Humanity is a meme

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right? This is all 1984 double speak bullshit.

08-30-20, 22:31
So what kind of distance for .22LR head shots? I'm thinking it can be suppressed, but you'll need a supersonic round anyway (so a little "crack" is unavoidable) to make it at least a decent distance. I'm strictly guessing here, but inside 100m?

Hell, subsonic out of a bolt gun with a 22inch plus barrel is pretty quiet, especially in a hide set up right. With a good bolt gun like a Voodo or even a tuned CZ45X would be which eyeball you want. Past 150 yards, it is all about getting the distance right. At night with low winds and KDs, I wouldn't want to be with in 300 yards.

I wonder how many recruiters have already tried calling him to offer him an 18X contract.

I'm assuming the kid can get out of the charges. MIL would be a great place to go for 20 years.

I've used the French Revolution as model versus our Civil War, since this is an territory less ideological fight. And that the radical nature will consume itself. In actual day-to-day, I'd assume it would look like the Irish conflict in the teens and 20s. Lots of nasty stuff due to two sides, but a middle that has shifting alliances- and harsh penalties for traitors. Lots of intel leaks and betrayals.

Still think we are a long ways off from that. Dems that are in power are getting tired of it. The street stuff from the left is becoming a liability to them. The question is, can they put Antifa back in the box, especially if Trump wins.

08-30-20, 22:31
How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right? This is all 1984 double speak bullshit.

Typhoid Mary?

08-30-20, 23:44
How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right? This is all 1984 double speak bullshit.

Are you serious? You can have a viral load -- Ie, infected with the virus, but not show any symptoms. Not every one reacts the same way to the virus.

08-31-20, 04:51
How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right? This is all 1984 double speak bullshit.

HIV/AIDS also comes to mind.

Sent from 80ms in the future

08-31-20, 05:41
Are you serious? You can have a viral load -- Ie, infected with the virus, but not show any symptoms. Not every one reacts the same way to the virus.

Yes I am serious.

08-31-20, 05:49
HIV/AIDS also comes to mind.

Sent from 80ms in the future



08-31-20, 12:06


So you’re thinking that until someone shows the symptoms of HIV/AIDS, they can have unprotected sex, or they can share needles? Should we not test blood donations unless the person shows symptoms?

As for the study, it’s not bad, but I’d certainly like to see more than 341 subjects.

Sent from 80ms in the future

08-31-20, 12:15


And this supports the supposition "How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right? " how?

The study did not say that asymptomatic cases do not exist. It said they were less likely to spread the virus than those who are actually showing severe symptoms. Well, no sh*t sherlock. Asymptomatic carriers probably have a less viral load, and also cough/sneeze/do-things-to-spread-it less than those who are showing symptoms.

Also interesting was the "guess" by the researchers on why spread in a public setting such as mass transit was less likely than in a house amongst house-mates (family members etc). Those in the house don't wear masks at home but the masks are mandated in public...

08-31-20, 12:21
And this supports the supposition "How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right? " how?

The study did not say that asymptomatic cases do not exist. It said they were less likely to spread the virus than those who are actually showing severe symptoms. Well, no sh*t sherlock. Asymptomatic carriers probably have a less viral load, and also cough/sneeze/do-things-to-spread-it less than those who are showing symptoms.

Also interesting was the "guess" by the researchers on why spread in a public setting such as mass transit was less likely than in a house amongst house-mates (family members etc). Those in the house don't wear masks at home but the masks are mandated in public...

Now do the flu season every year.

This whole thing is such an absolute crock.

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08-31-20, 12:30
Now do the flu season every year.

This whole thing is such an absolute crock.

"Do the flu season every year." ???

08-31-20, 12:43
"Do the flu season every year." ???

I assume he is meaning(under the guise of thwarting transmission of the flu):

- forcibly close most businesses

- mandating a moratorium on most medical procedures(exemption for abortion clinics)

- ban the free..ummm..privilege of assembly unless the mob is assembling to damage/steal property or commit assault.

08-31-20, 12:50
Correct. Guess the context was lost over text.

Point is are we going to do this same dog and pony show every year going forward under the guise of the “new normal”.

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08-31-20, 13:14
I assume he is meaning(under the guise of thwarting transmission of the flu):

- forcibly close most businesses

- mandating a moratorium on most medical procedures(exemption for abortion clinics)

- ban the free..ummm..privilege of assembly unless the mob is assembling to damage/steal property or commit assault.

And this is related to the ability of asymptomatic people (with any sort of disease) to spread the disease how?

08-31-20, 13:25
And this is related to the ability of asymptomatic people (with any sort of disease) to spread the disease how?

Um, if you have the disease but none of the symptoms, isn’t that the same as not having the disease? It isn’t a trick question.

08-31-20, 13:26
And this is related to the ability of asymptomatic people (with any sort of disease) to spread the disease how?

I am going to go with the parties making those claims have been found to make other claims that are dubious at best. A good example was the motorcyclist who didn't due from getting splattered on the road, somehow a virus did it.

08-31-20, 13:27
Um, if you have the disease but none of the symptoms, isn’t that the same as not having the disease? It isn’t a trick question.

No, it is not the same. If you have the disease, you have the disease. Whether or not you are expressing the symptoms.

08-31-20, 13:27
Um, if you have the disease but none of the symptoms, isn’t that the same as not having the disease? It isn’t a trick question.

Have you heard of herpes?

08-31-20, 13:28
I am going to go with the parties making those claims have been found to make other claims that are dubious at best. A good example was the motorcyclist who didn't due from getting splattered on the road, somehow a virus did it. when I work those, paperwork says trauma, MVA....

08-31-20, 13:32
when I work those, paperwork says trauma, MVA....

That would be the honest way to go about. Unfortunately, we know that isn't the case in many areas. The motorcyclist death was changed, not out of honesty, but due to a journalist actually doing their job.

08-31-20, 13:33
I am going to go with the parties making those claims have been found to make other claims that are dubious at best. A good example was the motorcyclist who didn't due from getting splattered on the road, somehow a virus did it.

When speaking of Covid in particular, they actually have tests that show if someone "had" the disease, due to the presence of antibodies.

This is a totally different question than the dubious practice of assigning the cause of death as Covid if the antibodies are found no matter what the actual cause of death was.

And it is totally different than the claim that if you don't express symptoms, how can you have the disease? (Speaking of disease in general) -- "How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right?"

08-31-20, 13:48
Have you heard of herpes?

Yes I have.

08-31-20, 13:48
When speaking of Covid in particular, they actually have tests that show if someone "had" the disease, due to the presence of antibodies.

This is a totally different question than the dubious practice of assigning the cause of death as Covid if the antibodies are found no matter what the actual cause of death was.

And it is totally different than the claim that if you don't express symptoms, how can you have the disease? (Speaking of disease in general) -- "How can you be asymptomatic and infected, exactly? Either you are sick or you are not, right?"

Have any of those medical professionals making claims we are supposed to believe called for their colleagues falsifying information to(at least figuratively) have their heads placed on a fence post as a warning to others? Why are they ok with actions that falsely run the numbers up, but any medical people with an opposing opinion get shouted down?

The asymptomatic spread claims have bounced back and forth several times between yes it will and no it won't. That is all well and good to not know something with certainty, except when the person that doesn't really know starts demanding other people obey their whims.

If I truly think a street is clear and I gesture someone out of a parking lot and they get t boned by a car I didn't see, there is a decent chance I am going to be on the hook for my ignorance even though I didn't threaten the driver with financial or physical harm if they decide to not take my suggestion.

LMT Shooter
08-31-20, 14:24
Regarding asymptomatic persons, one needs to understand the differences between HIV & AIDS, as well as SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) & COVID-10. HIV & SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) are the names of viruses. AIDS & COVID-19 are the names of diseases. One can be infected with & test positive for either virus, but have not have the related disease. This is how all viruses work, the only difference is some viruses allow for more asymptomatic carriers than others.

08-31-20, 14:36
We have destroyed our economy and crippled our way of life over an illness that only affects 6% of healthy individuals. The CDC stated that 94% of all Covid related deaths had a co-morbidity present.

As of last night, we had approximately 183,000 deaths.

That means that only about 11,000 healthy individuals died from Covid.

Whisket Tango Foxtrot...

08-31-20, 15:24
We have destroyed our economy and crippled our way of life over an illness that only affects 6% of healthy individuals. The CDC stated that 94% of all Covid related deaths had a co-morbidity present.

As of last night, we had approximately 183,000 deaths.

That means that only about 11,000 healthy individuals died from Covid.

Whisket Tango Foxtrot...

Exactly. And to make the point again, we didn’t shut down our economy for herpes, AIDS or other outbreaks.

08-31-20, 15:31
We have destroyed our economy and crippled our way of life over an illness that only affects 6% of healthy individuals. The CDC stated that 94% of all Covid related deaths had a co-morbidity present.

As of last night, we had approximately 183,000 deaths.

That means that only about 11,000 healthy individuals died from Covid.

Whisket Tango Foxtrot...

I am not defending Draconian actions but the majority of the U.S. population has "morbidity." Hypertension alone is present in 47% of males (https://www.cdc.gov/bloodpressure/facts.htm) according to the CDC.

08-31-20, 17:18
Hell, subsonic out of a bolt gun with a 22inch plus barrel is pretty quiet, especially in a hide set up right. With a good bolt gun like a Voodo or even a tuned CZ45X would be which eyeball you want. Past 150 yards, it is all about getting the distance right. At night with low winds and KDs, I wouldn't want to be with in 300 yards.

I'm assuming the kid can get out of the charges. MIL would be a great place to go for 20 years.

I've used the French Revolution as model versus our Civil War, since this is an territory less ideological fight. And that the radical nature will consume itself. In actual day-to-day, I'd assume it would look like the Irish conflict in the teens and 20s. Lots of nasty stuff due to two sides, but a middle that has shifting alliances- and harsh penalties for traitors. Lots of intel leaks and betrayals.

Still think we are a long ways off from that. Dems that are in power are getting tired of it. The street stuff from the left is becoming a liability to them. The question is, can they put Antifa back in the box, especially if Trump wins.

I think we're basically on the Yugoslavian plan right now. Divide and conquer. It would take a minor miracle to prevent things from getting out of control now that one side has bloodied the other. If they drop the charges, Antifa will lose its shit and the militia will show up again, emboldened by this. If they continue with this absurd kangaroo court, conservatives will come out in force, and Antifa will be there to cause mayhem, and probably get more of their people shot in self defense.

The only thing that can stop this now would be a strong, wholly unconstitutional response from the government, where they basically just shut everything down before it even got going. But of course they have zero intention of doing that. They won't even stop Antifa from burning down buildings, so they're certainly not going to prevent them from showing up to riot in the first place, which is what it would take. Basically an end to all demonstrations nationwide.

08-31-20, 20:09
The only thing that can stop this now would be a strong, wholly unconstitutional response from the gov.

This is a goal, or perhaps preferred outcome. After chaos, the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order - should it be Hitler or Lenin, who cares as long as there is bread on the shelves, a la Weimar Germany and Russia.

The other potential goal is to provoke the legitimate government into illegitimate actions that undermine its authority a la Vietnam.

Either way, we are in a Color Revolution.

08-31-20, 20:35
This is a goal, or perhaps preferred outcome. After chaos, the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order - should it be Hitler or Lenin, who cares as long as there is bread on the shelves, a la Weimar Germany and Russia.

The other potential goal is to provoke the legitimate government into illegitimate actions that undermine its authority a la Vietnam.

Either way, we are in a Color Revolution.


They want him to be 'Literally Hilter!' and are doing anything they can to push him to even appear to be.
The problem is, too many people are too stupid nowadays, they see a kid keep poking and cornering the cat, time and time again, then one day the cat fights back and claws the kid, the parents declaw the cat instead of telling the kid they got what they deserved.

09-01-20, 06:34
This is a goal, or perhaps preferred outcome. After chaos, the populace cries out for a strong man to restore order - should it be Hitler or Lenin, who cares as long as there is bread on the shelves, a la Weimar Germany and Russia.

The other potential goal is to provoke the legitimate government into illegitimate actions that undermine its authority a la Vietnam.

Either way, we are in a Color Revolution.

I think the goal is to fracture the United States so it can't positively influence the world anymore. We're the last shining city on the hill. Proof to all the world what the rewards are for freedom, capitalism, and judeochristian values. Before they can bring in global governance, they'll have to neutralize that influence of American politics and culture.

I think we're also being punished for wrong think. How dare we challenge the globalist authority with the example of our wild success in all areas of public and private life. Our very existence challenges their authority and their very reason for being. When you abandon all logic to take a course of action based on a flawed ideology, merely because you so badly want it to be true, you have to destroy any evidence that contradicts your conclusions. If you can destroy the evidence and purge it from people's minds, then you can reform your failed theories into new, plausible sounding hypotheses, that people will be willing to try if you incentivize them. That's what the socialists have been doing for decades now. Reframe the old order as something bad, rebrand their own failed order, relaunch and hope it sticks that time. 100th time's the charm, right?

09-01-20, 06:52
The only thing that can stop this now would be a strong, wholly unconstitutional response from the government, where they basically just shut everything down before it even got going. But of course they have zero intention of doing that. They won't even stop Antifa from burning down buildings, so they're certainly not going to prevent them from showing up to riot in the first place, which is what it would take. Basically an end to all demonstrations nationwide.

Looks like the unconstitutional stuff(according to the writings of the founders) is what has got us to where we are.

09-01-20, 07:53
The only thing that can stop this now would be a strong, wholly unconstitutional response from the government, where they basically just shut everything down before it even got going. But of course they have zero intention of doing that. They won't even stop Antifa from burning down buildings, so they're certainly not going to prevent them from showing up to riot in the first place, which is what it would take. Basically an end to all demonstrations nationwide.

I disagree. It is not particularly difficult to stop this mess without particularly draconian measures. Simply disabling cell towers in the affected areas during the riots, prosecuting invididuals, providing overwhelming numbers of National Guard, and a simple "follow the money" investigation would end it within a month.

There are large numbers of useful idiots involved, but the cadre of instigators is much smaller. The bill payers are fewer yet.


09-01-20, 08:02
Looks like the unconstitutional stuff(according to the writings of the founders) is what has got us to where we are.

The constitution can't save us from our own stupidity, which is what got us here. The devil only knocks, and at the end of the day, we're the ones who have let him into our house.

I think the largest single factor in our demise has been public education. That led to a departure from our core values, and that's ultimately what has gotten us into this mess. Public education is what first taught people to rely on the government as the source of their wellbeing and success.

As a result, we've become culturally and morally bankrupt. The constitution can only save a people from their government if they're culturally sound. What we're fighting now isn't the government, but the very people themselves, or at least a very large portion of them. I would even go as far as to say that our government has been self neutralized. It's crumbling from within, and the question now is what is going to replace it. In my opinion, that's the root of all this unrest. The struggle is to determine how we'll go forward from here.

That of course brings us back to Yugoslavia. As their own federation was crumbling from within, all these different factions started to struggle with each other to determine how things were going to be going into the future. The government tried to intervene, but they were so weakened by their own internal division that they couldn't muster the strength to regain the peace. No matter what action they attempted, the boots on the ground didn't have their hearts in their mission, because they were themselves internally divided. This led to ambivalent, half hearted action, that largely made them observers.

Our own government's inability to put down unrest is extremely telling. It speaks of a crumbling institution, rather than the all powerful draconian machine that conservatives and liberals alike think it is. Were it the Ingsoc of 1984, none of this would be permitted, on either side.

09-01-20, 08:36
I disagree. It is not particularly difficult to stop this mess without particularly draconian measures. Simply disabling cell towers in the affected areas during the riots, prosecuting invididuals, providing overwhelming numbers of National Guard, and a simple "follow the money" investigation would end it within a month.

There are large numbers of useful idiots involved, but the cadre of instigators is much smaller. The bill payers are fewer yet.


Seems like a good spot to point out that an individual citizen could use cellphone jammers and other types of jammers to disrupt comms. The federal regulatory agency that governs this frowns on that sort of thing, but China would sell you the equipment, if you’re into such things. It would appear that the law doesn’t really apply in some of these places.....

09-01-20, 09:29
What got us to this point?

In order to establish total dominance of the masses, the ruling class must keep us:

• Poor
• Sick
• Ignorant

Those three traits, and all the variations of them, make it nearly impossible to fight back.

Poor: you are less capable of self-sufficiency. You struggle to acquire the necessities of survival. Matters of politics become a luxury that you have little time for. Many people will demand that government provide for them, making them dependent. Many will become bitter toward the successful. COVID19 shutdowns, Bursting financial bubbles, stagnant wages, inflation and easy debt have caused an impoverished condition for many.

Sick: unable to resist. Depending on the illness: Lacking in energy, motion, clarity of thought. Requiring family attention to provide care. Will usually contribute to being poor as well. Many demand government assistance with their treatment, making them dependent. Medical malpractice, Big Pharma, FDA, GMOs, chemical preservatives, plastics and chemicals have caused a chronic medical condition for many. (I am also of the belief that there’s another shoe waiting to drop in terms of mass illness. Be weary of the Covid vaccine)

Ignorant: self-explanatory. If the majority of the populace isn’t even aware of the abuse, they can’t resist it. For those that are questioning by nature, there is a huge pile of disinfo for them to chew through. By a combo of propaganda, censorship, and disinformation, most people don’t have a clue how to proceed with a revolt against their abusers. Children aren’t taught how to think critically, they are taught to obey and conform. Public Schools, revisionist history, College Marxists, propagandizing news media, big tech censorship, big data analytics, social media censorship have caused an ignorance problem.

So what do we do?

We must learn to work together. We need the same sense of collective power and purpose that the antifa brown shirts possess. We are too individualistic for what is coming; we need an organizing effort. We outnumber the ruling class and abusive politicians 10,000+ - 1.

We also need to reach out to LEOs and help them understand that they are going to be asked to enforce abusive Marxist dictates, and that they have our support to say NO. They can call on us for help. As long as they stay true to their oaths, they can count on our support. THEY must stick together and refuse to let their brothers be fired for disobeying abusive orders.