View Full Version : White supremacist groups posing as antifa?

08-31-20, 11:19
"The riots are white supremacists masquerading as antifa..." I hear this thrown around a lot.

1-Any confirmed cases? How many?

2-Is this just a rumor to cover for leftists?

08-31-20, 11:29
Sounds like BS leftist spin to me.

08-31-20, 11:30
I wouldn't doubt that it has happened at least once. I just don't think it's the norm.

08-31-20, 11:43
I wouldn't doubt that it has happened at least once. I just don't think it's the norm.

Not as much as they would like you to believe...

08-31-20, 11:56
Total BS. Spin and optics.

"It wasn't our gentle protesters that smashed and burned, it was white supremacists!"

Like the other night, there was a group of peaceful protesters trying to peacefully protest their way through the fence at one the police buildings in Denver, and all the news idiots could talk about were the <dramatic pause> OMG...Right Wing Militias!!!

08-31-20, 12:00
To be clear, I don't buy the narrative that this is happening.

08-31-20, 12:11
Growing up in Portland in the 1980's I can tell you there used to be a large number of vocal white power groups. The ones that come to mind were east Side White Pride and POWAR. I used to run into their members at the local punk rock clubs and in old town. As far as I know they all ceased to exist shortly after the Mulugeta Seraw murder criminal and civil trials https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulugeta_Seraw. When I returned to Portland in the early 90's I don't recall seeing them around anymore. The ANTIFA in Portland seem to be a completely different type of person, at least in outward appearance and behavior but similar in that many have adopted extreme ideas as they seek out identity. I would be surprised to find any past white supremacy affiliation in the social media accounts of any ANTIFA/BLM member arrested in Portland for riot, arson, looting, assault etc. If there was those groups would be shouting it from the rooftops in defense of their legitimacy.

The ironic thing about all this is that Tom Metzger who was the leader of the movements noted above and held civily liable for the murder was a registered democrat and won the Democratic primary for a seat in U.S. House. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Metzger

08-31-20, 12:54
I'd venture that while both sides MAY be inclined to infiltrate the other for False Flags, it's much more in the Left's wheelhouse and bag of dirty tricks than that of the splinter groups claiming to be "Right."

08-31-20, 13:13
Total BS. Spin and optics.

"It wasn't our gentle protesters that smashed and burned, it was white supremacists!"

Like the other night, there was a group of peaceful protesters trying to peacefully protest their way through the fence at one the police buildings in Denver, and all the news idiots could talk about were the <dramatic pause> OMG...Right Wing Militias!!!
Huh? The 13 arrested were all white, but I didn’t see the press say white power.

Anarchists have a tendency to be white, facist in tactics, but ‘right wing’ they are not- and that is what they are saying, Trump supporters are responsible for the damage.

Great claims require at least some evidence. I saw a lot of this when everything kind of kicked off, but now months into it that kind of narrative becomes even more unlikely to be true. The occam‘s razor here is that the democratic run cities could arrest these guys and chase down their real backgrounds and prove it, but that isn’t happening.

Just because there are a lot of lefty, progressive, white idiots out there doesn’t mean that they are right wing people.

It would be pretty simple to prove so have them prove it.

08-31-20, 13:13

08-31-20, 13:14
I'd venture that while both sides MAY be inclined to infiltrate the other for False Flags, it's much more in the Left's wheelhouse and bag of dirty tricks than that of the splinter groups claiming to be "Right."

I think that the Right would be more inclined to put out false flag information to get the Left to admit their true goals in order to entrap the Leftists. The Left, on the other hand, is more likely to dress up in MAGA hats and 3%er shirts and commit a mass shooting so that the government will crack down the Right.

No, violent false flag ops are pointless for the Right. The media is so corrupt and skewed that the Left can operate under their own flag and the report will be 1) They were justified or 2) It was a false flag operation by the Right.

08-31-20, 13:47
I think that the Right would be more inclined to put out false flag information to get the Left to admit their true goals in order to entrap the Leftists. The Left, on the other hand, is more likely to dress up in MAGA hats and 3%er shirts and commit a mass shooting so that the government will crack down the Right.

No, violent false flag ops are pointless for the Right. The media is so corrupt and skewed that the Left can operate under their own flag and the report will be 1) They were justified or 2) It was a false flag operation by the Right.

No "would" about it, the Right side as you see it is *demonstrated* by Project Veritas and Center for Medical Progress. :) As noted in another thread, the kind of "active measure" FF I'd see some claiming "our side" doing would be infiltrating and backshooting, stir up paranoia about "who's the rat?" and generally trying to sow fear, discord and confusion from within.

08-31-20, 16:07
To be clear, I don't buy the narrative that this is happening.

Well its obvious its bothering you enough to make a thread about it, the fact that you have to ask shows the propaganda is effective. Stop listening to the propaganda aka the mainstream media, anything that comes out of a democrat's mouth, blue check marks on twitter ect. White supremacists arent even a thing outside of the prison system or some compounds out in the woods somewhere.

If you want to see white supremacy look at BLM itself, they've done more to make black people look bad than all of the white supremacists in the country combined.

08-31-20, 16:12
Huh? The 13 arrested were all white, but I didn’t see the press say white power.

Anarchists have a tendency to be white, facist in tactics, but ‘right wing’ they are not- and that is what they are saying, Trump supporters are responsible for the damage.

Great claims require at least some evidence. I saw a lot of this when everything kind of kicked off, but now months into it that kind of narrative becomes even more unlikely to be true. The occam‘s razor here is that the democratic run cities could arrest these guys and chase down their real backgrounds and prove it, but that isn’t happening.

Just because there are a lot of lefty, progressive, white idiots out there doesn’t mean that they are right wing people.

It would be pretty simple to prove so have them prove it.

Yeah, we're on the same page, but to clarify:
I think that, per the OP, the claim of "white supremacists masquerading as antifa" is not actually happening. Any media claiming that is looking to divert blame toward conservatives.

While the "peaceful protests" were happening at the precinct the other night, I was hearing anxious discussion of the looming specter of "Right Whig Militias" showing up from the heads. All the while the Antifa were actively clashing with Police.

So yeah, they're actively looking to shift the blame.

08-31-20, 16:13
SPLC isn't calling for action against those committing violent acts at any of these gatherings so that seems to indicate they are ANTIFA members.


08-31-20, 16:21
Well its obvious its bothering you enough to make a thread about it, the fact that you have to ask shows the propaganda is effective. Stop listening to the propaganda aka the mainstream media, anything that comes out of a democrat's mouth, blue check marks on twitter ect. White supremacists arent even a thing outside of the prison system or some compounds out in the woods somewhere.

If you want to see white supremacy look at BLM itself, they've done more to make black people look bad than all of the white supremacists in the country combined.

We are not in disagreement concerning their scope. I wasn't prompted to post about it because I'm bothered by the idea that there are people out there waiting to get me, or that are committing crimes and blaming antifa. I had it come up in conversation and wondered if there wasn't a false narrative I wasn't aware of but is being used to excuse antifa. This forum tends to be pretty dialed up on current events, and I enjoy learning.

08-31-20, 16:26
No "would" about it, the Right side as you see it is *demonstrated* by Project Veritas and Center for Medical Progress. :) As noted in another thread, the kind of "active measure" FF I'd see some claiming "our side" doing would be infiltrating and backshooting, stir up paranoia about "who's the rat?" and generally trying to sow fear, discord and confusion from within.

My point exactly. Considering the position we're in right now, this is a good strategy (well, one of many strategies). The Left's unity is already barely hanging on by a thread; BLM and Antifa really only have an "enemy of my enemy" alliance, and both want to be the standard bearers for both anti-racism and Marxist revolution. But they also have very different visions on how to bring about revolution, what to do after a supposed victory, and what the end result should be. The Left is also cannibalizing their own kind, many of whom still serve loyally despite being treated like battered spouses. The key is to weaken them from within.

08-31-20, 16:39
Agree total fake blame as their lies have been listened to and believed for so long they now think EVERYONE listens to them and believes them

And I am sure the left is eating this up just like basement joe saying this is all trumps fault

This is from the same leftists that believe if you are black and conservative you are a Uncle Tom and not black just remember that every time you hear ANYTHING out of their mouth

08-31-20, 16:45
The Left is also cannibalizing their own kind, many of whom still serve loyally despite being treated like battered spouses. The key is to weaken them from within.

And ideally to get them to turn on each other... there were IIRC several Revolutionary groups in France that turned on each other as "insufficient ideological purity/revolutionary zeal" soon after Louis lost his head, the various schisms in Communism (Stalinist vs Trotskyite, post-Stalinist vs Maoist), and far from least the long history of Sunni-on-Shiite-and-vice-versa Islamic Terrorism against apostates that makes their hostility to us infidels pale in comparison.

History may not always precisely repeat, but it rhymes with disturbing frequency.

08-31-20, 17:46
Sounds like BS leftist spin to me.

Funny how no matter what happens, it was ALWAYS the white supremacists. If the internet was accurate, 95% of this country would be armed, extremists white supremacists and IF that was true, everyone in antifa would already be dead.

But I swear they can find more white supremacists than the SPLC.

08-31-20, 18:38
Umbrella man that kicked-off the looting in Minneapolis was associated with the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood.


08-31-20, 18:46
Umbrella man that kicked-off the looting in Minneapolis was associated with the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood.


Lol, they “identified” him, but somehow forgot to mention his name.

08-31-20, 19:06

08-31-20, 19:18
I doubt it's true, but if it is, what a perfect opportunity to get close access to the leaders of ANTIFA and exterminate them.

08-31-20, 21:46
Big difference a email tip vs actually doing it

Minneapolis police spokesman John Elder told the Associated Press Tuesday he could not confirm the name of the person involved, but said the investigation remains open and active.

a tipster emailed the Minneapolis Police Department identifying him
Hahahaha yeah a tipster emailed but yet police can not confirm and case is open

Which means sorry nice try

Umbrella man that kicked-off the looting in Minneapolis was associated with the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood.


08-31-20, 22:39
So let’s get this straight there have been hundreds of white supremacists around the country Who for years have been building fake social justice warrior cover stories who are now going around the country rallying people to destroy things, That the left is just what happened to want to destroy anyway, or this is just another case of Trump Derangement syndrome.

If white supremacists were able to do this, they might actually be worth the title that they carry. The reality is most white supremacists can’t spell “supremacist”.

08-31-20, 23:11
If white supremacists were able to do this, they might actually be worth the title that they carry. The reality is most white supremacists can’t spell “supremacist”.
Most of the WS's it's been my misfortune to cross paths with struggle with anything longer than two "sih-luh-bullz."

08-31-20, 23:23
If white supremacists were able to do this, they might actually be worth the title that they carry. The reality is most white supremacists can’t spell “supremacist”.

Better summary of my thoughts - it would actually be quite logical, and for those really actively seeking to foment some form of 'race war' it wouldn't be illogical, but so few could actually infiltrate into what passes for SJW epistemology that this basically precludes it being a realistic possibility... so yeah, that smell is what is is.

08-31-20, 23:41
Controlling the narrative and message is quite magical. They can literally say anything, the bigger the lie the more people believe it, the more hate that is created and fomented, the angrier people get the easier it is to believe the lies if it fits and feeds their hate.

The sad part is people are so asleep at the wheel, they buy into it and let it control them.

People actually believe that the BlM and Antifa are pure as the driven snow and White Supremacist Trumpers are to blame for all of this.

Think about that.

09-01-20, 11:24
I would suspect that Antifa is posing as Nazi's in some places to keep the fire burning and to control the narrative.
"Look real Nazi's!" Suddenly CNN steps up to film and Jake Tapper looks like a hero.

09-01-20, 11:33
Doesn’t matter. Both are enemies. They are equally worthless, and equally should be designated as terrorists. They both suck at spelling.

09-01-20, 11:56
Doesn’t matter. Both are enemies. They are equally worthless, and equally should be designated as terrorists. They both suck at spelling.


09-01-20, 12:42
Doesn’t matter. Both are enemies. They are equally worthless, and equally should be designated as terrorists. They both suck at spelling.


The problem is that any one to the right of Klobuchar is a white supremacists in their thoughts. On cnn in the past month, “left-wing” was used 234 times, “right-wing” 367 times. Considering the number of violent episodes by the left wing, that is crazy. For the past year it is 600 to 1600...

Actually for hoots I looked at the same words and search for them on Fox News.com. I ended up with the exact same ratio, but in reverse. More mentions of left-wing and right wing. The issue is is that most people would say that CNN is straight news and Fox is biased. Especially when you look at those graphs of how media Entities differ on the spectrum.

AP news is 600:800 left to right.

09-01-20, 13:02
Doesn’t matter. Both are enemies. They are equally worthless, and equally should be designated as terrorists. They both suck at spelling.


The Neo-Nazis have also made it abundantly clear that they view us as enemies as well. The Turner Diaries, which is the Far Right's equivalent of Rules for Radicals (albeit written in "fictional novel" form) states that conservatives and moderates are to be executed as cowards and collaborators. White supremacists should not even be considered "enemy of my enemy" allies. Anyone who will not fight alongside Patriotic Jews and people of color is no friend of ours.

09-01-20, 13:18
And people wonder why the "Must Trusted Name in Cable News" title goes to the freakin' WEATHER CHANNEL?! lol

09-01-20, 13:20
And people wonder why the "Must Trusted Name in Cable News" title goes to the freakin' WEATHER CHANNEL?! lol

And sadly, even that has a lot of horseshit leftist climate change nonsense.

09-01-20, 13:20

The Neo-Nazis have also made it abundantly clear that they view us as enemies as well. The Turner Diaries, which is the Far Right's equivalent of Rules for Radicals (albeit written in "fictional novel" form) states that conservatives and moderates are to be executed as cowards and collaborators. White supremacists should not even be considered "enemy of my enemy" allies. Anyone who will not fight alongside Patriotic Jews and people of color is no friend of ours.

If we didn't have Neo-Nazis and white supremacists mucking things up, the world would be better off regardless of the far left anarchists. :(

09-01-20, 14:54
If we didn't have Neo-Nazis and white supremacists mucking things up, the world would be better off regardless of the far left anarchists. :(

They're two sides to the same coin. Both the far left and the far right are racist; the difference is that Marxists are delusional and doesn't believe that they are, while Neo-Nazis proudly declare that they are.

09-01-20, 16:08
I wonder if the DC Mayor is really a radical right wing whites supremacist posing to make Dems look bad since she proposes removing the Washington Monument among other things. Talk about 4D chess! If we’re talking about rioting and destroying, gotta include both the violent type and the type that requires paperwork.


I don’t think the left needs people to make them look bad. Their echo chamber is so disconnected from realty they don’t need others to set traps for them.

09-01-20, 16:16
I wonder if the DC Mayor is really a radical right wing whites supremacist posing to make Dems look bad since she proposes removing the Washington Monument among other things. Talk about 4D chess! If we’re talking about rioting and destroying, gotta include both the violent type and the type that requires paperwork.


I don’t think the left needs people to make them look bad. Their echo chamber is so disconnected from realty they don’t need others to set traps for them.

It's like every time they see a Babylon Bee piece they get an irresistible urge for "Hold My Beer"...

09-01-20, 16:37
If we didn't have Neo-Nazis and white supremacists mucking things up, the world would be better off regardless of the far left anarchists. :(

Pretty safe to say that the nn/ws population of the world, most of whom are headed to, in, or recently released from prison are not materially affecting the rest of the world. They have zero credibility or power.


09-01-20, 18:27
"The riots are white supremacists masquerading as antifa...

And I'M the King, of old Siam... :rolleyes:

09-02-20, 11:29
If we didn't have Neo-Nazis and white supremacists mucking things up, the world would be better off regardless of the far left anarchists. :(

As one who lives in the PNW I am honestly more concerned with Sasquatch than neo-nazis. I am not being facetious.

09-02-20, 11:37
Yes, because for years they could not get organized, now all of a sudden can organize and subvert and pretend to be antifa to throw everyone off the scent....

09-02-20, 11:47
As one who lives in the PNW I am honestly more concerned with Sasquatch than neo-nazis. I am not being facetious.

I was in the PNW in the late '80s, early '90s, pretty much the an/nn heyday and even then they were a lower leven threat than the Crips/Bloods.

I have to say, I went with a buddy to look at a truck for sale and the owner had a nazi flag hanging in his living room wall, but I never saw Sasquatch. I thought I did one night, but it was just a Joe's girlfriend.


Bubba FAL
09-02-20, 20:21
Gee, I don't know, all four of the cretins who went after Kyle in Kenosha have criminal records. The shooter in Portland is a lefty pos with an outstanding warrant. Seems like the evidence paints a different picture than what the media is attempting to portray.

Oh, I met some of Tom Metzger's boys in SoCal back in the 90s, they didn't seem the types to go "undercover", to the contrary, pretty proud of who/ what they were. I remember commenting to them about it. I'm not down with the "88" thing (melanin content doesn't determine character) , but I gave them credit for having the balls not to hide their beliefs.

09-02-20, 20:48
Pretty safe to say that the nn/ws population of the world, most of whom are headed to, in, or recently released from prison are not materially affecting the rest of the world. They have zero credibility or power.


Yeah, the White Power movement isn't what it was when WAR, Aryan Nations and The Order were active and credible threats. Even though I'm no fan of Morris Dees lately, the SPLC effectively destroyed the organized KKK in the US and it will never again be what it was.

Aryan Brotherhood is still a thing but it's mostly confined to correctional facilities. But neo nazis, skinheads and wannabe klan dudes will have to search long and hard for an organized chapter of anything. The white racist movement as a whole amounts to mostly a bunch of uneducated rednecks that probably can't even claim 1% of the population in southern states.

Try and hold a klan rally and it will be the same 30-40 people who actively promote this ideology and they are typically also associated with any neo nazi or skinhead rally. Everyone else in the group is an undercover fed or a dirtbag that is trying to flip a bigger fish to save his own ass.

09-02-20, 22:14
I am skeptical anytime I hear claims such as these. It’s ghost chasing.

Nobody does anything for free.
Nobody does anything for free.

The term “White Supremacist” is the new form of “cooties” but for adults. Nobody has it. Everybody has it. You only know if you have it if someone else says you have it. Even if you don’t play the game someone will still say you have it and no matter how well reasoned or adult an explanation you give it doesn’t matter because consensus has it that you have “cooties”

Disenfranchised and frustrated White people getting sick of getting ‘canceled’ (the penalty for having “cooties”) because they didn’t kiss some black guy’s ass or just got sick of hearing rap music after 2200 isn’t white supremacy.

Most of your “neo-nazi” or KKK are mostly 70 year olds, Feds, or retards who took the meme too far.

The real, actual Nazis who were fighting and took blood oaths either A. Got a Job with America or France after the war or B. Went to South America

Having an “epic gamer moment” doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Black people can be, and are in some cases, racist themselves.

And you know what? That’s fine. You don’t have to like everybody or save the world.

Just leave people alone. This is class warfare and I would like to think that unlike Barfcom(from which I was proudly banned and regret nothing I said) people here have a bit more critical thinking and more professional gun hauling experience where we know some evident truths:

-You cannot fix everything
-Everything ain’t always broke
-It’s okay to mind your own business
-Some people are just assholes
-As long as it’s not physically hurting people or property, FIDO

They could shut it all down tomorrow but it’s an election year. This is American politics now.
Everything is a crisis and it’s part of the plan.

This started taking off after 9/11. In times past, you just accepted that your favorite WWF wrestler didn’t win the belt. Oh well, always next PPV match.

That’s what it is. WWF and WCW.

Stay skeptical. Ride the Tiger.

They don’t own you yet

09-03-20, 00:18
Thank you, Fly--this kind of piquant, street-flavored wisdom has been missed while you were away.

09-03-20, 03:42
I am skeptical anytime I hear claims such as these. It’s ghost chasing.

Nobody does anything for free.
Nobody does anything for free.

The term “White Supremacist” is the new form of “cooties” but for adults. Nobody has it. Everybody has it. You only know if you have it if someone else says you have it. Even if you don’t play the game someone will still say you have it and no matter how well reasoned or adult an explanation you give it doesn’t matter because consensus has it that you have “cooties”

Disenfranchised and frustrated White people getting sick of getting ‘canceled’ (the penalty for having “cooties”) because they didn’t kiss some black guy’s ass or just got sick of hearing rap music after 2200 isn’t white supremacy.

Most of your “neo-nazi” or KKK are mostly 70 year olds, Feds, or retards who took the meme too far.

The real, actual Nazis who were fighting and took blood oaths either A. Got a Job with America or France after the war or B. Went to South America

Having an “epic gamer moment” doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Black people can be, and are in some cases, racist themselves.

And you know what? That’s fine. You don’t have to like everybody or save the world.

Just leave people alone. This is class warfare and I would like to think that unlike Barfcom(from which I was proudly banned and regret nothing I said) people here have a bit more critical thinking and more professional gun hauling experience where we know some evident truths:

-You cannot fix everything
-Everything ain’t always broke
-It’s okay to mind your own business
-Some people are just assholes
-As long as it’s not physically hurting people or property, FIDO

They could shut it all down tomorrow but it’s an election year. This is American politics now.
Everything is a crisis and it’s part of the plan.

This started taking off after 9/11. In times past, you just accepted that your favorite WWF wrestler didn’t win the belt. Oh well, always next PPV match.

That’s what it is. WWF and WCW.

Stay skeptical. Ride the Tiger.

They don’t own you yet

God F'ing Damn I've missed this shit.

Thank you for bringing a dose of sanity and a very salient overview of the subject. It's nice to not have to do ALL the heavy lifting.

09-03-20, 07:45
The worst part to me is that people are drinking the alt right coolaide the marxists and MSN are pouring.


09-03-20, 08:05
The worst part to me is that people are drinking the alt right coolaide the marxists and MSN are pouring.


Better than being called a rAcIsT


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-03-20, 10:49
I am skeptical anytime I hear claims such as these. It’s ghost chasing.

Nobody does anything for free.
Nobody does anything for free.

The term “White Supremacist” is the new form of “cooties” but for adults. Nobody has it. Everybody has it. You only know if you have it if someone else says you have it. Even if you don’t play the game someone will still say you have it and no matter how well reasoned or adult an explanation you give it doesn’t matter because consensus has it that you have “cooties”

Disenfranchised and frustrated White people getting sick of getting ‘canceled’ (the penalty for having “cooties”) because they didn’t kiss some black guy’s ass or just got sick of hearing rap music after 2200 isn’t white supremacy.

Most of your “neo-nazi” or KKK are mostly 70 year olds, Feds, or retards who took the meme too far.

The real, actual Nazis who were fighting and took blood oaths either A. Got a Job with America or France after the war or B. Went to South America

Having an “epic gamer moment” doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Black people can be, and are in some cases, racist themselves.

And you know what? That’s fine. You don’t have to like everybody or save the world.

Just leave people alone. This is class warfare and I would like to think that unlike Barfcom(from which I was proudly banned and regret nothing I said) people here have a bit more critical thinking and more professional gun hauling experience where we know some evident truths:

-You cannot fix everything
-Everything ain’t always broke
-It’s okay to mind your own business
-Some people are just assholes
-As long as it’s not physically hurting people or property, FIDO

They could shut it all down tomorrow but it’s an election year. This is American politics now.
Everything is a crisis and it’s part of the plan.

This started taking off after 9/11. In times past, you just accepted that your favorite WWF wrestler didn’t win the belt. Oh well, always next PPV match.

That’s what it is. WWF and WCW.

Stay skeptical. Ride the Tiger.

They don’t own you yet

Hey, Firefly's back and as wise as ever.

Welcome back, brother! Hope you've been well...

09-03-20, 14:29
I am skeptical anytime I hear claims such as these. It’s ghost chasing.

Nobody does anything for free.
Nobody does anything for free.

The term “White Supremacist” is the new form of “cooties” but for adults. Nobody has it. Everybody has it. You only know if you have it if someone else says you have it. Even if you don’t play the game someone will still say you have it and no matter how well reasoned or adult an explanation you give it doesn’t matter because consensus has it that you have “cooties”

Disenfranchised and frustrated White people getting sick of getting ‘canceled’ (the penalty for having “cooties”) because they didn’t kiss some black guy’s ass or just got sick of hearing rap music after 2200 isn’t white supremacy.

Most of your “neo-nazi” or KKK are mostly 70 year olds, Feds, or retards who took the meme too far.

The real, actual Nazis who were fighting and took blood oaths either A. Got a Job with America or France after the war or B. Went to South America

Having an “epic gamer moment” doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Black people can be, and are in some cases, racist themselves.

And you know what? That’s fine. You don’t have to like everybody or save the world.

Just leave people alone. This is class warfare and I would like to think that unlike Barfcom(from which I was proudly banned and regret nothing I said) people here have a bit more critical thinking and more professional gun hauling experience where we know some evident truths:

-You cannot fix everything
-Everything ain’t always broke
-It’s okay to mind your own business
-Some people are just assholes
-As long as it’s not physically hurting people or property, FIDO

They could shut it all down tomorrow but it’s an election year. This is American politics now.
Everything is a crisis and it’s part of the plan.

This started taking off after 9/11. In times past, you just accepted that your favorite WWF wrestler didn’t win the belt. Oh well, always next PPV match.

That’s what it is. WWF and WCW.

Stay skeptical. Ride the Tiger.

They don’t own you yet

Welcome back

09-03-20, 21:09
"The riots are white supremacists masquerading as antifa..." I hear this thrown around a lot.

1-Any confirmed cases? How many?

2-Is this just a rumor to cover for leftists?

Not even sure how one would know someone is masquerading as Antifa more or less than they could know it's a white supremacist posing? Now it's a rumor to cover the leftists?

What the hell has happened to this site, can we just close General Discussion down with this nonsense.

Linking to the way to see new posts excluding General Discussion to avoid this crap.


09-03-20, 21:20
"The riots are white supremacists masquerading as antifa..." I hear this thrown around a lot.

1-Any confirmed cases? How many?

2-Is this just a rumor to cover for leftists?

Classic gaslighting.