View Full Version : Calling the Eclipse: Biden to test positive for COVID right before first debate

09-02-20, 13:00
As of Aug 24th Biden hadn't been tested for COVID, though the campaign said that going forward he would be- with out specifics about when or how.

My guess is that they are waiting until the debate to test him and either get a false positive current test or a positive on a antibody test to say that:

He can't debate right now, he needs a few days off.
Trump tried to Putin him with COVID and kill him.

I say 'calling the eclipse' because I think it is likely to happen, but if it gets out there as a story, they won't be able to use it as an excuse. You can't say it is a miracle the sun disappeared when people said it would happen.

Spread it like Reddit.

09-02-20, 13:34
Would not surprise me at all... here in WA, our shitstain power-drunk Fascist-in-Chief refuses to debate his opponent in-person or any way that he can't hide behind a teleprompter and/or computer screen with strategists feeding him what to do.

IMO, Debates should be made an Eligibility Requirement for office, if you're too coward to look your opponent in the eye you're too gutless and yellow to be entrusted with the responmsibility for the Hard Calls of office.

09-02-20, 14:09
He'll just call for it to be "virtual", each one in an office with a monitor. What we won't see is the drug cocktail he'll have to take, and the framework to hold him upright. Possibly even with "assistants" in the room, quickly writing up cue cards. Might even work out better than an in person debate.

09-02-20, 14:27
Well crap...here I got all giddy seeing Wallace was to host the first debate & the immense joy of watching him & trump hammer jb with tough questions finally, followed up by insulting zingers. I swear, you would be able to call it a comedy pay per view.

09-02-20, 14:49
He'll just call for it to be "virtual", each one in an office with a monitor. What we won't see is the drug cocktail he'll have to take, and the framework to hold him upright. Possibly even with "assistants" in the room, quickly writing up cue cards. Might even work out better than an in person debate.

I called it a few weeks ago:


It's like it went from my keyboard directly to Trump's ears! LOL

FWIW I watched Joe's on-demand Q&A with reporters today and that was NOT the gaff-machine Joe we all know. He was definitely on PEDs. This entire political season is a clown show. :jester:

Well crap...here I got all giddy seeing Wallace was to host the first debate & the immense joy of watching him & trump hammer jb with tough questions finally, followed up by insulting zingers. I swear, you would be able to call it a comedy pay per view.

Which Wallace are you thinking about? I ask because Chris Wallace is a Never-Trumper who would be more likely to "fact check" Trump in the middle of the debate. :(

09-02-20, 14:52
Well crap...here I got all giddy seeing Wallace was to host the first debate & the immense joy of watching him & trump hammer jb with tough questions finally, followed up by insulting zingers. I swear, you would be able to call it a comedy pay per view.

I wouldn't get too excited about Wallace moderating. Joe won't get any hard ball questions from him. They need to put Joe in a cage. He is the kind who would say... I don't have to put up with Trump chewing me a new asshole and walking off of the stage. I wouldn't doubt if Wallace will have a switch to cut Trumps mic. Trump is going to make Joe cry!

09-02-20, 15:01
They are saying the Russians are the ones behind the Biden mental health issues.


09-02-20, 15:22
I disagree about Wallace...he may have his nose turned at Trump, but that guy does not throw softballs to anyone in front of him. He's on record praising Trump for taking the hard questions & has criticized joe for declining repeated requests & mentioned he knows why.

Trump can handle any reporter...joe not so much & he got tossed wiffle balls today at his joke of a conference. I can promise he is nervous about Chris in his current condition.

09-02-20, 16:52
President Trump has called for Biden to be drug tested before the debate but I disagree. I think he needs to be DNA tested to make sure the ComDems didn’t dig up a doppelgänger for Biden.

09-02-20, 16:55
Imagine MIchael Buffer introducing the debate...

""In the Right corner, wearing the Red, White & Blue trunks... the MAGA Messiah, the Monster of Mar-A-Lago... DOOOOOOOONALD TRUMP! And in the Left corner, in the Brown and Yellow trunks, the Senile Sensation, the Basement Bomber, JOOOOOOE BIIIIDEN!


09-02-20, 17:13
Imagine MIchael Buffer introducing the debate...

""In the Right corner, wearing the Red, White & Blue trunks... the MAGA Messiah, the Monster of Mar-A-Lago... DOOOOOOOONALD TRUMP! And in the Left corner, in the Brown and Yellow trunks, the Senile Sensation, the Basement Bomber, JOOOOOOE BIIIIDEN!


You made my day .... uh no .... week.

09-02-20, 17:41
Irregardless there will be no debates.
Joe is a empty suit, come on man !

09-02-20, 18:08
They are saying the Russians are the ones behind the Biden mental health issues.


Didn’t know my wife is a Russian asset. She has been dealing with dementia in an aunt she has close to her whole life, and she sees the same signs with Biden. She says what the Dems are doing is basically elder abuse.

09-02-20, 18:55
They are saying the Russians are the ones behind the Biden mental health issues.


The Russians poisoned Biden too? Man they’re busy these days! Guess Joe will have to get his CCP pals to invent a cure for him! :rolleyes:

09-02-20, 19:00
You made my day .... uh no .... week.

When a Mod finds something amusing in your wiseassery, it means you have Accomplished Something. High praise indeed, sir. :)

09-02-20, 19:13
Didn’t know my wife is a Russian asset. She has been dealing with dementia in an aunt she has close to her whole life, and she sees the same signs with Biden. She says what the Dems are doing is basically elder abuse.

My wife was a psych nurse (RN) for 30 years. "Elder abuse" are the words she uses, seeing that situation.

09-02-20, 19:23
Its hard to predict what irrational people might do...
I wouldn't put anything past them from here on out...

09-02-20, 19:25
My wife was a psych nurse (RN) for 30 years. "Elder abuse" are the words she uses, seeing that situation.

How long after you were out did you have to wait until you started dating?

09-02-20, 19:52
How long after you were out did you have to wait until you started dating?

This thread delivers the comedy

09-02-20, 20:00
When a Mod finds something amusing in your wiseassery, it means you have Accomplished Something. High praise indeed, sir. :)

It doesn't take much to amuse me this week :)

09-02-20, 20:04
It doesn't take much to amuse me this week :)

Want to hear my joke about paper?

Never mind. It's tearable.

09-02-20, 20:16
Imagine MIchael Buffer introducing the debate...

""In the Right corner, wearing the Red, White & Blue trunks... the MAGA Messiah, the Monster of Mar-A-Lago... DOOOOOOOONALD TRUMP! And in the Left corner, in the Brown and Yellow trunks, the Senile Sensation, the Basement Bomber, JOOOOOOE BIIIIDEN!


Brilliant. I might actually watch a debate live if that happened.

09-03-20, 00:34
Brown and yellow trunks... Brilliant and hilarious man.

09-03-20, 00:52
Brown and yellow trunks... Brilliant and hilarious man.

The story... somebody on Redstate name-checked MB and said he wanted to hear Buffer introduce a debate, and that just rolled across the back of my mind, out my fingertips and through the keyboard in all of two seconds. :)