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09-02-20, 20:17
Stay home, make money and vote.

The game is clear, the media is losing the narrative with the "peaceful protests" and the execution of the Trump supporter in Portland. Right now the media is looking for any scapegoat they can point out as "right-wing violence". The proud boys holding a rally on Sept 26th in Portland is a major strategic blunder. Antifa/BLM will antagonize them into a fight to defend themselves while their allies in media record and takes pictures then write a narrative about "Violent Right-Wing Militas" rolling into town and spin it as the Charlottesville 2.0.

The biggest thing saving Kyle's ass right now is his incredible target discrimination and luck in the fact the only people that were shot were white. I'm not saying you shouldn't defend yourself, your home or your property but YOUR ABILITY to wait till the very last second to defend yourself will save you in court of public opinion and not give the corrupt leftist DAs any rope to hang you with.

Make no mistake, we are at war. But this is information war and the leftists have been playing it for a long time and they're very good at it. If you dont think their propaganda is effective then why is there a thread about white-supremacist groups in this very forum?

09-02-20, 20:40
I think most people here probably get that, but it was probably worth mentioning anyway.

Coal Dragger
09-02-20, 22:41
What? I just got my Hawaiian shirt and other Boogaloo apparel! You mean I have to wait?


09-02-20, 23:14
What? I just got my Hawaiian shirt and other Boogaloo apparel! You mean I have to wait?


Hey - you beat the run on THOSE! :cool:

09-03-20, 00:09
What? I just got my Hawaiian shirt and other Boogaloo apparel! You mean I have to wait?


Should've gone with the Freddie Mercury, or better yet Dr. Frank-N-Furter, look instead. Good luck to anyone trying to paint you as right wing with those glamour shots.

09-03-20, 00:38
You're not the boss of me. :jester:

09-03-20, 01:00
I think most people here probably get that, but it was probably worth mentioning anyway.

Definitely. But there are alot of people out there who want to give the insurrectionist marxists their comeuppance and rightfully so. But it just takes one person being a dumbass to ruin the momentum we've got going. Even worse there are large groups out there aka the proud boys(God bless their patriotism) but they sure are stupid and will probably screw everything up.

Should've gone with the Freddie Mercury, or better yet Dr. Frank-N-Furter, look instead. Good luck to anyone trying to paint you as right wing with those glamour shots.

Nah the propagandists are probably already on it.


09-03-20, 01:17
Definitely. But there are alot of people out there who want to give the insurrectionist marxists their comeuppance and rightfully so. But it just takes one person being a dumbass to ruin the momentum we've got going. Even worse there are large groups out there aka the proud boys(God bless their patriotism) but they sure are stupid and will probably screw everything up.

Nah the propagandists are probably already on it.


I just remembered why I don’t read magazines anymore.

09-03-20, 03:33
Definitely. But there are alot of people out there who want to give the insurrectionist marxists their comeuppance and rightfully so. But it just takes one person being a dumbass to ruin the momentum we've got going. Even worse there are large groups out there aka the proud boys(God bless their patriotism) but they sure are stupid and will probably screw everything up.

Just reconcile with yourself the fact that no matter what group or how responsible they try to present themselves...there will ALWAYS be a "tard contingent"...usually they will be wearing a tactical kilt, a china mart tac vest and running some z grade AR rifle with 40 round mags electrical taped to each other with a cardboard insert spacer because mag clamps are $9 and that's a goddamn ripoff.

09-03-20, 03:44
Too late..already Camoflaged the rifles.

09-03-20, 05:16

Make no mistake, we are at war. But this is information war and the leftists have been playing it for a long time and they're very good at it. If you dont think their propaganda is effective then why is there a thread about white-supremacist groups in this very forum?

I started the thread about white supremacists for the following reason: I have twice in conversation heard someone reference the idea that WS were responsible for some of the current/recent chaos, and wanted to know if there were specific cases that I missed. I do not believe this to be true, but wondered if there were isolated cases.

In both cases, the idea was mentioned by individuals who I know to be pragmatic in their thought process.

09-03-20, 05:57
The days after the election, when Democrats fail to concede, will be the true test of the Republic.

09-03-20, 06:02
I started the thread about white supremacists for the following reason: I have twice in conversation heard someone reference the idea that WS were responsible for some of the current/recent chaos, and wanted to know if there were specific cases that I missed. I do not believe this to be true, but wondered if there were isolated cases.

In both cases, the idea was mentioned by individuals who I know to be pragmatic in their thought process.

It’s amazing just how deep white guilt runs in this country. It’s equally amazing just how marvelous of a job the left has done in brainwashing people into rationalizing and normalizing said guilt as well perpetuating the notion that racism only flows in one direction wherein minorities cannot be racist by default.

I mean, what exactly constitutes qualifying criterion for racism and labeling someone a White supremacist nowadays?

The left would have you believe that simply being white is proof enough that you’re a racist. They’d have you believe supporting the 2A, owning firearms, and being male is incontrovertible proof of racism never-mind being about that #MAGA life and confers card carrying klan membership. Same with anyone being proud of their European Anglo history or pointing out that said population built the modern western world for the benefit of all mankind. Who’s appropriating who’s culture on that one??

Folks like to deny that racial qualifiers and divides don’t matter or exist but that simply isn’t true of the real world. You point out data and facts to these folks and the cognitive dissonance gets maxed out to 11. Want to talk about violent crime rates and offenders race in the US and they have a meltdown because in fact black lives only matter if a white person is the offender. Same with complete dysfunction that is the African continent post colonialism. But they just blame European whites for that too I guess.

Point is objectivity matters and neither the left or anyone who’s bought into the white guilt nonsense has any. It’s just pandering and fear of getting called a racist over some bullshit because society is filled with weak minded losers.

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09-03-20, 06:21
It’s amazing just how deep white guilt runs in this country. It’s equally amazing just how marvelous of a job the left has done in brainwashing people into rationalizing in normalizing said guilt and perpetuating the notion that racism only flows in one direction where minorities cannot be racist by default.

I mean what exactly constitutes qualifying criterion for racism and labeling someone a White supremacist nowadays?

The left would have you believe that simply being white is proof enough that you’re a racist. They’d have you believe supporting the 2A, owning of firearms, is being male is incontrovertible proof of racism never mind being about that #MAGA life and confers card carrying klan membership. Same with anyone being proud of their European Anglo history or pointing out that said population built the modern western world.

Folks like to deny that racial qualifiers and dives don’t matter or exist but that simply isn’t true of the real world. You point out data and facts to these folks and the cognitive dissonance gets maxed out to 11. Want to talk about violent crime rates and offenders race in the US and they have a meltdown because in fact black lives only matter if a white person is the offender. Same with complete dysfunction that is the African continent post colonialism. But they just blame European whites for that too I guess.

Point is objectivity matters and neither the left or anyone who’s bought into the white guilt nonsense has any. It’s just pandering and fear of getting called a racist over some bullshit because society is filled with weak minded losers.

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Well said.

09-03-20, 06:49
Re-quote me so it doesn’t look like my spelling as so abhorrent lol.

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Straight Shooter
09-03-20, 07:23
Stay home, make money and vote.

The game is clear, the media is losing the narrative with the "peaceful protests" and the execution of the Trump supporter in Portland. Right now the media is looking for any scapegoat they can point out as "right-wing violence". The proud boys holding a rally on Sept 26th in Portland is a major strategic blunder. Antifa/BLM will antagonize them into a fight to defend themselves while their allies in media record and takes pictures then write a narrative about "Violent Right-Wing Militas" rolling into town and spin it as the Charlottesville 2.0.

The biggest thing saving Kyle's ass right now is his incredible target discrimination and luck in the fact the only people that were shot were white. I'm not saying you shouldn't defend yourself, your home or your property but YOUR ABILITY to wait till the very last second to defend yourself will save you in court of public opinion and not give the corrupt leftist DAs any rope to hang you with.

Make no mistake, we are at war. But this is information war and the leftists have been playing it for a long time and they're very good at it. If you dont think their propaganda is effective then why is there a thread about white-supremacist groups in this very forum?

At this point- I feel like we're holding "until we see the whites of their eyes", so to speak.
The war HAS started, but the opening volley has yet to be fired, from our side anyway.
I easily see this happening this year..and if Trump wins, and then later loses to mail in votes..we may have to act.
If he wins, and demonrats wont concede, even if SCOTUS intervenes, we may have to act.
If he loses, and is patently obvious voter fraud was the culprit, we may have to act.
If he wins, and manges to get thru to Jan to being sworn-in again, at that point theyll lose their ever lovin minds because itll be "real" then, and again, we may have to act.
Now, "we may have to act" is gonna be different for each of us. Would I personally be willing to quit work, travel to DC, and take part in some group or organization that is protecting Trump?
Barring that...we are just gonna have to watch each others backs. Say Im in a store--I see a brother or sister an isle away in a MAGA hat. Ill have to watch them as I go about my way..and jump in if any shit starts. Hopefully others would for me. Say Im in a parking lot, and see some pos keying a car with a Trump sticker. Ive got to call the cops and either detain or follow or get a tag number of that rat.
Itll be to the point in MANY, but not all, places where it will be flat out dangerous & deadly to show any support for Trump or Repubs.
So, lets silently watch each others backs, pray on this thing, and make ready for war. Cause its comin round the bend.

09-03-20, 07:50
What? I just got my Hawaiian shirt and other Boogaloo apparel! You mean I have to wait?


I wear "hawaiian style"(short sleeve, button up, collared, print) shirts everyday, for like 4-5 years... what am I supposed to wear to the boog?

Coal Dragger
09-03-20, 08:04
Same thing, but since yours are worn in you have the equivalent of “Salty” cammies and the rest of us will look like boots in our brand new Hawaiian print shirts. Nobody likes a boot.

09-03-20, 08:35
Agreed. We should sit up and not back, and pay very close attention, but we are not at the Boog quite yet. Train, and look for people with in your immediate neighborhood, work, other parts of the community that who you can count on if things really do go sideways. Stay in shape, and stock up on what you can.

09-03-20, 08:44
Just to remind everyone the boog was born out of sh*t posting internet memes and was co-opted by the left, with the willing assistance by guilt ridden boomer fudds I might add, and thusly rebranded as some alt right fascist entity for consumption by little brain gen pop troglodytes.

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09-03-20, 08:50
Just to remind everyone the boog was born out of sh*t posting internet memes and was co-opted by the left, with the willing assistance by guilt ridden boomer fudds I might add, and thusly rebranded as some alt right fascist entity for consumption by little brain gen pop troglodytes.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkYeah lol it was pretty much a reddit thing on weekendgunnit. It amazes me how people talk about it

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09-03-20, 08:54
It’s amazing just how deep white guilt runs in this country. It’s equally amazing just how marvelous of a job the left has done in brainwashing people into rationalizing and normalizing said guilt as well perpetuating the notion that racism only flows in one direction wherein minorities cannot be racist by default.

Strangely that is one ailment I am not afflicted with. Go figure....

09-03-20, 10:42
It is time...stacked two cords of firewood yesterday and I have two more cords to stack today. This kind of activity is too much like work. Need to get back to cowboy stuff....

Now for the upcoming dark ages, I am working on an remote electric gate set-up. Right now to get to my place, there is a main entrance three miles from the house on a 16 mile dirt road off two-lane blacktop. No lockable gate, just a cattle guard. Working on plans for a heavy duty sliding gate with a solar powered battery and receiver. Would use a repeater on a hill top halfway between the house and the gate and we could open or close the thing from here.

Also, the cattle guard grates are removable, so if I want to shut this place down to vehicular traffic, I have the means. So, to the premise of the thread, it's time...and has been for while, but doesn't involve Polynesian print cotton shirts or engaging the hoards of the unclean out here. At least not yet.... :)

09-03-20, 11:01
We are at the stage now where we pretty much know a mission is coming, but we have no idea what it is or where it is.

09-03-20, 11:46
We are at the stage now where we pretty much know a mission is coming, but we have no idea what it is or where it is.

I'm in Wisconsin, which this election is a battle ground state. It is also where I fear the violence can be most prevalent. The Blue dollars are flowing in here for sure, just as they are in Arizona, Nevada, etc. I would imagine, that these would be the physical battleground states, as well as the electoral.

09-03-20, 11:46
Double tap... for what ever reason

09-03-20, 12:17
Strangely that is one ailment I am not afflicted with. Go figure....

That’s just your privilege talking

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09-03-20, 12:17
Also, the cattle guard grates are removable,

I wonder how many members know what those are?:rolleyes:

09-03-20, 12:41
It is time...stacked two cords of firewood yesterday and I have two more cords to stack today. This kind of activity is too much like work. Need to get back to cowboy stuff....

Now for the upcoming dark ages, I am working on an remote electric gate set-up. Right now to get to my place, there is a main entrance three miles from the house on a 16 mile dirt road off two-lane blacktop. No lockable gate, just a cattle guard. Working on plans for a heavy duty sliding gate with a solar powered battery and receiver. Would use a repeater on a hill top halfway between the house and the gate and we could open or close the thing from here.

Also, the cattle guard grates are removable, so if I want to shut this place down to vehicular traffic, I have the means. So, to the premise of the thread, it's time...and has been for while, but doesn't involve Polynesian print cotton shirts or engaging the hoards of the unclean out here. At least not yet.... :)

Dude, we know you stole a CIA copter back in the day and are just waiting to go full Airwolf at the drop of a hat.

Also, the cattle guard grates are removable, :)

I wonder how many members know what those are?:rolleyes:

Cows in Hawaiian shirts?

09-03-20, 13:12
Cows in Hawaiian shirts?

Isn't that how you get coconut milk?63639

09-03-20, 13:27
That’s just your privilege talking
You earn your privileges.
You get up and go to work in the dark and you come home at dusk. Nose to the grindstone 300+ days a year. You pay your bills, spend time with your kids and love your wife like every night is your honeymoon.
Pay your House note, your car note, vote, be a good neighbor and mind your own business and put money in your 401K.
You call out liars, cheats and deviant's for their BS and be a better man.
Do all that and race, religion, skin color. none of it will stop you from being a success.
However, having said all that, be a little b#tch and you'll soon become irredeemable and an irrelevant face in the back of a crowd of other little b#tches because you don't want to put in the work.

09-03-20, 13:28
Double tap

Coal Dragger
09-03-20, 14:14
I wonder how many members know what those are?:rolleyes:

I’m not a rancher, but I know what those are.

09-03-20, 17:15
I wonder how many members know what those are?:rolleyes:

"Don't hire a lawyer who thinks a cattle guard wears a uniform." -- seen on a billboard around here.

09-03-20, 20:06
I only know of 3 cattle guards near here currently with 2 being where a county road and a farm intersect. I assume that is a hold over from a bit more laid back time.

Used to be more of those around when I was a kid and looking back I suspect some seemingly crappy bridges entering someone's property were/had been cattle guards.

Coal Dragger
09-03-20, 20:18
Very common in South Dakota, we still have quite a bit of open range land.

09-03-20, 20:28
Dude, we know you stole a CIA copter back in the day and are just waiting to go full Airwolf at the drop of a hat.

I saw CIA pilots in Mogadishu, transmitting what I figured was live video back to somewhere in the D.C. area with their civy model Hughes 500 and a TV camera mount. They were also flying the Kiowa Warrior, unmarked. Interacted with them briefly.

Recently got to fly in the co-pilot seat in a Bell 429 Global Ranger from Santa Fe to Gallup and back. Real luxury model with nice glass cockpit avionics. I would enjoy flying one of those.

Cattle guards are the norm out here. Every dividing line between ranches with a trail or road has them. Along the State highways when fenced, any side road where there's open range cattle will have a cattle guard at the entrance. Normally there embedded pretty good, but mine is set up to be removed with moderate effort.

09-04-20, 03:01
Just to remind everyone the boog was born out of sh*t posting internet memes and was co-opted by the left, with the willing assistance by guilt ridden boomer fudds I might add, and thusly rebranded as some alt right fascist entity for consumption by little brain gen pop troglodytes.

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Really? Damn...and I just got my windmill worked out nice.

09-04-20, 05:08
Cattle guards are the norm out here. Every dividing line between ranches with a trail or road has them. Along the State highways when fenced, any side road where there's open range cattle will have a cattle guard at the entrance. Normally there embedded pretty good, but mine is set up to be removed with moderate effort.

It's been 30 years or so since I gave up in cow punching, but I thought the cattle guards were removable for clean out.


09-04-20, 06:28
cattle guards + bump gates = truck busters

09-04-20, 06:31
"Don't hire a lawyer who thinks a cattle guard wears a uniform." -- seen on a billboard around here.
Pretty funny, but also kinda sad

Straight Shooter
09-04-20, 07:12
Funny story.
As a kid in the 70's..living way outta town, we rode the school bus everyday. Had to go down many rural, dirt roads into some hollers.
One holler, halfway in..had a cattle gate, kinda sunken in a depression of sorts. If the bus driver didnt slow down, WOW would your ass go flyin.
Well, ole Mr. Tommy the bus driver was a mess. We would come up on that cattlegate...he'd get the front tires across...then Id see him grinnin in the mirror above his head as head punched it, and as the rear axle went across..I swear our backs would hit the top of the bus! We loved it. At the end of that holler, if it was icey, he would actually gun it and do a 180 throwing us all over...man we just thought that was the best.
They'd throw a man in jail for that stuff now.

09-04-20, 07:53
It's been 30 years or so since I gave up in cow punching, but I thought the cattle guards were removable for clean out.

Depends on the location. Remember the rain out here is a lot less than in your part of the world. I've seen cattle guards that haven't been moved in 40 or 50 years and concreted in. If some grass starts growing up in the middle, the rancher just uses a propane burner to clean it out once a year. If it's in a spot that utilizes a ditch on both sides and gets water flow under it, it may clog up with brush and have to be cleaned out.

I have 2 cattle guards - one at the main entrance to the place and another on the south side on a 4x4 trail that goes off the mesa. To lift them out I use a Caterpillar 416C as the primary muscle. That's all I need because within the boundaries of this ranch, it's open range. My southern range area off the mesa is also open range, but has no fence between my place and the neighboring outfit which has 292,000 acres. Our cattle do get mixed and during round ups, they will tally some of my head they take and write me a check. We do the same for them if their brand gets mixed with ours. Good relationship and its cheaper than loading the cattle and moving back and forth.

09-04-20, 09:20
Very common in South Dakota, we still have quite a bit of open range land.

Very common in the (rural) Midwest in general. The private place I usually shoot at has one at the entrance. I've noticed I don't move as quickly across them as I did when I was a kid - the invincibility has worn off.

09-04-20, 10:41
Very common in the (rural) Midwest in general. The private place I usually shoot at has one at the entrance. I've noticed I don't move as quickly across them as I did when I was a kid - the invincibility has worn off.

And so has the price of a front end alignment.

09-06-20, 19:01
I could see the left get so desperate to shoot and kill a couple of their own and blame it on Trump supporters. I can defiantly see a mass casualty false flag in the near future. The far left are losing badly right now and need to regain the narrative. Never underestimate a cornered democ"RAT".

09-06-20, 19:09
Just to remind everyone the boog was born out of sh*t posting internet memes and was co-opted by the left, with the willing assistance by guilt ridden boomer fudds I might add, and thusly rebranded as some alt right fascist entity for consumption by little brain gen pop troglodytes.

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Big words that I had to look up but sadly it is true. Most Neo nazi rallies are a dozen undercover fbi waiting on the fudds to show up.

09-07-20, 08:33
In 2016 five cops were assassinated at a BLM "protest" in Dallas. Obama went to the memorial to defend BLM, criticize cops for bigotry and blame cops for violence in the streets. The violence has continued to escalate. Now we see more cops murdered, hundreds of cops injured and hospitalized while businesses are looted and cities set ablaze. Just the other day a "Trumper" was identified in the street and murdered. In 2016 it was not time... In 2020 it is not time... When will it be time and time for what?

If this was your business would it have been time?. Time for what, "stay home and make money"?


09-07-20, 09:00
It would be time if I'm sitting with the family enjoying a meal at some restaurant at their outside tables, and some ANTIFA/BLM trash attempts to interrupt with a bullhorn in the face or knocking my food to the ground. It would instantly escalate with a steak knife or fork to the head or neck of that trash, followed up by deployment of my sidearm. The videos I've seen show that people are conditioned to not react - not around here. Any attack is responded to by a greater response. Never fight fair.

There would actually be two responses because the wife would be doing the same. We've already thought this thru. I'm almost totally ambidextrous, and I use a knife with my left hand but I shoot right handed.

09-07-20, 09:16
Wow Jason Bourne lives. Stay dangerous.

09-07-20, 09:25
Wow Jason Bourne lives. Stay dangerous.
Haven't seen a Jason Bourne themed movie yet. Maybe I should. Seen the John Wick series.

The wife was looking at some video from Pittsburgh last nite showing some diners being harassed. She mentioned that doesn't the restaurant have a responsibility for the safety of their patrons, or have they abrogated that?

09-07-20, 09:44
Haven't seen a Jason Bourne themed movie yet. Maybe I should. Seen the John Wick series.

The wife was looking at some video from Pittsburgh last nite showing some diners being harassed. She mentioned that doesn't the restaurant have a responsibility for the safety of their patrons, or have they abrogated that?My sister wants to get out of Pittsburgh right now, and she's pregnant.

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Don't Tread On Me
09-07-20, 10:17
My sister wants to get out of Pittsburgh right now, and she's pregnant.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

On that note, has anyone else in rural areas noticed the real estate balloon further inflate as now, not only does Covid have those in urban areas reeling, but anyone with the means is fleeing cities to get away from this bullshit.

09-07-20, 10:42
On that note, has anyone else in rural areas noticed the real estate balloon further inflate as now, not only does Covid have those in urban areas reeling, but anyone with the means is fleeing cities to get away from this bullshit.
You can still buy open range land out here for $250 an acre, but your chances of having water are close to zero. Over in eastern Arizona, former large ranches have been sold off and are being sub-divided into little "ranches" of 10 or 20 acres. Modern day hippies are moving out there with a travel trailer, setting up solar panels and installing a 210 gallon water tank on a flatbed trailer or pickup truck to haul in water.

09-07-20, 10:48
You can still buy open range land out here for $250 an acre, but your chances of having water are close to zero. Over in eastern Arizona, former large ranches have been sold off and are being sub-divided into little "ranches" of 10 or 20 acres. Modern day hippies are moving out there with a travel trailer, setting up solar panels and installing a 210 gallon water tank on a flatbed trailer or pickup truck to haul in water.

That seems so tempting but I’m one of these people who would be wishing for Nuclear Winter after a long day patrolling the mojave.

09-07-20, 11:08
Funny story.
As a kid in the 70's..living way outta town, we rode the school bus everyday. Had to go down many rural, dirt roads into some hollers.
One holler, halfway in..had a cattle gate, kinda sunken in a depression of sorts. If the bus driver didnt slow down, WOW would your ass go flyin.
Well, ole Mr. Tommy the bus driver was a mess. We would come up on that cattlegate...he'd get the front tires across...then Id see him grinnin in the mirror above his head as head punched it, and as the rear axle went across..I swear our backs would hit the top of the bus! We loved it. At the end of that holler, if it was icey, he would actually gun it and do a 180 throwing us all over...man we just thought that was the best.
They'd throw a man in jail for that stuff now.

I had one that seemed to have not liked me for some reason. Mornings I would be standing at the end of the driveway and he would blow past, usually requiring me to run down the shoulder/ditch(on a very busy and narrow road) a few hundred feet with the occasional need to get a ride in. Evenings it was not unusual to be standing within a foot of him as we approached my driveway, he would look in the rear view and make eye contact with me, then blow by my driveway with the ditch run waiting for me.

The brother and sister on the next stop he would always slow down on approach without them in sight, frequently even stopping. One morning went like that, but no brother and sister so off we went. Couple hundred feet down the road their front door opened and out they came. Driver not only locked it up, but put it in reverse and starts backing up. The kids at the back of the bus start yelling just before the boom and jolt. I lean out in the aisle and look back through the emergency exit to see the hood of the vehicle he backed up in to popped open and steam rolling out.

09-07-20, 11:10
That seems so tempting but I’m one of these people who would be wishing for Nuclear Winter after a long day patrolling the mojave.
Were a tad bit higher in altitude than the Mojave desert. This is Pinon-Juniper woodland zone (4500-7500 foot) altitude. Where I am typing this I sit a 5800 foot, which makes me higher than Denver. We have plenty of Winter at this zone to keep us busy feeding cattle. Expecting a dusting of snow here by Wednesday and freezing morning temps.

09-07-20, 11:22
On that note, has anyone else in rural areas noticed the real estate balloon further inflate as now, not only does Covid have those in urban areas reeling, but anyone with the means is fleeing cities to get away from this bullshit.

Definitely. My wife is always looking at lake houses around here and she tells they are listing and then selling quickly. Prices on all property has been inching up lately.

09-07-20, 13:06
Definitely. My wife is always looking at lake houses around here and she tells they are listing and then selling quickly. Prices on all property has been inching up lately.

Hell, building-only property taxes on the rundown POS doublewide I'm working on moving us out of just went up almost sevenfold for next year... I really wish we could find somewhere with no snow, no liberals, no insane summer highs and affordable real-estate to Delocate to.

At the risk of being flip and stipulating that I'm an armchair sort and not an operator, my gut on the original question is "If you're asking the question, it's good that you're paying attention but it's not Time yet--when it is, you will KNOW beyond doubt."

Coal Dragger
09-07-20, 13:16
That seems so tempting but I’m one of these people who would be wishing for Nuclear Winter after a long day patrolling the mojave.

War, war never changes...

09-07-20, 13:18
which makes me higher than Denver.

I find this very lol worthy with the duality of the comment.

09-07-20, 13:32
I find this very lol worthy with the duality of the comment.
It did cross my mind when I wrote that - certainly "Rocky Mountain High". Technically in this part of New Mexico we are just east of the Rockies - the part that extends into New Mexico are called the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. You can see them from the far northwest corner of my ranch.

09-07-20, 13:34
It did cross my mind when I wrote that - certainly "Rocky Mountain High". Technically in this part of New Mexico we are just east of the Rockies - the part that extends into New Mexico are called the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. You can see them from the far northwest corner of my ranch.

I spent time there as a youth at Philmont.

Beautiful place. I was raised in the Smokey Mountains, but came to love the Rockies while I was stationed in Colorado.

09-07-20, 13:40
It did cross my mind when I wrote that - certainly "Rocky Mountain High". Technically in this part of New Mexico we are just east of the Rockies - the part that extends into New Mexico are called the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. You can see them from the far northwest corner of my ranch.

You closer to Clovis or Capulin?

09-07-20, 15:55
It would be time if I'm sitting with the family enjoying a meal at some restaurant at their outside tables, and some ANTIFA/BLM trash attempts to interrupt with a bullhorn in the face or knocking my food to the ground. It would instantly escalate with a steak knife or fork to the head or neck of that trash, followed up by deployment of my sidearm. The videos I've seen show that people are conditioned to not react - not around here. Any attack is responded to by a greater response. Never fight fair.

There would actually be two responses because the wife would be doing the same. We've already thought this thru. I'm almost totally ambidextrous, and I use a knife with my left hand but I shoot right handed.

Thanks for writing that. I hadn’t seen that said explicitly.

Remember the threat isn’t the small woman who comes in and tips over the table it’s the big guy standing behind her waiting for someone to react. There is the violence and assault of the dinner ‘interruption’ and then there is the command to move... seems pretty terroristic and border-line kidnapping.

These lefties keep on doing these violent acts, and you can see that they have reserves ready to respond if someone defends themselves, as if the defense gives them the right to attack again. The best example is when they stop traffic and then try to say they have the right to shoot people that are trying to get out of the riot.

While we are still in this LARPing stage, I want carry a 6 inch nickel plated 44 magnum In a shoulder holster and pull that out and go full Samuel L Jackson on them- “You have the rest of your life to make the next decision.”

09-07-20, 17:02
It would be time if I'm sitting with the family enjoying a meal at some restaurant at their outside tables, and some ANTIFA/BLM trash attempts to interrupt with a bullhorn in the face or knocking my food to the ground. It would instantly escalate with a steak knife or fork to the head or neck of that trash, followed up by deployment of my sidearm. The videos I've seen show that people are conditioned to not react - not around here. Any attack is responded to by a greater response. Never fight fair.

There would actually be two responses because the wife would be doing the same. We've already thought this thru. I'm almost totally ambidextrous, and I use a knife with my left hand but I shoot right handed.

The entire point of this thread is to not do that.

What looks better for us on evening news, innocent family getting harassed for no reason or racist family blowing away black peaceful protesters? Because thats how its going to be spun. Respond by GTFO when you see trouble or whipping out your phone and recording them do their stupid antics. Posting a video of them attacking innocents hurts them far more than blowing away a few useful idiots.

09-07-20, 17:10
I like to think if OH58D ever had to go totally apeshit on Antifa messing up his family dinner that it would be less like John Wick and more like that scene from A History of Violence but with the Banana Splits theme blasting super fast and loud

09-07-20, 17:25
The entire point of this thread is to not do that.

What looks better for us on evening news, innocent family getting harassed for no reason or racist family blowing away black peaceful protesters? Because thats how its going to be spun. Respond by GTFO when you see trouble or whipping out your phone and recording them do their stupid antics. Posting a video of them attacking innocents hurts them far more than blowing away a few useful idiots.

That was the strategy of the Jews in WWII. Keep your head down, this will pass over.

09-07-20, 17:36
That was the strategy of the Jews in WWII. Keep your head down, this will pass over.

Except the Jews were the minority. The majority is made up of people like the suburban mom who has been fed the peaceful protest propaganda who are now starting to wake up. Scenes of BLM coming to ruin their dinner starts getting plastered all over social media is starting to shock the average american housewife. Keep letting them interrupt peoples meals. When they start rioting in the suburbs, good. Its easy to turn a blind eye when the riots are downtown, not so easy to ignore when they are your front doorstep.

Never interrupt your enemy when hes making a mistake.

09-07-20, 17:42
Except the Jews were the minority. The majority is made up of people like the suburban mom who has been fed the peaceful protest propaganda who are now starting to wake up. Scenes of BLM coming to ruin their dinner starts getting plastered all over social media is starting to shock the average american housewife. Keep letting them interrupt peoples meals. When they start rioting in the suburbs, good. Its easy to turn a blind eye when the riots are downtown, not so easy to ignore when they are your front doorstep.

Never interrupt your enemy when hes making a mistake.

I’m not so inclined to believe the majority are “waking up” most seem to be doubling down on the guilt. It’s easier then having to consciously reject a life long nourished world view about oppression, racism, guilt, and American exceptionalism being everything that’s wrong with the world.

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09-07-20, 17:55
The entire point of this thread is to not do that.

What looks better for us on evening news, innocent family getting harassed for no reason or racist family blowing away black peaceful protesters? Because thats how its going to be spun. Respond by GTFO when you see trouble or whipping out your phone and recording them do their stupid antics. Posting a video of them attacking innocents hurts them far more than blowing away a few useful idiots.

Okay, so the point is to cross that line when it is necessary for YOU personally, not suggesting you be the one to kick off WWIII. i.e. OH58D is at dinner and this happens. He is then responding to HIS circumstances right at that point in time, not advocating everyone else go cray-cray.

That is how it will happen if their animal-like behavior is not reigned in. Kyle did it. The dude in Austin did it. A number of running through roadblocking "protestors" :rolleyes: with vehicles has occurred. Yeah, that's how it will likely go down, with ever-increasing frequency. Oh well, it's what they want, sooooo........

09-07-20, 17:58
I’m not so inclined to believe the majority are “waking up” most seem to be doubling down on the guilt. It’s easier then having to consciously reject a life long nourished world view about oppression, racism, guilt, and American exceptionalism being everything that’s wrong with the world.

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Support for BLM is now slightly below that of even before George Floyd was killed. It only took 3 months of non-stop rioting but the footage is prevelant enough that mainstream media cant keep it under wraps anymore.


09-07-20, 18:04
Okay, so the point is to cross that line when it is necessary for YOU personally, not suggesting you be the one to kick off WWIII. i.e. OH58D is at dinner and this happens. He is then responding to HIS circumstances right at that point in time, not advocating everyone else go cray-cray.

That is how it will happen if their animal-like behavior is not reigned in. Kyle did it. The dude in Austin did it. A number of running through roadblocking "protestors" :rolleyes: with vehicles has occurred. Yeah, that's how it will likely go down, with ever-increasing frequency. Oh well, it's what they want, sooooo........

Yes and look what happened to them, even something as clear cut as with Kyle. The courts are controlled by far-left prosecutors and DAs, you will never get a fair trial. Not to mention the media who will dox you and family ensuring they wont be safe. Unless you can do the deed without getting caught its far better avoid using violence at all cost.

Im trying to get people to understand the game being played.

09-07-20, 18:06
You closer to Clovis or Capulin?
About 90 road miles south/southwest from Capulin - look on Google for Roy, Mosquero and Sabinoso - New Mexico. I am in the middle of all those places.

The entire point of this thread is to not do that.

What looks better for us on evening news, innocent family getting harassed for no reason or racist family blowing away black peaceful protesters? Because thats how its going to be spun. Respond by GTFO when you see trouble or whipping out your phone and recording them do their stupid antics. Posting a video of them attacking innocents hurts them far more than blowing away a few useful idiots.
Response depends on the location. I'm out of my element in a Pittsburgh or Chicago, but I don't think of media optics when I am being threatened. Something else kicks in and you react to eliminate the threat quickly, without getting yourself hurt or those with you. What's to stop that trash from following you after you vacate your meal at the restaurant? Where do you go? Duty to retreat has limits. I doubt the Police are ready to assist, and they're probably staged somewhere else down the street.

I had a Black guy at a gas station in Albuquerque go nuts on me once. I was just pumping gas in my truck at a Shell Station on Central Avenue (Rte 66) when he started approaching, yelling all kinds of profanities, and making threats. Never saw him before. I was ready to pull the nozzle out, douse him with gas and pop off a round with my Smith & Wesson .357 magnum. Rule of thumb - never let them get close enough to lay a hand on you. I would take the same approach at some restaurant.

09-07-20, 18:11
About 90 road miles south/southwest from Capulin - look on Google for Roy, Mosquero and Sabinoso - New Mexico. I am in the middle of all those places.

Response depends on the location. I'm out of my element in a Pittsburgh or Chicago, but I don't think of media optics when I am being threatened. Something else kicks in and you react to eliminate the threat quickly, without getting yourself hurt or those with you. What's to stop that trash from following you after you vacate your meal at the restaurant? Where do you go? Duty to retreat has limits. I doubt the Police are ready to assist, and they're probably staged somewhere else down the street.

I had a Black guy at a gas station in Albuquerque go nuts on me once. I was just pumping gas in my truck at a Shell Station on Central Avenue (Rte 66) when he started approaching, yelling all kinds of profanities, and making threats. Never saw him before. I was ready to pull the nozzle out, douse him with gas and pop off a round with my Smith & Wesson .357 magnum. Rule of thumb - never let them get close enough to lay a hand on you. I would take the same approach at some restaurant.

All Im saying is its more important to follow more strict ROE than ever before. The more questionable a shoot looks, the more its going be politicized and used against us.

09-07-20, 18:11
I like to think if OH58D ever had to go totally apeshit on Antifa messing up his family dinner that it would be less like John Wick and more like that scene from A History of Violence but with the Banana Splits theme blasting super fast and loud

Lol...I miss the Banana Splits...

But I can pick him doing more of a Race Bannon from Jonny Quest along with the theme music

09-07-20, 18:18
Hopefully we can wake up enough people before November.

American Airlines faces boycott after allowing cabin crew to wear Black Lives Matter pins on uniform: Furious staff and passengers claim move is 'anti-cop, racist and anti-American'
The nation's largest commercial jet carrier announced the new policy on Sunday
Some staff have since complained and are 'completely disgusted' by the move
Passengers have also taken to social media in their droves to call for a boycott


09-07-20, 18:35
Yes and look what happened to them, even something as clear cut as with Kyle. The courts are controlled by far-left prosecutors and DAs, you will never get a fair trial. Not to mention the media who will dox you and family ensuring they wont be safe. Unless you can do the deed without getting caught its far better avoid using violence at all cost.

Im trying to get people to understand the game being played.

Then let's all just curl up in a ball, cry, and suck our thumbs, let them have their way.

Good God man.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't look for trouble, I don't go to protests. I do, however, have to drive to and from work 5 days a week. Don't eat dinner at restaurants in the city. Yet if my hand is forced I will not hesitate to defend me and mine. If that means a POS croaks then it was on them, not me. Don't give a damn, and it will not matter one freaking bit at the moment I make that decision, how the g-damn MSM paints it. They can go fvck themselves. I'll NOT take a beat-down from anyone for contrived reasons.

09-07-20, 18:41
All Im saying is its more important to follow more strict ROE than ever before. The more questionable a shoot looks, the more its going be politicized and used against us.
Don't think that I'm missing your point - I'm not. I understand totally your point and there's validity in it. I just am not the kind of person to get run-off by bullies - never have been.

Maybe another response could be to grab that mouthy protester by the neck and slam their head down on the table face-first a couple of times, while I'm yelling:

"Want to join us for dinner ?....here's what's on the menu"

Maybe that response would provide better optics than just shooting the SOB on the spot? After a couple of right knee surgeries, I can't match my old Army APFT standards for running, so I will hold my ground. I am not going to match the speed of some Ninja-garbed Millennial Pinko on a skateboard.

09-07-20, 18:41
Hopefully we can wake up enough people before November.


Yeah, Mike Miller covered that at RedState this morning. If you're LE and planning to fly soon, remember who wants to take your money and give it to people who want to kill you... and direct your business accordingly.

09-07-20, 18:53
Interesting article. It follows logically (well, in what we've seen/heard, not that the plan is logical in and of itself):


Scary stuff. If I was Trump, and this kind of shit was pulled after Nov. 3rd, I'd make an announcement that any U.S. servicemember who disobeyed an order to remove a lawfully-elected POTUS would receive a full pardon.

09-07-20, 18:55
Then let's all just curl up in a ball, cry, and suck our thumbs, let them have their way.

Good God man.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't look for trouble, I don't go to protests. I do, however, have to drive to and from work 5 days a week. Don't eat dinner at restaurants in the city. Yet if my hand is forced I will not hesitate to defend me and mine. If that means a POS croaks then it was on them, not me. Don't give a damn, and it will not matter one freaking bit at the moment I make that decision, how the g-damn MSM paints it. They can go fvck themselves. I'll NOT take a beat-down from anyone for contrived reasons.

Its not weakness to use strategy.

09-07-20, 19:05
Its not weakness to use strategy.
No it's not, and each situation is different. I take the approach from my world. I deal in hard work, dangerous situations, almost every day in my work. Here is a picture of me on horseback from this past Spring roping a 2000 lbs. Bull and the manpower required to secure the beast for branding. Sometimes I'm on the horse, sometimes I wrestling the beast on the ground:


09-07-20, 19:21
Interesting article. It follows logically (well, in what we've seen/heard, not that the plan is logical in and of itself):


Scary stuff. If I was Trump, and this kind of shit was pulled after Nov. 3rd, I'd make an announcement that any U.S. servicemember who disobeyed an order to remove a lawfully-elected POTUS would receive a full pardon.

Very interesting and very plausible given today’s political climate. We see the ComDems willing to burn their cities to the ground and destroy their economies to try to hurt the President so what wouldn’t they do? And if the military is willing to take their side irregardless of the Constitution then really all is lost.

09-07-20, 19:29
Why M4C got almost as much Walking Licks as Barfcom sometimes?

I ain’t doing that bullshit. If someone comes at me on my personal time then it’s gonna on like Donkey Kong.

I got three Jewish lawyers and my local Black community loves me. I’m good.

09-07-20, 19:48
No it's not, and each situation is different. I take the approach from my world. I deal in hard work, dangerous situations, almost every day in my work. Here is a picture of me on horseback from this past Spring roping a 2000 lbs. Bull and the manpower required to secure the beast for branding. Sometimes I'm on the horse, sometimes I wrestling the beast on the ground:

https://i.imgur.com/WAmkEj6h.jpgGood practice for those female antifas. Especially when they're in heat

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09-07-20, 20:18
About 90 road miles south/southwest from Capulin - look on Google for Roy, Mosquero and Sabinoso - New Mexico. I am in the middle of all those places.

I've driven by Capulin at least a dozen or more times. Keep saying I plan on stopping there. It's now officially a "bucket list" item of mine.

09-07-20, 20:27
Its not weakness to use strategy.

If your "strategy" is to take/accept a beat-down by a mob of thugs for no other reason than being white then YES, it is weakness.

Don't think we're gonna agree on this.

09-07-20, 20:28
I’m not so inclined to believe the majority are “waking up” most seem to be doubling down on the guilt. It’s easier then having to consciously reject a life long nourished world view about oppression, racism, guilt, and American exceptionalism being everything that’s wrong with the world.

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I'm going to say you're wrong. I tend to think a whole lot more people are starting to question exactly what's going on after seeing the violence day in and day out. You can only make a person feel guilty for so long before they start figuring out they did nothing wrong.

Americans are still Americans at their core. They don't like being pushed around. And eventually, they are going to snap.

09-07-20, 20:35
I'm going to say you're wrong. I tend to think a whole lot more people are starting to question exactly what's going on after seeing the violence day in and day out. You can only make a person feel guilty for so long before they start figuring out they did nothing wrong.

Americans are still Americans at their core. They don't like being pushed around. And eventually, they are going to snap.

Then you have more faith in our countrymen than I.

Even if they see it for what it is they’ll still vote for Rapey Joe this fall because Trump is Hitler.

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09-07-20, 20:50
The other side of the coin regarding harassing restaurant goers is the fact there has been no push-back in any of the cities I have seen video of this in. It's all the same, people out to have a nice meal and/or drink with friends and family and they get attacked. The enemy has come to the conclusion this is an easy target and they will continue their mischief until the consequences become too costly. The restaurant proprietors aren't doing anything, and I am seeing little or no police action to break this sort of thing up.

I personally wouldn't have the patience to sit there and be abused. As I said before - invite the trash to join you for the meal and slam their head down a few times face-first on the table - let 'em see what's on the menu.

09-07-20, 20:54
If your "strategy" is to take/accept a beat-down by a mob of thugs for no other reason than being white then YES, it is weakness.

Don't think we're gonna agree on this.

I never said take a beat down, if someone is physically attacking you then respond accordingly on the force continuum. If someone wants to yell, flip the tables and smash my beer glass, adios, Im already gone and not sticking around for the bill. If you read the post that started this debate it went from BLM smashing up my dinner to going to improvised edged weapons and firearms coming out.


If this is your response to people throwing your Caesars salad plate on the floor, god help your legal team.

09-07-20, 20:56
Then you have more faith in our countrymen than I.

Even if they see it for what it is they’ll still vote for Rapey Joe this fall because Trump is Hitler.

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Maybe my location has a lot to do with it. But I don't think it's as great as influence as people just being fed up. It's one thing for Suburban Mary to post her BLM "support" on Facebook or Instagram, it's another entirely when she gets trapped in traffic with a stupid mob banging on her car. They don't care that she is trying to pick up the girls from soccer practice and Tweeted support for them while they are banging on her hood. They are there to terrorize and she will be terrorized in that situation.

Or Suburban Bob gets terrorized when they are strolling down his street screaming in a megaphone, shining lights in his windows and banging on the door telling him and his family to move on because of "gentrification" while Mary is hiding scared with the kids.

Or harassing their family at a restaurant. You get the idea.

Life choices become easily more black and white in those situations and the "support" and "guilt" starts melting away because they are being terrorized for the color of their skin. They did nothing wrong, they've always supported equality. But that doesn't matter to racist terrorists. They will start to see the BLM movement for what it truly is and the support dwindles.

You can only terrorize a group of people for so long before they get fed up with it and start pushing back. They will give two damns what the media thinks or being called a racist.

Everyone has a breaking point and it's being tested with a lot of people that would ride the fence in normal times.

09-07-20, 21:11
If you think its impossible to change the people's opinion that quickly look at the how the 2nd amendment is being treated now. In barely 6 months the talk of any AWB got shut down real fast.

What I am saying is show restraint until the POTUS gets reelected. Till Barr can start going after these corrupt leftist DAs. Till Ginsberg dies and we can get another supreme court judge in then maybe we can get immunity laws passed for self defense.

Or you can make some BLM posse a martyr which will literally be the most memorable thing hes done in his life which will drive the normies towards Biden then none of the above can happen.

09-07-20, 21:33
If you think its impossible to change the people's opinion that quickly look at the how the 2nd amendment is being treated now. In barely 6 months the talk of any AWB got shut down real fast.

What I am saying is show restraint until the POTUS gets reelected. Till Barr can start going after these corrupt leftist DAs. Till Ginsberg dies and we can get another supreme court judge in then maybe we can get immunity laws passed for self defense.

Or you can make some BLM posse a martyr which will literally be the most memorable thing hes done in his life which will drive the normies towards Biden then none of the above can happen.
At least you're optimistic that once Trump gets re-elected, RBG croaks and everything just goes back to normal. I think we have reached a new low in the United States - the genie is out of the bottle and the cat is out of the bag. This is a new era, with new dynamic factors. Violence and property destruction are the latest tools to push public policy. That is not going to change and only get worse and perhaps become very Darwinian in the United States. In the end, Might always make Right, especially when people devolve into animal-like behavior.

I just can't see myself allowing some feral Communist millennial get in my face with a bull horn, threatening me if I don't raise my fist in support. Not gonna happen.

09-07-20, 21:41
If this is your response to people throwing your Caesars salad plate on the floor, god help your legal team.

Unfortunately I think this is a lot of the reason why society is where it is today. Somewhere along the way the right thing, the moral thing, the ethical thing, and the legal thing to do in a given situation diverged exponentially.

It’s disappointing really. The scumbags pulling this BS absolutely deserved to get shanked with a table knife for f’ing up someone’s ribeye dinner.

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09-07-20, 21:43
Maybe my location has a lot to do with it. But I don't think it's as great as influence as people just being fed up. It's one thing for Suburban Mary to post her BLM "support" on Facebook or Instagram, it's another entirely when she gets trapped in traffic with a stupid mob banging on her car. They don't care that she is trying to pick up the girls from soccer practice and Tweeted support for them while they are banging on her hood. They are there to terrorize and she will be terrorized in that situation.

Or Suburban Bob gets terrorized when they are strolling down his street screaming in a megaphone, shining lights in his windows and banging on the door telling him and his family to move on because of "gentrification" while Mary is hiding scared with the kids.

Or harassing their family at a restaurant. You get the idea.

Life choices become easily more black and white in those situations and the "support" and "guilt" starts melting away because they are being terrorized for the color of their skin. They did nothing wrong, they've always supported equality. But that doesn't matter to racist terrorists. They will start to see the BLM movement for what it truly is and the support dwindles.

You can only terrorize a group of people for so long before they get fed up with it and start pushing back. They will give two damns what the media thinks or being called a racist.

Everyone has a breaking point and it's being tested with a lot of people that would ride the fence in normal times.

I get all that but they’ll continue to internalize their guilt and cuck themselves into explaining away the violence as justified because they (suburban mary) let the system go unchecked for so long.

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09-07-20, 21:45
If you think its impossible to change the people's opinion that quickly look at the how the 2nd amendment is being treated now. In barely 6 months the talk of any AWB got shut down real fast.

What I am saying is show restraint until the POTUS gets reelected. Till Barr can start going after these corrupt leftist DAs. Till Ginsberg dies and we can get another supreme court judge in then maybe we can get immunity laws passed for self defense.

Or you can make some BLM posse a martyr which will literally be the most memorable thing hes done in his life which will drive the normies towards Biden then none of the above can happen.

So what? It’s not like any positive advancements to affirm the 2A came to be as a result. Certainly not on a federal level.

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09-07-20, 21:57
I’m calling a spade a spade.

BLM never cared about equality or injustice. They want to be our oppressors.

The banality of evil gets boring.

Everybody needs to go home, stop the bullshit, pull up their pants, speak properly and respectfully, and count their blessings.

I will not be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.


And I don’t surrender

09-07-20, 22:02
I’m calling a spade a spade.

BLM never cared about equality or injustice. They want to be our oppressors.

The banality of evil gets boring.

Everybody needs to go home, stop the bullshit, pull up their pants, speak properly and respectfully, and count their blessings.

I will not be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.


And I don’t surrender

Mr. Axton approves this message

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09-07-20, 22:17
Unfortunately I think this is a lot of the reason why society is where it is today. Somewhere along the way the right thing, the moral thing, the ethical thing, and the legal thing to do in a given situation diverged exponentially.

It’s disappointing really. The scumbags pulling this BS absolutely deserved to get shanked with a table knife for f’ing up someone’s ribeye dinner.

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The pussification of society is why we are at this point. Few know real violence anymore hence why they able to act the way they do. Im all for giving the dinner crashers their just dessert but the rules of the game are set. We have enough examples of what happened to people who try to defend themselves to understand just how rigged the rules of the game are and how it will be used in the overall political climate to sway public opinion. Unless we can change those rules we are screwed in defending ourselves. Once the rules favor the defender we can start taking out the trash.

09-07-20, 23:43
Except the Jews were the minority. The majority is made up of people like the suburban mom who has been fed the peaceful protest propaganda who are now starting to wake up. Scenes of BLM coming to ruin their dinner starts getting plastered all over social media is starting to shock the average american housewife. Keep letting them interrupt peoples meals. When they start rioting in the suburbs, good. Its easy to turn a blind eye when the riots are downtown, not so easy to ignore when they are your front doorstep.

Never interrupt your enemy when hes making a mistake.

I was short on time when I wrote this and didn't mean for it to be definative or absolute, but in reality the historical truth that the Jews didn't realize that things were different this time. It seems every city in the EU has/had a Jewish section and there seems to always be a lplaque about how every 200 years or so, the Jews would get the crap beat out of them. This taught the Jews that fighting back would be worse in the long run- take the beating, move about, rebuild. As you mentioned, a minority strategy facing what was probably a domestic problem that they got blamed for. Hitler comes around and starts the same tune, the Jews have heard this song, their dance step is lay low, this will pass- but this time there is a modern industrial scale machine that is going past a scape-goat smackdown all the way to industrial scale annihilation.

Those on the left aren't fight for their right to bugger each other, shave off their junk, or the usual commie platform. They HATE us, just look at the videos of the pure hatred when some drives through an lefty area. They don't think we have the right to have our opinions or have a place in society. That is different. They are gearing up and moving towards a final solution. Sound familiar? These guys need a sharp whack to the nose or look down the barrel of a gun to learn that this isn't acceptable behavior and it won't be tolerated. That is how you stop the civil war, boog, political-cleansing from happening. I understand and appreciate your point, but we are past the point where being passive makes the situation better.


09-08-20, 00:20
I get what you are saying, this is not a blip in history, this is the biggest threat to America we will see in a lifetime which is why we have to be smart. Ie. stop doing things like counter protests and driving trucks through the city waving Trump flags, these things are counter productive which do nothing except give the media fodder to spin a narrative of right-wing militias. Stop engaging them in low-level violence like street brawls with shields and bear spray. That is their game, dont engage them on their territory. Let them continue the actions that hurt them.

Divide them. The democrats and the media are using them to make Trump look bad, once it starts hurting them in the polls, which is what these dinner crashes and suburban riots are causing, they will try to distance themselves from BLM. Then the corporations will follow once it starts hurting their sales. Without support from the media and corporations they lose alot of their power. Once they are isolated they can be destroyed.

I know exactly what they are. They need more than a sharp whack to the nose...


Remember, genocide occurs at the hands of governments. The whole point is not to let them have control of the government by winning public sentiment.

09-08-20, 04:25
Remember, genocide occurs at the hands of governments. The whole point is not to let them have control of the government by winning public sentiment.

Yes, “defund the police” and “abolish the State” are just catchy slogans meant to gain popular support via evoking the counter-culture appeal of anarchism. The reality is that the people running this destabilization op want to do neither. They just want to become the police and become the State.

09-08-20, 07:42
Just remember the Mom and her daughter in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in their car, surrounded by "peaceful protesters", banging on the windows, trying to open the doors. Mom calls 911 and the dispatcher tells Mom that it's a sanctioned event - if there's a problem, contact City Hall, while you hear the little girl crying in the back seat.

When my wife (and mother) heard this recording, her response to me and what she would have said to the dispatcher:

"Well I figured I needed to call someone before I start shooting these Sons of Bitches"

When they're at your restaurant table, bullhorn in your face, throwing your food at you or on the ground, or banging on your car windows - they're too close, and too close for you to have a larger percentage of maintaining your safety. Distance is your friend. Remember Rand Paul and his wife on the streets of D.C. ? Without LE there what do you think the outcome would have been?

Ultimately, I don't care what Wolf Blitzer, Mika brzezinski or those bitches on The View have to say. People should have a reasonable expectation of space between you and violent rioters.

09-08-20, 08:55
What? I just got my Hawaiian shirt and other Boogaloo apparel! You mean I have to wait?


Huh, some of us have our Hawaiian shirts.....

09-08-20, 09:01
Just to remind everyone the boog was born out of sh*t posting internet memes and was co-opted by the left, with the willing assistance by guilt ridden boomer fudds I might add, and thusly rebranded as some alt right fascist entity for consumption by little brain gen pop troglodytes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh, you lost me.. I'll just fake it..

09-08-20, 10:11
I think it's important to use their own tactics against them.
Pull your phone out, have the encounter filmed. Repeat this loudly and clearly.
I am afraid.
I fear for my Life.
Get back you are too close.
You are assaulting me, stop.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Move to your Car, go leave and turn yourself in after you Lawyer up. I would cross State lines to insure I have a Federal case rather than a local DA becoming involved.

09-08-20, 10:15
I think it's important to use their own tactics against them.
Pull your phone out, have the encounter filmed. Repeat this loudly and clearly.
I am afraid.
I fear for my Life.
Get back you are too close.
You are assaulting me, stop.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Move to your Car, go leave and turn yourself in after you Lawyer up. I would cross State lines to insure I have a Federal case rather than a local DA becoming involved.

The problem is that if the feds don't feel they have a case, they'll just punt it back to the state and let the chips fall where they may.

09-08-20, 10:33
The problem is that if the feds don't feel they have a case, they'll just punt it back to the state and let the chips fall where they may.

That's why your film on your phone is distributed far and wide and your Attorney gets some face time on Fox.
You have to play their game better than they do. I'm almost 60 and a disabled Veteran, I'm pretty sure this would make a splash internationally, not just locally and pull the rug out from under the local commie DA.

09-08-20, 10:45
That's why your film on your phone is distributed far and wide and your Attorney gets some face time on Fox.
You have to play their game better than they do. I'm almost 60 and a disabled Veteran, I'm pretty sure this would make a splash internationally, not just locally and pull the rug out from under the local commie DA.
This is my wife - she turned 59 this past July. Does she look like someone who would allow Communist rioters to interfere with her meal?

09-08-20, 11:02
This is my wife - she turned 59 this past July. Does she look like someone who would allow Communist rioters to interfere with her meal?

My Friend, I believe when you found her, you hit max effective range.
Lucky Man.
And No, I wouldn't guess she would put up with much malarkey from some commies.

09-08-20, 11:10
My Friend, I believe when you found her, you hit max effective range.
Lucky Man.
And No, I wouldn't guess she would put up with much malarkey from some commies.
We've been married 42 years. She was a solid Army Officer's wife, putting her career on hold often so I could be deployed many times OCONUS. She's a Trauma nurse and hospital administrator, and crack shot at a full gallop with those Ruger Vaquero Birdshead revolvers.

It is apparent that we have a different mindset out here in the rural west than other posters on this forum. We are not conditioned to take crap from Communist rioters who have found they can get away with anything when encountering soft urban targets.

26 Inf
09-08-20, 11:28
I never said take a beat down, if someone is physically attacking you then respond accordingly on the force continuum. If someone wants to yell, flip the tables and smash my beer glass, adios, Im already gone and not sticking around for the bill. If you read the post that started this debate it went from BLM smashing up my dinner to going to improvised edged weapons and firearms coming out.


If this is your response to people throwing your Caesars salad plate on the floor, god help your legal team.

Solid advice. Had kind of the same discussion with my wife a couple days ago when she thought I ought to get armed up and check the back building because the motion light came on - nothing in the building worth getting hurt or hurting anyone over, the dogs mean more to me than anything in the building, we have insurance, go to bed.

If I'm going to disrupt my life by shooting someone it's gonna be because I have no other option.

The problem is being discerning enough to know you have no other option before the point that you have no options.

I live in what most would call a small town in Central Kansas, 30-40 thousand. My thought is that if things go armed insurrection sideways it won't start here, so we will have a little time to prepare the neighbors with examples from media coverage.

If I lived in a larger, more blue leaning area, I would be much more concerned and already be talking to the neighbors, etc. Because the reality is that none of us are going to stop a mob of 20+ armed assailants by ourselves at our homes. If it gets down to you defending your house when all around you is in ruins, it's too late.

09-08-20, 12:17
Solid advice. Had kind of the same discussion with my wife a couple days ago when she thought I ought to get armed up and check the back building because the motion light came on - nothing in the building worth getting hurt or hurting anyone over, the dogs mean more to me than anything in the building, we have insurance, go to bed.

If I'm going to disrupt my life by shooting someone it's gonna be because I have no other option.

The problem is being discerning enough to know you have no other option before the point that you have no options.

I live in what most would call a small town in Central Kansas, 30-40 thousand. My thought is that if things go armed insurrection sideways it won't start here, so we will have a little time to prepare the neighbors with examples from media coverage.

If I lived in a larger, more blue leaning area, I would be much more concerned and already be talking to the neighbors, etc. Because the reality is that none of us are going to stop a mob of 20+ armed assailants by ourselves at our homes. If it gets down to you defending your house when all around you is in ruins, it's too late.
If the United States commits suicide in November, eventually the evil will make its way to all of us - some sooner than others. Then all of this concern about optics in the media and how we choose to protect our individual rights will take on a whole new dynamic. I don't think we're ever going to return to "normal" times again; at least for the foreseeable future.

09-08-20, 12:29
Pretty sure that no matter what, even if Trump wins AND we take the Triple Crown the cancer will continue to spread along Interstates 5, 10, 90 and 95 and then radiate outward from those corridors down the other Interstates until the Feds come down HARD on the metastatic-tumor cities incubating it and the State Democratic Parties controlling them.

God help us all, especially us trapped behind the lines in Blue Hells.

09-08-20, 12:35
We've been married 42 years. She was a solid Army Officer's wife, putting her career on hold often so I could be deployed many times OCONUS. She's a Trauma nurse and hospital administrator, and crack shot at a full gallop with those Ruger Vaquero Birdshead revolvers.

It is apparent that we have a different mindset out here in the rural west than other posters on this forum. We are not conditioned to take crap from Communist rioters who have found they can get away with anything when encountering soft urban targets.

Seems like you definitely out-kicked your coverage and married up.

09-08-20, 12:46
Seems like you definitely out-kicked your coverage and married up.
Married during our Freshman year of college. The wife is half-Cajun, and it was a real learning curve for me to figure out that Louisiana culture. The food was easy to learn and appreciate.

Evel Baldgui
09-08-20, 13:18
My area (south beach in miami) hosts a ton of outdoor cafes/restaurants; being that indoor seating is limited/nonexistent, essentially everyone dines outdoors. There were two separate benign marches in my neighborhood a few months ago, both dissipated shortly with no untoward incidents. I can guarantee that no Antifa/blm scumbags are interfering with my outdoor dining experience here.

09-08-20, 13:23
Married during our Freshman year of college. The wife is half-Cajun, and it was a real learning curve for me to figure out that Louisiana culture. The food was easy to learn and appreciate.

OK, now I’m jealous. I need to go back to Louisiana.

09-08-20, 18:06
It is apparent that we have a different mindset out here in the rural west than other posters on this forum. We are not conditioned to take crap from Communist rioters who have found they can get away with anything when encountering soft urban targets.

Not all of us who are not from the rural west have knuckling under on our minds. I live in the rural south and while the threat to my homestead may be like the threat to yours (i.e. minimal) I do have to venture out of my enclave from time to time, like work M-F.

I will NOT raise a fist, I will NOT be pulled from my vehicle, I will NOT have a lunatic screaming and spitting in my face. Don't give a damn what the cucks here decide to do (or not to do as is apparent).

09-08-20, 18:35
Not all of us who are not from the rural west have knuckling under on our minds. I live in the rural south and while the threat to my homestead may be like the threat to yours (i.e. minimal) I do have to venture out of my enclave from time to time, like work M-F.

I will NOT raise a fist, I will NOT be pulled from my vehicle, I will NOT have a lunatic screaming and spitting in my face. Don't give a damn what the cucks here decide to do (or not to do as is apparent).
I wouldn't call anyone here a "cuck", we just come from a different mindset and environment. I think I could stand shoulder to shoulder with most anyone here in a fight.

I do consider these Marxist Rioters domestic enemies, and those of us who took "the oath" for the armed forces look at those people differently, and I lack empathy or compassion for these America hating animals.

09-08-20, 18:55
Not all of us who are not from the rural west have knuckling under on our minds. I live in the rural south and while the threat to my homestead may be like the threat to yours (i.e. minimal) I do have to venture out of my enclave from time to time, like work M-F.

I will NOT raise a fist, I will NOT be pulled from my vehicle, I will NOT have a lunatic screaming and spitting in my face. Don't give a damn what the cucks here decide to do (or not to do as is apparent).

Yep, thankfully I live in a place where that shit still won't fly.

09-08-20, 20:29
Married during our Freshman year of college. The wife is half-Cajun, and it was a real learning curve for me to figure out that Louisiana culture. The food was easy to learn and appreciate.

What town in Louisiana is her home town.

09-08-20, 20:54
What town in Louisiana is her home town.
The wife is half-Cajun via her Mom's family, but not Louisiana born. That Acadian family showed up in Louisiana in the early 1790s' and she has a ton of family in the Abbeville area, Opelousas in St. Landry Parish, and parts of Rapides Parish. That family were members of Harrison's 3rd Louisiana Cavalry during the Civil War.

My Wife's Mom married a gentleman from northwestern Arkansas while he was an Army officer. After he got out of the Army he went to work for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, becoming an Assistant Warden at the Federal Penitentiary at El Reno, Oklahoma, plus other facilities. My wife was born in El Reno, Canadian County, OK, but lived in Louisiana from 8th grade thru High School.

09-08-20, 21:43
I'm not saying I want it to be time, I'm just saying that I switched from a 20rd mag with Fusion ammo in it to a 60rd mag with Fusion MSR ammo in it because I, like rioting Anifa/BLM/Communists/Socialists, believe in safety in numbers.

09-09-20, 01:47
I wouldn't call anyone here a "cuck", we just come from a different mindset and environment. I think I could stand shoulder to shoulder with most anyone here in a fight.

I do consider these Marxist Rioters domestic enemies, and those of us who took "the oath" for the armed forces look at those people differently, and I lack empathy or compassion for these America hating animals.

We are all on the same side. If me proposing the idea of showing incredible restraint to show the public who the true enemy to freedom is somehow offending peoples sensibilities of being a card carrying badass you have to ask yourself if they are trying to serve the common good or their own pride.

Indeed we have to stand shoulder to shoulder, this war cant be fought alone but I have to emphasize that this is an information war despite what you are seeing on the street. The real world violence is spilling out from what originated on the internet and media not the other way around.

I will NOT raise a fist, I will NOT be pulled from my vehicle, I will NOT have a lunatic screaming and spitting in my face. Don't give a damn what the cucks here decide to do (or not to do as is apparent).

Maybe it would help to understand how a single persons actions will affect the war effort against the left.

09-09-20, 02:21
I really appreciate CB's nuanced and sophisticated understanding and plan. The left is most certainly following the 'color revolution' plan to overthrow govts. I saw that they are supposed to 'occupy' the White House starting Sept 17th. They think that they can provoke Trump into doing something that they can use. The key, is that the govt needs to camera the crap out of those people and instantly post all over all their misdeeds so we don't get fooled by the innocent protestor attacked by orange man narrative.


Interesting take on the lefts apparent strategy.


09-09-20, 07:58
When is it time ? Honestly I don't know yet, as with all of you I would rather that "time" never comes. Only a sick nut hopes for bloody civil war. I go back to the lessons of my father, a WW2 combat vet who must have seen a whole lot of hate close up, who taught me two very important things about conflict. 1) "never hate son, it's too strong a word" and 2) walk away if you can. Has long as I can safely walk away I will and I will refrain from hate. Dad was not a pacifist and neither am I, I will defend me, mine and my community.

Always record any confrontations. Make sure it's clear you tried to leave. Don't let them get too close.

09-09-20, 08:21
The wife is half-Cajun via her Mom's family, but not Louisiana born. That Acadian family showed up in Louisiana in the early 1790s' and she has a ton of family in the Abbeville area, Opelousas in St. Landry Parish, and parts of Rapides Parish. That family were members of Harrison's 3rd Louisiana Cavalry during the Civil War.

My Wife's Mom married a gentleman from northwestern Arkansas while he was an Army officer. After he got out of the Army he went to work for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, becoming an Assistant Warden at the Federal Penitentiary at El Reno, Oklahoma, plus other facilities. My wife was born in El Reno, Canadian County, OK, but lived in Louisiana from 8th grade thru High School.

My mother's family goes back to Landersheim, Bas-Rhin, FRA in 1750. The family came to what is known as the German coast of Louisiana, the parishes of St. Charles, St. John and St. James in the 1770's.
I have tracked my fathers family back to Natchitoches, Louisiana in 1758 where the trail goes cold. By DNA I am 43% English, Wales and northwest European, 37% Germanic European. I have ancestors who fought in the War of 1812 and the Civil War.
I think very few know family history beyond great grandparents.

09-09-20, 08:31
Not all of us who are not from the rural west have knuckling under on our minds. I live in the rural south and while the threat to my homestead may be like the threat to yours (i.e. minimal) I do have to venture out of my enclave from time to time, like work M-F.

I will NOT raise a fist, I will NOT be pulled from my vehicle, I will NOT have a lunatic screaming and spitting in my face. Don't give a damn what the cucks here decide to do (or not to do as is apparent).

Having grown up in rural NC, that's always been my attitude as well. But even up here in an urban liberal cessmaze (which you may have heard DJT refer to the other day (https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/disgraceful-president-trump-reacts-video-protesters-confronting-pittsburgh-diners/QSAC4DWPIFAPZDC4ANQS5FV76A/)), there are a NUMBER of "good ol' boys"... with funny accents ;) ... who don't plan on rolling over to the Anqueefer numbnuts, either...


Anqueefers only have "free" reign, where the subjects have been disarmed.

09-09-20, 13:44
I have this suspicion that I can be more peaceful than these protesters.

09-09-20, 13:49
Having grown up in rural NC, that's always been my attitude as well. But even up here in an urban liberal cessmaze (which you may have heard DJT refer to the other day (https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/disgraceful-president-trump-reacts-video-protesters-confronting-pittsburgh-diners/QSAC4DWPIFAPZDC4ANQS5FV76A/)), there are a NUMBER of "good ol' boys"... with funny accents ;) ... who don't plan on rolling over to the Anqueefer numbnuts, either...


Anqueefers only have "free" reign, where the subjects have been disarmed.


It's a complete myth that there is some "redoubt" from what's coming......When the Reds consolidated power in Russia (It's ELEVEN F'ING TIME ZONES OF LAND, HELLO!!! We have FOUR...I took a 14 day train trip there several years ago- it's a HUGE nation) uttering a bad word about Stalin from Siberia to Moscow to Minsk to Kiev to Azerbaijan would get you shot in the head or a one way trip to the Gulag. It's delusional with modern AI etc... to think that some place is "safe" from the Reds...it's not. There is only one way to be safe from them....and hiding isn't it.

09-09-20, 14:25

It's a complete myth that there is some "redoubt" from what's coming......When the Reds consolidated power in Russia (It's ELEVEN F'ING TIME ZONES OF LAND, HELLO!!! We have FOUR...I took a 14 day train trip there several years ago- it's a HUGE nation) uttering a bad word about Stalin from Siberia to Moscow to Minsk to Kiev to Azerbaijan would get you shot in the head or a one way trip to the Gulag. It's delusional with modern AI etc... to think that some place is "safe" from the Reds...it's not. There is only one way to be safe from them....and hiding isn't it.

It's not hiding when we fail to beat the crap out of protesters we don't have. Living in the majority of America that hasnt lost its mind does not make us cucks. If I lived in one of the marxist sh!tholes, my hand would have been forced a long long time ago.

Now is the time for the folks who don't live in crazytown to post useful, mature, sane things on social media outlining the actions of the marxists, donate money to conservative politicians, write letters and emails. Write letters to the editor and call out non-factual or biased reporting. Start boycotting organizations that overtly support un-American causes. F facebook, F google, F NFL, F Disney, F Walmart and Dicks.


09-09-20, 15:13
It's not hiding when we fail to beat the crap out of protesters we don't have. Living in the majority of America that hasnt lost its mind does not make us cucks. If I lived in one of the marxist sh!tholes, my hand would have been forced a long long time ago.

Now is the time for the folks who don't live in crazytown to post useful, mature, sane things on social media outlining the actions of the marxists, donate money to conservative politicians, write letters and emails. Write letters to the editor and call out non-factual or biased reporting. Start boycotting organizations that overtly support un-American causes. F facebook, F google, F NFL, F Disney, F Walmart and Dicks.


No, don't misunderstand. I would never argue that someone should go be part of a problem that's not theirs- that's how Che Guevara got his ass whacked! He failed to appreciate political reality on the ground.

All I'm saying is, there is no "safe space" from what's coming if the Reds take over in November. In a nation the size of Russia- many times larger than the US, with ancient technology, they were able to control it all. It's folly to think that Marxists taking over our own government won't enforce their edicts just because you live in Hogswallow, BFE. They will. You WILL BOW or DIE. So, organize now, plan to actively resist- and that means more than just closing the door on your Hobbit Hole and reading "150 Questions for a Guerilla".

09-09-20, 16:10
No, don't misunderstand. I would never argue that someone should go be part of a problem that's not theirs- that's how Che Guevara got his ass whacked! He failed to appreciate political reality on the ground.

All I'm saying is, there is no "safe space" from what's coming if the Reds take over in November. In a nation the size of Russia- many times larger than the US, with ancient technology, they were able to control it all. It's folly to think that Marxists taking over our own government won't enforce their edicts just because you live in Hogswallow, BFE. They will. You WILL BOW or DIE. So, organize now, plan to actively resist- and that means more than just closing the door on your Hobbit Hole and reading "150 Questions for a Guerilla".

You are spot on, if Hiden and the Hooker are elected and the marxists hold the house and win the senate, there will be no shelter here or anywhere in the U.S.

At that point it will be our civic duty to help with the green new deal by rendering all power plants, railroad bridges, interstate overpasses, Cell Towers, traffic signals, gas fueled vehicles with democratic, anarchist, or marxist bumper stickers, professional football stadiums, etc. inoperative. Let's keep that between us, though.


09-09-20, 17:33
Andy nailed it.

09-09-20, 17:43
You are spot on, if Hiden and the Hooker are elected and the marxists hold the house and win the senate, there will be no shelter here or anywhere in the U.S.

At that point it will be our civic duty to help with the green new deal by rendering all power plants, railroad bridges, interstate overpasses, Cell Towers, traffic signals, gas fueled vehicles with democratic, anarchist, or marxist bumper stickers, professional football stadiums, etc. inoperative. Let's keep that between us, though.

That's the easy part. I figured you'd be alluding to rendering certain people "inoperative".....:rolleyes: That was the specialty of the crowd I used to run aerial an taxi service for in decades past.

09-09-20, 17:44
Maybe it would help to understand how a single persons actions will affect the war effort against the left.

Okay, since you started this thread, let me reiterate a point then ask you a question.....

I clearly said I don't go looking for trouble and don't live where it is occurring, although I do work in a city.

So, if you got caught up in a situation where the shithead non-humans were going to pull you from your vehicle, would you defend yourself? Or would you feel obliged to be beaten to a pulp or possibly killed, but by doing so you didn't give the worthless MSM anything to chomp on? :rolleyes: So you'll "take one for the team", right? I'd like an actual yes or no answer to that.

NO ONE here, so far anyway, has advocated going looking for trouble. NO ONE. Yet we are faced with the distinct possibility that trouble may come looking for us. You do you, I'll do me.

09-09-20, 17:47
That's the easy part. I figured you'd be alluding to rendering certain people "inoperative".....:rolleyes: That was the specialty of the crowd I used to run aerial an taxi service for in decades past.

Well should things, God forbid, become bad enough then I guess nobody who foments trouble or actively encourages it (MSM, politicians) would feel safe from us heathens, now would they? :rolleyes: Certainly not advocating such treachery, but still, no one thinks reality be like it is but it do!

09-09-20, 17:52
That's the easy part. I figured you'd be alluding to rendering certain people "inoperative".....:rolleyes: That was the specialty of the crowd I used to run aerial an taxi service for in decades past.

I'm not advocating violence against persons, even the persons who are just begging for it.

Oh, dibs on the CNN building in Atlanta. Imma start a fire, I mean hold a peaceful demonstration that will be seen for 25 miles out. FF, let me know your vacation schedule first, please.


09-09-20, 18:45
The Desert Storm Hummer and the Arby’s are the only things of worth in the CNN center.

09-09-20, 18:54
The Desert Storm Hummer and the Arby’s are the only things of worth in the CNN center.

Does that mean redistributing some sandwiches is "Peaceful Protest"? If so, dibs on the Half Pound French Dips... :)

09-09-20, 19:31
Well should things, God forbid, become bad enough then I guess nobody who foments trouble or actively encourages it (MSM, politicians) would feel safe from us heathens, now would they? :rolleyes: Certainly not advocating such treachery, but still, no one thinks reality be like it is but it do!

Like the Terminator I have "detailed files" on local persons of interest. The time to put that together is NOW, never been easier, the internet is a huge force multiplier in this regard......

09-09-20, 19:40
I'm not advocating violence against persons, even the persons who are just begging for it.

Oh, dibs on the CNN building in Atlanta. Imma start a fire, I mean hold a peaceful demonstration that will be seen for 25 miles out. FF, let me know your vacation schedule first, please.

Oh I'm not looking to kill anyone, but it's a switch I could turn back on if need be. If everything goes to hell, the killing will be happening, and sooner or later it's going to come your direction. Then it's a matter of skill, tactics and mindset in how you take care of business. The question for most is if the United States is worth killing for.....?

Straight Shooter
09-09-20, 20:01
Oh I'm not looking to kill anyone, but it's a switch I could turn back on if need be. If everything goes to hell, the killing will be happening, and sooner or later it's going to come your direction. Then it's a matter of skill, tactics and mindset in how you take care of business. The question for most is if the United States is worth killing for.....?

I DONT KNOW if America is worth killing for anymore. Ive pondered this MANY times.
But MY family, friends, and AO IS, and really thats all I can realisticaly do.
They bring that leftist/rioting/BLM shit to the TN hills...it aint gonna work out like they think it will.

09-09-20, 20:10
Does that mean redistributing some sandwiches is "Peaceful Protest"? If so, dibs on the Half Pound French Dips... :)

As long as windows are broken it is a peaceful protest. Redistribution of wealth (and I assume sandwiches) is part of the marxist mantra, so it's all good.


09-09-20, 20:13
I DONT KNOW if America is worth killing for anymore. Ive pondered this MANY times.
But MY family, friends, and AO IS, and really thats all I can realisticaly do.
They bring that leftist/rioting/BLM shit to the TN hills...it aint gonna work out like they think it will.

Thats 100% where I am.

Alex V
09-09-20, 21:11
I DONT KNOW if America is worth killing for anymore. Ive pondered this MANY times.
But MY family, friends, and AO IS, and really thats all I can realisticaly do.
They bring that leftist/rioting/BLM shit to the TN hills...it aint gonna work out like they think it will.

I get that. The only problem I see with that however is that you will be limited to your immediate AO. Will that work for your job or ability to provide for your family? No man is an island and that whole thing.

Those of us who live in the country won’t ever encounter a riot, but some of us work in cities. What then? Can’t get to work, can’t collect your paycheck.

LMT Shooter
09-09-20, 21:23
I DONT KNOW if America is worth killing for anymore. Ive pondered this MANY times.
But MY family, friends, and AO IS, and really thats all I can realisticaly do.
They bring that leftist/rioting/BLM shit to the TN hills...it aint gonna work out like they think it will.

America is absolutely worth killing for.

Our government is absolutely not worth killing for.

Unfortunately, enough people could be killed to preserve our government. I'm not sure if killing enough of the right people will save America, but if it's the only way, it is worth a try.

09-09-20, 21:33
Oh I'm not looking to kill anyone, but it's a switch I could turn back on if need be. If everything goes to hell, the killing will be happening, and sooner or later it's going to come your direction. Then it's a matter of skill, tactics and mindset in how you take care of business. The question for most is if the United States is worth killing for.....?

Very well said. Being retired, not putting on uniform and battle gear, I don't walk in ORANGE or RED like I used too. I don't drive fast, no red lights or sirens and cutting traffic. Patience has a virtue. Going slowly into any situation helps me loosen my neck for swiveling. Dang arthritis.
I'm older and don't get around all that good, so I refuse to be jerked from my vehicle unless it's on fire and I'm trapped. I can say the shooting in Austin, Tx where the guy in the car felt threatened and fired at the guy with the AR is exactly what should happen, just like in WI. You try to hurt me, family or property, it is my mission to see you do NOT succeed. I don't think Gov Abbott would allow Texas to be taken over completely.
Austin and Dallas showed their true colors. The Dallas PD Chief is flying the coop with tail feathers on fire, Down in flames.
She gave herself a C- on how she conducted business during the rioting, failure to arrest and file charges against the rioters who blocked roadways.

09-09-20, 21:52
I disagree with the stand down thing !
we have seen when neighborhoods arm up and meet them at entry the lefties scream racist and whine and cry then leave with no looting no burning etc..

my time in Honduras I know violence like MS13 Bario18 cartel violence their actions you fear !

when I look at the mug shots of the antifa/blm folks I have to say sorry not afraid of %99.9 of them and I see the actions they take when ya hear pop pop so yeah no worries actions speak loudly on what they are about ! heck just how they move ?

are they capable of stupid stuff ? yeah but its easy to see coming etc.. and easy to avoid I feel again my background maybe more aware the old if you got into the mess you were not paying attention AND I am not going to go into any lefty city ? plain and simple easy to avoid if they come out to the burbs ?

let them burn loot their own cities ? I could care less and it does show the rest of those sleeping what is happening IF they ever see it

09-09-20, 22:30
In 1987 they ran a mini series called "Amerika" which was a glimpse of what the USA might look like had the Soviet Union won the war. It was universally panned, criticized and because it wasn't a "shoot em up" like Red Dawn almost nobody watched it.

Today it's nearly impossible to find and no official DVD release exists. It has never been rebroadcast and the Soviet Union strongly protested the original airing in 1987. And while dated, some things never change and it is probably worth taking a look at because some of those things depicted have already come to pass even without a military occupation by a foreign adversary.

It is worth noting that the USSR was undermined from within and not destroyed by military force. I'm not suggesting Russia is driving the plot to ferment dissension or that any of the Antifa/ BLM / whatever groups are Moscow sponsored for we have enough homegrown, leftists wannabe commie retards that Moscow doesn't need to do anything but at the same time Moscow remembers and really wouldn't be opposed to these things.

09-09-20, 22:35
I'm not suggesting Russia is driving the plot to ferment dissension or that any of the Antifa/ BLM / whatever groups are Moscow sponsored for we have enough homegrown, leftists wannabe commie retards that Moscow doesn't need to do anything but at the same time Moscow remembers and really wouldn't be opposed to these things.
Putin doesn't need to, the Soviets had enough of a program of it from the '20s on that those people indoctrinated their children, who then went into the education system to indoctrinate ours. Homegrown from seeds Moscowe planted generations ago, you might say.

09-09-20, 22:48
Oh boy more Russians hiding the the shadows.

Берегись красный китайский, Бумер.
Да, ето флекс на Русске. Как что?!

09-09-20, 22:49
Oh boy more Russians hiding the the shadows.

Берегись красный китайский, Бумер.
Да, ето флекс на Русске. Как что?!

We call those seed they planted "Democrats."

09-09-20, 23:27
We call those seed they planted "Democrats."

Democrats existed before the Soviet Union. Everything isnÂ’t RussiaÂ’s fault.

I donÂ’t know why every polÂ’s first reaction is to resurrect the Cold War. I guess itÂ’s because it was easier to justify spending on stupid shit

09-09-20, 23:34
Oh boy more Russians hiding the the shadows.

Берегись красный китайский, Бумер.
Да, ето флекс на Русске. Как что?!

Maybe in the 60's,70's and 80's. But their ideas took hold so deeply in the universities and entertainment right now its just Americans indoctrinating other Americans.

09-10-20, 00:24
Putin doesn't need to, the Soviets had enough of a program of it from the '20s on that those people indoctrinated their children, who then went into the education system to indoctrinate ours. Homegrown from seeds Moscowe planted generations ago, you might say.

I don't think they effectively did anything in the 20s, of course we declared them an ally in the 40s, but by the 1950s we were pretty well on point. It was the 1960s when they first made effective inroads in most western countries with sleepers, infiltrators and home grown true believers. The shit we tolerated in the 1960s was astonishing, but kids outnumbered thinking adults something like 3 to 1 so there was no stopping the stupid train.

I can actually remember my 4th grade teacher describing the concept of "utopia" to the class. I didn't know what a treasonous, hippie commie was and I didn't know what Marxism was but that is essentially what she was and what she was teaching.

She was going around the class asking what everyone would want to be when they grew up if they could be anything. Dull minded kids gave answers like ballet dancer, astronaut, tv star, etc. and each time she replied how in a "utopia" that is what they would be because "each one according to their ability or whatever" and when she got to me I asked "so who has to be the garbage man or make shoes because nobody is going to want to do that."

It was one of the first times I figured out "all teachers aren't really trying to help you." Wish I had been a little smarter and outed that commie bitch to the principal for promoting marxism. But I didn't know what any of that was, I just knew her idea wasn't going to work anywhere but fairytale lands of unicorns and candy rainbows.

09-10-20, 00:32
Maybe in the 60's,70's and 80's. But their ideas took hold so deeply in the universities and entertainment right now its just Americans indoctrinating other Americans.

And that is sadly the correct answer. Ironically we need more immigrants from former commie countries to keep that shit in check, unfortunately the Immigration Act of 1965 (LBJ, Ted Kennedy, bunch of other commies) so F'ed this country by giving preference to third world immigrants that it was all but impossible for people from Eastern Europe (or Western Europe for that matter) to be granted immigration status.

The lone exception seems to have been Cuban refugees and we couldn't get enough of them. Unfortunately all those gains were largely offset when Castro emptied his jails and insane asylums with the Mariel Boat lift.

09-10-20, 02:54
Don't be so eager about letting in too many immigrants from former communist countries. Lots of them are used to generational govt dependency. Only now that they are in the U.S., they think our govt has deeper pockets for them to teat on.

There are lots of Russian immigrants in my city, and my in-laws and their extended families are from China. Both groups scam extensively and are big on every govt assistance program there is. Both groups vote heavily Democrat to keep the teat-sucking coming. Both groups follow the propaganda from the state news agencies from their respective homelands.

My in-laws swear the virus originated in the U.S. or Europe. During Olympic games, I have watched them root for communist China athletes. My in-law's extended families and friends own cash businesses and many properties, yet are also on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, free college for their kids, etc. Trust me.

09-10-20, 03:54
Don't be so eager about letting in too many immigrants from former communist countries. Lots of them are used to generational govt dependency. Only now that they are in the U.S., they think our govt has deeper pockets for them to teat on.

There are lots of Russian immigrants in my city, and my in-laws and their extended families are from China. Both groups scam extensively and are big on every govt assistance program there is. Both groups vote heavily Democrat to keep the teat-sucking coming. Both groups follow the propaganda from the state news agencies from their respective homelands.

My in-laws swear the virus originated in the U.S. or Europe. During Olympic games, I have watched them root for communist China athletes. My in-law's extended families and friends own cash businesses and many properties, yet are also on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, free college for their kids, etc. Trust me.

I was speaking in terms of immigrants prior to the wall coming down.

As far as China, show them footage of Tienanmen Square and see how pro China they really are.

09-10-20, 07:50
Believe it or not,, these Chinese immigrants know all about Tienanmen Square, and are still loyal to China, yet parasite off the U.S. govt. Maybe it is a tribal/racial thing? I notice as I get older and older, LOTS of humans are hypocrites.

09-10-20, 09:12
Believe it or not,, these Chinese immigrants know all about Tienanmen Square, and are still loyal to China, yet parasite off the U.S. govt. Maybe it is a tribal/racial thing? I notice as I get older and older, LOTS of humans are hypocrites.

Lots of humans are Tribal.

They just are. We are still an animal you know. Which is why people lamenting over a white girl going with a black dude have nothing to worry about. The woman becomes whatever her man is. If she chose black, she’s stuck with black for better or worse.

Which is why Tinder women trying to sell it that they have a half black kid is amusing and sad.

It’s not “fair” I guess but men have more leeway. Women do not.

People will side with their own race and national identity than anything else. The whole open mindedness is rare.

I mean, this is what someone told me once. And when I first saw it; it clicked.

You have an all white neighborhood. A black family moves in. You WILL start getting calls one way or another. It starts over pedestrian shit like music or parking in the road. The whites feel threatened and the blacks feel all discriminated against. Neither is true at first sniff, but things are different.

Just like a black guy will think EVERYBODY is trying to steal his white girlfriend. Or if a black guy gets a new car, EVERYBODY is trying to steal it.

And then on the new white block, when the black folks have their first house party and the drive gets filled with Blacks the police get called. Seriously. Not even loud music. And the demographics shift. Because it is too different.

And this is why I LOVE the ghetto. It is homogeneous. Everybody is black, everybody is on the same page and similar economic status, and it’s just easier to talk to people because no white people are there except to buy drugs.

Your changing areas are by far the worst because everyone wants a report either on “those racist crackers be hating” or [hushed tones] “I think those blacks are into dope”. Neither is true but it affects how people deal with each other.

It won’t be fixed in our time.

09-10-20, 09:43
Lots of humans are Tribal.

They just are. We are still an animal you know. Which is why people lamenting over a white girl going with a black dude have nothing to worry about. The woman becomes whatever her man is. If she chose black, she’s stuck with black for better or worse.

Which is why Tinder women trying to sell it that they have a half black kid is amusing and sad.

It’s not “fair” I guess but men have more leeway. Women do not.

People will side with their own race and national identity than anything else. The whole open mindedness is rare.

I mean, this is what someone told me once. And when I first saw it; it clicked.

You have an all white neighborhood. A black family moves in. You WILL start getting calls one way or another. It starts over pedestrian shit like music or parking in the road. The whites feel threatened and the blacks feel all discriminated against. Neither is true at first sniff, but things are different.

Just like a black guy will think EVERYBODY is trying to steal his white girlfriend. Or if a black guy gets a new car, EVERYBODY is trying to steal it.

And then on the new white block, when the black folks have their first house party and the drive gets filled with Blacks the police get called. Seriously. Not even loud music. And the demographics shift. Because it is too different.

And this is why I LOVE the ghetto. It is homogeneous. Everybody is black, everybody is on the same page and similar economic status, and it’s just easier to talk to people because no white people are there except to buy drugs.

Your changing areas are by far the worst because everyone wants a report either on “those racist crackers be hating” or [hushed tones] “I think those blacks are into dope”. Neither is true but it affects how people deal with each other.

It won’t be fixed in our time.

Hahaha ! Classic and so true.
I don't have a problem with homogeneous neighborhoods, that's a pretty logical choice actually, you're happier when you are comfortable, if that makes you comfortable, well there you go.
However, if someone tries to explain to me that they don't even notice the race or color of their neighbors, I will throw the BS flag. I have a neighbor that is a "Little Person" guess the first thing I noticed about her when I saw her?
It's natural, we came out of the caves and when we saw the Neanderthal neighbors next door, we didn't trust them. They weren't like us, they looked different and our brains brought out the "Caution Flag" and from then on it's never been the same.
The only people who can't understand or trust are the folks who are in total denial and say, they don't see the differences.

Edit to add;
I see the race aspect in all of this, I do, but this has gone beyond that.
There may be a racial aspect to changing the status quo, but this is far beyond that. I'm seeing a lot of College age white kids out there dancing while their feet are on fire, while Tyrone from the tire shop is in there working a twelve hour day.
Blaming the Black People I know for whats going on with BLM is ridiculous. BLM may represent some, but not all good people who were quite happy and had no negative interactions with LEO's. It's like blaming Charlie Pride for Rap Music.

09-10-20, 09:59
Lots of humans are Tribal.

They just are. We are still an animal you know. Which is why people lamenting over a white girl going with a black dude have nothing to worry about. The woman becomes whatever her man is. If she chose black, she’s stuck with black for better or worse.

Which is why Tinder women trying to sell it that they have a half black kid is amusing and sad.

It’s not “fair” I guess but men have more leeway. Women do not.

People will side with their own race and national identity than anything else. The whole open mindedness is rare.

I mean, this is what someone told me once. And when I first saw it; it clicked.

You have an all white neighborhood. A black family moves in. You WILL start getting calls one way or another. It starts over pedestrian shit like music or parking in the road. The whites feel threatened and the blacks feel all discriminated against. Neither is true at first sniff, but things are different.

Just like a black guy will think EVERYBODY is trying to steal his white girlfriend. Or if a black guy gets a new car, EVERYBODY is trying to steal it.

And then on the new white block, when the black folks have their first house party and the drive gets filled with Blacks the police get called. Seriously. Not even loud music. And the demographics shift. Because it is too different.

And this is why I LOVE the ghetto. It is homogeneous. Everybody is black, everybody is on the same page and similar economic status, and it’s just easier to talk to people because no white people are there except to buy drugs.

Your changing areas are by far the worst because everyone wants a report either on “those racist crackers be hating” or [hushed tones] “I think those blacks are into dope”. Neither is true but it affects how people deal with each other.

It won’t be fixed in our time.

Most areas in Hawaii are as homogeneous as it will get. Sure, there is racism their too, and their are rich and poorer areas and the difference in culture that goes with it, but in those equally fiscal areas, different races and ethnic backgrounds for the most part get along because they have accepted the local Hawaii way of life and everyone as you said is on the same page. The ones who aren't or refuse to, are the ones who get into problems. It follows the philosophy of 2 different cultures, Japanese and Polynesian. The Japanese culture tends not to make waves and doesn't really like people who do. The Polynesian culture is more the warrior culture that will rear its head if someone is making too much waves. That person will get checked pretty quick and it usually won't turn out very well for that person.

09-10-20, 10:06
Uhm, you guys know your neighbors and talk to them? Just got my neighbor of 14 years cell phone number. Haven't met the guy who moved in kitty korner 18 months ago. More then two houses down and I couldn't pick them out of a line up. This ain't the 1980s anymore. Kids play online with other kids from school and who knows where and not the kids with in 100 yards. The guy behind me has kids because I throw their toys back over the 6 foot double fence, I think they are Indian/mixed??? The ones on either side of him could be AQ and the Irish Mob for all I know.

09-10-20, 11:10
It's natural, we came out of the caves and when we saw the Neanderthal neighbors next door, we didn't trust them. They weren't like us, they looked different and our brains brought out the "Caution Flag" and from then on it's never been the same.

C'mon man, one of our shared forefathers saw a Neanderthal chick and thought "I'm going to hit that" or saw a Homo Sapiens chick and thought the same thing...


09-10-20, 11:45
C'mon man, one of our shared forefathers saw a Neanderthal chick and thought "I'm going to hit that" or saw a Homo Sapiens chick and thought the same thing...


The more I read about Neanderthals the more I look at pictures of my Dad and go Hmmmmmmm?
I'm at the museum of Natural History in Chicago with my little brother and he was about 4 or 5. We turn the corner and their is this huge stuffed Gorilla, supposedly the biggest ever in captivity. I asked him, "Who does that look like?" his reply "Dad."
My Brother looks just like the old Man.

09-10-20, 12:04
Uhm, you guys know your neighbors and talk to them? Just got my neighbor of 14 years cell phone number. Haven't met the guy who moved in kitty korner 18 months ago. More then two houses down and I couldn't pick them out of a line up. This ain't the 1980s anymore. Kids play online with other kids from school and who knows where and not the kids with in 100 yards. The guy behind me has kids because I throw their toys back over the 6 foot double fence, I think they are Indian/mixed??? The ones on either side of him could be AQ and the Irish Mob for all I know.

Same, I don't know any of my neighbors and as long as I've lived on my own I never have. When I was going through a PD process years ago the detective doing my background thought it was weird none of my neighbors even knew of my existence. I keep to myself and have no desire to interact.

09-10-20, 13:21
Uhm, you guys know your neighbors and talk to them? Just got my neighbor of 14 years cell phone number. Haven't met the guy who moved in kitty korner 18 months ago. More then two houses down and I couldn't pick them out of a line up. This ain't the 1980s anymore. Kids play online with other kids from school and who knows where and not the kids with in 100 yards. The guy behind me has kids because I throw their toys back over the 6 foot double fence, I think they are Indian/mixed??? The ones on either side of him could be AQ and the Irish Mob for all I know.

We know our neighbors on either side of us pretty well. My wife has their phone numbers. We know the names of three more in our cul de sac. One painted our house because that's what he does and his son went to school with our son at one time...one other we got to know by chance because he was friends with one of my wife's friends husband. The other is new and we just introduced ourselves when we saw them outside and said hi. The others we wave to but don't really know them at all.

I agree, it isn't like the 80's, but if you do some of the reaching out, it isn't that bad and there are benefits to it.

09-10-20, 13:46
We are all on the same side. If me proposing the idea of showing incredible restraint to show the public who the true enemy to freedom is somehow offending peoples sensibilities of being a card carrying badass you have to ask yourself if they are trying to serve the common good or their own pride.

Indeed we have to stand shoulder to shoulder, this war cant be fought alone but I have to emphasize that this is an information war despite what you are seeing on the street. The real world violence is spilling out from what originated on the internet and media not the other way around.

Maybe it would help to understand how a single persons actions will affect the war effort against the left.

When you're being physically confronted while dining out, by an angry mob breaching the peace and carrying “Death to America” banners, it most certainly is NOT an information war. It is a deeply personal attack and shall necessitate that defensive force which is necessary to repel the attack.

I get that. The only problem I see with that however is that you will be limited to your immediate AO. Will that work for your job or ability to provide for your family? No man is an island and that whole thing.

Those of us who live in the country won’t ever encounter a riot, but some of us work in cities. What then? Can’t get to work, can’t collect your paycheck.

All I know is it takes very little time to turn a dial and press two switches on my dash, so that both the front and rear lockers are engaged. :neo:

Uhm, you guys know your neighbors and talk to them? Just got my neighbor of 14 years cell phone number. Haven't met the guy who moved in kitty korner 18 months ago. More then two houses down and I couldn't pick them out of a line up. This ain't the 1980s anymore. Kids play online with other kids from school and who knows where and not the kids with in 100 yards. The guy behind me has kids because I throw their toys back over the 6 foot double fence, I think they are Indian/mixed??? The ones on either side of him could be AQ and the Irish Mob for all I know.

I have the names, phone numbers and email addresses of every family in my neighborhood of 63 homes. I can name more of the neighbors I see on my half mile long street than not. Everyone waves at each other, chats when we walk in the neighborhood, let our dogs play together, etc. Every April we have a neighborhood cookout at the retention pond area. You'd be surprised how many of these 1 acre lots don't even have fences at all. Kids do play in the streets because no one speeds. We share group emails on lost pets, predators spotted (mostly coyotes) and suspicious activity. If there's a property crime everyone is alerted pretty much immediately. The neighborhood association communicates with the other neighborhoods in the area about lost pets and crimes in their areas as well.

We even have movie and game nights with the neighbors next door, fish frys, etc. They know what's in our gun safe and I know what's in theirs. Now what all this really means is that we're located where civil unrest is highly unlikely, but if it happened we'd see the fires and noise long before they actually reached us. Resources would be pooled and shenanigans would not be tolerated here.

If you've never experienced what it's like to actually BE a community, I highly recommend it. It's not easy to find in some places, but we're out there! :)

09-10-20, 14:15
When you're being physically confronted while dining out, by an angry mob breaching the peace and carrying “Death to America” banners, it most certainly is NOT an information war. It is a deeply personal attack and shall necessitate that defensive force which is necessary to repel the attack.

By all means defend yourself if you are being attacked but understand how the media will spin the narrative and how many votes its going to lose us in November. You can win the battle and lose the war.

Look at how the media will selectively edit footage. Kyle got lucky because there were multiple people filming/

Take for example this footage. They edited out the part where BLM started the fight and the proud boys beat them back. However they messed up and started chasing the attackers, now BLM and media have exactly what wanted, footage of "the right-wing militia" chasing down the BLM "protester", giving him a ground and pound then some lady pepper spraying him in the face.

The normies just see some sobbing "protestor" getting chased, beat up by a proud boy and pepper sprayed in the face while he was down crying "Im sorry". YOU JUST GAVE THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED.

How many votes did this footage just lose us? This is what I want you think about if you are about to get into confrontation with these asshats and is it even worth it?


09-10-20, 14:30
If you've never experienced what it's like to actually BE a community, I highly recommend it. It's not easy to find in some places, but we're out there! :)

^^This. I live in a subdivision about 5 miles out of town, that contains just under 40 homes. We all know each other and if the boog ever does kick off, I know that I'm in a pretty awesome spot. There is another subdivision just a little under a mile down the road with friends that would have the same support. I really love knowing that we could be somewhat self-sufficient if something big ever happened.

just a scout
09-10-20, 14:45
^^This. I live in a subdivision about 5 miles out of town, that contains just under 40 homes. We all know each other and if the boog ever does kick off, I know that I'm in a pretty awesome spot. There is another subdivision just a little under a mile down the road with friends that would have the same support. I really love knowing that we could be somewhat self-sufficient if something big ever happened.

I am so jealous of both you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

09-10-20, 14:47
The old saying also is the islands have a 3rd world charm is true

Being from the islands :) a local and you can be local haole or local Filipino or the Hawaiian and haole called a hapa

Then you have your Kamaaina (someone not from but live long time) and your Malahini (new person to the islands)
The malahini can often be the one who tries to hard and can be used as a negative term to :) often the malahini has no clue what a malahini is ;)

Funny thing to if you move even if you are Hawaiian born on say Oahu moving to Maui is a bit of you are not from Maui happens ?
Also if you move to mainland then back OH BOY you really go low on the local status to some

But the system they have works and nobody again cares about your race so much more a who you are prove yourself

One funny side things many locals do is ask “where you grad”
Kinda a what school says a lot about you and it goes on for some time

My one good friend west side Maui almost never ever went to the south side ? Many in the islands do take a side s to where they are from almost like our east coast west coast the south but of course in the islands its just a few miles but it matters
Kinda shows people are the same and do like where they are from etc...

That is the one thing I miss nobody cares its about YOU and attitude
When I lived in the Caribbean it was more like Maui for the fact islanders black or white did not care and no tensions

Mainland folks are not island folks for sure Way to uptight and in a hurry and not as friendly :)

Most areas in Hawaii are as homogeneous as it will get. Sure, there is racism their too, and their are rich and poorer areas and the difference in culture that goes with it, but in those equally fiscal areas, different races and ethnic backgrounds for the most part get along because they have accepted the local Hawaii way of life and everyone as you said is on the same page. The ones who aren't or refuse to, are the ones who get into problems. It follows the philosophy of 2 different cultures, Japanese and Polynesian. The Japanese culture tends not to make waves and doesn't really like people who do. The Polynesian culture is more the warrior culture that will rear its head if someone is making too much waves. That person will get checked pretty quick and it usually won't turn out very well for that person.

09-10-20, 15:09
By all means defend yourself if you are being attacked but understand how the media will spin the narrative and how many votes its going to lose us in November. You can win the battle and lose the war.

Look at how the media will selectively edit footage. Kyle got lucky because there were multiple people filming/

Take for example this footage. They edited out the part where BLM started the fight and the proud boys beat them back. However they messed up and started chasing the attackers, now BLM and media have exactly what wanted, footage of "the right-wing militia" chasing down the BLM "protester", giving him a ground and pound then some lady pepper spraying him in the face.

The normies just see some sobbing "protestor" getting chased, beat up by a proud boy and pepper sprayed in the face while he was down crying "Im sorry". YOU JUST GAVE THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED.

How many votes did this footage just lose us? This is what I want you think about if you are about to get into confrontation with these asshats and is it even worth it?


Hahahahah at 189 views I am going to guess NO VOTES are lost

had a good laugh though and again proves my these guys are not the massive trained watch out that people like you keep trying to say they are ? Almost seems like when folks stand up you say NO and then these are hard dangerous types watch out ? Almost like you are on their side deep down ?

so many posts telling folks to stand down don't defend let them do what they want etc... hmmmmmm

We get it you are thinking you can win this on MSNBC or CNN so keep living that fantasy life as you record these folks beating your wife and burning your house and then wonder why CNN wont play that clip you sent them of your wife being beat down and your daughter molested but hey you got the recording of em !
They will only push their view their narrative anyway

I am not about to show my kid as a role model
OK now when someone pushes you stand down let them do it they want to burn your house let them
or my daughter to see when your mom my wife is danger how I stand down !!! Look for a man like me that lets his wife get beat down !


09-10-20, 15:14
Hahahahah at 189 views I am going to guess NO VOTES are lost

so many posts telling folks to stand down don't defend let them do what they want etc... hmmmmmm

Are you that dense?

You realize this is was literally on every front page news website, broadcast on every major news channel, plus trending on twitter right? Not to mention this isnt the only video on youtube. M4C doesnt allow twitter vids to post.

This video got 1.5 million views alone.


If you think Im telling people not to defend themselves then you have not read any of my posts in this thread or lack the reading comprehension to understand what Im saying.

Subtlety and tact is lost upon the stupid Im afraid. You want to make subtle accusations then dont pussyfoot around it. Maybe Im not the one that a coward.


09-10-20, 15:20
By all means defend yourself if you are being attacked but understand how the media will spin the narrative and how many votes its going to lose us in November. You can win the battle and lose the war.

Look at how the media will selectively edit footage. Kyle got lucky because there were multiple people filming/

Take for example this footage. They edited out the part where BLM started the fight and the proud boys beat them back. However they messed up and started chasing the attackers, now BLM and media have exactly what wanted, footage of "the right-wing militia" chasing down the BLM "protester", giving him a ground and pound then some lady pepper spraying him in the face.

The normies just see some sobbing "protestor" getting chased, beat up by a proud boy and pepper sprayed in the face while he was down crying "Im sorry". YOU JUST GAVE THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED.

How many votes did this footage just lose us? This is what I want you think about if you are about to get into confrontation with these asshats and is it even worth it?


Where did I say anything about chasing them down and ground pounding them? Once I have them fleeing for their safety I'm good!

09-10-20, 15:21
Where did I say anything about chasing them down and ground pounding them? Once I have them fleeing for their safety I'm good!

Im using the video as an example of media's selective editing and framing tactics and how it will be used against you and the rest of us. Im not saying you would actually do this.

09-10-20, 15:26
Okay, since you started this thread, let me reiterate a point then ask you a question.....

I clearly said I don't go looking for trouble and don't live where it is occurring, although I do work in a city.

So, if you got caught up in a situation where the shithead non-humans were going to pull you from your vehicle, would you defend yourself? Or would you feel obliged to be beaten to a pulp or possibly killed, but by doing so you didn't give the worthless MSM anything to chomp on? :rolleyes: So you'll "take one for the team", right? I'd like an actual yes or no answer to that.

NO ONE here, so far anyway, has advocated going looking for trouble. NO ONE. Yet we are faced with the distinct possibility that trouble may come looking for us. You do you, I'll do me.

Refer back to my original post. Since I thought I made it very clear.

Stay home, make money and vote.

The game is clear, the media is losing the narrative with the "peaceful protests" and the execution of the Trump supporter in Portland. Right now the media is looking for any scapegoat they can point out as "right-wing violence". The proud boys holding a rally on Sept 26th in Portland is a major strategic blunder. Antifa/BLM will antagonize them into a fight to defend themselves while their allies in media record and takes pictures then write a narrative about "Violent Right-Wing Militas" rolling into town and spin it as the Charlottesville 2.0.

The biggest thing saving Kyle's ass right now is his incredible target discrimination and luck in the fact the only people that were shot were white. I'm not saying you shouldn't defend yourself, your home or your property but YOUR ABILITY to wait till the very last second to defend yourself will save you in court of public opinion and not give the corrupt leftist DAs any rope to hang you with.

Make no mistake, we are at war. But this is information war and the leftists have been playing it for a long time and they're very good at it. If you dont think their propaganda is effective then why is there a thread about white-supremacist groups in this very forum?


Since people seem to think Im calling for some pacifist "turn the other cheek" bullshit which is what some people THINK Im saying(Im not).

What Im calling for is:

1. Dont go looking for trouble ie. counter-protesting, proud boy rallies ect. If something is going down in your area, dont travel through that area.
2. Show restraint, ie. dont blast or attack someone who is just yelling at you,interrupting your dinner ect.
3. If you have to defend yourself show incredible TARGET DISCRIMINATION ie. Kyle level target discrimination, only shooting those who were pointing weapons at him, physically assaulting him or trying to grab his barrel.


Alex V
09-10-20, 15:33
I don't think they effectively did anything in the 20s, of course we declared them an ally in the 40s, but by the 1950s we were pretty well on point. It was the 1960s when they first made effective inroads in most western countries with sleepers, infiltrators and home grown true believers. The shit we tolerated in the 1960s was astonishing, but kids outnumbered thinking adults something like 3 to 1 so there was no stopping the stupid train.

I can actually remember my 4th grade teacher describing the concept of "utopia" to the class. I didn't know what a treasonous, hippie commie was and I didn't know what Marxism was but that is essentially what she was and what she was teaching.

She was going around the class asking what everyone would want to be when they grew up if they could be anything. Dull minded kids gave answers like ballet dancer, astronaut, tv star, etc. and each time she replied how in a "utopia" that is what they would be because "each one according to their ability or whatever" and when she got to me I asked "so who has to be the garbage man or make shoes because nobody is going to want to do that."

It was one of the first times I figured out "all teachers aren't really trying to help you." Wish I had been a little smarter and outed that commie bitch to the principal for promoting marxism. But I didn't know what any of that was, I just knew her idea wasn't going to work anywhere but fairytale lands of unicorns and candy rainbows.

My 11th grade History teacher [1998/1999] went on about how wonderful the Soviet Union was, I had to raise my hand and literally call bullshit. Didn't go over well with the assistant principle by my profanity laden tirade was an involuntary response to her crap.

Don't be so eager about letting in too many immigrants from former communist countries. Lots of them are used to generational govt dependency. Only now that they are in the U.S., they think our govt has deeper pockets for them to teat on.

There are lots of Russian immigrants in my city, and my in-laws and their extended families are from China. Both groups scam extensively and are big on every govt assistance program there is. Both groups vote heavily Democrat to keep the teat-sucking coming. Both groups follow the propaganda from the state news agencies from their respective homelands.

My in-laws swear the virus originated in the U.S. or Europe. During Olympic games, I have watched them root for communist China athletes. My in-law's extended families and friends own cash businesses and many properties, yet are also on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, free college for their kids, etc. Trust me.

Literally the exact opposite of my entire family. The only lefties in my family are children [born here] of first generation Soviet emigrants who grew up with silver spoon in their mouths due to their parents' success in being really good capitalists. The only ones who receive government assistance are ones who came here at already advanced age and I am not sure how much I agree with it, but it is what it is.

09-10-20, 15:42
In 1987 they ran a mini series called "Amerika" [...]

Today it's nearly impossible to find and no official DVD release exists.

This one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixJyEOR7xbw)?

Video low-res but ok-ish.

09-10-20, 15:46
This one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixJyEOR7xbw)?

Video low-res but ok-ish.

Can you repost this in my thread about this very subject? Trying to make that thread the place to talk about the roots of the current situation originating in Soviet subversion tactics.


This thread is more about countering current leftist tactics.

09-10-20, 18:26
By all means defend yourself if you are being attacked but understand how the media will spin the narrative and how many votes its going to lose us in November.

Are you listening to yourself? Jesus H. Christ. So defend yourself and the "optics" make us lose? You've lost your mind (or spine).

09-10-20, 18:32
1. Dont go looking for trouble ie. counter-protesting, proud boy rallies ect. If something is going down in your area, dont travel through that area.
2. Show restraint, ie. dont blast or attack someone who is just yelling at you,interrupting your dinner ect. Whatever
3. If you have to defend yourself show incredible TARGET DISCRIMINATION ie. Kyle level target discrimination, only shooting those who were pointing weapons at him, physically assaulting him or trying to grab his barrel.

No shit. As I stated earlier, NO ONE here (myself included) is going looking for trouble. If some asswipe is screaming in my face at dinner they will be told to FOAD. If that flips the switch then they are responsible for what happens next, as they weren't invited to my dinner party in the first place. Don't give two shits what the MSM portrays either.

09-10-20, 18:35
Are you listening to yourself? Jesus H. Christ. So defend yourself and the "optics" make us lose? You've lost your mind (or spine).

I dont understand why this concept is so hard to fathom...

Any violence done by our side(justified or unjustified) will be edited, reframed, repackaged as propaganda and fed into heads of every suburban mom and normie out there. This will result in lost votes in November. Thus I think the best strategy is not to play their game till November.

Im not sure how else to explain this is simpler terms.

No shit. As I stated earlier, NO ONE here (myself included) is going looking for trouble. If some asswipe is screaming in my face at dinner they will be told to FOAD. If that flips the switch then they are responsible for what happens next, as they weren't invited to my dinner party in the first place. Don't give two shits what the MSM portrays either.

I think this is where our disconnect is.

I think the information battlefield is probably the most important theater of operations and where the true battle is being fought. If you cannot understand the scale and scope the effect media has on the general populace I dont know how else to change your mind...

09-10-20, 18:45
This one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixJyEOR7xbw)?

Video low-res but ok-ish.

Actually yes.

Alex V
09-10-20, 18:45
I dont understand why this concept is so hard to fathom...

Any violence done by our side(justified or unjustified) will be edited, reframed, repackaged as propaganda and fed into heads of every suburban mom and normie out there. This will result in lost votes in November. Thus I think the best strategy is not to play their game till November.

Im not sure how else to explain this is simpler terms.

I think this is where our disconnect is.

I think the information battlefield is probably the most important theater of operations and where the true battle is being fought. If you cannot understand the scale and scope the effect media has on the general populace I dont know how else to change your mind...

As much as want to disagree, you’re right. Wait till 11/4

09-10-20, 18:59
As much as want to disagree, you’re right. Wait till 11/4

Unless you catch some asshole inflagrante with a Molotov... then by all means light 'em up. Sorry, one of these firebug f*ckers tried to torch my 'hood recently and I have friends who've been evacuated, so it's personal.

09-10-20, 19:05
Unless you catch some asshole inflagrante with a Molotov... then by all means light 'em up. Sorry, one of these firebug f*ckers tried to torch my 'hood recently and I have friends who've been evacuated, so it's personal.

Well if BLM/Antifa really are starting the wildfires in CA and OR then I hear there arent any cameras in the woods.

09-10-20, 19:33
I just want to say something and get it off my chest.

Vicious, you’re a good guy and I enjoy your posts but I don’t think you have to worry about anyone “doing anything”.

Kyle “Another body for the pile” Rittenhouse was a fluke.

Most of your boogbois are larpers or Barfcommers who are total larpers who have gay pride parades for guns wearing Hawaiian shirts and Multicam.

The true days of rage will come once it gets to the suburbs and won’t leave. Then it won’t matter.

No multicam, no glowies. No internet talk. Just pissed off and scared people in a corner killing anybody who they don’t know.

Kyle was a preview. A WARNING. It wasn’t a fat guy dressed up like a cartoon. It was a regular kid, being chased by adults, who started handling business.

That should TERRIFY the Left. It’s not the militia guy, it’s not the boogaloos, it’s not neo nazis. It’s a kid with a gun trying to get away and almost got shot by the pedo whose arm he blasted.

Because it’s getting to that point where you are going to see normal people with whatever guns they have confronting people and standing and fighting.

At that point it is not civil unrest. It is civil war.
Because you have two sides swapping licks.

I think, very much, we are flirting with the line being crossed.

You won’t know who is who.

You can tell people on a gun board “just chill until the election”. But these aggressors keep pushing. And it’s not the ‘gun guy’ (damn sure not AR15.com) that will say “fvck it”

It will be the mom with her kids, the dad after a long day of work, or the 70 something Nam vet with nothing to lose.

It’s not the guy “looking for a fight” that concerns. It’s the people who showed restraint, the restraint isn’t rewarded, and they snap.

I’m glad BLM and Antifa don’t have jobs or bills and don’t mind stealing but that’s not Middle America.

Once the normies get blood drunk; it will be hard to stop.

I wish we had a just system where we had secret police who would lullaby the BLM and Antifa. They had there fun and now it is time to see if there is an afterlife after all. I’d rather worry about a different national crisis for a while.

09-10-20, 21:35
Kyle was a preview. A WARNING. It wasn’t a fat guy dressed up like a cartoon. It was a regular kid, being chased by adults, who started handling business.

That should TERRIFY the Left. It’s not the militia guy, it’s not the boogaloos, it’s not neo nazis. It’s a kid with a gun trying to get away and almost got shot by the pedo whose arm he blasted.


The pedophile(Rosenbaum) was the first one shot, allegedly over attacking Rittenhouse for involvement in extinguishing Rosenbaum's dumpster fire.

Shot in the arm pistol guy(Grosskreutz) was the only member of the trio that seems to have stuck to property crime and being a general nuisance so far.


09-10-20, 22:22
Are you listening to yourself? Jesus H. Christ. So defend yourself and the "optics" make us lose? You've lost your mind (or spine).

I dont understand why this concept is so hard to fathom...

Any violence done by our side(justified or unjustified) will be edited, reframed, repackaged as propaganda and fed into heads of every suburban mom and normie out there. This will result in lost votes in November. Thus I think the best strategy is not to play their game till November.

Im not sure how else to explain this is simpler terms.

I think this is where our disconnect is.

I think the information battlefield is probably the most important theater of operations and where the true battle is being fought. If you cannot understand the scale and scope the effect media has on the general populace I dont know how else to change your mind...

Just because we don’t like CB’s answer doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Kenosha isn’t exactly a liberal hotbed with a Soros DA, and look what happened to Kyle and a pretty clear-cut case of self-defense. you end up defending yourself in a black hole or even worse where the other side has all of the footage and can cut and paste the narrative, you’re screwed.

Maybe the operative thought is a version of “don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”.

09-10-20, 23:10
The pedophile(Rosenbaum) was the first one shot, allegedly over attacking Rittenhouse for involvement in extinguishing Rosenbaum's dumpster fire.

Shot in the arm pistol guy(Grosskreutz) was the only member of the trio that seems to have stuck to property crime and being a general nuisance so far.


You know what really pisses me off was that Shot in the Arm Guy "GrossKreutz" had a big lettered "MEDIC" on his gear. Having watched the video some pictures a couple of times, that SOB ran up on him under the guise of "MEDIC" and drew at the last second when he had closed in on his target.
Please tell me that's what it looks like to you, watch it again.
If that is the case, it makes the kids case and his skill level go way up in my estimation.
Just sayin' take a look at that stuff and tell me what you think.

09-10-20, 23:37
Barfcommers who are total larpers who have gay pride parades for guns wearing Hawaiian shirts and Multicam.

The true days of rage will come once it gets to the suburbs and won’t leave. Then it won’t matter.

No multicam, no glowies. No internet talk. Just pissed off and scared people in a corner killing anybody who they don’t know.

Kyle was a preview. A WARNING. It wasn’t a fat guy dressed up like a cartoon. It was a regular kid, being chased by adults, who started handling business.

That should TERRIFY the Left. It’s not the militia guy, it’s not the boogaloos, it’s not neo nazis. It’s a kid with a gun trying to get away and almost got shot by the pedo whose arm he blasted.

Because it’s getting to that point where you are going to see normal people with whatever guns they have confronting people and standing and fighting.

At that point it is not civil unrest. It is civil war.
Because you have two sides swapping licks.

I think, very much, we are flirting with the line being crossed.

You won’t know who is who.

You can tell people on a gun board “just chill until the election”. But these aggressors keep pushing. And it’s not the ‘gun guy’ (damn sure not AR15.com) that will say “fvck it”

So here is what I worry about before the election. The rioters will end up bumping into a "ARFcomer" or some mall ninja who watched 13 Hours and John Wick and is ready to let that Rock River Magpul edition loose. Kyle was the perfect 17 year old excuse for the left except too many people had their cameras out and he just happened to keep a level head on his shoulders. My worry is that we wont be so lucky the next time, and that will only stoke their fire.

09-11-20, 00:28
Kyle was a preview. A WARNING. It wasn’t a fat guy dressed up like a cartoon. It was a regular kid, being chased by adults, who started handling business.

That should TERRIFY the Left. It’s not the militia guy, it’s not the boogaloos, it’s not neo nazis. It’s a kid with a gun trying to get away and almost got shot by the pedo whose arm he blasted.

It should but it won't. If these were reasonable, rationale thinkers who could learn from past examples, they wouldn't be there in the first place. Even if it comes down to school teachers who are female minorities who have taken up arms to defend themselves against an activist mob, the antifa / BLM / extremists will still be convinced they are fighting white racists / facists who have somehow tricked this black female into doing their bidding.

These people are DEEP kool aid.

09-11-20, 00:39
So here is what I worry about before the election. The rioters will end up bumping into a "ARFcomer" or some mall ninja who watched 13 Hours and John Wick and is ready to let that Rock River Magpul edition loose. Kyle was the perfect 17 year old excuse for the left except too many people had their cameras out and he just happened to keep a level head on his shoulders. My worry is that we wont be so lucky the next time, and that will only stoke their fire.

So what then? Will they declare us all racists / facists / nazis and then start burning and looting? Shit we are already there. I get the whole "don't contribute to their narrative" line of reasonable thinking, but if they get lit the **** up playing stupid games with guys who have been waiting on EXACTLY THIS, well it will probably be "game on" eventually.

And I know we make fun of the gamer / larper crowd, but when it comes to experience with weapons, basic knowledge of tactics and movement, even the gamers are gonna prison rape these guys hard. They think they lost to Kyle, wait until the run against a small crew of gamers who drills "seal stuff" once a month.

And that's not even starting with the real crews. Those who have combat experience. Those who realistically train for civil insurrection. Those who have the guns, the gear and the ammo to drag things out for years. Those with a Plan A, a Plan B, a Plan C and the ability to modify on the fly in a cohesive way.

It will be like if four pick up trucks full of Klan members tried to suppress the Rodney King riots. Let them run into those groups in their home territory and it will be brutal and it will be everything they have coming to them.

Lots of people saying don't underestimate the enemy, and that's a real thing. But because these guys are no longer getting punked for their lunch money they think they have created an actual "army OF the people."

The SLA was big and bad, kidnapping heiresses and taking down banks UNTIL SWAT showed up and that was the end of the SLA. Antifa / BLM will never be as hardcore as what the SLA was, for the brief moment in time that they existed.

09-11-20, 00:46
You know what really pisses me off was that Shot in the Arm Guy "GrossKreutz" had a big lettered "MEDIC" on his gear. Having watched the video some pictures a couple of times, that SOB ran up on him under the guise of "MEDIC" and drew at the last second when he had closed in on his target.
Please tell me that's what it looks like to you, watch it again.
If that is the case, it makes the kids case and his skill level go way up in my estimation.
Just sayin' take a look at that stuff and tell me what you think.
I've looked at several videos and stills leading up to Rittenhouse having to fight on the ground in the middle of the street.

Grosskreutz was chasing in the crowd and there are a couple of photos that appear to show a drawing motion from the small of the back area before reaching the second scene. The photos are blurred but the coloration is consistent with Grosskreutz attire and backpack. Suggestive though not conclusive.

When Grosskreutz closed on Rittenhouse, he had a glock in his right hand and his phone in his left hand as he came to within 12 feet of Rittenhouse. At that instant, Rittenhouse was already engaged with a series of insurgents. Rittenhouse fired shots at one who jumped kicked him and them struggled to retain his rifle when Huber (Skateboard-warrior) tried to run away with it. The shot that struck Huber in the torso caused Grosskreutz to flinch.

Rittenhouse recovers from the Huber assault, looks at his gun briefly and sits up again facing Grosskreutz who (looking down the barrel of the rifle) adopts a sort of hands up, surrender posture, though still loosely holding the glock which is pointed skyward. There is a brief pause.

Rittenhouse remains focused on the pistol as Grosskreutz glances to his right and figures out that Huber is not moving. Grosskreutz then makes a move to close with Rittenhouse. When Grosshreutz brings the pistol down to aim at Rittenhouse he is then shot in the arm by Rittenhouse: when the pistol became an immediate threat.

There has been a lot of speculation about Rittenhouse's ability.
He does have some cat-like reflexes.
Every shot appears to have been instinctive so it really does not matter what sights were on the gun.
What mattered most is that the gun worked.

Rittenhouse fired no warning shots.
He mainly kept the muzzle down when moving.
He didn't shoot at every threat either (there were several to choose from). The first insurgent to reach Rittenhouse in the street after he tumbled actually stopped immediately, put up his hands and retreated. Rittenhouse found himself in a seated position and had the rifle pointed at the insurgent (causing him to stop hard) but Kyle did not fire a shot.

Rittenhouse also didn't fire randomly. Each instance (except perhaps one) appears to be to address an immediate threat.
Being seated in the road, he was shooting up, into the attackers. This probably helped avoid secondary casualties he might have caused if he were standing.

He fired 8 rounds total: 4 at Rosenbaum (earlier), 2 while tangling with the jumper (both missed, and the second one might be an ND), one at Huber who grabbed the barrel and aimed the rifle at his own gut, and one at Grosskreutz that was remarkably fortunate for Rittenhouse.

Even after shooting Grosskreutz, who leaves the scene yelling for a medic, there are at least two more insurgents that could be considered threats but they think better of it.

Rittenhouse is also lucky that Grosskreutz felt he needed to get so close before committing to use the pistol. If Grosskreutz had posted up and shot at Rittenhouse from further back it might have been a different ending.

Seems worth noting that all three insurgents shot by Rittenhouse had some sort of criminal history. Is this sample representative of the larger crowd that night or only the most aggressive members of the mob? Keep in mind this is after the declared curfew.

09-11-20, 01:05
Did you see the Medic sign on Grosskreutz gear? This is important because that sign on his gear might have been what allowed him to close on Rittenhouse. I would hesitate to shoot someone and extra second if their gear might mean they are a paramedic.

09-11-20, 01:44
Did you see the Medic sign on Grosskreutz gear? This is important because that sign on his gear might have been what allowed him to close on Rittenhouse. I would hesitate to shoot someone and extra second if their gear might mean they are a paramedic.
Yes, Grosskreutz had 'PARAMEDIC' on his hat.

I think the pistol in his hand is more compelling than anything. It can be seen that Rittenhouse was focused on it and may explain why Grosskreutz was shot in the arm instead of COM.

In these mobs there are people wearing 'PRESS', or 'SECURITY' on their gear as well as self appointed Medic badging and other improvised labels. They may be genuine, or not. A real medic is probably going to ask pertinent questions about how they can help.

09-11-20, 03:36
Dam, I want to move to where you are at. Is there a house for sale?

09-11-20, 03:39
I have the names, phone numbers and email addresses of every family in my neighborhood of 63 homes. I can name more of the neighbors I see on my half mile long street than not. Everyone waves at each other, chats when we walk in the neighborhood, let our dogs play together, etc. Every April we have a neighborhood cookout at the retention pond area. You'd be surprised how many of these 1 acre lots don't even have fences at all. Kids do play in the streets because no one speeds. We share group emails on lost pets, predators spotted (mostly coyotes) and suspicious activity. If there's a property crime everyone is alerted pretty much immediately. The neighborhood association communicates with the other neighborhoods in the area about lost pets and crimes in their areas as well.

We even have movie and game nights with the neighbors next door, fish frys, etc. They know what's in our gun safe and I know what's in theirs. Now what all this really means is that we're located where civil unrest is highly unlikely, but if it happened we'd see the fires and noise long before they actually reached us. Resources would be pooled and shenanigans would not be tolerated here.

If you've never experienced what it's like to actually BE a community, I highly recommend it. It's not easy to find in some places, but we're out there! :)

Dam, I want to move to where you are at. Is there a house for sale?

09-11-20, 04:47
Just because we don’t like CB’s answer doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Kenosha isn’t exactly a liberal hotbed with a Soros DA, and look what happened to Kyle and a pretty clear-cut case of self-defense. you end up defending yourself in a black hole or even worse where the other side has all of the footage and can cut and paste the narrative, you’re screwed.

Maybe the operative thought is a version of “don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”.

One big difference from Kyle and myself: I wouldn't have been there. Not knocking the kid AT ALL, he was doing what he thought was right. Even a little bit of philanthropy in that environment if you can believe that. But I don't go to trouble spots. My point in this whole thread has been that since I don't do so, if trouble comes looking for me then I'll deal with it accordingly. I will defend my wife and myself to the utmost of my ability. It will not matter one iota at the moment of decision what the MSM or Suzy Soccertwat will see it as. The driving, and ONLY, force will be self-preservation. Won't be apologetic either, as I didn't ask for it nor did I seek it.

Why is that concept so hard to grasp? Surely, on this board, with the veterans and other self defense-minded people (gee, it is a gun site after all) the thought of avoiding trouble but being prepared to deal with it (physically, as well as mentally) should be a common ground, no?

I get what CB is saying, just don't agree with the premise. If the assholes are pulling you from your blocked-in car, is it actually gonna cross your mind "Gee, if I actually DO something it'll cost us votes in November"? I'd certainly hope not, or you could be a dead man.

09-11-20, 07:06
Americans justify traveling around the globe to help protect others from aggression, but if an American drives up the road to help protect his fellow law-abiding countrymen from aggressors... Oh no, never ever do that.

09-11-20, 08:12
Americans justify traveling around the globe to help protect others from aggression, but if an American drives up the road to help protect his fellow law-abiding countrymen from aggressors... Oh no, never ever do that.

That thought has crossed my mind on this and other incidents down through the decades.

09-11-20, 08:48

09-11-20, 09:44
Seems an impossible juggling act.

While I'm in agreement with V CB in regards to ANY aggression on our part, justified or not, will be twisted by MSM and likely negatively impact Trumps chances at the polls.

On the other hand, I'm a virtual recluse. If something goes down in regards to violence- it's because it was brought to me, my neighborhood.

I will suck a cock and give you 15 minutes to draw a crowd if I will hesitate for a micro second to defend myself and family at that point.
The lines are clearly drawn. I see no one changing their mind on either side.

Guess it's been a darned good run.

09-11-20, 09:46
Americans justify traveling around the globe to help protect others from aggression, but if an American drives up the road to help protect his fellow law-abiding countrymen from aggressors... Oh no, never ever do that.
I really didn't join the Army for altruistic reasons - I had a chance to get college paid for and to get out and see some other part of the world. Neither of my parents were college graduates so the Army ROTC scholarship was a good deal for me. I had a 6 year obligation after graduation - I served a total of 22 years.

During my time growing up, it was all Cold War stuff, and the spread of Communism plus the threat of nuclear war. You didn't think about the US collapsing from within because the radicals and far left wackos were always some small minority. In my day, you could argue the evils of Liberalism with a Liberal, then go out and get a burger and Coke together. Now it's not the case.

People like Kyle Rittenhouse seem to be idealistic, and perhaps a little naive about how everything works. The US has a lot of rotten human beings who serve in government, and there are plenty on our side as well. The concept of Conservatism is to preserve the US under Constitutional principles - I take the approach we need to Conserve and protect what we have, but ALL of what we have now may not be worth saving. Even in the Conservative world, we need a reset to an earlier time, but that may not be possible. Yet, the best of what we have is worth fighting for.

09-11-20, 10:01
People like Kyle Rittenhouse seem to be idealistic, and perhaps a little naive about how everything works. The US has a lot of rotten human beings who serve in government, and there are plenty on our side as well. The concept of Conservatism is to preserve the US under Constitutional principles - I take the approach we need to Conserve and protect what we have, but ALL of what we have now may not be worth saving. Even in the Conservative world, we need a reset to an earlier time, but that may not be possible. Yet, the best of what we have is worth fighting for.

I really couldn't agree more. Well said. I always loved the quote from Mike Malice “Conservatives are just progressives driving the speed limit.” I think this is why we have seen the rise of the Libertarian movement. I think that people are extremely idealistic and prone to their feelings toward a party, when, if they look at the numbers and policies, there isn't a whole lot of difference in pandering to the masses. I believe in the Constitution, first and foremost, and I only see both sides point to it when the other side is pushing aggressive policies, but I don't really ever see them reference it when making policy.

I think that the rise of Trump is an opportunity at getting a real grass roots candidate to win an election because they are actually willing to implement changes that actually need to happen. This is why I think even the left is so disillusioned with the Democrats for screwing over Sanders twice, with the caveat that even they knew his policies over reached.

Dr. Bullseye
09-11-20, 11:44
What? I just got my Hawaiian shirt and other Boogaloo apparel! You mean I have to wait?



09-11-20, 11:49
Yes, Grosskreutz had 'PARAMEDIC' on his hat.

I think the pistol in his hand is more compelling than anything. It can be seen that Rittenhouse was focused on it and may explain why Grosskreutz was shot in the arm instead of COM.

In these mobs there are people wearing 'PRESS', or 'SECURITY' on their gear as well as self appointed Medic badging and other improvised labels. They may be genuine, or not. A real medic is probably going to ask pertinent questions about how they can help.

Playing Dress Up is for Halloween, you come out there in a jacket that labels you a noncombatant, close distance and pull a gun you go from POS, to super extra special POS and deserve one to the dome.

09-11-20, 11:57


09-11-20, 12:48
No matter what the situation, violent or otherwise, brought to you or not, left-wing media propaganda will spin their narrative regardless.

Take Sandmann for example. His offense was to stand motionless, not uttering a word and smiling while an indian kook activist approached him and got in his face chanting and pounding on a drum. Meanwhile, Black Hebrew Israelites were hurling profane racial insults at Sandmann. Left-wing propaganda media characterized Sandman as the aggressor and racist Trump supporter.

Months of BLM and Antifa violence is reported as right-wing white supremacy violence. The gaslighting goes right to Washington as Jerry Nadler proclaims Antifa violence a "myth".

The notion of allowing left-wing media propaganda to guide your decisions, which will always be against you unless you're a leftist, doesn't make much sense. Trump doesn't cower to left-wing media propaganda. I don't believe that Trump expects his supporters to cower.

09-11-20, 12:51

Remember, it's not a REAL Hawaiian shirt unless the buttons are made of coconut! You can never go wrong with the classic Magnum PI "Paradise Found" shirt!

09-11-20, 14:02
All of these discussions point out that there is absolutely nothing you can do to appease the cultural, social and racial Marxists. If you were born white, lacking the miracle of being born black, you automatically inherit racism and privilege that earns you scorn and condemnation. You can't apologize for it enough, you can't give up enough for it, you can't reason with it and you can't co-exist with it. Therefore, in order to keep what you have, you have to be proactive and decide whether you are going to capitulate to it, or kill it.

This is why I am not a fan of submission to this kind of thing. I'm not betting the ranch on a Trump re-election. The domestic enemies are betting they have more willpower than the average citizen, and they can push their agenda with violence and destruction of property.

Here's just a small example of this racial hatred:

Woman Talks Herself Off Plane and into Jail


09-11-20, 14:09
All of these discussions point out that there is absolutely nothing you can do to appease the cultural, social and racial Marxists. If you were born white, lacking the miracle of being born black, you automatically inherit racism and privilege that earns you scorn and condemnation. You can't apologize for it enough, you can't give up enough for it, you can't reason with it and you can't co-exist with it. Therefore, in order to keep what you have, you have to be proactive and decide whether you are going to capitulate to it, or kill it.

This is why I am not a fan of submission to this kind of thing. I'm not betting the ranch on a Trump re-election. The domestic enemies are betting they have more willpower than the average citizen, and they can push their agenda with violence and destruction of property.

Bravo sir! 110% correct.

I will say, though, that while I won't bet my paycheck on a Trump win, I think he stands a MUCH better of a chance than it looked like a couple months ago. Kind of reminds me of 2016, when The Bitch was going to walk away with it.....until she didn't. Of course this time around we are in for one hell of a ride, because those Marxists aren't gonna concede. I predict we will see a Constitutional crisis like we've never seen since the Civil War, and it may well lead to another.

09-11-20, 14:14
Remember, it's not a REAL Hawaiian shirt unless the buttons are made of coconut! You can never go wrong with the classic Magnum PI "Paradise Found" shirt!

You know I have to order one of those now. They're like $70. Damn you!

09-11-20, 14:19
Here's just a small example of this racial hatred:

Woman Talks Herself Off Plane and into Jail


"I am a black queen and she needs to understand to respect a queen when she sees one" ........... ok.

09-11-20, 14:20
double tap

09-11-20, 14:26
All of these discussions point out that there is absolutely nothing you can do to appease the cultural, social and racial Marxists. If you were born white, lacking the miracle of being born black, you automatically inherit racism and privilege that earns you scorn and condemnation. You can't apologize for it enough, you can't give up enough for it, you can't reason with it and you can't co-exist with it. Therefore, in order to keep what you have, you have to be proactive and decide whether you are going to capitulate to it, or kill it.

This is why I am not a fan of submission to this kind of thing. I'm not betting the ranch on a Trump re-election. The domestic enemies are betting they have more willpower than the average citizen, and they can push their agenda with violence and destruction of property.

Here's just a small example of this racial hatred:

Woman Talks Herself Off Plane and into Jail


Im not sure where you getting appeasement and submission from. This is as basic as I can boil it down.

1. Divide them: once neo-dems realize that the far-left violence is hurting them politically they will distance themselves(this is already happening).
Their corporate allies will start to abandon them when their unpopular antics start hurting sales.
2. Re-election of Trump: once that happens the far-left Marxists will go ape shit and become more violent.
3. Isolate them: Once the level of violence increases it further distances themselves from their political and corporate allies. The general populace will turn against them.
4. Eliminate them: leave that to your imagination

None of the above happens if you lose the hearts and minds of the general populace.

But remember this only deals with the street level Marxists thugs. The real power of the far-left comes from their control the social, cultural, educational and political intuitions. That will take far long to fix if its even possible.

09-11-20, 18:26
Im not sure where you getting appeasement and submission from. This is as basic as I can boil it down.

1. Divide them: once neo-dems realize that the far-left violence is hurting them politically they will distance themselves(this is already happening).
Their corporate allies will start to abandon them when their unpopular antics start hurting sales.
2. Re-election of Trump: once that happens the far-left Marxists will go ape shit and become more violent.
3. Isolate them: Once the level of violence increases it further distances themselves from their political and corporate allies. The general populace will turn against them.
4. Eliminate them: leave that to your imagination

None of the above happens if you lose the hearts and minds of the general populace.

But remember this only deals with the street level Marxists thugs. The real power of the far-left comes from their control the social, cultural, educational and political intuitions. That will take far long to fix if its even possible.

I think that is the disconnect point for some of us. Sometimes, unfortunately, it may be necessary to defend one's self or family, even your home. I get what you're saying, but my point all along has been that the beast can indeed come knocking uninvited, then you either act or die. I'm not willing to leave my wife's or my own fate to the rioting masses, mass-media consequences be damned.

I think (hope?) that what you're implying isn't not defending yourself or loved ones, but avoiding situations where you increase the likelihood. I'm all about that. I've always been a firm believer in the saying "If you go looking for trouble you'll eventually find it". MOST of the time that works, but not always.

09-11-20, 19:33
Im not sure where you getting appeasement and submission from. This is as basic as I can boil it down.

1. Divide them: once neo-dems realize that the far-left violence is hurting them politically they will distance themselves(this is already happening).
Their corporate allies will start to abandon them when their unpopular antics start hurting sales.
2. Re-election of Trump: once that happens the far-left Marxists will go ape shit and become more violent.
3. Isolate them: Once the level of violence increases it further distances themselves from their political and corporate allies. The general populace will turn against them.
4. Eliminate them: leave that to your imagination

None of the above happens if you lose the hearts and minds of the general populace.

But remember this only deals with the street level Marxists thugs. The real power of the far-left comes from their control the social, cultural, educational and political intuitions. That will take far long to fix if its even possible.
A lot of your premise requires a Trump re-election. That may not be the case. If he loses, we are screwed. Remember that Clinton got 3 million more popular votes than Trump.

You are taking into consideration almost all of academia is devoted to Liberal/Leftist/Marxist ideologies - take your pick of the three which your local teachers represent. You aren't winning hearts and minds when the current and upcoming younger generations have already been indoctrinated, and get all the rest of their information from a computer or smart phone. They lack real-life knowledge and spout the White Privilege and guilt nonsense. Even as a Regimental XO before I retired from the Army, I saw what was happening to a new generation of heads full of mush.

Assuming that Big Business is going to fall in line behind the Conservative Right just isn't the case. Target, based in Minneapolis, has lost numerous stores to recent riots. They just announced yesterday they will pander to BLM and increase their Black hiring by 20% over the next three years. The rest of many American companies are fearful of Trump's hard stance against China and their loss of quick and easy profits by having to source products and material elsewhere. Many will support a Biden election.

Whether its a majority or not, a large segment of the American population still aren't interested in self-flagellation over social justice, nor are they willing to take abuse from others over it. The American public will at some point take matters into their own hands and there will be wide-spread killing. And it won't be folks dressed in tactical garb with military style weapons, but ordinary people with anything they can shoot with. Look at what is happening all over - every type of firearm and caliber of ammo is being sold out. Americans will get safety and security if they have to do it themselves - they realize its not government they can count on any longer.

Finally, your premise requires the American Constitutional Conservative to play by rules our enemy doesn't because of the optics. Making us play by rules our enemy doesn't is covered in Saul D. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". Basically, we tie ourselves into knots trying to do "the right thing", when the domestic enemy is free to engage any and all tactics. It's rule #4 and I quote: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

09-12-20, 03:51
A lot of your premise requires a Trump re-election. That may not be the case. If he loses, we are screwed. Remember that Clinton got 3 million more popular votes than Trump.

I feel like we are just going in circles here.

The re-election of Trump requires mass voter turnout from the normies to drown out the inevitable election rigging via mail-in-voting the Dems want to implement so badly. The normies have a massive aversion to violence hence why public sentiment is turning against far-left BLM/antifa with their riots and the Neo-dems who are egging them on.

Any violence done by our side no matter the justification(since it will be spun by the media) will turn normie votes away from Trump due to said normie's aversion to violence and their inability read more than just the headline.

Like you said, "If he loses, we are screwed." Then why not give him the best chance to win by avoiding the use of violence till November?

You are taking into consideration almost all of academia is devoted to Liberal/Leftist/Marxist ideologies - take your pick of the three which your local teachers represent. You aren't winning hearts and minds when the current and upcoming younger generations have already been indoctrinated, and get all the rest of their information from a computer or smart phone. They lack real-life knowledge and spout the White Privilege and guilt nonsense. Even as a Regimental XO before I retired from the Army, I saw what was happening to a new generation of heads full of mush.

Like I said, it would take several generations to undo that. In the short term we are trying to win an election.

Whether its a majority or not, a large segment of the American population still aren't interested in self-flagellation over social justice, nor are they willing to take abuse from others over it. The American public will at some point take matters into their own hands and there will be wide-spread killing. And it won't be folks dressed in tactical garb with military style weapons, but ordinary people with anything they can shoot with. Look at what is happening all over - every type of firearm and caliber of ammo is being sold out. Americans will get safety and security if they have to do it themselves - they realize its not government they can count on any longer.

This is the segment we are trying to win over. They arent at the point of snapping yet and are generally as obvious political landscape more than what they see on evening news. If they keep consuming imagery of far-left riots night after night so much the better. Keep the news cycle on far-left BLM riots not "far-right militia violence" which is what will happen if our side does anything.

Look at how badly they tried to take the news cycle off the riots with fake "Trump hates veterans" and "Trump down played coronavirus" stories. This strategy reeks of desperation.

Assuming that Big Business is going to fall in line behind the Conservative Right just isn't the case. Target, based in Minneapolis, has lost numerous stores to recent riots. They just announced yesterday they will pander to BLM and increase their Black hiring by 20% over the next three years. The rest of many American companies are fearful of Trump's hard stance against China and their loss of quick and easy profits by having to source products and material elsewhere. Many will support a Biden election.

They dont need to fall in line with conservatives. Just having them drop the BLM commercials as it becomes more unpopular due to the association with rioting and looting is enough along with their donations.

Finally, your premise requires the American Constitutional Conservative to play by rules our enemy doesn't because of the optics. Making us play by rules our enemy doesn't is covered in Saul D. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". Basically, we tie ourselves into knots trying to do "the right thing", when the domestic enemy is free to engage any and all tactics. It's rule #4 and I quote: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

No, but the non-violence till November strategy is using their own tactics against them. The far-leftists art of goading the cops into using violence against "protesters" making it look like they are the victim then selectively using the footage to promote the narrative of "police brutality" has been in use since 2010's Occupy Movement. This is even easier for us since we just need to film them since they are actually attacking innocent business and people.

"Do the right thing?" Hell I want to use every dirty underhanded strategy I can against these assholes. You mistake a strategy of using non-violence as some moral high-ground wielding bullshit. This is more like feigning surrender while reaching for the piece hidden on your back.

When properly applied anything can be a weapon. Non-violence can be a weapon when used properly once you open your mind to the possibilities.

09-12-20, 04:30
I think that is the disconnect point for some of us. Sometimes, unfortunately, it may be necessary to defend one's self or family, even your home. I get what you're saying, but my point all along has been that the beast can indeed come knocking uninvited, then you either act or die. I'm not willing to leave my wife's or my own fate to the rioting masses, mass-media consequences be damned.

I think (hope?) that what you're implying isn't not defending yourself or loved ones, but avoiding situations where you increase the likelihood. I'm all about that. I've always been a firm believer in the saying "If you go looking for trouble you'll eventually find it". MOST of the time that works, but not always.

Ive clearly outlined my stance on self defense. Defend yourself with lethal force when necessary but avoid putting yourself in those situations at all costs.

Some examples of restraint:
Not blasting the dude spray painting BLM on your garage door.
Not blasting the dude throwing your plate of seared steak on the floor

Some examples of "wait till you see the whites of their eyes" last minute engagement a la Kyle Rittenhouse:
Shooting the attacker when they breach the walls of your house instead of the front lawn

Some examples of target discrimination
Shooting the dude throwing the molotov cocktail through your window vs the dude throwing the brick through your window(not at you but your window)
Huge difference here: dude throwing a brick at your head = can engage vs dude throwing brick at your window = cannot engage (also part of showing restraint)

09-12-20, 08:38
Then why not give him the best chance to win by avoiding the use of violence till November?

Well to be fair if you can avoid deadly violence until November you can avoid it after November too. It is the need to use it that will or will not change date-wise (depending on the circumstances of course).

I doubt shooting someone spray-painting BLM on your garage door is gonna cut it at any point in time. Might like to, but legally I don't think it would fly. Capping the asswipe who flips over your table at a restaurant would be shaky at best, probably depending on what happens after you tell him to FOAD (which would certainly be an appropriate response in my book).

However, you're blocked in by traffic and the scum are yanking people out of their vehicles? Pretty sure that will be defensible be it today or in January.......and it would be NECESSARY, unless of course you want a possibly fatal beat-down by an enraged mob.

Bottom line is avoid violence and violent situations whenever possible. Unfortunately, in this day and age the likelihood of it happening anyway is steadily increasing.

09-12-20, 08:53
Ive clearly outlined my stance on self defense. Defend yourself with lethal force when necessary but avoid putting yourself in those situations at all costs.

Some examples of restraint:
Not blasting the dude spray painting BLM on your garage door.
Not blasting the dude throwing your plate of seared steak on the floor

Some examples of "wait till you see the whites of their eyes" last minute engagement a la Kyle Rittenhouse:
Shooting the attacker when they breach the walls of your house instead of the front lawn

Some examples of target discrimination
Shooting the dude throwing the molotov cocktail through your window vs the dude throwing the brick through your window(not at you but your window)
Huge difference here: dude throwing a brick at your head = can engage vs dude throwing brick at your window = cannot engage (also part of showing restraint)


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09-12-20, 09:32
I have some questions:

-Who’s ‘We’?
-Are Antifa and BLM aware there are “rules” here?
-What do I have to gain?
-What do I have to lose?
-Who reimburses me when my home is burned to cinders playing by these cute little “rules of engagement”?
-Why do you think “winning hearts and minds” is important at this point? The lines have pretty much been drawn.
-Do I get an award or Xbox achievement for being the most patriotic and forgiving person for allowing black guys to brick my car or home?

How about this. The people who don’t disrupt my daily life have nothing to fear.

09-12-20, 10:01
If Trump loses in November, one thing we have to avoid doing is acting like we're screwed. That's where the left always wins. When they get a set back, they preach doom and fire and brimstone, but they do so while taking only a half-step back, reassessing, regrouping, and coming back with a vengeance. What does the right do? Wail and lament, declare that it's all over, tell the left they can have everything they want, make plans to flee. The fact is, even Biden wins, that doesn't mean the general population is in support of Marxism; it means the cities turned out in force to vote and likely there was also fraud. It also means that the middle believes, albeit naively, that electing Biden may appease the far left, not that they agree with them. So, while if Trump loses, it will be a gut punch, I wouldn't go so far as to think that means America has made its choice. It will not be a good thing for him to lose, but we will just need to reassess our plans, get ready to counter the onslaught, and start networking.

In that case, the "time" will come under two circumstances:

The (for lack of a better word) best case scenario: Moderate America gets pushed too far, rises up, and starts fighting back against the far left. They'll long for the good ol' days of actually being proud to be American. We then have their hearts and minds.

Worst case scenario: Moderate America goes along and lets the Marxists take over. Murder, even mass slaughter, of unarmed conservative targets becomes acceptable by the mainstream. At that point, it becomes kill or be killed, and there's nothing left to lose anyway.

09-12-20, 10:01
Well to be fair if you can avoid deadly violence until November you can avoid it after November too. It is the need to use it that will or will not change date-wise (depending on the circumstances of course).

I doubt shooting someone spray-painting BLM on your garage door is gonna cut it at any point in time. Might like to, but legally I don't think it would fly. Capping the asswipe who flips over your table at a restaurant would be shaky at best, probably depending on what happens after you tell him to FOAD (which would certainly be an appropriate response in my book).

However, you're blocked in by traffic and the scum are yanking people out of their vehicles? Pretty sure that will be defensible be it today or in January.......and it would be NECESSARY, unless of course you want a possibly fatal beat-down by an enraged mob.

Bottom line is avoid violence and violent situations whenever possible. Unfortunately, in this day and age the likelihood of it happening anyway is steadily increasing.

The entire concept of this thread is to not lose votes. Post election it doesnt matter who you light up because it wont affect voters. Hell if you want to death blossom everyone around your car, as long as its post election I dont care, thats on you.

I have some questions:

-Who’s ‘We’?
-Are Antifa and BLM aware there are “rules” here?
-What do I have to gain?
-What do I have to lose?
-Who reimburses me when my home is burned to cinders playing by these cute little “rules of engagement”?
-Why do you think “winning hearts and minds” is important at this point? The lines have pretty much been drawn.
-Do I get an award or Xbox achievement for being the most patriotic and forgiving person for allowing black guys to brick my car or home?

How about this. The people who don’t disrupt my daily life have nothing to fear.

I mean you can do whatever you want. The entire point of this thread is to not fall into a far-leftist media trap and to be aware how you actions can cost the election.

But the real question is do you even own an xbox?

09-12-20, 10:07
Some examples of restraint:
Not blasting the dude spray painting BLM on your garage door.
Not blasting the dude throwing your plate of seared steak on the floor

Reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury or death is the standard for justifiable use of lethal force. A person either comprehends this and has the judgement required, or they don't.

Do you actually believe a guy intent on blowing someone's brains out over graffiti is going to reconsider and 'restrain' himself because Don Lemon won't like it and may hurt Trump's approval ratings? Who are you trying to convince?

09-12-20, 10:11
Ive clearly outlined my stance on self defense. Defend yourself with lethal force when necessary but avoid putting yourself in those situations at all costs.

Some examples of restraint:
Not blasting the dude spray painting BLM on your garage door.
Not blasting the dude throwing your plate of seared steak on the floor

Some examples of "wait till you see the whites of their eyes" last minute engagement a la Kyle Rittenhouse:
Shooting the attacker when they breach the walls of your house instead of the front lawn

Some examples of target discrimination
Shooting the dude throwing the molotov cocktail through your window vs the dude throwing the brick through your window(not at you but your window)
Huge difference here: dude throwing a brick at your head = can engage vs dude throwing brick at your window = cannot engage (also part of showing restraint)

The dude spray painting my door will get confronted and stopped, if he escalates to the point of being shot, it’s on him.

The dude tossing my food on the floor and disrupting my family’s dinner is getting confronted and stopped, if he escalated to the poi t of being shot- again, on him.

I didn’t start any of that shit.

There is no part of my PACE plan that allows someone to “throw a Molotov cocktail through my window” before I do something to stop them, Threatening to throw Molotov's = grounds for being shot.

That’s just nonsense to wait for something like that to happen because you are afraid of the optics of your actions.

It’s foolish and I hope people do not listen to it and get themselves or their families murdered Trying to “look” good by not defending themselves from aggressors.

If someone is actively trying to attack my home with my family in it, they are making the decision to put themselves in harms way, leave me and mine alone and you don’t have to worry about getting 62 grains to your CNS.

I’m not out there trying to engage anyone, however I’m not foolish enough to put my life or the lives of my family at risk of serious harm or bodily injury/death just so things don’t “look bad”.

The fact we are even having this conversation shows how ridiculous things have gotten.

I don’t care what things look like and I am NOT basing my decisions off of it, I’m going to defend me and mine based on the threat Of bodily injury or harm in front of me.

09-12-20, 10:21
The dude spray painting my door will get confronted and stopped, if he escalates to the point of being shot, it’s on him.

The dude tossing my food on the floor and disrupting my family’s dinner is getting confronted and stopped, if he escalated to the poi t of being shot- again, on him.

I didn’t start any of that shit.

There is no part of my PACE plan that allows someone to “throw a Molotov cocktail through my window” before I do something to stop them, Threatening to throw Molotov's = grounds for being shot.

That’s just nonsense to wait for something like that to happen because you are afraid of the optics of your actions.

It’s foolish and I hope people do not listen to it and get themselves or their families murdered Trying to “look” good by not defending themselves from aggressors.

If someone is actively trying to attack my home with my family in it, they are making the decision to put themselves in harms way, leave me and mine alone and you don’t have to worry about getting 62 grains to your CNS.

I’m not out there trying to engage anyone, however I’m not foolish enough to put my life or the lives of my family at risk of serious harm or bodily injury/death just so things don’t “look bad”.

The fact we are even having this conversation shows how ridiculous things have gotten.

I don’t care what things look like and I am NOT basing my decisions off of it, I’m going to defend me and mine based on the threat Of bodily injury or harm in front of me.

You've literally agreed with all my examples....

Reasonable fear of imminent serious bodily injury or death is the standard for justifiable use of lethal force. A person either comprehends this and has the judgement required, or they don't.

Do you actually believe a guy intent on blowing someone's brains out over graffiti is going to reconsider and 'restrain' himself because Don Lemon won't like it and may hurt Trump's approval ratings? Who are you trying to convince?

Someone in this very thread said they wanted to John Wick style put a butter knife into someones eye socket for messing with their meal while drawing their side arm and start blasting. So maybe we do need have this conversation.

09-12-20, 10:23
The entire concept of this thread is to not lose votes. Post election it doesnt matter who you light up because it wont affect voters. Hell if you want to death blossom everyone around your car, as long as its post election I dont care, thats on you.
Vicious_cb, we're not really going around in circles, its just you are assuming certain things that don't exist any longer. You are concerned about optics and how the media portrays the actions of those who would defend themselves. We are not at an equal and balanced status quo between the 2 main ideologies (Left and Right). Here are just three aspects to consider:

1. We have already lost the cultural and social war. Decades of educational brainwashing have made the concepts of social justice and systemic racism valid in the minds of a large portion of the younger generation.

2. We don't have control of the narrative - it's already lost to a Marxist media 5th Estate. A majority of citizens do not get their information from center or right of center news outlets. It's already colored against us. We are not driving the narrative - we are only reactionaries now.

3. We cannot totally trust the election system to be free of corruption and manipulation. With the COVID influence on our daily lives, we are being forced into a mail-in vote setup, ballot harvesting, etc. where at the very least, the general election outcome is delayed - at the very worst we have a Constitutional crisis where another form of coups is implemented.

09-12-20, 10:34
The entire concept of this thread is to not lose votes. Post election it doesnt matter who you light up because it wont affect voters. Hell if you want to death blossom everyone around your car, as long as its post election I dont care, thats on you.

I mean you can do whatever you want. The entire point of this thread is to not fall into a far-leftist media trap and to be aware how you actions can cost the election.

But the real question is do you even own an xbox?

No. I don’t. I have a PS4. Doubt I’ll get a PS5.

And I refuse to pin my hopes on an election. The last person I need determining my quality of life is a President

09-12-20, 10:44
No. I don’t. I have a PS4. Doubt I’ll get a PS5.

And I refuse to pin my hopes on an election. The last person I need determining my quality of life is a President

I for one would like to more supreme court nominations, having Barr go after these DA fvcks, deputizing more state police so they can send antifa to real a$$ pounding prison instead playing catch and release. Thats where I see the value.

Either you see the value in it or not. I cant convince you otherwise so thats cool.

Vicious_cb, we're not really going around in circles, its just you are assuming certain things that don't exist any longer. You are concerned about optics and how the media portrays the actions of those who would defend themselves. We are not at an equal and balanced status quo between the 2 main ideologies (Left and Right). Here are just three aspects to consider:

1. We have already lost the cultural and social war. Decades of educational brainwashing have made the concepts of social justice and systemic racism valid in the minds of a large portion of the younger generation.

2. We don't have control of the narrative - it's already lost to a Marxist media 5th Estate. A majority of citizens do not get their information from center or right of center news outlets. It's already colored against us. We are not driving the narrative - we are only reactionaries now.

3. We cannot totally trust the election system to be free of corruption and manipulation. With the COVID influence on our daily lives, we are being forced into a mail-in vote setup, ballot harvesting, etc. where at the very least, the general election outcome is delayed - at the very worst we have a Constitutional crisis where another form of coups is implemented.

I agree with all of these pts 100% The real question what to do about it? I think the first step in fixing the above problems is winning the election.

09-12-20, 11:00
Vicious_cb, we're not really going around in circles, its just you are assuming certain things that don't exist any longer. You are concerned about optics and how the media portrays the actions of those who would defend themselves. We are not at an equal and balanced status quo between the 2 main ideologies (Left and Right). Here are just three aspects to consider:

1. We have already lost the cultural and social war. Decades of educational brainwashing have made the concepts of social justice and systemic racism valid in the minds of a large portion of the younger generation.

2. We don't have control of the narrative - it's already lost to a Marxist media 5th Estate. A majority of citizens do not get their information from center or right of center news outlets. It's already colored against us. We are not driving the narrative - we are only reactionaries now.

3. We cannot totally trust the election system to be free of corruption and manipulation. With the COVID influence on our daily lives, we are being forced into a mail-in vote setup, ballot harvesting, etc. where at the very least, the general election outcome is delayed - at the very worst we have a Constitutional crisis where another form of coups is implemented.

These are cogent points.

I feel like, with all good credit due to vicious, that he’s doing the world’s best CPR on a decapitation victim. Giving it his all but the head is cut off.

I mean the culture war was over years ago. Trump 2016 was one last dying of the light. He’s not Reagan 2.0. He’s a NYC Business Democrat who really hasn’t changed his political viewpoints since the 80s. It’s just Obama was so beleaguering that we wanted anything different.

We really thought the 80s were coming back. No. This is worst than malaise era.

We’re in the minority now. The time to have done anything was at the beginning.

It all started, and I don’t want to offend our sizable LGBTQIAA2P community here on M4C, when they wanted gay marriage. A trojan horse for sure.

See, we all agreed that hey, it’s two adults. Who cares, right?

Then the Bathrooms, hey we all like our tranny porn. We all do it. Fun is fun right? At least they are hot trannies?

No. Dudes with 5 o’clock shadows wearing maternity clothes get to go where 5 year old daughters go do their business.

Well...that’s only big cities. Then they want to compete in women’s sports and destroy them. And steal their scholarships. Then the pronouns.

And now you have Netflix showing 8 yo girls in revealing clothing shaking ass and pedophiles being open, visible, and vocal.

This is nothing to say of the open air Communism. There was a time when being a Communist kept you out of work and out of the Boy Scouts. It was taboo.

Now dumbass college kids are waving red flags and wanting Socialism.

The family unit is rare.

Naw we lost it. We are no longer in a defensive posture. That hill is gone. We either have to try to retake it (hard and pyrrhic) or focus on what we CAN do. A President won’t save us. Government never protects us from Government. Week 1, Day 1 stuff.

“Redpilling the normies” is out because it’s a fad at best to them. People who will be cowed will be cowed.

You children will be exposed to the BS more than they will be exposed to you. This is by design.

At this point we are just stockpiling spam, ammo, and precious metals. I would love to be all rah-rah but, it is what it is. We were too nice. It cost us.

09-12-20, 11:05
I for one would like to more supreme court nominations, having Barr go after these DA fvcks, deputizing more state police so they can send antifa to real a$$ pounding prison instead playing catch and release. Thats where I see the value.

Either you see the value in it or not. I cant convince you otherwise so thats cool.

In all fairness the police have all the power they need to crush these groups but are told not to do so.

I mean, this is literally the same paradigm as the Vietnam War. “More soldiers and better guns!” It sounds like it would help but it wasn’t the soldiers or the guns. It was the leadership.

We have none. Be it State or Federal. I can tell you now that per my own situation, Kemp is not my favorite person right now.

They planned our current troubles and they are having success. I can’t take that away from them. I have no good answers for you.

09-12-20, 11:10
The entire concept of this thread is to not lose votes. Post election it doesnt matter who you light up because it wont affect voters. Hell if you want to death blossom everyone around your car, as long as its post election I dont care, thats on you.

Death Blossom. Last Starfighter is one of my favorite films... solid reference..

09-12-20, 11:20
Death Blossom. Last Starfighter is one of my favorite films... solid reference..

It’ll be a slaughter....

09-12-20, 11:29
I'm not going to worry about "Is it time yet" because I don't believe there is like a Hunting Season in all of this, also I really don't care who I offend or influence if my hand is forced.
The reaction to violence is so far out of reality that there never will be a defensive shooting that the Media will approve of again. As an example of this insanity, if when a drug addict is in the middle of an overdose and is swept up by the Cops and dies and the Cops are at fault, we've lost all perception of reality.
Therefore, I simply choose to avoid even considering it. If I have to do what I have to do, what other choice do I have?
I'm an old guy, for the most part nobody pays any attention to me and I like it that way. When you're anonymous you can pretty much do whatever you like, it's like being a ghost.

09-12-20, 11:47
I'm not going to worry about "Is it time yet" because I don't believe there is like a Hunting Season in all of this, also I really don't care who I offend or influence if my hand is forced.
The reaction to violence is so far out of reality that there never will be a defensive shooting that the Media will approve of again. As an example of this insanity, if when a drug addict is in the middle of an overdose and is swept up by the Cops and dies and the Cops are at fault, we've lost all perception of reality.
Therefore, I simply choose to avoid even considering it. If I have to do what I have to do, what other choice do I have?
I'm an old guy, for the most part nobody pays any attention to me and I like it that way. When you're anonymous you can pretty much do whatever you like, it's like being a ghost.
At least now you can hide your identity with a socially acceptable mask.....or is it a new kind of muzzle?

It's all going to hell on the express elevator. ESPN for Monday Night Football is replacing Hank Jr's "All My Rowdy Friends" with Little Richard's "Rip it Up", with new instruments and backing vocals. I'm sure the MNF crowd is going to enjoy a tune from a Gay, Black who engaged in some questionable behavior (legally):

New version of Little Richard's 'Rip It Up' to replace Hank Williams Jr.'s 'Monday Night Football' theme song


09-12-20, 12:03
I wear a beard, I can cut it off in five minutes, totally new look. I have had a balaclava since Portland kicked off, it's right next to my pistol in the Truck. I also have a Covid-19 approved mask in the Truck.
I keep and extra shirt of a different color handy too.

09-12-20, 12:15
If Trump loses in November, one thing we have to avoid doing is acting like we're screwed. That's where the left always wins. When they get a set back, they preach doom and fire and brimstone, but they do so while taking only a half-step back, reassessing, regrouping, and coming back with a vengeance. What does the right do? Wail and lament, declare that it's all over, tell the left they can have everything they want, make plans to flee. The fact is, even Biden wins, that doesn't mean the general population is in support of Marxism; it means the cities turned out in force to vote and likely there was also fraud. It also means that the middle believes, albeit naively, that electing Biden may appease the far left, not that they agree with them. So, while if Trump loses, it will be a gut punch, I wouldn't go so far as to think that means America has made its choice. It will not be a good thing for him to lose, but we will just need to reassess our plans, get ready to counter the onslaught, and start networking.

In that case, the "time" will come under two circumstances:

The (for lack of a better word) best case scenario: Moderate America gets pushed too far, rises up, and starts fighting back against the far left. They'll long for the good ol' days of actually being proud to be American. We then have their hearts and minds.

Worst case scenario: Moderate America goes along and lets the Marxists take over. Murder, even mass slaughter, of unarmed conservative targets becomes acceptable by the mainstream. At that point, it becomes kill or be killed, and there's nothing left to lose anyway.

Perhaps not but the Left ALWAYS claims they have a "mandate" when they win, even if it's only by 2 or 3 percentage points.

09-12-20, 12:55
We get it I guess we are supposed to do certain things based on election cycle or what folks might think or that MSM might doctor footage (like they have been since what Vietnam ?)

like hearing someone telling me about carrying concealed I best not carry a round in the chamber then keep arguing why THEY think this is best and safest cause they saw a video where someone had a ND and hurt themselves so they are just trying to stop you from hurting yourself :)

The doctor video thing that keeps coming up is silly and does not matter and actually I hope they do since it might make them loose in court ! Like the Indian agitator and the kid, MSM lost what 200 million in one swipe not to mention legal cost and I hope they do it a few more times because no company can loose that much multiple times when they are already in decline
The whole public opinion ? Again does not matter in real life court again see above

Kyle ? Well poor kids case has not been to trial and sentencing so cant say squat yet about any of that ?

I am going to guess almost NONE of us think OH I cant do this based on what CNN might edit to show or what the mob closing in on my might think will some mom in Kansas think this is to violent if or OH its near election time etc... ?

I ALWAYS avoid everything I can at all cost
Not based on the above what if idiocy scenarios and especially not on election time

I am lucky as I get to ask my brother who is a prosecutor when it comes to legal stuff with actual experience what a prosecutor has faced in real court vs .....

Although I did love the joke in the islands “If its tourist season how come we cant shoot them”

09-12-20, 19:49
It’ll be a slaughter....

That’s the spirit...

09-14-20, 13:18
Dam, I want to move to where you are at. Is there a house for sale?

Not right now and when there are, they sell in days. :)

09-15-20, 00:58
Actually had a conversation with a stranger over a mutual friends post about BLM and Blake where I got them to realize how corrosive using Blake was as victim or hero. Not a BLM dead-ender, but the kind of person that wouldn't vote for Trump at least understands why everyone doesn't think like they do (did). Just a few hundred million more Facebook idiots to fix...

09-15-20, 03:51
It's rule #4 and I quote: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

Yoni's rule #1

You must win! Defeat is not acceptable.

The world can't afford for us to lose the USA, to the Marxist.

If we must lie, cheat, steal and kill 50,000,000 democrats to keep the USA free, then so be it.

When we have won, we can cook of steaks, and have our after action critic. When we are done, then we can light the cigars and open the bottles.

But to lose, will send the world into a new dark age.

09-15-20, 06:27
Yoni's rule #1

You must win! Defeat is not acceptable.

The world can't afford for us to lose the USA, to the Marxist.

If we must lie, cheat, steal and kill 50,000,000 democrats to keep the USA free, then so be it.

When we have won, we can cook of steaks, and have our after action critic. When we are done, then we can light the cigars and open the bottles.

But to lose, will send the world into a new dark age.

Always cheat, always win. They bury second place. There is no loss of honor when fighting evil by any means.