View Full Version : Is Antifa a real organization? Or is it like Anonymous?

09-05-20, 12:24
So I know Antifaschistische Aktion was a real organization at one time in Germany, but do the current Antifa followers have any actual organizational connection, or is it just a meme that has coopted that organization's history? In other words, do you actually "join" Antifa, or do you simply order some appropriately marked apparel with mom's credit card and start breaking windows?

09-05-20, 12:30
So I know Antifaschistische Aktion was a real organization at one time in Germany, but do the current Antifa followers have any actual organizational connection, or is it just a meme that has coopted that organization's history? In other words, do you actually "join" Antifa, or do you simply order some appropriately marked apparel with mom's credit card and start breaking windows?

I think.....both.

There seems to be some degree of command structure and some surprisingly sophisticated coordination but there are also the outriders who latch on to the message and the merch independently, perhaps over time getting further entrenched in the more “organized” side of things

09-05-20, 13:41
So I know Antifaschistische Aktion was a real organization at one time in Germany, but do the current Antifa followers have any actual organizational connection, or is it just a meme that has coopted that organization's history? In other words, do you actually "join" Antifa, or do you simply order some appropriately marked apparel with mom's credit card and start breaking windows?

I agree with Circle 10 that it's probably a bit of both. Ironically, this is a page right out of the Neo-Nazi terrorist playbook: The main army in the establishment of the 4th Reich would be "The Organization", which does the actual fighting and appears to be decentralized (at first). However, The Organization is secretly led by "The Order" which is an inner circle of leaders whose existence is unknown to even the vast majority of The Organization. I'd bet that's what's going on here: a few leaders are calling the shots, but communicating through a lot of buffering sources.

09-05-20, 13:50
I agree with Circle 10 that it's probably a bit of both. Ironically, this is a page right out of the Neo-Nazi terrorist playbook: The main army in the establishment of the 4th Reich would be "The Organization", which does the actual fighting and appears to be decentralized (at first). However, The Organization is secretly led by "The Order" which is an inner circle of leaders whose existence is unknown to even the vast majority of The Organization. I'd bet that's what's going on here: a few leaders are calling the shots, but communicating through a lot of buffering sources.

This, and my guess would be that a lot of "Thule Society 2.0" are regulars at Davos.

09-05-20, 14:08
They have chapters with a command structure that are all over the country mostly in major cities. Chapters work together and coordinate for riots. They get funding via crowdfunding apps and donations for their supplies and gear. Im not sure how you could see whats going on and still think this is not a coordinated organization.

Go watch some of Andy Ngo's stuff if you want to know more.

09-05-20, 14:38
There was never any one real “Anonymous”. Those familiar will recall that 10 plus years ago “Anonymous” was feared by the Bill O’Reilly types as Left wing radicals trying to derail and subvert the Right during the Bush era. Now they are considered the dreaded “Alt-Right”. Anonymous is just whatever bored wannabes who feel like being edgy want to call themselves.

Anonymous denounces Anonymous on a regular basis.

As for Antifa. Oh dear no. Not at all the same. The Black Bloc has been around for decades with the usual Left wing radicals. Like a lot of people will just get the T shirt and meet online and call themselves Antifa but like the real money people behind it have been traditionally European Jewish Communists , definitely influenced by the Frankfurt School, who made their money during what can be considered the ‘Second Romance Era’ of Socialism. Soros and the like.

Why, you may ask, would Billionaires want Socialism? Simple. Socialism is a great system to live in if you are the government. Not so much if you are a prole. The allure of Communism and Socialism is that a lot of young, passionate people think they are being altruistic and will one day be THE GUY. No. They already know who “The Guy” or rather “The Guys” are going to be.

Slavery is wonderful if you own the Plantation.

Under Capitalism it is possible, though hard, to unrest and buy out your competitors. They donÂ’t want competition hence they donÂ’t want Capitalism.

This is why Iconoclasm is do important. The only “revolution” is THEIR revolution. This is why they destroy the Confederate memory so they can safely destroy the Colonial.

The Past is as Mysterious as the Future.

No better slaves than willing slaves. No need to conscript when you have volunteers.

And theyÂ’ve been on the ropes SO MANY TIMES. The Red Army Faction, United World Workers, Etc.

I mean, Bemenzov himself stated as such decades ago. They are decentralized by intention but they do have a mostly European and European Jewish descendant Cabal in major, Liberal cities.

Look how many elections have been swayed. More racist than any other group because while other racial sects just want separatism; they seek to stack the deck with people they know they can buy and subvert.

If our own government wasnÂ’t tainted, we could easily sic the IRS on these people but no.

ItÂ’s all part of the plan. Nothing is by accident. TheyÂ’re all in on it.

You, gentle reader, are merely the frog in his pot and you are just now realizing the water has gotten warmer.

It would take another 1776 or 1865 to realistically resist the coming wave of usury, censorship, and societal subversion.

Trust your gut. Stick to your value systems.

Ride the Tiger.

Your tribe is who you choose. Not your color, your last name, nor who claims your God.

So choose wisely.

They would not be pushing so hard if their victory was guaranteed.

09-05-20, 14:40
It's a "mobocracy." :rolleyes:

09-05-20, 14:59
Antifa is the name for the American insurgent group mostly comprised of decentralized liberal arts majors that have been brainwashed their entire lives into thinking "American empire - Bad. Mucho hurt feelings". While the plebes are home grown, I feel that the organization, funding and leadership is actually foreign based. I don't have an exact azimuth on who. But similar to how in almost EVERY insurgency it is the local radicals supported by some outside shadowy figures of super money.

This is pure gold:


09-05-20, 15:10
ANTIFA has a chapter that operates in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. They take their orders from a larger entity in the Denver area. They have a localized Facebook page. My West Point son pointed it out to me recently. The wife does Facebook from time to time and she pointed out one ANTIFA group that also operates over in the Four Corners area close to Durango, Colorado. Here's their Facebook link:


09-05-20, 15:13

09-05-20, 16:14
I agree with Circle 10 that it's probably a bit of both. Ironically, this is a page right out of the Neo-Nazi terrorist playbook: The main army in the establishment of the 4th Reich would be "The Organization", which does the actual fighting and appears to be decentralized (at first). However, The Organization is secretly led by "The Order" which is an inner circle of leaders whose existence is unknown to even the vast majority of The Organization. I'd bet that's what's going on here: a few leaders are calling the shots, but communicating through a lot of buffering sources.

You just see nazis everywhere huh?

For the record these folks are a lot more organized than you’d “bet”.

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09-05-20, 16:48
While we were busy hunting the last of the Nazis, the Communists shot us all in the back.

Never do your enemy’s work for them.

09-05-20, 16:57
While we were busy hunting the last of the Nazis, the Communists shot us all in the back.

Never do your enemy’s work for them.

The propaganda is real. A thread questioning if antifa is real and a thread asking about white supremacy. WTH, the media has peoples heads so spun they dont even know whats real anymore.

09-05-20, 17:44
I agree with Circle 10 that it's probably a bit of both. Ironically, this is a page right out of the Neo-Nazi terrorist playbook: The main army in the establishment of the 4th Reich would be "The Organization", which does the actual fighting and appears to be decentralized (at first). However, The Organization is secretly led by "The Order" which is an inner circle of leaders whose existence is unknown to even the vast majority of The Organization. I'd bet that's what's going on here: a few leaders are calling the shots, but communicating through a lot of buffering sources.

That would be grampy George Soros.

09-05-20, 18:14
You just see nazis everywhere huh?

For the record these folks are a lot more organized than you’d “bet”.

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Oh, did I hit too close to home for you?

Okay, if think that you have better intel, then instead of being a smug dick, why don't you share with the rest of the class?

09-05-20, 18:27
I'm not privy to Antifas inner workings, they do seem to have some organizing/organization going on. Someone is in charge of delivering the bricks. Are they a Specter type of org, I doubt it, but give them time and money.

09-05-20, 18:27
They are a loosely organized movement inspired by Marxism. They have revolutionary organizational goals. They are communist.


09-05-20, 18:33
Oh, did I hit too close to home for you?

Okay, if think that you have better intel, then instead of being a smug dick, why don't you share with the rest of the class?

Having spent a lot of time professionally dealing and coming to blows with the Antifa crowd I consider it appropriate to be critical of anyone lacking the faculties needed to parade around the same lame propaganda they created.

Half the reason we’re in this mess is because of all the guilt ridden saps in this country who’ve caved or bought into all the politically correct crap that’s proliferated over the last 20 years or so because they’re TERRIFIED of being called a racist, a nazi, Alt-right or whatever pejorative gets them to shrink down and apologize.

Sound relatable?

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09-05-20, 18:39
The propaganda is real. A thread questioning if antifa is real and a thread asking about white supremacy. WTH, the media has peoples heads so spun they dont even know whats real anymore.

It’s weird how every .... single..... time...... no matter the issue the result is always the same.

Propaganda is hard enough to confront in the modern age. I can’t imagine what it must have been like in centuries past.

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09-05-20, 18:40
They are a loosely organized movement inspired by Marxism. They have revolutionary organizational goals. They are communist.


I think they combine a lot of different left-wing extremism. I've seen them carrying flags and posters with the anarchy 'A', as well as sickle and hammers and the communist fist. I don't know if they're Marxist Leninist and want to set up a dictatorship, or if they just want to burn everything down and assume that society will self-harmonize after the smoke clears. Of course, there's always the possibility that they are taking the latter approach as it appeals to the young idiots, and they'll switch gears to the more Leninist approach as they get more power and better equipment.

09-05-20, 18:52
Are we really talking about Neo Nazis as being a credible threat in 2020? The group that is so small that they are practically a statistical zero?

09-05-20, 19:06
Are we really talking about Neo Nazis as being a credible threat in 2020? The group that is so small that they are practically a statistical zero?

No, I was drawing a comparison to how the Neo-Nazi group National Alliance wanted to organize a rebellion back in the early 1980s, and how the left appears to have taken a page out of their book in terms of organization. I don't know how anybody took that to mean that I was implying that the Neo-Nazis are a major threat right now.

09-05-20, 19:17
So I know Antifaschistische Aktion was a real organization at one time in Germany, but do the current Antifa followers have any actual organizational connection, or is it just a meme that has coopted that organization's history? In other words, do you actually "join" Antifa, or do you simply order some appropriately marked apparel with mom's credit card and start breaking windows?

No there is no Antifa organization. You can call yourself antifa just like you can call yourself anything. I don't think it is even popular anymore. Really it seams like anything bad that happens, the right says it some sort of antifa plot.

09-05-20, 19:26
In addition to Lara Logan's excellent real-time reporting about their current goals and activities, one of the most detailed pieces I've seen on their origins, make-up, and organization was done by Jewish Press, in this 2-part series. This is one of the few detailed write-ups I've seen that doesn't try to trivialize, whitewash, and obscure their revolutionary goals and willingness to use violence to accomplish their goals. It's clear that they are a real organization even though somewhat decentralized and don't have the normal type of hierarchical organization you'd see in an international organization. But they have state-level groups or chapters, common international goals (see Logan's summary), training, common tactics and even attire that you see in different locations, some of the same leadership people identified by DOJ traveling around the US to various hot spots, they receive funding (which implies recognition) from large donor organizations like Soros, and they have ties to original Antifa organizations in Europe, especially Germany.

They are definitely communist and they want to end the United States because they equate Christianity, free markets, the US Constitution, and our current social organization (everything from our current form of government down to the nuclear family) as 'fascist' or forms of oppression. In short, as the original Marxists did, they want to pretty much overthrow Western Civilization.

A Brief History of Antifa: Part I

A Brief History of Antifa: Part II Antifa in the United States

09-05-20, 20:06
Are we really talking about Neo Nazis as being a credible threat in 2020? The group that is so small that they are practically a statistical zero?

Just like Covid, yet here we are.

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09-05-20, 20:10
This, and my guess would be that a lot of "Thule Society 2.0" are regulars at Davos.

Frankfurt School 2.0

09-05-20, 20:22
The propaganda is real. A thread questioning if antifa is real and a thread asking about white supremacy. WTH, the media has peoples heads so spun they dont even know whats real anymore.

"What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country." — Yuri Bezmenov

09-05-20, 20:36
No there is no Antifa organization. You can call yourself antifa just like you can call yourself anything. I don't think it is even popular anymore. Really it seams like anything bad that happens, the right says it some sort of antifa plot.

Keep drinking that leftist koolaid bro.

09-05-20, 20:47
"What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country." — Yuri Bezmenov

If I'm the Trump campaign, my next ad rips-off Call of Duty: Cold War by combining Bezmenov's voiceover with video of his warnings happening on our streets nightly today.

09-05-20, 20:48
No there is no Antifa organization. You can call yourself antifa just like you can call yourself anything. I don't think it is even popular anymore. Really it seams like anything bad that happens, the right says it some sort of antifa plot.

With all the information in the entire world at your fingertips and this is the conclusion that you've come to?

09-05-20, 21:00
I wish we weren’t stuck in 1945 for the past 75 years where people think a bunch of steely blue eyed white males with faint accents sit around toasting champagne and plotting “world domination” and “The 4th Reich” when you have:

-Ghetto blacks and hippie college kids burning cities
-Billionaire Socialists fanning the flames of Globalization and tacit disinformation by owning 99% of all media and media platforms
-ChiComs buying congressmen and influencing American quality and way of life
-The Eternal Moneypit of Africa and the implications of aforementioned ChiComs colonizing it
-A miscegnated Western Europe in social upheaval
-A Southwest Asia that is so destabilized that it is like Bible days but with automatic weapons
-Everybody spying on Everybody
-An overall dumber American population
-Armed, Organized, and FUNDED Black Bloc Antifa chapters capitalizing on civil unrest

But all those things not withstanding, we gotta be wary of white guys with some spicy opinions about blacks and jews at worst and at best just like to buy up old WWII Kraut stuff and larp in the woods.

I mean....I have LITERALLY seen Aryan Brotherhood folks and all they do is sell jail dope and team up so nobody gets cornholed in the showers.

It’s ghost chasing. Lay off the Wolfenstein 3D.

09-05-20, 21:25
Firefly, sounds like you found the special (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/) sunglasses.

09-05-20, 21:27
I wish we weren’t stuck in 1945 for the past 75 years where people think a bunch of steely blue eyed white males with faint accents sit around toasting champagne and plotting “world domination” and “The 4th Reich” when you have:

-Ghetto blacks and hippie college kids burning cities
-Billionaire Socialists fanning the flames of Globalization and tacit disinformation by owning 99% of all media and media platforms
-ChiComs buying congressmen and influencing American quality and way of life
-The Eternal Moneypit of Africa and the implications of aforementioned ChiComs colonizing it
-A miscegnated Western Europe in social upheaval
-A Southwest Asia that is so destabilized that it is like Bible days but with automatic weapons
-Everybody spying on Everybody
-An overall dumber American population
-Armed, Organized, and FUNDED Black Bloc Antifa chapters capitalizing on civil unrest

But all those things not withstanding, we gotta be wary of white guys with some spicy opinions about blacks and jews at worst and at best just like to buy up old WWII Kraut stuff and larp in the woods.

I mean....I have LITERALLY seen Aryan Brotherhood folks and all they do is sell jail dope and team up so nobody gets cornholed in the showers.

It’s ghost chasing. Lay off the Wolfenstein 3D.

Bigly facts. It’s like Weimar redux.

Wolfenstein was legit

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09-05-20, 21:34
Wolfenstein was legit

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The first one was and the one that came out like 19 years ago. But the new ones were trash.

I just liked the one with the infrared M1 Carbine.

09-05-20, 23:24
I wish we weren’t stuck in 1945 for the past 75 years where people think a bunch of steely blue eyed white males with faint accents sit around toasting champagne and plotting “world domination” and “The 4th Reich” when you have:

-Ghetto blacks and hippie college kids burning cities
-Billionaire Socialists fanning the flames of Globalization and tacit disinformation by owning 99% of all media and media platforms
-ChiComs buying congressmen and influencing American quality and way of life
-The Eternal Moneypit of Africa and the implications of aforementioned ChiComs colonizing it
-A miscegnated Western Europe in social upheaval
-A Southwest Asia that is so destabilized that it is like Bible days but with automatic weapons
-Everybody spying on Everybody
-An overall dumber American population
-Armed, Organized, and FUNDED Black Bloc Antifa chapters capitalizing on civil unrest

But all those things not withstanding, we gotta be wary of white guys with some spicy opinions about blacks and jews at worst and at best just like to buy up old WWII Kraut stuff and larp in the woods.

I mean....I have LITERALLY seen Aryan Brotherhood folks and all they do is sell jail dope and team up so nobody gets cornholed in the showers.

It’s ghost chasing. Lay off the Wolfenstein 3D.

All true. The Nazis were the standard by which totalitarian regimes are measured according to mainstream thought. Every oppressive regime, real and fake, is compared to the Third Reich, and every despot is compared to Hitler. Hell, even in the days of the Cold War, when communism was the enemy to most Americans, people still compared the rise of dictators to Hitler rather than Stalin or Mao. They have been, for 80+ years, our view of the "perfect bad guy".

So, it's easy to sell a shallow, simple-minded public on continuing to focus on what we see as the Joker to our Batman: Our "arch-nemesis"; in the minds of America, evil peaked with Hitler. I mean, we saw what they did and said "never again," and damn it, we meant it, right? So there's NO POSSIBLE WAY that anything the current crowd could dish out that would be as bad as the Nazis...right?

09-06-20, 00:43
History will look back on our current zeitgeist and ask but one retrospective question:

“How did you let that happen when you were bombing cities for less?”

If we exclude Anti-Semitism, what made people take notice to Hitler’s Germany was that one democratically elected man, and his administration, took a country from wiping their asses with worthless money to being a modernized and technologically advanced military threat.

Russia just threw bodies at bullets until the Germans ran dry. No other way to cut it. None of their victories were predicated on tactics or strategy. Literally, “let’s just toss enough tanks and soldiers at them until we run out”.

But they were otherwise still a poor nation. Destitute.

Mao’s China didn’t even start really making headway until he died.

You had two high population states whose advancements came from theft and souvenired Krauts who were on the wrong side of Berlin when the music stopped.

And yet still, Communism holds a romance of security and inclusion. The reality is different as we all know but that is why the young are drawn to it. Promises of free shit. A perpetual cradle to grave. Nobody thinks they are the drone sent to mine coal or the poor shlub mopping up graphite in a reactor. No. They think they’ll have a cozy flat and time to paint pictures and have discussions of philosophy over baguettes and coffee all day.

Fascism promises the same thing but gets results because it is competitive it disposes of the “lol but why though. Think of those people lol they are people”.

Nope. “Fvck the Poles. Lebensraum, bitch!”

That’s why people wig out over “teh natzees”.

The abject danger of Communism is that it has been so unsuccessful for so long that nobody thinks it will come to their town. The old Jack Webb films seem quaint and alarmist. It’s like a college phase which is why you hear “hey man, Communism hasn’t really been tried” from young people

Put someone with Hitler’s charisma in power, give people a foe, give people pride in themselves, and shit gets done. Fascism WAS successful. Like had things been played different diplomatically, Western Europe would be not unlike a Cyberpunk Singapore for White People. Homogeneous, strict, self-interested, socially concerned internal economics with global capitalism and unironic moonbases.

Let’s be real, after 1962, the USSR was only really a nuclear threat and that proved to strategists that they could be stalemated. Everything else was by proxy or just dripping that wallet.

There were a lot of unlearned lessons from WWII. One of them being, you might have kicked the jock’s ass but the A/V club controls who gets to see how the fight went. And it’s easier to find people signing up for the A/V club.

I mean this was planned on day one after the war was over.

We will never see another 3rd Reich but we have no end of “People’s Republics”

Funny how that works

09-06-20, 10:24
We will never see another 3rd Reich but we have no end of “People’s Republics”

Funny how that works

I cut the quote for brevity but I still find it mildly fascinating that sooo damn many people forget that the Nazis were actually Socialists. When translated the Nazi party was the National Socialist Workers Party. Germany in the 1920s and 1930s was literally the commies vs. the socialists fighting it out for control of interwar Germany. The Nazis, and I've met and even befriended several WWII vintage party members when I sold German cars, who confirmed what I'd read in Mein Kampf that the Nazis were not a far right organization but a very socialist party. Antifa when they began during that time frame was effectively the commie answer to the socialist brownshirts. The Nazis were just to the right of the commies but not anywhere close ideologically to the political right in the US or other Western powers, let alone actual Fascists in Italy.

Mussolini, the first and really only "Fascist", leader in Europe was originally a revolutionary socialist until post-WWI. He and Hitler (a socialist) really only linked up based on mutual anti-Semitism. Italy was also neutral at the beginning of the war and was courting Western powers as allies until the invasion of Ethiopia in 1935.

Antifa currently is a well funded and organized far left commie/Marxist terrorist organization, which includes BLM. They have swept up the anarchists and other leftists who want a group to loosely affiliate with and represent without actually having to go full retard. They are very adept in using social media, esp. Twitter to organize their riots and disseminate information, fund raise, gather supplies and protective gear from supporters who want to "help" but not actually go toe to toe with the cops and national guard. They are masters at media manipulation to control the narrative. They should not be under estimated and are quick to use violence to further their political goals and ideas.

09-06-20, 10:34
Mussolini, the first and really only "Fascist", leader in Europe was originally a revolutionary socialist until post-WWI. He and Hitler (a socialist) really only linked up based on mutual anti-Semitism. Italy was also neutral at the beginning of the war and was courting Western powers as allies until the invasion of Ethiopia in 1935.

Antifa currently is a well funded and organized far left commie/Marxist terrorist organization, which includes BLM. They have swept up the anarchists and other leftists who want a group to loosely affiliate with and represent without actually having to go full retard. They are very adept in using social media, esp. Twitter to organize their riots and disseminate information, fund raise, gather supplies and protective gear from supporters who want to "help" but not actually go toe to toe with the cops and national guard. They are masters at media manipulation to control the narrative. They should not be under estimated and are quick to use violence to further their political goals and ideas.

Worth noting too that Hitlerian Nazism and Mussolinite Fascism are both offshoots of American Wilsonian Progressivism... the Wilsonian Administrative State's heirs in the bureaucracy observed what did and did not work consolidating power in Germany, Italy and Russia and then gradually applied it to form the Deep State here. Combine the Wilsonians with the Soviet Commie infiltration and subversion efforts, and... here we are.

I'm probably repeating myself, and it is a little dated, but if you haven't read Hoover's Masters of Deceit you really should--a lot of that old book has come to pass.

09-06-20, 13:14
I don’t doubt that Antifa is a well trained organization at the professional cadre level. And like BLM and other commie front groups, well funded by Soros and company. That many are local unpaid idiots out for thrills does not make them less of a threat.

Besides BLM there are a plethora of other Soros funded groups flying under the mainstream radar. None of them “grass roots” groups.

A couple of examples:


09-06-20, 14:16
My reading of Auntie Fa is that they are an "organization", they have funding and roots all over yet they are broken up into cells that must be cracked individually. They are good at planning for riots, destruction and violence toward police and others who happen to get in their way. They are good a propaganda and, at the moment, they have the mainstream media in sympathy. They have fooled the media and many of our fellow citizens into thinking they are 1) peaceful and 2) any police response is provocative. Most of our current pols don't have the stomach for a real fight and that is the key to their success. Based on what I've seen they don't fare well mano a mano with trained or determined adversaries. The CHOP was a result of local cowardly pols ceding territory to these thugs not because they possessed any real power to take and hold territory.

09-06-20, 14:20
The CHOP was a result of local cowardly pols ceding territory to these thugs not because they possessed any real power to take and hold territory.
That was less ceding than open collaboration.

09-06-20, 14:30
That was less ceding than open collaboration.

I can go with that assessment .

09-06-20, 14:38
Why, you may ask, would Billionaires want Socialism? Simple. Socialism is a great system to live in if you are the government. Not so much if you are a prole. The allure of Communism and Socialism is that a lot of young, passionate people think they are being altruistic and will one day be THE GUY. No. They already know who “The Guy” or rather “The Guys” are going to be.

Slavery is wonderful if you own the Plantation.

Under Capitalism it is possible, though hard, to unrest and buy out your competitors. They donÂ’t want competition hence they donÂ’t want Capitalism.

You nailed it.


"But just as we feel ourselves your allies here, there
also exists another alliance — at first glance a strange
one, a surprising one— but if you think about it, in
fact, one which is well-grounded and easy to understand: this is the alliance between our Communist
leaders and your capitalists.

This alliance is not new. The very famous Armand
Hammer, who is flourishing here today, laid the basis
for this when he made the first exploratory trip into
Russia, still in Lenin's time, in the very first years of
the Revolution. He was extremely successful in this
intelligence mission and since that time for all these
50 years, we observe continuous and steady support
by the businessmen of the West of the Soviet Commu-
nist leaders."

09-06-20, 15:41
No, I was drawing a comparison to how the Neo-Nazi group National Alliance wanted to organize a rebellion back in the early 1980s, and how the left appears to have taken a page out of their book in terms of organization. I don't know how anybody took that to mean that I was implying that the Neo-Nazis are a major threat right now.

If the National Alliance had been able to gather up all of the little offshoot splinter groups that existed across the nation, like Antifa has done with BLM and other rag tag radical leftwing groups, with financial support and the backing of sitting congressman and senators, they could have been a force to be reckoned with. But they couldn't.

I have a little bit, not too much but a little bit, of inside information about the groups that operated in the Spokane WA and surrounding areas in Idaho. Yeah they planted some bombs, and killed that loudmouth Jewish radio host, but they never took over city blocks and caused billions of dollars of damage to multiple US cities across the nation. They weren't cheered by corporations, celebrities, athletes, and the media.

The white power groups were never able to gain any kind of power like we see with Antifa/BLM. If you go back to the pre civil rights era with the Ku Klux Klan, you can say that they wielded some power but the same cannot be said for the Neo Nazi type groups that came about decades later. For one, they didn't have the numbers. They were a bunch of high school drop outs screaming about colored folks, Jews, and the govt while collecting welfare and disability checks every month. Two, they didn't have the support of billionaires like Soros. Back in 2008 when Glen Beck was screaming about Soros and Obama and Cloward & Piven he was kinda laughed at by both sides. But, as it turns out, many of the things he was talking about like Soros backed DA's, mayors, and other elected officials came true.

I just don't see how there is really anyway to compare them or say that Antifa has taken a page out of their book unless the book is called "Hi, we're the White Power movement and here's everything not to do if you want your cause to succeed."

Evel Baldgui
09-06-20, 18:54
I briefly perused the responses to the OP. The saying, never underestimate your enemy, is being completed ignored here. Antifa/blm is the equivalent of Mao's red guard youth and Hitlers brown shirts. They are well organized and well funded; most likely Soros or similar despicable scum, perhaps Red China, I don't know. They operate as the IRA did during the 'troubles' in Britain. If one were to simply observe its members, most are of the military age male variety with a sprinkling of self hating moronic white kids, homeless 'youth', the daddy issue college girls, and street thugs. There are coordinated and well planned protests (riots) occurring for almost 3 months now in major US cities. They have been know to carry out 'intel' gathering at various locations around the country, using old 'dead drop' methods which cannot be traced via social media/cell phone tracing. Whoever believes they are just snowflake soyboys are in error. They are criminal communist pigs who would destroy your way of life and the nation. They are being put to good use by the vile democratic politicians in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Denver, NY, etc. I read that they did show up in Prescott recently and were met by a most non receptive armed civilian population and as a result reboarded their buses post haste and returned to Phoenix.
Antifa/blm should not be underestimated or dismissed in any manner, like that alcoholic loose dentured witch pelosi, they are your enemies and enemies of the state as well.

09-06-20, 19:14
I briefly perused the responses to the OP. The saying, never underestimate your enemy, is being completed ignored here. Antifa/blm is the equivalent of Mao's red guard youth and Hitlers brown shirts. They are well organized and well funded; most likely Soros or similar despicable scum, perhaps Red China, I don't know. They operate as the IRA did during the 'troubles' in Britain. If one were to simply observe its members, most are of the military age male variety with a sprinkling of self hating moronic white kids, homeless 'youth', the daddy issue college girls, and street thugs. There are coordinated and well planned protests (riots) occurring for almost 3 months now in major US cities. They have been know to carry out 'intel' gathering at various locations around the country, using old 'dead drop' methods which cannot be traced via social media/cell phone tracing. Whoever believes they are just snowflake soyboys are in error. They are criminal communist pigs who would destroy your way of life and the nation. They are being put to good use by the vile democratic politicians in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Denver, NY, etc. I read that they did show up in Prescott recently and were met by a most non receptive armed civilian population and as a result reboarded their buses post haste and returned to Phoenix.
Antifa/blm should not be underestimated or dismissed in any manner, like that alcoholic loose dentured witch pelosi, they are your enemies and enemies of the state as well.

Remember, before the War everybody stereotyped the Japanese as bucktoothed, nearsighted and incompetent too, right up til one two-by-four right between the eyes after another. *BAM* Pearl Harbor. *BAM* MacArthur's B-17s caught on the ground. *BAM* Wake Island. *BAM* Prince of Wales and Repulse sunk.

If the enemy seems incompetent, assume they're throwing disposable cannon-fodder at you holding their best-and-brightest or something else. It's like in Chess, you use the pawns as expendable scouts, skirmishers, feints and... well, Pawn Sacrifices.

09-06-20, 19:18
IMHO while they are well organized and so on they are very small numbers of those violent ones
so many are just going along for the fun to create chaos in numbers

as said they get no resistance and once bodies start dropping you will see this is not what they signed up for and we will see just the ones we have to deal with left standing the rest will scurry like rats

Modern kids believe socialism will continue their current lifestyle food just appears somehow they don’t realize mom dad worked to bring that food they just say MOM I WANT MORE PIZZA ROLLS or MOM I NEED MY VEGETARIAN PIZZA and it appears
They truly think this is the case that food will just be provided without work
They truly feel they will just have the latest high end TV Xbox or PS4/5/6 whatever is current and games will just be provided
The work they will have to do might be creating some art or getting together at the coffee house to sing or share their poetry
They think they will have nice housing provided like their parents have provided them etc...
They truly believe you will only have to do what you want to do and as much as you want then back to leisure and parties and so on

How to stop this will be brutal cause that is the only way it can be stopped and few folks want to or willing to go there but it ends in death for one side or the other and IF we ever learn from history it has to be in mass or like weeds will just pop up again
But also to realize It has to be kept up over time as we have seen since Roman times uprising and political control is endless

09-06-20, 20:35
I briefly perused the responses to the OP. The saying, never underestimate your enemy, is being completed ignored here. Antifa/blm is the equivalent of Mao's red guard youth and Hitlers brown shirts. They are well organized and well funded; most likely Soros or similar despicable scum, perhaps Red China, I don't know. They operate as the IRA did during the 'troubles' in Britain. If one were to simply observe its members, most are of the military age male variety with a sprinkling of self hating moronic white kids, homeless 'youth', the daddy issue college girls, and street thugs. There are coordinated and well planned protests (riots) occurring for almost 3 months now in major US cities. They have been know to carry out 'intel' gathering at various locations around the country, using old 'dead drop' methods which cannot be traced via social media/cell phone tracing. Whoever believes they are just snowflake soyboys are in error. They are criminal communist pigs who would destroy your way of life and the nation. They are being put to good use by the vile democratic politicians in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Denver, NY, etc. I read that they did show up in Prescott recently and were met by a most non receptive armed civilian population and as a result reboarded their buses post haste and returned to Phoenix.
Antifa/blm should not be underestimated or dismissed in any manner, like that alcoholic loose dentured witch pelosi, they are your enemies and enemies of the state as well.

This entire fiasco draws nearly an absolute parallel to what the Marxist antifa crowd of old did in Europe post WWI in the Weimar Republic when they were born as a literal communist militia.

Here we are nearly 100 years later repeating the same dog and pony show but now we’re Weimerica but folks still want to get all bent up over the nonexistent phantom menace aryan boogeymen [emoji849].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-06-20, 22:08
If the National Alliance had been able to gather up all of the little offshoot splinter groups that existed across the nation, like Antifa has done with BLM and other rag tag radical leftwing groups, with financial support and the backing of sitting congressman and senators, they could have been a force to be reckoned with. But they couldn't.

I have a little bit, not too much but a little bit, of inside information about the groups that operated in the Spokane WA and surrounding areas in Idaho. Yeah they planted some bombs, and killed that loudmouth Jewish radio host, but they never took over city blocks and caused billions of dollars of damage to multiple US cities across the nation. They weren't cheered by corporations, celebrities, athletes, and the media.

The white power groups were never able to gain any kind of power like we see with Antifa/BLM. If you go back to the pre civil rights era with the Ku Klux Klan, you can say that they wielded some power but the same cannot be said for the Neo Nazi type groups that came about decades later. For one, they didn't have the numbers. They were a bunch of high school drop outs screaming about colored folks, Jews, and the govt while collecting welfare and disability checks every month. Two, they didn't have the support of billionaires like Soros. Back in 2008 when Glen Beck was screaming about Soros and Obama and Cloward & Piven he was kinda laughed at by both sides. But, as it turns out, many of the things he was talking about like Soros backed DA's, mayors, and other elected officials came true.

I just don't see how there is really anyway to compare them or say that Antifa has taken a page out of their book unless the book is called "Hi, we're the White Power movement and here's everything not to do if you want your cause to succeed."

I was comparing the structure that the Neo-Nazis had in mind for their planned movement to how Antifa seems to be structured: That is, appearing to be grassroots and somewhat unconnected, but with a somewhat secret central leadership that isolates itself from the action on the street. I was not comparing the level of threat of the current BLM/Antifa to that of the 1980s era Neo-Nazi movement. I'm also not saying that Antifa read The Turner Diaries and got ideas; I'm saying that they seem to have a shared structure. And why not? An organization that presents itself as grassroots appears to send the message that it is the public that is angry, not some power hungry megalomaniac.

No, the Neo-Nazis have never, and likely will never (at least in the foreseeable future) gain the kind of power and support that the radical left has. They wear their intentions on their chest and tell the world exactly what they plan to do. The far left, however, has long handed out cookies laced with arsenic: They moved slowly, took up legitimate grievances and championed them, and claimed that all they wanted was justice for the oppressed. That all sounds well and good until they slowly unwrap their actual intentions.

26 Inf
09-06-20, 23:25
IMHO while they are well organized and so on they are very small numbers of those violent ones so many are just going along for the fun to create chaos in numbers

as said they get no resistance and once bodies start dropping you will see this is not what they signed up for and we will see just the ones we have to deal with left standing the rest will scurry like rats

Modern kids believe socialism will continue their current lifestyle food just appears somehow they don’t realize mom dad worked to bring that food they just say MOM I WANT MORE PIZZA ROLLS or MOM I NEED MY VEGETARIAN PIZZA and it appears
They truly think this is the case that food will just be provided without work
They truly feel they will just have the latest high end TV Xbox or PS4/5/6 whatever is current and games will just be provided
The work they will have to do might be creating some art or getting together at the coffee house to sing or share their poetry
They think they will have nice housing provided like their parents have provided them etc...
They truly believe you will only have to do what you want to do and as much as you want then back to leisure and parties and so on

From earlier quoted articles:

It is difficult precisely to determine the size of the Antifa movement in the United States.

The so-called “Anti-Fascists of Reddit,” the “premier anti-fascist community” on the social media platform Reddit, has approximately 60,000 members.

The oldest Antifa group in America, the Portland, Oregon-based “Rose City Antifa,” has more than 30,000 Twitter followers and 20,000 Facebook followers, not all of whom are necessarily supporters.

“It’s Going Down,” a media platform for anarchists, anti-fascists and autonomous anti-capitalists, has 85,000 Twitter followers and 30,000 Facebook followers.

Germany, which has roughly one-quarter of the population of the United States, is home to 33,000 extreme leftists, of whom 9,000 are believed to be extremely dangerous, according to the domestic intelligence agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV).

Violent left-wing agitators are predominantly male, between 21 and 24 years of age, usually unemployed, and, according to BfV, 92% still live with their parents.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that most Antifa members in the United States have a similar socio-economic profile.

My note: this has been going on for a while:

Historian Robyn C. Spencer noted that Black Panther leaders were deeply influenced by “The United Front of the Working Class Against Fascism,” a report by Georgi Dimitroff delivered at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International in July and August 1935:

“By 1969, the Panthers began to use fascism as a theoretical framework to critique the U.S. political economy. They defined fascism as ‘the power of finance capital’ which ‘manifests itself not only as banks, trusts and monopolies but also as the human property of FINANCE CAPITAL — the avaricious businessman, the demagogic politician, and the racist pig cop.'”

In July 1969, the Black Panthers organized an “anti-fascist” conference called “United Front Against Fascism,” attended by nearly 5,000 activists:

“The Panthers hoped to create a ‘national force’ with a ‘common revolutionary ideology and political program which answers the basic desires and needs of all people in fascist, capitalist, racist America.'”

The last day of the conference was devoted to a detailed plan by the Black Panthers to decentralize police forces nationwide. Spencer wrote:

“They proposed amending city charters to establish autonomous community-based police departments for every city which would be accountable to local neighborhood police control councils comprised of 15 elected community members. They launched the National Committees to Combat Fascism (NCCF), a multiracial nationwide network, to organize for community control of the police.”

Sound familiar?

09-07-20, 05:59
Some sideline thoughts after reading this thread:

On the topic of communicating and organizing a loose organization via social media, we would all do well to research the Arab Spring to better understand the current insurgency.

Also, I suspect this would not have spread so far and wide had some of these these stupid white chicks been in the classes their idiot parents are paying for.

The whitepower/ neo nazi/ klan thing did not, and cannot, gain such traction because they are disgusting to basically everyone. White people and black people are both generally disgusted by not only the message, but also the methed out incels that appear to be the public face of those movements. On the other hand, antifa appeals to some percentage of the population, and they have been able to use propaganda and racism to force another percentage to be complicit. The version of racism that they are currently using as a wedge is appealing to many, because most people are stupid, and a percentage of idiots go for that sort of thing. It is unfortunate that breathing is an involuntary reflex, rather than a higher thought.

There may be some starfish vs spider action going on here, as well, and we should all be familiar with that topic. Decentralized and loosely organized groups can be very powerful when they control the narrative and are sufficiently motivated. We like to talk as if Soros, or whoever, is in total command, simply because we are used to organizations that work that way. We are used to pyramids in management. So that idea is comfortable (relatively) and does not confront our biases.

09-07-20, 08:04
I briefly perused the responses to the OP. The saying, never underestimate your enemy, is being completed ignored here. Antifa/blm is the equivalent of Mao's red guard youth and Hitlers brown shirts. They are well organized and well funded; most likely Soros or similar despicable scum, perhaps Red China, I don't know. They operate as the IRA did during the 'troubles' in Britain. If one were to simply observe its members, most are of the military age male variety with a sprinkling of self hating moronic white kids, homeless 'youth', the daddy issue college girls, and street thugs. There are coordinated and well planned protests (riots) occurring for almost 3 months now in major US cities. They have been know to carry out 'intel' gathering at various locations around the country, using old 'dead drop' methods which cannot be traced via social media/cell phone tracing. Whoever believes they are just snowflake soyboys are in error. They are criminal communist pigs who would destroy your way of life and the nation. They are being put to good use by the vile democratic politicians in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Denver, NY, etc. I read that they did show up in Prescott recently and were met by a most non receptive armed civilian population and as a result reboarded their buses post haste and returned to Phoenix.
Antifa/blm should not be underestimated or dismissed in any manner, like that alcoholic loose dentured witch pelosi, they are your enemies and enemies of the state as well.

I think they have a lot of snowflake soyboys in their ranks, weak and not used to real hardship. They will physically crumble when confronted by real resistance. But they have shown a talent for cyber attack and that cannot be underestimated. They also seem creative so there's one more thing to watch out for, one should not fall into the trap of fighting the last war. They won't be....

09-07-20, 13:19
Also, I suspect this would not have spread so far and wide had some of these these stupid white chicks been in the classes their idiot parents are paying for.

Actually they are out in the streets precisely because they went to classes their rich parents paid for.

09-07-20, 13:20
Actually they are out in the streets precisely because they went to classes their rich parents paid for.

If a child of mine came home claiming "I'm going to major in gender studies" or some such nonsense, they'd be looking for a way of paying for college on their own.

09-07-20, 13:48
Actually they are out in the streets precisely because they went to classes their rich parents paid for.

Yeah, yeah, education bad. I almost forgot.

09-07-20, 13:54
Have any of you considered what they are afraid of, and moreover, what they are willing to sacrifice their lives to destroy?




And also ask Why. Why they hate stable, healthy home lives, natural relationships, scientific progress.

In Elementary School we got to hang out with Civil War reenactors, go on field trips to museums, play with chemistry sets, and if you failed; you failed.

Now everybody is doped up and being told to rationalize 2 + 2 = 5 and how Beethoven was a black guy.

It’s a plan to subvert us, set us against one another, and turn us into retards

We’re all getting weaker and dumber while Charlie is in the bush getting stronger.

Stay Woke.

09-07-20, 14:07
If we exclude Anti-Semitism, what made people take notice to Hitler’s Germany was that one democratically elected man, and his administration, took a country from wiping their asses with worthless money to being a modernized and technologically advanced military threat.


The hyperinflation of the early Weimar Republic was history by 1932. It was the collapse of the American economy in 1929 that led to the collapse of the Weimar economy, which gave rise to the popularity enjoyed by the Nazis and communists in Germany in the early 1930s. And he didn't make Germany a modernized, technologically advanced military threat. The most common mode of military transport in Germany from 1933 to 1945 was the horse and the horse-drawn cart. Sure they had Me-262s and Tiger tanks, but aboriginal Americans were using repeating arms at a time when the US Army was using single-shot weapons and nobody has ever claimed the aboriginal Americans were "technologically advanced".

And while Hitler was democratically elected, his power was solidified by dismantling the Weimar Republic's republican, democratic, and constitutional institutions, aided and abetted by his party's willingness to break the law - including disappearing opposition members of the Reichstag on the eve of votes to give Hitler dictatorial power.

Russia just threw bodies at bullets until the Germans ran dry. No other way to cut it. None of their victories were predicated on tactics or strategy. Literally, “let’s just toss enough tanks and soldiers at them until we run out”.

Not even in the vicinity of true.


Worth noting too that Hitlerian Nazism and Mussolinite Fascism are both offshoots of American Wilsonian Progressivism... the Wilsonian Administrative State's heirs in the bureaucracy observed what did and did not work consolidating power in Germany, Italy and Russia and then gradually applied it to form the Deep State here. Combine the Wilsonians with the Soviet Commie infiltration and subversion efforts, and... here we are.

I'm probably repeating myself, and it is a little dated, but if you haven't read Hoover's Masters of Deceit you really should--a lot of that old book has come to pass.

Are you saying that the same people who most successfully propelled the Lost Cause myth to popularity (and therefore the "rebel battle flag is about history, not racism") are the same people who are behind the Deep State (and therefore the "rebel battle flag is about racism, not history")?

ETA: Reminder that the burning of the Reichstag was blamed on communists. And one particular communist, who turned himself over to Berlin police because he wasn't involved in the burning at all and wanted to prove it. So don't be too excited to blame something on communists or Antifa, especially when it's accompanied by star-spangled tyranny.